Models of Ships and Boats
Models of Ships and Boats
Models of Ships and Boats
3 1162 04538771 0
I9I ~
An Egyptian tom~ has two esse ntial parts , - a burial place and an oJl'ering
place. In the predynastic and the ea rly dynastic periods , the actual objects
intended for the usc of the spirit, including food, were put in the burial place ,
while periodical gifts of food and drink were , uo doubt even then, brought
to the offering place. F\om the end of the Thinl Dynas~y (perhaps earlier) the
custom can be traced of representing the objects intended for the usc of the
spirit by painting·s or painted reliefs on the walls of the ofl"ering place , while
the burial place contained, during the Fourth and Fifth Dynasties, very little
besides the burial. During this period, in addition to the objects, the paintings
include all the ordinary scenes from life, - sowing, reaping, cattle-herding,
hunting, cooking, etc. Clearly the purpose is to provide the spirit of the dead
owner with a spirit world in essentials like the "·oriel of the living.
During the early part of the Sixth Drnas~r statuettes of servants performing
their usual functions a1·e placed i!~ _t.J-Ie '~;~r~~·b .{oi· statue chamber), along with
the statues of the ownc1· and his farnlly. The serdab is , it must be remembered,
a part of the offering place because· of)ts · origin Ol, and because of the slit
connecting it with the offering chamb~1:. F_Eom the later P-art _oLthe Sixth
Dynasty (perhaps later, as the point)!l tim~ _ i_s not well fixed), these_ servant
grou-ps -begin to be placed in the burial chamLer, as were the actual offerings
of the older period. The groups are, however, considerably developed over
those placed in the srl'dab, and are usually of wood. A majority of the scenes
represented in the paintings have been found , - models of feasting, brick-
making, slaughtering, cooking, cultivating, sowing the grain and 'similar
activities. Among these are models of boats of various sorts, full-rigged and-
manned, - the same boats which are found in the scenes of the offering
chamber. A few practical objects are still placed in the burial chamber : but
the greater part of the objects arc, like the scenes from life, mere models, - ._.
Ul All the earliest serdabs are simply walled-up offering niches , and statues arc often placed in
the offering chamber itself. See PETRIE , llledum , pl. VII.
- II -
models of pots and ptlns , weapon s and implements. Thus tl1e use of models in
th e burial chamber is a development of tlte custom of representing similar
objects and scenes in the pictures on the walls of the offering clwmber(ll~ and
the purpose is , in both cases , the same, - to provide the spirit with the
essentials of an enj oyable life. The belief in magic underlying Loth customs is
obviou sly tlte same.
Every type of boat found among the models is also to Le found in the tomb
scenes. Ju st as the tomb scenes sometimes represent ceremonies connected with
the burial , - the funerary hark proceeding to the western desert or to Abydos,
the offerings an<l objects being carried to the grave , - so also, models of
ceremonial objects arc placed in the grave alongside the objects used in ordinary
life. Thus , models of func•·ary harks are found alongside models of the boats
of everyday life. Moreover, as the spirit came in the 1lfiddle Empire to be
conceived as following the wandering of tlte Sun God in the Under-·world, solar
barks were also placed in the grave for the usc of the spirit on this nightly
On the basis of function, then, the models fall into three great divisions : -
( 1) The Loats for ordinary use (practical bouts for travelling, carrying freiaht, huntinG ot·
plensure ).
( 2) The Loats used for funeral purposes (ceremonial Loals ).
( 3) The solar boats used in the Under- \V orld (magical boats).
Ill Th e nsc of mod els is well - known I'Ven iu Lite pt·cdynaslic period; !Jut the earlier models
arc natura l si1.e,- wood and d ay hcinH used to rcpresPnl flint :~nd stone.
- Ill -
The river boats (Types I and II) are filled out for both sailing and rowing
or paddling, as are the Nile craft of the present day. The ordinary proceeding
on long trips was the same in antiquity as now. With tl•e prevailing north
wind, the boat was sailed up th e river; but on the return journey, the boat was·
rowed with the stream, or allowed to drift , guided by the oars. To avoid !he
effect of the adverse wind , the mast was removed and laid at rest along
the middle of the deck or on the roof of the cabin. The distinction, therefore,
between sailing vessels and rowing vessels is not an essential one. It was
customary to place the boats in the tombs in pairs, one rig·ged out for sailing
upstream, and one for rowing downstream. They were even correctly orientated
in the graves, the sailing boats with the bow turned south , and the rowing
boats turned north (sec ScuXn:n , Pl'iestagl'iibeJ·, p. 1 6) (2J. The existence of
powerfully manned boats with thirty or forty rowers is clear from the ancient
models and reliefs, and their usefulness for pressing affairs is obvious. In the
Bcni Hasan lomb-scenes, they are also represented towing the funerary bark.
In modern times such boats are, of course, made unnecessary by the use of
power launches and steam dahabiyehs. However a number of boats with canopies
and manned by eight to sixteen rowers are at present in use on the .waters of
the Aswan reservoir.
The models and the reliefs show the following chronological succession (the
type numbers refer to the descriptions given above) : -
1V-V DYNASTY.- Boats of Types I (usually with paddlers) and lii, as boats used by the living.
\'1 DrNAsn.- Boats of Types I ( with rowers), III and IV, as boats used by the living.
See also Gars tang's report on Beni Hasan in Amlllles, V, p. 2 1 6. The photograph, pl. I, n• 3,
shows the boats orientated as described above.
- IV-
Intermediate Period between \'l't. and XII'" Dynasties (limits not e\actly determinable). -
lloats of Types I, II. lll aud tV, used by the living : and funeral barks of Type V.
XII Dr:mn. - Goals of Types II, Ill and IV, usPd by the living; funeral barks of Type V;
and sola•· harks of 1\pe VI, used only by the dead.
~EW E~IP!nE. - Apparently th e only boat lllodels arc tl10se found in Hoyal Tombs, which are
models of royal pleasure boat s de\'cloped from Type IV and decorated accordingly. Modeis
of dirine boats ( mostly of stone) hare hcen found in temples, but were also in usc in· earlier
"odcls of boats occnr in wood, potter~·, stone, metal and ivory, althouuh the
great majority of boats arc of wood. The tcclmical construction of these models
docs not differ essentially from that of other ohjects of the same material. The
pottery Loats arc hand-macl c of various cla~·s: the stone Loats show the same
technique as the statues: and the comparatively rare ivory Loats a1·e made in
·ll1 c same way as the other ivory objects. The same is true of the wooden boats.
The hnll is usually made of a single block of wood, sometimes repaired hy
insertinG pieces with pegs. The block is often eked out Ly pieces pcgrred on the
Low and stern. The whole is covered, in most cases, with a larcr •'
of white
plaster and painted. The ,·irrginrr, lite fnmit.urc and the crew are of separate
pieces pcgrred on or fastened in holes, anll indi,·idually often formed of several
parts pcrrrred together.
All this carpentry is cunning-ly done in true Egyptian st)'le, and presents a
number or interesting features,- the numbering of the crew in n° 6798, the
position marks for the symbolic objects on no 686o, an•l the beautiful minute
work on no 69 t8. But a fp·eatcr interest attaches to the representation of the
actual stmcturc of the boat. In the earlier models (Type l), the structure is
shown in miniature ( exre pt hull planking) in the model. But the later types
J.a,·e adopted a color scheme which represents schematically the structure,-
red or vcllow(•J for the heavv plankiurr and beam work, white fo1· the moveable
o) • )
deck planking, and IJlack for th e ti cs of leath er, co rd or metal wl1ich hind the
hoat together('.!)_ TlliS color scheme is very clearly illustrated hy ll ug I 0' where 0
the mast-shoe is painted in red an1l black on the deck and the .object in the
position of the mast, anrl in the rudder no II 8 2:1, where the Llack hands wi.ich
. bind the blade to th e shaft are elcarly shown. In the papyrus boats, the hull
is usualh- vcllow as on the reli efs. In tlte funeral hnrks and the so lar barks, the
color is only used on the deck to represent structure ; on the hull , the rigging
and the furniture, it is used to mark the peculiar pmpose of the boat. The
funeral barks It ave almost all green ltulls with ~· c llow ends, while the solar
barks arc usuallv white.
The models of this type arc of two forms,- one flat- bottomed with a two-
legged mast (nos lt882, lt883, lt88lt, lt886), and the other round-bottomed
with a single mast (nos lt887 and lt888).
1. HULL.
(J ) One other boat , n• lJ88o, a papyrus-form boat of Type IV was found with these models ol
Type I.
( ) Sec DE ~IORGH ' Fouillcs a Daltc!tour, vol. I, p. 83' fig. 203. In the cross-section' the keel-
bro<1d sqtwre-cul bow and stern , while the round-bottomed form lws hro<~d
round ed bow <~nd stem. In no 6887 , the round stern is covered by a square-cut
projecting framework , a continuation of the rail.
Structurally. model"n l'ile boats present two different varieties : - ( 1) boats
built with a framework of keel- beam anrl internal ribs to which the planking
is n<~iled , and ( :1) boats built tuerely of very he<~vy planking nailC'd together
with heavy iron spikes driven in slanting ' usually with (l keel- heam (which
does not proj ect. however, to form a keel) , nnd with braces (seats) <~cross the
top. This second form appears to us a fragile and almost impracticable structure:
but tlt e fact remains that it is still in usc in Nubia (tJ hy preference in the dan- \ '·
gerous cataract region , and is seldom seen in the quiet stretches north of As wan.
The Dahshm· boats, the only lat·ge ancient models at present available, show
the same type of structure . but with the planks modised together and tied with
metal hands (see Jlled11111, pl. XI). instC'ad of being fastened with it·on
~Ioreovet· the ancient representations of hoat-lmilding scenes (for example ,
Beni- Ha san , pl. XXIX) depict the same type of mortised planking in process of
manufacture. The evidence of th e models is not conclusive, for in all of them
the hull is hollowed out of a single piece of wood. Yet it may he said that even
the models with the most careful details show no trace of internal framework
( ribs). ry \.
In view, therefore, ol' the modem boats, the evidence of the reliefs, the
structure o( the Dahshur boat and the represent<~tions of the structure of other
ancient boats in the modrls. it is as near certain as can he that tltr stl'llcturr of'
the actual woodm boats ?[this and all otha pmctical typrs rcas clj'n·!OI'tisrd planking.
2. DECK.
Only ll lt88G presents a deck. This deck covers the whole ltoat, and in the
model consists of a single board. In the origin~ I, of course , it must have been
made of planks laid on tlte ct·oss hraces~ hut it was not possihle in the model
to see wltether or not the cross-pieces were in place (probably not). The other
l>Oats all have tltree ct·oss - hr·aces, - flat boards sprung into slots in the sides
and curving upw<~rd s in the middle. Tltese cross-pieces bore the m<~st and other
(a) ~lAST. SPAns A~l> SAIL.
Th e llal hottomed form ( no' 488 2.4883, 4884 .lt886 ) has alwo-lerrged
mast. This wits stayed with ropes to how and stem , and lJOre holes for ropes
by which the spars were suspended. In nos 4887 and lt888, the after mast-stays
appear to have been hound to the head of a post se t in the after cross-piece,-
a flat post with u big eyelet pn the upper end.
The sail was , as ·usual, square-cut. No 4886 appears also lo have horne a
two-legged mast, in spite of the long canopy cove ring the whole boat. The
sail would have been operated from the roof of the canopy as is often shown in
the reliefs. Nos !1887 and 4888 have single masts.
In the reliefs of th e IV 1h lo VJth Dynasties , the boat of Type I is shown with a
two-legged mast and a rectangular sail suspendell from two spars. The spars are
hung by ropes to the top of the mast , and the upper spa1· is raised or lowered
by ropes passing through the rungs in the top of the mast. The sail is turned
Ly a rope fastened to each end of the upper spar passing through a loop at
the stern , and manipulated by a man at the stern or on the roof of the canopy {ll.
In another relief( 2l, the man on the roof controls lhc snil with n single rope
fastened to the right end of the upper spar. The lower spar, when it is repre-
sented , appears to pass between Lhe legs of the mast. (.3) and to be turned by
hand. The sail was no doubt, bound and fastened to the spars as in Type II.
'Vhcn, on long trips, the boat was rowed or paddled , the mast , even the
two-legged mast , was taken out , the sail was rolled up with the spars, and hoth
mast and spars laid on the roof of the cabin (l'l, o1· on two f01·ked mast-rests (5l.
(b) RunnERS.
Boals of Type I were. according to the reliefs , steered with one or more
pairs of rudders braced (?lied?) against the side of the boat, and held in the
hands of two or more steersmen. lt is inconceiveable that the steering took · -
(J)' LEPSJus, Denkmiiler, 11, Bl. 28 (G iza, b5 ); II , Bl. b3 (G iza, 95 ); II , Bl. 6b (Saqqarah , 16 );
II , Bl. 9li (Saqqarah, 3t).
l2l LEPSJUS, Denkmiiler, II , Bl. !J5.
l3l LF.rsws , De11kmiiler, II , Bl. b3. •
(~) LEPSJrs , Denkmiiler , II , Bl. b5.
(ol LErsws . /)enkmiiler, II. Bl. 1 o3 ( Saqqaralt , 3 1 ).
- VIII -
place by turning the rudder on its axis as in Type II , by the mere strength of
the hands on the shaft. On the con trary, the rudd ers must have been levered
against th e side of the stern so that the steers men on onf' side pulled tlie shaft
in, causing the blade to be thrust outward, and so turned th e boat towards that
side. The steersmen on the other !iide proba hly allowed t!teir rudders to lloat
or pulled them up out of the water. The broad overbanging stem appears to
have been especia lly constructed to facilitat e steering by this method. No• u88 2
nnd 4884 hnve in the third or la st cross-piece in the stem two posts joined hy
a cross-piece (now missi ng , see pl. Xlll). This may l~ave served as a rest for
the rudders (now missi ng) , and would indicated that there were two rudders
similar to those of Type lV, one on each side.
As tbe crews are wantiu g in th e mod els, it is again necessary to tum to the
reliefs for the oars and paddles of this type of boat. The ol1ler reliefs, those of
the lV'h and Vth Dynasties , show paddles (I) as a rul e, while the later Old Empire
reliefs, those of the V'h ar](l ypt. Dynasties ('ll, show rowers. The paddlers appear
to be stand ins·, while th e rowers are both sea ted ~nd standing. In Saqqarah, 3 1
(Dcnkmiiler, II, to 3, to lt), th e r·owC'rs arc seated with tlle inside foot braced
agai nst tl~e cr·oss-seat or bench in front of each one, as is the modern custom.
In Giza, 86 (Denkrniiler, IL 1 :2 ), the rowers l1ave the inside hand on the oar
in front and the outside hand on the oar behind, so that thev formed a connected
Only 11 ° 488G shows a ca nopy. No other furniture was indica ted. On the
reliefs these boats are usually represented with a long canopy like that of
no u88G , or witll a ca nopy cove ring th e projecting stern frame (see LEPSIUS ,
Denloniiler, Ergiinzungsband, Tafel XXXVII).
On the relief of ~ 1 ~ , tl1ese boats are shown both as travelling boats and a.s
The models representing river boats of the later or Middle Empire type
(Type II) all have the same general form of hull , marked by the curled-up
stern and the single steering oar. One slight variation is presented hy no• lt859,
lt9lt7 and lt9S1, which have al the tip of the stern a projecting fork to hold
the stem of the rudder.
The Hat bottom presented by all these models of boats is, of course, merely
a device fo1· making the models stand upright in the proper position relative
to the water line wben afloat. It seems, in fact , to mark the water-line,
(I) The boats thus marked have a rudder fork on the tip of the stern.
('ll This boat has a crew of sailors standing about the place where the mast ought to be, and is
a typical sailing boat; yet the place for the mast is occupied by a mast-rest which was used only
on the down journey, i.e. when the boat was being rowed. The mistake was ancient.
(J) In reality fitted out as a funerary hark, and otherwise anomalous, seep. 25, note t.
- X -
nlthough the stnbility of the boat would nppenr to require that the hull should
lie much deeper in th e water than tl1is line usually indicates. However a com-
parison with th e bonis represented on th e reliefs shows that the proportions of
the hull above the water-line , its relative length antl depth , are in most of the
models th e same as on the reli efs, and therefore probably not essentially diffe-
rent from the pt·opol'tions of boats in actual use. Apparently if tlte models were
conceived as ro11nd-bottomell with the sa me depth as at present, the result
would be a stable, lirrht-drnft hull of th e same form as that discussed above
und er Type I (sec p. YI ), and constructed in the same manner of mortised
plankin g.
Thus , while th e hull-forms presented by lite small models are , perhaps, not
exact copies of boats in use, they arc, in any case, such close approximations
that they suffice for all magical purposes. The main points to be observed are:-
( t) Th e tapering section of th e round how with its projecting stick. ( ~) The
square-cut stern curling forward to form a rest for the shaft of the single
rudder. ( 3) The low rail form ed usually hy the side hea ms Ol' by continuations
of tlte plankinrr of the hull. The low structural keel formed by the great keel-
beam is neYe r represented.
2. DECK .
The skel eton of the deck was formed lJy cross beams which served partly as
scats and partly as lateral braces. The space in the stern , being in constant
nsc by the stee rsman , is usually represe nted by soli1l planking (red); but the
other spaces are white , and were probably covered hy a movable planking, as
is the case in modern daltahiyehs. In sailinrr , the planking would be laid to
permit tltc usc of the deck: in rowing , the planking might he removed to a1lmit
tlte legs of the rowers. Th e models 11 ° 47g8' 4799' lt8oo ' l•8o I , appear to
show the deck open , that is , with the deck plauking removed; hut all the rest
have th e deck closed with white plankinrr. In all cases, the rowers arc represented
as seated on the red cross- hars (sea ts), or on blocksl'l. In the reliefs , the rowers
appear both standing 121 and scaled. ln mo1lcrn dahabiychs, the rowers usually
stand on th e deck; hut in unde cked boats, they eitl~er sit on the cros_? -bJ·aces
(seals) or stand in Lhc hollom , with one foot pushing- on tl1c cross-brace.
(JJ Til e usc of blocks in so me of the Jnod cls is co nfirm ed l• y the reliefs , sec Nt:wnt:nnr, /Jem· 1/asan ,
I, pl. XVI (Tomb 2); Lt:PSJ tJS, /Jenkmiiler , II , 12G ; N•~ wllt: nnv , Beni Jla san, I , pl. XXIX (Tomb 3).
12l :'.'..:11'11!-:IIIIY, n rni Jlnsa11 , I , pl. XIV (Tom I, 2), pl. XXIX (TomlJ 3 ).
- \l -
;). lUGGING.
At the how is a fiat slick with broad concave cud , - possibly some kind of
fender. In the models, the how-stick is pc1.m·ed to the deck , hut in real lJOals
it appears from the black marks to have been securely hound. No 6918 (sailing
vessel) and no 6901 (sailing vessel ) have no bow-stick , hut in the case ofno l195t,
the how, being cut ofT flat, is bound with hide (white hair with black spots).
g-lazed steatite with eyelets. These , I Lelie\'e, represent hronze caps with bronze
eyelets. Th e number of eyelets was irregular, - five or seven in number. The
odd eyel et on tlte top was , no doubt, for the stay-rope or ropes which passed
o\'er the mast from bow to stem. The side eyelets were for the ropes used for
hoisting and lowering the upper yard with tlte sail.
The upper yard was suspended hy three or five ropes on each side, fastened
lo the ynrd nt intennls , passing up through the eyelets and brouGht down the
mast to th e deck , where they were tied around the mast (see no 686 1 ). The
iower yard was suspended in the same way except that the ropes w~re tied
to the mast below the eyelets (see especially Beni Hasan, 1, pis. XIV nn(l XXIX).
ln some ol' the reliefs the spars appenr to be nft of the mast (i.e. ori the windward
side); but the point is unclear.
The square-cut sail had the upper and lower edges hemmed or bound with
cord. These edges were lashed to the yards by ropes running through holes just
inside th e hem (hound edges ?) and around the yard (see no• 6 8 4 1 nnd 6 9 3 6),
being tied hard at the end of the yard. The sail was raised and lowered by
raising or lowering the upper ynrd. The few sails preserved in the models do
not show nny reefing strinp;s (IJ. The snil wns turned to the wind, nnd controlled
by means of n rope near Pach end of ench prd (see Beni Ilasan, 1, pl. XIV. an(l
the ropes on nos 6 8 4 1. 4 8 3 9 , l19 3 G).
\Vhen not in use. tltat is. on the journey downstream, the mast was tnken
out and laid nlong the axis of thr· I.oal with the butt of the mast in the bow.
In this position the mast and yards were supported out of the way above the
deck by a forked post set up in the mast- socket (see Beni Hasan , I , pl. XVL
Gizeh awl Rij(•lt, pl. XC , and nos 6836, 6951).
The rudder-post is much thicker and more solid than tiH' mnst. It has a
sc1uare butt and a rounded or octagonal shnft (nos !1798, !!9 1 8). The top is
roundrd and slightly grooved. It was without doubt, firmly and permanently
Ol In Donrrola , a sfruarc sail is used ou the modern boats but !JUnrr diagonally not JJOrizontally.
There are two spars, the lower one being very heavy. The end of the lower spar is kept down in
th e IJoat and Loth ends arc ron trolled with light ropes. The sail is furled, shortened o1·lenghtened
hy rolling or unrollina it on the lower spar. The lower spar has at rif:ht-angles through a hole in
th e end a sti ck, whicl1 is used for thi s opera lion. ll is very doubtful bowc,·er w!tether a similar
device was used ou th e an cient Euyptiau boat s. !\'one of the spars preserved show any trace of the
l1 andle " hich is absolutely necessary to tum tile spar. "oreol'er the ancient sails, it is quite clea1·,
we re hung ho1·izontall y.
- \Ill-
fastened in its socket in the last cross-ht'am ~ and further in a socket in the
bottom (kerl-bea m), as it was Ile\'!'1' removed ( unlike tht> mast ). and was
utilized to stay. th e mast against its greatest strain.
Th e rudder co nsisted of a long round ste m and a large ovoid blade. The
black marks on the blades (sec 11°' 48o 1 , 6820 , 4825 , 4844, etc. ) show that
each blade consisted of two boards fastened to the end of the stem by means of
cords or metal bands. Tenons were crrtainly also used in the thickness of the
plank, hut the black mark s seem to indicate onl y the tl10ng bonds. The stem
itself was also so metim es of two pieces join ed together in the middle, and bound
with leather or metal.
Above , the stem of the rudd er was usually merel y tied against the top or the side
of the top , but in one case it rested on a peg in th e side of the rudder-post ncar
the top (no 4 9 1 8 ). Below, the stem rested against the curling stern, and was
tied securely in place with cords (see nos 4 7 9 8, etc., holes in stern, and Beni
Hasan, I. pl. XVI , etc. ). The handle was a separate stick fastened in a slanting
hole in the stem, so that the handle fell vertically just aft of the stern post and
parallel to it. By swinging this handle to the right or left , the steersman turned
the blade in the water, thus steering the boat to the right or to the left. That is,
the bow turned with the hand; not contrariwise, as is the case with an ordinary
modern boat-rudder. In some cases, where the steersman sat on the roof of the
cabin in order to see the look-out who gave the steering order, the handle was
forward of the stern-post; but the action of the rudder ''"as not altered Ly this
position. Ordinarily the height of the stern was sufficient to permit the steersman
a clear view of the look-out.
This method of steering was, mechanieall y speaking, a great ad vance on the
rudder held in tlte hand (Type I). The labor-saving· alone was considerable;
for, whereas Type I required at least two and more often four or more steersmen,
Type III required only one. :\Ioreover, th e strain on the rudder was less and the
control more perfect. The essential differences between the l\yo types all center
about the steering apparatus. The change to a single mast was an additional
advance but did not necessitate any change in form. The new steering arran-
gement required, however, a different form of stern. The old stern-post for the
mast-stays was enlarged to support th e upper end of th e rudder while continuing
its function as a post for the stays; and tl1e stern ''"as remodeled into a form
suitable for supporting the shaft of the rudder and throwing the hlade well
back in the water. 1 have no doubt that it was the im·ention of this 11ew wet!tod of
steeriug which brought about th e development of T!Jpe II o11t of Type I.
- XI\' -
The better made oars hare spoon blades (sec nos 486 2,4 863 , 6870 , 6871,
6877, lt8g 5), oval or ovoid in outline with a slight projection at the end. The
end of the stem o\'crlaps the hladc at the l1ack fo1· about a quarter of the length
of the hlade or less. The black marks on no 48g5 indicate that the blade and
the stem were of se parate pieces, the end of the stem being tied with metal or
cord to the blade : and no doubt this was th e case in all the large om·s. The stem
itself(nos 4845, lt8G2, li8G3 , 4895) is marked with a broad hlack band in
the middl e, showins· that it wa s cithrr made of two pieces fitted together
and wrapped, or tl1at the stem, being of a single piece, was strengthened b:·
wra ppin g. Modern Egy ptian oars arc often strengthened (or repaired) at this
point hy strips of wood , nail ed to the stem. The oarlocks were simply rope
loops passing through holrs in the rail (no• 6798 , 6869), and around the
ste m. The mode rn Nile oarlocks arc also of rope loops , not fastened in holes
hut hung· over wooden pegs fixed vertically in holes in the top of the rai l; and
the oar is lc\'cred against the peg·.
The paddles, which are unusual , in fact anomalous, in Type II, arc of a
slightly different form , shorter and very broad and round at the tip, very much
like the paddles usual in Indian canoes. Another form is lcaf-sl•aped, witl1 the
end pointed (IJ.
(d) ll uFFEns, U\LLETS A'\'D STAKES.
lluffers are found on nos 48lt4, l186t and 4g 1 o (2l. No 691 o was, no doubt.
a wooden hufl'cr covered with hide. The others may he of wood, or of heavy
woven sacks filled will• palm fibre.
The boats were fastened to the hank, as at the present day (J), by menns of
heavy stn kes driven in the ground with big wooden mallets (ovoid clumps
of wood with a handl e), see Beni Hasan , Jl, pl. XII, and·PETRtE, Gi:r!t mul
Rije!t , pl. XC. No exa mpl es, however, were found in the models of this type in
the Muse um (sec howeve r the New Empire mallets, no• 5t58-5t6o).
The landing- plank , which is never missing in modern boats, must also have
l.1een in usc in antiquity, but no examples occur among the Museum models l~l.
IllSee QuJBELL, Excamtions at Saqqarah , 1 !)O G-7, pl. XVIII, 5, model of Type 1\'.
12lSee also no• !1878, 687!), 6!)39.
1 l Iron anchors are in use now, in addition to the stakes; hut the stakes form the only moorinr:
appara tus of tl1e poorer owners of boats.
l4l See Q umf. LJ., Exca!'ation sat Saqqarah ' I !)OG-7, pl. XX\'1 , ll 3 and 20; see n °' 5153- 5 ! 55 helow.
- :\\' -
None of the models in the ~Juseum . of boats rirrrred for rowinrr show any
accomodation whatever for the use of the owner and passenrrers, nor indeed any
figmes except the necessary members of the crew (nos l1798 , l1799, 48oo ,
l!8ot. l•Ho5 , 484/J, lJ8lJ5 , !,8/JG, !J869, li872, IJ9o9, 4nt3 , and the two
boats equipped for sailinrr, nos IJSG 1 and IJ91 2 ) . These may be intended for
the tug boats represented on the monuments. - tbc heavily manned boats
which tow the ceremonial boats: but even the tog boats in the reliefs are repre-
sented with cabins or canopies. There are, moreover, examples of models outside
the Museum collection in which rowing boats of the general form under dis-
cussion have canopies (sec ScnAFER, PriesteJ'{JTiibcr, p. 7 2 ). Therefore no impor-
tance can be attached to tbc fact that the rowing lJoats of this type in the
Museum are bare of all furniture save rigging and crew. lt may lJe merely a
question of space on the deck of the model.
The sailing boats arc, however, with the exception of nos l186 1 and 6912,
furnished with a cabin or canopy, sheltering a figure of the owner seated usually
on a throne or chair (nos 68o2, 4841, IJ91 o, 6918, 6961, 4953). In the case
of no 6952 (ll, the canopy shelters a bier with a mummy; and no 6967 has a
figure of the owner without a canopy. In no [,9 51, the canopy is forward of
the mast; in the others, aft, near the rudder-post. In no 691 o there is also a
box-like object in front of the mast-rest, and what may be a sealed jar of beer
in a wooden stand behind the mast-rest:
The canopies or cahins on these boats , as well as on those of Type I, are
usually of a practical type, differing from the chapel-like canopies on the
papyrus hoats and the funerary barks (2l. They are intended to shelter the owner
from the sun and the wind. The most elaborately constructed example is on
no 691 8, which is especially interesting on account of the representation of the
wood-work, the doors and locks. The framework on no lt91 o is fastened with
cord where the horizontal sticks cross the uprirrhts. and the roof is overlaid with
a square cover made of hides sewed together. This is the usual form of cabin
for ships of Type II (see SeliA FEn , Pn'eslergriiber, p. 7 2 and 7 5, and nos u9 2 o
(I) The crew of n" u952 is also anomalous, including wailing-women and a priest, like the
ships of the dead; and the model is probably the result of an ancient confusion as was n" lt91 o
(seep. 1x, note 2).
(2l See, however, no u8u1.
- l\'1-
5. CRE\L
The crews found on the models of rowing boats are very uniform , - a look -
out (captain , pilot). a steers man, and six to forty rowers , arranged in pairs.
The 1'0lvers face the stern in all cases, in spite of no 48o 1 on pl. II (see note,
p. 6, foot-note 4) in which the rowers have been fals ely placed hy the restorer.
Paddlers face the bow (sec ll lt88o' 488t and 486 I ' and Desltashelt, pl. XV;
The coloring is ve ry uniform. The hull is rcll or· ycllo~v, representinG heavy
planking. The deck has rcJ rail and bars (in no 49t o yellow instead of rrd)
representing the framewo rk , white spaces representinG' movahlc planking, and
lJlack marks represe nting the ti cs of cord, thong or metal.
- I\'11 -
The papyrus mft, so well known from the representations in the reliefs of the
Old and Middle Empires, is not represented among the models in this catalogue;
but it must Le mentioned here on account of its relation to other boats of papyrus
form (Types IV and V). The structure is perfectly clear from tbe reliefs. The
raft is made of papyrus reeds bound togetlJCr (.Medum, XXIII; Deslwsheh, pl. V),
to form a narrow float on the top of which the owner or the crew appear to
stand. The form is characterized by the heavy cylindrical ends lifting above the
water. Probably the raft was made for temporary purposes only. It could in no
case have had a long period of use {IJ.
The papyrus canoe -raft is the boat shown in the traditional hunting scene
in the marsh, ft·om the Fourth Dynasty down. In fact it is the marsh boat par
excellence, and is seldom depicted except in marsh scenes ( /Jeni Hasan, II,
pl. XXVIII, XXIX; Deslwsheh, V, VI, XXV, XXVII; Medwn, XXIV). Its lightness
was well suited to the shoal waters of the marshes and of the floofled fields of the
inundation period, while its slender form with the stout pointed bow and stern
made it especially adapted for pushing in and out among the reeds. According
to the reliefs, it was usually propelled by a pole ( Afedurn, XXIV), or by paddles
(Desh(U;heh, XXVII), both of which are especially adapted to shallow water.
The clay models of boats found in predynastic and early dynastic graves have
been assumed to be models of papyrus boats on account of the decoration (see
PETRIE, Naqada and Ballas, p. ut a, pl. XXXVI, 8 o- 8 2; Diospolis Parva, XVI,
8 1, 8 2, and CAP ART, Prirnt'tive Art, p. 1 9 9 and p. 2 2 9) (2J; but this assumption
Ol l\lr. J. \V. Crowfoot informs me that temporary reed rafts are still used in Dongola and Haifa
Provinces for ferrying across the Nile. These rafts, with surface almost awash, are propelled by
swimmers. Mr. H. S. Wellcome has also given me a description of the ambatch-canoe used on the
upper reaches of the Nile. The ambatch plant has a light shaft about 1 o to 2 o feet lonff varying·
from a finffer thickness to two or three inches across, heavier at the butt and tapering above.
The sepoles are tied in a bundle at the ends and a very slight hollow is made by forcing out the poles
on lop or by usage. Thus structurally it corresponds to the papyrus raft. The user sits on top or
in the slight hollow and paddles with his hands, with a wooden paddle or pushes with a pole. The
top is nearly awash. 1\Jr. Wellcome has never seen more than two people in an ambatch canoe, but
he was told that (fin former days" large rafts with mast and sail were made carrying many people.
The more permanent boats are made of hollowed logs.
l 2 l The alabaster object represented in PETRIE, Abydos, J, pl. IX, 4, represents a hollow vessel of
bound reeds; but the identification of the vessel as a copy of a boat, unsupported by analogy, is
,·ery doubtful.
- XVlll -
presents difliculties. The clay models are usually hollow , with flat-sidcJ ends,
while t!Je papyrus rafts are solid bundles of reeds with round ends. Tlte hollow
reed-boats of' oth('r la11ds, as in ~lcsopolamia, arc of c1osely woven basket work
smeared with mineral pitch (IJ, but the Egyptian clay models scarcely indicate
such a structure. It may lw presumed that th e papyms raft is quite as early as
the predynastic period, but could ltardly have l)een used as a river boat. The
river boat of the predynastic period must l1avc been of a different stmcturc,-
hide boats with wooden fmmc, log canoes or wooden boats , all of which were
witl1in the teclmical powers of prcdynastic Egyptians. For it is quite certain that
the prcdynastic Egyptians, as early as the l\liddle Prcdy11astic period, made and
used wooden planks, mortising and tying them togethct· with cords; and so
even the mortised plankinrr of the wooden river boats were not, technically
speaking, impossible. It seems to me improbable , then, that the early clay boats
are models or papyrus rafts.
I have purposely not referred to the drawings of boats on the predynastic
pottery (see J. DE MonGAN , 01·igiues, I, pl. II, 5; PETRIE, Naqada mul Ballas,
pl. LXIV, LXVII, Lll, 7o -7 1; PETIIIE, Diospolis Part'a, pl. XVI, XX; l\hclvEII,
El-Amralt, pl. XIV), on th e walls of Green's Tomb at Hierakonpolis (lli('J'al.-onpolis,
pl. LXXV-LXXIX), anJ ou the ivory tablets from the early dynastic Royal Tombs
at Abydos (PETRIE, floyal Tombs. I, pl. XVII; I:oyalTombs , II , pl. XP). \Vhatever
these may be, they are not papyrus rafts , and so far as I know, there arc no
representations of papyrus rafts earlier than the T!Jird Dynasty, and no models
resemhling them until after the Sixth Dynasty.
A series of river boats, manifestly of wood, arc rcpresentcJ in the reliefs and
in the models wl10sc form suggests a dcrivatiou from that of the papyrus raft.
The how and stern-pieces are roughly cylinclrical and end in buttons which are
decorated to rcsemhlr papyrus flowers. Even the bands are shown with which
the hunJie of rcrcl stems werr Lound_ (like tlte huuclle columns with open llower
capital)· This hoat hears a canopy with a figure of the owner, a mast and sail,
(IJ Up to th e prese nt, Mr. Lucas has found a few exa 111ples of wood pitch, Lut non e of miueral
pitch, in the sa mples submitted to him. See A. LucAs, Prescrvatir•c Materials used by the Ancic11t
h{Jyptians in l:'mbalminr, , p. u9.
- :U:t -
and a crew of six OI' more paddlers or rowers , and is thus shnrply distinguished
from the ship of the dead (Type\' ). The deck of the mod els is, in some cases ,
painted white with red bars, likr Type II (sPc no li8o3 and ScHAFER, Pricstcr-
[jl'iibcr. p. 7u and 78), and in some cases plain whitr ( no' l1Rou, u8o7, lt8o8,
l188o, lt91 t of this catalogue).
All the models are later than the VP" Dynast}; but there is a representation
of this type in the reliefs in Lr.PSILs, Dcnkmiiler, Ergsb. I , pl. XL nJ, where a
papyrus- form boat is shown in the same register with Lhree Loals of Type l.
The papyrus-form hoat and OIW of the boats of Type I arc being rowed to the
riljht ( downstre<~m), while the other t\VO arc proceeding un1ler sail to the lrft.
The last sail boat on the right is towing a small hoat of Type I, laden with jars
of beer or wine. The date of the tomb is probably late Vth or VJth Dynasty l2l.
On the tablet found in the burial chamber of Mera (later than the Vlth Dyn-
asty) (see PETHIE, Dcslwslteh, p. 20, and pl. XXVll) , two papyrus-form boats
are shown, one under sail to the right, and one being paddled to the left. See
also DAVIES, De~·r-el-Gebrdwi, II, pl. XVlJ and XIX.
In his Life £n Ancient Egypt (Trans.), p. 48o, Prof. Erman considers the
large papyrus-form boats to have been constructed of papyrus-stems (JJ. This is
always to be considered possible : but as Erman himself suggests, such boats
would have been impracticable. It is much more probable that the papyrus-form
boats were made of wood, imitating in form the p<~pyrus raft, and used mainly
as pleasure boats for back-water or swamp navigation. A basis for this sug-
gestion may be found in PETRIE, llledllm, pl. XI, and in LEPsrus, De11kmiiler, II,
Bl. 1o 8 ( Zawiet-el-Meitin, 2), where wooden boats are shown being constructed
in the form of papyrus rafts. Naturally wooden boats of this form might well he
used on the river, or at any rate be so represented in the reliefs or in the
funerary furniture. The New Empire boats found in the tombs of Amenophis Jl
and Thothmes Ill appear to be derived from Type IV.
1. HULL.
The hull of the models with plain white decks is very long, narrow and
shallow, running out at each end into a long slender stem with a flower-shaped
(II Sakkara , Grab I, see text of same, vol. I, p. 1 3g, and LEPSIUS, Denkmiiler, Abt. II, Bl. 9 6.
1'21 In Deshasheh, pl. VI, a boat, possibly of papyrus form, is represented under sail with a two-
legged mast and 1 G or more rowers or paddlers al rest. It may be, however, a boat of Type I.
131 I do not think the papyrus raft of LEPSIUS, Denkmiiler, II , Bl. 1 oG (Zawiet-el-~Teitin, 2 ), is Io
be taken seriously, but only as a fanciful development of the old marsh scene.
termination Ol, It certainl y lacked stability, and while sailing mu st l1ave been
liable to ca psize. The hull of the models reproduced in Pt·iestngl'iiber, p. 7ft and
78, is, except for the fl ower- like how and stern , like the hull of Type II. This
is , of course, suitable for river navigation , and in fact , in Deshasheh , pl. XXVII,
two such boats are represe nted , one under sail, proceeding upstrea m (to the
right), and one being paddled downstream (to the left)( 2l. No lt8o3 presents
a third form with \'e ry stumpy projecti ng how and stern.
2. DECK.
In all cases, the deck was llat , or nearly flat , in section rising slightly towards
the end s. A low rail on each side protected the deck , or in some e middle
part only ( no lt 9 J 1 ).
The mast (in some cases a single stick , in others two-legged), the yards,
the square sa il , the stays nnn the mnst-shoe , do not present essential differences
from the similar parts of th e boats of types I and II. No lt8o8 l1as a bar on tlJe
deck in front of th e mast for fa stening ropes.
The form of the stern made the use of a sinfJle.fixed rudder practically impos-
sible. Therefore th e steering was done with a large paddle held in the hands
of a steersman (Priestergriiber, p. 7ft nnd 78), or with two fixed rudders, as
in all the Museum mod els. In the latter case, th e upper ends of the rudders
were tied to two rudder- posts as in Type II ; below, the shafts were tied to and
rested on n cross-piece, which projected beyond the sides and was notched or
turned up at the ends (3l. The hanules were as in Type II , and were usually
Ill Other models (which lwve come into th e Museum since 1 8~~) show a stern-piece curvinr,
121 It is possible that thi s is purely a ceremonial conceptiou, and is not a represe ntation of
actual practice.
131 In some cases ( Dcslwshelt , XXV II ), the lo wer wing of the hlade of the rudder was pierced,
and fastened to th e stern with a rope tied in the hol e.
- lll -
brld by a single steersman. The mast- rest is not found on these boats, and is,
in fact , inconsistent with their spec ial use for back-water navigation.
l&. CREW.
The crew does not vary from that of the boats of Type II , - look-out ,
steersman, paddlers or rowers , who also appear as sailors. Three of the models
are rigged for sa iling (no• 68o3 , l18o6 and lt8o8) , two ha ve rowers (nos 68o7
and 6~pt ); and two have paddlers ( no• 688o and 688t ). In general this type
of boat does not have a large crew; and in the known examples including those
of the reliefs , paddlers are more frequent than rowers.
The owner is almost always represented. This is , no doubt , due to the fact
that this type of boat was always used singly, as a pleasure boat , and never as
a tug- boat.
The papyrus-shaped boats all have a cabin or canopy to shelter the owner.
This canopy is , as a rule, of the same chapel-like form as that of the funerary
barks. This seems to indicate that the boats of Type IV were more of a ceremonial
nature than the boats of Types I and II.
The hull is yellow (or white ); sometimes ornamented with a red stripe along
the rail (nos 68o 7, 688o and 6881 ). The ends are usually painted in imitation
of a bundle of flowers tied with cord in fulfilment of the conception of the
structure. The deck is white, without red bars in most of the Museum specimens,
with red bars in no 68o3 and in those from Ahusir.
No lJ 8 1 1
aSLJ 7
( no lt~pG), or a coflin ( n°' lt8l17 , 685t). The stern and the how ex tend into
slender projections similar in their sugg·estion of struclnral origin to those of
Type IV, but do not ex tend out s trait~ht as in that type. There nrc se veral dif-
ferent forms representing apparently difl'erent local traditions. In Form I (see
above), the how-piece turns up almost vertically (or at rig·ht angles to the bow),
while th e stem-piece cu rves fonranl and th en up Pl. In Form ll , th e how- piece
curves back and then forward , whil e th e stern- pi ece curves forward. In
Form 111. hoth pi eces are alike, cui'Vinlt hack , br ndiug to a horizontal lin e
forwards, and then turning st1·night up. Oth er forms occur in th e reliefs, see
Reni Ha san, I. pl. XXIX.
All th ese forms sugr,es t a papyrus-form boat, hut one differing radically from
Type IV. In spite of the fact that the Gebr;iwi reliefs ( DAVIES, Deir-rl- Grlm1wi, II,
pl. XX ) show a papyrus raft used as a fun eral bark , and other reliefs from the
same pl ace show th e papyrus-fo rm hoat (Type IV ) used in the same way,
neither of these is the proper form of th e funeral bark any more than is model
no l19 G~. a boat of Type Jl used as a fun eral IJark . The fonn s which ma;'
he called cha racteristic of the fun eral l1ark are tl10se descrihed above, and ther
do not seem to I1e derived either from th e papyrus raft or the papyrus- form
boat of Type IY, hut from so me older primitive boat , or rather the survival of
some older boat , as preserved in the divine barks of the Old and Middle
Empires (:JJ.
Th e funeral hark is then probably derived directly from one of the types of
Jivine harks of the perioJ in which the fune1·nl hark was first thought of. That
period is, so far as ca n be seen from tl1e reliefs and ti1 e dated models, not long
previous to the XJlthDynasty. All our dated lllat erial appears to be of the ~liddle
Empire, and the funeral barks of that period are represented on the reliefs as
used for the actual conveya nce of the body lo the cemetery. It is usually lowed
by a boat of Type 1I.
1. HULL.
Whatever the material and the techniqu e of the prmllltve orirrinal, the
funerary hark of the ~Iiddle Empire was constructed of wood in the same
manner as the boats of Types I nud ll , - mortised planking with deck frame-
work. The two Dahshur hoals ( no• {,~2 5, 6~26) are shown hy the doubl e
OJ This form also occurs in the reli efs , Hem· liasan, I, pl. XIV.
l2 lcr. the hi eroglyphir for divin e llark in the Mer-ib tomb in Berlin, LF.I'SIUS, Dellkmiill'r, II ,
HI. 20, also Medum, pl. XIf , an cl !loyal Tomb s, II , pl. X and XI.
- X:I.IJI -
rudders, tl1 e hawk - headed rudder- pos ts, the traces of pos ts at ho w and stern ,
and th e colorinrr, to ha ve bee n fun eral barks of tl1is type. The hull is con-
structed of mortised and tied plankinrr Pl. Th ere are no int eru al ribs, hut onl y
cross hraccs, which appear to have borne the deck planking. The form of the
l11dl is strilUngly like that of th e Donuolawi ri ve r hoat of th e pt·esent da y.
2. DECK.
Many of the models (nos u8tt, u8u7 , u8S 1 and u9u 8) show th e same color
scheme on the deck as the boats of Type II , - red bars with white spaces.
These have the long beam (red bar) in the long axis of the boat , and all Lut
no ltn 1 1 lwve a mast space in the middle or slightly forward of the middle.
It ma y be that this feature is merel y taken over blindly from Type II , for the
Dabshur boats have no long middle beam , and th e other three models (nos lt916,
l19 1 6, lt9 1 7) have the deck colored according to the structure of the Dahshur
boats. That is , no Ulj t 5 shows a white deck with one red bar at each end of the
midship section ; no lt916 the same with rail also colored red ; and no lt917
white mid -ship deck with red rail and three white spaces at each end enclosed
with red bars. None of these three show a longitudinal deck-beam.
None of these models are represented as being paddled or rowed; and only
one bears a mast , - no lt9lt8 . This boat has a mast with two spars and bits
of sail, and seven sailors in characteristic attitud es. The boats no• lt8lt7 and
lt85t l1ave a mast space marked on the deck , Lut no mast-hole; and in no lt8u7
this mast space is in fact covered by the collin. In the reliefs of this period , the
funerary barks are represented as being towed Ly ships of Type II. No doubt
the models of the funerary harks were also conceived as being towed , and were,
in almost all cases , accompanied in th e gra ve Ly models of Type II.
Owing to the form of the stern, the fun erary boats were steered with two
rudders tied to two rudder-posts and to a crosswise rudder-rest , as in Type IV.
The rudder- posts in the Dahshur models were joined near the top with a cross
piece on whi ch th e upper ends of the rudders appear to have rested , being tied
of course as in the oth er cases. Normally, each rudd er-post and each rudder
Ill So far as I was abl e to learn , the grea ter part, if not all of the dove-tail joints, are modern.
At an y rate I so und erstood ~1. IJarsa uti .
- X X IV -
bore a hawk's head on the upper end: but in some of the models these heads
were omitted.
In accordance with their function , the funerarr harks hear in all cases a
cano py coveri ng a co flin or a simulacrum of til e mummy. Ea ch of the three from
Saqqarah , n°' 4 9 15, 4 9 1G, 4 9 I 7, also has a table of offerings. In no• 4 9 d)
and 4 9 1G, there is a libation vase on the table, and a large jar (of wine or beer)
on a ring-stand beside the table. So also three are figures appropriate to a
funeral scene, - wailing wom en ( n°' 48 1 1, 4gt 5, 4g 17) , priest with roll
of papyrus (no• 4gt5, 6916) , priest with censor (no 4g48) and mourners
('? n°' 48t 1, !!867, !18 5 1).
5. CREW.
In addition to the figures of wailing women, priests and moumers, just men-
tioned , the funeral barks bear normally only a look-out and a steersman, the
only working crew necessary to a towed boat. No 4g48, conceived as sailing,
has seven sailors; and no 4 8 51 has nine figures ( k) squatting on the deck (in
addition to the six ( i) about the coffin), which may represent rowers at rest.
691 G, lt~ 1 7) have narrow stripes of various colors outside below the rail, and
an udat-eyc on each side of tlJC how. Even the rudder-posts showed a preference
for green and yellow iustcad of the reel and white of the other types. The rudders
were almost always elahoratcly painted with open Bowers , or with udat-eyes ,
or both. In one case, 1Je11i llasan, I, pl. XVI, the tomh scenes show boats of
Type II , with rudders decorated with representations of flowers; bul in the
models this form of decoration (especially the udat-eye) seems to he reserved
for the rudders of the funerary bark. .
The coloring of the figures and of the fumiturc docs not present any unusual
feature s.
- XXV -
There are in the catalogue three models of su11 - barks from private tombs, -
no• 4949 and 49 53 from Bersheh, and no 48Go from ~leir. The two Bershelt
barks are of the Xllth Dynasty, and the ~leir hark is of unknown date, hut
probably also XJlth Dynasty. This !)ark, without rigging 01' crew of any sort,
bears only symbolical, 01' magical, objects. The characteristic mark, so far as
the form is concerned , is the ha11ging cover on the bow, and the traces of a
curtain adjoining it.
An examination of the divine barks represented in the temple reliefs and of
the stone models shows two distinct forms , - one with recurved uprising
ends, and one with curtained bow. The first of these seems to have given rise
to the funeral bark, the second to the sun- bark. The division of divine barks
into two distinct forms, for which I do not venture to ofTer an explanation, is,
no doubt, very early. The curtained form is apparently represented on the early
dynastic ivory tablets (see Royal Tombs, II, pl. XI, etc.) , and possibly even in
Green's Tomb at Hierakonpolis OJ (Ilzemlwnpolis, pis. LXXV-LXXIX), while the
other form is that of the hieroglyphic for divine bark as early as the IJl•d Dynasty.
In spite of the antiquity of the curtained form of the divine bark, the private
sun-bark is as yet unknown previous to the Middle Empire, and probably had
its origin in the development of the cult of the dead otherwise proved for that
period. Even in the Middle Empire the private sun-barks are not numerous.
I know of no representations on the walls of the tombs, nor of any models
except those in this catalogue. Unfortunately we know nothing of the catalogue
numbers except that they were found at Bersheh and Meir.
1. HULL.
The hull of the sun- bark resembles that of the funeral hark except in the
form of the bow and stern-pieces. The bow-piece in no lt86o appears to differ
materially from that of nos 4949 and 4953' but the holes on the inner edges
contained bits of string, and the holes along the top of this part of the post
may also have horne strings. I am inclined to believe that these stt·ings carried
a sort of bead-work curtain falling along the sides of the bow-pieces, and
Ol The Hierakonpolis boats are colored white like the Bersheh models.
The deck is white in all three examples; but in the Bersheh examples it is
~nm·ked with red bars representing the framework. No 6969 has longitudinal
middle bar, but not no 4953. The rail is very low in all three case~; and in
no 486o, it is marked with black lines as if bound with a thong.
The divine harks, being guided by magic or the divine will, require no
other means of propulsion nor of guidance. In later representations, however,
they are provided with rudders , like the fun erary barks.
All three exam ples present the same series of symbolic or magical objects.
These are five in number, taken from the how backwards : - ( 1) a board with
nine maat-feathers; ( 2) a box-like object lying on the side with four finger-like
black posts on each side and a hawk on the end, looking up; ( 3) a spool-shaped
object on end with two hawks and three black sticks on the upper end (in
no 486o, this is possibly square); ( L,) a rectangular block with a semes-sign on
the front; and ( 5) a box-like object on end with four black posts in the upper
end. The bow cover was also decorated with upright sticks (see no 4954 ), and
with other objects (see figure of Horus as child, 11° 6966 ).
5. CHEW.
The models of sun-harks do not have any crew nor any figures. Th e pictorial
representations in the Book of the Dead and elsewhere sometimes show the dead
ridin g in the solar hark , and th e divine boats have firrm·es of the gods, in
some cases with a g·od acting as steersman.
- X\YJI -
No l186o has a gTeen hull like the funeral Larks, \rith white ends and a red
and a white stripe along the rail. The rail is ~· ellow wifb diagonal red lines : tbe
deck white : and the bow-piece variegated in color. The Bersheh examples
nos /,~ftg and U!)53) have white hulls , wl1ile decks witl1 red bars, blue and
white Low cover, and black and white stern-piece.
'Vith the small material, it is diflicult to determi11e tliC normal coloring,
although it is probably white, not green. lf the green of no u86o is not due to
a mere confusion with the funerary bark, it may mark a difference in function
hetween the two kinds of sun-barks : for in all the hoat models, the color is
f'ignificant either of structure or of function.
- ---------)<?C,-------------
Fig. t. - ProfilE>.
J j
Fig. 2. - Deck-plan.
Fig. 3. - Stern. Fig. 4. - Bow-stirk.
HuLL (fig. t. 2): High round stern curling forward al en d (fig. 3). Bow, more pointed .
with projecting slick ( fig. b ). Bollom flattened to make the ship stand . The upper
Catal. du Mu1ee, n' 4jg!l.
~ide (•leek ) is hollowed onl on each side from c to d, slwllower ncar c and d, dccpc1'
in the middle, leaving a Leam-likc ridge alonrr the middle of ship (fig. 5, G). The
hcam contains slots (fir;. 5) al regular intervals to receive I he cross slicks ( 1 o in
number ) serv ing as scats (g) for rowers. Of these seats, the last two on each end
arc elevated on account of shallowness of hollow.
Fig. r..
A. n. c.
Fig. G.
RJGGJ!'iG:One masl, set in hole in hcam al ft. Upper part has five eyes on each side and
one at top for holding ropes (fig. 7 ). A few small pieces of string cling to the lip of
mast. At j is a pair of holes, one on each side of ship, apparently for fastening
ropes. At k is also a pai1· of holes ei thrr for fastening ropes or for holdina the
rudder(?). At I is the rudder post (fig. 8 ). The oars ( fi1r. 9) were held by stJ·ings
o1· wires throurrl• the holes (fir;. 1 o). The rtulder is rro ne.
CnEw : At p, figure of man standinrr with lifted hands (fig. 1 1). Sitting on the cross
seals , twenty oarsmen with outstretched hands, len on each side, facing the stern
(fig. 1!:! ). In the stern , al s, a sittinrr figure, the steersman, with outstretched hands
which originally held the hanging lwndle of a rudder ( firr. 13 ).
CoLORING : Ground color of hull , dark red. At stern, bow and along edge of side (rail)
black marks as ornamentation ( lirr. 1 6). Along edB'e of middle beam, in stem and
bow, while spaces. The rudder post is 1·ed. The mast is light yellow with red tip and
two red rings below tip. Eyes of mast, red. Oa1·s, unpainted. All figures have black
wigs, red skin, white skirts. Eyelashes, eyebrows, cosmetic stripes, iris, black.
White of eye, white.
TECHNIQUE : Hull cut out of solid block. Seats rest in slots in middle beam, and are
only held by coat of plaster which covers boat. Mast and rudder post rest in boles.
The figure in bow, also stands in a hole. The other figures are held by small
wooden pegs. The arms ·of the fiaures ;ne fastened on by small pegs. Each figure of
a rower has a number on the bottom, in red ink for the right side looking towards
the bow, in black ink for the left side. The whole covered with thin coat of plaster
and painted.
PRESERVATION : First pair of rowers from the bow, the rudder, the sail and the spars,
are gone. The lower part of hull is badly worm eaten.
llrsL. : Journal d'eutnfe du Musee, n• 3o~ 1 3 (?). Cat., t8g5, u• 782. Zeit. filr ii!Jypt. Sprache,
vol. XXXIIl ( t8!)5), p. 21J-32 .
I •
II uLL : Vcry lonrr , with higl• round stern ( fia. 1 5 ). Bow more pointed. Bottom flat,
liken" Ltj~) s .
Fia. t 5.
Tl1 e upper· side is hollowed cut liken" lt798 e\cept at how (h) and stern (c). Cross
sticks for sca ts like n" /•79 8. Onl y the la st three in stern have small blocks to
elcrt~ t r th e rowers on accouut of shalloll'ness of l•ottom (fig. r G).
c h
Fiu. tf.i.
HrGGI:"G : One mast-hole at c/; !role for rudde1· post at r; hole for rest fo•· rudder (or
perhaps mere om:~ mentation) at j; a lwle (beside c) for rest for mast. lloles fo 1·
fa stening rop es, iu pairs one on each side at ft. Oars fastened as on n• lq 98 ( o ).
Crmw : Figure of mt111 s landin~;, in how, left foot atl vt~ncetl. 'J'J,irty rowers, fifteen on
eacl 1 si de. Steersman in stern. flowers t1 nd stee rsman mi ssing; positions indicated
l•y pegs.
j l
CoLOillNG: Ground co lor, red. Fi ve hlack spots on th e rail on ea clr side like n" /1798
( fig. •7 )· Bow ( i). Stem (j). ~ Iiddle l)('arn , white and dark red, like rr" ''798. Feel
of fiaure in how, red.
TECJt:'IIQUE : Solid h! oc k l!ke 11" lt7~J S. Sents, liken" lt798, hut fastened with wooden
pejj in ce nter to mitldle heam . The gt·ooves in middl e beam fot· seats were wrongly
cnt nt first (fo r 6 o rowet·s ); the fal se uroo \·cs arc
now filled with plaster or woo1l. The mast rested
in a hole and wa s supported hy n hlock closed
with a pin (fig. 18) !tl. The blo ck was fastened
Fit;. 18. - ~last-block.
hy two pegs. The res t fo1· the mn st wh en loweret!
stood nt g. The rope holdina th e mast to the stem pa ssed through the holes h and
around bottom of stern. The rowers and the steet·sme n were ftt ste ned by pegs. The
outlook in the. Low was set with en d of each leg in a hole and the fe et wet·e of separate
pieces, held in by pegs. The wh ole was covered with thin coat of plaster and painted.
PRESER\'ATION : Plaster and coloring , gone in places. One seat gone.
BtsL.: Journal d'entree du Musee, n• So2 18. Cat., 1895, n• 786. Zeit.fiir iig!JPI. Sprache,
vol. XXXIII (t8a 5), p. 20-32 (by Chrislian Belger).
4800. Model of a ship with rowers. - Length om. 865 mill. , widlh
\Vood. -
o n1. 1 6 cent., height amidships o m. o 85 mill.
lluLL: Shaped similat· ton" l179 8. Upper sid e hollowed out like n" 6798.
Seats, like n" 6 7 9 8, eleven in number, of which the last three towards
the stern are elevated.
HtGGING : Hole for mast between 6th and 7' .. seats. Huclder post, like
n" u798. Iloles for fa stening oars, liken" lq98.
CREW: Thil'leen row ers, originally 26, similar ton" 6798 (lia. 19 )!21.
Fit;. •9· CoLORING : Like n" lt79 8. The only difference is in th e s<ptare containing
the mast which is red (fig. !lO ). The figures also
ha\e black side- beards.
TECJt:'IIQUE : Like n" 6 7 8 9.
PnESER\'ATION : Stern and Low destroyed and left side
11 p to 7' . sea t. Fit;. ~o. - Color plan.
BtBL. : Zeit. fiir tigypt. Sprache, vol. XXXIII (1895 ) . p. 2 6-32 (Christiau Brlt~er).
HuLL : Similar in form to n" lq 99· Up pet· side hollowed cut liken" 6 7 99; how (a) and
stern ( L) slightly diiTcre nl .
Nineteen cross sticks for seats , like n" '' 799·
RIG GING : Masl hole between 8'\, and ~·h seals f1·om how. Rough mast OJ with cross
spar at top. Hole 1ri1h remains of a post between 13•1. and 1 /1'h seats from how.
llole for square rudt!Pr-post at c (~J. A pair of hol es behind first sea l in ho1r and
another pair in stem ( fig. 2 1 . 2 2) for fa stening ropes of mast. Twenty oars originallr
fa stened like n" lJ798, now tied alonff the side( 3l.
CnEW: Forty rowe1·s, similar to n•• lq9 8 and l18oo, with outstretched
arms facina the stern (41. In the bow , holes for fast ening a lookout,
a standina figure with left foot advanced (sl. In the stem, a hole
for fa stenin G a·_steersman. Ycry large rudder (6l.
· Fie. 22. - Stern.
CoLOIIING: Ground color, lip,ht yellow ( fig. 23). Middle beam and
sea ls, red an ti while, like 11° l18o o. Fou t• black and red spots alon s l'ach rail. Bow,
stern, rudd er, red and yellow. Along sides of ship, out side, opposite the end of every
sea l a small red mark, like the end of a scat (fit;. 25). Crew similar to no• /1798-lJSoo.
TEcnNJQUE : Like no /17 ~ 9. A piece is set into rigl1L sid e of Low wi I I. peas. Budder set
togeth er ( fia. 2 u).
PnEsEnVATJON : A piece is knocked out of side of stern. Sec noies 2-7
Fig. ~ 5.
ll1n1.. : Joumal tl"eutrce du .Muscc, n• 3 0 2 1 /1 ('l) .
HJGGJNG : At b, one small mast, square at bottom, two small and two large holes in
tip (fiG. 28). At c, rudder post like no u798. Four holes for posts supporting small
roof (open cabin, Iike no L. 8 o 8) (G). Two holes x nnd y, possibly fo1· fastening ropes.
CnEw : .\ steersman (h) like fiaure on no L. 7 98. At i and j, holes for sittinG figures(?).
At!.-, figure of man sitting on chair (simple hlock) (fiG. 29). In front
of this, a square hole for a standing figure (l). Feet of a standing
f.gure, right foot advanced (r). Three other figures, standing with left
fool advanced (o-o, f.g. 3o). Stnnding figure at m, facing
outwards, right arm hnnging, left doubled up (fir.. S1 ).
StandinG figure at n with smnll board (writing tablet?)·under
his left arm and bit of linen wrapped nround his waist. At o
and p, squatting figures with outstreched hnnds, like steer-
mnn. Lookout nt q; riaht foot advnnced, riaht arm raised,
left hanaing.
Fig. 3o. Fig. 3•.
CoLOIIING: Similnr to ll U798· Red stripes \\here no [,798 hns
sents, white where no [, 7 98 has hollo\vs between sents. Four black spots on each
rail. Slt'rn, sligh tl y difl'crcnl (sec fig. 2G). Fiaures, red skin; black hair, side beards,
eyebrows, eyc laslr cs , cosmetic stripes , iris; white shirt. White of eye, white. Sec
II G. 2 g , 3 o, :3 t.
TEcn~lQUE : ~last, rudder-post and figures, l, 111 and 11, set in square holes. Fiaures, /,,
/,, p, o (i, j) fastened with simple small pea. llands of figure m, bored similar to
steersman. The other standing figures, hal'c legs ending in peg-like projection,
each filling in a separate hole; the feel, of plaster. Covered with coat of plaster and
painted. Arms of figures, fastened \l'ilh pegs.
PnESEil\'AT!O~ : Bow and stern damaged. Arms of standing figures amidships lost.
BrsL.: Jountal d'enlrt:e dulllust:e, n• 3o~u5 ('?).Cat.. t8()5, u• 780. Z. tig., \'Ol. XXXIII, p. ~4-3:.~.
II t:LL : Bow and stem both hiuh, running out into a sort of cylindrical beak (fig. 3 2 ).
Bottom, flat , liken" lt798. Deck, cuning higher in middle, hollowed out slightly
near rail (fig. 3!!). On each side of stern, a hollo\\' for rudder (flu. 33).
Fig. 33.
Fig. 34.
Hrr.Gl~G :A single plain mast ( d, fig. 3 5) (ll. Two rudder-posts, side by side ( o m. o Lt c.
apart ), each lik en" !1798 (e, flu. 35 ).
CREW: Steersman (f), St juattinrr liken" lt798. In front of rudder-posts, fi\'e holes for
canopy and sillinr, figure, like n• !1 So 2. Five standinrr fi1rures, with ontslretched
arms like n" l1j98, q (g). Scrihc (?), with tablet untle1· his left arm (h).
Outlook ('?) ( k). At l. hole for si LLin u fi~;urc (?). The figures nrc like those on
n" lijg8. The fi [J nrC G, has a bit of linen \\Tappeii around th e waist.
CoLOIIIIiG :Sides of boat and beaks at how and stern, Green. Bail, yellow. Deck, red
lm·s (beam.a ud cross- pieces) allllw!Iite spaces ( plankinrr). ~lust, sets
in while spot. Sec fi rrure :35.
TECIINJQUE: Mast, rudder-posts and fi[Jures rr' hand k, set in Sfluare holes.
Fig. 36.
Helmsman, sits in shallow hollow and is held by a pea. Rests fot· rud-
ders (c). Anus of figures fastened on by pcus (fig. 3G) . Covered with thin coal of
plaste1· and paint ed.
PnESEIIVATION : Plaster scaled ofT in places. llcak on bow, slightly splintered.
TIIBL. : Gat., t 8!)5, n• 783. Z. iig., vol. XXX Ill , p. 2 4- 32 (C. Llelrrer ). Joumal cl'eutree clu llfusee,
n• 3o2 t 6 (? ).
Fig. 37 . - Profile.
HuLL : Bow and stern, drawn out lon g and slender with bullon on end. Deck, slightly
curving, deeper near the side. Bottom flat (fig. 3 7, 3 8, 3 9).
c D
bD- •i
CREW : Two holes for steersman, standing, left foot advanced (e) Ol. Figure sitting with
hands on knees, short wig and short skirt; chair is a sim pie block (b', fig. /, o). In
front of si llin rr fiuu re, facing it, fi gut·e stan ding fee t toaether, hands crossed on
breast right over left , with short skirt and without wig (f) (2 l. Behind and before
ma~t. f~tll' figures, in two pairs, kn eeling on one kn ee, with outstretchctl arms,
dt·essed like f, fa cing how( ?) (g, flu. /,,) l3 J. Standinr; firrure, left foot advanced,
holdina tabl et in hoth hands (as if fo•· th e silting figures (a) to read), facinrr stern,
no wig, skirt longer than g (h). At i is a hole, for lookout, possibly the Sfluatting
figure, fig. lJ 2. Total crew nine, now eiuht.
CoLORING : Boat and mast, pinkish wltilc. Figures, black wiu, o1· hair, dat·k reddi sh
brown skin, white skirt. Eyebrows, eyelashes, iris, black.
Jj§'~M ~ White of eye white. Throne and writing tablet , white.
Fit:· 63. TECIINIQUE : TlJC how and stern pieces arc of separate pieces set
Fastening of how-piece. in by means of tongue anti slot (fir,. lJ 3) and fastened with
reddish plastct·. All figures exce pt steersman and scribe arc fastened
on with pegs. Steersman and scribe , fa stened by peg- lik e prolon-
gatio n of lcr.s. Arms are set on by means of pegs. Th e hands of the
fiaurcs g andj arc pi erced. The writint; tablet is fa stened by pegs,
one in each end , to hands of scribe (fir.. /Jit ). Covct·etl with plaster
and painteLI.
Fir,. IJ&.
PRESEilHTIO~ : Much of pla ster pccletl ofT. Head and fo ot of scribe Tablet pe(lged lo
damaged. Sec notes below. Left arm of one of the fir,nrc s g, aonc. hand of priest.
l1m1.. : Journal tfe11trrc du lllusee, n• 2~0!:!5(?). Cat., MAsPEno, n• li2:JS. Cat. (G n!baul), 1892,
P· 5!).
c 0
HuLL: Similar to n" 48o~. Upper side, hollowed out slightly except at bow and
stern (fig. 5). Stern curling fonvard. Projecting stick (mast- rest) in Low (now
lost) (fig. H).
RIGGING : Hole fot• mast (fig. a7, b). Single rudder- post (c) shaped like n" a7 9 8 OJ.
Fig. 46. - Hole for mast, section. Fig. 67. - Deck plan.
CnEw: In stern, a steersman, sitting figure, like 011 n" 4798 (d). Ten square holes(e)l 2l.
In the how, a standing figure, feet together, shot·t \1 ig and skirt
(h, fiG. ItS), left arm hanging, hand open, right arm extended(?).
CoLORING: Sides, yellow. Hail and stern, red with black marks. Deck,
in front of rudder-post, white (planking) with red stripe down the
middle (middle Learn) and red cross stripes (seats or cross heams)
(see fig. Lt7). Stern post, red with black marks neat·
base on all four sides (fig. 4 9). Figures, like n" 7 8 9; a
hlack side heards.
~ TEcHNIQUE : Stern of separate piece, set on with wooden
Fig.4g.-Foot pegs. Mast (mast was also held hy peg in bottom of Fig. 48.-Lookout.
of stern post. hole), rudder- post and all figures, except steersman, set in square
holes. Steersman held by a peg. At·n!s of figures fastened by pegs. Covered with
plaster and painted.
(I ) cr. n• 483J.
<•l For rowers. The nine figures registered as figures; n• 48o6 were glued in nine of lhese boles; but as
these figures were fastened with pegs and as there are no peg holes near tl1ese square holes, Ihe figures
must be from another boat.
PRESER\'ATION : Bow piece uone. Plaster gone in places. Arms of steersman gone.
BIBL.: Joumal d'entde du Musee, u• :lo217 (?). Cal. , t895 , n• 781. Z. iig., vol. XXXIII , p. 26-
3:! (Christian Belger).
4807. Model of ship with rowers. - \Vood. - Length t m. lto cent., width
o m. 1 15 mill., height amidships o m. 13 cent. -Bought al Lmo1·
(pl. IV ).
HuLL: Similar ton" lJSoS; hut the how an!} stern are round and thick, much thicker
than no LJSoS. The end of the button is also round (firr. 5• ). The low rail runs from
rest for rwlde1·s to the corresponding place on Low (lonaer than n" lJSoS and lower,
fir;. 52). Where tl1e rail ends on the how a1·e two perr l10les and the marks of a cross-
piece (d) rnclosinr; the space between th e rails as tiJC rudder rest does at the stern.
HJGGJNG : No tra ce of mast. Doubl e rud!lca· posts and rest, like n" I1So8. Two rudders
(fit;. 53) each with l10le near tlac en!l. S!paare slots for oars, in •·ail, three on each side (G)·
~IOllELS OF SIIIP S AND 130 ,\TS. 13
FuRNITUR E: Ju st back of middle , fou1· holes for canopy (e)O l. Between them , a block
(as bier for a mummy-figure ) (f).
CRE\r : Steersma n (h ), sc1uattin g fi(l'lii'C with short skirt (fig. 55). Howet·s ( i ), six, three
on each sicle, very rouuh sitting figmes with white skirts and outstretched arms
(fiu. 5lJ). At k, two holes, prohably for look out.
CoLORING: Hull, yellow. Red stripe along rail (fig. 56). Block), yelloll'. Around stern and
how, two black rings on each ( m and n ). llutton on stem and bow,
black and red on yellow back Gl'ound (fig. 57). Figures, hlack hai1·,
eyelashes and iris, brown skin, white skirt. White of eyes white.
TECHNIQUE : Cut out of solid block. End of stem and of bow set on with
tongue and slot (fig. 58). Budder-rest and correspondinG piece in
how, fasten ed on with pegs. Rudder-posts and posts for canopy set Fig. 7·
Colors on end.
in holes. Figures, block under canopy, fastened on with pegs (2l.
Rudder on right fastened by pegs to rudder- post and to hull; rudder on left only
to hull. The arms of the rowers are of linen stiffened with plastet·, fastened in a
uroove across back of figure and painted (fig. 59). Bowers, very mdely cut. Arms
of steersman, set on with pegs.
PRESERVATION : Colors, rubbed. Left rudder-post and arms of all figures, are missing.
IJmL. : Journal d'entree du Musee, n• 28836 (?).
<•J The posts and canopy which are on this ship do not belona, see n• 68og.
<•l These pegs and the correspondinli holes are modern.
4808. Model of ship. - " 'ood.- Length 1m. 5~ cent., ,width om. 173 mill.,
lt eight amidships o m. 1o5 mill. - (( Haule-Egypte ,, 1891 (pl. I\'
and XXIX).
A B c D
HuLL : Stern and bow drawn out long and slender and terminating in a button. Stern
hishcr than Low. Bottom, llat. Edrrcs of bow and stern, bevelc<l (fig·. Go, A-B).
Low rail, amidships (flrr. Go, C-D).
Tall douhlc mast resting in two shoes. The two pieces
meet above on an oblitJUe surface (fl~;. G1) and arc held torrcthcr
hy two crosses pieces and a pea. Throurrh the tip, four holes
fo1· ropes and about one third down·a pair of holes ( fl1r· G1 ).
Fig. 6~. - Holes U1rough
Just back of mast, a smal I wooden cross- bar (f), pierced
how and stern. ..
by two holes (lig. G2). Behind this, two pair of holes slanting
through rail (lirr. Go, [Jand h) (fig. G3). In bow, one hole throujjh top (fig. Glt left )
and iu stern , one through each si de ( li1;· G!1 ri~;ht ). A pai1· of rudder-posts (I) and
a rest (fig. G5 ).
FuRNITURE : Just back of middle, ca nop y supportell hy
four columns. Under canopy, a chair (fig. 66 ).
CREW : One squalling figure with short wi1~
and outsh·etched hand s (fig. 67) just
back of rest for rudders ( o); a similar
figure in front of rudder-posts (steers- ); another just back of cross bar (f).
Fig. 65 . - Res! for rudders.
A lookout stands in bow, right fool
Fir:. 66.
Chair. forward, arms hanuing, right hand open, left closed (fig. 68 ).
CoLORING : ll ull, yellow. Canopy, yellow and black (fig-. 6 g). SupportinG posts, yellow(?)
with three black bands. Mast and rudder- post, yellow(?) (traces). Figures have
black l1air, eyelasliCs and iri s, brown (IJ skin, white skirt. White of eye white.
Fir:. 67. - Steersman. Fir;. 68. - Lookout. Fig. 6g. - Roof of canopy )'ellow and black.
TEc n ~IQUE : Bow and stern of separate pieces, filled on with tongue and slot and
fastened each by two pegs (fig. 6o). Long piece set in on left side (looking towards
how) with pegs (from just back of J for o m. 2 5 cent.). Two pieces of mast held
Fig. 70. - Mast-shoe, side view. Fig. 71.- Mast-shoe view of bottom. Fig. 7 2. - Mast-shoe, section.
together by peg in tip and two rectangular cross pieces , one near bottom and one
near top. Lower ends of mast, sharpened and rest in two round holes supported by
I wo shoes (fig. 7 o -7 2) 12l fastened to deck by pegs. The ends of cross bar (f) resl
in holes through the rail ( orr. 6 o). The posts of the canopy and th e •·udder - posts
rest in holes. The cover of canopy has slots, one in each corner in
~~ which lonr,ue-like prolonuations of columns rest (fig. 73). The three
~ SlJUallin u li gures , and the rudder- rest, fastened with pegs. Lookout.
prolongation of each fool rests in oblong hole. Arms of figures fas-
tened on with perrs. Hands of three squnttinr, fir,ures and left hant!
of lookout, pierced. Fig-ures, \'ery rudely cut.
PRESERI' .ITION : Colors, badly rubbed.
4809. Canopy from the model of a ship. - \Vood.- Length o m. t65 mill..
heig·ht o m. 2 7 cent.
Canopy from the model of a ship (1l. Somewhat similar to that of n" lt8o8 ( fig. 7/1).
Supported by four posts, two of whi ch are gone. Whitened with thin coat of plaster
ant! pninted with green spots with black outlines on front and side. Posts, while,
painted with areen ant! black •·inas and yellow rings between. Prolongation of post
ahove fits in hole in roof. below in hole in deck. Houghly made.
L a a
4810. Two posts from a canopy from the model of a ship. - \Vood.
Height o m. 2 5 cent.
Two posts from a ca nopy from the model of a ship (2 J ( fig. 7S"a). Painted white with
black rings. Top, four black vertical stripes ancl one small ring (b). II ole in top for
peg. Bottom rested in hole.
(I) Wo > on n• l18 07 !JUt does not seem lo helonrr. ]li• l181o sene as back posts.
<•, Were used as hark posts lo n• l18og on n• l1807.
4811. Model of a ship for the dead. - \Vood. - Length o m. G1 cent., widtlt
o m. t G cent. , hei ght amidships o m. 1 o cent. - Gebel en (?),
t 885 (pl. V).
HuLL: ~ow rises straight up. Stern recurred ( fig. 76). Upper side IIOIIowed out slightly.
leaving raised surface in bow and stem . Flat bottom from d to c; the rest round.
RIGGING: No mast, no rowers. Two rudder posts, each with hall'k's head, joined together
by cross piece neat· the lop. Two ruddet·s (one lost) and rest for tll'o rudders (fig. 7 7).
FuRNITURE : Canopy, roof on four posts ( fig. 7 6, g). Under it a low bed, with four
short legs; front part ornamented with lions' heads , one on each side ( fig. 7 8 ). On
the bed, a mummy fifl'ure. Holes for lions' tails on rear end of bed; tails gone.
Fig. 77· Fig. 7S.
CREW : At head of bed, a wailing woman ( fig. 7 9 ). WiG with c1ueue; long skirt;
two rosetles, one on each breast. Four small figures , standing, short wig, skirt with
three cornered apron, extended arms ( fig. 8 1 ). Another small figure in the same
style but without three cornered apron and stoopinG ( fig. 8 o). The positions of
Catal. du Mu•ee, n• 67gS. 3
three figures, are marked by small per,s on the deck (fig. 8 ~, m ). A_nothe1· large peg
marks th e position of some object in the how ( n) (ll. One figm·e glued on ut (o).
CotORI:'I G : llull, green with udal eye on each side of how and a green, a white and a
1·ed sh·i pc along- lop. Stem <Jnd bow, yellow, each with three weenish blue rings
adjoining each other (lirr. 82, 83). Deck, white with red bars and red middl e stripe,
similar to n" 6 7 ~J7; hut no white rcctanale for mast.
Hudder, lwwk's head wit!J rrreen wig, wl1ite face and black eyes and eyemnrks (fig. 8/, ).
The stem has red, g1·een and small white and hlack hands. The blade is ornamented
like that of the ship for the dead in STEIJ~nonrr's Das Grab des Mnllulwtep, pl. XI ; but
apparently without the rosettes.
Fir;. 8~ .
Rudder-post, hawk's he<ul similar to nuhler. Stem with white, green and red rings
irregular! y arranged.
Canopy-cover, areen. Posts, wit!J white, ureen and red rings simila1· to rudde1·-posts.
Bed, white. Lions' head s, ween. ~lummy,- green wig, white skin, black eyebrows,
eyelashes, iris, side-heard. Green and red bands between plaits of wia on breast.
Woman , white wig and skirt, yellow skin, hlack msetles on breast, l1lack eyelashes,
eyebrows and iri s. \V!Jite of eye, w!Jite. The other firrures like those on n" LI 7 98.
TEcHNIQUE: Uprigl1t part of bow, fa stened on with pel~s, beinrr irreaular in fcn·m as if
accidentally broken off ancl set on again. Two small pieces set in rail , one on each
side, just back of rudder-posts. Hes l for I'ndcler, set in slots in rail ancl fastened
with pegs. Hudder-posts, posts of canopy, !errs of her!, se_t in holes. Figures, fastened
on by pegs, one peg-hole in e<Jch, sometimes in left fool sometimes in rirrht. Covered
with plaster ancl painted . nvnio:-~ : Plaster badly scaled off. Arms of figures mostl y, r;one.
B1nL. : Jourual d'en tree du Musee, u• 2GG 12 (?).
4812. Figure , sitting on throne, from the model of a ship.- Wood. - Height
o 111. t 1 5 mill. (pl. V).
Fiuurc, siLtinG on throne, from the model of a
ship (l l . Arm s wrapped up in long garment. llead.
shaved. face yellow; head, 1·cd (?); eyebrows ,
eyelashes, iris, black; garment, white; throne ,
white and black. Hole for perr in bottom. Covered
with thin coat of plaster which has mostly fallen
ofT (fig. 85 ): Firr. 85.
c 0 G H
0 "
Fig. 86.
RtGGING: Hole for mast (a) now filled by butt of mast (sawed ofT?). Hole for rudder post (b).
CREW: In fifth, sixth and eighth seat (lower stick) ft·om stern, a pair of holes, one
ncar each end. Fifth seat bas extra hole ncar left end; sixth,
small one ncar middle. Bow, trace of extra-cross piece. Tip of
how, pair of vertical holes (fig. 8 7 ).
CoLoRr~G : None.
TECHNIQUE : Piece possibly set on slern. Ends of seats, fit in holes in sides of ship.
~last and ru~-post, rested in holes. Rough, unfinished work.
PRESERVATION : Tips of stern and bow arc broken ofT. Uppet· stick of first, twelfth and
fourteenth scats aonc; that of second and ninth, hroken. Salt deposit on bottom.
(I) R ~sl~ on n• 48 11 , but on account of coloring and position, appears not lo b~lon g.
4814. Model of a boat or canoe.- \Vood.- I. . ength om. 52 cent. (pl. VI).
HuLL : Bow and strrn about alike, shai'P and flattened vertically. Flat bottom running
c ~
A ·- --~;_____ ---------:- ------ --- ----- B
Fig. 88.
from end to end, cui·ving like the upper side. Hollowed out almost to ends (fig. 88).
TEcn~IQ U E : Rough! y cut out of a single stick.
4815. Model of small boat or canoe.- \Vood.- Length om. 445 mill. (pl. VI).
HULL : Sha rp bow. Tip of stern, cut off straight. Rounded hot tom and sides. Hollowed
from end to end (fig. 89 ).
A- ----------~-------------- B
Firr. s 9.
~ ~
A .- - 1'- - - - - - - - - - i- -- - - - - - - - - - - -B
Fig. go.
c 0 E F
RtcGING : Round hole fot· mast in cross-piece b. Sr1uare hole for rudder-post in cross-
piece (c). Edg-e of rail, picrcccl hy slanting- holes , two pair, for ropes (d) . Vcrlical
hoh' through tip of how (c).
Fig. g~.
CnEw : No indication.
CoLORING : Red all-over.
TEcHNIQUE : Houghly formed.
PnESERVATtO:'i : Tip of how and also of stern , slightly bt·okcn.
R1nL. : Journal d'enll·ee t!u .Musee, u• 288 7o.
Fig. g3.
Large slanting hole through end of stern, for inserting end of handle. Small hole
through uppct· part of blade (21. Blade pointed at end. Coloring so far gone as to he
indeterminabl e. Cracks fill ed with plaster. Sec fig. 93 .
~;::I:!::::r::==·::;:;: z:::=::::::.
Fig. 9~·
The only hol e appeat·s to be a small knot hole. Blade pointed at end. Stem, thicker
in the middle. Colored red with white band at end of stem and another ncar where
blad e hegins. Pai nt mostly t·ubhcd ofT. Sec flrr. 9/1.
OJ May l.elonr, to n• /1 8ol:l .
<•> Cf. n" 68~1. 6!J7' ·
C>J N•• /1 8 19 and 6820 mny pus, t. ~ lung to same ship.
4820. Rudder from model of a ship{' l. - \Voo d.-Lengt h om. 45 cent. , length
hlade o m. 1 7 rt>nl.
Shaped liken" 68 19 but with broadct· blade. Large slantinrr hole om. 115 mill. from
end. Painted }ike n" 68tg with the addition of black marks on blade, Ihe same on
both sides. Paint, much rubbed. See firr. ~, 5 . .
4821. Rudder from the model of a ship. - " 'ood. - Length o m. 6ft cent.,
length blade o m. 185 mill.
Fia. gG.
Shape similat· to n" 6820. Blade, more angular. Vertical hole at b, possibly
modern (b') (21. Two slantins holes one behind the other at a (a') ; the lower one
contains the end of the handle. II ole through the blade at c (31. Colored liken" lJ 8 1 g;
but with black marks on blade , both sides alike. Colors rubbed. See firr. ~6.
Fig. 97·
Blade rounded at end. Stem, thick in Ihe middle. Small hole at a, modern (4 l. Hole
for handle at b (51. Painted somewhat like n" !18 2 1. Co lors , rubbed. Broken in two
near blade. See fig. 9 7.
Fig. !JS.
Pointed hlade. Stem thick in the mid<lle. Hole at a, modern ( ll. Hole at b for handle
of rudder, end of handle still in hole. Colored somewhat like n" 4 8 2 1. Covered with
thin coat of plaster· and painted. Plaster and paint scaled ofT in spots. See fig. 98.
4824. Rudder from model of ship.- Wood.- Length o 111. 668 mill. , length
blade o m. ~ 2 cent.
Fig. 9!!·
Blade, very round. Stem, not symmetrical. Hole at a, modem O>. Hole at b for l1andle;
end of handl e still in hole. CO\·ercd with thin coat of plaster and painted. Plaster,
scaled ofT in places. Stem broken in two ncar hlade and glued. Sec fig. 99·
Fig. too .
End of blade, rounded. llole at a, modem (I) _ Slantint} hole at b for !randle; end of
handle still in hole. Painted somewhat liken" /18 2 1; two line black rinas (c).
Colors rnhbed. Sec fia. 1 oo .
<•> See u• t. B ~~, aho•·e.
~~'~'." ~ ~ · •.,\~
h b
Fie;. 1 0 1.
Hawk's head on· end of stem. Oblong rectangular· hole at b for handle of rudder (b').
At c, hollowed out where it r·es ls against rudder rest or rail. Colored like n" Lt 8 2 1
but without hlack marks on blade. Wig of hawk, gr·een; face yellow. Colors rubbed .
Beak of hawk , broken off. End of handle still in hole b. See fi g. 1or.
4828. Rudder from the model of a ship. - "' ood. - Length o m. 5o 5 mill. 1
Fir;. 102.
End of blade , rounded. Hawk's head on end of stem. Round slanting hole at a for
handle; end of handle still in hole. Painted wl1ite, green, red with black lines.
Hawk's head with green wig with black stripes. Face of hawk , yellow with black
marks; three black marks on throat. Colors, slightly rubbed. Sec fig. 1o 2.
Fig. lo3.
Hole ala, modern. Hole at b, ( made hy mistake) plugged and made even with
plaster (b'). Hol e at c for handle ( c'). Painted with red, green, white and yellow.
Lines and spots , black. End, broken off. Blade broken in two (d). See fig. 'o3.
2G C:\TAL 0 GUE D U \1 USEE D U C:\ I nE.
4831. Mast from the model of a ship.-\ Vood.- Length o m. 3 Gc. (pl. XXVII).
4833. Mast and two spars from the model of a ship (:!J. \Vood. - - Length
mast om. 575 mill., lengtlt spars o m. 5o cent.; o m.
5o5 mill.
Hough! y rounded. Lower end of mast , like n" /1 8 3 ~L Spars, thi cker is th e
midJie. Tied together (modern knot ) with nn old piece of twine. Traces
of plastet· or paint.
Of one piece. Fork and pointed stem ot· post. Edges of post , beveled.
Traces of plaslet· or pninl similar to n" lJ 83 3. Hourrhly formed. Piece Fig. 1 oG.
of twin e tied on, like ll IJ833. See firr. 1 oG.
Similat· to that on n• lqg8 (s"e fig. 107 ). Two hol es for fasteninG with pegs to deck
of ship (a, b); the hole b still contains piece of peg. Painted yellow ( tlte white end)
and red with black marks .
flack end pierced by holes for ends of posts. Front end, at b and on opposite side,
entered by holes for ends of front posts. Co\'ered with plaster and painted
light yellow (on underside ) . dark yellow, and white, with black lines on
edges and between blocks of color. See fig. 1 o8.
Firr. 110.
Lower end was inserted in hole in deck. Peg-like projection on upper end to
fit holes in roof. Painted green except peg and lower end. Color is thick
coat of powdered substance. Pegs bt·oken oiT. Lower end of one, broken. See fig. 1 1 o.
4839. Mast and spar from the model of a ship. - Wood. Length mast
o m. Go cent. , length spar o m. Go5 mill. (pl. XXIX ).
Rough ly cut. "ast tapering. Lower end -sharpened to fit hole in dec k. Spar, thicker in
the mitldle. Spar fastenetl (modern) to mast with piece of twine. The ropes (pieces
of twine ) with which the sail was fastened to spar arc partly preserved (fig. 1 1_1);
five (t he full number?) on th e one sitlc, each Leing wrapped five times anti knolterl,
the ends of the twine being now b1·oken oil'; three on the othet· side. The tip of the
mast is Lound with five rope rings and two vertical ropes passing under them to form
loops between the rings. The rope forminG the rings is made fast to very tip of mast,
passes down the mast to place of first ring, passes twice around mast, is tied once
in simple knot and then passes down to plnce of second knot (fig. 1 1 2) . At the last
rina the end of the rope is knottetl anrl slipped und er (fig-. 1 1 3 ). The other rope is
wrapped and tieJ at the tip; and tl1 e entls pass down each sitle of mast under the
rings ( fi g. t 1L.), the ends being knotted to keep the •·ope from slipping out. This
second rope was tied on first. There is another ring, wrapped twice, hy which the
spar was probably tietl. Both mast anrl spar are painted a faint yellow.
4840. Spar and piece of sail from the model of a ship.- Wood and linen. -
Lenfrlh spar o m. 535 mill., sail om. l18 cent. x om. 3o cent.
SrAn: Simple straight stick, well round eJ and smoothed. Tra ces of yellow ns ground
color. Tips blnck. Five black rings on each side.
• :_·_,; fl f;_};:,;:.- ·:··.; In th e middle, broad white ring with nnrrow red
Fig. tt5. ring- in the middle. Sec fig-. 1 15.
S.m : Hnggcd piece of stained coa rse linen, loosely woven. Glued to spar (modern )
and tied nt ends (modern).
RIGGING : ~la s t hole in· back end of white block Ol. Contains mast with upper and lower
spars and S<JIIai'e sail'2 l. ~last and
spars shaped liken" 483~. End b
Fig. 117.
Hndder-post , like 11" 67~)8. Six: figu1·es !told oars, liken" 6798.
FunN!TURE : Ca nopy ( fia. 1 18 ). lloof supported hr back wall and w front IH' two
posts. Posts similar ton" !183 7.
CnE\\ : Under the canopy, a figure sitlinr, on a chair (k, fig. 1 20) figur e and chai r, like
n" lt8o2 , s; no Leard. Lookout (1), like on n" 6798, with Lea rd. Six S<]Uatti nr;
figures ( m) , rowers at rest, like figures o and p on
n" lt8 o 2 but with L e:~ rd s . Four standina figures with
out s tn~ t c h ed arms (n) simila1· ton" 6798, q, with
beard s. Two standin tj fiau1·es (o, p); p. has lost its
arms; n has one arm hanainrr . one douoled up
( filr· 1 t ~l)· Steersman (t!) liken" 6798, no bea n!.
CoLOIIINn: Hull yellow. Deck, like no !1798 and n" 6802
( fi l~· t 2 o). ~last anti spars faint yellow ; spars, with
lJlack tips and two J.lack hands each , irreaularly
Fia- 11 8. Fir,. ttg.
placed; mast with black tip, below the upper spa r,
white and black 1·inss alternating , four of each. Hudder-post, red. Fiaures, like
those on n" lJ 7 9 8, all have hlack side- beards, except figure under canopy and
steersman. Canopy, in side yellow, outside, white with yellow edges (fig. t 18 ).
Posts like n" 6837.
TECIINIQUE : Stern piece has been broken and set on with pegs. Bow piece, figures k,
m and q, set on witlt pegs. ~last, rudder-post, figmes l, u, o and p, rest in holes.
Canopy, roof joined to back piece by per~s anll to posts by holes which re ceive peg-
like proj ection of posts. Posts rest in holes. Uack pegged to deck. Arms of figures.
pegged on. Covered with pla stei' and painted.
PnESEIIVATION : Arms of fi 1rurcs l and p, HI)JJe. Hudder wanting. Sail fastened on with
modern strinrrs.
P.raL. : Journal d'cntrcc du Musce, n• :3o2 t ,1. Cut., 1 8()5, u• 7!)0.
4842. Figure of goddess from model of ship of the dead.- \Vood.- Height
o m. 555 (tJ mill. - Akhmim, t 885.
ATTITUDE: Standint~· left foot advanced. Arms extended; hand s open, witlt palms down.
DREss : Lonrr narrow tunic extendinG fmm just below the breasts nearly to the ankles,
bound n•·onnd the top with n re1l •·ihbon the ends of which fall down the front
nearly to bottom of rrarment. Short round wig with radappets and with broad flat
plait down the Lack. Plait, short and curling up somewhnt nt th e end. Wig, bound
around with rihhon. On top of head , a sign or crown with si~;n.
CoLOI\ING : Skin, yellow. Garment ami wip,, white. Hibbons, red. Eyclll·ows , eyelashes,
cosmetic stripes, rrreen. Iri s, black. White
of eye, white.
TECHNIQUE: Rests.on prolonrration of feet, made
to rest in hole in deck of ship (fig. 1 2 1 ).
Arms fastened on each side hy one pea.
Well-cut nose-holes, cars and eyes. Feet Fig. 121 •
and legs below garment, separated. Well smoothed, corered with thin coat of
plaster and painted. Crown set on with tongue on crown and hole in head.
PRESERVATION : Plaster and paint, mostly gone. Cracked.
BtBL.: Journal cfentree du Musee, n• 2G4g8.
RIGGIISG: llole (square) for mast , liken" !18o3 in forward end of white block. Hole
for rudder-post like n• /1798 (square ). llndder-postOl, liken" 6798. Best for
Fig. I ~3.
mast, like n• !18 3 /r. Hudder "ith round-tipped hlude, slanting hole for handle ( a)
(part of handle still in hole) and bole through tip for a string. Oars,
simila1· to those on n" 6798. Small wooden buffer hangint; by a string.
Oars simi lar to n"IJ 798. Sec fia. t!l3, 126.
Cnm : Lookout, I ikc on n" 4 7 9 8, standiuiJ with outstretched <2 l left arm,
han~;inrr rit;ht arm. Sixteen rowers, similar to !hose on n" /1798 <3l.
Peg for steersman on riaht of middle. Some of figures have piece of
Fig. 1 ~6. linen around tl1c waist.
CoLORING II ull, yellow. Deck, red, white, black anll yellow, similar to n• 4 84 8,
stern and bow dilfcrent (fig. 1 2 5 ). The lluures arc colored red, black and white
Fit:· •~ 5 .
like those on n• lq98; only the lookout has a side-beard. Hudder-post, red. Mast-
rest, white. lluffcr, red.
TEcHNIQUE : Hull cut out of a single block. Bow stick set on with pees. Lookout,
mast-rest and rudder-post, rest in Sl)tiare holes. Crew sit on small blocks (modem),
which rest on red stripes, and have their fee l in holes in deck <4l. Arms of figu•·cs
set on with pegs. Some of the figures numbered in black ink (ancient ). Holes fo1·
fastening oars liken" II798. Covered with coal of plaster ami painted.
PRESERVATION : Pla ster only sliahtly scaled otr.
nwL. : Jourual d'entn!e rlu Musee ' n' 3o5::JG his.
(I) The rudder-post has Lecn fa stened into th~ hole for th e mast. The mast-rest has been fastened with plash•r
into th e lwle for the rudder-post.
<•' Riaht arm alucd on in false position, shown by l1rcak in plaster.
(>l Some of these arc larucr and have the feel cut off (rec~?nt rut) to make th em fit in. That is, they do not
hclont; lo tl1is l10al.
l•: There arc no holes for pet;s in the tl11ck hy which hlorks mit:l•l har~ hel'n fa stcn~d. All the hlocks are
modern. There are no 1'~'1: holes in th e fi(;l1res hy means of w!.ict. th11 fir,urcs mir,ht ha• c hec n fnstcnctl
lo th l' ),Jocks. It is almost cert ain that lhc arran~.:eml'nl of rowers on this lwat is a false rcslorntion.
HtGGING : Hound hole for mast (c) in red stripe in ft·ont of white block. Hudder-post
(a) liken" lt7g8. Rmlder with narrow pointed blade and slanting hole for handle
(fig. t 2 7 ). Stick fastened on bow like no lt 7 9 8. Hude oars, small, two of them
with curved blades (fig. 1 2 8 ). Oars fastened by strings through holes, like n" 6 7 9 8.
CREW : Lookout in bow, right side (I J, indicated by hole for peg. On
opposite side of bow, two small holes together containing ends
. of pegs. Ten rowers, five on each side, sitting with hands closed
on knees (fig. 1 2 9 ). Sits on small block; wears short skirt. On
red middle stripe, between the second pair of rowers ft·om stern,
a hole (b) as if for fastening a figure. In stern, right side, hole
for steersman.
CoLoRING :Hull, white with narrow red band along Lop edge (fig. t 3 o).
Deck, red hars, white spaces and black marks. The black marks
Fig. 129. -Rower.
around depressed part of deck are on the slanting innet· side of
rail (fig. t3J). Rudder-post, red. Figures, red skin, hlack wig, side-beard,
eyelashes, eyebrows and iris, white skirt, yellow stools. White of eye, 1·ed. Some of
the oars, red. Rudder, red and white. One rower has toes marked out in black.
C•l The figure which stood in !he L>ow does no! belong to this boat.
Catal. du Musee, n• 6798. 5
TEcuNIQUE : Hull, cut out of solid piece. Mast and rudder-post, rest in holes. Bow-
piece , fastened on with pegs. Each rower and sto ol, cut of one piece, fastened to
deck hy pen in bottom of stool. Feel of figure also rest in hole in deck. Other figures
fastened on with pegs. Covered with plastc1· and painted.
PnEsEnVATJO:"i : Hole in riaht siJc. Piece b1·oken out of left rail ncar first pair of rowers.
HuJder somewhat decayed. Plasle1· scu led ofT in places.
JIJGGING : Hudder-post' how piece (I), oars, Oal' holes' like n" /, 8/, 5. Very rouah l'udJer.
One additional pair of holes thruual' rail, just hack of last pair of rowers (from
stern), one si milar hole on left side opposite second pair of rowe1·s, and one on left
side opposite rudJer-posl. Two small holes in middle beam, one hack of white
middle block and the other half way between that and rudder-post.
CnEw : In bow, two holes close together one in front of the other ( oo) on left side,
containinG ends of pegs. Another hole(?) on right siJc. Ten rowers, five on each
side, like no 6845 but smaller. Pea-hole, in stern, left side for helmsman. Standing
figure, feet together, left arm hanginG ( ?) , right extended (?), short skil'l : may be
the lookout.
CoLORING : Like JJ 4 84 5; but the black marks on the deck arc wanting entirely. One
4847. Model of a ship for the dead. Name of~~(?).- Wood.- Length
o m. 57 5 mill., width o m. tIt cent., _height amidships o m. to cent.
- Meir (pl. IX ).
HuLL : Similar to no /,8 I I (fig. J3 2 ) . Deck hollowed only in ·the middle. Bottom flat
from end to end.
HtG GING : Two rudder- posts, hawks' heads , like no ItS 1 1 (tl. Hest for rudders, cross-
piece extending beyond sides of ship.
c D
FuRNITURE : Four holes in which stood originally the posts of a canopy (d) (2l. Under
the canopy a small rectangular collin (f) !3 l. Sec fig. 133.
Left side.
s t A~~
- - ~ a::-:J 0 ~
~ ,Z' ,..,_,.
~~ ~~
...:::> =.
* ~f~
If ~ --
(t ) Do not seem to belong to this hoat.
<•> Canopy al present on boat, does not belong ; posts (seen' 484 8) too small for holes; roof ( see n' 4849)
too small.
<>l Possibly, coffin dues not belong to this boat.
,. · ..
lught s1de: ~ .....!.... ~st-·~t)
""!L • ~
""!L ..... 0
r~ ·
I I L::.l
~!> ~!> ~!>
. ...
..---. ~
~ ~
CREW: There are peg holes for nine figures (fig. t33 ): helmsman(g), lookout(h),
;:md seven Ifersons around the coffin ( i). There a1·e at present six figures standing
around the coffin, fastened arbitrarily with small nails. These figures are of different
sizes but all standing, feet together, with short skirt. Two of them have right arm
raised, hand open, left arm hanging, hand closed. Of the others, three have one
whole arm apiece, two lefts and one right, arm raised, hand closed and pierced.
The sixth fignr•' has no arms (ll.
Coi.Oillt>G : Hull, light green. Stem and bow posts, greenish blue. Deck, white with
red stripes (fig. 1 36 ). Rudder rest, green ish blue. Rudder-post : below, red; eight
sided part, white (traces). Hawk's head like ll llSt 1. Fiuures, red, white and
black as usnal, black side beard. Collin, yello·w with black lines and black signs.
ttl The lir~t lwo ligures ma y belong to Loat, may ha,·e stood about the coffin. One of the others may hare
been lookoul.
TwtNtQU E: llull , of one piece. Bow and stem-posts , each of se par<1te piece fastened on
with pegs (fig. t32, section A- B). 1\udder-rest, coffin, all the figures ,
fastened with pegs. 1\ndder-posts, posts of canopy, rest in holes. Covered
witlt plaster and painted. Arms of figures, p~'g ged 011.
PnESEilVATJON : Plas ter scaled otT.
lllBL. : JouT71al d'c11tree du Musee, u• 3o52G.
Usual form, painte1l with red, green, black and white stripes. See fig. 1 3 5.
Simple board , with front end rounded ofT (fig. 1 3 6) and with a cross piece
fastened by three pegs to under side of front end. Upper side, greenish
blue with the picture of a leopard skin , white with black spots and outlines. Fig. ' 35 ·
All the rest, white. Two holes in back end for posts and two in the projecting ends
of cross piece in front. Half of cross piece, split ofT.
4850. Sarcophagus from the model of a ship( 3J.-,Vood. -Length om. I3 cent.,
width om. o 58 mill. : height om. ol17 rnill.-Meir , 1893.
OJ See n• 6867.
I•J In original drawi ng, tail of leopard-skin is on skin not beside it.
(>J Fastened witt. nails to n• 68& 1.
night side: + _:_~~=~~t)=~~::¥:onr~~~t (!)~(l).
,0\,.., ;,
Front end : ~· ) ,_ , Back end :
Originall y fastened Oll by two pegs side by side in middle of underside.
Hawks fastened on with pegs; feet and tails, of plaster. All except bottom of coffin,
covered with plastet· and painted.
Pnt:sEn\'ATJON : Plaster scaled off of ends in places.
4851. Model of a ship for the dead. - ~Vood.- Length o m. 845 milL, width
o m. t8 cent. , l1eig·ht amidships o m. 1 o cent. - Meir , t 893 (pl. X).
Fir,. t3 8. - Profile.
lluLI. : In form somethiu H like n" lt8ltj but longer and more graceful (fig. t 38).
(IJ Possihl y lhe same p c r~on who is named on !he slalue u• 1• 5g.
Print in plaster on stern in4licates sl ight difrerence in for·m of stern (a nti Low?) post
(fit;· 1 :~ 9). Deck hollowed out like n" /186 7. Bottom . 1\at from end t~ end liken" 48ft 7.
HlGGIIiG : No mast. 1\ro rndder-post s, like n" /d) 1 t (fiu. 1 /r o). Hest for rudders, now
g-o ne (c).
FuRNITURE : ·Canopy supported Ly fout· posts ( d) (IJ. Posts, like n" 484 8. Under th e
canopy, four hol es fo1· fastening sma ll coffin(?) (s) (2 l.
CnEw : PeG holes for helmsman (h) and look out (I). Abont th e coflin, peg hol es for six
figures (3 l. In front of canopy, fa cinG in, nine sittinG ( S<Jnatting) fig-ures (k) with the
arms wrapped up in long garment, th e right side of which overlaps tire left side
(fia. , t,, ).
CoLORING: Hull, green; tips of bow and stern, blue. On each side ofbow anzu_lal, eye;
blue eyebrows and cosmetic stripes, black eyelashes and iris , white white of eye, on
yellow background (fig. t l12 ). Blue, red, green, yellow stripes, along top of sides
Fig. t44.
Fig. 143. - Color plan. Base of rudder-post.
(fig-. 1l1 2 ). Deck, white with red bars (fig. 16 3). From trace of color, the stern post
appears to hav e been yellow (b). nudder-post, like n° 48lt7 but with black horizontal
marks on square part (fig. 1 lJ 4). Post of canopy, like n" 484 8. Roof, on top, white
mid(He ground and yellow bol"(ler; edges, yellow; unde~·side, cream color. Figures,
red skiQ, black hait· pat·ls (no beard), white garments, white of eye white.
TEcnNit~UE : llull, out of one piece. llow and stern posts, rudder-res!, collin, all the
figures, fastened with pegs; the rudde1·-rest with two, the coffin with four pegs, the
others 11 ith one apiece. The rudder-posts rest in holes which pass entirely through
the boat, and are cut ofT slanting even with side of boat. The posts of canopy rest
below in holes in deck, above in holes in roof. The whole, covered with layer of
plaster and painted.
PRESERVATION : Tips of bow and stern togethe1· with how and stern posts broken off.
Plaster, almost perfect! y pres erred.
BIBL. : Jow·nal d'entree du llfusee, n• 3o5lw.
4852. Four figures from the model of a ship (ll.- \Vood. -No 1 height o m.
1 t5 mill.; no 2 height 0 m. 1 2 cent.; ll 3 height 0 m. 1 2 5 mill.; no 4
Standing, with feet together. Sho1·t white ski1·t. Bed skin. Black hair parts. White
white of eye. Black iris. No• 1 and 2 are somewhat thicker. No 1, right arm hanging,
left slight! y extended, both hands closed, the left one pierced. No 2, right arm
hanging, hand closed and pierced, right arm, wanting. N" 3, right arm raised,
hand closed and pierced, left arm raised and broken ofT close to shoulder. ]\'o !1 ,
hoth arms wanting. Arms fastene<l with pegs. Cracks filled with plaster. Painted.
Fastened originally by peg to deck; peg hole in right foot. No 4, feet broken ofT.
4853. Two figures from the model of a ship( 2l . - \Vood.- No 1, height om.
1 1 cent.; no 2, height o m. 1 1 5 mill.
Standing, feet together. White skirt with black outlines (fig. 1 4 5 ). Re<l
skin, black !wit· parts and iris; black lines, marking oil" the toes; white
white of eye. No 1, has both arms raised, hands closed. No 2, has left arm
slightly extended and broken ofT close to shoulder; right arm wanting.
Houghly made, nose and mouth not indicated. Narrow slit, sawed out
Fig. 1G S. hetween feet. Cracks filled with plasln.
Painted. Arms , pegr,ed on.
diauo nnll y oye1· left shoulde1·. Bald head, with bla ck (lots. Bed skin , black hair parts,
hlack iris, while white of eye. Ears built np with red pla ster. Am1s, pegged on.
Cracks filled with pla ster. Painted. Originally fnstened by peg to deck. Peg hole in
fool. Front of legs with feet, split oiL
Lonu "bite wrappinus with indenled collar ( fiu. 't. 7 ). Yellowish skin.
Blue wig, hair-corners in front of cars and short chin heard. Black
eyebrows, eyelashes, cosmetic stripes and iris. White, white of eye.
Features, well cut. Blue color, granular. White of wrappings, plas-
ter. Plaster scaled off in places. Hole in back, plugged with wood.
lliBL.: JouT'IIal d'entree du Musee , n" ~o63t.
White wrappings. Greenish blue wig (stained dark). J\o hair corners
in front of ears. Wig falls in three plaits, one nai'I'OW one over each
shoulder and a broad one down the hack. Ears exposed. Skin, yellow.
Eyebrows and cosmetic stripes, blue. Eyelashes and iris, black.
White of eye, white. Corners of eye, red. Chin heard, broken ofl'.
Fig. 168. OllNAMENTATION : Large necklace (fig. 1 L. 8 ).
!NscmrTION : One \'ertical line down the f1·ont, large signs in ink.
TECHNIQUE: Features, well cut. Beard, pegged on. Body covered with thin coal of
plaster. Blue, granular.
P!lESEilVATION : Plaster and coloring on wig, scaled off in places.
B1BL.: Jourual d'entree rlu lllusee, n• 3o5tll.
Similar to n" l185 7; hut eyebrows and cosmetic stripes are black. Skin, a bright yellow.
No ret! in corn ers of eyes. Several bits of linPn stick to the right side. No heard.
0R:"HIENTHIO:i : None.
INSCIIIPTIO:'i: One vertical line down the front , larae signs in ink : (~)
TEcHNIQUE : Piece set into left side of face and another set into right shoulder. White
is plaster. The blue and the yellow, granular.
PRESERVATION : Right plait of wig, piece split ofT. Plaster scaleJ ofT.
BIBL. : Jozmzal d'eutrce clu Afusee, n• 3o5t7.
4859. Model of a ship. -'Vood. -Length om. 485 mill., width om. 19 cent.,
height amidships o m. og5 mill. - ~leir (pl. X).
A--- - -- o E---------
c D E F
HuLL: Broad, bellying boat with flat bottom (fig. 1l19). Deck hollowed slightly from end
to end. Forkrd stern with peg for fastening rudder (fig. 1 5o).
H1G GING : llole for rudJer-post(?) (h, fig. 1 S 1). No trace of mast.
FuRNITURE : IloiPs fol' ca nop y posts (d) and one also for coffin (?) ot· throne (?) ( k).
CnEw : Thet·e are si\ holes which may lwve serre(l for fa stening ~gures (c). Some of
the boles in I he bow must also laave been for fastening one or more figure s ( f). In
addition there is at (g) a small lump of pla ster with which a steersman ma y have
been fa stened.
CoLORI:'i G : Bottom, ween ish blue. Deck, white with red bars and stx bla ck spots
along th e rail ( i ).
TEcDNIQUE : Front part of deck ami tip of bow se t on with pegs. At l the pegs are still
in place , inclined toward s each other. A piece is also set in each side of the bow,
fasten ed wiih pegs, that on the left side is gone. Covered with coat of plaster
and painted.
PRESERVATION Splits m bow and stern. Plaster almost entirely gone from bottom.
4860. Model of a ship of the sun (tl. \Vood.- Len g'llt o m. 86 cent., widtlt
HuLL : On one end ( bow ), elaborate post, rectangular below, round above. Post on
other end, now wanting (fig. 1 52). Deck, slightly hollowed from end to end. Rail.
rounded. llollom fiat, from c to d; beyond c and d, narrow flat keel (section A-B).
In the bottom are four peg-holes for fa stening the ship on somethin g.
(l) This ship was riggt:!d out in th e Museum as sailing vessel with rowers. The missing stern post was replaced
by a past from a ship of tbe dead, fastened an with plaster. A hole was bored between th e boles g and a
mast from a sailing boat fastened in with plaster. Holes were bored through the rail, six on right and
seven on th e left and oa rs tied on. Two posts from th e ca nopy of a ship were fastened with plaster in the
holes k; holes were bored in these posts, short sticks inserted and two rudders from a ship of the dead
tied on. Crew of eleven ligures (four helmsmen, two ligures sitting on chairs, etc.), from sailing boats
were fa stened an with glu ~. Th e peg !.ales in th e deck not covered hy these ftgures were tilled with plaster
and smoothed otT.
FuRNITURE : The position and th e number of the objects are indicated Ly nineteen
peg-boles and two slots ( k) ami Ly black lines drawn on tltc deck (flu. •53). The
pairs e, f, g fastened each one object. Th e group It contained one or more objects.
I:e ·• h •
The hol e j does not seem to belong to ft . The gt·oup m held one piece of wood (on
which may have been several objects) as is shown hy the print on the deck. On the
top of the post o, eleven peg holrs with ends of pegs , showing position of a numhcr
of s m;~ll objects (fir;. 1 51!). At '1 , may have hcen a small hawk whose tail has left
Fig. 1SS.
Fig. 1Sit.- Top of bow-post. Hole in edge of bow-post. Firr. t56. - nail.
the rcdanrrular mark in the center. At the base of the round part of bow-post,
there are curving holes entering and coming out in the same surface: one in front,
one behind and two on each side ( s, fig. 1 57). The two upper edges of the rectan-
r;nlar part of the post arc pierced hy twelve slanting holes in each edge (fig. •57, t).
Some of the holes s and t, contain small pieces of twine (antique) (fig. t 55).
CoLomNr. : The bottom is green, the ends beinr; white bounded each
by a green and a yellow vertical band with red outlines. The rail
is yellow, crossed by curving diag-onal red lin es . Between rail
and arcen of bottom is a narrow red and a narrow white stripe
( fig. 1 56). The clepressed pa•·t of deck is white. The how- post
- rectangular part white, up pet· edges, yellow. The round part,
111arkcd with seventeen hands , green, white, yellow, white, green,
whitr , d e., in this orcler from below , with diagonal red marks
Fig.t57.-Bow-post. ( fig. !57)·
TEcnNIQUE : llull of one piece. Bow and stern posts set on , each with two large pegs.
The front edGes ( l) of the rectangular part of bow-post arc separate pieces fa stened
in gro oves with two pegs each (sec fig. 1 S 2, cross-section C-D). Covered with layer
of plaster and painted.
Very well prcse~·vc d hull , except for injuries ca used by attempt at
restoration , sec note 1. Strip srt in left nppcr edge of stern-post, wantinu.
and mast (d ). Five pairs of similar holes for fastening oars (1) (e) (2l. Hough wooden
bumper with a broken st1·ing-handle ( fi!J. 15~ ).
CREW : Four squatting figures (h and fig. 1 Go) with outside arm
slightly extended, inside arm raised, hands closed and pierced.
The two peg holes i may have been occupied hy similar figures.
There are also the three peg holes /, and j and three standing
figures which seem on account of color and form to belong with
the figure h. These figures have both feet together, both arms
raised (sailors), hands closed and pierced, short skirts, beards
on cheeks. In the stern, peg-hole for helmsman (I), in the bow,
Fig. 160:'--- Paddler.
peg- holes for lookout ( m) and one other ( n ). There is one
more figure which may have stood at either l or n. Figure squatting (fig. 16 1),
right arm extended, fi st closed, palm down and pierced;
long garment passing under right arm, over left arm and
shoulder and !lung diagonally across back from left to right
side; cheek beard; wrapped in a linen rag.
CoLORING : Hull, yellow like n• 4864. Deck, white with red
bars and black marks similar to n" 6 84 5 (see figure 1 58).
Figures, red skin, white garments, black hai~ parts as
usual. White of eye, white.
TEcHNIQUE : Hull, of one piece. Bow stick, and all figu1·es fas-
tened with pegs. Covered with coat of plaster and painted.
Fig. ' • PRESERVATION : One sta nding figure lacks arms. Two of the
S(lua ttin g figures lack left arm. Two squa re holes in deck made by restorer.
B1BL. : Journal d'entree du A/usee, n• 3o5t 2.
4862. Eight oars from the model of a ship (IJ.- \Vood.- Length o m. 1 7 cenl.-
o 111. 1 8 cent.
Houghly whittled. Bla ck hand around handle. One has traces of yellow on l1andle
and. blade. Sr~ fir,. 1 G2.
4863. Two oars from the model of a ship (tl __ Wood. -Length om. t85 mill..
and om. 17 cent.
Each whittled out of one piece. Painted yellow with black band around handle. Sec
fig. I 63.
Q Q:::=::===-=- ==:=:=J
4864. Rudder-post from the model of
~ a ship (2J . - \Vood.- Lengtlr o 111.
~ 2 5 cent.
4865. Two spars from the model of a ship.- Wood.- Length om. 28 cent.,
and o m. 3 o cent.
4867. Sitting figure of rower from the model of a ship ( l l . - Wood . - JlcirrhL
o 111. 3 2 cen t.
Th rre hol es ( c, fig. 1j o) for rop es. ~last-rest at b (figs. 1j o and 1 6i ) with the
rest-end on tl1e hollowed part of the deck. Holes for ,fCislening OCirs (d ) Ol hored
through the rail ( fig. 1GR).
CREW Peg-holes for helmsman (h) an1l lookout (1 ). S'luatting figure, like figure/;;'
on no IJ 8 5 1, at h, 11 ith check-beard; figul'e wrapped with a bit of linen.
Fourteen figul'es of oarsmen, like no• 1.865 and lt866, seven on each
side (fig. 1 6 9 ).
CoLORI:'iG : Hull, white with red stripe at'ound the top. Deck, white with
Fig. t GS .
Oar hole. red bars and black marks (firr. qo), similar to no !•865. Rudder-post.
like no 6866. Mast, yello1r with black lip from just below eyelets up.
Spat's , yellow with black tips; the upper one has one broad black ring
around the middle and two narrower ones on each side; the lower spa r
has three narrow rings on each side. The mast-rest is white with traces
of outer coal of yellow. Figures black , red and white with yellow stools
like on no• lt86 6 and 68 51. Fig. t 6g.
TECHNIQUE: Hull, of one piece. Mast in round hol e; rudder-post in squa 1·e Stern.
one. Mast-rest, fasten ed with peg. Figure k fastened with peg. Howers, have their
feet in holes in deck and arc fastened to the red hars h~· pegs in the bottom of the
stools. Each figure is cut out of one piece. The whole boat is covered with coal of
plaster and painted. The top of ma st wa s first painted red an1l then black. : Third rower on right, split and worn.
Bro L. : Jo1mral cfe11tree clu A/usee, u• 3o5 I9·
4870. Nine oars from models of ships ( tl. - \Vood. - Lenrrlb 1 , o m . 15 cent. ;
2, om. 17 ceut. ; 3, om. rG cent. ; 4, om . 168 mill.; 5, om.
c: : .. ::::
Fig. 1j'· - Oars.
Hudcly whittled. Four are painted yellow, t!li'Ce of which have a Llack hand around
handle. See fig. 17 1.
Cnm: Peg-hole for helm sman ( h). Deep •·cc tangular hol e for lookout (I) occupied by
a standing fi gure, fe el togetiJCr , nrms outstretched, lwnds closed with palms in,
short skirt, sl10rl wig covcrinrr ears. Twenty rowers, simila1' to those on no /•798-
LJ 8 o 1 (s tool s or blocks arc modern ). Src fig. 1 7/1.
,, J d
CoLORING : llull reJ. Deck white with red bars and black marks. Rudde1·-post red
with three black hanJs around upper part of s ~uare part. Rudder like n" lJ 8 2 2.
Figures,- red skin , black hai1· parts (side beard), white skirt, white white-of- eye .
TEcnNIQUE : Two small rec tangular pieces set into middle of left side . llow-stick, pegged
on. All fl gu,·es ( cxcrpl helmsman ) rest in reclnngular holes. The lookout has
prolongation of feel whi ch rests in hole. Mast and rudder-post also restctl in holes.
Rudd er and 1·uddcr-post covered witl1 plaster all(! painted. Fig·urcs , cracks filled
with pla stc1· and painted. A1·ms of firrm·cs pegged 011. Some flrrurc s, numbered in
black or red.
PnESERVATIO~ : Stern glued on.
Jlmt. : Jmll'ual d'cntrce du II! usee, n• 3o587 (?).
4873. Fourteen oars from model of ship.- \Vood. - Length o 111. 1 7 5 mill.-
o m. 19 5 mill.
Hud ely whiulctl. nlack band al'OU!Hl upper part of handle.
Fi~;. 175. - Oar. Sec fiu. 1 7S.
Rudely whi ttl ed. Painted ye ll ow with bla ck baud around middl e of handle.
Sirni la1· to n" /187 r , hladc large r. Painle<l yellow with black band.
4877. Oar from model of ship. - \Vo ocl. - Lcnrrth o 111. t8 cent.
Smoothly whilllcd. Painted yellow witlt broad black band around uppct· part of handle.
On front of hladc, in red, the numeral Ill· Sec firr. 17G .
Wooden body. String fastened in peg-bole with peg. Body very rudely whittled and
painted red. Sec pl. XII and fig. 1 7 7.
4879. Bumper from model of ship.- vVood.- Length om. o83 mill.
Round body with neck and sort of co nical cap to which a short string is
attached, forming a loop. Body red. Cap black. Black band around
body. String fastened in hole by a pea. Broken end of peg in hole in
bottom (a) and print around it as if th e bumper had been fastened by Fig. 17 8.
this peg to deck. Sec pl. XII and fig. '78. Buffer.
4880. Model of ship with canopy(tJ.- \Vood.- Length t m. o65 m_ill., width
o m. t56 mill., height amidships o m. o82 mill. - Meir (pl. XII).
HuLL: Similar to no lt8o 8 but more slender. Bottom flat from end to end. Sec fig. 179·
(I) N"' 488o-48g3 are from the tomb of Pepy·n·anch-kam (according to Cat. 1895 and to E. Brugsch Pasha).
HtGGING : No mast nor rudder- posts. Hough rudders (two) with pointed blades (a).
Res t for rudder ( L and fig. t So ). Broad.p<Jddl es in hand s of paddlers ( fig. tSt).
Fig. 18J.
Fig. 1 So . - fludder-rest. Section, canopy roof.
Fun:munE: Ca nopy \lith four posts and roof (fias. 182 , t83 ). Under Lite canopy, a
· low chair with hack (fig. 18 ft ).
CnEir : Helmsman (h ), sc1uatting figm·c with knees drawn up, arms hanging, bent at
elbow. hands closed , palms, in and pierced ( fiu. 185 ). Lookout (I), stnnding, left
fool advanced, left arm extended slightly hcnt, hand dosed, palm in, right arm
missing. Ten paddlers, facing how, five on each side (i), squat-
tina like fig. 18G, arms extended, the inside arm above the
outside one, hanJs closed palms in and pierced, instead of
garment, simple white hand around waist. No beard on any of
the figures.
CoLORING : Hull and deck, cream color. Hail, red. Rudders, posts of
canopy and paddles unpainted. Roof of c<Jnopy, white. Fi1~ures,
red skin, black l1air parts, white garments, white white-of-eye.
TECHNIQUE: Hull cut out of a single piece. Rest for
rudd ers am] scat fastened with two pegs each.
ll elmsman and paddlers, fastcnc(l with one peg
Fie. 186. - Steersman.
each. Posts of canopy rest hclow in holes in
deck, above pc{~- likc projection s fit in holes in Fir.. 187 .
roof. Bnck and front of roo f, have strip set on 011 underside. Lookout, Elbow - joi nt,
prolon ga ti on of each fo ot t·csts in hole in deck. Arms of fiunre s,
fnstcncd with one P ~'G in each nrm. The nl'lns of slccrsm:m nrc of two pieces cnch,
joined at elbow hy pcu (fiu. 187 ). The handles of pnddlcs arc inserted in the holes
in lists of paddlers. Figures covered wilh plustcr a11<l painted. Pnddlcrs lr ure the
space between the lc1rs sa wed oul (fit;. 188) und urc numbcr·ed in bla ck
ink, those on lefl beint; mnrked ~ nrrd those on rightiJCins marked x.
Whit e, pla ster laid on and roughly smeared with some su bstance pos-
si bly white of egg.
Fi1:· 1S8.
PnESERYATION: Blades of fi\'e paddles and OtiC whole paddl e wan tina: one othet·
Section legs
broken and glued. Lefl ann of lookotrt uone and white much sca lecl ofl'. of paddler.
llrsL. : Journal d'enlree du Musee, n• 30799· Catalogue, 1 8 ~)5 , n· 1 35g.
4881. Model of ship' with canopy Pl.- \Vood.- Length om. So cent., width
o m. 1 lt5 mill., heiuht amidships o m. oG5 mill. - Meir (pl. XIII).
Hull, rigginG , furniture, c1·ew, colo1·ing nnd technique, like n• 6 88o, except in size
and number· of J>a(ldlcrs. Eiglrl pnddle1·s. Legs nol separated as on
n• 6 8 8 o. The riah l arm of lookout is preserved, is extended and
holds Lire end of a stick in the hand (fir,. 18g). Scat lr cl(l by one
peu instead of two.
Fiu. , s 9.
Hand of lookout.
PRESERVATIO N : Piece broken or worn out of rail ncar· bow, lefl side.
Handles of five paddles preserved.
llinL.: Jourual d'eutrce d~t Jl!tlst:e, n• 3o8oo. Cat., 18g S, u• 135g.
c 0
1\--------- -- .. --- ...~.--~- -~-- ---- -------- ----- - -.--- _s
Fig. 190. - Profile and three sections.
HuLL: Broad flal boat with Low and stern square cul. Stern has small projection (fig. 1 90)
(I) See n• laSSo, uolc.
5ll CAT A L 0 GUE D U M US I~ E D U CAIll E.
on each ~id e as rnddPr-rPsl. Iloilo wed from enrllo end (section A-ll). Three seals (e),
broad and curvinrr.
RIGGING : A two-legged ma st (.(and fig. I ~ I) pierced hy a num her 0 r holes through the
top, two throu gh from front to Lack (g), one from side to side (b), the rest through
Fi:r. 192. -- nutlder-posts.
the hack edues. In the first seal from stern two slanting posts (I) with slot in head
( fig. 1 ~ 2 ). In t!te Low, side of boat is pierced Ly hole on each side (I, fig. 1 9 3 ).
In stern five small holes through outer edge of rail, for ropes ( m ) .
• CoLORING : None.
II TEcnNIQUE : Hull, cut out of one piece, finished smoolhly with sharp
straight edges. Seals bent and sprung into slots in side of boat.
Ends of mast and posts, aftei' passing through holes in seals, rest
in shallow holes in boat. Ends of posts Oattenetl on side next wall
<1f hoat (fig. 1 9 !1 ). Double mast of two pieces (sec filj. 1 9 1) held
Fig. 194. together hy two pegs ( n) and hy len small cross pieces nem· top.
Base of ma ~ l . PnESEilVATION : Stern slightly and how hadly split open.
BmL. : Joul'llal cl'eutree du Musce, n• 3o8o 1.
in stcn d of fiv e ( fi rr. • g5 ). Piece of small strin rr around rieht lea of mast, between
the cross pieces; other pieces in the holes above.
1\.not hol e kn ocked ont of hotlom an<l nnolhl'I" cut
4884. Model of a sai_ling boat of type I (tJ . - \Vood.- Length o nt. 6 t 3 mill.,
widlh o m. 12 5 mill. - Mcil'.
Except for t•·ifling details, like no !188 2. Six •·ope holes in stern
like 1\ /1883. Bit of strin rr (s:-~ il rope) on one side, knotted in
4885. Double legged mast from the model of a boat (2l. - \Vood. - Height
o m. 3 55 mill. - Meil'.
Like the mast on 11° LJ882 , but with five holes on one cdrre above and six on the other.
Bits of string arc still in the holes on edge (fig. t 9 7) :-~ncl four pieces are tied
around one leg between cross pieces (fig. 1 98 ). A small piece of larger coarset·
strinG is wedged in between top cross piece and top. The ropes are not knotted but
the end is simp! y looped around the main thread and twisted under; in the case of
fig. 197 the end is <Jiso stuffed in the hole. Th e main thread is in every case pulled
down s tr:-~ight as if it had been fasten ed to something below.
PRESEfiVATION : nirrht lea broken ofT close to CI"OSS pieces.
4886. Model of a sailing boat of type I with canopy (IJ. - \Vood. - Length
o m. 44 5 mill., width o m. t 46 mill. - Meir ( pl. XIV).
II ULL : Very much like n" /1 8 8 2 , hut with a rail projecting beyond side of boat and
running out much beyond the stern (fig. t 99). The lateral projection (beyond the
sides) is greate1· towards the stern. The deck consists of a si ngle board (fig. t 9 9,
section C-D) set in flush with sides of boat (rail rising above) and projects beyond
the stern as far as the rail (fig. t 9 9, section A- B, h). The two projecting ends of
rail at stern are connected hy stick laid across th e top (c).
RIGGING: Just hack of second canopy posts (from how), a pair of holes, one on each
g e ·-r g g •e
side , nrc cut in deck as if to admit ends of double !caged mast (f, fig. !.1 o o). There
are besides at the stem a pair of holes (hit of strinG in one) in rail ( i), a pair in
deck (j) , and a pair in bow (k).
CnEw: None.
FL'nrmung : Lonu frame- work of a canopy, snpportetl oriuinall y by five posts on each
sitle ( fi a. t ~ ~), on which rests a long hoard or beam on each side and five curving
bea ms ( flu. ~ o 1) one connectinu cacl1 pai1· of posts. Sec also hol es i, j. 1.- and hole
in cross- piece of stern ( I).
CoLOnll'iG : No ne.
TwJNIQUE : Bottom and rail cut out of one piece. Deck, of a si ngle hoard set in an d held
by four slantina peus (e). Th e posts of the ca nopy •·est below in eiaht holes (G) in
sides of boat and in two holes (o nl y one of whi ch is preserv ed) (It ) in cross piece on
stern . Above, the end s of the post pass through hol es throu ~: h side beams into holes
in th e cross- pieces ( fl u. 2 o 2 ) . Th e cross- piece in stern is bound on with string
which pa sses through two holes in cross- piece and ou e in rail ( Gg. 2o3 ). In the
case of second cross-piece of ca uopy ( f1·om how ) tlJC posts are not opposite and the
cross-piece is co nnected by peg rcstina in separate hol e in side beam. ·
PnEsEnvATION : Three cross-pieces, three posts and back end of right side beam gone
from canopy. Two thirds of cross-piece in stern, broken off. Deck in stern and the
bow, split open.
BJnL. : Joumal rl'entree du .ilfusee, n• :lo8o/1. Cat. , t8g5, n• t 35g.
4887. Model of a ship with mast (type I)(ll . - \Vood. - Length om. lt7 5 mill.,
c width o m. tlt5 mill.- ~Ieil' (pl. XIV ).
HuLL: Similar to n• lt886, but with rounded stern and bow and round ed bottom. Rail
docs not project beyond the sides exept at stern. No deck. Three seals ( fig. 2 o lt, a).
(r) Seen' 48 8o, note.
Catal. du Mruie, n• 4798.
Jlollowcd from stL• ru to within o m. 1 1 cent., of Low. Rail runs forward only as
far as hollow parl ( !J ). Aft, the project in a ends of rail are connected by two cross-
pieces (c); and these cross- pieces :1rc join ed and connected with tip of stern hy a
bent stick ( cl bow) ( fia. ~w S. d).
HtGGING : Tapc1·in1: ma st llatlrll('(l tow : mls lop, square an1l pointed below, in fi1·st seat
from bow. Tip of mast penetrated by two !Joles from front
to back an1l scvcnlN'n from side to side (fig. ~w II). In first
sen t from stPrn, a llat post, with round lop, pe1.foratcd Ly a
lnrr,c hole ( lig. 207). One small vertical hole throua!J tip of
0 0
0 0 how (f).
0 FunNITUnE ANn cm:w : No trace.
0 CoLORING : None.
TEcUNIQUE : Post nnd masl pass throut;l• boles in scats and rest
iu shallow depressions in bottom. llull cul out of single piece.
4888. Model of ship with mast(Jl. - " 'oocl. - LcB[jLh o m. 676 mill., width
o m. 13 ccnl. - Mcir (pl. XV).
llur.r. : Like ll !1887 except there is no rnise1l project ing rail an<l therefore no
frame-work nhout stcru, and that the so lid parl at IIJC how is cut out leaviurr a
surface about o m. o o /1 mill. , lower that top of side but o m. o 1 3 mill., higher
than hollom, in middle.
H! G(:I~ G : Like 11 ° l1887, with th e addition of eight holes in stem for ropes (firr. 2 09).
Only eleven holes from side to side and two from front to back, in lop of mast. Bit
of strinu throurrh one hole. Throurrh middle hole in stern, a hit of strinrr is looped
and the ends bound with another bit of string (fig·. 2 1 o).
Fun~JTURE, cnEw, cotom~G: Liken· 488j, none.
TECIIi'iiQUE: Seals sprung in like no 4882 ( 4887)· Mast and post like ll
PnESERVATION: Slightly split , stem and bow.
BtnL. : Journal d'entree du Musl:e, n• 3o8o6. Cat., 18gS, u· t 35g.
4889. Spar from model of a ship {tJ.- \Vood. - Length om. 3 1 cent.- Meir.
Whittled. Thicker in middle, taperinG' at ends.
4890. Spar with remnant of sail from model of ship (ll. - \Vood. - Length
o m. 3o8 mill.- ~Ieir (pl. XXVJJI).
Thicke1· in middle, tape1·ing towards the ends. Hourrhly whiuled. The edge of sail is
bound by rolling the cloth and binding with over and over stitch with heavy thread.
This is the edrre next to spar. The sail is then bound to spar by string which passes
around the spar and throurrh the sail over and over, like the binding stitch. At the
end this strinG' is tied to another strinu which is wt·apped seven times, binding
corner of sa il fast to spar. The string fastening sail to spar is strengthened along
the middle by another string tied on.
4892. Spar from the model of a ship (ll _ - \Vood. - Length o m. 3 7 cent. -
~leir (pl. XXVIII).
~ Like no l18g 1 but larger. Bound with a strinrr (by which the
sail was fastened) woven in a runnin g rei\'e along the back
Fig. ~ 1 ~- - Spar.
with loops at narrow intervals. At the tips, th e strinrr is
broken ofT. Arou nd one arm neat· end a hit of stri n1r of lighter color is tied (knot
modern ?). Sec fig. ~ 1 2.
Fi!j. 2 1 lJ .
Crooked, tapering. Flattened al the top; sc1uare at bollom. Four holes in
Ma>l-tip. top; black and wl•il e rinrrs around the top. See fig. 216 .
4895. Six oars from the model of a ship.- \Vood. -Length o m. t8 cenl.-
o m. 19 cent.- ~Ieir( 3 J (pl. XXVII).
Shaped similar to 11° b87 1. llandl e, yellow with broad black band nround the middle;
hlad e white; a black band and two black mark s one on each face al juncture of
handle ;11HI hlade. Sec firr. ~ r 5.
11) Sec n• f1 88o , nol~.
<•> Ilclonr:s with th e 1\leir ohj .. cls lJcarinr, numbers '•798-!1 87~1, not with fl88o-f•S!J3. Same is lruc of th e
following numbers, 48!J!.i-lago8.
C>l Sec n• ft S!) /1.
4896. Piece from the bow or the stern of a ship. - \Vood . - Hcighl o m.
1 8 cent. - ~J c ir (tJ .
One side flat, the rest round ( fi ff. 2 1 G). Fl at disc 011 top . Pai nted yell ow with white,
bla ck and red stripes , and black and red t·oselle on top of di sc . Covered with thin
Fig. ~16 .- Stern -post. Fig. ~ 17· - lloselle.
coat of plaster and painted. Lower part smeared with plaster when it was fastened
by restorer ton" a86o. See fig. 217.
4897. Box-like object from the model of a ship of the sun.- Wood. -Height
o m. o6 cent.-- Meir(ll.
4898. Box-like object from the model of a ship of the sun.- \Vood.- Height
o m. o52 mill.- Meir('l.
Liken" a897. Originally painted white with red stripes, now only traces left.
\\"hite garment crossing orer left sl10ulder and under right ar m, co,·erin r;
the feet. Hight arm c:dended, broken ofT close to should er. \Hitc ring
aronnd lop of head. \Y ig. ryelashes, eyehrows, side beard, iris, black.
White of ··~·e. 11hite. Skin. red. \'cry rou tjhly cnt; features only painted
on. White is of pl aster. Cracks filled "ith plaster an d painted. Ri ght
Fig. BO. arm fastened on with plaster. Perrged to deck. See II g. :~ 2 o.
4903. Squatting figure from model of ship. - \Yood.- Heigh t o 111. 07 G mill.
- \l eir(•l.
Like n• 6 8 51. fig ure 1 112. !I ns however black cheek bea rd . Small hole 111 breast
\accidental f). White al most e ntire!~· go ne.
4904. Squatting figure from model of ship. - \Yood.- Height o m. og5 mill.
- )Jcir (' 1•
Like n• [, 85 1. tluure 1'' 2 . Colors. rubbed.
4905. Figure sitting on a low stool from model of a ship. - \Vood.- Height
o m. 1 1 cent. - Jl cir(ll_
Similar to n• /18o2 figure :19. C.arnwnt thrown nrross in front f1·orn the
right. edge being marked by incised line. _Low hlocL of one piece
Fir,. ~n with figure: the edges nnd one vertical stripe in middle of each
face are red, painted over with black. Sec fig. !122.
(l Seen· bSg'•·
4906. Figure sitting on a s tool from the mode l of a ship . - \V ood. - ll eig-ltl
o 111. 1 15 mill. - ~ l eirl 1 l.
Si r11i lar ton" ft8o2 fit;nrc 2~) ;trHito n" ft!)Ofl. Eat·s, 1;x posed. Gnrmenl
like n• lt90f), e d 1~e (rolled or lteutmed) mnrkcd l,y Lwo incised lines.
Feel uncovered, aud separated. Piece sawed oot iJctween feel. Stool ,
red. Houuh wo rk. Sec fiu. 2 2 :L
across und erside at the ha ck. White is of pl aster. Cracks fi lled with pl as ter , and
pain ted. Sec fi rr. 22ft.
4908. Rudder from model of ship. - vVoou. - Lena til o m. /, Gc., lenrrth hlad e
o m. 1 5 cent. - Mcir (IJ ( pl. XXV ).
II ULL : Deep , wi th short stern a trifle higher tlwn Low (!irr. 2 2 G). Tip of stern, has a
(IJ Sec n• 689~.
6fJ C:\ TA L 0 G UE D U l\1 USE E D U C A 1BE.
block on top. Bow has projectin rr stick like no 6 7 9 8. Deck hollowed like no l186 5.
Bottom tlattened a-b; heyo n<l rounded. Tip of stern hollowed in the middle as rest
fo r rudder ( fig. ~ 2 7 ).
HIGG II'iG: Budd er-post (c ). Mas t rest (<1 ) similar to 11° 6836, in the mast hol e. Six
holes through edge of ra il on the ri ght sid e and seven on the left (e) . Five of these
mu st he fo•· fasten ing the oars. A hole throuul• each side of stern (f). Rudd er-post
like that on no 6 79 8 but no groove on lop.
CnEw : Steersman (g) squ all ina fl rrure, "hite aarmenl passing over left should er and
und er right arm (fi g. 2 2 8) ; right arm bent , fore-arm resting against knee. Lookout (It)
standin g left fool arhan ced, left arm resting on hreast, right arm hanging slightly
extend Pd hand closed and pierced (fl u. 2 2 9 ). Short white skirt , short wig. Ten
rowers fiv e on each side (i ), sittin g on red bars , short skirt , short wig, hand s on
knees (fi g. 2 3 o).
CoLORI NG : llull , red. Deck , white with red bars and l1la ck marks (see figure 2 3 ' ).
The lurge black marks along the rail and on tip of bow ex tend over on to side of
hoal, outside. Rudder-post, red. Mast rest , white with red Land around ba se . Figures ,
black hai r- parts and iris; white garments ; white white-of-eye; brown skin.
TECII NIQUE : II ull '· of one piece . Budder- post and mast- rest in serted in square holes.
Steersman, fa stened wi th peg. Lookout , ends of leas (no feet) rest in holes. Bowers ,
fee t rest in holes, fastened 0 11 with plas ter. llull, covered with plas ter and painted.
Each fir, ure is of one piece, except the lookout which seems to have the riuht
arm fa stened 011.
PnES ERVATION: Ti p of bow and left side slightl y damancrl.
BrnL.: Journal cl'cnln5c du A/usee, n• :l13 lr7 . Cal., r8g5, n • 1 :l7 :l a.
11t GG I ~G:
Like nol19 o g. Five hol 1·s thronuh rail 0 11 left side'' ith ~ trinrrs tied through th em
(fig. 232), and six, U\'e of which have stt·in rrs. through th e rit;ht rail ( lia. 23!1, m).
Pai•· in stern like n" 4 9 o 9 ( li1;. 2:1 !1. " ).
FURNITURE : Cabin, a curved roof with closed aahle behind , supported on each side by
four ports (iig. 2 3 3) joined tosether hy two pieces running lensthwi se. Just Lack
of mast rest a small black conical object on a flat block ( c and fi 1~· 235 ). In front
of mast rest a rectangular block (d) on top of which something was once fastened
with plaster. The lookout carries in right hand a bumper (fig. 236) in the upper
end of whi ch a string is fastened.
CnEw: Helmsman (f) like no bgog, short wig. Jn cabin, siLting figure (g) body and
arms covered with white garment, short wig covering ears (fig. 237 ). In front of
canopy, one sitting figure on each side (b) facing bow similar tog' except without
wig, ears exposed. Three figures just back of mast-rest ( i) the middle one small er.
The sma ll one faces forward, the other two look in towards mast- rest; standing,
Catal. du Mu!ee, n• 4798. 9
fe et and legs separated, arms !Jcnt, hanrls joincll just above waist (fit~· 238); shor t
white skirt; the small one has a wig, ears covered; the other two arc
without wigs. The fed arc painted on the deck. Lookout, standing figure,
similar lo fig. 2 38 cHcpt arms hanging, left hand open palm in, right
hand closed and pierced (j). Total crew, l'ight.
CowntNG : llull, yellow. Deck, white with yellow bars anrl black marks
( fig. 2 3 6 ). The continuation of middle beam in stern and the how stick,
red. Budder·- post, red. ~last rest, white; on the base and on the deck
in front, the mast shoe (k) is painted in rerl with four black marks
(fiG. 239)· The cnhin, in side white; outside, yellow back-rrround with
Fig. 23 8.
red, white and black pall ern (fig. 2 !10 ). The posts at·c yellow with black
marks where they cross (ll . The fiGures ha\'C white garments, black
hair-parts , red skin, black ir·is, white white-of-eye. The object cis black; the upper
surface of hlock is white; the sides nn lural color of wood. The other block is white.
The bumper is white with hlack spots.
Fig. 23!).- Colored Fig. 24o. - Roof of canopy. Fig. 241. - Bond of cabin-frame.
'represe ntation of masl-shoe.
TEcHNIQUE : Ilull, of one piece including how stick. Budder-post, and mast-rest,
inserted in square holes. Ends of cabin - posts inserted in holes in deck and in edge
of roof; th e upper stick running lengthwise is hound to the end posts where they
cr·oss with string. The string is passed nround horizontal har on each side nnrl back
of po st and is final! y wrapped arou nrl bel ween bar· and post (fig. 2 !1 1 ) . The lower·
stick is fastener! to posts and to deck at base of posts with plaster; the closed rrahlc
behind is al so fa stenPd with plnster to the rudder-post. The steersman j and the
two firrures /, , al so the }Jiock d ure fastener! with n sinrrle peg each. The ligure [J is
fastened with pla ster·, also the block 1·. The folll' standing figures lwre ends of legs
stuck in holes in deck ;md the feet painted on deck. The arms of lookout, alone,
arc separate pieces pegged on. The huck end of rrahle of cabin is separate piece set
in, fa stener! with pegs (? or plaster· alone ). Covered with thin cout of plaster
and painted.
PnESEIIVATI0:-1 : Split ut how. One post of cabin, gone.
BrnL. : Jountal d'cntrce du Mu sce , u• 3t 3 hB. Cat. , t8()5, n• 1373 n.
Ill The hars are actuall y ti ed with >trinr; at these poinl s, sec teclmi(IUe.
e e
e [GJ 03
e e
preserved, the lowet· end being in the ft st of hclmsmnn. The rudder- rest ( c and
ftg. 2 4 4) has two notches and four holes, two on each side, for holding the rudders.
A string pnsses through each pnir of holes nnd over the rudders. Ench figure holds
in its hnnds nn oar ( ftg. 2 4 5); six holes (c) for the strings which set'\•cd as oar locks.
Fig. 2uf>. - Oa r. Fig. 2lJ6. - Rower.
FunNtTURE :Canopy like no 48o8 (f). Under the canopy a chair similar to no 48o8, with
high back (g and fia. 2lt8), peg hol e in scat.
CnEw : Steersman (h) similnr to 4 8oS p. In chnir, oriainally a sitting figlll'e (?). Six:
oarsmen (i) sitting; nt·ms bent at elbows, fists closed pnlms down, pierced; fncing
stern (fiG· 266 ); shot·t skirt;" short hlack wig covering cars ; legs from knees down
not represented. Lookout (j) like figure q' on no 4 8 o 8, except the right hand is
closed and the left open. Totnl crew eight (originally nine?).
CoLORING : Body of ship, hull and deck, white. The bow and the stern, yellow with
black beveled edges ( fia. 2 4 2 ) . Rudder- posts, yellow. Rudders, traces of yellow.
Canopy, yellow; tl1 e posts with three black rin gs each like on n" /18o8; th e r·oof with
whit e, bb ck nnd red l'ertical ha1·s ncross front (fl u. 267).
~ /:;) Til e chair is yellow witl1 white edues (fiu. 268). Oars,
~ yellow. Figures like those of n• 48o8 (I).
TEcHNIQUE : Ilull , of one pi ece. C:mopy, like n" 48o8.
Fi[;. ~47.- Edge of ca nopy roo f.
Budd er-posts, in l10les. Rudder-rest held by peg. Each
fig ure faste ned to deck by sin gle peG exce pt the lookout whi ch stands with each foot
in hole in deck. Th e al'lu s of all th e fi gures fas tene1l on at sh oulder eacl1 with one
peg. The forea rms of rowers arc join ed to elbow with tongu e and slot, held by
the pl asle•· (fi g. 269). The kn ees of rowers, a separate block joined to leas at
bottom of skirt with I wo pegs ( fi iJ. 2 5o). Sent fas tened wit I• one peg. Figures of
rowers on right marked with black cross (T ), on left with a line (J).
PII ESERYATJo:-< : Very di1·ty. Colors damnaed. Tip of how and of stern, hroken. On e post
of canopy, right forearm of on e I'Ower, gone. Fee t of lookout b1·okcn ofT nnd glued
on (left fool docs not belong ?)
BIBL.: Jour11al d'cntrce du Mu sce, n• 288 17. Cat., t 8g5, n• 102 P>.
~ ' <
Fir:. 25 t. -
Deck plan.
Il uLL : Like n• h 7 9 8 hut ve1·y small. Deck like n• !1Sir5 hut no depression in stel'll .
R IGGING : Bound hole (fig. 2 5 1 , a) for mnsl. Single I'U(lder post ( h), like on n" lt 7 98;
hole ho red in right side uen r top not runnin g tlll·oua!J. Oars, two, one large, one
small , sma ll one li ke n" h8G3 (o ri t;in ally four oa rs). Two holes on ench sid e fo•·
fas teninG oa I'S (c).
(I) Gives provenance os Sn<II!arah 1889.
CnEw : Helmsman (d), srpwllinG, left arm bent, fi st dosed palm in and pierced,
Garme nt pa ssinu ove1· right shou lder and untlcr left arm, sho rt wiu
coverinG ca rs (fiu. 252 ). Four rowers, two on caC'h sid e sittinG at rest
facinG bow, Garmen t drawn up over shoulders ( P and fig. 2 G3); th e
back pair is smaller. Four sai lors, sid e by side, feet toGether, hands
raisctl palms in and pierced, short skirt and short wiu (f). Lookout (h-k )
stood with right foot advancPd (in !role k) (I) . Total crew len.
Cowm;-; r. : lin II , red. Deck, white with red bars and black marks (fig. 2 51). ,!~f~~::~.
nlack mark on Lip of bow exten 1ls around on the undersid e. Budd er-
post, red. F'irrures, ret! skin , black hai1·- pa•·ts, white skirt, white white-of-eye, black
iris. Oars, yellow.
TEcuNIQUE : Tip of bow and of stern, pegGed on; lines i and j mark edges
of sepa rate pieces. Bow stick , figures of helmsman, rowers and lookout
h, pem;crl on. Sailors stand in hol es in deck. Arms of sailors, right arm
or lookout /.: pegged on. Hudder post stands in hole. Covered with plaster
and painted.
Fig. 253.
PnESEilVATION : Bow damaged. Figures more or less worm-eaten; one of
Rower, al rest.
the sailor·s, leGs entirely gone.
lliBL.: .Journal cl'e11tree dull!usee, n• 25843. Cat., 18!)5, p. 26, near n" 102.
4913. Model of ship with rowers.- Wood.- Length om. 726 mill., width
om. t4 c., height middle om. 078 mill.- Saqqarah, t884 (pl. XVII).
~ C C r ,.. C
CoLORING : Hull , red. Deck, 11 hitc with reel bars and black marks similar to no u9 1 2;
no te the spindlc-sbnpcd mark s arHithe red mark ( fi g. 2 55 ) around the mast. Rudder-
post , red . Mast , traces of yellow. Figures , red skin,
black hair-parts and iris , white garments and white of
eye . Stools , yellow. Oars, yellow .
TEc li NIQUE : Base of hull of separate piece, pegged on. Uow
and stern (beyo nd lines land m) pegged on (fig. 25j )·
Rudd er-post and mast in hol es. The mast seems to
have been originall y fas tened something like the mast
of no !, j 9 9 Ol, sec mark (red) of shoe (which mu st have heen painted red ) on deck
aroun cl mas !. Helmsman , lookout and s!O<lls fast ened each with single peg. Rowers
rest on blocks ( unfastened ) with prolonsation of feel in holes in deck. Oars pass
through holes in hand s of rowers. Ea ch fi gure is of ou c piece (arms also). Bow stick
pegged on. Covered "ith plast er and pa~nt ed.
PnESERVATIO:'I : Plaster scal ed ofT in places. Fis ures worm- eaten .
n iB!.. : Jou rnal d'en/ree du llfusee, n" 2581&
2. Cat. , I8g5, P· 20 ne<Jr n• 1 02.
Fork-like block with part around crot ch of fork raised (2 l. Outside painted red. Originall y
fastened to deck by means of peg. See fig. 2 5 fL
4915. Model of a ship for the dead. -'Vood. - LeugLI1 o m. lt6 5 mill. , width
om. 1 02 mill., height middle om. o5 c.- Saqqarah , t88 lt (pl. XVII ).
II ULL : Same ge neral St)•le as no• u8 1 1 ancl lJ 8/J i; bow and stcru do not rise so lriah.
Tip of bow bends back and th en simply forward s. Deck hollowed out slightl y from
a to b. Bottom ll al from c to d. Bow hi s hcr than stern . SQe figs. 2 59 , 2 6 o.
HIGGING : Pai1· of rudder-posts (e), simple round sticks. Hes t for rndders (f).
f k r
Fig. 260. - Dec k plan.
Fun:-.ITUIIE : Simple canopy supported by four ro111HI posts sh:wpened nl Lop (g). Under-
neath the canopy a bed (n) with lions' feel and t11o lions' heads al head. In f1·ont of
canopy an offering table with a vase ( i) on front lefl corner (fig. 2G1 ) . Just beyond
the table, a vase resting in a ring-stand (j and fig. 262).
Fig. 261.- Altar. Fig. ~62. - Vase. Fig. ~63.- Steersman. Fig. 264. - Wailing woman.
CnEw: Steersman (k), s<pwtting, arms bent anti pressed against sides, hands closed
palms in and pierced, short wig and short ski1·t (fig. 2 6 3 ). At
head (I) and at foot ( m) of bed, figure of a 11 niling woman,
standing feel together, body bent slightly forward, arms exten-
ded, hands open, palms in, long wig falling down the back,
short garment suppo1·1erl by two straps one ove1· each shoulder
(fig. 2 Ga ). On I he bed, figure of mummy ( n) wig falling in two
narrow plaits over shoulder and in one broad one down the
hack; wreath across breast, two red and two blue hands. Priest
(o and fig. 26&) standing, feel together, facing table, both arms
slightly bent at the elbows, right hand open palm in, left hand Fig. 2 65. _ Priest.
holds a half opened roll (of writing); no wig, shaved head;
shorL ski1·t with tJ·iangular apron, supported by white strap
over left shoulder. Lookout ( p), standing with feet together,
left arm hanging against side, fist closed, right arm extended,
fist closed, hole in top of fi st not going clear through. Total
crew, SIX.
Fig. !166.- Canopy. CoLOR : Hull, rail, tips of bow and of stern, greenish blue. Deck,
white with two red bars al ends of hollow deck. Budder-rest
and rudder-post red. Posts of canopy, blue; roof white with yellow border all around
the edges (fig. 2 6 6 ). Bed, yellow; eyes of lions' heads, red. Offering table, white
sides nntl ends; top, yellow, \1 hile, ureen and hl nck ( fia. !l (i 7 ). The vase on the
table is ureP ni sh blue. The vase before the tab le is red, with blnck cove1·, black ring,
and vcllow stand. The helm sman and the loo kout !Ia\'e red
sk in , bla ck hai•·-pal'ls and iris (no hea rd o1· eye brows) white
ua rment and whil e of eye. Priest, th e sn me , exce pt without
wig; shaved head bluish nrey; roll white. Tl•e two fema le
figures, white wig , garment and white of eye, Llack eyelids
an d iri s, yellow skin . ~lnmmy, while wrappinrrs, red nnd
Fig. 2 6 7 . _Altar top. rolors. blue wreath, Llue wir,, whit e whil e of eye, Lla ck eyebrows,
eyela shes and iris, color of sk in un certain.
'J'r.cuNJQUE: Curvi uu lips of bow and ~ !ern, rudder-rest, l•clmsman , oiTering t<Jble ,
vases, mummy, fastened on with 1wgs. Budder-posts, canopy posls, figures l, m <1nd
o, •·est in holes in deck. Also th e feel of bed. The nppe•· end s of canopy posts arc
sharp ened and rest in holes in roof. The bed legs have tonaues filling holes in body
of bed. The arms of figures l, m and o and the riuht arm of figure p are fastened
on eaeh with a peg. Covered witl1 plaste1· and painted. lllue and bluish green consists
of a wou nd granular subsl<mce. The plan of lop of table was first outlined in red.
PRESERVATION : Colors and plaster much damaged.
B1sL.: Jour11nl d'e11tree du Musee, n• 2583g. Cat., t8()5, p. 26. near n• 102.
4916. Model of a ship.- \Vood.- Lengtl• om. !19 cent. , width om. 12 5 mill. ,
height miuule om. o8 cent.- Saqqarah, t88l1 (pl. XVll).
HuLL: Like no U!)l5. now higher.
HIG GING : Like no lJ g I 5. The helm sman still hold s In his hands the handles of the
FunNITUHE : Ca nopy, nltar (fig. 2 G8) and two Yas-es, similar to n" lJ 9 1 5. Vase he fore the
table, thicker. On the table, also, a leg of sac rifi cial animal lik e ll lJ 91 7. 0
Fig. 268. - Altar. Firr. 2Gg. - Papyrus roll. Fig. 270. - Owner.
CRr.w : Helmsman and lookout lik e n" /19 1 5. Priest, similai' to n" lJ 91 5; both arms
against sides, be11t at cl hows, hand s open palms up holdiur; n roll open in middl e
(fig. !l 69 ). Under ca nopy, mummy-like fir,ure (like 11° /19 1:J, n) sill ing on a throne
(fig. 27o).
CoLont~G : Like n" II g 1 5 except for minor diiTerences. The rail is ret!, like the two
bars. The roof of canopy is entirely white. The stand of jar before alTering table is
white. The shaved head of priest is black. The throne is red. The top of table is
slightly diiTerenl (fin. ~1 7 1 ) . Vase on table, red. Leg like n" LJ 9 1 7.
TEcu:-.IQUE : Like n" LJ 9 1 5 except fat· minoi' diiTerences. Only forearms of priest separate,
fastened on by round tongue and hole (fig. 2 72 ). Throne and figure, of one piece,
pegged to deck.
PRESERVATION : Plaster and colors damaged. Right rudder-post gone.
BIBL.: Journal d'entree du .Musee, n• ~586t. Cat. , t8g5, p. 26, near n• 10 2.
4917. Model of ship for the dead.- "Vood.- Length om. 66 cent., width om.
t3 cent., height middle om. o78 mill.- SaCJr1arah, t884 (pl. XVIII).
HuLL: Similar to no lt915. Tips of bow (fig. 273, a) and stern (b). diiTerent.
RIGGING : Like no LJ 9 1 5. One of the handles of the rudders, still in hand of steersman.
FunNtTURE : Canopy and bed similar to no lt 9 1 5. Legs of bed are rounded lions' legs.
Table for oiTerings (fig. 271J) with leg Ol of sacrificial animal upon it.
CREW : Like no lt 9 1 5, except for minor differences. The two female figures have hands
open palm down, are not bent at the hips, and have only one strap supporting
garment, passing obliquely over right shoulder. The priest is just like no LJ gtG,
except the roll has writing on the open part. The legs and feel of steersman arc
covered with garment. Total crew, six.
CoLORING : Bottom, yellow. Deck, white with red •·ail, two red Lars like n• !19 1 G, an d
two addition;1l •·cd bars across stern (fig. 2 7 5 ). Rudder-rest, red. Rudder- posts,
yellow. Figures like n• /1915. Hoof of canopy, all yellow; posts, J,lue. 13ed , yclloll';
eyes of lions, red; nostrils, mouth and edge of face, black. Tahle for oiTerint;s,
somewhat like n"' !19 1 5, [, 9' G (fig. 2 7 G). The !err of sacrificial animnl is red with
hlack hoof.
I I • '
TEcli~IQIJE : II ull of three pieces, similar to n" [, 9 13. Tip of bow and of stern, rudder-
rest, helmsman and mummy-figure prugetl on. All other figures rest in holes in
deck, fastened with plastc1·. Rudder-posts, in holes. Canopy, like no 6 ~)1 5. Feet of
hed in holes, fastened with plaster, oth erwise like n• 6915. Table of three pieces
( firr. 2 7 6) pegged together. Arms of figures, like n• 6 9 1 G; priest like n" lr 9 1 5.
Table, fastened to deck with plaster. Covered with plaster anti painted.
PRESER\'ATIO~ : Plaster scaled ofT in places. Figures, worm-eaten.
B1BL.: Joul'l!a[ d'entree du Musee, n• 258/w. Cat., t8g5, p. 2G, ncar n• 102.
4918. Model of a ship. -'Vood.- Length 1m. 56 cent., width o 111. 532 mill.,
lt cigltt midJic om. 2J8 mill.- Siul, Tomh of~ -~-(IJ (pl. XVIII).
II ULL : Similar to n"' /1!) o 9-/1 9' o. At present, no bow-stick. The red bars
on deck are o m. o o 2 mill. to o Ill. o o :3 mill., lower than the white
spaces. On the sides opposite ends of Lars n"' !l, lJ, 5, G, 8, 9, 1 1,
13, 15, 1 G, 19 (cou nliurr f1·om bow) arc small projections indicatinG
Fiu. 277· cncls of beam. On each side ncar bottom, two holes l2 l.
PP{l in
rudder-post. lhGGJNr. : HIHldcr-post liken" !1798 except not hollowed on lop; on the
left side looking toward how n peg as rest for the ma st (fig. 2 7 7) and
a hole throuuh the comer of posl behind for fa steninG" the mast with a string·
(I) cr. Statue 11° !!35, llle two Ita lids of soldiers n"' ~l5 7 ant! 258 ( C~tt.' I 8!.)5' n•• I :137, I :!38)' the lwo
collins n•• 2!! 118 a111t 2811!) (Cat., t8!]5, n• t35li ).
1•1 Appar~ntly for fa stening pol~s for carryinr; the bhip.
Ma st-rest standinrr in mast- hole center of hoat ( fi t:· 2 7 8, c), shaped about like
" c
Fi::;. ~7 8. - Mast -shoe.
rud<ler-posl but with an ar·m on the side of lop ( tlrr. 2 7 9 ). Hound tapering mast
with five bronze eye lets, two on each side of tip and one on lop; bollom
of mast square and slightly sharpened, covered with a bronze ca p.
Originally mast rested on mddea·-posl and mast-rcsl.
When in usc, the mast was placed upright in the hole c and apparently
blocked in by so me object fillin g in the lar·ae Slluare hol e with a smaller,
more shallow one (d) in the middle; on the other side, it was supported
by a shoe (fig. 280, e) with three supports. In this shoe arc a numbe1·
of holes (fig. 2 7 8) in edges behind (four pair) and through the middle
Fig. 279.
(one pair).
Mast- rest.
h l
Fig. 28o. - Deck plan.
On the third red bar back from mast, a bar with four arooves on underside for fast en-
ing ropes of sail ( Q and fig. 2 8 1 ) .
Three holes (h) for rope-stays of mast; four· for holding sail ropes (? or fastening
oars?) ( i); four for fastening rudder (j ). Round pointed 7'ltrlder with hole near end
of handle (fig. 282) . The end ma y have been covered \lith metal cap.
hoartlet! up, each with one door (G, r); thl' sides nnd top are of fram e work over
which apparentl y a CO\' Cl' was ori gin ally stretched. Tire corners of walls 1-m and o-p
have holes for fa stenin g cover. The dom·s have projecting pivot above and below and
hori zontal bars on th e in side (fi g. 28~) . On t!JC outside in incised relief is a standing
fi gure (fi g. 28t.) and two lines (o ne vertical, on e horizontal ) of inscription.
n ............... o
II ............... iJ
tl "' ,, L.......c.
t J_
J_ v
-- ~ ' l'=i""l
•P.!~ T
n ...............
Uelow, the pivot of door rests in hole in deck . Above, the pivot is held hy a socket
(fig . 2 8 5 and 2 9 5 ). The doors have latches ( fia. 2 8 G an1l 2 9 5) on the side of the
door-way, inside. The vestibule is formed by continuing the side walls and roof o m.
oG cent. , beyond the front wall of cabin and supportinrr with beams which rest on
de ck in form of elbow ( fia. 28 7 ).
Fia. 285. -Upper door-socket. Fiu. 286 . ·- Door latch. Fiu. ~s,.- Elbow beam of k-n, vestibule.
C• l The column has on underside a peg hole with frar,ment of peg . for which there is no hole in deck. The
column must originally have belonged to another object.
l' l On pl. XVIII, this figure is inside the cabin.
hand closed and pointing with the index finger, left arm lJ<mging closed, palm in;
~ hort black wirr co,·crina ears; short skirt with lnppcl in front
( fla. 2 88 ). Standing figure (A) left foot advanced, hands open
r crossed on brenst, riaht over IPft, palms towards breast; no wig;
lonu f>kirt from waist to ankle, with triangular apron in front.
SrJttallingfieure(B) similar to no 6899, but with risht knee drawn
ur up; sl10rt bla ck wig covering enrs, short skirt. Squalling figure (C),
main figure; arms, hands and feel covered hy garment wltich reaches
the neck; collar (fig. 289). Sljuatting.figures (D, E, II) similar to
fi gure I3, eHcpt the right nrm is straigl•t with the palm open Oat
on the deck; figure E has no wig. Squattinc figure F, like I3 but
without wig. Total crew, nine.
Fig. ~ss.
CoLO RING : Bottom reo. Deck white with red rail and red bars (fit;. 2 !l o).
Lookout. Rulldcr-post, mast shoe, red. Rudder, yellow with black mark
(flu. 2 9 1 ). ~ la s t and mast-rest, unpninted. End walls of original
ca bin, heams red, honnls yellow (traces), Front frame of vestibule also red. Hest of
cabin, unpainted. Figures L, B, lJ, E, F, Hand helmsman, dark red skin, black
hair parts (no cosmetic stripes) and iris, white G<Hmcnts and white of eye. Figures A
a no C, the same but with light red skin.
TEcHNIQUE : ffull has n numher of irregular pirces set in and fastenell with pegs.
Several cracks ha ve been filled with wood. The whole smoothed
over with plaster nntl painted. Rudder-post rests in srpwre hole.
11/asl rrsls in hole, stnycd with block(?) anti shoe. Sfwe of mast,
pegged to deck, two pegs in cacl• support. The supports ou ti.c
sides arc fa stened to n1ain body of shoe with Lonuue and slot
(fig. 2 9 2 ). The 1·oof of the original cabin ( dividl'd lenuthwisr~) Fir;. ~()~·
is composed of tw o halves. Each half has two beams lengthwise Side of mast- shoe.
connected by fiv e curving cross-beams (thin) which nrc fitted
into the longi tudinal beams by mean s of tonsuc and slot: the cross-heam s arc then
fnstcned together by t~ro thin strips laid O\'Cr lengthwise' anti fa stener! by a pea
where each crosses a cross-beam. The first and lifth cross-henms adjoin the end
walls. The adjoi11i11g longitudinal beam s of tl1c two halves arc joined by tongues
and sockets. Eacl• side wall is co mposed of two lon gitudinal and fiv e vertical beams :
and the frame work is stayed at the four co mers hy elbows ( fi tr. 293). The vertical
beams arc joined to leBt_;llmise beams by loneue and socket
( fiG· 29/1 ). Th e upper len~;tlnri se beam is groo,•ed 011 inne1·
edge lo admit th e edue of outside beam of roo f ( fig. 2 9/1 ). The
end wnll l-m consists of outside fram ework of three pieces, -
nn arched top-piece joined lo lwo side-pieces ''ith tont;ne and
slot , - nnd n door frame of lime pieces (fit_; . 29f> ). The two side Fin. ~ 9 3.
Elbow slay.
pieces arc elbow-shaped a!Hl joined in the middle of the hollom
with an overlapping joint. Joint d'' is overlappinG" ( fig. ~9G); the others arc longue
and slot joi1ils. The intervening spaces arc iilled in with boards ( 1, 2, 3), half as
• 0
r· g·
Fig. 29"·
Joints in canopy
beams, sec lion. Fig. 295. - End wall 1-m.
thick as the heams and level with outside. The smaller beam e" crosses board 1 inside
and is fastened to frame-work with lonaue nnd slot joints. The outer corner of frame-
work is pierced with five holes on each side and six on arch (P); the inner corner by
two on each side (a"). Two thick peas fastening boards (h''). The front wall o-p is
of similar construction : the door is in the middle so I hat the boards 1, 2, 3 have
different forms from those in back wall; hoard 3 is crossed by smaller heam like
board 1 : there are four thick peas in upper arch fasteninG in the boards : the under
arms of the elbow pieces are joined by a fourth piece (fitr. 297 ). This en(l wall sets
inside the side walls. Five holes on each side throuah the outer corner of side wall.
Two holes through side pieces of frame-work of end wall o-p ncar top , one 011 each
side; and two bi·gc holes tl11·ough arched piece, in the middle. The restibule is
formed by piecing out the lengthwise strips of roof lo a frame of three pieces , similar
to f1·am e of wall u-p but with smaller beams and without the middle piece below
(sec figure 2 8 7 ). The forward cabin ( k-n-y-x ) is built on to vestibule and consists
of l\1 o side walls and a roof, simi lar to the after cabin, and nn end wnll. The side
walls. haYe howc\'er two adjoining vertical beams in the middle hrnced with elbows
abo\'c and below (fig . 208). The roof has also a double middle cross-beam; and the
three cross-beams and both doul>le beams arc pieced with overlupping joints pegged
to get her ( fig. 2 99 ). The end wall ( x- y) consists of two equal halves set together
with tlat pegs. Each half consists of one curving top-piece (with projections on
underside corresponding to slots i11 lop ends of th1·ee vertical beams), of three
vertical beams and a bottom piece (firr. 3oo). The vertical beams arc joined to the
other two hy longue and slot joints and each corner is stnycd with an elbow. The
top piece is grooved on inner edge to receive end of cross beam of roof. The column
in the ccnlei' is fa slc11ed above hy a peg between the lcngtll\visc heams; below it
rests on floor. The two ca bins arc pegued to floor, holes in deck larger than pegs.
Figm·es A and B ha\'e prolongations of heels resting in holes in deck; feet joined on
with pegs. All other figures arc pc(rged on. All figures (except C) ha1•e arms peggecl
on. Figures covet·cd with plaster and painted.
PnESEIIVATION : Cracked. Plaster scaled ofT in many places.
BIBL. : Journal cl'e11trec du A/usee , 11• 3o97o. f;nt., 18gS, n• 133g.
Ends bcndinrr back. Hesls 011 flat plate (oval). Cab in iu ceuie r. Piiinted yellow with
black and red lines. Blnck lines alon~r edrres; the three hatched spaces marked b
~I 0 nELS 0 F SIll P S AI'D B0 AT S. 81
have bla ck and red lin es erossinu each other; the foul"lh hat che<l space has red
lines on 1~· (litr. 3 o 1 ) .
c c
Fitj. 3o 1. - Profile and two sections.
All other heavy lines a1·e bla ck. Deck show s traces of light ween. Ends of cabin('?) red.
BIBL.: Jour11al d'e11tree du ll!usec, n• 3o36!J .
Fig. 3o~. - Cabin.
Rectangular. Curving roof. Vestibule formed by e>.tension above and on the right side.
The underside of roof of vestibule is arched. Painted yellow with fou1· black bands
around the sides (fig. 3o 2, a). }'rant painted with red lines in imitation of frame-
work (or,. 3 o 2, b). Covered with plaster, except on hottom, before painting. Plaste•·
scaled ofT of roof.
4921. Model of cabin.- 'Vood.- Length om. tl19 mill. (pl. XXXI).
Hectangular. Curving roof. No vestibule. Covered with plaster and painted yellow with
black and red band. See fig. 3o3.
Ca tal. du llfusee, n• 4798. II
4922. Model of a boat. - Fine gTaincd ye llow lim es ton e {tl. - Len gth o m .
1 1 cent. Hautc- Eg-y pte ( pl. XIX).
Bow, elevated. Stem , shorl. Cahin in stern . flutld ct·. Best s on plutform similar to
n" lJg 1g. Heavy lines arc bla ck; t'lldder, rf'd; h111l, yellow ; one band , red; rest,
End of rudd er ahove, hi'Dk en oil'. Sec fi g. 3oft.
llJ BL. : lmmwl d'entree du A/usee, n" ~!Jfi 1 7.
Fie;. 3o6 . - Pr ofil e and two sections.
Hut.L: In (lC tt cral, similar ton" l18 6o (fit;. 3 o6 ). flail rounded like n" 48 6o. Stern
piece bi'O ken ofT. Bow covered '' ith Lead work . Tip of how hroken oil'. Hcstinrr on a
thi ck rccla nuular plate to whi ch how and stern arc join ed. hy verti ca l walls. In the
ho\\' , the rai l is much hi r~h c r (like the so l:1 r ships from Bct·sheh ).
lh:.HHI·o n.: O:'l now : Sides covered with bead -w01·k ( fit;. :~ o 7, a). In front , bead work on
cnch side nnd in the middle raised ridge like a stnfT (fig. 3 o 7, b). Haised part shat-
tcre<l. On each side of how, just behind bead work, one eye in low relief (fig. J o 8 ).
Firr. 3o7· - nelief. Firr. 3o8. - nelief. Firr. 3og.
Fun:munE : In the middle is n low base (fig. 3 o 9, n) on which stood a sent with the
statue of n divinity. Before this base and adjoining it, an upright
object composed of two halves covered with mat work (L) and
separnted Ly a channel (c) . Two pnirs of hawks, on fi'Ont of this
object (one pair on each side) (d) facina upward; in each pai1·, one
hawk is directly in front of the other. The top of this object is Firr. 3to.
Section, object f.
broken off; the spot e was however lower than the adjoinina sides
as if the channel c continued over the top. In the stern (fig. 31 o), traces of.a block
and stnfT, possibly ~ sign.
CoLORING. : None.
TEcHNIQUE : One piece of stone. Smoothed and polished.
PnEs&nVATION : Broken in three large pieces (break just before and just behind base of
sta tue). Object with hawks broken ofT and stuck 011. Several pieces on left of base,
broken ofT and stuck on.
B1BL.: Joumal d'eutree du .llfusee, n• 3o165.
' I
·.. ,
Fig. 3t 1. - Deck plan.
lwd such a post , see n" lJ 81 1, l'tc. The mil is raised from o m. t 7 cent., to o m.
20 cent. , above tlw deck and is cut off square before reaching tip of how and of
stern, sim ilar to n" IJ8 o7. The deck enclosed by the rail is closed at ends hy two
cross pieces (no w gone) one of which, that in stern, extended beyond the sides of
boat and served as 1·est for th e rudde1·s. Beyond the cross pieces, instead of raised
rail, semicylindrical stm•es are laid lcngthll'i se along top of sides of boat, one on each
side (fig. 3 1 7 ). The dec!.- covered the ll'hol c boat from stern to bow though much of
it is now lost.
HIGGING : Two 1·ruldc1·-posts (I) StJUare at bottom, round nbo\·c, caclt surmounted hy a
hawk's head, originally joined together· by n cross piece at top of posts. Two rwldn·s,
with round-tipped blade, long round stem and slanting hole fo1· hnndlc (2 1. At how
nnd nt stern, a hole on each si1lc ( fig. 3 1 1, a) I !trough outer edge of J"nil.
CotomNr. : Bottom, yellow with a blue, a red and n blue stripe along rail. The
stripes arc outlined with black and separated by narrow yellow spaces
(fig. 3 r 2 ) . The boards of deck, apparently white. The cross pieces
h<'ing covered by hoard s were probably unpainted. The posts fo1·
rudder,- the left one, red; !he right one, ycllow( 3 l. Hawk, yellow
3 2
Fig. • " skin, blue wig, green cycmarks. Rudders, like DE MoRGAN, Dahclww·,
Stripes along rail.
vol. I, pl. XXXI.
TEcJJNJQUE : The ltull consists of a middle beam set together ont of three pieces and a
number of irregula1· boards running lengthwise and joined to the middle beam 011
the sides (fig. 3 13); the middle beam is held togethc1· by two ~
swnllow tail joints joining ends of pieces of middle beam; the I O~
boards on sides are held to middle beam and to eacl1 otlicr by
swallow tail joints joininrr sides boards to each other (sec fig. 31 1)
and by tonaue nnd slot joints also joininrr sides (fig. 316 ). The Fig. 3t4.
C.\act number and arranuement of th ese slot joints, it is impossible Slot-joint, in side.
to nsccrtain without takinrr tlJC boat apart. Eaclt rail consists of fom· pieces fastened
Ol The left rudder-post docs not seem Jo LPionr, to this hoal; docs uot lit Ihe hole in cross be om, see nolc 5;
the post shows Iraces of rctl lhe whole lcn1:1h.
Pl Accor<lin~: to Or. JllonGAN, Dal.clwm·, I, pl. XXX, one of Ihe handles seems to have heen in position
when found.
C>l Sec note 1 •
to lhe hull with s1rallow ta il aJHI slot joints as the side boa rd s are fa slenetl to middle
beam and to each othe1·. Tl1c holes in lop of rail ( c.\cept a in fig. :l1 1) arc mostly
holes of slot joi nts. The pieces forminrr rail arc also joined to ench other nt the ends
hy slot joints ( ll rr. 3 I 5) and by beinrr hound with ( leather o1·) nH•t<~l (fig. 316).
_ __J·CJt=J
'--- -
Firr. 3d). - Slo t-joinl, in end. Firr. 3r G. - Boles for metal bond.
Tbe half staves d a1·e fa stened on with I'Ound peas ( fiG · ;) 17 ). At the ends the side
boards are fa stened to middle beam with broad pegs, similm· to firr. 3 t4 but slanting-
(fig. 3 1 7, h). The stern piece wbich originally rested at j (fig. 3 1 7) was fastened on
hy a llal peg (fig. 3 1 1, i) and by a metal (?) hand bound around the groove k
(fig. 3 1 7 ). The piece on how was fastened dilfcrentl y as shown
by a hole ( m) in middle beam and a horizonlal hole in board
on the right. The eros.~ beams rest with theit· ends passinrr thi'Ough
sides of boat, through n rectangular hole in lop of first board
under 1·ail , and ha ve at each end a square bol e (om. 02 cent.
X o m. o3 cent.) passing down vertically through cross Learn
Firr. 3tS.
(fig. 3 1 8, I) (ll. The boards ?f deck W CI'C fastened to th e cross
beams by small rouncl pegs (fig. 3 1 1 , dots 011 cross beams ; section at end.
the beams marked with x arc modern restora tions); and they
were fast ened to each othc1' by flat pegs joining the sides ( like liu. 3 1 {, ). The cuds
of the ,.uddrr-posts pass throu gh squa1·e holes (2l in cross beam and rest in holes in
t•l The hole I in the beam in which th e rudd er- post rest, on left siilc, docs not pass through , see II g. 3tg;
lhese holes I th erefore diJ not sene to fa sten cross Learn to hoard below. Possibly for canop.v posts.
t•l The hole through cross beam on left side has been enlarged in the restoration.
bottom ( fi tr. 3 1 !) , n ). The 1·udder - posts were joined Ly c1·oss-piecc above, joined to
right post (fig. 3 ~."!0 ) in diiTerent manner from that in which it was joined to left
post ( fit;. 3 !2 1) OJ . Impossible to see bow head was joined to post (now nailed on).
'l'lle 1'lldders consist of lonu ' stem, running the whole lenall1, which is llattened
whe1·e it enters the blade; the sides of the blade arc each of a separate piece lin
one case two pieces) set on to stem with pegs (like fig. 3 16), three on each side.
There arc also a number of round holes ( 1 centimctt·c in diameter) through the blade,
which seem to be from old construction. The stem has above a tongue ( o m. o 2 c. D)
which fits into hole in underside of hawk's head.
The boat is made fot· tlte most part of wood which had been used once before and
a number of hol es nsed in the former construction have been filled with wood ot·
plaster. The underside of hoards used fo1· deck was only roughly hewn and only
the upper side was covered with plaster. The rail and the hottom of the boat also,
still show I races of plaster. The cross-pieces closina the rail were fastened, the one
in the stern by means of the sc1uare holes q, the one in Low hy means of round
holes ( r ).
PRESERVATION : Most of deck, parts marked with X in ligurc 31 1, most of plaster and
paint are gone. Parts marked with X are modern; and M. Bars~nti informs me
that most of the dove-tails an• also modern.
B1nL. : Cat., t8g5, n• 1 353. DE .l\lonGAN, Dn!tc!tom·, I, p. 8 1-83, pl. XXIX-XXXI.
Fir,. 3~2. - Rail.
HuLL : General form, rail, deck, rudder-rest, semicylindrical staves beyond I he rail, like
n• lt ~ ~ 5. Indctcrminahlc whethe1· how and stern had bent posts like 11" 6 ~ ~ 5 or not.
HIGGIN<; : Budder- posts and rudders, like no ft ~)2 5. The middl e piece of rail has nine
holes stopped with wooden pcHs (fig. 3 ~ ~ ).
CoLOnl:'iG : Hail, red. Cross beam s ;m d ~~nds of boards adjoiuintr them, traces of red.
Bonrds except ends, show traces of white. Bollom, fonvard , lrnccs ycllo\\'. Budder-
posts, ye llow with n g-rct• n , a red aud n rrrcen bnnd around lop. lleads of rudder-
posts and l'lldders, lik e n"/10 25.
'1\cn~IQUE : Cons tru ction of hull simi lar lo n• /r92 5
(even lo shape of boards in bow and slcrn);
swallow - tail joints sparingly used. Hail of four
pieces fas tened with peg in lop <liHl with metal
.,;. ~ :~~"
· · ·~
band like n" lJ~2S (fig-. 323. the numlH•rs sl10w Outstde
Hound stem , prolonged along the middle of. hlade on both sides. Flat round-cornet·ed
blade. No tra ce of colorin a. Blade some\\' hat rotted (fig. 3 2 5 ).
I•> Thus it was possible at any time to remol'e !Joards of Jeck except at bow anJ stern and yet the hoards
IJ~' e a firm deck.
(IJ Bea ms n•• 1 , :1 and t, should perhaps Le turn ed orcr llrinaiua lop surface on a !ere! witl1 lop of sifle
beams, cf. n• :-!.
(•J See note 1 .
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"' m
RIGGING :Two rudder-posts at a, fig. 3 2 8 (now broken ofl'). Rudder-rest (b) consisting
of cross-piece extending beyond the sides and notched nea•· each end in upper back
edge. Two rudders ( now one) rou gh with narrow hlntle, no handle.
FuRNITURE : Hectangular box-cabin with slantinG roof; supported in front and back by
two lean ina posts. one against each end.
CoLORING : Ground color is brownish yellow. Side of bottom has green and red stripes,
green spots, and black along keel ( fi g. :32 9 ). On each side of bow, eye in green
(omitted hy copyist firr. 328, see pl. XIX ). :\round stem of button on how and
stern , two green bnnds, a red one and fou1· red sepa ls (d ). Back of •·im of flower
or button a rrreen rim. Bow, front of tl owc•· he;u·s picture of a sola•· ship (e); stern ,
front of flower, Osiris anti Isis (f) (fie. 33o).
The rudder ha s black tip, an<! four red nn d three green stri pes across outside of
handle. The su pporting posts of ca bin are red. Ca hin , yellow with vertical edges
green, sides crossed hy vet·ticnl and horizon tal red lines wit h gree n dots at points
where the lines cross.
TECIINIQUE : Hull of one piece with flower-tipped stern and bow set on (h). Rudder-rest
rests in notch and is held hy pinkish grey plaster. Budder-posts rested in holes.
Rudders tied to rudd er-rest and to rudder-post and stuck on with pinkish grey
plaster. Lower ends of cabin-supports rest in holes in deck ; uppe•· ends in holes in
walls of cahin (fig. 33 t ). Cnbin composed of five pieces, held together by pinkish
grey plastet·; the two sides overlap the two ends and are bulginrr inside (fig. 3 3 2);
the roof overlaps all four walls. Cabin fastened to deck with plaster. The hull covered
with layer of white plaster and then the whole covered with layer of pinkish grey
plaster and painted.
PnESERVATIO:'i : Rudder-posts and one rudder gone.
4930. Model of a boat with naos and statues of gods. - White limestone. -
Length 1 m. 28 cent. , height middle o m. 35 cent., width o m.
38 cent. - Mitrahinel1 , .July, 1 89 2 (pis. XX and XXI).
HuLL: Similar to no 6g26 (fi gs. 333, 336). Rests on a rectangular block. Rail square
with sPmi cylindr·ical strip along the outside (fig. 335 ). Bow covcr·cd with bead work,
similar to n• lrg ~6. interrupted on the sides by the semicy linJr·ical strip (fig. 333, a).
The front is plain except for a single line of bead-work down the middle (fig. 336)
c 0
Fig. 335. Fig. 336. - Front of bow. Fi~;. 337. - Sections of object d.
in relief. The bnck surface of the bow post is bent in peculiar manner (fig. 333, c).
The rail al the bow as far back as end of bead wor·k is raised similar to n" lJ 9 •:dr.
Stern is broken off(flg. 337)·
Fun:"ITt.:RE :. In the bow, a box-like object, of one piece with the deck (d). Back of that
and joined to it, a cyl indrical object with a square hole (e). Then, with a short
interral , a slrallow ( o m. o~5 mill.) rect:mgular hole (f) containinG a plate with the
feet of a stnnd ing sta tue, left fool advanced. At another short interval, a squnre
hole (g) and then a chapel or naos. In floor of naos, a r·cctangulnr· hole (h); and on
the hack wall, and not free from it, a statue of Chnum, human form, left fool
forwar·d, arms hanaing, left hand closed lroldiug f-sign, head of ram, facinv,
forwards; with sun's disc, human ca rs ; wiG falling in long plaits over· shoulders
and marked 11 ith parallel i nciscd lines ; short skirt (fig. 3 3 8 ). The naos is open
only in front; and the front above is decor·ated with a ser·pent in relief arranaecl in
long folds up and down each side, across bottom and top (fig. 3 3 9, the direction
and position of folds marked with simple line).
TECHNIQUE : Cut out of one piece except the objects or statues which rested inc, f, g, ft.
PRESERVATION : Consists of eight fraaments which fit togeth er·. There are a number of
other pieces of different sizes some of which belong to this 'boat and some do not.
A considerable p:rrt (stern , right side and upper pnrt of l>o11 ) is wnnting.
fliDL.: Journal tl'cntrcc du Muscc, n• 3odi6.
\I 0 DEL S 0 F SIll PS AXD n0 AT S. 93
4931. Model of a ship. - \Vood. - Length om. 2G cent. , width om . olt5 mill.
lluLL: Similar to n• /18o8. End s broken ofT. Two flat cross-pi eces on each end (one of
them l)J·oken ofT) (a). Bottom flat from end to end. See fia. ~ /1 o.
~o ~ IIIIJlll
~---___J- h
TEcHNIQUE : One piece, except that CI'Oss pieces are glued on. The ends which are now
broken off were originally separate pieces.
Fig. 3ul.
Like the roof of a naos. With hole in each coJ·ne1· for receiving the posts. Upper surface
white with yellow rim. Edge also yellow. Under surface greenish blue. Front of
underside (a) painted with altemate red, blue and green stripes, beginning with a
blue one on each side which runs into blue of underside. Covered with plaster
before painting. Sec fig. 3lt 1.
Like no 6 9 3 3. Pattern of frame-work mughl y done. Hole and peg on undersid e for
fastening to ship(?). Covered with layer of white plaster hefore pninting. Plaster
much damnged.
4935. Canopy post from the model of a ship.- \Vood.- Height o m. lJ o cent.
Paintf>d with nltemale greenish blue ancl yellow bands separatt•d by na1Tow
black rings. Loner end black. Lower end slightly llallened on one sirle.
Upper end, Jli"Oiongcd into peg to fit hole in roof of canopy (fit~· 3LJ 3 ).
Fig. il43. Straight spar tapering tonnrds the end, painted yellow with four black
rings, one nt the tip (fitr· 3116 ).
SAIL : The edge next to the spar is bound witl1 over and over sti tch like snil on
ll 6861 (a). A two-strand rope passes along this edge
;md is lied to it around the bound edge at regnla1·
intervals (ca. o m. o/1 cent.) (b); this rope passes
around tip of spar, is tied aga in through hole in sail (c)
( nnd mny have pnssed up along outside edge of sail?).
A short Jistnnce up the outside edge n string is noosed
thi"Ough hole in sail. Ano ther string binds the two- Fig. 344.
strantl rope to the mnst, pnssing orer and over like on
n" 6861. At the end, it is wound around the two pieces of the two-strnnd rope at d
and around the rope and the tip (left out in figure for sake of clearness).
Sm-nort:s: At three points(e ), a rope is passed around the sp;H· possibly for hoisting
sail ( cf. no II 8 It 1 ).
4937. Mast with sail ropes from model of a ship. - Wood. - Length o m.
lt6 cenl. (pl. XXIX).
Tnpering; lowet· end roughly sharpened; upper end broken oO'. Ncar the hase wound
with six strings tied together somewhat similar to the hoisting ropes on 11° !18 Itt.
The hlade was formed by fastening two side-pieces, each by means of three pegs, to
the prolongation of the stem. The pt·esent number is one of thl'SC side-pieces. One
side is flat ; the other oblique. It is beautifully painted ; similar to ru1lder of n" LJ9~ 5,
but the roselle is <liiTerent. See fi t;· 3/J5.
a. Yello\1' with red lin es.; the interior petal is white with J'e<l shadiuu at lop and black
outline; th e hackuro11nd is \\'hite. Nymplw ra k
/1. Th e centre is red; the r<Idiatintr loops from Fi~:. 34 5 · - findd cr.
the lop one to the riuht arc bl11c , fiTCcn , 1·cd , yellow , bhw , urccn , 1·cd, yellow:
th e outlines arc hlack.
c. The eye-hall is black and white ; the cosmetic stripes arc blue.
d. Green with hlack dots and black outlines; the intcrio1· petal is white with blue
shading at top and black outlines. Nymphaca cacrulca.
The side ( k) is damaged. Covered with plaster before pain tina.
4939. Bumper from the model of a ship.- \Vood.- Height om. og5 mill.
4941. Rudder from the model of a ship.-- 'Vood.- Length o m. lt6 cent. ,
length of blade om. t 35 mill.- Licht(?) , 1896.
Slanting hole for handle not far from end of stern. Inequalities filled with plaster.
Traces of 1·ed paint on blade. Stem bent and cracked; surface worn.
4942. Rudder from the model of a ship. -Wood.- Length om. 28 cent. ,
length of blade om. og cent.- Licht(?), t8g5.
No holes. Smoothly finished. Slight traces of plaster. No coloring. Tip of blade, worn.
Like n• 4g62. Stem broken in two and mended. Crack ac1·oss blade. Tip of blade worn.
Section of blade, see fig. 3 4 7.
0 E F
HuLL : Rounded bottom (fig. 368 ). Tip of how and of stem flattened ( I); these flattened
tips run back unde1· the IJOilom of ship forming a sort of keel which g•·ows lower
and finally disappears near the middle. The ends of the cross
beams arc indicated by a row of projections along sides of
ship. Deck is slightly hollowed (om. o:J 5 mill.) for a distance
of about o m. G1 cent. on each side of middle (a-b). llow and
stern covered with hoards (fit;. 36 9, c and fig. 3 5o) which
extend somewhat bP-yond sides of bbat. In stem, a narrow
Fig. 35o. - Board c.
board ( J) not ex tending beyond sides. Mark s of another hoard
in front of d ( h) and of a third board also in stem back of c, probably rest fo1·
Cll Formerly ended in curving flow er like n• !Jg46.
rudd ers (e). On each side of deck, ciuhtccn small block s of wood (o m. o 5 cenl. X
o m. o 2 cent. x o m. o 15 mill. ), serv inu as scats for rowers (f).
11 IGGING : Just bac k of each sea t (f). tl1c rail is pierced by n small hole for fastening
oar. Similar hol e also at (U ). Two rectan gular holes for fnstening rudder- posts ,
passing through the board h ( i ).
FuRN ITURE : Lon g closed cabin in the middle (j ). flack of this marks of nn object,
oblong, t'eclanGular, resting cross wise ( k).
CoLORING : Grouml color of bottom blnislt green. Keel projecting beyond bow and stern,
yellow (l-m, fJg. 368). Bow nml stern, bottom colored yellow (nand l! ); just beyond
11 tlnd q, n yellow hand ( o and p). On each sitlc of o and p and on the adjoining
Fit;. 35t. - Colored border. Firr. 35 ~.- Scrolls, bow and stern. Fig. 353.- Border.
ends of nand q, a red, hlue and white border (lig. 351, r). Ahove n, o, p, q, a
red and blue border on yellow back ground (fig. 3 51 , s). The ends of n and q towards
bow and stern are filled out with scroll (fis. 352, t and u). On q counting from Low,
in the first field a rnm's head, a hawk's head, resting on clwpels; in the second field
an udat-eye nlso above a chapel; in the third field, two hawks with sun's disc on head
and outstretched wings, also above chapels; further a rum-headed sphinx trampling
down an enemy. The fields are separated hy verticnl hands, red, white and
light blue (fig. 353). In front of each hawk is a cnrlouche (
In front of sphinx in blue hieroglyphics :
,~ ,,4
"i · ~-. r
I 0
01 :a
On p there is a human headed sphinx trampling down an enemy. On o, L
sphinx like p. On n, three hawk-headed beings with human bodies, each ~
spearing an enemy (negro , asiatic, etc.), and a sphinx with hawk's head,
trampling an enemy. Jn front of each a short inscription, light green on white.
13ehind a kneelins goddess with outstretched wings. llillili llillili llillili llillili
The deck is yellow. The boards care dark blue on edges,
unpainted above. Seal3, yellow.
TEcHNIQUE : The hull is cut out of one piece except that
n small piece is set on upper sides of tip of bow and
of stern with pegs, and the projecting ends of cross-
beams are separate pieces fitted into holes in sides.
The seats, whose front inside corners are rounded off, arc fastened to deck each
with one peg. The board s on how and stem anll all the fumiturc arc also pcagcd
on. The co lors arc applieJ directly on the wood.; : Board d, outside pa1·t ))l'oken off having once extended to line x.
One scat aonc.
llmr.. : l ou mal d'entree du Jllusee ' 11° il :l2 1 a.
Like n• /19lJ !1, hut smaller. Only tweh-c ends of cross beams projecting on each side
and ten sPa ts on each side. No hole in middl e of space where the cabin stood.
PnESEI1\'ATION : Projec ting prow or bow broken off. Bo;JI·ds on stern, rudder-posts and
two scats, gone.
BmL. : Jourual d'eutrre du Musee, n• J2217.
IIoLL: Like n• 6gl1lJ. Bow and stem, just <1likc, consi sting of a stem, like n• /19U6,
ending in papyrus flower which cui'Vcs back towards midlllc of ship (IJ. No seals on
de ck. 11oal'lis on bow and stern (fiu. 356 , c, d, c, I•), like n• /1966; one <Jdditionn l
board on how ( n). Projecting end s of sixteen cross- beams.
RIGGING : The r:1il on each sid e is pierced by boles, fifteen in number, like n• 6 9/1 lJ.
Two l10les for rudder-posts (i).
FonNITOI1E : Cahin like. n• 6 g/1 6 (j ). Back of cabin, is n box ( k ). IJoth of them indicated
only hy mm·ks on deck. In front of cabin, two holes (f). On bow board c, two
oblong holes in wiiich some ohj<'ct wns fn steneJ (b).
CoLORING : Simibr to n• 6 gld1. The bands o nud p nrc W<Jntina. The hoards c a!'e
yell ow wit h reel stl'ipc alonu the side cil'ca o m. o 2 cent., fl'om edge. See technique.
<•> Ends JiscoYered lal Pr, Slern piece is enl eretl as no 5o31• '. how piece as n• 5o4!).
Tt:cliNIQ UE : Tip of how and of stern set on, where now broken ofl", by menns of longue
and slot, pierced by metal nnil; slot in body of hoal. The boat shows traces of a
reconstruction. The rail contains in upper surface eighteen holes filled with pegs and
painted over, on each side; and the deck just inside of rail iliso contains a number
of holes filled with pegs and painted over (1), exact number indeterminable. See
also the holes in space corered by j. The lop of the outside was also OJ"iginally
pninted with rerl, blue and while ~tripes ( similn•· lo n• /10 2 5) which l1nve been
painted over with dnrk green of rest of bollom.
Fig. 355 . - Section. Fig. 356. - Stern.
RIGGING : Small round mast- hole (fig. 3 57, d ). End of rudder- post hrokcn oiT in
hole (e). Two holes one on each side of stern fo r fastening ropes (for rudder?) (f).
Four pegs in deck aft of mast (1 and fig. 358).
CnE\1" : Helmsman originally (now lost) in hole g. Silting figu•·e (h), arms and body
from neck down \Happed in white garment (similar to n" 6851 k' but without edge
of flap being indicated ), short \\iff covering ears, with white band lied behind,
rough features. Six standing figure s (i), feel together but slightly separated, arms
crossed on breast, left over right in four cases, right over left in one and. one
indistinguishable: short skirts, projecting and nat in front, head dress like It; five
J3 0
of them are wrapped in bits of liuen. Two other holes in how (j and k) , one of
which ( k) was for lookout. Total crew seven, originally len.
CoLORI:'\G : Sides and bottom of hoal, yellow with red slt·i pe along lop. Deck, white
with red bars and black marks in bow <md stern. Figures, red skin, black hair-parts
and iris, white garments and white-of-eye.
TEcUNIQUE : Hull of one piece. Bow-stick pegaed on. Figures fastened on with pegs.
Covered with layrr of plaster and painted.
PRESERYATION : Very small pieces of plaster scaled otT on tip of bow and stern.
B1sL.: Jow·nal d'eutree du A/usee, n• 328'lo. Label ~T. 1.~ in reJ iul-. Aunales d11 Sert•ice, II, p. tl11l:
HuLL : Long, slender, three sided, gradually becoming rounded towards the middle;
rests on I'eclangular platform with sloping sides. Tip of bow rises straigl1t up
(fig. 35g); tip of stern cm·ves forward (h). Raised square rail, c-d; lower roun<led
rail, c-J and d-g. Inside of a and b, hollowed out as fal' as the bands It leaving a
raised edge forming a continuation of rounded rail (sec fig. 35g, sections).
Fig. 35g. - Profile and two sections.
RIGGING: Houghly whiuled, tapering mast (fig. 36o, I, amidships) resting in small
round hole; the tip of mast is notched on lop and pierced by two small holes, one
of which contai11s a fragment of string. Two spars, found ·lying cross-wise on the
boat , wrapped with several hits of linen; roughly whi!lled, very slightly tapering,
each en(l pierced by a small hole; through one of these !soles on one spar passes a
small strinrr fasteninG a bit of the sail to the spar. Tlsis bit of sail has one edge hound
with over and over stitch, Iike n• 4 8/11; a no th e•· piece, a co rn er, has hoth cdues
bounJ. Tn·o ,.wlder-posL~, lik e n" !17 9 8 ( i ). Two ,.udders, round pointed blade, I'Ouml
stem , handle inse rted at angle not far f1·om middle of stem. Rudder-rest, j.
: Canopy, roof with four posts res tinr, in holes ( k). Benea th it, bed with
lions' legs and two small lions' heads ahovc head. On th e bed, figure of a mummy.
CREW : Helmsman (I, aft), with hoth hands outstretched l10lding haudles of rudders,
squallin g, short skirt from waist down CO \'erinu feel, short wi g coveri ng ea rs. Seven
sailors standinG, feel together, arms oulslrclche,J, fists closed, sho1·L ski rts an1l
wins; four still wrapped in bits of linen and other pi eces of linen beside two
others ( m ). On left side of hed, fi ff urc si milar to m, holdinff a ce nsor in both hands ,
left lwnd hclow, right hand above ( n ). In front of canopy and facing it, ll sitting
fi gure like firr. h on n" l•g67. In Low, lookout, similar to sailo1·s, left hand closed ,
sli uhtl y extended, riuht llrm outstretched, l•nnd open ( p). Total crew , eleven figures
(twelve with mnmm y).
CoLOII : Pl ~tform rc1l; bottom from c to d green with a white, a red, a green, a red
and a white sLI·ipe in this order alonrr the lop of sides; bow and stern beyond c
and d, ye llow. On each side of how, an eye in black. Deck, white with 1·ed bars.
Rail from c to d, red; beyond yellow. Rudd er-posts, yellow. lluddc1·, red with while
hand around tip and tJnothcr nca r top of blade; bltJde with open nymphma cmrulia
!lower (fig. 3G t). Figures, red, while and black , like on no 6g67. Mummy, green
wig, bla ck eyebrows, eyelids, iris and check-beard. Canopy and bed, yellow. Lions'
heads on bed , green hai1·-parts, yellow fa ce.
Fig. 36 I . - nuJJer.
TECHi'iiQUE : llull of one piece. Upright pieces a and b, of separate pieces. Round
rnil ( c-f, d-g) and rudder-rest, held by pln slcr. Rudder-posts, masts, canopy posts,
feel of bed , rest in holes. AII figures p e~;ge d on. Censor fastened with plaster to
hnnds of fiuure. Hoof of ca nop y, made of long boa1·d resting at one end on narrow
cross piece; a hove, posts fit in holes. Covered with smooth lnyer of plaster and
painted. A1·ms of fi gures pegged on.
PRESEIIVATION : Excellent. Handle aone fi·om OI_Ie rudJer.
BIBL. : Journal cl'eutrec du Musee, n• 328Jg.Labelwith ~T. 1.~ in red ink. AmwlesduService, Jl., p.t4 ff.
4949. Model of a solar ship. -Wood.- Length om. 876 mill. , width om.
1 6 cent., height o m. o6 5 mill. - Bersheh, 1898, with no 69 67
(pl. XXII ).
HuLL: Flat bottom with slopin a sides liken" 48o4. Low rounded rail running from end
to end. Rai sed prow covered ll'i th box - like object open on the sides (flu. 3 6 2, a).
Ti p of stern , 1·aised and clll'red back ( i. e. out ).
two hawks each on a pole ( tl ). Then, a lour; low rectan gular box -like object with
fo ur fl at sti cks on each sid e and tw o hn11 ks on th e forwanl end, facinu upwards (e ).
In tb e boll', a boa rd with nin e feathers in a row (f). On tltt~ rail on each side of bow ,
a sort of rail ina (a); th e nppe•· bar pierced by twelve holes. On top of the bow-
corer a three rows of holes containinG end s of pegs ( 4 + 3 + 4 holes). Five small
taperi ng sticks beside the hoat , whi ch formerly sto od in outside •·o ws of hole s on a.
CoLOiliNG : Hull , wh ite. Object a on bow, white and light blue with hlack outlines
( fi g. 3 G4). Curvin g stern -post , bl ac k with whitc slashes (h )
on front and sides. Deck, white with red bars. Object b,
ye ll ow with black edrres and black stripes on nil four si.dcs.
Obj ects c, d and c , ye llow witl1 bln ck sticks. The hawks
on d are yellow. Body of .~111.~- s i r, n , ycll oll' with reel lines;
rest of it , red. Bon rd j , red with white feathers. Railina g.
Fig. 3611 . - Prow hox .
whitf' . Small sti ck s fmm to p of a , red.
TECII NIQ UE : Hull , of on e pi ece. P1·ow and stcl'll- post , set on wi th tong ue and slot.
Obj ect a, b, c, d, c, f , pqmed on ; also body of sms -siu'n to ohj ect c. All other
pi eces res t in ho les, i. e. posts, feat hers, etr. , on objects a-f; posts of ra il i n ~; . End s
qf horizon lal bars of rui linu fas tened to prow with tonuue t~nd slot. Covered with
pla sle•· and pnintNI, even 0 11 the hottom.
~IODELS OF S llll'S Ai\D BOATS. 103
PnEsF.nrATIO:-< : Two pos ts r,one f1·om b: one post and one hawk, fro111 d; two sti cks.
from e; all objects from a (fire slicks beside th e boat ). Plas ter sca led ofr in a
fe w places.
I3JBL.: .loumal d'c11tree du J/ust:e, u" 3281 8; Auualcs du Service, II , p. 1r, tr.
4950. Mast and spars (two) wrapped in sail (?), from model of a ship .
Wood' linen mHl rrlnzcd slealile. - Leng-Lh () Ill . /,7 cenl.' length of
fayc ncc tip o 111. o85 lll ill. - llers heh , 1898.
Smooth tapering masl, sharpened at lower end : upper end fits in hollow of a /] I'CCII-
glazed slea LiLe L1}J ; thi s fa ye ncc tip he11 rs three eyelets on en cl1 side and one on the
top. Two rough spars, tnperin g towa rd s the end s. A piece of linen is wrapped
spirall y around the whole and anoth et· piece (a sail ?), neatl y fold ed, is tied with a
strin g around th e middle.
fii BL. : Amrales du Service, II , p. 1 4 fl'. •
4951. Model of sailing ship with canopy. - Woo rl. - Length o m. G5 cent..
width o m. 13 cent. , height middl e o m. o7 cent. - Bcrsheh , 1 8g8
(pl. XXIII ).
H uLL : Simil ar to n• /194 7, but stem no t so high and tip of how cut olr straight
(figs. 3G5, 36G and a). Deck slightl y holl owed like n•/, 947 . Deck on stern highe1·
in the midd le thnn on the sides (u nlike no /194 7 ). Bollom flat in middle.
RIG GINr. : Hough l:1pering mast ( b) with small hole ncar the top anJ slit in top; and
rough slightly tapering spar with slit in c:1ch enJ. Flat rudder-post with crotch cut
in upper enJ ( c and fig. SG7 ). Rough rudder with pointed hlade.
FuRNITURE : Small ca nopy co nsisting of two posts each with :1 crotch at the top ( d and
fi~;. 3 6 8) bearing :1 cross pi ece on which rests one end of the roof; the other end of
roof rests on a n:JITOW wall on the left side of ho:1t (e).
/ /)
( rJ
Fig. 367 . - Rudder-post. Fig. 368. - Canopy.
CREW : llelm sm:Jn (f), S!Jlialling, ri~;bt ann extended, white garment covering whole
body hut leaving left arm and shoulder exposed. Four sailors (g), standing feel
together, both arms outstretched, fists closed, short white skirt. A servant (porter)
(h), feel togelher, arms slightly extended, left hand open, right hand closed, carrying
a bag, 11 ith a box on lop of it , held Ly a cord around the throat; short white skirt.
Under ca nopy, a sittin~; fi~;ure like no /1967 h (i). Lookout (j), like sailors, right
arm· outstretched, left slightly extended. All figlll'es have short black wigs covering
ea rs. Total crew, e i~~ht.
CoLORING : Bottom, dirty white, with red stripe alonrr top (k). Tip of bow (I) painted
while and ]JI:Jck in imitalion of a hide. Deck, white with red bars and black marks.
Rudder-post, I'e1l with white lop. ~last, natural color wilh black lop. Spar, natural
color with ]Jlack ends and three bh ck bands. Posts of C:Jnopy, natur:1l color, with
!Jiack top; cross bar, black ends and three hlack hands; roof and side wall, yellow
with black stripe alon~; outside edges and along middle. Figures, red, white and
black as usua l.
TEcnNJQUE : Hull, of one piece. All posts rest in holes except ma st. Mast and all figures
pegged on. Arms of figures pegged on. Roof of canopy pegged to cross bar and to
side wall; side wall pegged to deck. Cross bar fa slened to crotch of posts with
plaster. Covered with la yer of plaster and painted. ·
4952. Model of a sailing ship with canopy and mummy. - \Vood. - Lenrrth
om. 763 mill., widlb om. 19 2 mill. , heiGht midd le om. t 25 mill.
- Bershch, 1 898 (pl. XXIII ).
Htcct~G : Hole for mast witlt end of ma st hrokeu off in it (h). Hole fot· t·mldct·-post
wit!t end broken off in it (c).
FuR:'iiTUilE: Canopy roof llith fout· posts (d ). Under it, a hcd with lion's feet and two
lions' heads on the head of it.
CREII' ; Helmsman (e) Sl[Uatlint; with knees drawn up, both arms l'aiscd, hands closed
and pierced, short skirt, leaving legs from knee down bare. Two female figures,
one at head and one at foot of bed (f), feel togctltcr, standing, hody bent slightly
forwards, arms outstretched over the mummy, hands open, palms down, sborl
skirt supported by band over left shoulder, wig fallina in short plait down the hack,
leaving cars exposed. ~lummy on hcd, wig in three plaits , one over each shoulder,
one down the back, necklace of six red and five black strands across the breast.
Beside the hed two stand ina ligures of men ( rr and h) feet together, arms extended
bcnl at elbows; figure 8 holds a censor in the right hand and a leg of sacrificial
animal in the left; arms of figure h broken off at elbows; heads shaved; short skirt.
Two sailors (i)Ol, slandina, feel together, arms uplifted, fists closed and pierced,
short skirt. In front of mast, a figure (sai lor ?) staudina, feel toaether, riaht arm
bent, hand drawn up to shoulder and closed, left arm slight! y extended, hand open,
palm in (j) and peg- holes for a nothet· figure which is missing ( x). Lookout (k),
like sailors, left arm outstretched, hand open, palm in, l'ight arm slightly extended,
hand closed and pierced. In addition, a number of holes in which possibly other
fiaures were fastened (m). Total crew, at present, ten l2 l (with mummy). Figures e,
g, i, j and k ha1•e side beards.
CoLORING : Bottom, white with narrow red stripe alona top. Deck, with red bars and
rail and black marks; the black marks connecting joints of beams arc especially to
C•l One of th ese has been transferred lo x since th e abO>·e was wrillen, see pl. XXIII.
<•> The firrure h has been remo,·ed since the aho,·e was written , leavinrr only ni ne figures, see pl. XXIII.
Catal. du Mu•ee, n• lJ 798 .
be noticed. Canopy (fia. 37o) , - posts, 1rhite with alternate red and bla ck bands
at sl10 rl intc1·vals; roof, white with tlncc rows of seven black crosses ( +) on under
side, with black ziuzat; line on edges, with two fields on lop Parh \\ ith five shields in
black and red suiToundcd by hlark ziwarr line ( fia. ~71 ). Bed, yellow; lions' heads
red with black wias, cars, lips, eyelids and iris ; lion's feet, black. Mummy, - black
hai1·- pads, yellow skin, white wrappings. Female fiaures, - yellow skin, white
garments and wiu, black eyelashes, eyebrows and iris, white white- of -eye. Male
figures, white, red and black as usual.
'I'EcnNIQUE : Ilull , of one piece. Bow-stick and helmsman, pc£med. All othc1· firrures,
fastened by two peg-like prolonaations, one on each heel, rest ina on deck. Arms of
figUI·cs, pegacd on. Mummy, lions' heads nnd legs, pcgacd to body of hcd. Posts,
rest in holes. Covered with layci' of pla ster and painted.
PnESERVATION : Stern hrokcn' and part of it rronc. Tip of how-stick broken ofT.
fiJBL. : Jourual d'eutree clu Musee, n• :1282 1. Amwlcs du Sen•ice, II, p. 1'1 tr.
1 J cent., IIei ght middle o 111. ofi cent.- Bcrsbelt , 1 8g8 (pl. XXIV).
Fit;· 3p . - Dcck·plan.
dcfcctil'e ~ fir;. ;h 3 ). The cy lindricnl object is a perfect cylinder; and Lenrs two
st icks 11 itl1 hawks; shows traces of three ot her sticks, 11 hich wrre
pr oLn bl~ broken olf before the bont was fini shed (fiG. 3 74 ). The
board in how has only six fenthers. The rail is supported hy ouly one
post nnd is not pierced. The top of prow bears ends of three sticks
painted black (not peGs) and is complete thus without the Lox-like covc1·.
CotORI:iG : llull, like n• !1giJ 9 except that the extremely low rail is nlso
red. Object b, -upper part (more than lmlf) yellow, lower part red, Fig. 373.
se pnrated hy a blnck line, vertical edges black. Object c.
Object r·, - rectangular part, half yellow, half red, divided
obliquely by n hlnck line ( fig. 3 7 3 ). C)·linder d, like b except
there are no vertical edges. F'or the rest, painted like n• 4g4g.
TECII:ilQUE: Like n• 4 g4 9, except that the prow and the stern post
Fir;. J7h . - Top of d.
seem to he pem;ed on.
PnEsr.nnno:; : One hawk gone from d.
lliBt.: Journal d'el!ltee du Musee, n• 328:.!3. Ammles du Setvice, II, p. t4 II
• • • •
~ • • •
" • • • •
Fig. 375. - Top of prow-cO\·er .
lo h
On top, in the center a rough ha" k on a stick, in front and behind the hawk, a flat
stick swelling above and pierced (fig. 3 7 5, a), on each side is a row of sticks, first
two pointed curved stick (h), then one like a and then one more pointed curred stick.
Top, red; sides hare yellow, white, green and red hands separated Ly JJlack lines
( fig. 3 7 6 ). The front board is fastened on with pegs. The rest is one piece. The
sti cks on top arc inserted in holes; and the covc1· was originall y fa stened to the prow
hy means of tw o peas.
Il uLL: High stern and how, risinrr up mo1·e than on n• /195 2 . Deck, not hollowed out.
4956. Mast-tip from the model of a ship.- Green fayence with brown streaks.
- Length om. o8G mill. -llel'sheh , 1898 (pl. XXVII).
4957. Prow-cover from the model of a solar ship. - \Vood. - Height o 111.
Like the prow-cove1· n• /19 !i 4. The sti cks, eleven iu number as ou n• 4 9 !il1, arc nil
broken ofT. The back board is a sepa rate piece peg1;ed on, instead of the f1·ont one.
Fastened to prow by n sinale pea.
lliBL. : Journal cC entree clu Musec, u· 3 28 ~ 5.
4958. Rectangular object (like n° 4949 b) with four sticks on top from the model
of a solar ship. - \Vood. - lleighl o m. 1 {, cent., heighl
with stick s om. 17 ceul.- Bershch , 1898 ( pl. X\XIJ ).
Sticks, black. Body 11bite, rertical edges bl ack; each face ha s three nat-row
vertical red stripes. Oue stick lll·o keu on·. Sec fig. 378.
Fas tened to 1leck hy a si ngle peg.
• Firr. 3 78.
4959. Scmes-sign (like n° 4949 c) from the model of a solar ship. -
\Vood. - Heirrht o m. 1 5 G mill., J,ei rrht with stick
om. 22 cent.- Bcrsheb , 1898 (pl. X\XIII ).
Sti cks bla ck. Piece a on the side white witb red lines. ~lain body has
upper pa•·t Jel low; lower part' white. Bottom cut on· sian tinrr.
l'astened originally to deck Ly a single peg. Piece a pegged to
main pieces. Sticks fa stened in boles in a. Two pieces broken off
of a at band c. Plaster scaled off in places. Sec fig. 379·
llmt. : Journal d"entrec du Mush!, n• 328:15. In pencil on bottom nOuesh.
Like n" lt 9 59. The small piece b colored black is presened. There was
never anytbinrr at c. Sec firr. 38o.
IhBL.: Journal d'enll·ee du Musee, n• 328,)5.
Fig. 38o.
4961. Cylindrical object (like n° 4949 d) with sticks on _top, from the model of a
solar ship.- Wood.- Height o m. o58 mill., height
wilh stick o 111. 1 3 4 mill., diameter o m. o 4 1 mill. -
Bersheh , t8g8 (pl. XXXll).
Cylinder painted white. In top , a row of three holes, of which the t\\'o
outside holes (a) contain each a black stick from tbe top of which
something has been broken off. Fastened to deck with a peg. See
fi g. 38t.
ll1oL.: Jourr1al d'e11tree c/11 Musee, n" 32825.
4962. Box-like object (like n° 4949 c) with two hawks on forward end and
eight flat sticks four on each side from the model of a solar ship. -
'Vood.- ~lain body o m. t 5 cent. x om. oft cent. x om. olt2 mill.,
length with hawks o 111. 188 mill. , height with sticks o 111. 096 mill.-
Bersheh, 1898. - Tom beau lle (rJ Nefra (= ~) (pl. XXX Ill).
White with dark red sticks. Position of sticks shown by red and black lines accidentally
made in painting th e sticks. Six sticks and one hawk go ne. Great deal of plaster
scaled off. Fastened to deck by two pegs. llawks fa stened hy one peg each. Sticks
simply stuck to plaster.
BIBL.: Journal d'entree du Musee, n• 3282ii. Amwles du Ser·vice, II, p. 1 lr IT. In pencil on end "Nefran.
4964. Figure of Horus as child from prow of model of a solar ship.- \Vood.
-Height om. ola cent.- Bersheh, 1898 (pl. XXXIII).
Squatting; finger in mouth, lock of hair on side of head. Hair· parts and iris, black.
Skin, red. Originally fastened with peg to prow.
BrsL. : Jormral d'eutr·ee clu ll!riSI!e, n• 32825 .
4965. Board with eight feathers (like n° 4949 j). - \Vood. - Height o m.
o55 mill. , length om. t 3 cent., wide o 111. o5 cent.- Bersheh, t8g8
(pl. XXXIII ).
Five feathers hroken oil'. Feathers, white; hoard, yellow. Board wa s fa stened by two
pegs, in opposite corners, to deck. Covered with plaster and painted.
BrBL.: Journal d'eutree'du JIJusee, n• 32825.
4966. Two pieces of railing (like n° 4949 g)('l) from the -bow of the model of a
solar ship. - Wood.- Length om. 235 mill. -llersheh, 1898
(p l. XXX).
This railing seems not to have been raised but to ha\'e been fastened directly on edae
of deck by mea11s of fou~ pegs (a). The nppc•· Ol' curved surface is market! hy
oblique in cised· lin es. The unde1· S11rfnce wa s fitt ed in a r;roorc in the edaf' of the
hout (h). Th e railinG is pi erced by scveuteen ho1·izontal holes. The e11d is roundc•l (c)
oiT. Traces of plaster. s., •. fiu. :l S ~L
4967. Oar from the model of a ship. - \Vood. - Length o 111. '95 mill. -
llersheh, 1898.
Houghl y whittl•~d. Narrow pointed blade , fl at on one side.
4968. Rudder from the model of a ship of the dead. - \Vood.- Length o m.
5 15 mill. , length blad e o m. 1 ucent. - llersheh, 1898 (pl. XXV).
w rr
Flal'ing , round pointed blade. Stem swellinG slightly in the middle. Painted, red, while
and green. No handle. Bits of strina clinging to stem. White is pln ster. Sec fla. 383.
4969. Rudder from the model of a ship of the dead. -\Vood.- Length om .
53 cent., length blad e om. t38 mill.- llershch , 1898 (pl. XXVI).
r: g
Fig. 38!,. - Rudder.
Slendct· blade, rounded at tip. Slanting hole for lwnJic (a). Painted r·ed, green, white
and black. While is plaster. End of stem broken off. See fig. 386.
nlBI.. :Journal d'cntree du A/usee, n• 3:282G, b.
Slender blade pointed at tip. Stem surmounted by a hawk's head. No handle. Painted
red, yellow , green, black and white. Sec fig. 385. ·
B1BL.: Joul"nal d'ent,.ec du llfusec, n• 3-.!82 6 , d.
4971. Rudder from the model of a ship of the dead.- \Vood. - Length o m.
42 5 mill., len gth blade o m. 1 5 cent. - Jlersheh , 1 8g8 (pl. XXVI).
Similar to no 4gjo except that the stem is painted red and white instead of green and
white and is not surmontcd by a hawk's head. The blade is also pierced by a hole
through upper part om. o35 mill. fmm where blade joins stem (ll.
BIBL.: Joumal d'e11tree du ll!u sec, n• 32826, e.
4972. Rudder from the model of a ship of the dead. - " 'ood.- Length o m.
!19 cent., length blade o m. t 7 cent.- JJersheh , 1 8g8 (pl. XXVI).
Long slender blade, with round tip. Stem, tapering to~rards the end. Hole in stem (a )
for handle. Painted red, white, green, black and yellow. Sec firr. 386.
BIBL. : Journal.d'entr·iJC drt Jllusee, n• 328'l6.
Short beam, hearing a hawk's head 011 each end. Hawks' heads fac e upward. Beam,
green. Wig of hawks, blue; fa ce of hawks, yellow with bla ck ma rks. llcam, on
undersicle where it t·cstcd on stern of boat , unpainted. Was fa stened to deck by
means of two pegs one of which is preserved.
BwL.: Joumal d'enll"cc du Jlfuscc, n• 328-.JG.
(I ) cr. n• 68 18.
4976. Three short round sticks possibly from the cylindrical object
(n°4949d)frorn the model of a solar ship.-"rood.-Heigbt
o m. 077 mill. to o m. o85 mill. - Bersheh, 1898.
Each end cut down to a short peg; but th e shortest stick has a hole in on~ Fig. 38g.
end instead of a peg. Each stick is marked by two spiral incised lines. Originally
covered with plaster and painted. Sec fig. 389.
5Q34(2l. Tip of stern of a boat with lotus flower (3l . - \Vood.- Length om. 42 c.
-Thebes. Tomb of Amcnophis II, grande salle, section 2 (?), t 898.
Stern shaped like the projecting end of no 69 66. End curves forward and bears five
(I ) Cf. 0° 09 I !)•
<•l See n•• 6g66-6 g46 ahoYe and 5o35 -5 ~o o below.
t>l Joins into stern of n• 6g46 .
Catal. du Mu see, n• 67g8.
bands just at base of flower. Bands separated by incised lines painted red. Underside
of flower painted with red lines. Ground color yellow.
TEcnN IQUE : Pieced about the middle hy tongue and soc-ket joint. Lotus flower joined
to stern by tongue and socket joint.
PnESERVATIO:i : Broken in two near end.
5036. Piece from bow or stern of model of ship similar to n° 4944.- \Vood.
-Length o m. 23 cent.- \Vith 11° 5o35.
All one piece. Painted, red, blue, green, white and yellow. Peg holes in top. One side
broken ofT. End, sawed surface.
BIBL.: Joumal d'ent,.ec du Alusee, n• 32621 C; DARESSY, Fouilles, n• 5o36.
5038. Piece of prow, tip, from model of a boat similar to n° 4946( 1l . - \Vood.
- Lengtl1 o m. :dt5 mill.- With no 5o35.
Painted yellow.
BIBL.: Journal d'eutree du Alu.~ee, n• 32621 E; D£REssr, Fouilles, n• 5o38.
5039. Piece of prow and tip of bow or stern of boat similar to n° 4946.-
\Vood.- Length om. 23 cent.- \Vith no 5o35.
All one piece. Painted, similar to 11° 49!19. Apparently, once pieced at the end. Peg
holes in top.
llrnL.: Jow·nal d'cutree du Musee, n• :l2621 F; DARESsr, Fouillcs, n• 5o3g.
Almost perfect piece which was pegged on, to complete the prow. Painted yellow.
BIBL.: Joumal d'entree du Musee, n' ~2621 G; DAREssr, Fouilles, n• 5olJo.
5041. End of the model of a boat.- \Vood. - llcigbt om. 2 8 cent.- Tomb
of Amenophis II, grande salle, section lt , 18g8.
Like n" 5o4 2, except in manuer of t~ltadunent to bow or stern. Tongue and socket
join I. Tongue hroken ofT, and also portion of upper part. Painted yellow.
BtBL. : Journal d'eutree du Musee, n• 32 G2o; DARESsr, Fouilles, n• 5olJ t.
5042. End of the model of a boat.- \Vood.- Height om. 28 cent.- Tomh
of Amenophis II rr un escalier, entre les tleux salles, deux couloirs"' 1 8g8.
Stem, flat on top and bottom, rounded on the sides, curring up and ending in a four
rings and an eight sided tlower. Except for crack perfect. Peggod to bow or stern
of ship. Covered with coat of plaster. Painted yellow. Cracked.
B1nL. : Jourt~al d'e11tree du ll!usee, n• 323t 6; DAREssr, Fouilles, n• 5o42.
Similar to n" 5o lJ 2 except that the stem curves back and is attached to bow or stern
liken" 5olJ 1, being glued on. Painted yellow. Extreme tip of sides of socket still
clinging to the corners.
B1nL.: Joumal d'e11tree du Musee, n• 32563; DAREssr, Fouilles, n• 5o43.
Stem and flower like no 5o42. Curving back. Pegged to boat. Covered with thin coal
of plaster and painted yellow. Broken in two at bands at base of flower.
BrnL.: Journal d'eutree du Musee, n•• 32564 and 32 6o8; DAREssr, Fouilles, n• 5o44.
red lines. Upper side of flower, red with yellow ring around outer edae. Underside,
light green with yellow rina crossed by red lines around outer edrre and with yellow
leaves marked by red lines around base. Covered with thin coat of plaster before
painting. Stem of two pieces fastened by a thin sheet of wood inserted in the thickness
of both parts of stem. Flower, pegged on. The whole pegged to boat by three pegs.
Broken in two lenathwise. End of flower on two sides, hroken off.
BJBL. : Joumal d'enlree du Jlfusee, n• 32G2o B; DARESSY, Foui//es, n• 5o45.
Like n• 5o 45. Cracked. Rim of flowe1· on one side, broken off. Part of bow or stern of
boat still clinrr to angle.
B1sL. : Journal d'enlree tl11 A/usee, n• 3262o A; DARESSY, Fouilles, n• 5o46.
In form and coloring like n• 5oft 5. Bands around base of llower, only painted on.
Broken ofT at curve of neck. Flower fastened on apparent! y like n• 5oft 8.
BIBL. :Journal d'entree du .Musee, n• ::2607; DAREssr, Fouilles, n• Soh7.
5050. Blade of a rudder from the model of a ship (IJ. - \Vood. -Length
o m. l1o ccnl.- TomL of Amcuophis ll, grand e salle , section 16.
Hather angular blade with romHl pointed tip. Covered with pla ster.
BraL. : Joumal d'e11tree du Muscc, u• 32555; lhREssr, Fot~illes , u• 5 180 .
5051. Rudder-rest from the model of a ship. - \Vood.- Length o m. 267 mill.
- TomL of Arnenophis II, rrrande salle, section 2 (?).
Semicircular boliow near each end for recevina stem of rudder. Fastened with two pegs
to deck. Painted yellow.
BntL.: Jounzal d'eulree du Jllusee , u• 3:.! 57 5 ; D.IRESSl', Fouilles, n• 5u3.
5052. Two post of a canopy from the model of a ship. - \Vood. - Height
o rn. 535 mill., height o m. 33 cent.- Tomb of Amenophis II,
grande salle, section 1 o.
Painted yellow. Peg-like prolongation on lop to fit hole in roof. Hole in bottom to
admit peg. One post broken in two.
BrBL.: Jourual d'eutreedu Mush, n• 31! 685; DARESSl', Fouilles, n• 515&.
Square below, changinG to round above. Surmounted by hawk's head. Stem, yellow.
Face of hawk, yellow with black markings; wig of hawk, greenish blue. Inside half
of bottom prolonged to fo1·m a tongue which was inserted in slot in deck. Covered
with coat of plaster before painting. The inside of each post rested against some
elevation on deck. Tongue on bottom of one post broken off.
B!BL.: Journal d'eutree du .Musee, n" 3257& and 326og A; DARESSl', Fouilles, n• 5J5g.
Eyes and beak, black; no eye-marks. In underside, good-sized hole for fastening
to post.
BJBL.: Jounwl d'e11lree drtA!usee, u• 32 609 F and G; DAREssr, Fouilles, n• fi16o.
5055. Hawk's head like that on n° 5053.- vVood.- Height o m. o28 mill.
-Tomb of Amenophis II, grande salle, section lt.
Was alued on post. Plaster knocketl ofT hel.ind.
Bmt. : Journal d'entnic du Musee, 11' :l ~ Gog E; DAREssr, Fouilles, 11" 51 G1.
5056. Hawk's head like that on n° 5053.- \Vood.- Height o 111. o27 mill.
-With no 5o5S.
Was glued on post.
BJBL. : Journal d'entrcc du A/usee, n• :hGofJ D; DARESsr, Fouillcs, n' 51 G1.
5059. Upper end of a rudder from the model of a ship. - \VoocL -Length
o m. 2lt2 mill.- \Vith no 5o5lt.
Hound stern pierced by a slantinG hole for fastening the handle and surmounted hy
human head with rams' horns and with the douhle crown. Painted yellow with hlue
wir,, black eyebrows , eyelashes, cosmetic stripes and iris, and white white of eye.
Crown and lwad, each bears a tonuue projection on underside which fits into hole
in head allll in post respectirely. Horns inserted in holes. Horns now lost.
B1B1.. : Journal d'cntrh du A/usee, u• 32 G17 A; DARESSY, Fouilles, n• 5 t 5G.
and iris, bl ack. Whith of eye, white. Crown and head of one piece. Il eac! fastened
to post like n• 5o5g. Only one hom presef\'ed. llorns in serted in holes.
IlrnJ.. : Joumal d'enlrcc du Mu see' 11° ~~2 G•7 n; DAR ESS r, Fouillcs' 11 ° 5 r58 .
5063. Piece from the side of a cabin, from the model of a ship Pl.- \Vood.-
Length om. 2 7 cenl., widlh o m. o85 mill.- Tomb of Amenophis II,
grande salle, section 4.
Painted with scroll -pattern like n" 5o6~, in the snme colors; hlock pattern on
margin I ike no 5o 6 2, in black red green, yellow, black , etc. (in this order).
1 1
5064. Piece from side of cabin from model of ship. - \Vood. - Length o m.
:20 cent., wide om. o5 cent.- With no 5o63.
Scroll-pattern similar to 11° 5o62 in the same colors. TIIC dots in the centers of tl.e
rosettes, omitted. :\Iargin not preserrcd.
B1sL. : Joumal d'eu cree du Musee, n• 32G 1G: DAnEssv, Fouilles, n• 5o I) 1.
length o m. 127 mill. , width om. t 3 5 mill.- " 'i th no 5o63, also
section 1 (? 2 ?).
End and both sides as far as the first spaces (doorways?) on each side. No indication
that anything was fastened in these spaces. No roof.
CoLORING AND ORNAMENTATIO!'i : Both end and sides painted with scr?ll and block pattern
similar to n" 5o 6 2. The red spa ces between the scrolls are replaced by hrown and
reddish brown nnd also the dots in the rosettes are yellow instead of red. Up and
down the sides of the spaces between the panels (doorways?) heyond the block
border, yellow.
TEcHNIQUE: One piece even to the strips over doorways; corners solid. Inside, roughly
chiseled out. Layer of plaster outside before painting.
PRESERYATION: Piece gone out of middle of end, separatinG it into two pieces. Bottom
hroken off.
BrsL.: Jourunl d'e11tree du Musee, n" 325G7 A and 3:1G1G; DARESSY, Fouilles , n• 5ogo.
5066. Small piece from the side of a cabin. - 'Vood. - Length o m. t o cen I.
-Tomb of Amenophis II, grande salle , section 4, t8g8.
5067. Piece from side of cabin, from model of ship (IJ. - \\' ood. ~ Length
om. 335 mill., width om. o5 cent.- With ll
5o6 ~L
Upper part, with three windows painted on. Painted with scroll pattern like n" So62
and with red, blue, green, hrownish yellow, white and black. Windows are crossed
with red lines. On left side, side of doorway has hlack ho~d e r.
llrsL.: Journal d'cntree du lllusee, n' 32G 1G ; f>AnEssr, Fouilles, n• 5ol)t.
(I ) J'\• f>o7o joins on to tile underside of n• 5oG7, left end. And n' 5oG:I J.elonrrs perhaps on rieiit end of
same side of this cabin.
5068. Small piece from the cabin of the model of a ship. - \Vood.
Length o m. 1 5 cenl. - Tomb of Amenopltis II , grande salle,
section 1 ('? :1 ?), 1898.
5069. Piece from end of cabin, from model of ship.- Wood.- Height om.
107 mill., width om. t48 mill., thick om. 02 5 mill.- With no 5o66.
AboYe, on left, small frarrment of side. Col01·ing, ornamentation and technique
like n• 5oG5. Border alonrr top, broader.
BIBL.: Joumal d'entreedu Must:e, n' 32616; DARESSY, Fouilles, u• 50!)2.
5070. Piece from side of cabin, from model of ship (IJ.- Wood. - Length
om. 1 7 5 mill. , width om. 07 cent. -Tomb of Amenophis II , grande
salle, section 2, t8g8.
Scroll pattern like n• 5o G2 hut with brown spaces between the scrolls instead of the
red. Dots in rosettes have black outlines. Block-pattern as border and beyond (on
side of doorway) black vertical stripe (where n• 5o 6 5 has yellow).
BtsL. : Journal d'mtree du Musee , n' 32 361 B; DAREssr, Fouilles, n' 5o!) 1.
5071 . Corner of cabin, from model of ship. -Wood. - Length om. 173 mill.,
height om. o85 mill., width om. o65 mill.- \Vith ll 0 6o7o.
Part of end and part of side with door ('?). Painted with scroll and block pattern.
Frame of door (?), black. Edrre to left of doo1· also black (where n• 5o 6 5 has
yellow). On the end, the brown space between scrolls is replaced by red. Peg in
lop , just above right end of door. End, thin; side, thinner.
BtsL. : Jounwl d'eutree du llfusee, n• 32361 A; DARBssr, Fouilles, n• So 9 ~.
5073. Corner of cabin, from model of ship.- Wood.- Length om. o56 mill.,
height om. I45 mill., width om. 0 27 mill.- \Vithn° So72.
With side of a door space. Side of door space, black. End of cabin white. Side, scroll
and block pallem like n• 5oG2 . One piece, like n• 5oG5. Technique like n• 5o65.
Left hand corner.
BtBL.: Journal tl'entree tlu Jlusee, n• ih GtG ; DAREssr , Fouilles, n• 5ogt.
Right hand corner. Similar to n• 5o 7 3 Lut distance between end and edge of door
space shorter. Scroll- pallern omitted. End, white like n• 5o 7 3 and edge of door
space also hlack.
BtoL. : Journal d'entree du A/usee , n• 32 61 6; DAREssr, Fouilles, n• 5og 1.
5075. Side from box or cabin, from model of ship.- \Vood.- Length om.
to8 mill., width om. oS2 mill., thick om. 007 mill.- Tomb of
Amenophis 11 , grande salle, section 6.
Ground color, red, also inside and on edaes. Outsi<le , three fields enclosed above and
on each side by yellow stripes. Pegaed to deck by two pegs in lower edge . Pegged
to some othet· piece by two peas throuah left end. Right encl apparently not attached.
Thus the box or cabin must have been open iu front and on top.
BJBL . : Jour11al d'entrh du llfusee, n• 82G23; D.HIESSY, Fouilles, n• 5o56.
5076. Side from box or cabin, from model of ship.- \Vood.- Length o m.
to5 mill. , width om. o53 mill.- Tomb of Amenophis II , grande
salle, section 6.
5077. Side from box or cabin, from model of ship. - Wood.- Length o m.
109 mill., widtl1 om. o55 mill.- \Vith no 5o76.
5078. Side from box or cabin, from model of ship. - \Vood. - Length o m.
098 mill., width om. o53 mill.- With no So76.
Similar to n" So75, hut with the two peas in l'iaht entl instcatr of left. Lower riaht
corner broken off.
BtBL.: Joumal d'entree du Mu.~ee, u• 316!1:!; I>AnEssr, fouillcs, u• 5o5ft.
5080. Side of box or cabin, from model of ship( 2l . - \Vood. -Length om.
12U mill. , width om. o52 mill.- With no So76.
Inside , red. Outside like n" 5o 7!), but omitting red stripe along the bottom. A sign f
in the first field on right. Left edge shows traces of having been glued to another
hoard. Two pegs in lower edge.
BtBL.: Jounwl d'entree du lllusee, n• :326!13; DAnEssr, Fouilles, n• 5o5L
5082. Side from box or cabin , from model of ship (3l.- \Vood. -Length om.
tlt6 mill., width o m. o3 5 mill. -Tomb of Amenophis II, grande
salle, section lt, 1 8 9 8.
So far as preserved, like n" 5o 7!) , outside. Inside, red. Lower half split otT. No indi-
cation of having been joined to anything else except possibly glue mark from cross
bar on left edge.
BtsL.: Jounral d'entree du Musee, n• 32623; DAREssr, Fouilles, n• 5o36.
5083. Side from box or cabin, from model of ship. - \Vood . - Length o m.
t lt5 mill. , width om. oG cent.- With no 5 o8 ~L
Li ke no 5o79· First fie ld on right con tnins f sign. Hight end, in side, marks of having
been glued on. Upper part split ofl' an•l glued on. Patt ern at base of field s, slightly
BruL. :Journal d'enlree du !tfusee, u· .1 2 G23; DAnESSY, Fouilles, n• '5071.
5084. Side from box or cabin, from model of ship(ll . - \Voo d. - Lenrrth om.
tt6 mill. , width om. ou'S mill.- \Vith n° 5 o8 ~.
Similar to no 5o7 9· No black outlines. Hed stripe alona bottom wanting. At base of
each field, th e pattern is in red, white and hlue instead of red , white and black.
First field on right contains f sign. Glue marks on inside of right cud. Two pegs in
bottom. ~luch broken and glued together.
llrBL.: Jounral d'e11tree du Musee, n• il2G23; DARESSY, Fouilles, n• 5o3!J.
5085. Side from box or cabin, from model of ship. - \Vood. - Length o rn.
16 2 miJJ. , width om. o5 cent.- \Vith no 5 o8 ~L
Inside, red. Outside, similar lo 11° 5o79 but with solid white blocks al base of fields
instead of pattern in red white and black. First field on right has n f sign. No
marks of gluina on either end. Two pegs in boltom edge.
BJBL.: Journal d'entree du Mush , n• :32G:l3; DAnESSY, Fouilles, n• 5o35.
5086. Side from box or cabin, from model of ship.- \Vood.- Lenrrth om.
126 mill. , width om. o37 mill.- \Vith 11° 5o82.
In side, red. Outside, three fields s<.'parnted and surmounted by stripes in block pattern
like no 5o79 hut without hlack outlines. In middl e field two i signs; in each of
the other two, two f signs. Sians extend to lower edge of side, no pattern under-
neath. Two indentations (for peas?) in right end. Two pegs in lower edae.
BJBL.: Jounral d'e11tree rlu Mush•, n• 3~()~3; DAREssr, Fouilles, n• So77.
5087. Side from box or cabin, from model of ship.- \Vood. - Lenuth o m.
1 17 mill., widlh o rn. o35 mill.- \Vith no 5 o8 ~.
Like no 5o8G. Upper pnl'l split off. Two indentati ons, in left end instead of riGht end.
BrnL.: Journal d'entreedu lllusee, n• 3 :! G2 3; DAnE ~Sl'. Fouilles , n• So78.
5088. Side from box or cabin, from model of ship. - Wood . - Length o m.
I o8 mill. , width 0 Ill. olt cent.- Tom!, of Am cnophis II , rrrandc
Inside, while. Outside like 11° SoS!i. Two indcntaliOIIS ill ri uht eoGe ano two peu
holes in lower edue, like n" 5o 8G. Left end hroken off.
lltnL. : Jou11wl d'cntrec du ,l/usee, n• :1:.!1):13: DAR Essr , Fouillcs, n• So 77.
5089. Side from box or cabin, from model of ship. - \Vootl. - Lenrrth o 111.
In side , three broad white vertical stripes separated by narrow red stJ·ipes; narrow red
stripe alone; right end. EdGes , red. Outside, tltrec solid red fields enclosed above
and on the two sides by yellow stripes and separated hy yellow stripes. Inside of
right end (left when seen from insirle ) traces of some object ha\'inG' l1een glued on.
Two pegs in lower edge.
Btnt..: Joul7lal d'eutree d11 Musee, n• ::2623; lhRESSY, Fouilles , n• 5o55.
5090. Side from box or cabin, from model of ship Pl. -Wood.- Length o m.
129 mill., width om. o65 mill.- With no 5o88.
Painted like no 5o8g. Right end and lower edge, two peg-holes. Very nanow glue-
mark along inside of rifjhl edge.
BJBL.: Journal d'entree du Musee, n• 3!.!G2::l; DAREssr , Fouilles, u• 5o63.
5091. Side from box or cabin, from model of ship (2J . - \Vood.- Length o m.
1 2 4 mill., width o m. o62 mill. - \Vith no 5 o88.
Painted like n• 5o8g. Two peg-holes through right end, and two in lower edge. One
slanting peg through uppe1· part of left end. Glue-mark alonG' inside of left end.
BJBL.: Journal d'enll·ee du Musee, n• 32623; DAREssr, Fouillc.s, n• 5o63.
5092. Side from box or cabin, from model of ship( 3l.-\Vood.-Lenglh om.
1 o6 mill., width o m. o6 cent.- \Vilh no 5 o88.
Inside, white with four vertical red stripes (leavinG' five white spaces ). EdGes, red.
Outside, four fields, surrounded hy block border Iike no 5o 7 9; Lut without hlack
ou tlin es aroun d blocks; red, white and black pattem benea th each field; red stripe
alo nrr Lottom. In each field, figure of a god (A mon), holding in left hand a staff,
right arm raised, hrandishinu a spear. Left end, two indentations in edge, one of
them filled with wood, and one slender pet_;. Inside of left edge, fjlue-mark.
5093. Side from box or cabin, from model of ship( 1J.-\Vood.-Ler1'gth om.
to 5 mill., width om. o58 mill.- Tomb of Amenophis II, gtande
salle, section Lt.
Like n• So92 hut rerersed; figm·es facing left; filled indentations, peg and ulue-mark
at rirrht end. Black lines confined to base of fields.
5094. Side from box or cabin, from model of ship.- YVood.- Length o m.
11 G mill., width om. o6ll mill.- \Vith no 5o93.
Like n• 5og3, hut indentations in left end. No pet_;, and no glue-marks on either end.
Two pegs in lower edge. Split in two and glued.
llrnL. : Jormwl d'entree du A/usee, n• 32 623; DAREssr, Fouilles, n• 5o 52.
5095. Side from box or cabin, from model of ship. -\Vood. - Len3th o m.
113 mill., width om. oG4 mill.- \Vith n° 5o93.
Like n" 5og :J, hut with two indentations in right end. Two pegs in lower edge. No
other pegs; no glue-marks.
llrm.. : Journal d'entr~e du Afusee, n• 32 623; DARESSY, Fouilles, n• 5o5~L
5096. Side from box or cabin, from model of ship. - \Vood.- Length o m.
196 mill., width om. oG8 mill.- \Vith no 5og3.
Inside, red. Outside, fou1· field s containing figures similar to n• So92, surrounded by
hlock pattern exact! y like n• 5o 7 9. Figures, painted in, blue, yellow, white and
blue-green. Ends (edges), h1·ownish yellow. Three peas in lower edge. Upper part
split off.
lltBL.: l01mwl cl'entree du 11/u see, n" 326~3; lhREssr, Fouilles, n• 5oG6.
5097. Side from box or cabin, from model of ship.- \Vood. - Length o m.
2 62 mill., width o m. o6 ce nt., thi ck o m. o 1 3 mill. - Tomb of
Amenophis 11 , wan de salle, section 1 (? 2 ?).
In sid e, yellow. Outside, fire fields with s t:~ndin 1~ firrlll"cs si lllilar to n• 5og2; the fields
:-tre separa ted hy block-pa ttcm st ripes like the block-pattern sll·ipcs ;Jbovc on
n• 5o7~J hut with incised lines instead of bh ck lines. The wh ole is then enclosed by
a similar border. The fields arc hollowed on! nnd the fir,urcs ue in reli ef. Painted
like n•. So9G. Hanging down behintl encl. firrut·e, a !nil. Upper half , split off. Two
pcrrs in lower' edrrc. In side of left Cnll' uluc-mark .
B1nL. : Journal d"entree du Musee, n• 3!1568 A; DAnEssr, Fouilles, n• 5o4!).
5098. Side from box or cabin, from model of ship.- \Vood.- Length o m.
255 mill., width om. o55 mill., thick om. o 1 ce nt.- With no 5o97·
Inside, yellow over red. Outside , like n• 5o 97 ; ouly folll" fi elds preserved. Lower half
broken off. Upper part of figures; hawk's head wit It solar disc and feathers. Inside
of left end. rrluc-mark.
BtnL.: Jounwl d'entree du Musee , n• 3!1577 B; DAnEssr, Fouilles, n• 5o66 .
5099. Side from box or cabin, from model of ship. - \Vood. - Length o m.
t 5 cent., width om. o63 mill.- \Vith no 5097·
Inside, red. Outside, like n• So 79 but with five fields. Fit·st field on right, has a
f sian. Two indentations in left end. Two pegs, in lower edge. Badly cracked.
BtnL. : Jourmd d'e11tree du !Ifusee, n• 32 577 C; DAnEssY, Fouilles, n• 5o6!).
5100. Side from box or cabin, from model of ship. - "'vVood. - Length o m.
1 5t mill., width o m. o61 mi!l. -With no 5o97·
Inside, red. Outside , similar to n• 5o 79 but with five fields the first of which has
fsign. The red , white and black pattern at base of fields, is slightly different.
Two indentations in right end. Two pegs in lowet· edge.
BIBL.: Journal d'entree du Musee, n" 32568 B; DAnEssv, Fouilles, n• 5o6o.
5101. Side from box or cabin, from model of ship.- \Vood. - Length o m.
129 mill. , width om. o68 mill.- \Vith no 5o97·
Inside, red. Outside, like n• 5o83, but without black lines in block border. Two
slanting pegs through left end. Two pegs in lower edge.
BtBL.: Journal d'entree du Musee, n" 32568 C; DAREssY, Fouilles, n• So67.
5102. Side from box or cabin, from model of ship.- \Vood . - Length o m.
tt8 mill. , width om. oG 5 mill.- \Vith Il
5 o~)7 ·
In side and edges, yellow. Outside above , projecting holl ow cornice; lowet· left corner
cu t oil'. l\'o t a perfect reclanale; parallelogram with slwrter diagonal runnin g from
lower left co rn er to upper t·ight ( l l. Curving hollow of corni ce marked with ver-
ti cal stripes lT on yell o11 ha ck-ground, blue, red, hlue , green, blue , red, etc.
Central fi eld
ta;n;n rr fi rst
Ma'at, sprea-
00 .
t surrounded by !Jiock horder like that above on noSo79 , and con-
th en a human headed sph;n, tcampi;ng on a negro, the goddess
f.; din g out her wings over the sitJ ilS K:> and f , all on yellow
back-Ground. ' ' Alon g hot lorn, a red stripe. Lower ed ge and ed1~es of both ends
5112. Rudder-post from model of ship.- Wood.- Height om. t35 mill.-
With no 51 olt.
Painted like n" 5 1ou. Peg through top like n" 51 1o. Head projecting over front and
two sides. Bottom broken off.
B1sL.: Journal d'enlreedu lllusee, n• 3'l622; DAREssr, Fouilles, n• 5tl2.
Painted like n• 51 ob; bands have black outlines. Head like n• 51 1 1 without peg.
Bottom like n• 51 ob.
BrBL. : Journal d'e11tree du Jllusee, n• 32G2~; DAREssr, Fouilles, n• St 1 3.
Painted like n• 5 t ob. Head like n• 5 t t t without peg. Bottom broken off.
BtBL.: Journal d'entree du A/usee, n• 3~622; DARESSY, Fouilles, n• St1u.
Like n• 5Jtb. Base and right side of head broken off. Sides (edges), yellow instead
of red like the back or in stead of having bands like front.
B1BL.: Journald'entree du Musee, n• 32622; DAREssr, Fouilles, n• S11S.
Like n• 5 11 b , with peg through head. Base and right side of head, broken off.
BrBL. : Journal d'entree du Afusee, n• 32G22; DAREssr, Fouilles , n• 5tt 6.
5117. Rudder-post from model of ship.- \Vood.- Height om. 1.2.2 mill.
- \Vith no Stolt.
Form like n• 5 t 07, with peg holes on sides. Painted with stripes like n• 5t ob; but
of the three nar1·ow stripes, the middle one is blue (blue green) while the two outer
ones are red . Black outlines.
ll!BL. : Journal d"e11tree du A/usee, n• J2G~ 2; DAREssr, Fouilles, n• 5o tli.
Form like n• 51o 4. Pegs lost out of holes on sides. Bottom sharpened. Top , red;
rest , yellow.
BI BL. : Journal d'elltrce du Mu see' u • a~ 62 9; DARESS Y, Fouilfes' n• 5o95.
5122. Rest for rudder, from model of ship.- \Vood.- Length o m. t 8 cent.
- 'With n° 5t oft.
Right end, like one end of n• 5o 5 t • Left end, under edge cut ofT obliquely. Two peg
holes. Painted red. Underside where it rested on deck, unpainted.
BIBL . : Journal d'e11tree du Musee, n• 32 G'l2; DAIIESSY, Fouilles, u• 5t 'l8.
5123. Rest for rudder, from model of ship.- \Vood.- Length om. t8ft mill.
- \Vith n .. 5t oft.
Similar to n• 5 t2 2. Lefl end, underside, not cut ofT; bul painted yellow. Unpainted
part on underside , bears layer of glue. Right peg projects above upper surface of
rest, as if for holding rope for fast ening rudder.
BIBL .: Journal d'en tree du Mu sce, u• 3 ~6 ,n ; DARESSY, Fouilles, n• 5 t 27 ·
5124. Rest for rudder, from model of ship. - \Vood. - Length om. 198 mill.
-With no 5 t oft.
Similar to n• 5 t 23. Right end , both corn ers rounded. Three pegs, one of which
(now lost) stood up above upper surface like right peg on n• 5 t 23 . Underside of
ends, white.
B IBL. : Jour11al d'e11tree du Musee, n• 3'l6'l2; D ARESSY, Fouilles, u• 5 13 1.
5125. Rest for rudder, from model of ship.- 'Vood.- Length o n1. 1 6 cent.
- 'Vith no 51olt.
Right end like n• 51 2 2. Left end, front corner cu t out. Upperside, front, yellow;
b<Jck, red. Undet·side like n• Gt 2!J. Sinale pea, projectina <Jbove upper surf<Jce,
lik e riaht peg on n• 5 t 23, with bit of string wrllpped <JJ'otwd it.
IIIBL. : Juur11al d'entree du Mu sle, n• ;::! G2 2; DARESSY, Fouilles, n• !i1 2 G.
5126. Cabin from the model of a ship. -'vVood.- Lenath om. 2oS mill.,
width o m. 15 5 mill. , o m. to cent. , height o m. 1 o5 mill.- Tomb of
Amenophis II , tt nn escalier, entre lcs deux salles, deux couloirs , , 1898.
Solid block. Front brondc•· than back. llottom, sliahtly slantina to fit deck. Painted
wl1itc. On front , left side, a door painted on , yellow with red frame. Underside,
three pegs for fa steninr, to deck.
III nr..: Journal cl'entree du 11/usce, n• :J~3q; DAnt:~sr, f'ouilles, n• 5o8g.
5127. Blade of rudder from the model of a ship. - 'Vood. - Length o 111.
5129. Tip of mast, from model of ship.- 'Vood.- Length om. t 35 mill.
- Thebes , Tomb of Thotl.mes III, 1898.
On each sid e, four rough eyes, for fa stenin{; ropes. Painted red and yellow.
llmL.: DAREBSY, Fouilles, n• 5 1l17.
5131 . Cabin from the model of a ship. -\Vood.- Lent;Lh o 111. 228 mill.,
width o 111. oG cent. , o 111. 07~ lllill., height om. o7S mill. - Tomb
of Tholhmes III , 18g8.
Front end broader than rear cud. The whole is curved to fit slope of deck. A cornice
runs around the top. Door in front end. Window and door in each side. On left si de
of each door; a small kn ob. On top, two stout p<•gs nnd marks of rectangular object
(smaller than roof) whi ch rested on roof.
CoLOIIING A:so On:um::n.HION : Sides in same pattern ns u" 5 t 3o :wd in same colors
except thattbe yell ow s<luarc with wl1ile dol of no 51 3 o is repla ced by white square
in 11° 51 3 1. Cornice, hlne, red, blue, g•·een, blue, red , etc. (in this order) vertical
stripes on yellow hack around. Window, brownish yell ow. Door fram e, gilt.
TECJJ:sJQUE:One piece. Gilt is uold foil' laid on. Covered \lith layer of plaster before
painting. Pcgaed to deck.
PnESERVATIOii: Front, left corn er and back, ri gh t corner broken.
BlBL.: DARESsl·, Fouilles, n• 5!1o6.
5132. Rudder-post from model of ship.- \Vood.- Height om. 027 mill.-
Tomb of Am enophis II , section 1!.
Form like ll 5J ou; no pegs on side, hut a hole sltmting through each back corner.
wooden wedges. Cross- piece, pegged to deck by two pegs. Hight end of cross- piece,
front split off. Lower end of left rudder-post still in the hole in left end.
BIBL. ": DARESSY , Fouilles , n' 5og6.
5136. Blade and lower part of stem of rudder from model of ship.- \Vood.-
Length o 111. ~ 9 5 mill. - Tomh of Amenophis II, section 6, 1 898.
Blade, shaped like segment of a fan; the stem runs out to end but is flattened. Two
holes through blade on each side. Both faces and both sides of blade are alike.
Painted in red, green, blue, yellow, wl1ile and black.
BIBI.. : DARESSY, Fouilles, n• 5 168.
5137. Blade of rudder, from model of ship.- \Vood.- Length om. t57 mill.
- \\'ith no 5t36.
Like no 5136. Rosettes a tritle dill'e,·enl. Only two holes, one on each side of stem.
Four pieces glued together.
BIBL. : DARESSr, Fouilles , n' 5 16g.
5138. One side of blade of rudder, from model of ship. - Vvood.- Length
om. :12 cent.- \Vith no 5t36.
Was fastened to stem by two pegs ; and is pierced by a hole like no• 51 3 6-7. Rosettes
slightly different. Rim of red iris, black. Otherwise liken" 5t3G.
BIBL. : DARESSl", Fouilles , n' S17 3.
5139. Blade of rudder from model of ship. -Wood.- Length om. 18~ mill.
- \Vith no 5 t 36.
Wedge shaped. Stem disappears in blade. Painted in red, green, yellow, blue and
black. No holes through blade.
BIBL. : DAR ESS Y, Fouilles, n• 5 17 6.
With part of stern. Like no 5 t37. Painted in green , red, yellow, blue, white and
black. Two pieces glued together.
fl1nL. : D As ess r , Fouilles, n' 5 17 1.
~1 0 DELS OF Sill PS AND fl OAT S. 135
5141. Blade and part of stem of rudder, from model of ship. - Wood. -
Length o m. 28 cent. , length blad e o m. d 18 mill. - TomL of
Amenophis II , sec ti on G.
Like n• 513 G. Stem broken ofT at slan ting hole through whi ch the handle passed.
IllBL.: DARESH, Fo uilles, n• 5170.
Hound , and slightly tapering towards end. Hound hole through end, by which it was
fa stened Ly a peg to rudder-post (I l . Hectangular hole for handle, slanting in same
direction as round hole.
B!BL. : DAR Ess r, Fo11illes, n" 5 17G .
Round, and slightly tapering towards end. Square hole in end (2l. Slanting, round
hole with part of handle.
BIBL. : DAREssr, Fouilles, n• 5163.
Long handle ; narrow oval blade. End of handle, broken ofT on n"' 1 and !L Unpainted.
BIBL. : DARESSY, Fouilles , n• 5 191.
5145. Four oars from model of ship. -'Vood.- Length no 1 , om. 1 o8 mill. ;
no 2 , 0 111. t23 mill.; n° 3, 0 m. J08 mill. ; no 6 , 0 m. t37 mill.-
'Vith no 5 1 l1t . No 3, from section 6.
Round handle, narrow blade. Hnndle continued along back of blade nearly to tip.
Blade, red ; handle yellow.
B1uL. : DARESSY, Fouilles, n• 5 190.
5146. Part of spar with rope, from model of ship.- \Vood.- Length o m.
19 cent. - Tomb of Amenophis, section ft.
Tapering towards end, round. Notched on opposite sides where the string is tied on.
String oft wo strands.
BJBL. : DARESSY, Fouilles, n' 5 t !)':!.
The top is slit and holds a !hin board with two wooden eyelets on each side; two
notches on each side. One half of top broken away. The hoard is glued on. Mast
yellow; eyelets, red.
BIBL. : DAREssr, Fouilles, n' 5t t.G.
5148. Notched block for fastening mast ropes, like objects on nos 4944 and
4946.- \Yood.- Length o m. 107 mill.- 'Vith no 5tlt 1.
5149. Notched block like n° 5148, from model of ship. - \~Vood. - Length
o m. 1 2 3 mill. - Tomh of Amenophis II, section 6.
5150. Notched block like n° 5148, from model of ship.- W"ood.- Length
o m. o68 mill. - " 'ith ll0 51 /19.
No pegs, rrlued to deck. Two notches. Two red bands.
BIBL. : DAREssr, Fouilles, n• 5 t t. 5.
Like no 5o53. Peg like projection above which bore hawk's head, now lostO l. On
outside of each, a round hole (om. o55 mill. and om. 075 mill., fr·om top).
Yellow. ·
BIBL. : Ihnessr. Fouilles, n• 5 137.
5155. Ladder, from model of ship. -Wood.- Length o m. 237 mill., width
o m. 02 '2 mill.- \Vith no 5t49·
Upper part, broken oiT. Like n• 5153, but with a projection on back of lower end.
Painted yellow.
BtBL. : DARESSr, Fouilles, n• 5 197.
5156. Flight of steps, from model of ship (2J . - \Yood.- Height om. 17 cent.,
length o m. o83 mill., wide o m. ol.t 3 mill. - Thebes, Tomb of
Thothmes III ( tas 6 ).
Back and sides, yellow. Front, white with narrow gt·een border on all edges. Fastened
to deck by two pegs. Piece split oiT of left side.
BtBL. :Journal d'entree du A/usee, n• 32285; DARESSY, Fouilles, n• 5216.
5161. Blade of rudder, from model of ship.- Wood.- Length om. 8o cent.,
length blade o m. lt!J5 mill.- \Vith no 51 Go.
Long and slender, with slightly convex faces. End of blade, round. Technique like
n• 5o5o . One side of end.broken off and glued on.
Bmt. : DARESSY, Fouilles, n• 5 181.
5164. Platform from bow or stern of model of ship, with box.- Wood. -
Length o m. 1 2 5 mill. , heirrht o m. o82 mill. , wide o m. t 3 5 mill.
- Tomh of Amenophi s II , section G.
The plaifonn consists of a hoard in for111 of trunca ted triangle with projection on each
side of smaller end, a1Hl with three support.~ on underside, two of which arc h·iangular,
(;IHn g the wid er end of platform, a s li ~;ht clcration. The bo.v consists of three
hoards, set on etlge on the platform . On e sitl c-hoanl is n• 50 7!); the othet· is lower
half of a hoard lik e n" 5o7!): all!! the end -hoa rd is a narrow, cunetl hoard Learinr,
a fork on upper end, and colored ret! , blue green, yellow on front, yellow behind.
The triana ular piece is on the outside red 11 ith white rings decreasing in size towards
the end. Th e platform is yellow. The two trian gulnr pieces on the sides and the two
side-board s of the Lox arc pcgaed to main board Ly two pegs on each side, the
same pegs serving for both upp Pr and lower pieces. The wider end of the platform
is possibly .-.!so pcm;cd Oil. Th e other parts .-. rc ulued together .-.nd the whol e rrluetl
to deck. Hound hole in lower part of front cdae of platform.
BJBL. : DAREss r , Fouilles , n• 5o3 6.
5165. Platform with end of box from bow or stern of model of ship.- \Vood.
-Length om. 167 mill. , height om. t 25 mill., width om. 206 mill.
-Tomb of Amcnophis ll , section G.
Same general form as n• 5 t Gu. Instead of three supports aiving the broad end an
elevation, the main board has a wedge shape. The end is like n" 5t Gu d. Sides,
lost. Platform, yellow; undet·sct triangular side on one side, red with white and
brown rings decreasing in size towards the narrow end, on the other, red with
~ sign decreasing in size. Projecting ends on small end, of separate piece glued on.
End of Lox also glued on; sides of Lox were pem~cd on. The whole was pegacd to
deck by four pegs. •
BIBL.: DARESSY , Fouille.~, n• 5o57.
5166. Platform with box from model of ship.- " rood. -Length om. t 3 cent.,
height o m. t 55 mill., width o 111. o8 cent.- \Vith no 5I65.
Platform like n• 5 t 65 ( 5t6u ). The end pieced tilted up slightly. The triangulat·
sides, undersct, are on one side, red with white rings, and on the other, simply red.
One side of Lox, is n• 5o 8 o and the other side is like it ( 1 •t sign on riaht, f). At
the small end, these boards were connected Ly two slats (or bars), glued to edges of
board s. Th ese slats arc now missing.
BIBL. : DARESSY, Fouilles, n• 5o5 1.
5167. Platform with one side of box, from model of ship.- Wood.- Length
om. tlt cent. , height om. t55 mill. , width om. 07 c.-With no 5 t 65.
Platform, like n• 5 t64 except that there arc no projection on sides of smaller end.
The front cdrre is painted red; the rest yell ow. The supports on underside arc
lost. The side-hoard of th e Lox is 11° 5o82 with red Lac k hut witl1out glue marks
18 .
on inside of either end. The other side-board is m1ssmg. The two were possibly
joined by a har across end glued to edges.
BIBL. : DARESSl', Fouilles, n• iio 36.
5168. Platform with part of box, from model of ship.- Wood.- Length o m.
12 5 mill., hei ght om. t5 cent., width o m. o8 cent.- \Vith no 5t 65.
Platform, like n• 5 166 in form and coloring. The side-board is n• 5o 86 ; the opposite
board and an end piece similar to n" 51 6ft, arc missing. Glued to deck.
BIBL. : DAREssr, Fouilles, n• 5o3g .
5169. Platform with part of end of box, from bow or stern of model of ship.-
\Vood. - Length o m. 12 5 mill., height o m. 13 cent., wide o m.
t 97 mill. - TomL of Amenophis 1l , sections h and 6.
Platform like n• 516 5 in form. Yell ow; undcrset triangular sides, blue. Box consisted
of two side hoard s, pegged on, and an end piece. End piece, inside yellow;
outside, red. The end piece must have had a projection entering the hole b in
middle of small enrl of platform ; the end piece overlaps the side boards with pegs
(two close together) passing through the flange c into ends of side boards. The
whole pegged to deck by pegs.
BIBL. : n·ARESSl', Fouilles' n• 5o5G.
5171. Box from model of ship, from platform on bow or stern.- \Vood. -
Length om. 1lt7 mill., height o m. o55 mill., om. oG3 mill.-
Tomb of Amenophis II, sections la, G and c 2 s.
Only right side of en1l preserve1l, apparently like end of n" 5 1Gl1. Two side boards
similar to n• 5o83. The sides overlap end an d nrc fastened to it by two peas on each
side; also fastened to deck hy two peus on each side.
The end is si111ilar in form to n" S1 G/1 but with a raised band ac ross the top. Fork,
edges and f1·onl, red; back, white. The sides arc n"' 5o!)O and So91, respectively.
The sides overlap end and are pcguctl to it by one pea on eac h side.
BIBL.: D.~REss1·, Fouilles, u• 5oG3.
End similar to n" S164 in form but hroader with larger f01·k. Red, all over. The
sides arc n"' 5o 9 2. and 5o!) 3. The sid es orerlap end and arc pegged to it by one
slender peg on each side.
BIBL. : DARESSY, Fouilles, n• 5o37.
5174. End from box from model of ship.- Wood. -Height o m. o83 milL,
_width om. 028 mill. -TombofAmenophisll,section 6, 18g8.
Like n" 5t Glt in form. Red, outside; yellow, inside. Sides overlapped end and were
glued to it.
5175. End from box from model of ship.- \Vood. - Height o m. 1 o3 mill.,
width o m. o36 mill.- Tomb of Amenophis II, c 2 s, t8g8.
Narrow curved board, with narrow raised band across top ami broad raised strip up
the front, terminating in fork. Roughly cut, filled and smooth with plaster, and
painted red all over. Glued to overlapping ends of side boards.
BJBL.: D.AREssr, Fouilles, n• 5o85.
Similar to n" 5 t 7 5 but broader. Band across top broader; fork, broken off. Overlapping
end of board on left side was fastened by two pegs; on righ l side, by one peg-.
Similar to n• 517 2, but broader, with higher fork and lower band across top. Red, in
front ; white, behind. Ba ck of sides, flattened. ·
BtBL. : DAREssr, Fuuilles, u• 5o 55.
Curved board with Jlange on each side and raised Land across top of front. Front
unpainted. Back, human figure painted in red, white, rr'·een, b~ue and black on
yellow; man, sitting on right heel, left knee raised above a nb-sign, holding in each
hand a rnpt sign. On his head, carlouche of
white and black border.
l. (
o t f« !]
~ ~. Below is a red,
Overlapped ends of side hoards, the edges of which were glued to flange.
BtBL.: Joul'lwl d'entree du lllusce, n• 326':!4 B; f>AREssr; Fouilles, n• 5o83.
5179. End of box, from model of ship.- \Vood.- Height o m. 1 6 cent., width
o m. tt5 mill,- Tomb of Amenophis II, rrdans le couloir avant Ia
deuxieme salle ,,, t 8g8.
In form, like n• 5 178. Band across top of front high and rounded. On bottom, sort of
peg. Front, yellow. Back, like n• 5t,78 (cartouche of( otfti!)). O,·erlapped
ends of boards, th e edges of which were pegged to flanges, by two pegs on each side.
B1BL. : Jou1·nal d'entree du lllusee, n• 3262 4 A; DAREssr, Fouilles, u• 5o8:L
In form sim ilar ton" 51 G/1. Hed, outside; yellow, inside. Top of fork broken otT. Up
the fl'Ont, sl ight!y slantinrr , a round staff or post, about same height as fork and
bearing peg-like projection on top for fa stening some ~bjc c t; below bottom of
boa rd, sharpened fot• insertion in hole in deck; rrhtelllo hoa nl and painted yellow.
The side boards of hox overlapped edges of end, to which they were glued and
peguecl hy two per;s 011 each side.
Bw1.. : JouJ;w[ d'entree du Mus£:e. n• 313:1:.!; lhREssr, Fouilles, u· 5o84.
5181. Post with crotch in top, from box from model of ship.- \Vood . -
ll ei_ght o m. 195 mill.- Tomb of Arncnophis II , sect ion G.
Glu e mark on hack at b, as if glued to hat· couuecting ends of si des of box ( cf.
tt"' 51 t3G-7 ). On front a projec tion ot· raised band. Bottom hrokeu. Pain ted white.
Bt~L. : DARESSY, Fo11illes, u• 5to8.
Outside. red with whit e uracus in eight folds, winged, lwlding between wings cartouche
of ( o l 11\ l). Pegt;ed lo platform hy l wo pegs, to deck by one peg on each side.
One of them badl y splintered.
Btn L. : DAREssr, Fouilles, n• 5o5«J.
Outside, red with five hawks' heads and five circles all white growing smaller towards
sharp angle. Fastened to platfo•·m by one nnd two pegs respectively, to deck by one
and two pegs respectively.
lltBL.: DARESSY, Fouilles, n• 5o4«J.
5184. Cross-bar from end of box, from model of ship. - \Vood.- Length
o m. 09 cent. - Tomb of Amenophis II.
Round , with ring notched around each end. Just inside of notclted ring, a peg in each
end which fastened the bar to ends of side hoards. Yellow.
BtBL.: DARESsr, Fouilles, n• 5182.
A lilLie way from each end , glue mark and yellow smea r wltere glued to ends of sid e
boards or fa stened in notch in ends of side boards. Painted red.
Btn.: DARESSr, Fo11illcs, n• 5J83.
5186. Roof of a canopy.- \Vood.- Length om. 2ltS mill.- Tomb of Amen-
aphis II.
See n from above, form of a truncated triangle. Broad end curves down. Two pair of
holes (one of them for receving columns) at small end; and another pair in middle.
Broad encl is broken off at corners. Painted yellow. Six pieces.
BIBL. : lhRE SSY, Fouilles, n• 5o84 a.
Form of no 5o5~ with small block above the capital. Lower half, contains a peg which
fitted hole in deck, being alued in.
BIBL. : DARESSr, Fouilles, n• 5 153.
The broad end of a roof like no 5 tSG rested on top. Each end was supported by a
columnliken°'5o5~. 5t89, 5t90· Painted yellow.
Like no 5o5~. Lower end sharpened. The back of lower half rested against something.
Lower end inserted in hole.
BIBL.: DARESSY, Fouilles, n• 5o88.
5191. Broad upright post, from model of ship. -·- \Vood. - Height o m.
2 1 cent. , wide o m. o3 cent., thick o 111. o 1ft mill. - Tomb of
Amenophis II , section G.
5192. Side of board with eyelets from top of mast. - \\'ood. - Heig·ht
0 m. I35 mill. -To mb or Amcnophis II.
5194. Pair of side boards of box from model of ship.- \Vood.- Length o m.
128 mill. , height om. o62 mill.- Tomb ofThothmes III, 1898.
Back, red. Front, three plain red fields surrounded by block border in red, blue,
green and yellow. Glue mark inside left end on one, right end on the other. Two
peg holes in bottom edge. Covered with plaster outside before painting.
BIBL.: DARESSY, Fouilles , u• S207.
5195. Side of box, from model of ship.- \Vood. - Length om. 12 7 mill.,
height o m. o6lt mill. - \;Vith no 5t9lt.
Like n• 51 gu. Instead of glue mark, left end has two square notches.
BtBL. : DARESSr, Fouilles, u' 52 07.
5196. Pair of side boards from box on model of ship.- \Vood. -Length
om. tlt cent.-o m. 16.2 mill. , height om. olt cent.-o m. olt5 mill.
- \Vith no 5 t 9lt.
Back, red. Front three red fields containing one ~ and two f signs, surrounded by
block border liken" 5 t glt. The three signs, colored red, blue, green and yellow;
there is no red, white and hlack. border at base. One has single notch in right end;
the other in left end. Fastened to deck by two pegs. One is burned ofT at ends.
BtBL.: DAREssr, Fouille.~, n ' S2o8.
5198. Side of box, from model of ship.- \Vood.- Length o m. o68 mill.,
height o m. o36 mill.- vVith no 5t 96.
Like n" ~ 1 9 7, without notch in either end.
lltBL.: DARESsr, Fouilles, n• S210.
5199. End of box, from model of ship.- \Vood.- Height o m. t63 mill,,
wiflth o m. o 7 2 mill. - \Vitl1 no 5 1 9 lJ.
Curved board with flange on each side, like n• 51 7 8. Double raised hand across top
of front. Originally, a slick gluerl up the front, cf. n• 5~wo. Fastened to deck by
two pegs.
llJBL. : DARESSY, Fouilles, n• 52 1 1 , A.
C.utN, 1. Covered wooden fram e. With two room s, n• 6 91 8, p. 7G. With one room, n• 6 91 o,
p. G5. See also n• h 9 2 9, p. 9 o. Pai ntcd dummy with vestibule, n• 6 9 2 o, p. 8 1. Painted
dumm~·, n• 6921, p. 8t; n• 6933, p. 9:1; n• 6g36, p. 96.
2. Wooden fram e (type 1), n• 488G, p. 5G.
3. On stone model, n• 6975, p. 1 13.
4. Wooden, on New Empire hoats (type VJII ), n"' 6966-6966, p. 97-98; n•• 5oG!l-5o76,
p. 1 1g-1 2 2; u• 51 2G, p. 13 2; n•• 51 3 o- 5 13 1, p. 1 3:2-1 3 3. See also Canopy and Chapel.
CANOE, sec type Ill and n"' 48t6-6815, p. 20; n• 493t, p. 93.
CANOPY, 1. Roof supported by four posts, n• 68o8, p. t 5; n• 6811, p. q; n• 6867, p. 35; ·
n• ll851, p. ;)~): n• ll88o, p. 52; n• ll881, p. 53; n• ll91 1, p. G7; n•• ll915-llgq,
p. 71-73; n• 69/18, p. 1oll; n• llg52, p. to5. Sec p. XIV.
2. Hoof supported by two posts and back wall, n• ll8llt, p. 3o; n• ft951, p. toll.
3. Holes for canopy posts, n•68o2, p. 7; n• ll8oll, p. g; n"u8o7, p. t3; n•ll859, p.ll2.
4. Canopies and parts, unattached, n•• 68o9-68to, p. 1G; n•• 483G-4838, p. 27;
n•• 6868-68ll9, p. S7; n• 69o7, p. 63; n• li932, p. 93; n• 4935, p. g4.
5. Parts of canopies unattached from New Empire models (type VIJI), n• 5o 52, p. 1 17;
n•• 5186-5190. p. 142-143. See also Cabin and Chapel.
CAPART (Jean), Primitive Art, p. XVII.
CARPENTRY, see p. IV and passim under technique, especially, n• It 9 18, p. 7 8-8 o and n•• 4 9 25,
692G, 6928, p. 83, 8G , 88.
CENSOR, held by priest , n• It 9It 8 , p. 1 o 1; n• /, 9 52 , p. 1o 5.
CHAIR, n• 488o, p. 52; n• 488t , p. 53; n• 6911, p. G7. See also Owner.
CnAPEL, on eli vine bark, n• /19 3 o, p. 9 1 (stone).
CnNUM, statue of, n• ltg3o, p. 91.
CLASSIFICATION, of models ou basis of function, p. 11. On hasis of structure, p. 11. On basis of
types, p. 111. On basis of chronology, p. 111-Iv. •
CoFFIN, n" 48/q, p. ~5; n• ft8 5o, p. 37; n" 1!!)51, p. 3~)·
CoLORI NG, seep. 1v. For type H, see p. 3, It , 5, 6, 7· 11 , 3o , 32 , 33, 3/•, ft5, 48, 5o, 64,
G9, 70, j8, 100, ! Oft, 10 8.
For type IV, see p. 8, 10, 13, •5, &2, 5:~. G7.
For type V, see p. 18, ~6, :19, 7'• 73, 7!1, 8ft , 87, ~) 5, 101 , Jo 5.
For type VI, see p. ldt , 8o, 102, 107 .
For type VII, see p. 90, 1 13.
For type VIII, see p. 97, 98, 11 3- t tit.
For the colorin g of nHiclers, cahiu s, canopie?, etc., see the references to those heads.
CoLU.It:>, papyrus bundle-column with closed capital, n• It 9 18, p. 7 7.
CoNICAL OBJECT o:-~ BLOCK, n" lt9 10 , p. G5.
CoRD, representation of, passiug around t!troat of porter to support burden, u• ftg51, p. 1oft.
CRoss-n ul. On 1leck for ropes, n" /18o8, p. r/1; n"/1~)'8. p. 75.
ELnow-BEAMS, n• 4 918, p. 7 9·
ELBOW-STAYs, n• ·49' 8, p. 79-80.
ENos OF BEAMS, marked on outside of hull, n• 48o,, p. 7; n• u9t8, p. 74; and perhaps
n• 493o p. 90.
ERliAN (Adolf), Life in Ancient Egypt, p. III, XIX.
EYELETs oN MAST, n• 4798, p. 2; n• 6869, p. 47; n• 49t3, p. 69; n• u9t8, p. 75; n• 495o,
p. to3; n• 4956, p. 1o8; n• 5129, p. t32; n• 5t47, p. 135; n• 5192, p. tu3.
Hnn:'s HEAD , on rudder-posts and rudders, n" 6811, p. q-18 ; n"' u826-u828, p. 25,
n" 483o, p. 26; n" l18u7, p. 35; n" 485t , p. 3g; n" ltg25, p. 86; n" LJg26. p. 86;
n"' 4970-4971,p. 11 2: n" 4973, p. 112. On type Vllf, n"'5o54-5o 58, p. tlj-118;
n" 5152, p. t36. '
HEL~IS~HN, see Steersman.
HIDE , covering of canopy, p. H.
HIEIIOGL nmc SIGN, for divine Lark , p. XXII, note 2.
HIPPOPOTAMUS , on stone model , n" 4 9 2 3, p. 8 2.
HoLEs, t. For oars, n" /17~8 , p. 2 and passim type II.
2. For rope-s tays nnd sail ropes, n" 6798 , p. 2; n" /'799• p. It; n" LJ8o1, p. 6 ; n" 48o8,
p. 1/1-1 5; n" 486~, p. 48; n" /,872, p. ''9; n"' lt882-l,884, p. 54-55: n" /,886,
p. fi 6; n" /1 9o 9, p. 64 ; n" /, 9 1 o, p. 6 5; n" /1 ~ 1 8 , p. 7 5. See String.
3. Holes for mast , ruc!J er-post , and figures see under corresponding head.
lion us, as child, from prow-cover of solar Lark , n" 4 ~ 6 4 , p. 1 1o.
!1. On padd lers, black mnrks, to mark the side to which each belongs, n• t.88o, p. 53.
5. On rowers, black and red numbers, to mark side and order, n" 11798, p. 3 (Technique).
Black numbers, n" b Sl• 9, p. 3 ~:!.
G. On deck, lines to mark position of objects, n• b86o , p. !JIJ.
MAsPERO (Sir G.), Guide to· Cairo 1lfuscum, p. v.
MAsT, 1. Single, with eyelets on tip , n" /•79 8, p. 2; n" !,869, p. b7; n" bgl3, p. 69;
n• bg18, p. 75; n• L.g5o, p. to3 (glnzed tip); n• /,956, p. 108; n• 5t2g, p. t32;
n• 5 1b 7, p. 13 5; n• 51 9 2, p. 1b 3.
!!. Single, with holes in tip , n• l•8o2, p. 7; n• /1887, p. 58; n• b888, p. 5g; n• b8g3,
O.,n, n• lq~] S , p. ~~; n" l17!lV• p. Ia; n" l18o1, p. 6 ; n" l18lil• , p. 3 ~t ; n• !18!1 5 , p. :33;
n• t. S/1G, I;· 3!1; n• !18 G~~ , p. /1S ; n•• t. 8 7 ;) - l18 7 5 , p. 5o ( now on u" !1 8 7 2) ; n" !1 !)I 1,
P· Gj : 11° U91 2' P· GS; 1\ lt!) t 3 ' P· (j!l· Unattached, ll u8G2- ll863, P· LIG ; n•• lt8jO-
0 0
lt8jt , p. l! S;·no• t. S7:1-u 878 , p. 5o-5 t; n" l189 S , p. Go; no l1~J27, p. 87; n• l!9G7,
P· I I I ; no• 5 I t.!a- 5 tll 5' P· 1 3 rl.
0 ARSM A~ , see Rol!'l'l'.
0FFERI~G TABLE , n• 091 5 , p. 71; n• la91 6 , p. 72 ; n" lt9'7 • p. j3; n• /1897 • p. 6t; n" !J898,
P· GI.
ORIENTATION' of models in araves, P· Ill.
OwNER, figure of, n•lt8o::J, p. 7; n"ll8o3, p. 8; n"lJ8olJ , p. to; n• lJ8lJ1, p. 3o; n•u910,
p. 65 ; n• 0915, p. 72 (mummy); n• 6918, p. 78; n" lJ9lJ7, p. ~l9i n•lJ95t, p. 100.
Unattached, n• 6812, p. 19; n• U!)05, p. 62; n" lt9o6, p. 63.
<'l N• 4861 has paddlers bul uol paddles. The oars Lied along Lhe rail do uol belong lo Lhis model.
PosT, unexplained, possibly mast-rest , n" 51 ~)I, p. 143. Also see Rudder-post, Alast-t·est,
PoTTEnr, models made of, see p. I V, and cf. n" /1817 , p. 20.
PIIIEST, figure of, n" 1.~15, p. 71; n" 6~1G, p. 72; n" 69q, p. 73; n" 6~1t 8, p. 101;
n" 6~52, p. 1oS. Pt·iests of Amon (tomb of). n" a929, p. 88.
Pnow, type Ill , n"' 5o35-5oh~l· p. 11 /t- 1 d).
Pnow-CO\'EII, on solar bar·k, n" ''9'' ~1· p. 102; n"' llg 53 - lsg51J, p. 107 ; n" /r~ 57, p. 108.
QmnELL (J. E.). E.r:caNtlions a/ Saqqarah , t ~oG-1 ~07, p. XIV; /Jiemltonpulis, p. XVIII.
REcTANGULAR OBJECT, with sticks, on s ol<~r bark , n• a~ag, p. 102; n" 6953, p. 107; n" 4g58,
P· I 09.
RELIEF, on door, n• 4 9 18, p. 7 G. Ornamentation on platform box (type VIII), n•• 5 09 7-5 o 98,
P· 12 7.
HEUsE, of wood, n• b92S, p. 8G; n" /,g2G, p. 87.
RivEn nons. p. m.
HIZAGAT , n" Hi 1 7. p. 2 t.
fioPEs, indicatl'd IJy strings , see String.
BowEns, t. Sealed on cross-Learns, n• lqg 8, p. 3; n• ls799, p. b; n• ls8oo, p. 5; n• 48ot,
p. G; n" 4g4l•, p. 97 (figut·es missing).
2. Seated on stools (blocks), n• 48oG, p. 12; n" 48!J4, p. 32; n• 48Ls 5, p. 33; n• l!S!J6,
p. 31I; n" 6867, p. 67; n• !1869, p. ItS; n" !1872, p. 5o (blocks modern) ; n" /1913,
P· 6g.
3. Sealed fl at on deck, as if lower legs were below deck, n" /1807, p. 13; n" 6911, p. G7.
\~ith legs in hole in deck, n• 6~09, p. 6ls.
/1. Squatting, <Jl rest, 11" lt84 t , p. 3o; n• l191 2, p. 69. Perhaps also n" /,85t, p. 3g;
n" 0 911 7• P· 99·
How lNG nons, di stinGui shed front sa il boats, p. 111.
HunnEll, 1. Type I, twin rudders, not preserved.
~1 . T~· pc II , single rudders, n" IJ81tlt , p. 32; n"/181J5, p. 33; n"lt81JG, p. 3/J; n"lt87 2 ,
p. t.~ 1 ; n" b9t8, p. 75 and 78; n"a9St, p. 1oiJ.
::.Type IV, twin rudders, n• IJ8o7, p. 12; n" Ls8t8, p. ~2; n• IJ88o, p. ~2; n• IJ88t,
p. 53 ; n" lt ~tt, p. G7.
SACRIFICIAL, leg of sacrificial animal, n" la9S2, p. 1o5; no'lt91 5-lag• 7, p. 71-70.
S.m, n•lJSltt, p. 29; n•LtSgo, p. 5!); n"la893, p. 6o; n"lt936, p. 9lt; n• lJglJS, p. too;
n"lt95o, p. 1o3.
SAtL-Bo.ns, distinguislt ed from rowing hoa ts, p. 111.
SAIL-ROPES, sec Strings.
<'l Onl y the post-hole remains, the steersman appears to have stood iu front of it. The arrangement is
anomalous and unclear. Possibly the holed was for a rest-piece and the ends of the rudders rested on the
canopy. See also n· 688o, p. 52.
SmoRs, n" 68o2, p. 7; n" 48o3, p. 8: n" 1•841, p. 3o; n" 68G1, p. lt5; n" l·~•o, p. 65;
n"4~)12, p. G~); n"1Jfjl•8,p. 101: u"4~)5J, p. IOf..;u"/1!)52.p.1o5;n"l•fj55,p.118.
Unattached, u"4852, p. 4o: n" 4853, p. 4o; n" 4855, p. 1.1. Perhaps also, n"48fj!),
p. G1; n"' IJfjO ::l-f..!)ol•, p. G2.
SAQQ~RUI, .sst., n"' '•~)12- 11!)17, P· 68-73.
ScmnE, n" b8o3, p. 8; n" b8ol•, p. • o: n" 1•8 51., p. /1o.
ScROLL PATTERN, n"' 5o63-5o71I, p. 1 • ~~-I 2 2.
S&ns, 1. Cross-beams, n" f.. 798, p. 3; u" t. 79~1· p. /1: n" t.8oo, p. 5; n" /18o 1, p. 6; n" /•944, p. 97·
2 . Block-stools, p. x, n" f..8o6, p. 12; n" 1.81.1., p. 32; n" 1.81.5, p. 33; n" f..8Hi, p. 34;
n" l•8G7, p. fJ7: n" t. 8G9, p. IJS: n" 1,87 2, p. 5o (modern); n" IJ!"p3, p. li~.
3. See Chairs.
SEPA, tomb of, n"' IHJU ?-f.. 9f.. fJ, p. ~~9-1 o 1.
SEPULTURE DES PRETRES n'AMo:-<, 18 9 1, n" /19 2 ~~ , p. 8 8.
SERVANT, porter, n"h!)5t, p. toft.
Scu.iFER (Heinrich), Pricslt'rgriiber, p. Ill, xv, XVI, XIX, xx.
SHAVED HEAD, priest, n" lJ~152, p. 1o5.
SeMES-SIGN, u" 4!)lto, p. ~)5; n" 4~,6~1· p. 102; n"lJ953, p. 107; n" lt!)5!), p. 109; n" f..!)ljo,
P· I 09·
SHIELDS, represented on roof of canopy, n" /1 9 5 :J • p. 1 1II.
SwT, n" 6918, p. 7f...
SocKET, for door, n" lt 9 18, p. 7 7.
SoLAR BARK, sec type VI. Picture of, n" /19 29, p. 90.
SPAR, 1. Simple stick, tapering at both ends, n" 1!839, p. 28; n" 68f..o, p. 28; n" 686t,
p. 29 (sail attached); u" l•8G5, p. f..6; n" 6869, p. 67; n" 688!), p. 59; n" 689o.
p. S9 (sail attached ); n" '·~36, p. 91J (sail attached); n" lt!)68, p. 100 (sail attached);
n" /i!)5o , p. 103 (tied in bundle, folded sail); n" !1951, p. tob; n" 5t6G, p. t35
(type VIII).
2. Bow-shaped stick, taperin1r at both ends, eyelet in the middle, n" IJS!p, p. 59; n" lt8!)2,
Pl All other models have the steersman irulicated by a hole, or perr or plaster.
Pl All other models have the steersman indicated hy a hole , or peg or plaster.
<•> No trace of steersman on n• 681 1.
tlJ See also n• hgS2 , p. to5.
n" l19 1 1, p. G7; n" It~) 12 , p. GR; n" l1 ~p 3, p. G9; n" It 9IJI1 , p. ~17; n"' l1~) /15- l1 ~~ l1 6 ,
P· 98.
1o. T}ing single rudder to stern, holes for, n" 67!18, j>. 2 (/•); n" 1·7~1lJ, p. 1, (It); n• 6872,
p. 69; n• l•9o9, p. Glt; n" '•9•o, p. G5; n• 1.~)13, p. ()!I; n" IJ!ll'7· p. ~19·
Holes for, in blade of rudder, n• l1818, p. 22; n• 6821, p. 23.
11. Tying single rudders to rudder-post, hole in tip of shaft, n" t.Rt.t,, p. 32. String on
shaft, n" 6 ~~ G8, p. t t t. II ole in rudder-post, n• 6 !I' R, p. 7 l1.
12. Tying twin rudders to rndder-post, n" 1'9''· p. G7.
Holes for, n• l!So7, p. 12; n• l18o8, p. t5.
String on peg on rudder-rest, n• 5 1G;j , p. 1 3 7.
t3. String handle ofbu!Ter, n• ltSIJIJ, p. 32; n" lt8GJ, p. /15; n• lt87R, p. 5,; n• 6879,
P· s,; n" 1!939, P· 95.
StRUCTURE, classification on basis of, p. 11.
SwALLOW-TAIL BO:"iD, wooden, n• !'!125, p. 8l1; n" l1!)26, p. 87.
SnJBOLICAL OBJECTS, on solar hark, n" 6969, p. 102; n" 6!)53, p. 107; n" 6956, p. 107;
n• 6957, p. to8; n" 6!)58-6~11)5, p. tO!)-••o; n• linG, p. 11:L
On divine bark, n• lt92 lt, p. 82; n" 6~13o, p. ~)2.
TABLE, fo1· oll'erings, on funerary bark (type Y), n• l19t0, p. 65; n• IJ~p5, p. 7'; n• 691G,
p. 72; n• 6917, p. j3. Unattached, n"' h89J-L1898, p. 61.
TECJrl'\IQUE, p. IV, sec especially the Dahshur boats and drag, n•• 1192G-It~p7, p. 86-87 and
n• /1 8 28, p. 8 8 and tl.e boat from the lomb of ~lese bet n• /1 9 t 8, p. 7 l1 fj:
TuEBES, t8!)8. n•• 69/Jl,-/,9!•6, p. 9G-98; n•• 5o36-52oo, p. 1 13-t .L1.
TuonnJES Ill,lombof, n"'512 j-5t31, p. 132-133; n•• 5J3G-5t57, p. 12G-137; n"' 5•9:3-
52oo, p. .t.:~-1t.IJ.
TIE-HOLES, for fastening boat to drag, n• It 9 28, p. 8 8.
For metal bands, n• 692fi, p. 8fi; n• h92(), p. 87.
To~JB. Of Amon priests at Ournah, n• IJ929, p. 88. Of Amenophisll, n•• l•g6/1-69/•G, p. !l()-
!)8; n"' 5o36 -5J26, p. tJ3-J32; n"' 5t32-5t55, p. J33-t3G; n•• 5t58-flt!)2,
p. t3j-tlt3. Of Thothmcs III , n•• 5t2j-5•3t, p. 133; n•• 5t5G-5t5j, p. t3G-t37;
n"' 5t93-5200, p.• 6:~-ddJ. Of ~lentu-Lotcp, n•• h~)0!)-6gto, p. 1.3-65. See also
Mrse!tel, N~(m, Pepy-rn-anldt-knm, Sepn.
TowiNG BOATS, p. 111.
Two-J.EGGEn MAST, see Mast 4.
TwiN, see Rudders and Ruddrr-post.
TYPES or ~IOI>ELS, sec Introduction, p. II-lr. Deviations f1·om, p. n, :xr, xvr.
1. Type I , tJ·avclling and lowing boats, Old Empi1·e, p. Hx; n•• t.88:.J-688R, p. 53-58.
Possibly also, 11° It 8 17, p. 2 1.
2. Type 11 , travelling aud towing boats, middle Empire, p. IX-\ n ·:
a. Rigged for rowing, n" /•7~18, p. 1; u" 1!7!)9, p. 2; n• l18oo, p. 5: n" h8o1, p. 5;
n" 6So:;, p. 11; n" 118!d1, p. 3,; 11" I,SIJ!), p. 33: n"l,8 !16, p. :~11; n"IJ85!), p. l12:
n" l18Gt, p. IJr> (padd lers); n" t.8u9, p. /17 ; n" 6872, p. It!): 11" IJ~)O~, p. (););
n" I1 9 1 ''>1 • P· I''~I·
b. Higged for sa ilint;, u" lt~o2, p. 7; n" t.'i'llt, p. 2K I 1l; n• l18G1, p. l1j; n" !1910,
p. GS (mast-res t insleud of mast): n• li!JI '2. p. GS: n• 091~, p. 7'': n• [,~1['7·
p. !I !J: n" lJ ~~ ~ 1, p. 1 o 3; n" lJ ~~52, p. 1o 5: u• l1~~55, p. 1o ~ (no trace of mast ).
3. Type Ill, papyrus raft, p..\\'11-HIIt.
l1. Type IV, papyru s-form pleasure hark, p. wlll-\'\1; n• /, So3, p. 8: n• l18o6, p. 9;
n" lJ 8 o 7, p·. 1;3; n" lJ 8 o 8, p. tl1 : n" 118 8 o, p. 5 1 ( paddlers); u" l18 8 1, p. 53 ( paddlers);
n• !1!) 11, p. G7 ( ro1rers): 11" l19~ 1, p. !13 (type \'Ill ?).
5. Type V, funerary Lark, p. :m-ntr; n"lt 8 1 1, p. 17: n• l!S!q. p. :3!1; n• lc851, p. 38;
n" 6!)15. p. 70: n• /1~)1G, p. 72; 11" l1!)17. p. 73; n• lt~J:lj, p. 83; n• 6~)2G, p. SG;
n• l1!I t, 8, p. 1 o o ..
G. Type \'1 , solar hark, p. :nr-nm; n" /186o, p. /13; n" '•!Jll!J• p. 1o 1; n" !t~) 53, p. 1oG.
7. Type \'II , dirine bark, p. ;..:xm :
a. Papyrus form. Small stone models, n "fi~J'~I· p. So;n"l1822.p. 82; n"6823, p. 82
(hi ppopotamus): n" lJ~17lJ, p. 113: n" lJ~17S, p. 113.
Wooden model , n• lt!)29, p. 88.
b. Form with curtained prow, n" 6 !I:! !1, p. ~ 2: n• l1~13 o, p. !II.
8. Type VII[, funcr<ny barks ofi'\ew Empire, p. xxm-:cmu: n"' l1~t'16-!1gldi, p. 96-98;
n•• 5o3ll-52oo, p. 1 13-166. Perhaps also n• 6~)31, p. !_13.
9· Unclassified, n'' /cS 13-/181 8, p. 1!) -21.
\. ... , on coffin. n" lJ 86-1 , 11. :3 5-3 G.
Cll It is not certain whether the sai l or the paddlers is a mistak e of the restorer.
I. l'• lJ798;boat, type II, with row ers, sec p. r . - tx• lt7!)!), boat, type II , sec p. 6. -
N• lJ8oo, boat, type II , with rowers, .sec p. 5.
H. !\• u8o1, boat, type II, with rowers, sec p. 5. - ;'\• 68o2, boat , type H, with sailors,
sec p. 7·
Ill. !\• u8o3, boat, type IV, "ith sailors, sec p. 8. - ;'\• u8olt, boat, type IV, witlt paddlers,
sec p. 9·
I\'. [';• 68o5, boat, type II, with rowers, sec p. r 1. - tx• 48o7, boat, type IV, with rowers,
as funerary bark, sec p. 12.- !\• 48o8, boat, type IV, with two-legged
mast, see p. 1 4.
\'. !\• u811, boat, type Y, seep. q . - !\• 6813, boat, unclassified, seep. 1!).
VI. N• u8t4, canoe, unclassified, p. 2o.- N• 4815, boat, unclassified, seep. 2o.- N• 4816,
boat, unclassified, sec p. 21. - N• 48q, boat, type II(?), of unbaked
mud, seep. 21.- N• 4g3t, hoat , type lV("? ), sec p. 93.
\'II. !\• 6841, boat, type II, with sail, sec p. 28.
VIII. l\• 6844, boat, type 11, with rowers, sec p. 3t.- ;'\• 48!t5 , boat, type II, with rowers,
sec p. 33.
IX. N• !t846, boat, type, II, with rowers, seep. 34.- N• 4847, boat, type V, seep. 34.
X. N• 485t, boat, type V, seep. 38. - N• 4859, boat, type H, seep. 42.
XI. N• b86t, boat, type II, with sailors and paddlers, seep. 45 . ..:...._ N• b8G!), boat, type II,
with rowers, sec p. u7.
XII. !\• 4872, boat, type II, with rowers, seep. 4!).- !\• 68·So, boat, type IV, with padd-
lers, see p. 5 t.
XIII. i\• 6881, boat, type IV, with paddlers, sec p. 53.- ;'\• 4882, boat, type I, with two-
lemrcd mast, sec p. 53.
XIV. !\• b88G, boat, type I , with canopy, seep. 56.- !\• 4887, boat, type I, with single
mast, see p. 57.
XV. N• 6888, boat, type I, with single mast, sec p. 58. - N• 4!)0!), boat, type II, with
rowers, see p. 63.
XVI. N• O!)tO, boat, type ll, with sailors, seep. G5.- ;'\• 4!)11, boat, type IV, with rowers,
• see p. 67.
XVH. l\• U!)13, boat, type II , with rowers, sec p. 6!).- i'\• 4!)r5, hoat, type Y, seep. 70.-
N• 4!)1G, boat, type V, sec p. 72.
XVIII. N• h!)q, boat, type V, seep. 73.- N• 4918, boat, type H, sailinrr, seep. 74.
XIX. ;'\• ll!)22, boat, type VII, )Cilowlimestone, seep. 82.- N• 4!)23, boat, type VII, white
limestone, seep. 82 . - l\'• 4!)24, boat, type Yll, red ~:rranite, seep. 82.-
N• 4!)29, hoat, type VII (or VIIT), wood, sec p. 88.
XX. N• !t!)3o, boat, type VH, white limestone, seep. !)1.
XXI. N• fl!)30, side ricw, seep. !)t.- N• 4!)47, boat, type II, sailinff, seep.!)(.)·
XXIL !\• 4!)48, boat, type\', sailinrr, seep. too.- N• 4glt!), boat, type VI, solar bark, sec
p. 1o 1, with th e prow-cover placed on the deck on the left by mistake.
XXIll. N• 4!)51, boat, type Il , sailinu, sec p. 103.- N• 4!)52, boat, typP II, sailinff, as fune-
rary bark, sec p. to5.
Catal. du Mu3ce, n• ~ 798. !ll
XXIV. l\• 4~53 , boat, typ e \'J, solar Lark, seep. 10G.- i\• 4~55, boat, type II, seep. 108.
- ~ · lJ~7lt , boat, type \'11, yellow limestone, seep. t 13.- No unfi,
boat , type \'11. yellow limestone, seep. Jt3. - X• (?), uncatalogued boat,
of type VII, with l1ippopotamus (cf. n• !J923 ). - :\• b919, boat, type VII,
yellow limestone, seep. 8o.
XXV. .\• 4 ~o8 , rudder of type II, seep. G3. - _\ • u827 , rudder of type V, seep. 2&.-
N•, rllllder of type II, see p. 32. - N• 4~G8, rudder of type II or IV,
seep. 111.-- N• 4 82 ~) , rudder of type ll or IV, seep. 25.
XXVI. ;'\• 4970 , rudder of type V, seep. 1 12. - ;'\• 4~71, rudder of lype IV or V, see p. 1 12.
- ;'\• 4gGg, rudder of typ~' IV or V, see p. 1 1 1. - N• 6972, rudder of
type IV or V, seep. 1 12. - ~· !J82~( rudder of lype V, seep. 25.
XXVII. ;\"• 483J , mast single stick , sec p. 2G. - X• 4883, mas I, two-legge1l, see p. 54. -
:\• l1gSG, masl-tip wilh e~elet s , r,lazed slealitc, seep. 108.- N• 49!13(?),
rud1ler, lype IV, st'e p. ~,5. - ]'\• 4938, ~ide of Llade of mdder, type V,
see p. ~4. - N• 4895, oar, see p. Go.
XXVJII. N• l18g 2, lJOw-shaped spar, see p. Go. - N• l1891, Low-shnped spar, see p. 59. -
N• 48go, strairrht spar with sail, seep. S9. - N• u8G9, mast and two spars
wilh sail, lype II, seep. !17.
XXIX. N• 48o8 , lwo-legged mast, type IV, seep. 14.- N• 483g, single mast, seep. 28.-
N• 4937, single mast (broken), seep. g4.- N• 4839, spar, seep. 28.-
N• 48g4, single mast, see p. Go.
XXX. N• u8G9 , mast-rest, type II, seep. l18.- X• lJ835, Low-slick, type II, sec p. 27.-
;\!• l1966, railing of solar Lark, type VI, see p. 1 1o. - N• l!gGG, railinrr of
solar Lark, type VI, seep. 11 o.- N• 483o, rudder-posl, type V, seep. 2G.
- ;\!• 4973, rudder-rest, type V, see p. 1 12. - N• 4837, canopy post
(upside down), seep. 27.
XXXI. N• 483G, roof of canopy, seep. 27. - N• 4!)32, roof of canopy, seep. g3.- N• 4g2•,
dummy cabin, seep. St. - ~· u92o, dummy cabin, seep. St. - :'\• 4g33,
dummy cabin, see p. !)3.
XXX II. ;\'• 49 54, prow-cove•· of solar Lark , IYJH' VJ, see p. 1o 7. - ~ · 4 9 57, prow-co,·er of solar
Lark, type VJ, sec p. 1o8. - N• 4958, rectangular objecl from solar hark,
type YI , seep. 10~1· - N• u9G1, cylindric;~) object from solar bark, type VI,
see p. 1o9.
XXXIII. :\'• 4 95 9 , .~emei-sign from solar lmk , type VI, see p. 109. - N• 4 9G 2, box-like object
from solar !Jark, type VI, see p. 1 1 o. - N• u9Go, semes'-sign from solar
bark, lype VI, see p. 1og. - ~· 4 g64, 1/orus as cltild from solar l1ark,
type VI , seep. 110. - N• 4gG5, board wilh feathers, from sola•· bark,
type VJ, seep. 11 0. - ~· 4gG3, hawk from solar hark , lype VI, seep. 110.
21. " 4801, type II, sections of bow and stern. Scale 1 : 1 o ................ . 6
22. stern .......................... ... ...................• ,
23. color plan of deck. Scale 1 : 1 o ............................ . '1
51. .., 4807, type IV, profile of stern and two sections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,
52. deck plan "ith colors. Scale 1 : 1 o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..,
53. .., rudder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,
5!J. figure of rowrr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
103. .., 4829, painted rudd er, end broken ofT ..... .. ...................... .
1Oft. ., 4831, butt of mast ................... . ....................... .
10 5. ., ,., tip of n1ast ...... . ............. .. ................. · · · · · ·
106. .., 4834, mast-rest ( l'ork ) ........................................ .
107. .., 4835, Low-slick ............ ......... . .....................•..
108. ., 4836, roof of a ca nop y ............ ............................ . .,
1 0~. ., 4837, canopy post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,
110. .., 4838, ..., • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
111. ., 4839, knot on spar ........................................... .
112. second knot on mast ..................................... . ..,
113. ., fifth knot on mast ....................................... .
1 1ft. ., rope-nnrrs on spar ....................................... .
115. - 4840, colored rings on spar..................................... .
I I G. "' 4841, type II, mast, spars and sail. .............................. .
117. hoisting ropes on spar and mast. ............. .. ............. . .,
118. ., ., canopy . ...... .. .. .................................... . 3o
119. ., .., figure of sailor ......................................... . ..,
" deck plan with colors. Scale 1 : 10 • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • . • . • • • •
12 I. ., 4842, fool-plate or femal e figure .. . .............................. . 3t
122. ,., 4843, wirr of femal e figure ..... . ... ............................ .
123. .,., 4844, type II , rudder ....... .................. . ................ .
12ft. ., .., buiTer .. ....... ........ ... ............................ .
125. ..., , color plan of deck. Scale 1 : 1 o ..... ....................... .
12G. ~ 4845, type II , profile and sec tion. Scale 1 : 1 o ... ..... .............. . 33
127. rudder ............ ..... ..... ......................... .
128. oar .................................................. .
12!l. figure of rower ......................................... . ..,
130. color plan of deck. Scale 1 : 1 o ................•............ .,
131. .., coloring on rai l ..... .. .................... ............ . .
132. ., 4847, type V, profile ;~nd two sections. Scale 1 : 1 o . .. ............... . 35
133. .., , deck plan. Sc;~le 1 : 1 o .................................. .
257 0
, " stem, showinrr joint ..................................... .
258. .,., 4914, low mast-:;lwe .......................................... . ,
259. ,., 4915, typr V, pr·ofile. Scale I : r, .... 0 ••• 0 0 •• 0 •••• 0 0 0 •• 0 •• 0 • 0 ••••
260. ., ., deck pian. Scale 1 : G................................... . 71
26 I. ofTerinu tabl e ......... ................................. . .,
262 . ,. vase .......... . ...................................... . ,
2G3. ., figure of steersman ..........•............................ ,
2611. " , wailinrr woman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . .,
265. ., ., priest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
266. , co1·ne1· of canopy.. . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,
267. p:~inting of offerings on lop of tabl e ........... ·. :. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:~
268. - 4916, l ype \', olferi n1r tahle.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,
269. , papyrus roll in !.and of priest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
270. owner, mnmmy fiuure on throne ; ............... ............ .
271. offe1·i nns on top of Ia hlP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 7:3
...... ·-·· .. ;.
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