IBM MobileFirst Platform

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IBM Software Thought Leadership White Paper

Build more robust native

mobile applications with
IBM MobileFirst Platform
Enable mobile application development, delivery and management in a
security-rich manner
2 Build more robust native mobile applications with IBM MobileFirst Platform

Mobile applications are rapidly becoming the primary channel the rest of the time is spent making sure the application is more
through which people in the world do business. At the same than just superficially attractive. The remaining time is spent
time, user experience expectations for mobile applications far ensuring the app is secure, integrated and engaging. For this
exceed expectations for applications delivered through virtually reason, developers at an organization require more than just a
any other channel. In a world of millions of mobile apps, an toolset for native mobile apps. In addition, this is the reason
estimated 80 - 90 percent of apps are deleted after first use.1 why developers require a mobile app platform that enhances the
Users expect value, ease of use and a delightful experience, entire mobile app lifecycle management process.
but too often their expectations are not met.
With the IBM MobileFirst Mobile Platform, you can help
Developers at companies building mobile apps are responding in address the full lifecycle of mobile app development, delivery
a number of ways to the increase in demand and high expecta- and management. This IBM platform supports various
tions for mobile apps. One response is the decision to build development approaches including mobile web, hybrid and
native mobile apps. Of course building native apps can be native. Further, developers can use the tools they want to
more costly because you have to develop a distinctive code for use—whether that is XCode, Android Studio, Xamarin,
each supported platform and often each platform requires IBM MobileFirst Platform Studio, or any other development
differentiated development teams. The benefit, however, is that tool of choice.
developers can use the full capability of the device operating
system. Native apps offer benefits including an extremely The IBM MobileFirst Platform is a more
powerful user experience, innovative functionality and top-line
comprehensive platform that enables develop-
ers at organizations to build, test, integrate
Native SDK vendors seize the power of this idea and offer their and help secure mobile applications of various
respective development toolsets as the way to realize these bene-
fits. However, developers at organizations require more than
toolsets to build native mobile apps that meet the expectations
of their users. The security imperative

Experience on-screen is only the

The MobileFirst Platform Foundation security features for
beginning native apps include:
Toolsets are essential because of what they focus on, but the fact
is these toolsets typically focus only on client-side development. ●● Extensible user authentication framework
Client-side development effort is essential, after all developers ●● Application authentication
want to deliver an exceptional user experience, but there is ●● Device provisioning integration
more to a mobile app than what is on-screen. In fact, studies ●● Encrypted on-device storage
show that the time spent building the user interface typically ●● Application management controls
accounts for only a small percentage of the overall time spent ●● SSO for enterprise applications
developing and delivering a mobile app. At this point you
might ask, ‘How is the rest of the time spent?’ In simple terms,
IBM Software 3

Security is a chief priority for business leaders embarking on the This IBM platform provides single sign on capabilities such that
mobile journey. However, many leaders at organizations are multiple mobile apps can participate in a globally authenticated
challenged to effectively implement appropriate security mea- session. In addition to all of these capabilities, this platform
sures. Up to 53 percent of enterprises report that they struggle offers management controls that enable administrators to almost
to implement effective end-to-end mobile security measures.2 immediately disable mobile apps for all users or disable mobile
apps for specific users on specific devices. As a result, administra-
With MobileFirst Platform, you can better confront the security tors can help mitigate risk in the face of unknown app vulnera-
challenge for native mobile apps in a number of ways. To bilities, recently lost devices, quickly changing access rules
begin with, MobileFirst Platform provides a user authentication and more.
framework that enables you to integrate their mobile applica-
tions with existing enterprise or third-party security systems. In addition to these capabilities, business leaders realize that
With MobileFirst Platform user authentication framework, delivering secure mobile apps requires more than securing the
you can use extensible points of control in both the mobile app run time. The development and application lifecycle manage-
and on the server. Further, this IBM framework provides you ment process must be secure. With IBM MobileFirst Platform
with a means to standardize authentication requirements over a Application Scanning, you can conduct a static code analysis of a
number of different platforms and devices. You can enable mobile app for both native and web content to detect potential
basic authentication approaches such as username, password vulnerabilities such as data leakage, sensitive information expo-
authentication. In addition, this platform supports more sure, high-risk API usage and more. This analysis can be run
complex schemes such as certificate-based authentication and on demand and be an automated part of an organization’s
multifactor authentication protocols with one-time pass codes, continuous integration and build strategy. Static code analysis for
step-up authentication procedures and more. With MobileFirst mobile apps is an important part of raising an organization’s
Platform, you can help extend authentication enforcement to overall security posture. With MobileFirst Application Scanning,
situations when devices do not have connectivity thus enabling you can more easily institutionalize as part of the mobile
security-rich, offline access for users. app lifecycle.

User authentication is an important part of securing mobile Security is an imperative for developers at companies delivering
apps, but that protection alone is not enough. MobileFirst mobile apps and it is more complex than security measures
Platform specialists go further by providing security capabilities employed for traditional web applications. You can better
distinctive to mobile apps. For instance, you can better secure address both development and run time concerns with a more
the data stored on a mobile device with AES-256 encryption comprehensive set of security capabilities with Platform. You can
and make the data FIPS 140-2 compliant. With MobileFirst use these capabilities to enhance your mobile security posture
Platform, you can protect your apps against repackaging attacks without spending considerable upfront and ongoing resources to
by ensuring that mobile apps that connect to the MobileFirst arrive at the same result MobileFirst Platform is designed to
Platform environment are known and trusted applications. provide right off the shelf.
4 Build more robust native mobile applications with IBM MobileFirst Platform

Interactivity through integration Basic service connectivity is important, but the fact is that mobile
apps must often connect to services that were built long before
mobile was in existence. Such connectivity poses challenges in
The MobileFirst Platform Foundation integration features for both data delivery and service security for the mobile channel.
native apps include: With MobileFirst Platform’s ready-to-use data transformation
capabilities, you can more easily optimize the data delivered to
●● Standards-based enterprise integration
mobile apps. These capabilities are especially valuable when
●● Automatic data transformation for mobile optimization
dealing with legacy services that return relatively large payloads
●● Zero code integration for SAP services and web services
●● Fine-grained security controls targeted at the traditional web channel. With the integration
●● Response time and data usage analytics capabilities, which also include a service mashup feature,
developers can retrieve data from multiple services in a single
network call thereby helping to reduce the impact of the
inherently unreliable mobile network. In terms of integration
In the early days of mobile, the mere notion of having an app security, MobileFirst Platform provides mobile-specific and
was novel. Developers delivering apps were not expected to offer fine-grained security controls that IT professionals at organiza-
much in the way of user interaction. Mere existence of apps was tions can include with their legacy services. Together, with these
sufficient. capabilities, you can help ensure optimized and security-rich
integration for native mobile apps.
Today, however, users have loftier expectations for mobile apps.
Users value apps that help them complete tasks such as ordering Integration is key to fostering the level of interaction many users
takeout, hailing a taxi, or making a restaurant reservation. expect from their mobile apps and the MobileFirst Platform
You can deliver this type of interaction only if mobile apps can provides a robust set of integration capabilities to enhance
integrate with services and data; toolsets alone cannot deliver on mobile interaction. With these features, you can use existing
a full spectrum of integration needs. enterprise investment, optimize data delivery to sustain user
interactions over unstable mobile networks and help reduce
The MobileFirst Platform delivers a robust set of integration development cost by providing zero-code integration paths.
capabilities starting with the ability to connect native mobile In addition, you can help improve organizational insight into
apps with various back-end systems. This IBM platform is user experience through integration analytics.
designed to broker connectivity for mobile apps over HTTP,
JMS and SQL and further help you optimize connectivity when Engagement is key
using IBM Integration Bus or IBM® Cast Iron®. MobileFirst
Platform’s integration architecture promotes a decoupling of
integration logic from mobile app logic. That means integration The MobileFirst Platform Foundation engagement features for
logic is encapsulated on the server thereby isolating a mobile native apps include:
app from changes that occur in the data and service layer.
●● Unified server-side API for SMS and push notifications
Another important effect of delegating this logic to the server ●● Complete location services framework
is that a single set of integration services can be used by native ●● Robust operational analytics
mobile apps running across a number of different platforms. ●● Remote device log collection
IBM Software 5

There are many distinctive characteristics of mobile apps but Second, developers can build one set of location-enriched
perhaps none more so than the notion of instant and intelligent engagement logic on the server and apply that logic to their
engagement. Mobile app users expect to be engaged in the right native apps throughout various platforms. With this IBM plat-
context, at the right time and in the right place. To fulfill this form’s location services, you can understand where app users are
expectation, you have to design services that support both proac- and more importantly, implement business logic based on this
tive engagement and the use of context in that engagement. contextual understanding.

When speaking of engagement in mobile apps, you often think Finally, you cannot discuss intelligent mobile engagement with-
of push notifications. The ability to proactively send data to the out discussing the role of mobile app analytics and operations.
user sets apart mobile apps from traditional web apps, which is a To start, IT professionals must understand the quantitative
powerful concept. With MobileFirst Platform, you can make and qualitative aspects about the usage of their mobile apps.
enabling push notifications easier by providing users a single, The MobileFirst Platform includes a rich analytics system that
unified API for sending push notifications from the server to automatically captures information such as app usage by device
mobile apps. This approach means that developers can develop a type, service invocation patterns, service response times, data
single set of logic to send push notifications to their native usage, push notification patterns and more. You can also capture
mobile apps running on a number of different devices and custom events within the mobile app with an API. In addition,
platforms. Without the unified push framework from Platform, a rich set of reports in a browser-based interface and a
developers would be left to develop push logic for each differen- browser-based search interface for events can be created and
tiated platform the organization needed to support. organizations benefit from greater insight into their mobile app
If push notifications deliver the means for engagement, then
location services deliver the ability to intelligently engage. By You also must be able to easily administer and operate the
understanding where users are, you can engage them in a timely environment to ensure optimal user engagement. Most impor-
manner thereby increasing the likelihood of action—such as a tantly, when things go wrong you must respond quickly. The
purchase. With MobileFirst Platform, you can more easily MobileFirst Platform helps you in the area of rapid response
engage users based on location context by providing a more by providing remote log collection and automatic crash log
continuous and complete API to detect, transmit and consume capture capabilities. With remote log collection, administrators
location-based events. These events, which are triggered based can define log policies and device filters on the server, push that
on geolocation or WiFi data, are transmitted by the mobile app configuration down to devices and then collect device logs for
using MobileFirst Platform client-side API. The MobileFirst transmission to the server. As a result, administrators can more
Platform provides a unified server-side API that enables develop- easily retrieve logs in the case of problems reported by users.
ers to consume location events on the server and take action. With MobileFirst Platform, you can enhance this log retrieval
As a result, the integration of enterprise systems into patterns of feature by automatically collecting any crash logs from a mobile
intelligent user engagement is made easier. app. These crash logs are also transmitted to the server where
they can be analyzed by administrators. Building such a robust
The benefits of the MobileFirst Platform location services are analytics and operations system would be a difficult task.
two-fold to the organization. First, developers do not have to
worry about efficient location data collection and transmission
on the client side because they can use the platform’s API.
6 Build more robust native mobile applications with IBM MobileFirst Platform

Rich and personalized engagement is clearly the allure of the developers can more easily add MobileFirst Platform capabilities
mobile channel for many organizations. With MobileFirst to both existing and new native mobile apps, while providing
Platform, you can help reduce development cost through unified flexibility to use the toolsets and development environments
push APIs and enhance developer productivity and user interac- of choice.
tion with a rich location services framework. In addition, this
IBM platform helps improve insight into the user experience Advanced view composition is becoming an increasingly
through in-depth analytics and simplified device log collection. common technique in the development of mobile apps. This
technique gives developers the power to mix native and web
The details of development controls within the same mobile app and even on the same
screen. This technique provides a great balance of native optimi-
zation and cost savings through code reuse. With Platform, you
The MobileFirst Platform Foundation development features for can enhance this approach by providing APIs to switch more
native apps include: easily between native and web views and construct mixed view
screens in a mobile app. In addition, with the platform, you can
CLI to enable a Bring Your Own Toolset approach
manage data sharing, activity coordination and state among the

●● Advanced screen view composition capability

different view components of a mobile app. You can focus on
●● Transparent state management for mixed mode applications
delivering an exceptional experience without having to build the
●● Action coordination system for mixed mode applications
client-side infrastructure that supports it with the robust set of
capabilities from the MobileFirst Platform.

Most developers building native mobile apps prefer to use tool- Mobile apps must provide users a delightful experience with
sets built specifically for the native language in use. These useful functionality. The MobileFirst Platform is designed to
toolsets are reasonable preferences given that the toolsets enhance the development process by enabling developers to use
offer several optimizations that make the development process existing development tool skills and expertise. With MobileFirst
faster and more efficient. Rather than try to replace these native Platform, you can support mobile app construction approaches
toolsets, with MobileFirst Platform, you can accept them while that optimize code reuse without limiting developers and
enhancing the overall development process. empower developers to focus on business logic instead of infra-
structure that manages mobile app state and communication.
A core part of the MobileFirst Platform is the IBM MobileFirst
Platform Studio. The MobileFirst Platform Studio is an inte- Testing is not optional
grated development environment (IDE) that developers can
use to build apps on the platform. The difference however
between MobileFirst Platform and many of its competitors The MobileFirst Platform Foundation testing features for native
apps include:
is that developers are not required to use the MobileFirst
Platform Studio. The MobileFirst Platform includes a ●● Automated functional testing
command line interface (CLI) that helps developers create, ●● More comprehensive quality assurance testing
build and deploy applications for the platform from any ●● Application sentiment analysis
environment in a more simplified manner. With this CLI, ●● Crash log collection and analysis
IBM Software 7

Mobile app development, run time and management capabilities use an in-app screen capture feature to take a snapshot of what
are important for developers at organizations building mobile they see. This screenshot can be further annotated with com-
apps, but there is even more to the story. Industry leaders in ments or interactive markup and then the annotated capture can
mobile technology understand that they have to deliver quality be sent back to the quality assurance portal with the click of a
mobile apps that must continue to improve over time. To do button. With the quality assurance testing capability of the
that, business leaders have to build a robust testing approach. platform, you no longer have to create process and technology
for mobile app distribution and feedback collection.
Testing might not always come to mind when talking about
mobile app development, but it is a crucial facet of application Testing continues to be one of the biggest challenges for anyone
lifecycle management. Testing also happens to be a huge chal- embarking on a mobile journey. The MobileFirst Platform
lenge for many business leaders embarking on a mobile journey. helps you confront this challenge and more consistently deliver
The ability to efficiently and consistently test mobile apps is higher-quality apps. With this IBM platform, you can help
critical to fulfill and exceed user expectations, but that fact does reduce functional testing cost with an easier-to-use automated
not make testing any less difficult. With MobileFirst Platform, solution and improve the efficiency of quality assurance testing
you can address the need for testing in a number of ways, by enabling a crowdsourced model. In addition, you can support
including by providing automated functional testing tools. iterative mobile app improvement by providing ongoing app
Using the IBM Mobile Test Workbench included in the plat- insight and user sentiment analysis.
form, users can record functional tests of their native mobile
apps and export those recordings as English-language, editable Conclusion
scripts. Consequently, users can then execute those scripts in The MobileFirst Platform is a more comprehensive mobile
the form of automated tests on simulators, emulators and real application platform that is designed to offer considerable
devices. With this capability, you can both create and execute an value to developers building mobile apps regardless of the
inventory of functional regression tests in an easier way. Using development approach. With respect to native mobile apps,
automated functional testing, you can more consistently deliver the MobileFirst Platform complements as opposed to replacing
stable mobile apps. toolsets from native vendors and can deliver critical capabilities
that these toolsets do not address.
The ability to automate functional testing is clearly beneficial,
but there is more to an effective testing strategy than functional Building mobile apps must not be an exercise completely left to
testing. Particularly in mobile, you require the ability the user; you require mobile application platforms that advance
to make manual testing of mobile apps efficient and easy. your mobile app journey in a way that lets you control your
IBM MobileFirst Platform Quality Assurance is designed to destiny. With MobileFirst Platform, you can take advantage
facilitate crowdsourced quality testing within an organization. of a robust set of capabilities in a manner that supports
Using MobileFirst Quality Assurance, you can use over-the-air developer choice.
distribution to target pilot users within the organization. Once
the mobile apps are distributed, users use the app and can also
For more information
To learn more about the IBM MobileFirst Platform, please
contact your IBM representative or IBM Business Partner,
or visit the following website:

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1 How Upcoming Changes to Google Adwords Affects Mobile App Advertising,
Ironpaper, May 1, 2014
2 The Upwardly Mobile Enterprise, IBM Institute for Business Value, October 2013

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