Behavior and Attitude of Students in The New Normal Perspective of Learning

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The document discusses the behavior and attitude of students in the new normal perspective of online learning. It examines how observed behavior and attitude can be addressed in online classes among respondents through qualitative research methods.

The study employed qualitative descriptive phenomenology research design and methods to undertake variations in behavior and attitude. It involved focus group discussions, observation, and document review of specific events with 14 parents as respondents.

Results showed that students exhibited lazy behavior, waking up late, lack of sleep and hunger during online classes due to not eating breakfast on time.

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Behavior and Attitude of Students in the New Normal Perspective of Learning

Article · March 2021

DOI: 10.36349/easjpbs.2021.v03i02.001


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Leovigildo Lito Mallillin

Gulf College Oman


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East African Scholars Journal of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences
Abbreviated Key Title:EAS J PsycholBehavSci
ISSN 2663-1865 (Print) | ISSN 2663-6751 (Online)
Published By East African Scholars Publisher, Kenya
Volume-3 | Issue-2 | Mar-Apr-2021 | DOI: 10.36349/easjpbs.2021.v03i02.001

Research Article

Behavior and Attitude of Students in the New Normal Perspective of

Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin1*, Imelda C. Lipayon, LPT 2, Jocelyn B. Mallillin, LPT 3, Dayanara May S. Mallillin, LPT 4
Ph.D., Consultant and Research Specialist
Novaliches High School, High school in Quezon City, Philippines
San Bartolome High School, High school in Quezon City, Philippines
Bungad Elementary School in Isabela, Philippines
Abstract: Behavior and attitude of students in the new normal perspectives have an
Article History impact in their learning process. It contributes to self-determination in the new normal
Received: 24.02.2021 classes and framework theory of learning engagement and supports the influence of the
Accepted: 08.03.2021
new normal classes and learning perspective development. The study examines how the
Published: 13.03.2021
observed behavior and attitude of students in the new normal perspective of learning and
Journal homepage: identify how the behavior and attitude of students can be addressed in the new normal perspective of learning among the respondents. The study employs the qualitative
descriptive phenomenology research design and method. It is a scientific and philosophy
Quick Response Code method that undertakes the variation of the study. It is a typical method of data collection
involved in the Focus Group Discussion (FGD), observation, document review of
specific events. The study comprised 14 parents as respondents. Results show that
behavior and attitude of students during their online learning classes are lazy to study,
wake-up late in the scheduled time of their classes, students are enjoying their sleep in
the morning, lack of sleep, and are hungry because they have not eaten their breakfast
during their online classes. Moreover, adjustment in online classes show that it is very
early, students are not used for online classes, students are not serious in their studies,
and students have difficulties in their online classes, while internet issues show that
students encounter slow connection, busy doing online game aside from their online
classes, and insufficient load for internet connection.
Keywords: behavior and attitude of students, new normal learning perspective, online
classes, online learning, online classes adjustment, internet issues in online classes, and
new normal classes.
Copyright © 2021 The Author(s): This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
License (CC BY-NC 4.0) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium for non-commercial use provided the original
author and source are credited.

classes. The traditional face to face learning is content

INTRODUCTION perceived relevance modality where it utilizes the
Behavior and attitude of students in the new advance technology process understandable in
normal perspectives have an impact in their learning instructional modern technology rather than the new
process. The adjustment portrays the behavior and normal learning process where the evolution is
attitude in their learning process from the traditional inextricably taught in the human process of technology
learning and in the new normal process. The behavior learning, Dziuban, Graham, Moskal, Norberg, & Sicilia
and attitude of students address the future and possible [2].
direction, several outcomes, and implication of the new
normal classes and in the learning process for advance On the other hand, due to the situation of the
technology in increasing the interaction and new normal classes, students must be motivated
communication process of learning. It develops the particularly on the attitude and behavior of the
support of the new normal classes and learning improved learning process especially on their study
perspective of students where it is vital to gain habits. Student study habits are still other pressing
knowledge on their enhancement, Purwanto, Ichsan, issues in the new normal classes since students are not
Gomes, Rahman, & Irwandani [1]. The effectiveness monitored personally. Student study habits can only be
and efficiency of the technology vary based on the monitored through virtual processes. There are many
behavior and attitude of students in the quality output of factors of motivation given to students to enhance their
learning. Students cannot escape to compare the learning process. Different learning process and style
traditional face to face learning from the new normal

*Corresponding Author: Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin 21

Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin et al., EAS J PsycholBehavSci; Vol-3, Iss-2 (Mar-Apr, 2021): 21-27
can improve the development of students and their instructional suitable technology, support and effective
initiative in the new normal classes. It provides the training among teachers are the educational institutions,
learning style that can focus on the motivation to study Kamsin, & Abdullah [7]. Different sectors including the
to enhance their learning that intervenes and provides different educational institutions have devastated the
action on the study habit improvement through proper various impacts on the current covid pandemic. It is the
motivation, Mallillin, Mallillin, & Laurel [3]. It fits and approach in the new normal student learning, Mallillin,
models the students in their comfort to the best learning Carag, Mallillin, & Laurel [8]. There is a new light in
study. It provides students in the learning process to the the emerging challenges and opportunities to consider
new normal classes and its effectiveness especially in the behavior and attitude of students in the new
students are given proper motivation to study. The new normal and perspective of learning. It attempts to
normal classes provide a better impact on student rethink the new normal process in education on their
motivation to study as an alternative to the traditional curriculum. It provides implications on the crises of the
learning process, Aznam et al., [4]. goal, content, evaluation, and approach of curriculum in
the new normal and learning perspective of students,
Moreover, the new normal perspective Cahapay [9].
learning of students in the various domains of learning
must be given emphasis to help in the behavior and Research Question
attitude in the learning process. It reinforces the learners 1. How the behavior and attitude of students in
on their leverage and realistic learning. It provides the new normal perspective of learning are
curriculum learning framework and direction, Narvekar observed.
et al., [5]. Different domains of learning must be 2. How the behavior and attitude of students can
designed and must be provided on different activities to be addressed in the new normal perspective of
explore the in-depth activities of learning. It provides learning among the respondents.
and helps in various ways and styles based on the
learners' needs. The different domains on the area of the Theoretical Lens
affective learning, psychomotor learning, and cognitive The study is anchored on Self-Determination
learning provide in the framework and pedagogy on the Theory (STD), Ryan, & Deci [10], as this theory deals
learners academic performance in terms of skills, on the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation from a self-
behavior, and attitude in the school academic determination theory perspective by definition,
performance. It shows students to execute the ability practices, and future direction among the learners. It
and to carry the lesson implemented in cognitive provides the factors and understanding on the broad
learning. Students have proper attention and motivation framework to undermine and facilitate the autonomous,
to learn and to satisfy, willing to participate in the intrinsic, and extrinsic motivation and on psychological
learners worth behavior and attitude, acceptance, belief, and wellness particularly on the direct relevance and
commitment to values, and preference in the affective issues to educational settings. The theory provides self-
learning. The learners can relate to the auditory, visual, determination on both the well-internalized and intrinsic
body movement, coordination or touch in the motivation from the extrinsic motivation array that
information and ability from the atmosphere in the predict positive outcomes across levels of education and
psychomotor learning. It also provides the domain of cultural context that can support and enhance the
learning in the performance of students in their academe psychological need of students for competence,
that acquires knowledge and skills in the different autonomy and relatedness. It helps both the teacher and
situations of skills and learning. It provides different students to motivate themselves in the new normal
activities in the classroom of learning that focuses on perspective of learning that can constrain the impact of
the lesson and provides output of students in their new the institutional pressure, control mandate, and
normal perspective of learning, Mallillin [6]. leadership style. Despite of the substantial importance
and evidence of the learning context and satisfaction of
Consequently, the behavior and attitude of the psychological needs of students, the curriculum is
students in their new normal perspective of learning anchored on the policies of the educational institutions
provides an approach that combines the afforded and and fails to support the teachers‟ needs and students‟
benefits of their online component of learning. This can needs.
be done through blended learning, face to face on new
normal learning processes. It highlights the blended Research Design
learning and challenges in the mode of instruction on The study employs the qualitative descriptive
the understanding of the existence on the process of phenomenology research design and method which is
learning and challenges in the new normal blended widely used to describe and to explore the study under
component. It provides challenges and identifies the investigation particularly in the experiences of the
systematic online blended learning component in the individual respondents. It is a scientific and philosophy
new normal perspective. The challenges in the learning method that undertakes the variation of the study. It is a
technology and self-regulation are on the part of the typical method of data collection involves in the focus
learners. The provision and challenges in the group discussion, observation, document review of

© East African Scholars Publisher 22

Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin et al., EAS J PsycholBehavSci; Vol-3, Iss-2 (Mar-Apr, 2021): 21-27
specific events. A qualitative descriptive method and development of disclosure and facilitates cooperation in
design utilizes the uncomplicated description that the context of the gathered information, Gabbert et al.,
focuses on the desired detail of why, where, what, and [12].
when of an experience or events.
Formulation of Paper
On the other hand, it discusses how to After the mapping, the construction of a
undertake and understand the thematic analysis based research paper is established looking for positive output
on the descriptive phenomenology. The principles and of the issues identified regarding the behavior and
methods to guide the process of the analysis offered on attitude of students in the new normal classes and
the phenomenological philosophy ground in relation to learning perspective, Ratan, Anand, & Ratan [13].
the validity and scientific rigor that can be achieved. It
provides the thematic analysis based on the Validation
phenomenology and descriptive tradition usefulness of After the method is determined, the research
the description analysis that undertakes the process and questions are formulated and validated by expert
outline. It explains the methods and principles, qualitative researchers. The suggestions and
processes, and analyses in the organized experience and recommendations are given emphasis prior to the
meaningful data, Sundler, Lindberg, Nilsson, & Palmér finalization of the questionnaire, Taylor et al., [14].
Conduct of FGD
Research Participants Before the conduct of the interview, parents
The participants of the study are the parents of are given prior instruction and announcement that
students in the various selected educational institutions. researchers wanted to conduct an interview on the
They are credible to be the participants because they behavior and attitude they observed among their
observed the actual situation of the behavior and children during the new normal phase of learning.
attitude of their children in the new normal perspective Parents are very cooperative because they want to
of learning. They know the circumstances on the contribute to the success of the study.
behavior and attitude of their children in the process of
their learning. The study comprised 14 parents as Analysis of Questionnaire
respondents. After the FGD is conducted, the researchers
gathered all the necessary answers for thematic analysis
Research Instruments of data for interpretation, Zens, Brammertz, Herpich,
To obtain the important information of the Südkamp, & Hinterseer [15].
study, the interview guide is formulated for the
respondents and is based on the research question in the Trustworthiness of the Study
research problem. There is a probe question given to the Trustworthiness and credibility are the
respondents. Question given to the respondents problems and issues in the qualitative research that need
examines the observation of the behavior and attitude of to be addressed. It provides the trustworthiness and
children in the new normal and learning perspective, concept through different criteria as to confirmability,
knowledge, and experience to gather important views dependability, transferability, and credibility. It
that can be shared for better improvement. It assures provides the authenticity to depict the researchers
that questions given will not take much time for the ability in a diverse accurate reality in the collected data
respondents. This is given emphasis so that smooth of the participants, Kyngäs, Kääriäinen, & Elo [16], as
flow of work of the participants will not be affected follows:
considering the itinerary of parents at home. This is in
compliance with the research ethics and standard. Confirmability
It provides the degree of neutrality and
Procedure in Gathering Information describes the extent of the findings and reflection of the
The information of the study is primarily respondents, experiences, opinions rather than of
acquired through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) from interest, motivation, and biases. It is concerned with the
the various educational institution lecturers and establishment of the interpretation that will derive from
teachers. To further elaborate the process, the following the data to demonstrate how the conclusion is required.
steps are observed.
Mapping It ensures the achieved dependability of the
It is observed that most of the lecturers have study into traceability, logical process and clearly
problems with the attitude and behavior of students in documented. It demonstrates the process of
the new normal classes and learning perspective where dependability of the process in the study.
they can give solutions on the possible issues
challenging tasks. It illustrates the consensus of the Transferability
practitioners and researchers in the rapport and

© East African Scholars Publisher 23

Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin et al., EAS J PsycholBehavSci; Vol-3, Iss-2 (Mar-Apr, 2021): 21-27
Focuses on the application of the findings the research representation as technique to address the
where it provides the inquiry and generalization of the engagement of the data collection, persistent
qualitative research. It provides the responsible observation, and research triangulation. It provides to
description of the findings in transferability. increase the research process and interpretation. It
utilizes the credibility of the research and intervention
Credibility to help in the effective research organization through
It is defined as the truth and confidence of the generation of knowledge and application of research,
findings. It claims to be credible in determining the Shufutinsky [17].
reliability of the study. It addresses to fit the views of

Table-1: Themes and Core Ideas on the Behavior and Attitude of Students in their Online Classes
Theme Frequency of Response Core Idea
a. Behavior of students during online classes variant  Lazy
general  woke up late
general  still enjoying sleep
variant  lack of sleep
 hungry

b. Online Classes Adjustment general  online class is so early

general  not used for online classes
general  not serious in studies
general  have difficulties in online classes

c. Internet Issue general  slow internet connection

general  expose to online game
general  no load for internet connection

A. Behavior and attitude of students during online It constraints and identifies the new normal learning
classes process and adjustment. Lecturers also identify the
The behavior and attitude of students in the challenges from adjusting traditional classes to new
online classes determine the effects of nature based normal classes where both teachers and students have
education curriculum and implementation in the new difficulties in coping with the learning perspective of
normal learning perspective since education is a students Putri et al., [19]. However, the following are
continuous learning process. It provides framework and observed:
analysis on the improved learning process in new “Online class is very early among students”.
normal schemes. It establishes and develops proper (P2, T2)
technique of teaching so that behavior and attitude of “Students are not used for online classes”.
students will boost their morale in the perspective of (P9, T2)
learning by means of the delivery mode based on the “Students are not serious in their studies”.
need of the learners, Mallillin, Mallillin, Carag, (P12, T2)
Collado, & Largo [18]. They say: “Students have difficulties in online classes.
“Their children are too lazy to study”. (P6, (P10, T2)
P13, T1)
“They woke up late on their scheduled time of C. Internet issue
classes”. (P11, T1) The Internet is very useful to connect students
“Their children are enjoying their sleep in the in their online classes and is becoming increasingly
morning”. (P7, T1) important for the students‟ lives to boost the morale of
“Most of their children have a lack of sleep the learning process enhancement. Simultaneously, the
that affects their classes”. (P1, P4, T1) range of online activities is also broadening. However,
“Their child is hungry because breakfast is not the technology adoption mainly focuses on internet use
yet served”. (P3, T1) in general and pays attention to various activities in
online classes. The Internet is vital in performing all
B. Online classes adjustment online activities. Hence, the following are observed:
Generally, the online classes adjustment “There is slow internet connection during
describes the various virtual activities in the online classes”. (P5, T3-1)
assessment of the behavior and attitude of students in “Most students are doing online games aside
their online lesson toward their academic performance. from the online classes. (P8, T3-1)

© East African Scholars Publisher 24

Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin et al., EAS J PsycholBehavSci; Vol-3, Iss-2 (Mar-Apr, 2021): 21-27
“No enough load for internet connection”. Cung [23]. Furthermore, students also observed that
(P14, T3-) most of them are hungry during their online classes
because breakfast is not yet served which means
DISCUSSION students are physically present but mentally absent
Behavior and attitude of students in the new because of an empty stomach. There is no learning
normal is uncontrollable especially adjustment of process when students have an empty stomach, Ilieva,
classes is abrupt from traditional classroom setting to Ahmed, & Yan [24].
online setting. There are many adjustments to be
considered in the teaching process and learning Moreover, the online classes adjustment of
perspective. The new normal situation in the student students shows that they have complained about their
learning perspective influences the way it uses to study, online classes because it is very early which affects
to live, and to work. It is an abrupt transition from their learning perspective in the new normal. They have
traditional learning face to face to online learning difficulty in the adjustment of their time schedule. They
process paradigm shifting viewed in the various are not used to it due to the current pandemic. This has
educational institutions. It examines the impact of self- an effect on the transition and capacity of their learning
determination in the new normal classes and framework process in online new normal classes, distance learning,
theory of learning engagement. It provides support on and blended learning. It indicates that support must be
the influences of the new normal classes and learning given to them especially on the part of the parents and
perspective of students. It contributes to the behavior family members in order that learning perspective in the
and attitude of students in developing their online new normal will not be affected. It confirms the process
learning to new normal learning perspectives, Shah, of transition on the new normal classes to gain success
Shah, Memon, Kemal, & Soomro [20]. On the other in the learning enhancement of students, Basilaia, &
hand, the new normal classes are forced to virtual Kvavadze [25]. It also shows that students are not used
transition or blended learning depending on the area in the online classes. They said they have difficulty in
where various teaching techniques are introduced due to the adjustment of their online classes. It is an approach
the current pandemic. It actively provides a way to to examine and use for both teachers and students in
explore the online learning process in utilizing various their dependency to school adjustment in the new
features and technologies in teaching. It also provides normal that engages in externalizing behavior,
guidance to empower the transition of learning achievement, prosocial behavior, and internalizing
synchronous lessons in a virtual learning process for behavior, Roorda, Zee, & Koomen [26]. Moreover, it
effective distance learning, Sharp, Norman, Spagnoletti, also reveals that students are not serious in their studies.
& Miller [21]. Their studies seem to be taken for granted, easy go
lucky, boring routine kind of learning because the
On the other hand, the behavior and attitude of lesson is done virtually, pass and submit the task just to
students in their online classes show that most of them finish the lesson for the day. Intellectual ability is not
are lazy to study. This means there is an effect on their sufficient when studies are taken for granted. It
study habits and learning styles. This is one of the indicates that studies take effort in learning and in the
pressing problems and issues of students despite the context condition of the process especially during
motivation being given by both parents and teachers to pandemic. It examines how studies are taken for
help them improve their learning perspective. Doing so granted because they are not serious about it. Self-
would enhance the student learning process. To address practice and self-evident hinder the progress of
the issue, motivation must not be stopped due to the students, Skakni [27]. Though students have difficulties
behavior and attitude of students in their learning in their online classes, motivation must be given
process. Learning process must be given emphasis on emphasis to develop interest in the learning process.
motivation where it helps students to improve their They need to adapt the curriculum provided by the
learning perspective in the new normal classes various educational institutions to continue achieving
Mallillin, Mallillin, & Laurel [3]. It also shows that the goals through continuous education. Educational
students have difficulties to adjust themselves in institutions follow a set of lectures based on the new
waking-up during their scheduled time of classes. This normal trends. Adjustment is not easy to do but when
is the effect of the pandemic where most of their time is desire is present, everything will be possible in learning
spent in their sleep or vice versa where they sleep late to include the necessity of online learning as to strength,
due to some activities like playing games, using their weakness, opportunity, and challenges in the mode of
mobile phone, internet, facebook, chatting etc. Due to learning during times of crises, Jeong, & So [28].
this situation, the time and schedule of classes are being
affected, Sintema [22]. It also shows that students are Furthermore, the internet issues among the
enjoying their sleep in the morning. At this stage, participants show slow connection during online
students are fond of sleeping. Time management must classes. This is true because of the bulk of internet users
be observed by students which is a vital component in and especially to a place where dead signals of the
their success. It intervenes and indicates the positive internet are observed. Slow connection of the internet is
effect on the behavior and attitude of students in their a barrier to the learning process of students in various
new normal learning perspective, Baker, Evans, Li, &
© East African Scholars Publisher 25
Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin et al., EAS J PsycholBehavSci; Vol-3, Iss-2 (Mar-Apr, 2021): 21-27
educational institutions especially that online classes are 1. Students must be motivated properly in their
set-up with advanced technology of learning like google online classes because most of them are lazy.
meet, zoom, messenger etc. It depicts how importance Motivation can de done by both parents and
the internet connection would be during the online teachers. There is a need to motivate students
classes. Students have difficulties in coping their properly in their new normal classes to
learning process and innovation on the barrier of the enhance their learning perspective. Behavior
learning enhancement including communication with and attitude of students must be addressed
teachers in understanding the best style of learning properly because most of them are not aware
among them, Octaberlina, & Muslimin [29]. In addition of their online classes by waking up late during
to the internet connection, students are also doing their classes because they enjoy their sleep in
online games aside from their online classes. This the morning.
means that students are doing two things, playing and 2. Schools must schedule online classes based on
studying at the same time like heating two birds in one the needs of students because they are not used
stone. Gadgets or computers used in online classes must in online classes. They have difficulty in
be restricted to games to avoid disturbance during their adjusting themselves from traditional classes
online classes. This can contribute to the stress to online classes giving emphasis on the
condition for both teachers and students. It even importance of online classes to achieve a better
distracts the coping mechanism of students in their learning perspective in the new normal classes
learning process. It validates the psychological among students.
distraction and concept of students in their behavior and 3. Schools, teachers, and parents can allocate
attitude in the new normal classes as far as technology budget for internet load because most students
is concerned, Tarafdar, Maier, Laumer, & Weitzel [30]. cannot attend their online classes due to
Lastly, students also experienced no internet connection insufficient load for internet connection. Load
because of insufficient load where it affects their online provided must be allocated on online classes
classes. Most of them have no load because of financial only because some students used their internet
constraints due to their status in life where they belong connection for online games.
to below poverty line level. They need to suffice their
stomach rather than buying loads for internet
connection in which their online classes are affected. It
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Cite This Article: Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin et al (2021). Behavior and Attitude of Students in the New Normal
Perspective of Learning. EAS J PsycholBehavSci, 3(2), 21-27.

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