The Leardership Role of School Principals in Online Learning During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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Al-Tanzim: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam

Vol. 05 No. 01 (2021) : 165-175

Available online at



Ainur Rahman1, Subiyantoro2

Islamic Educational Management Department, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijogo,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
E-mail: hainurrahman94@gmail.com1, subiyantorodr@gmail.com2

Received: January 2021 Accepted: March 2021 Published: March 2021

This study aims to describe and analyze the leadership role of school principals in
online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study used a qualitative approach
with phenomenology. The research site at SD Negeri Krapyak Wetan. The data
collection technique is done through interviews, documentation and observation. Data
analysis was carried out through data collection, data reduction and ending with
drawing conclusions. The results showed that; the role of the principal's leadership in
online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, is; a) Optimizing learning and
deliberations with teachers, b) Providing education and training on online learning
platforms (online), c) Providing appreciation and motivation to teachers, students and
guardians of students, d) Conducting multidirectional coordination and
Keywords: Principal Leadership, Online Learning, Covid-19

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeksripsikan dan menganalisis tentang peran
kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam pembelajaran daring di masa pandemi Covid-
19. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif jenis fenomenologi, dengan
situs penelitian di SD Negeri Krapyak Wetan. Teknik pengumpulan datanya
dilakukan melalui interview, dokumentasi dan observasi. Analisis datanya dilakukan
melalui pengumpulan data, reduksi data dan diakhiri dengan penarikan kesimpulan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; peran kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam
pebelajaran daring di masa pandemi Covid-19 yaitu; a) Melakukan optimalisasi
pembelajaran dan musyawarah dengan para guru, b) Memberikan pendidikan dan
pelatihan tentang platform pembelajaran daring (Online), c) Memberikan apresiasi
dan motivasi kepada guru, peserta didik dan para wali murid, d) Melakukan
koordinasi dan komunikasi multi arah.
Kata Kunci: Kepala Sekolah, Pembelajaran Online, Covid-19

Al-Tanzim: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam

Vol. 05 No. 01 (2021) : 165-175
The pandemic that has hit all regions of the world has had a significant
impact on various kinds of life. Both developed countries and developing
nations are also affected by the corona virus disease. Solomon (2020) said that
the corona virus desease (Covid-19) is a new type of virus that hits the
immunity of the human body that can bring about death. The Covid-19
pandemic attacks anyone at any age. One sector that has been affected is
education (Mustajab & Fawa’iedah, 2020). Education is very important, yet the
existence of the Covid-19 is a challenging thing that must be faced together by
the nation. The Covid-19 was detected entering Indonesia in February 2020,
where at that time only few people were confirmed positive for Covid-19.
Further the number of people infected has continued to increase from day to
day, resulting in a real crisis (Sudika, 2020).
In the 2003 Law concerning the National Education System (SISDIKNAS)
article 1 paragraph 1 it is explained that education is a conscious and planned
effort to create an atmosphere of learning process so that students actively
develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control,
intelligence, personality, noble character, social competence and skills needed
by him, the nation and the State. From several objectives contained in the law, it
is explained that education is a process that must be carried out and a human
right for every Indonesian citizen. Therefore in order to obtain proper
education, citizens have the right to choose an educational institution, which is
in line with their wishes and expectations (Hasanah, 2020).
The Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia
issued the Act Number 4 of 2020 concerning the implementation of educational
policies in the emergency period of the spread of the corona virus (Ministry of
Education and Culture, 2020), which reads as follows; a) Learning from home
can be focused on life skills education, among others regarding the Covid-19
pandemic, b) Learning from home through distance or online learning is carried
out to provide a meaningful learning experience for students, without making it
a burden to complete all curriculum achievements for graduation or class
promotion, c) Products or evidence of home learning activities are given
qualitative and useful feedback by the teacher, without being required to
provide a quantitative score, d) Tasks and learning activities from home can
vary between students, according to their individual wishes and circumstances,
including considering gaps in facilities or access to learning at home (Natural,
Djumiko et al., (2020) argues that during the Covid-19 pandemic, the
spirit of sincerity and devotion from the principal is extremely needed in
encouraging improvement from both stakeholders and the participation of
school residents. The manifestation of a spirit of sincerity and devotion
illustrates the presence of a sense of empathy for the crisis that is being faced by
all people in the world. "Empathy is understood as an ability to understand the
needs of others, which means to understand correctly other people's thoughts
and feelings."

166 Al-Tanzim : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol. 05 No. 01 (2021) : 165-175
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Ats-Tsauri & Munastiwi (2020) suggest, the strategies applied by the
principal of madrasah in the implementation of learning in the era of the Covid-
19 are; 1) Applying student assessments online, so that it can be done as usual
by teachers in schools, 2) Programming, compiling, determining and
implementing learning during the Covid-19 pandemic which has a great
opportunity to achieve a learning goal, 3) Adding programs that can be done
directly at home, and 4) Providing an understanding of students and teachers
regarding the online learning (distance learning). Hence, the principal of the
madrasa adopts a learning policy that could be done online through platforms
and social media during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses a
qualitative approach.
Sudrajat et al., (2020) state that the principal's leadership strategy in
improving the quality of kindergarten education during the Covid-19 is very
good, namely 85.90 percent. The process approach, which is 88.24 percent, is the
highest score, describing the approach to prioritizing things to be done.
However, the responsibility is 81.21 percent in the form of a low score, which
describes the implementation of the leadership of the school principal during
the Covid-19 pandemic that is not optimal. This research uses a quantitative
approach with a descriptive survey method.
Supriadi (2020) suggests that there is an unequal role orientation of the
Early Childhood Education (PAUD) principal in the implementation of
education before and after the Covid-19 occurs. The PAUD school principal
plays a role as an educator before the pandemic, namely 84.58 percent to 73.38
percent during a pandemic, supervisor from 76.61 percent to 71.15 percent,
leader from 71.19 percent to 68.01 percent, manager from 70.95 percent to 75.95
percent, while the role as an innovator 68.63 percent to 74.76 percent, motivator
from 73.33 to 74.76 percent and administrator 72.38 percent to 78.33 percent.
This research uses a quantitative approach with a survey method.
The principal has a strategic policy-determining role in an educational
institution. The principal is the key driving force for the improvement and
development of the school (Dakir, 2018). The principal of the madrasah is the
leader in an organization. It is the principal who is responsible for enhancing
student success and activities at school. In the era of Covid-19, schools have
failed to determine mandatory policies with well-established considerations so
that they can be maximally successful (Ats-Tsauri & Munastiwi, 2020). The
success of the leadership of the school institution depends on how the process
of this ability is in positioning oneself as a teacher who educates, communicates,
develops regular agility and the ability to make himself a good example;
someone can be a motivator for his subordinates (Syadzili, 2019).
Those who can give assignments and orders to teachers are the principal
to prepare a learning system that can facilitate students’ learning through
online learning. Teachers must be able to arrange learning that is in line with
student needs and learning in the form of effective and competent abilities of
students. During the Covid-19 pandemic, teachers can be creative and can take
advantage of the technology system to keep learning and gain knowledge from
the learning experiences prepared by the teachers (Arpius, 2020).

Al-Tanzim: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol. 05 No. 01 (2021) : 165-175 167
Available online at
Departing from the background presented, the researchers are interested
in conducting a study as an effort to find out how the leadership role of school
principals and teachers in designing learning implementation programs during
the Covid-19 era through online learning. In this paper, we will describe the
role of the principals in learning during the Covid-19 pandemic at the Krapyak
Wetan Public Elementary School. The aim of the research is to be able to
increase the leadership role of school principals and teachers in designing good
and smooth learning activities during the Covid-19.
Primary school (SD) principals are the subject of discussion, considering
that the functions and duties of primary school principals are not lighter than
those of upper-level principals and higher education principals, because
elementary school children are those who are still not independent. The
previous studies use a quantitative approach, whereas this study employs a
qualitative approach.

This research examines the role of principal leadership in online learning
at SD Negeri Krapyak Wetan Panggungharjo Sewon Bantul, Yogyakarta. The
researchers were interested in writing and telling about the leadership role of
the school principal during the Covid-19 in the location because either of them
is one of the teaching staff there.
The method used in this writing is qualitative research methods with
phenomenology. The qualitative method emphasizes the in-depth
understanding of a problem (Sukardi, 2011).
Data sources received and processed in this study are from school
principal informants and personal experiences in teaching during the Covid-19
pandemic at SD Negeri Krapyak Wetan. Data collection techniques used in this
study are observation, interviews and other supporting data. Data analysis was
carried out through data collection, data reduction and ending with drawing


Principal Leadership
Leadership is defined by the word ‘head’ or ‘leader’. Hasibuan argues
about the leader and leadership as follows: 1) A leader (head) is someone who
exercises authority and leadership, provides direction to his members or
followers to do their work in order to achieve a common goal in organization, 2)
A leader is the one who has a character of leadership and authority (Saleh &
Aini, 2014).
Leadership includes an influencing process in deciding an organizational
goal, motivating adherent behavior to achieve a goal, influencing group and
cultural changes (Hasanah, 2017). Leadership is in the form of art in leading
someone's possession. With that art, the leader can manage in an orderly and
effective manner (Nurmiyanti & Candra, 2019).
As a leader, the principal is responsible for the achievement of an
educational goal by ordering his subordinates towards achieving an
educational goal that has been set (Julaiha, 2019). The ability to encourage and

168 Al-Tanzim : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol. 05 No. 01 (2021) : 165-175
Available online at
motivate others in order to realize the vision of the organization and being able
to move his subordinates is one of the categories that must be owned by a
leader (Purwanto, et al., 2020). Basically, leadership is an activity to influence
and direct someone to achieve a vision, mission and goals that are planned
together (Bashori, 2019).
The key to school success is basically the effectiveness and efficiency of
the principal, because the success and smoothness of an educational institution
is the success of the principal itself. One of the categories of school success
requires quality leadership of the principal (Sumidjo, 1999). The leadership
quality of the principal is needed, so it is always emphasized that the three
strengths and abilities that the principal leadership need to have are conceptual
skills, human skills and technical skills (Amini & Ginting, 2020).
The success of an educational institution is very much dependent on the
leadership of the principal. The principal is the leader of the institution,
therefore the principal must guide the institution on the path to achieving the
planned goals. The principal must be able to read changes and be able to read
the future in the life of globalization and be able to realize productive, effective,
efficient and fun learning activities. The principal must be responsible for the
success of all activities and management, both formal and informal (Hasanah,
As a person who is fully responsible, the principal must be able to
cooperate with other people in educational institutions, in this sense that
he/she must be able to mobilize and coordinate the potential that exists in the
institution. In this case the principal is fully authorized to carry out teaching
and learning activities through other people, namely teachers. The teaching and
learning activity needs to go well as planned even though in the Covid-19 era it
is carried out online. This is where the leadership role of the principal is
required to be able to improve and develop learning, manage good learning,
coordinate, organize and implement regulations and policies that will be
implemented in education institutions (Hasanah, 2020).
The leadership adopted by school principals during the current
pandemic can use a situational leadership style, so that the educational process
can continue to move by emphasizing the success of educational goals.
Situational leadership that is able to match itself to the circumstances of the
situation and conditions that are taking place should be understood that the
success of the leadership is ensured by the behavior of the leader and
organizational situational causes (Hazizah, 2020).

Online Learning
Online learning has a meaning that is not the same as learning. Learning
is an activity to improve cognitive aspects that develops students' thinking
power and manage new knowledge (Saifulloh & Darwis, 2020).
In a decree circulated by KEMENDIKBUD No. 36962 / MPK_A / HK /
2020 concerning Online Learning and Working from Home in the Context of
Preventing the Spread of Covid-19. All levels of education, from elementary
school to college, during the Covid-19 pandemic, are required to carry out

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teaching and learning activities from home. Distance learning or online is an
option for both the teacher and the students themselves.
Online learning is distance learning through established social media.
Students and teachers can discuss subject matter with their group friends. The
media used are Whatsapp group, google classroom, google meet, teams, dragon
learn, zoom, etc. Online learning requires personal responsibility, independence
and patience because someone can only himself. They must download and read
materials, answer questions or quizzes and submit assignments independently.
Online learning provides various learning media, such as videos connected to
YouTube, video conference, scientific journal or digitally systemized topics
(Amalia & Fatonah, 2020).
Online learning can be used as a distance learning within a natural
disaster that imposes social distancing regulations. Social distancing is enforced
by the government in order to limit direct human interaction and avoid people
from crowds so that there is no spread of Covid-19 (Syarifudin, 2020). Teaching
and learning activities in the face-to-face context have been temporarily stopped
by the existence of a policy from the government. Face-to-face learning is
replaced with an online learning system by the government, using applications
that support teaching and learning activities (Sudarsana et al., 2020).
The purpose of online learning is to provide quality learning assistance
in a network that is open and accurate in order to reach a wider and more
attractive place for learning.. Online learning is a system that is implemented
without face-to-face meetings, but uses a platform that can support a process of
teaching and learning despite being online (Sofyana & Rozaq, 2019).

The Leadership Role of School Principals in Online Learning during the

Covid-19 Pandemic
The role is a cognitive process that is possessed by human beings in
correcting information about the health of the residents of the environment
through sight, hearing, feeling, appreciation and smell. The role is how humans
perceive a thing depending on the location where the person acquire the
behavior and conviction about the things to be faced (Noviardila, 2020).
The principal’s role in the leadership of educational institutions in
schools is to manage the school and his subordinates democratically and
efficiently and cooperate institutionally, depending on the professionalism of
their workers (Achmad, 2016). What determines the change in which direction
the school wants is the responsibility and part of the key to the school principal
(Susanti et al., 2020).
The leadership role of school principals in the current era of
decentralization has become a necessity to carry out a meaningful action
initiative in managing and leading the educational institutions that he leads.
The strategic role of a school principal as an authority that he or she can
improve and advance and direct the educational institution units that he
manages to the path of success as stipulated in the 1945 Constitution is to
educate the nation's life, which provides a contribution to the development of
human resources of the nation and the State of Indonesia. In this case, the
leadership of the principal must be truly innovative, instructive, creative and

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professional because so far, considering that the experience of the role of the
principal is only instructive (top down), in today's era of industrialization 4.0 it
is not sufficient for the sustainability of an educational institution. In this case
the existence of life has depended on the role of information systems and
technology, in that the results obtained from technological transformations are
very fast and rapidly developing, which is a tangible manifestation of the
development of information science and technology (Amini & Ginting, 2020).
The leadership of school principals in Indonesia during the Covid-19
pandemic has rushed to make adjustments to address lesson planning. The
process carried out by the principal is by deliberating with related parties at
school, namely school leaders, guardians of students, teachers, foundations,
regional heads and the education office (Indraswati & Sutisna, 2020). In the first
process, the school provides facilities and infrastructure that help learning by
observing the HR (human resources) in evaluation materials, increasing
creativity, the availability of facilities and infrastructure that help learning. The
second process provides encouragement (motivation) to related parties
(stakeholders) so that they work together to face Covid-19 with positive
activities and focus on learning goals from related parties (stakeholders) to
students (Asmuni, 2020).
The following is the leadership role of the principal in online learning for
the Covid-19 pandemic at SD Negeri Krapyak Wetan Panggungharjo Sewon
Bantul, Yogyakarta (Suyadi, 2020);

a. Optimizing All Elements of Education in Schools

The learning program that is in line with the current state of the
Covid-19 is through optimization and utilization of existing technology.
This process is necessary to consider the important things in online teaching
and learning activities carried out by teachers and students. Online learning
connects learners to their learning resources (experts / instructors,
databases, bibliotics), in which although they are physically separated or
distant, they can talk to each other, interact or collaborate either directly
(synchronously) or indirectly (asynchronously). Online debriefing is a form
of distance learning / training (PJJ) that uses telecommunications
technology and informants, for example the internet (Smaldino, 2005).
The school principal and teachers made detailed and precise learning
plans with regard to the distribution of lessons that would be carried out
and discussed during the Covid-19 and asked each teacher of various
subjects to be able to become partners and manage time up to the
responsibility of students.
b. Carrying out Online Training
The principal is quite aware of the availability of facilities and
capabilities of his/her school. All the teachers are less able to run the online
platform and have the skills despite the availability of quota all the time.
The role of teachers are aware of or understand Technology Science (IT) and
receive international, national and local based trainings in the realm of
Technology Science (IT).

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Teachers who understand Technology (IT) accompany other teachers
who does not until the successful use and management of the platform can
be done. Currently, regarding the quota of each teacher, the leader has put
in the funds according to the circulation of the decree from the Minister of
Education and Culture. The quota no longer becomes a barrier for teachers
to actualize online teaching applications.
In SD Negeri Krapyak Wetan, 95% of homeroom teachers and
teachers can do IT; they use various online teaching applications such as:
Google Classroom, Meet, Whatshapp, You Tube, Zoom and others.
c. Giving Appreciation and Enthusiasm for Teachers, Guardians and Students
Motivation for teachers is also conveyed by the principal, whatever
the obstacles and problems it faces for teachers can be conveyed positively
regarding the usefulness of social media (online) or the way it is desired to
be obtained. Teachers teaching online means that they need extra energy to
provide in terms of material, teaching time and others related to the online
teaching system.
The principal always gives words of motivation, enthusiasm and also
urges that in this era, students still have the enthusiasm to carry out
activities given by the teachers to be done at home. Likewise, some
guardians of students turned to feel unasy as they suddenly become
facilitators of their children at home.
The school principal and teachers conveyed expressions of gratitude
and words of appreciation to the parents of the students through WhatsApp
group in several online classes. All parents or guardians provide very
responsive feedback on assignments and others related to learning at school.
The message of optimism and encouragement are sent to restore a sense of
enthusiasm, which is in line with the perspective of education from Ki Hajar
Dewantara: "Ing madya builds initiative" or in the middle of giving
encouragement, this work is very good.
d. Carrying out Multi-directional Coordination of Sterilization Efforts in
Education Units
The ongoing outbreak at this time has caused for concern of all
related parties. Yet, the school is ready to play a role and involved in
working to prevent the spread of the Covid-19.
The institution obtains assistance from the agency regarding the
implementation of disinfectant spraying throughout the school institution in
order to remain safe and useable for learning.

172 Al-Tanzim : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol. 05 No. 01 (2021) : 165-175
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The leadership of the principal holds a vital role as a leader in creating an
educational atmosphere and ensuring that students still receive meaningful
teaching. SD Negeri Krapyak Wetan actualizes distance learning or online
learning for their students by collaborating with student parents as active
controllers of how children develop at home. In online learning or distance
learning the principal needs to also make learning protocols. The principal
coordinates with stakeholders in order to deliver practical teaching materials.
The leadership role of the principal in online learning during the Covid-
19 pandemic at SD Negeri Krapyak Wetan is as follows: a) Optimizing and
deliberating on teachers, b) Providing a short spirit of training on online
learning platforms, c) Doing appreciation and giving motivational words of
encouragement to teachers, students, and guardians of students, and d)
Enforcing multi-way communication


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Al-Tanzim: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol. 05 No. 01 (2021) : 165-175 175
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