Rvacu MM 2312
Rvacu MM 2312
Rvacu MM 2312
The BGP, which RFC 1771 defines, allows you to create loop-free interdomain routing
between autonomous systems (ASs). An AS is a set of routers under a single technical
administration. Routers in an AS can use multiple Interior Gateway Protocols (IGPs) to
exchange routing information inside the AS. The routers can use an exterior gateway
protocol to route packets outside the AS.
How Does BGP Work?
BGP uses TCP as the transport protocol, on port 179. Two BGP routers form a TCP
connection between one another. These routers are peer routers. The peer routers
exchange messages to open and confirm the connection parameters.
BGP routers exchange network reachability information. This information is mainly an
indication of the full paths that a route must take in order to reach the destination
network. The paths are BGP AS numbers. This information helps in the construction of
a graph of ASs that are loop-free. The graph also shows where to apply routing policies
in order to enforce some restrictions on the routing behavior.
Any two routers that form a TCP connection in order to exchange BGP routing
information are "peers" or "neighbors". BGP peers initially exchange the full BGP routing
tables. After this exchange, the peers send incremental updates as the routing table
changes. BGP keeps a version number of the BGP table. The version number is the
same for all the BGP peers. The version number changes whenever BGP updates the
table with routing information changes. The send of keepalive packets ensures that the
connection between the BGP peers is alive. Notification packets go out in response to
errors or special conditions.
eBGP and iBGP
If an AS has multiple BGP speakers, the AS can serve as a transit service for other
ASs. As the diagram in this section shows, AS200 is a transit AS for AS100 and AS300.
In order to send the information to external ASs, there must be an assurance of the
reachability for networks. In order to assure network reachability, these processes take
• Internal BGP (iBGP) peering between routers inside an AS
When BGP runs between routers that belong to two different ASs, this is called exterior
BGP (eBGP). When BGP runs between routers in the same AS, this is called iBGP.
Enable BGP Routing
Complete these steps in order to enable and configure BGP.
Assume that you want to have two routers, RTA and RTB, talk via BGP. In the first
example, RTA and RTB are in different ASs. In the second example, both routers
belong to the same AS.
1. Define the router process and the AS number to which the routers belong.
Issue this command to enable BGP on a router:
router bgp autonomous-system
router bgp 100
router bgp 200
These statements indicate that RTA runs BGP and belongs to AS100. RTB runs BGP and
belongs to AS200.
2. Define BGP neighbors.
The BGP neighbor formation indicates the routers that attempt to talk via BGP. The
section Form BGP Neighbors explains this process.
Form BGP Neighbors
Two BGP routers become neighbors after the routers establish a TCP connection
between each other. The TCP connection is essential in order for the two peer routers
to start the exchange of routing updates.
After the TCP connection is up, the routers send open messages in order to exchange
values. The values that the routers exchange include the AS number, the BGP version
that the routers run, the BGP router ID, and the keepalive hold time. After the
confirmation and acceptance of these values, establishment of the neighbor connection
occurs. Any state other than Established is an indication that the two routers did not
become neighbors and that the routers cannot exchange BGP updates.
Issue this neighbor command to establish a TCP connection:
neighbor ip-address remote-as number
The number in the command is the AS number of the router to which you want to
connect with BGP. The ip-address is the next hop address with direct connection for
eBGP. For iBGP, ip-address is any IP address on the other router.
The two IP addresses that you use in the neighbor command of the peer
routers must be able to reach one another. One way to verify reachability is an extended
ping between the two IP addresses. The extended ping forces the pinging router to use
as source the IP address that the neighbor command specifies. The router must use
this address rather than the IP address of the interface from which the packet goes.
If there are any BGP configuration changes, you must reset the neighbor connection to
allow the new parameters to take effect.
• clear ip bgp address
Note: The address is the neighbor address.
• clear ip bgp *
This command clears all neighbor connections.
By default, BGP sessions begin with the use of BGP version 4 and negotiate downward
to earlier versions, if necessary. You can prevent negotiations and force the BGP
version that the routers use to communicate with a neighbor. Issue this command in
router configuration mode:
neighbor {ip address | peer-group-name} version value
router bgp 200
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 200
router bgp 200
neighbor remote-as 200
In this example, RTA and RTB run eBGP. RTB and RTC run iBGP. The remote AS
number points to either an external or an internal AS, which indicates either eBGP or
iBGP. Also, the eBGP peers have direct connection, but the iBGP peers do not have
direct connection. iBGP routers do not need to have direct connection. But, there must
be some IGP that runs and allows the two neighbors to reach one another.
This section provides an example of the information that the show ip bgp
neighbors command displays.
Note: Pay special attention to the BGP state. Anything other than the
state Established indicates that the peers are not up.
Note: Also, notice these items:
• The BGP version, which is 4
• The remote router ID
This number is the highest IP address on the router or the highest loopback interface, if
• The table version
The table version provides the state of the table. Any time that new information comes in,
the table increases the version. A version that continues to increment indicates that there is
some route flap that causes the continuous update of routes.
# show ip bgp neighbors
BGP neighbor is, remote AS 200, external link
BGP version 4, remote router ID
BGP state = Established, table version = 3, up for 0:10:59
Last read 0:00:29, hold time is 180, keepalive interval is 60 seconds
Minimum time between advertisement runs is 30 seconds
Received 2828 messages, 0 notifications, 0 in queue
Sent 2826 messages, 0 notifications, 0 in queue
Connections established 11; dropped 10
BGP and Loopback Interfaces
The use of a loopback interface to define neighbors is common with iBGP, but is not
common with eBGP. Normally, you use the loopback interface to make sure that the IP
address of the neighbor stays up and is independent of hardware that functions
properly. In the case of eBGP, peer routers frequently have direct connection, and
loopback does not apply.
If you use the IP address of a loopback interface in the neighbor command, you need
some extra configuration on the neighbor router. The neighbor router needs to inform
BGP of the use of a loopback interface rather than a physical interface to initiate the
BGP neighbor TCP connection. In order to indicate a loopback interface, issue this
neighbor ip-address update-source interface
In this example, RTA and RTB run iBGP inside AS100. In the neighbor command, RTB
uses the loopback interface of RTA, In this case, RTA must force BGP to
use the loopback IP address as the source in the TCP neighbor connection. In order to
force this action, RTA adds update-source interface-type interface-number so that the
command is neighbor update-source loopback 1. This statement forces
BGP to use the IP address of the loopback interface when BGP talks to neighbor
Note: RTA has used the physical interface IP address of RTB,, as a
neighbor. Use of this IP address is why RTB does not need any special configuration.
Refer to Sample Configuration for iBGP and eBGP With or Without a Loopback Address for a
complete network scenario sample configuration.
eBGP Multihop
In some cases, a Cisco router can run eBGP with a third-party router that does not allow
direct connection of the two external peers. To achieve the connection, you can use
eBGP multihop. The eBGP multihop allows a neighbor connection between two external
peers that do not have direct connection. The multihop is only for eBGP and not for
iBGP. This example illustrates eBGP multihop:
router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 300
neighbor ebgp-multihop
router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 100
RTA indicates an external neighbor that does not have direct connection. RTA needs to
indicate its use of the neighbor ebgp-multihop command. On the other hand, RTB
indicates a neighbor that has direct connection, which is Because of this
direct connection, RTB does not need the neighbor ebgp-multihop command. You
should also configure an IGP or static routing to allow the neighbors without connection
to reach each other.
The example in the eBGP Multihop (Load Balancing) section shows how to achieve load
balancing with BGP in a case where you have eBGP over parallel lines.
eBGP Multihop (Load Balancing)
int loopback 0
ip address
router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor ebgp-multihop
neighbor update-source loopback 0
This example illustrates the use of loopback interfaces, update-source, and ebgp-
multihop. The example is a workaround in order to achieve load balancing between
two eBGP speakers over parallel serial lines. In normal situations, BGP picks one of the
lines on which to send packets, and load balancing does not happen. With the
introduction of loopback interfaces, the next hop for eBGP is the loopback interface.
You use static routes, or an IGP, to introduce two equal-cost paths to reach the
destination. RTA has two choices to reach next hop one path via
and the other path via RTB has the same choices.
Route Maps
There is heavy use of route maps with BGP. In the BGP context, the route map is a
method to control and modify routing information. The control and modification of
routing information occurs through the definition of conditions for route redistribution
from one routing protocol to another. Or the control of routing information can occur at
injection in and out of BGP. The format of the route map follows:
route-map map-tag [[permit | deny] | [sequence-number]]
The map tag is simply a name that you give to the route map. You can define multiple
instances of the same route map, or the same name tag. The sequence number is
simply an indication of the position that a new route map is to have in the list of route
maps that you have already configured with the same name.
In this example, there are two instances of the route map defined, with the name
MYMAP. The first instance has a sequence number of 10, and the second has a
sequence number of 20.
• route-map MYMAP permit 10 (The first set of conditions goes here.)
• route-map MYMAP permit 20 (The second set of conditions goes here.)
When you apply route map MYMAP to incoming or outgoing routes, the first set of
conditions are applied via instance 10. If the first set of conditions is not met, you
proceed to a higher instance of the route map.
match and set Configuration Commands
Each route map consists of a list of match and set configuration commands. The match
specifies a match criteria, and set specifies a set action if the criteria that
the match command enforces are met.
For example, you can define a route map that checks outgoing updates. If there is a
match for IP address, the metric for that update is set to 5. These commands
illustrate the example:
match ip address
set metric 5
Now, if the match criteria are met and you have a permit, there is a redistribution or
control of the routes, as the set action specifies. You break out of the list.
If the match criteria are met and you have a deny, there is no redistribution or control of
the route. You break out of the list.
If the match criteria are not met and you have a permit or deny, the next instance of
the route map is checked. For example, instance 20 is checked. This next-instance
check continues until you either break out or finish all the instances of the route map. If
you finish the list without a match, the route is not accepted nor forwarded.
In Cisco IOS® Software releases earlier than Cisco IOS Software Release 11.2, when
you use route maps to filter BGP updates rather than redistribute between protocols,
you cannot filter on the inbound when you use a match command on the IP address. A
filter on the outbound is acceptable. Cisco IOS Software Release 11.2 and later
releases do not have this restriction.
The related commands for match are:
• match as-path
• match community
• match clns
• match interface
• match ip address
• match ip next-hop
• match ip route-source
• match metric
• match route-type
• match tag
The related commands for set are:
• set as-path
• set clns
• set automatic-tag
• set community
• set interface
• set default interface
• set ip default next-hop
• set level
• set local-preference
• set metric
• set metric-type
• set next-hop
• set origin
• set tag
• set weight
Look at some route map examples:
Example 1
Assume that RTA and RTB run Routing Information Protocol (RIP), and RTA and RTC
run BGP. RTA gets updates via BGP and redistributes the updates to RIP. Suppose
that RTA wants to redistribute to RTB routes about with a metric of 2 and all
other routes with a metric of 5. In this case, you can use this configuration:
router rip
passive-interface Serial0
redistribute bgp 100 route-map SETMETRIC
In this example, if a route matches the IP address, the route has a metric of
2. Then, you break out of the route map list. If there is no match, you proceed down the
route map list, which indicates setting everything else to metric 5.
Note: Always ask the question "What happens to routes that do not match any of the
match statements?" These routes drop, by default.
Example 2
Suppose that, in Example 1, you do not want AS100 to accept updates about
You cannot apply route maps on the inbound when you match with an IP address as the
basis. Therefore, you must use an outbound route map on RTC:
router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor route-map STOPUPDATES out
Now that you feel more comfortable with how to start BGP and how to define a
neighbor, look at how to start the exchange of network information.
There are multiple ways to send network information with use of BGP. These sections
go through the methods one by one:
• network Command
• Redistribution
• Static Routes and Redistribution
network Command
The format of the network command is:
network network-number [mask network-mask]
The network command controls the networks that originate from this box. This concept
is different than the familiar configuration with Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP)
and RIP. With this command, you do not try to run BGP on a certain interface. Instead,
you try to indicate to BGP what networks BGP should originate from this box. The
command uses a mask portion because BGP version 4 (BGP4) can handle subnetting
and supernetting. A maximum of 200 entries of the network command are acceptable.
The network command works if the router knows the network that you attempt to
advertise, whether connected, static, or learned dynamically.
An example of the network command is:
router bgp 1
network mask
ip route null 0
This example indicates that router A generates a network entry for The
/16 indicates that you use a supernet of the class C address and you advertise the first
two octets, or first 16 bits.
Note: You need the static route to get the router to generate because the
static route puts a matching entry in the routing table.
The network command is one way to advertise your networks via BGP. Another way is
to redistribute your IGP into BGP. Your IGP can be IGRP, Open Shortest Path First
(OSPF) protocol, RIP, Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), or another
protocol. This redistribution can seem scary because now you dump all your internal
routes into BGP; some of these routes can have been learned via BGP and you do not
need to send them out again. Apply careful filtering to make sure that you send to the
Internet-only routes that you want to advertise and not to all the routes that you have.
Here is an example:
RTA announces and RTC announces Look at the RTC
This redistribution causes the origination of by your AS. You are not the
source of; AS100 is the source. So you have to use filters to prevent the
source out of that network by your AS. The correct configuration is:
router eigrp 10
redistribute bgp 200
default-metric 1000 100 250 100 1500
The null0 interface means disregard the packet. So if you get the packet and there is a
more specific match than, which exists, the router sends the packet to the
specific match. Otherwise, the router disregards the packet. This method is a nice way
to advertise a supernet.
This document has discussed how you can use different methods to originate routes out
of your AS. Remember that these routes are generated in addition to other BGP routes
that BGP has learned via neighbors, either internal or external. BGP passes on
information that BGP learns from one peer to other peers. The difference is that routes
that generate from the network command, redistribution, or static indicate your AS as
the origin of these networks.
Redistribution is always the method for injection of BGP into IGP.
Here is an example:
router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 300
router bgp 200
neighbor remote-as 300
router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 200
network 170.10.00
Note: You do not need network or network in RTC unless you
want RTC to generate these networks as well as pass on these networks as they come
in from AS100 and AS200. Again, the difference is that the network command adds an
extra advertisement for these same networks, which indicates that AS300 is also an
origin for these routes.
Note: Remember that BGP does not accept updates that have originated from its own
AS. This refusal ensures a loop-free interdomain topology.
For example, assume that AS200, from the example in this section, has a direct BGP
connection into AS100. RTA generates a route and sends the route to
AS300. Then, RTC passes this route to AS200 and keeps the origin as AS100. RTB
passes to AS100 with the origin still AS100. RTA notices that the update has
originated from its own AS and ignores the update.
You use iBGP if an AS wants to act as a transit system to other ASs. Is it true that you
can do the same thing by learning via eBGP, redistributing into IGP, and then
redistributing again into another AS? Yes, but iBGP offers more flexibility and more
efficient ways to exchange information within an AS. For example, iBGP provides ways
to control the best exit point out of the AS with use of local preference. The section Local
Preference Attribute provides more information about local preference.
router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 300
router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 400
router bgp 400
neighbor remote-as 100
Note: Remember that when a BGP speaker receives an update from other BGP
speakers in its own AS (iBGP), the BGP speaker that receives the update does not
redistribute that information to other BGP speakers in its own AS. The BGP speaker
that receives the update redistributes the information to other BGP speakers outside of
its AS. Therefore, sustain a full mesh between the iBGP speakers within an AS.
In the diagram in this section, RTA and RTB run iBGP. RTA and RTD also run iBGP.
The BGP updates that come from RTB to RTA transmit to RTE, which is outside the AS.
The updates do not transmit to RTD, which is inside the AS. Therefore, make an iBGP
peering between RTB and RTD in order to not break the flow of the updates.
The BGP Decision Algorithm
After BGP receives updates about different destinations from different autonomous
systems, the protocol must choose paths to reach a specific destination. BGP chooses
only a single path to reach a specific destination.
BGP bases the decision on different attributes, such as next hop, administrative
weights, local preference, route origin, path length, origin code, metric, and other
BGP always propagates the best path to the neighbors. Refer to BGP Best Path Selection
Algorithm for more information.
The section BGP Case Studies 2 explains these attributes and their use.
BGP Case Studies 2
AS_PATH Attribute
Whenever a route update passes through an AS, the AS number is prepended to that
update. The AS_PATH attribute is actually the list of AS numbers that a route has
traversed in order to reach a destination. An AS_SET is an ordered mathematical set {}
of all the ASs that have been traversed. The CIDR Example 2 (as-set) section of this
document provides an example of AS_SET.
In the example in this section, RTB advertises network in AS200. When that
route traverses AS300, RTC appends its own AS number to the network. So when reaches RTA, the network has two AS numbers attached: first 200, then
300. For RTA, the path to reach is (300, 200).
The same process applies to and RTB has to take path (300,
100); RTB traverses AS300 and then AS100 in order to reach RTC has to
traverse path (200) in order to reach and path (100) in order to reach
Origin Attribute
The origin is a mandatory attribute that defines the origin of the path information. The
origin attribute can assume three values:
• IGP—Network Layer Reachability Information (NLRI) is interior to the AS of origination. This
normally happens when you issue the bgp network command . An i in the BGP table
indicates IGP.
• EGP—NLRI is learned via exterior gateway protocol (EGP). An e in the BGP table indicates EGP.
• INCOMPLETE—NLRI is unknown or learned via some other means. INCOMPLETE usually occurs
when you redistribute routes from other routing protocols into BGP and the origin of the
route is incomplete. An ? in the BGP table indicates INCOMPLETE.
router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 300
redistribute static
router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 100
router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 100
RTA reaches via 300 i. The "300 i" means that the next AS path is 300 and
the origin of the route is IGP. RTA also reaches via i. This "i" means that
the entry is in the same AS and the origin is IGP. RTE reaches via 100 i. The
"100 i" means that the next AS is 100 and the origin is IGP. RTE also reaches via 100 ?. The "100 ?" means that the next AS is 100 and that the origin is
incomplete and comes from a static route.
BGP Next Hop Attribute
The BGP next hop attribute is the next hop IP address to use in order to reach a certain
For eBGP, the next hop is always the IP address of the neighbor that
the neighbor command specifies. In the example in this section, RTC advertises to RTA with a next hop of RTA advertises to RTC
with a next hop of For iBGP, the protocol states that the next hop that
eBGP advertises should be carried into iBGP. Because of this rule, RTA advertises to its iBGP peer RTB with a next hop of So, according to RTB,
the next hop to reach is and not
Make sure that RTB can reach via IGP. Otherwise, RTB drops packets with
the destination of because the next hop address is inaccessible. For
example, if RTB runs iGRP, you can also run iGRP on RTA network You
want to make iGRP passive on the link to RTC so that BGP is only exchanged.
router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 300
neighbor remote-as 100
router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 100
router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 100
Note: RTC advertises to RTA with a next hop equal to
Note: RTA advertises to RTB with a next hop equal to The
eBGP next hop is carried in iBGP.
Take special care when you deal with multiaccess and nonbroadcast multiaccess
(NBMA) networks. The sections BGP Next Hop (Multiaccess Networks) and BGP Next Hop
(NBMA) provide more details.
BGP Next Hop (Multiaccess Networks)
This example shows how the next hop behaves on a multiaccess network such as
Assume that RTC and RTD in AS300 run OSPF. RTC runs BGP with RTA. RTC can
reach network via When RTC sends a BGP update to RTA with
regard to, RTC uses as next hop RTC does not use its own IP
address, RTC uses this address because the network between RTA, RTC,
and RTD is a multiaccess network. The RTA use of RTD as a next hop to reach is more sensible than the extra hop via RTC.
Note: RTC advertises to RTA with a next hop
If the common medium to RTA, RTC, and RTD is not multiaccess, but NBMA, further
complications occur.
BGP Next Hop (NBMA)
The common medium appears as a cloud in the diagram. If the common medium is a
frame relay or any NBMA cloud, the exact behavior is as if you have connection via
Ethernet. RTC advertises to RTA with a next hop of
The problem is that RTA does not have a direct permanent virtual circuit (PVC) to RTD
and cannot reach the next hop. In this case, routing fails.
The next-hop-self command remedies this situation.
next-hop-self Command
For situations with the next hop, as in the BGP Next Hop (NBMA) example, you can use
the next-hop-self command. The syntax is:
neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} next-hop-self
The next-hop-self command allows you to force BGP to use a specific IP address as
the next hop.
For the BGP Next Hop (NBMA) example, this configuration solves the problem:
router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor next-hop-self
In this diagram, RTA and RTC run eBGP. RTB and RTC run eBGP. RTA and RTB run
some kind of IGP, either RIP, IGRP, or another protocol. By definition, eBGP updates
have a distance of 20, which is less than the IGP distances. The default distances are:
• 120 for RIP
• 90 for EIGRP
• Internal distance—200
• Local distance—200
But you can use the distance command to change the default distances:
distance bgp external-distance internal-distance local-distance
RTA picks eBGP via RTC because of the shorter distance.
If you want RTA to learn about via RTB (IGP), then you have two options:
• Change the external distance of eBGP or the IGP distance.
Network is treated as a local entry, but is not advertised as a normal network
RTA learns from RTB via EIGRP with distance 90. RTA also learns the
address from RTC via eBGP with distance 20. Normally eBGP is the preference, but
because of the network backdoor command, EIGRP is the preference.
Before the discussion of synchronization, look at this scenario. RTC in AS300 sends
updates about RTA and RTB run iBGP, so RTB gets the update and is able
to reach via next hop Remember that the next hop is carried via
iBGP. In order to reach the next hop, RTB must send the traffic to RTE.
Assume that RTA has not redistributed network into IGP. At this point, RTE
has no idea that even exists.
If RTB starts to advertise to AS400 that RTB can reach, traffic that comes
from RTD to RTB with destination flows in and drops at RTE.
Synchronization states that, if your AS passes traffic from another AS to a third AS,
BGP should not advertise a route before all the routers in your AS have learned about
the route via IGP. BGP waits until IGP has propagated the route within the AS. Then,
BGP advertises the route to external peers.
In the example in this section, RTB waits to hear about via IGP. Then, RTB
starts to send the update to RTD. You can make RTB think that IGP has propagated the
information if you add a static route in RTB that points to Make sure that
other routers can reach
Disable Synchronization
In some cases, you do not need synchronization. If you do not pass traffic from a
different AS through your AS, you can disable synchronization. You can also disable
synchronization if all routers in your AS run BGP. The disablement of this feature can
allow you to carry fewer routes in your IGP and allow BGP to converge more quickly.
The disablement of synchronization is not automatic. If all your routers in the AS run
BGP and you do not run IGP at all, the router has no way to know. Your router waits
indefinitely for an IGP update about a certain route before the router sends the route to
external peers. You have to disable synchronization manually in this case so that
routing can work correctly:
router bgp 100
no synchronization
Note: Make sure that you issue the clear ip bgp address command to reset the session.
router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 400
neighbor remote-as 100
no synchronization
!--- RTB puts in its IP routing table and advertises the network !--- to RTD, even if RTB does
not have an IGP path to
router bgp 400
neighbor remote-as 100
router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 100
Weight Attribute
The weight attribute is a Cisco-defined attribute. This attribute uses weight to select a
best path. The weight is assigned locally to the router. The value only makes sense to
the specific router. The value is not propagated or carried through any of the route
updates. A weight can be a number from 0 to 65,535. Paths that the router originates
have a weight of 32,768 by default, and other paths have a weight of 0.
Routes with a higher weight value have preference when multiple routes to the same
destination exist. Look at the example in this section. RTA has learned about network from AS4. RTA propagates the update to RTC. RTB has also learned about
network from AS4. RTB propagates the update to RTC. RTC now has two
ways to reach and has to decide which way to go. If you set the weight of the
updates on RTC that come from RTA so that the weight is greater than the weight of
updates that come from RTB, you force RTC to use RTA as a next hop to reach Multiple methods achieve this weight set:
• Use the neighbor command.
• neighbor {ip-address | peer-group} weight weight
• Use AS_PATH access lists.
• RTC#
• !--- The route to from RTA has a 200 weight.
• neighbor remote-as 200
• neighbor weight 100
• !--- The route to from RTB has a 100 weight.
RTA, which has a higher weight value, has preference as the next hop.
You can achieve the same outcome with IP AS_PATH and filter lists.
router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor filter-list 5 weight 200
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor filter-list 6 weight 100
ip as-path access-list 5 permit ^100$
!--- Anything that applies to access list 5, such as packets from AS100, has weight 200.
Note: You can modify weight to prefer MPLS VPN BGP path with IGP path as a Backup.
Note: For more information, refer to this Cisco Support Community document that
describes how to configure the router to have a preferred path on both primary and
failure conditions and to reroute on primary path recovery: Preferring MPLS VPN BGP Path
with IGP Backup
Local Preference Attribute
Local preference is an indication to the AS about which path has preference to exit the
AS in order to reach a certain network. A path with a higher local preference is preferred
more. The default value for local preference is 100.
Unlike the weight attribute, which is only relevant to the local router, local preference is
an attribute that routers exchange in the same AS.
You set local preference with the issue of the bgp default local-preference value command.
You can also set local preference with route maps, as the example in this section
Note: It is necessary to perform a soft reset (that is, clear the bgp process on the router)
in order for changes to be taken in to consideration. In order to clear the bgp process,
use the clear ip bgp [soft][in/out] command where soft indicates a soft reset without
tearing the session and [in/out] specifies inbound or outbound configuration.
If in/out is not specified both inbound and outbound sessions are reset.
The bgp default local-preference command sets the local preference on the updates
out of the router that go to peers in the same AS. In the diagram in this section, AS256
receives updates about from two different sides of the organization. Local
preference helps you determine which way to exit AS256 in order to reach that network.
Assume that RTD is the exit point preference. This configuration sets the local
preference for updates that come from AS300 to 200 and for updates that come from
AS100 to 150:
router bgp 256
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 256
bgp default local-preference 150
router bgp 256
neighbor remote-as 300
neighbor remote-as 256
bgp default local-preference 200
In this configuration, RTC sets the local preference of all updates to 150. The same
RTD sets the local preference of all updates to 200. There is an exchange of local
preference within AS256. Therefore, both RTC and RTD realize that network
has a higher local preference when updates come from AS300 rather than from AS100.
All traffic in AS256 that has that network as a destination transmits with RTD as an exit
The use of route maps provides more flexibility. In the example in this section, all
updates that RTD receives are tagged with local preference 200 when the updates
reach RTD. Updates that come from AS34 also are tagged with the local preference of
200. This tag can be unnecessary. For this reason, you can use route maps to specify
the specific updates that need to be tagged with a specific local preference. Here is an
router bgp 256
neighbor remote-as 300
neighbor route-map setlocalin in
neighbor remote-as 256
ip as-path access-list 7 permit ^300$
route-map setlocalin permit 10
match as-path 7
set local-preference 200
With this configuration, any update that comes from AS300 has a local preference of
200. Any other updates, such as updates that come from AS34, have a value of 150.
Metric Attribute
The metric attribute also has the name MULTI_EXIT_DISCRIMINATOR, MED (BGP4),
or INTER_AS (BGP3). The attribute is a hint to external neighbors about the path
preference into an AS. The attribute provides a dynamic way to influence another AS in
the way to reach a certain route when there are multiple entry points into that AS. A
lower metric value is preferred more.
Unlike local preference, metric is exchanged between ASs. A metric is carried into an
AS but does not leave the AS. When an update enters the AS with a certain metric, that
metric is used to make decisions inside the AS. When the same update passes on to a
third AS, that metric returns to 0. The diagram in this section shows the set of metric.
The metric default value is 0.
Unless a router receives other directions, the router compares metrics for paths from
neighbors in the same AS. In order for the router to compare metrics from neighbors
that come from different ASs, you need to issue the special configuration command bgp
always-compare-med on the router.
Note: There are two BGP configuration commands that can influence the multi-exit
discriminator (MED)-based path selection. The commands are the bgp deterministic-
med command and the bgp always-compare-med command. An issue of the bgp
deterministic-med command ensures the comparison of the MED variable at route
choice when different peers advertise in the same AS. An issue of the bgp always-
compare-med command ensures the comparison of the MED for paths from neighbors
in different ASs. The bgp always-compare-med command is useful when multiple
service providers or enterprises agree on a uniform policy for how to set MED. Refer
to How the bgp deterministic-med Command Differs from the bgp always-compare-med Command to
understand how these commands influence BGP path selection.
In the diagram in this section, AS100 gets information about network via
three different routers: RTC, RTD, and RTB. RTC and RTD are in AS300, and RTB is in
In this example, the AS-Path comparison on RTA by command bgp bestpath as-path
ignore is ignored. It is configured to force BGP to fall on to the next attribute for route
comparison (in this case metric or MED). If the command is omitted, the BGP will install
route from router RTC as that has the shortest AS-Path.
Assume that you have set the metric that comes from RTC to 120, the metric that
comes from RTD to 200, and the metric that comes from RTB to 50. By default, a router
compares metrics that come from neighbors in the same AS. Therefore, RTA can only
compare the metric that comes from RTC to the metric that comes from RTD. RTA
chooses RTC as the best next hop because 120 is less than 200. When RTA gets an
update from RTB with metric 50, RTA cannot compare the metric to 120 because RTC
and RTB are in different ASs. RTA must choose based on some other attributes.
In order to force RTA to compare the metrics, you must issue the bgp always-compare-
med command on RTA. These configurations illustrate this process:
router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 300
neighbor remote-as 300
neighbor remote-as 400
bgp bestpath as-path ignore
router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor route-map setmetricout out
neighbor remote-as 300
router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor route-map setmetricout out
neighbor remote-as 300
router bgp 400
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor route-map setmetricout out
In this case, RTA picks RTB as the best next hop in order to reach network
You can also set metric during the redistribution of routes into BGP if you issue
the default-metric number command.
Assume that, in the example in this section, RTB injects a network via static into AS100.
Here is the configuration:
router bgp 400
redistribute static
default-metric 50
!--- This causes RTB to send out with a metric of 50.
Community Attribute
The community attribute is a transitive, optional attribute in the range of 0 to
4,294,967,200. The community attribute is a way to group destinations in a certain
community and apply routing decisions according to those communities. The routing
decisions are accept, prefer, and redistribute, among others.
You can use route maps to set the community attributes. The route map set command
has this syntax:
set community community-number [additive] [well-known-community]
A few predefined, well known communities for use in this command are:
• no-export—Do not advertise to eBGP peers. Keep this route within an AS.
• no-advertise—Do not advertise this route to any peer, internal or external.
• internet—Advertise this route to the Internet community. Any router belongs to this
• local-as—Use in confederation scenarios to prevent the transmit of packets outside the local AS.
Here are two examples of route maps that set the community:
• route-map communitymap
• match ip address 1
• route-map setcommunity
• match as-path 1
If you do not set the additive keyword, 200 replaces any old community that already
exits. If you use the keyword additive, an addition of 200 to the community occurs.
Even if you set the community attribute, this attribute does not transmit to neighbors by
default. In order to send the attribute to a neighbor, you must use this command:
neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} send-community
Here is an example:
router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 300
neighbor send-community
neighbor route-map setcommunity out
In Cisco IOS Software Release 12.0 and later, you can configure communities in three
different formats: decimal, hexadecimal, and AA:NN. By default, Cisco IOS Software
uses the older decimal format. In order to configure and display in AA:NN, issue the ip
bgp-community new-format global configuration command. The first part of AA:NN
represents the AS number, and the second part represents a 2-byte number.
Here is an example:
Without the ip bgp-community new-format command in global configuration, an issue of
the show ip bgp command displays the community attribute value in decimal
format. In this example, the community attribute value appears as 6553620.
Router# show ip bgp
BGP routing table entry for, version 7
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table Default-IP-Routing-Table)
Not advertised to any peer
1 from (
Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, external, best
Community: 6553620
Now, issue the ip bgp-community new-format command globally on this router.
Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)# ip bgp-community new-format
Router(config)# exit
With the ip bgp-community new-format global configuration command, the community
value displays in AA:NN format. The value appears as 100:20 in the output of the show
ip bgp command in this example:
Router# show ip bgp
BGP routing table entry for, version 9
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table Default-IP-Routing-Table)
Not advertised to any peer
1 from (
Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, external, best
Community: 100:20
BGP Case Studies 3
BGP Filtering
A number of different filter methods allow you to control the send and receive of BGP
updates. You can filter BGP updates with route information as a basis, or with path
information or communities as a basis. All methods achieve the same results. The
choice of one method over another method depends on the specific network
Route Filtering
In order to restrict the routing information that the router learns or advertises, you can
filter BGP with the use of routing updates to or from a particular neighbor. You define an
access list and apply the access list to the updates to or from a neighbor. Issue this
command in the router configuration mode:
neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} distribute-list access-list-number {in | out}
In this example, RTB originates network and sends the update to RTC. If
RTC wants to stop the propagation of the updates to AS100, you must define an access
list to filter those updates and apply the access list during communication with RTA:
router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor distribute-list 1 out
The use of access lists is a bit tricky when you deal with supernets that can cause some
Assume that, in the example in this section, RTB has different subnets of 160.10.x.x.
Your goal is to filter updates and advertise only
Note: The /8 notation means that you use 8 bits of subnet mask, which start from the far
left of the IP address. This address is equivalent to
The command access-list 1 permit permits,, and so on. In order to restrict the update to only, you must use
an extended access list of this format:
access-list 101 permit ip
This list permits only.
Refer to How to Block One or More Networks From a BGP Peer for sample configurations on how
to filter networks from BGP peers. The method uses the distribute-list command with
standard and extended access control lists (ACLs), as well as prefix list filtering.
Path Filtering
Another type of filtering is path filtering.
You can specify an access list on both incoming and outgoing updates with use of the
BGP AS paths information. In the diagram in this section, you can block updates about so that they do not go to AS100. To block the updates, define an access list
on RTC that prevents the transmit to AS100 of any updates that have originated from
AS200. Issue these commands:
ip as-path access-list access-list-number {permit | deny} as-regular-expression
• The _ matches a comma (,), left brace ({), right brace (}), the start of the input
string, the end of the input string, or a space.
• Piece
A piece is one of these symbols, which follows an atom:
• This expression indicates any occurrence of the letter "a", which includes none.
• This expression indicates that at least one occurrence of the letter "a" must be present.
This document has covered route filtering and AS-path filtering. Another method is
community filtering. The section Community Attribute discusses community, and this
section provides a few examples of how to use community.
In this example, you want RTB to set the community attribute to the BGP routes that
RTB advertises such that RTC does not propagate these routes to the external peers.
Use the no-export community attribute.
router bgp 200
neighbor remote-as 300
neighbor send-community
neighbor route-map setcommunity out
route-map setcommunity
match ip address 1
set community no-export
access-list 1 permit
Note: This example uses the route-map setcommunity command in order to set the
community to no-export.
Note: The neighbor send-community command is necessary in order to send this
attribute to RTC.
When RTC gets the updates with the attribute NO_EXPORT, RTC does not propagate
the updates to external peer RTA.
In this example, RTB has set the community attribute to 100 200 additive. This action
adds the value 100 200 to any existing community value before transmission to RTC.
router bgp 200
neighbor remote-as 300
neighbor send-community
neighbor route-map setcommunity out
route-map setcommunity
match ip address 2
set community 100 200 additive
A community list is a group of communities that you use in a match clause of a route
map. The community list allows you to filter or set attributes with different lists of
community numbers as a basis.
ip community-list community-list-number {permit | deny} community-number
set weight 20
ip community-list 10 permit 200 300
In this example, any route that has 100 in the community attribute matches list 1. The
weight of this route is set to 20. Any route that has only 200 as community matches list
2 and has a weight of 20. The keyword exact states that the community consists of 200
only and nothing else. The last community list is here to make sure that other updates
do not drop. Remember that anything that does not match drops, by default. The
keyword internet indicates all routes because all routes are members of the Internet
Refer to Using BGP Community Values to Control Routing Policy in an Upstream Provider Network for
more information.
BGP Neighbors and Route Maps
You can use the neighbor command in conjunction with route maps to either filter or set
parameters on incoming and outgoing updates.
Route maps associated with the neighbor statement have no effect on incoming
updates when you match based on the IP address:
neighbor ip-address route-map route-map-name
Assume that, in the diagram in this section, you want RTC to learn from AS200 about
networks that are local to AS200 and nothing else. Also, you want to set the weight on
the accepted routes to 20. Use a combination of neighbor and as-path access lists:
router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor route-map stamp in
route-map stamp
match as-path 1
set weight 20
Any updates that originate from AS200 have path information that starts with 200 and
ends with 200. These updates are permitted. Any other updates drop.
Assume that you want:
• An acceptance of updates that originate from AS200 and have a weight of 20
• RTC#
• network
• match as-path 1
• set weight 20
• match as-path 2
• set weight 10
This statement sets a weight of 20 for updates that are local to AS200. The statement also sets
a weight of 10 for updates that are behind AS400, and drops updates that come from AS400.
In some situations, you must manipulate the path information in order to manipulate the
BGP decision process. The command that you use with a route map is:
set as-path prepend as-path# as-path#
Suppose that, in the diagram in the section BGP Neighbors and Route Maps, RTC advertises
its own network to two different ASs, AS100 and AS200. When the
information is propagated to AS600, the routers in AS600 have network reachability
information about via two different routes. The first route is via AS100 with
path (100, 300), and the second one is via AS400 with path (400, 200, 300). If all other
attributes are the same, AS600 picks the shortest path and chooses the route via
AS300 gets all traffic via AS100. If you want to influence this decision from the AS300
end, you can make the path through AS100 appear to be longer than the path that goes
through AS400. You can do this if you prepend AS numbers to the existing path
information that is advertised to AS100. A common practice is to repeat your own AS
number in this way:
router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor route-map SETPATH out
route-map SETPATH
set as-path prepend 300 300
Because of this configuration, AS600 receives updates about via AS100 with
path information of: (100, 300, 300, 300). This path information is longer than the (400,
200, 300) that AS600 received from AS400.
BGP Peer Groups
A BGP peer group is a group of BGP neighbors with the same update policies. Route
maps, distribute lists, and filter lists typically set update policies. You do not define the
same policies for each separate neighbor; instead, you define a peer group name and
assign these policies to the peer group.
Members of the peer group inherit all the configuration options of the peer group. You
can also configure members to override these options if the options do not affect
outbound updates. You can only override options that are set on the inbound.
In order to define a peer group, issue this command:
neighbor peer-group-name peer-group
This example applies peer groups to internal and external BGP neighbors:
router bgp 300
neighbor internalmap peer-group
neighbor internalmap remote-as 300
neighbor internalmap route-map SETMETRIC out
neighbor internalmap filter-list 1 out
neighbor internalmap filter-list 2 in
neighbor peer-group internalmap
neighbor peer-group internalmap
neighbor peer-group internalmap
neighbor filter-list 3 in
This configuration defines a peer group with the name internalmap. The configuration
defines some policies for the group, such as a route map SETMETRIC to set the metric
to 5 and two different filter lists, 1 and 2. The configuration applies the peer group to all
internal neighbors, RTE, RTF, and RTG. Also, the configuration defines a separate filter
list 3 for neighbor RTE. This filter list overrides filter list 2 inside the peer group.
Note: You can only override options that affect inbound updates.
Now, look at how you can use peer groups with external neighbors. With the same
diagram in this section, you configure RTC with a peer group externalmap and apply
the peer group to external neighbors.
router bgp 300
neighbor externalmap peer-group
neighbor externalmap route-map SETMETRIC
neighbor externalmap filter-list 1 out
neighbor externalmap filter-list 2 in
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor peer-group externalmap
neighbor remote-as 600
neighbor peer-group externalmap
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor peer-group externalmap
neighbor filter-list 3 in
Note: In these configurations, you define the remote-as statements outside of the peer
group because you must define different external ASs. Also, you override the inbound
updates of neighbor with the assignment of filter list 3.
For more information on peer groups, refer to BGP Peer Groups.
Note: In Cisco IOS Software Release 12.0(24)S, Cisco introduced the BGP Dynamic
Update Peer Groups feature. The feature is available in later Cisco IOS Software
releases as well. The feature introduces a new algorithm that dynamically calculates
and optimizes update groups of neighbors that share the same outbound policies.
These neighbors can share the same update messages. In earlier releases of Cisco
IOS Software, the group of BGP update messages was on the basis of peer group
configurations. This method to group updates limited outbound policies and specific
session configurations. The BGP Dynamic Update Peer Group feature separates
update group replication from peer group configuration. This separation improves the
convergence time and the flexibility of neighbor configuration. Refer to BGP Dynamic
Update Peer-Groups for more details.
BGP Case Studies 4
CIDR and Aggregate Addresses
One of the main enhancements of BGP4 over BGP3 is classless interdomain routing
(CIDR). CIDR or supernetting is a new way to look at IP addresses. With CIDR, there is
no notion of classes, such as class A, B, or C. For example, network was
once an illegal class C network. Now, the network is a legal supernet,
The "16" represents the number of bits in the subnet mask, when you count from the far
left of the IP address. This representation is similar to
You use aggregates in order to minimize the size of routing tables. Aggregation is the
process that combines the characteristics of several different routes in such a way that
advertisement of a single route is possible. In this example, RTB generates network You configure RTC to propagate a supernet of that route to RTA:
router bgp 200
neighbor remote-as 300
router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor remote-as 100
aggregate-address address-mask
This command advertises the prefix route and all the more-specific routes. The
command aggregate-address propagates an additional network but
does not prevent the propagation of to RTA. The outcome is the propagation
of both networks and to RTA, which is the advertisement of both
the prefix and the more-specific route.
Note: You cannot aggregate an address if you do not have a more-specific route of that
address in the BGP routing table.
For example, RTB cannot generate an aggregate for if RTB does not have a
more-specific entry of in the BGP table. An injection of the more-specific route
into the BGP table is possible. The route injection can occur via:
• Incoming updates from other ASs
This command advertises the prefix and the more-specific routes. But the command
suppresses advertisement with a route map basis. Suppose that, with the diagram in
the section CIDR and Aggregate Addresses, you want to aggregate, suppress the
more-specific route, and allow the propagation of Use this route
route-map CHECK permit 10
match ip address 1
This command allows you to set the attributes, such as metric, at the time of the send of
aggregates. In order to set the origin of the aggregates to IGP, apply this route map to
the aggregate attribute-map command:
route-map SETMETRIC
set origin igp
Request: Allow RTB to advertise the prefix and suppress all the more-specific
routes. The problem with this request is that network is local to AS200,
which means that AS200 is the originator of You cannot have RTB generate
a prefix for without the generation of an entry for, even if you use
the aggregate summary-only command. RTB generates both networks because RTB is
the originator of There are two solutions to this problem.
The first solution is to use a static route and redistribute into BGP. The outcome is that
RTB advertises the aggregate with an origin of incomplete ( ?).
router bgp 200
neighbor remote-as 300
redistribute static
!--- This generates an update for !--- with the origin path as "incomplete".
router bgp 200
neighbor remote-as 300
router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 300
Case 1:
RTC does not have an as-set statement. RTC sends an update to RTD with
path information (300), as if the route originated from AS300.
router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 400
aggregate summary-only
!--- This command causes RTC to send RTD updates about !--- with no indication that actually comes from two different ASs. !--- This may create loops if RTD has an entry back into
AS100 or AS200.
Case 2:
router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 400
aggregate summary-only
aggregate as-set
!--- This command causes RTC to send RTD updates about !--- with an indication that belongs to a set {100 200}.
The next two subjects, BGP Confederation and Route Reflectors, are for Internet service
providers (ISPs) that want further control of the explosion of iBGP peering inside their
BGP Confederation
The implementation of BGP confederation reduces the iBGP mesh inside an AS. The
trick is to divide an AS into multiple ASs and assign the whole group to a single
confederation. Each AS alone has iBGP fully meshed and has connections to other ASs
inside the confederation. Even though these ASs have eBGP peers to ASs within the
confederation, the ASs exchange routing as if they used iBGP. In this way, the
confederation preserves next hop, metric, and local preference information. To the
outside world, the confederation appears to be a single AS.
In order to configure a BGP confederation, issue this command:
router bgp 60
bgp confederation identifier 500
bgp confederation peers 50 70
neighbor remote-as 60 (IBGP connection within AS60)
neighbor remote-as 50(BGP connection with confederation peer
neighbor remote-as 70 (BGP connection with confederation peer
neighbor remote-as 600 (EBGP connection to external AS600)
router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 500 (EBGP connection to confederation 500)
Route Reflectors
Another solution for the explosion of iBGP peering within an AS is Route Reflectors
(RRs). As the iBGP section demonstrates, a BGP speaker does not advertise a route that
the BGP speaker learned via another iBGP speaker to a third iBGP speaker. You can
relax this restriction a bit and provide additional control, which allows a router to
advertise, or reflect, iBGP learned routes to other iBGP speakers. This route reflection
reduces the number of iBGP peers within an AS.
In normal cases, maintain a full iBGP mesh between RTA, RTB, and RTC within AS100.
If you utilize the RR concept, RTC can be elected as an RR. In this way, RTC has a
partial iBGP peering with RTA and RTB. Peering between RTA and RTB is not
necessary because RTC is an RR for the updates that come from RTA and RTB.
neighbor route-reflector-client
The router with this command is the RR, and the neighbors at which the command
points are the clients of that RR. In the example, the RTC configuration has
the neighbor route-reflector-client command that points at the RTA and RTB IP
addresses. The combination of the RR and the clients is a "cluster". In this example,
RTA, RTB, and RTC form a cluster with a single RR within AS100.
Other iBGP peers of the RR that are not clients are "nonclients".
An AS can have more than one RR. In this situation, an RR treats other RRs just like
any other iBGP speaker. Other RRs can belong to the same cluster (client group) or to
other clusters. In a simple configuration, you can divide the AS into multiple clusters.
You configure each RR with other RRs as nonclient peers in a fully meshed topology.
Clients should not peer with iBGP speakers outside the client cluster.
Consider this diagram. RTA, RTB, and RTC form a single cluster. RTC is the RR. For
RTC, RTA and RTB are clients and anything else is a nonclient. Remember that
the neighbor route-reflector-client command points at clients of an RR. The same
RTD is the RR for clients RTE and RTF. RTG is an RR in a third cluster.
Note: RTD, RTC, and RTG are fully meshed, but routers within a cluster are not. When
an RR receives a route, the RR routes as this list shows. However, this activity depends
on the peer type:
1. Routes from a nonclient peer—Reflects to all the clients within the cluster.
2. Routes from a client peer—Reflects to all the nonclient peers and also to the client peers.
3. Routes from an eBGP peer—Sends the update to all client and nonclient peers.
Here is the relative BGP configuration of routers RTC, RTD, and RTB:
Because there is a reflection of the iBGP learned routes, there can be a routing
information loop. The RR scheme has a few methods to avoid this loop:
• originator-id—This is an optional, nontransitive BGP attribute that is 4 bytes long. An RR
creates this attribute. The attribute carries the router ID (RID) of the originator of the route in
the local AS. If, due to poor configuration, the routing information comes back to the
originator, the information is ignored.
• cluster-list—The section Multiple RRs within a Cluster covers cluster list.
Multiple RRs within a Cluster
Usually, a cluster of clients has a single RR. In this case, the router ID of the RR
identifies the cluster. In order to increase redundancy and avoid single points of failure,
a cluster can have more than one RR. You need to configure all RRs in the same
cluster with a 4-byte cluster ID so that an RR can recognize updates from RRs in the
same cluster.
A cluster list is a sequence of cluster IDs that the route has passed. When an RR
reflects a route from the RR clients to nonclients outside of the cluster, the RR appends
the local cluster ID to the cluster list. If this update has an empty cluster list, the RR
creates one. With this attribute, an RR can identify if the routing information has looped
back to the same cluster due to poor configuration. If the local cluster ID is found in the
cluster list, the advertisement is ignored.
In the diagram in this section, RTD, RTE, RTF, and RTH belong to one cluster. Both
RTD and RTH are RRs for the same cluster.
Note: There is redundancy because RTH has fully meshed peering with all the RRs. If
RTD goes down, RTH takes the place of RTD.
Here is the configuration of RTH, RTD, RTF, and RTC:
Note: You do not need the bgp cluster-id command for RTC because only one RR exists
in that cluster.
Important Note: This configuration does not use peer groups. Do not use peer groups if
the clients inside a cluster do not have direct iBGP peers among one another and the
clients exchange updates through the RR. If you configure peer groups, a potential
withdrawal to the source of a route on the RR transmits to all clients inside the cluster.
This transmission can cause problems.
The router subcommand bgp client-to-client reflection is enabled by default on the RR. If
you turn off BGP client-to-client reflection on the RR and you make redundant BGP
peering between the clients, you can safely use peer groups. Refer to Limitations of Peer
Groups for more information.
RR and Conventional BGP Speakers
An AS can have BGP speakers that do not understand the concept of RRs. This
document calls these routers conventional BGP speakers. The RR scheme allows such
conventional BGP speakers to coexist. These routers can be either members of a client
group or a nonclient group. The existence of these routers allows easy and gradual
migration from the current iBGP model to the RR model. You can start to create clusters
if you configure a single router as an RR and make other RRs and RR clients normal
iBGP peers. Then, you can create more clusters gradually.
In this diagram, RTD, RTE, and RTF have the concept of route reflection. RTC, RTA,
and RTB are "conventional" routers. You cannot configure these routers as RRs. You
can do normal iBGP mesh between these routers and RTD. Later on, when you are
ready to upgrade, you can make RTC an RR with clients RTA and RTB. Clients do not
have to understand the route reflection scheme; only the RRs require the upgrade.
Here is the configuration of RTD and RTC:
When you are ready to upgrade RTC and make RTC an RR, remove the iBGP full mesh
and have RTA and RTB become clients of RTC.
Avoid Loop of Routing Information
So far, this document has mentioned two attributes that you can use to prevent potential
information looping: originator-id and cluster-list.
Another means to control loops is to put more restrictions on the set clause of outbound
route maps. The set clause for outbound route maps does not affect routes that reflect
to iBGP peers.
You can also put more restrictions on nexthop-self, which is a per-neighbor
configuration option. When you use nexthop-self on RRs, the clause only affects the
next hop of eBGP learned routes because the next hop of reflected routes should not be
Route Flap Dampening
Cisco IOS Software Release 11.0 introduced route dampening. Route dampening is a
mechanism to minimize the instability that route flapping causes. Route dampening also
reduces oscillation over the network. You define criteria to identify poorly behaved
routes. A route that flaps gets a penalty of 1000 for each flap. As soon as the
cumulative penalty reaches a predefined "suppress limit", suppression of the route
advertisement occurs. The penalty decays exponentially based on a preconfigured
"half-life time". Once the penalty decreases below a predefined "reuse limit",
unsuppression of the route advertisement occurs.
Route dampening does not apply to routes that are external to an AS and learned via
iBGP. In this way, route dampening avoids a higher penalty for the iBGP peers for
routes external to the AS.
The penalty decays at a granularity of 5 seconds. Unsuppression of the routes is at a
granularity of 10 seconds. The router keeps the dampening information until the penalty
becomes less than half of the "reuse limit". At that point, the router purges the
Initially, dampening is off by default. If there is a need, this feature may be given default
enablement in the future. These commands control route dampening:
• bgp dampening—Turns on dampening.
• no bgp dampening—Turns off dampening.
• bgp dampening half-life-time —Changes the half-life time.
A command that sets all parameters at the same time is:
• bgp dampening half-life-time reuse suppress maximum-suppress-time
This list details the syntax:
• half-life-time —The range is 1–45 minutes, and the current default is 15 minutes.
• reuse-value —The range is 1–20,000, and the default is 750.
• suppress-value —The range is 1–20,000, and the default is 2000.
• max-suppress-time —This is the maximum duration for the suppression of a route. The range is
1–255 minutes, and the default is 4 times the half-life time.
hostname RTB
interface Serial0
ip address
interface Serial1
ip address
router bgp 100
bgp dampening
neighbor remote-as 300
hostname RTD
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Serial0/0
ip address
The configuration of RTB is for route dampening with default parameters. If you assume
that the eBGP link to RTD is stable, the RTB BGP table looks like this:
RTB# show ip bgp
BGP table version is 24, local router ID is Status codes: s
suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal Origin
codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
interface Serial0
ip address
router ospf 10
network area 0
hostname RTF
ip subnet-zero
interface Ethernet0
ip address
interface Serial1
ip address
router ospf 10
network area 0
hostname RTB
ip subnet-zero
interface Serial0
ip address
interface Serial1
ip address
router ospf 10
network area 0
hostname RTC
ip subnet-zero
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Serial2/0
ip address
interface Serial2/1
ip address
hostname RTD
ip subnet-zero
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Serial0/0
ip address
interface Serial0/1
ip address
hostname RTE
ip subnet-zero
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Serial0
ip address
interface Serial1
ip address
clockrate 1000000
hostname RTG
ip subnet-zero
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Serial0
ip address
interface Serial1
ip address
ip subnet-zero
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
interface Serial0
ip address
router ospf 10
passive-interface Serial0
network area 0
network area 0
Note: You can issue the bgp nexthopself command between RTA and RTB in order to
change the next hop.
The new BGP table on RTB looks like this:
RTB# show ip bgp
BGP table version is 10, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best,
i - internal Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
ip subnet-zero
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
interface Serial0
ip address
router ospf 10
redistribute bgp 100 metric 2000 subnets
passive-interface Serial0
network area 0
network area 0
ip subnet-zero
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
interface Serial0
ip address
router ospf 10
redistribute bgp 100 metric 2000 subnets
passive-interface Serial0
network area 0
network area 0
hostname RTB
ip subnet-zero
interface Serial0
ip address
interface Serial1
ip address
router ospf 10
redistribute bgp 100 metric 1000 subnets
passive-interface Serial1
network area 0
network area 0
ip subnet-zero
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0
ip address
interface Serial0
ip address
router ospf 10
redistribute bgp 100 metric 2000 subnets
passive-interface Serial0
network area 0
network area 0
default-information originate metric 2000
ip classless
ip default-network
route-map setlocalpref permit 10
set local-preference 200
On RTA, the local preference for routes that come from AS200 is set to 200. Also,
network is the choice for the candidate default. The ip default-
network command enables you to choose the default.
Also in this example, use of the default-information originate command with OSPF injects
the default route inside the OSPF domain. This example also uses this command with
Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System Protocol (IS-IS Protocol) and BGP. For
RIP, there is an automatic redistribution into RIP of, without additional
configuration. For IGRP and EIGRP, injection of the default information into the IGP
domain occurs after redistribution of BGP into IGRP and EIGRP. Also, with IGRP and
EIGRP, you can redistribute a static route to into the IGP domain.
hostname RTF
ip subnet-zero
interface Ethernet0
ip address
interface Serial1
ip address
router ospf 10
network area 0
ip classless
hostname RTB
ip subnet-zero
interface Loopback1
ip address
interface Serial0
ip address
interface Serial1
ip address
router ospf 10
redistribute bgp 100 metric 1000 subnets
passive-interface Serial1
network area 0
network area 0
default-information originate metric 1000
router bgp 100
no synchronization
neighbor remote-as 300
neighbor route-map localonly in
neighbor remote-as 100
ip classless
ip default-network
ip as-path access-list 1 permit ^300$
For RTB, the local preference for updates that come from AS300 is set to 300. This
value is higher than the local preference value of iBGP updates that come from RTA. In
this way, AS100 picks RTB for the local routes of AS300. Any other routes on RTB, if
other routes exist, transmit internally with a local preference of 100. This value is lower
than the local preference of 200, which comes from RTA. So RTA is the preference.
Note: You only advertised the AS300 local routes. Any path information that does not
match ^300$ drops. If you want to advertise the local routes and the neighbor routes,
which are the customers of the ISP, use ^300_[0-9]*.
Here is the output of the regular expression that indicates the AS300 local routes:
RTB# show ip bgp regexp ^300$
BGP table version is 14, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i -
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
hostname RTC
ip subnet-zero
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Serial2/0
ip address
interface Serial2/1
ip address
ip classless
access-list 1 deny
access-list 1 permit any
On RTC, you aggregate and indicate the specific routes for injection into
AS100. If the ISP refuses to do this task, you must filter on the incoming end of AS100.
hostname RTD
ip subnet-zero
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Serial0/0
ip address
interface Serial0/1
ip address
hostname RTG
ip subnet-zero
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Serial0
ip address
interface Serial1
ip address
ip subnet-zero
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Serial0
ip address
interface Serial1
ip address
ip classless
RTE aggregates Here are the final BGP and routing tables for RTA,
RTF, and RTB:
RTA# show ip bgp
BGP table version is 21, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i -
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete