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Background: The COVID-19 pandemic is very bad for all areas of life in the world,
both in the fields of economy, agriculture, education and so on. One of the impacts is on
the field of education, the ministry of education issued a policy in the form of a circular
on the learning process carried out by distance learning from home online, as well as the
role of parents as the main supervisor during the learning process.
Purpose: Thus the purpose of this writing is to find out how to establish the character
education of learners during distance learning, because during this pandemic, children
spend more time at home in order to be disconnected from the spread of the coronavirus.
Design and methods: This research uses qualitative method with the type of literature
study, as well as the reflection of researchers in the form of knowledge, insight and ex-
perience of researchers from the current situation.
Results: In this study discussed that the formation of character education of learners can
be formed by both parents as mentors during distance learning by habituating good be-
havior in order to become good human beings in adulthood under any circumstances.
A disaster that shocked the whole world that started in late December 2019 originated
from the city of Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. In a short time the outbreak of a disease
caused by a virus that we cannot take lightly, a virus known as COVID-19 or coronavirus
diseases-19. The COVID-19 outbreak entered Indonesia in 2020, at first it occurred because
of two Indonesian citizens who contracted the coronavirus after attending a dance party
where the participants were not only Indonesian citizens but multinational. Then the govern-
ment's response to the coronavirus with alacrity is trying as much as possible to reduce the
number of transmissions, with various policies implemented so that transmission can be cut
off to all Indonesian citizens.
By giving instructions to officials under the president to other communities by working
together or moving together to prevent the spread of COVID-19. As well as emphasizing in
their fields that are in accordance with their fields by maintaining what should be defended,
for example, the ministry of agriculture and the ministry of trade must be able to prepare
basic necessities for people who experience problems with their foodstuffs because of the
large number of family heads who experience layoffs or temporary layoffs which result in
financial problems.
The government policy during the pandemic period in the education sector trusted every-
thing in the ministry of education and culture (kemendikbud). The ministry of education
swiftly made a policy (SE number 4 of 2020) regarding education during the COVID-19
pandemic, which stated that a learning process from home or distance learning (PJJ) would
CONTACT Salira Syahwi Istiqomah salirasyahwi@gmail.com
© 2021 The Author(s). Published by CV. Mitra Palupi. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
88 | ETUDE: Journal of Educational Research 2021 VOL. 1, NO. 3, 87-95
In this study, the authors used qualitative research methods with the type of literature study.
Qualitative research is in the form of presenting various facts and events related to the char-
acter education of students during distance learning. This type of literature study uses liter-
ature, both journals and books in the field of character education as a source. Then, this study
uses the researcher's self-reflection method, in the form of the researchers' insights,
knowledge, and experiences which are an important source of the results of reviewing this
research (Munawaroh, 2019).
Distance learning from home requires students to learn with internet-accessible media that
has been determined by the school, however, there are learning media that have been pre-
pared by the government and the ministry of education and culture in collaboration with a
well-known television station, namely TVRI. Which broadcasts learning events that can be
accessed or used for students who experience network disruptions or outside the network
where the internet is not facilitated. This policy resulted in people who manage in the world
of education issuing a decision for the time being that there is no activity at school or on
campus to replace it with distance learning from home, both online and TVRI television
media for those who have limited internet access (both due to economic factors and geo-
graphical) in accordance with the direction of the Minister of Education and Culture (Prodjo,
2020). So it is impossible for students not to learn during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based
on RI Law no. 20 of 2003, states that education is a conscious activity that is planned in
order to realize a state of learning and the learning process so that students actively develop
their potential to have religious-spiritual strength, noble morals, self-control, intelligence,
personality, and social skills both in society, nation and the country. During the coronavirus
pandemic, education is still very important to educate the nation's children, to make good
future students of the nation and state, and to have the expected character values.
Character-based education is one of the ways implemented to develop students into hu-
man characters so those bad or unexpected negative things can be anticipated, minimized,
and eliminated (Lanny Isabela, 2015). Character education, namely value education, moral
education, regulatory education, and disposition education which aims to develop students'
abilities in terms of deciding, managing, and making goodness (Kasmawati and Zainudin,
2014). Character education is an effort to encourage students to grow and develop with think-
ing competencies and to stick to moral principles in their lives and to have the courage to do
the right thing even though they are faced with various obstacles and obstacles (Zubaedi,
Character Education Design: Conception and Its Application in Educational Institutions,
2011). Therefore, a character must be formed from an early age, because a strong character
will make students have a strong personality too.
In the implementation of character education, it can be done through 3 stages, namely
integrated with learning, integrated with self-development through extracurricular activities,
and integrated with school management (Agus Wibowo, 2016). But in fact, in the field of
character education, this is still not optimal, because some children are only formed and
educated at school, even though the government hopes that education also involves the fam-
ily environment and their environment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, character educa-
tion must start from the family environment, because before the pandemic period children
also spent more time at home, teaching and learning activities that had been face-to-face at
school were transferred to distance learning from home, which for the time being This is the
time spent by all students in the family environment, this is to stop the transmission of the
coronavirus. This rule has been regulated in the Minister of Education and Culture Circular
No. 4 of 2020 concerning Implementation of Education Policies in an Emergency Period of
the Spread of Coronavirus disease (Covid-2019). Furthermore, the circular explains that the
learning process from home is carried out with various provisions, namely: implemented to
provide a meaningful learning experience for students, without being burdened with de-
mands to complete all curriculum achievements for class promotion and graduation. Then it
will be more focused on education for life skills, including what happened during the
COVID-19 pandemic. As well as activities and learning tasks of students can be carried out
varying between students, according to their respective interests and circumstances, includ-
ing considering gaps in access or learning facilities at home (Winaya, 2020).
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President Ir. H. Joko Widodo has issued Presidential Decree Number 87 of 2017 concern-
ing Strengthening Character Education or abbreviated as PPK, with the aim of forming a
cultured national personality through strengthening character values extracted from the cul-
ture of the Indonesian nation itself. This is pursued by the government under the education
unit to strengthen the character of students through harmony with heart, mind, sports, and
feelings, as well as involving schools, families, and communities. Permendikbud No.
20/2018 concerning Strengthening Character Education (PPK), has formulated 18 character
values that will be planted or developed for students and the young generation of the Indo-
nesian nation. In order to strengthen the design of character education that comes from reli-
gion, Pancasila, culture, and the goals of national education, namely as follows:
Religious, which is an attitude based on religious values by strengthening faith or belief.
An example in daily behavior is carrying out the obligation to pray 5 daily prayers for Mus-
lims, and other forms of worship for followers of other religions, by not disturbing the prac-
tice of other religions, maintaining peace among religious followers, and so on. Research
and Development Agency, Center for Curriculum of the Ministry of National Education
(2010) explained that being religious is obedient behavior and attitude in implementing the
teachings of the religion they adhere to, being tolerant of the practice of other religions, and
living in harmony with adherents of other religions.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, parents always invite and guide their children to par-
ticipate in praying, as an effort to always ask God Almighty for guidance, health, and avoid
various dangerous disasters. In addition, to familiarize and provide good examples to be
imitated to children about religious values in everyday life, such as: praying, being grateful,
not lying, and tolerance (Purandina & Winaya, 2020). So, in any situation, religious values
must be carried out according to the religion they profess, because this religious value is a
basic character formed from their families with the help of the school environment and the
surrounding community so that they become human beings who are obedient to their religion
and can tolerate other religions.
Honest, which is an attitude based on trying to make himself a person who can always be
trusted in words and deeds. An example in everyday life is when someone is given an as-
signment, he always maintains his attitude by not lying by cheating or plagiarizing other
people's tasks, not spreading hoaxes, and so on.
The character of honesty is the behavior of openness and transparency of conformity be-
tween what is thought and what is felt, what is said, and what is done (Rianawati, 2014). The
treatment of distance learning does not allow students to not have the character value of
honesty, because the value of honesty is very important that every human being must have
in his life. But in fact, in the field of education, the learning process at school is face-to-face
and online learning from home, there are still some students who are not embedded in hon-
esty, this may be because educators only care about the results compared to the student pro-
cess so the loss of honesty in doing tests is done by cheating in order to get good grades.
Therefore, it is necessary to straighten out the assessment of the results of the tests which
are the burden of students in learning.
Tolerance, which is an attitude and action that respects differences in religion, ethnicity,
ethnicity, opinions, etc. between other people who are different from themselves. Examples
in daily behavior are not imposing their own opinions on group interests, allowing followers
of other religions to worship calmly and safely, and so on. With an attitude of tolerance, it
is hoped that it will instill a sense of brotherhood, build an attitude of nationalism, facilitate
the deliberation process, and so on so that life in the family, school, and community can run
peacefully and peacefully, and with the installation of tolerance, students can socialize well
with their friends.
Istiqomah, The formation of student character education during distance learning | 91
Discipline, which is an act that shows orderly behavior and obeys various rules and reg-
ulations. An example in daily behavior is obeying the rules of how to dress modestly in
certain formal places such as offices, universities, always arriving on time at work, college
or school, and so on.
A nation that has a high civilization and culture has a high level of discipline (Kurniawan,
2013). Discipline is formed through a process of behavior that shows the value of obedience,
order, obedience, regularity, and loyalty. During this pandemic, the character of discipline
must be formed and implemented so that students can have behavior that obeys the current
regulations. The development of disciplinary attitudes in children during this pandemic is by
following health protocols, such as: (1) always using a mask. When outside the home or
interacting with other people it is something that must be used, and it has become a habit to
wear a mask. (2) Getting used to always washing hands with soap in running water or using
a hand sanitizer when touching the face or after handling something. In an effort to cultivate
handwashing, children are taught first how to wash their hands properly, then the teacher
gives assignments to students to make a video on how to wash hands properly. (3) Maintain
a distance of 1 to 1.5 meters, this is useful for avoiding large crowds. (4) Always maintain
body immunity by eating nutritionally balanced foods, getting adequate rest, and exercising
regularly (Purandina & Winaya, 2020). In the field of education, if the character of discipline
has been formed in the child, then under any circumstances and any problem can continue
to run it without coercion, for example, every time online distance learning takes place from
home with the discipline of the child, the students can be on time absent and collect assign-
ments. According to the time and place that has been determined and previously mutually
Hard work, namely behavior that shows serious efforts in overcoming various obstacles
to learning and assignments and completing tasks as well as possible. An example in daily
behavior is always trying your best in doing something such as doing school work, or trying
to achieve the desired goals, and so on. The character of hard work is an intention, motiva-
tion, and strong determination, not forgetting the serious and hard effort in carrying out or
carrying out the wishes, duties, or responsibilities to achieve the expected goals (Rianawati,
During online and offline distance learning from home, whether students or parents, ed-
ucators or schools and the government in times like these are all tested for their level of hard
work in such a way as for students who are offline with a very real effort to seek. signals in
learning so as not to be left behind in the subject, for those who experience problems regard-
ing the cost of the quota needed during learning so that parents of students work hard to earn
a living so that their children's wishes are fulfilled in accessing lessons, so all stakeholders
during the Covid 19 pandemic must work hard so that education continues as expected.
Creative, namely the creation of someone who has the ability to think and do something
that results in new ways or results based on what they already have (Listyarti, 2013). Culti-
vating the value of creative character in children from an early age can make them a resilient
During distance learning, the educator or teacher should be creative in the learning pro-
cess so that they can be emulated by their students. However, in fact, students are more
creative than their teachers, for example when students are given assignments by their teach-
ers to describe how to prevent the coronavirus with a variety of student creativity, this results
in that students have a creative character that already exists in them, and is assisted by teacher
motivation, parents and surroundings.
Independent, namely attitudes and behaviors that are able to carry out tasks independently
if they can be done independently, not always relying on others to complete them.
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This independent character greatly affects when the learning process takes place because
not all parents can continuously guide their children during PJJ at home, especially the upper
levels of elementary school grades 4-6, in fact, there are also parents who work and take care
of other household chores. Previously, parents could get their children used to doing some-
thing simple independently first (Purandina & Winaya, 2020). Therefore, an independent
character will be formed by itself, for example, children can do any task by themselves,
without the help of others.
Democratic, namely a way of thinking, behaving, and acting that values the rights and
obligations of oneself and others (Narwanti, 2011). For example in carrying out education
during distance learning where all students have the right to education in any condition, this
is the responsibility of the government and schools so that the learning process can continue
to be carried out, so students will follow what they feel like feeling the same treatment as
Indonesian citizens.
Curiosity, namely attitudes and actions that always try to know more deeply and broadly
from what they have learned, seen, and heard (Narwanti, 2011). Therefore, the character of
curiosity must already exist in students, so that during PJJ children actively ask what they
do not understand. That way students will get broad insight and knowledge so that they can
become the nation's successor to a developed country because it gives birth to humans who
have a high curiosity. Examples in daily behavior are looking for Indonesian vocabulary that
students cannot understand the meaning of, and finding out the truth and examples during
the COVID-19 pandemic they find out about the impact of Covid on human life.
The spirit of nationality, which is an effort to think, act and have an insight that places
the interests of the nation and the state above the interests of themselves and their groups
(Narwanti, 2011). The national spirit must have been formed at an early age, this character
aims to give birth to students until they become adults who maintain the integrity of the
nation and state and serve and are willing to sacrifice for the sake of the nation and state of
Indonesia with their expertise. For example, in making the Indonesian nation proud by vol-
unteering or doing well in the international or international arena.
Love for the motherland, which is a way of thinking, behaving, and acting that shows
loyalty, concern, and high respect for the language, physical, social, cultural, economic, and
political environment of the nation (Narwanti, 2011). For example, students can practice the
values of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution in their daily life, because it is the life guide
for the Indonesian people and can also love the products of the nation's children by using
their work to advance the economy of the nation and country.
Respect for achievements, namely attitudes and actions that encourage us to produce
something useful for the surrounding community and society at large, and recognize and
respect the success of others. For example, giving praise and giving congratulations to
friends when they get achievements, and so on. This also applies to educators as teachers
during PJJ and parents as the main guides while studying at home so that they always give
appreciation for the results that have been achieved by their children or students, even if
what they do is the smallest, that way the child will feel a sense of pride and enthusiasm in
run distance learning from home without feeling the burden and psychological disruption of
the child during the learning process and the child will unconsciously respond and follow
what we do to it and practice it with younger siblings and peers.
Friendly or Communicative, which is an act that shows a sense of pleasure in socializing,
talking, and cooperating with other people. For example in daily behavior is showing a
friendly and polite attitude to parents, friends, and neighbors, etc. This can be done before
the emergence of a disaster that stirs up the entire community in the world. But in fact, we
can still form a friendly or communicative character with the sophistication of technology,
Istiqomah, The formation of student character education during distance learning | 93
the problem of friendly or communicative character can be overcome because of the many
applications that can facilitate communication to friends and relatives via video calls which
can grow or strengthen friendly characters by asking for news and always reminds him of
his care to maintain his own health.
Peaceful love, which is behavior, words, and actions that can give others a feeling of
pleasure and security in their presence. For example in daily behavior is spreading an atmos-
phere of kindness and not making hate speech to others, and an example for this pandemic
period, not spreading hoaxes that don't know the truth so that a peaceful love character is
formed in the family and other communities.
Enjoys reading, which is an attitude with the habit of preparing time to read various read-
ings that give good deeds to him. For example in daily behavior is reading important news,
and can separate the correct reading according to reality or what is just a hoax. If children
have a character who likes reading in any situation and in any situation, they still provide
free time to read, both regarding health developments that occurred during the COVID-19
period, and during the learning process, this can increase their knowledge.
Social care, namely behavior, and actions that always want to extend assistance to other
people or communities who need help. For example in daily behavior, in an area that expe-
riences natural disasters, it always helps victims of natural disasters by raising funds during
Car Free Days (CFD) or at concerts before the COVID-19 pandemic. During COVID-19, a
caring attitude social is very important to form and instill in students, this is intended so that
students care about fellow living beings, a lot of people during the current pandemic need
help and assistance both from food, health, education, and others by providing partial finan-
cial assistance owned while reminding each other to run 3M to those around us, this is part
of the character of social care, which character must be formed from an early age so that in
the future the participants are educated to care about the living creatures around them.
Caring for the environment, namely behavior and actions that always try to prevent dam-
age to the natural environment around it, and try to repair the damage to nature that has
already occurred. For example in daily behavior, namely by disposing of garbage in its place,
maintaining facilities provided by the government, participating in voluntary work to clean
the surrounding environment, and so on. Another example that is still hot is related to the
demonstration on the Job Creation Law where many students took to the field to represent
the people so that it was canceled but in fact many individuals who do not care about the
environment for government facilities that have been made actually damage the facilities
and the environment around them. if from an early age, the character of caring for the envi-
ronment will not do something like that which will be detrimental to both. Because the goal
of the character of caring for the environment is beneficial for ourselves, society, and other
living things.
Responsibility, namely the attitude and behavior of a person to carry out his duties and
obligations, which he should do for himself, society, the environment (natural, social, and
cultural), the country, and God Almighty (Said Hamid Hasan, 2010). Responsibility for what
is done and what is done both collective and individual decisions.
For example, in daily attitude, it is carrying out the mandate given as well as possible,
having the courage to be responsible if you make a mistake, and so on. During the pandemic,
there should be a responsible attitude towards students, with the help of parents as direct
guides while at home, children are taught that what they do must be held accountable. Be-
cause the character of responsibility will be useful for students when they grow up in the
world of work and any conditions.
94 | ETUDE: Journal of Educational Research 2021 VOL. 1, NO. 3, 87-95
Based on the discussion above, it can be concluded that distance learning during the COVID-
19 pandemic is a policy of the Ministry of Education and Culture to cut off the spread of the
coronavirus, but this policy has an impact on students, for example, students are easily bored,
lazy and others. This incident resulted in the waning of character in students, therefore the
need for the formation of character education during distance learning. Character education
during distance learning from home can be carried out like face-to-face learning at school
although it is not very effective, and in doing so it requires something extra, so the character
building of children depends very much on the character of the parents because before the
pandemic and during the COVID-19 duties of parents are as guides during the learning pro-
cess while at home and also children spend a lot of time at home. Therefore, the role of
parents is also very important in shaping children's character by getting used to good things
in daily activities, which are useful for the child's future. By working together between fam-
ilies, teachers and the surrounding community is also very important in carrying out and
Istiqomah, The formation of student character education during distance learning | 95
developing children's character values (Purandina & Winaya, 2020). In character building,
while at home, motivation and support should be given by educators or the school and the
community to communicate with each other in creating character education that is expected
together and the achievement of students to become human beings with good character.
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