Lesson 4. Global Interstate System
Lesson 4. Global Interstate System
Lesson 4. Global Interstate System
Year and Section:
LESSON 4: Global Interstate System
Lesson 4:
Global Interstate System
Lesson Overview
Our last lesson presented the global corporations and governments
as main actors in the global economy and as agents of economic
globalization. Thus, it is assumed that you are now informed about the
economic structure of globalization.
In this lesson, you will learn more about the second aspect of
globalization: globalization as a political process. This aspect looks into the
nation-state and its interactions with other political actors in the
international community such as other nation-states, international
organizations and non-governmental organizations.
Specifically, this module has the following topics: (a) Effects of
Globalization on Governments; (b) Institutions that govern international
relations; and (c) Internationalism and Globalism.
Attributes of the
Contemporary Global
Interstate System
According to Lisandro and
Abinales (2018), today’s global
interstate system is characterized by
the existence of countries or states
that are independent and
sovereign, countries that interact
with each other diplomatically, international organizations like the United Nations
that help facilitate the interaction between states and beyond simply facilitating
meetings between states, international organization also take on lives of their own.
Before discussing the development
of the contemporary global interstate
system, it is necessary to understand first
the concept of a nation-state. A nation-
state is a country which is both a nation
and a state.
According to Max Weber (1997, p.
154) as cited by Schattle (2014) a state is
“a compulsory political organization with
continuous operations through
upholding a claim to the monopoly of the
legitimate use of physical force in the enforcement of its order”. Meanwhile, Hedley
Bull (1995, p. 8) defines a state as an “independent political communities each of
LESSON 4: Global Interstate System
Treaty of Westphalia, a set of agreements signed to end the Thirty Year's War
between the major continental powers of Europe.
Napoleonic Wars, Napoleon Bonaparte and his armies marched all over much of
End of World War I, advoacy for the creation of the League of Nations
1 Figure derived from Claudio, Lisandro E, Abanales, Patricio N. (2018). The Contemporary World. C & E Publishing. pp.29-30
LESSON 4: Global Interstate System
Effects of Globalization to
Aldama (2018) enumerated
several challenges to the government of
nation-states as effects of globalization,
namely, (1) traditional challenges, (2)
challenges from national/identity
movements (3) global economics and (4)
global social movements.
These challenges point to the development of threats to the state sovereignty.
External intervention from other nation-states, internal political challenges and
interventions from regional organizations can all undermine state sovereignty
(traditional challenges). Differences in cultural identity and the movements adhering
to such varied cultural identity can also influence the affairs of the nation-state
(challenges from national/identity movements).
Furthermore, global economics
“demands the states to conform to the rules
of free-market capitalism.” Moreover, social
movements which pertain to “movements
of people that are spontaneous or that
emerge through enormous grassroots
organizations”, are one of the
contemporary trends of today’s political
landscape. Due to their transnational operation, the states have little to none control
over them.
LESSON 4: Global Interstate System
Chapter 7 of textbook: “Governments and Citizens in a Globally
Interconnected World of States” by Hans Schattle
Mazower, Mark. 2006. “An International Civilization? Empire,
Internationalism and the Crisis of the Mid Twentieth Century.” International
Affairs 82(3): 553–566.
Claudio, Lisandro E, Abanales, Patricio N. (2018). The Contemporary
World. C & E Publishing. pp.26-38
LESSON 4: Global Interstate System
international organizations:
Content: 15
Presentation: 10
Organization: 10
Format/Grammar: 5
Total – 40
CLASS DEBATE. “The issue of whether or not the nation-state is still relevant today in the
era of globalization has gained different reactions. Some scholars would argue that its role in
global politics is diminishing. On the other hand, others would say that it still remains to be
the primary actor in political affairs. In this activity, you should be able to point out
contending views about such issue through a debate.
Further instructions will be provided should the students wish to pursue this task.