Behavior and Attitude of Students in The New Normal Perspective of Learning
Behavior and Attitude of Students in The New Normal Perspective of Learning
Behavior and Attitude of Students in The New Normal Perspective of Learning
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Research Article
Table-1: Themes and Core Ideas on the Behavior and Attitude of Students in their Online Classes
Theme Frequency of Response Core Idea
a. Behavior of students during online classes variant Lazy
general woke up late
general still enjoying sleep
variant lack of sleep
A. Behavior and attitude of students during online It constraints and identifies the new normal learning
classes process and adjustment. Lecturers also identify the
The behavior and attitude of students in the challenges from adjusting traditional classes to new
online classes determine the effects of nature based normal classes where both teachers and students have
education curriculum and implementation in the new difficulties in coping with the learning perspective of
normal learning perspective since education is a students Putri et al., [19]. However, the following are
continuous learning process. It provides framework and observed:
analysis on the improved learning process in new “Online class is very early among students”.
normal schemes. It establishes and develops proper (P2, T2)
technique of teaching so that behavior and attitude of “Students are not used for online classes”.
students will boost their morale in the perspective of (P9, T2)
learning by means of the delivery mode based on the “Students are not serious in their studies”.
need of the learners, Mallillin, Mallillin, Carag, (P12, T2)
Collado, & Largo [18]. They say: “Students have difficulties in online classes.
“Their children are too lazy to study”. (P6, (P10, T2)
P13, T1)
“They woke up late on their scheduled time of C. Internet issue
classes”. (P11, T1) The Internet is very useful to connect students
“Their children are enjoying their sleep in the in their online classes and is becoming increasingly
morning”. (P7, T1) important for the students‟ lives to boost the morale of
“Most of their children have a lack of sleep the learning process enhancement. Simultaneously, the
that affects their classes”. (P1, P4, T1) range of online activities is also broadening. However,
“Their child is hungry because breakfast is not the technology adoption mainly focuses on internet use
yet served”. (P3, T1) in general and pays attention to various activities in
online classes. The Internet is vital in performing all
B. Online classes adjustment online activities. Hence, the following are observed:
Generally, the online classes adjustment “There is slow internet connection during
describes the various virtual activities in the online classes”. (P5, T3-1)
assessment of the behavior and attitude of students in “Most students are doing online games aside
their online lesson toward their academic performance. from the online classes. (P8, T3-1)
Cite This Article: Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin et al (2021). Behavior and Attitude of Students in the New Normal
Perspective of Learning. EAS J PsycholBehavSci, 3(2), 21-27.