New 2.7L 650 NM Opposed-Piston Engine For Light Commercial Vehicles
New 2.7L 650 NM Opposed-Piston Engine For Light Commercial Vehicles
New 2.7L 650 NM Opposed-Piston Engine For Light Commercial Vehicles
ABSTRACT: Achates Power has spent the past 12 years modernizing this historically efficient engine architecture to deliver a step-
wise improvement in brake thermal efficiency (BTE) over the most advanced conventional four-stroke engines. In addition, with the
elimination of parts such as the cylinder head and valve train, it is also less complex and less costly to produce - making it even more
appealing to manufacturers.
This paper highlights the work done, to date, on the Opposed-Piston Gasoline Compressions Ignition engine and discusses the
advantages of the OP engine as an ideal platform for incorporating gasoline compression ignition (GCI) technology, the study of which
recently was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy.
KEY WORDS: Standardized: heat engine, compression ignition engine, emissions gas, fuel injection, fuel spray. Free: Opposed-
Piston Engine, gasoline compression ignition (A1)
Achates Power, Inc. (API) has been dedicated to 2. OPPOSED-PISTON GASOLINE COMPRESSION
modernizing the opposed-piston engine since its inception in IGNITION (OPGCI) DESCRIPTION
2004 and has solved various mechanical challenges faced by this 2.1 Engine Architecture
engine architecture, including oil consumption, piston cooling, The multi-cylinder OPGCI Engine platform is based on the
cylinder cooling, and wrist pin lubrication. API also has Achates Power single-cylinder OP Engine and shares similarities
developed a unique set of performance, emissions and to the research engine. Table 1 shows the specifications and the
combustion-system control strategies that enable the Achates performance attributes for the multi-cylinder OPGCI Engine.
Power Opposed-Piston Engine (OP Engine) to meet current and
future emissions while delivering excellent fuel consumption. Table 1: Achates Power 2.7L OPGCI Engine specification
Recently, Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy Displacement 2.7 L
(ARPA-E) awarded $9M to Achates Power, Argonne National Arrangement, number of Inline 3
Laboratory and Delphi Automotive to develop a gasoline cylinders.
compression-ignition (GCI) version of the Achates Power OP
Bore 80 mm
Engine. This paper highlights the specifications and work done
Total Stroke 177 mm
on the Opposed-Pistion Gasonline Compression Ignition Stroke-to-Bore Ratio 2.2
(OPGCI) Engine. Nominal Power (kW @ rpm) 270 @ 3600
The opposed-piston engine delivers a step-wise Max. Torque (Nm @ rpm) 650 Nm @ 1600-2100
improvement in brake thermal efficiency over the most advanced
conventional four-stroke engines and will help OEMs meet
pending emissions and fuel economy regulations in a cost This engine was conceived as a technology demonstrator
effective manner. This paper will provide an overview of the with research capabilities, and serves as a test-platform. It will be
Opposed-Piston Engine and its inherent efficiency benefits, as integrated into a driveable vehicle for further validation and
same class, and comply with U.S. 2025 (Tier 3) /Euro 6 The OPGCI engine takes advantage of the ability of the OP
emissions standards. Engine to run on a variety of fuel sources. The final 2.7L OP
Figure 2: 2.7L OPGCI Engine Airsystem
Table 6 Mode 8 cylinder pressure, AHRR and injector current swirl and tumble charge motion with the high turbulent
At this load there is similar performance to the idle condition Ellipsoidal combustion chamber resulting in air
with good combustion efficiency (97.7%) and low noise (87 entrainment into the spray plumes from two sides.
dBa). With the increased load, 25% internal residual is needed Inter-digitated, mid-cylinder penetration of fuel plumes
compared to idle. 32% external EGR is again used to keep NOx enabling larger λ=1 iso-surfaces.
and soot emissions low. Noise targets were also kept below light Excellent control at lower fuel-flow rates because of
duty vehicle targets of 87 dBa. With the combustion phasing two small injectors instead of a single, higher flow rate.
near MV and good combustion efficiency, ITE was able to be Multiple injection events and optimization flexibility
combustion event was achieved to give low combustion noise walls and minimal flame-wall interaction during combustion.
(90.6 dBa). This improves performance and emissions with fewer hot spots
on the piston surfaces that further reduce heat losses.