Project Proposal - BSMA 1202 by

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Republic of the Philippines


Batangas State University – JPLPC Malvar Campus
Barangay Poblacion Malvar, Batangas


A Course Requirement in NSTP CW 121

Civic Welfare Training Service

BSMA 1202

AY 2021-2022

Republic of the Philippines
Batangas State University – JPLPC Malvar Campus
Barangay Poblacion Malvar, Batangas

I. Title of the Project

Increasing Knowledge about the Importance of Balanced
Diet for Children" A Beneficial Program for the proper Balanced Diet
of Children in Calima Pola,Oriental Mindoro"

II. Location
The community service will be conducted at Barangay
Calima Pola, Oriental Mindoro. The given barangay is 75.7 km radius
away from Calapan Port ,Oriental Mindoro . It is also within the reach
of the proponent .

III. Duration and Time of Implemetation

The date of implementation is on the 5 of February 2021 until on
the 9 of April 2021 . The specific day and time of implementation will
be every Friday ,ten (10) days of friday to be exact ,excluding
holiday ,and must cover a total of three (3) hours each Friday's.

IV. Type of Community Extention

 Food, health and sanitation
The early years of the child's life are very importance for
their health and development. Healthy development that children of all
abilities, including those with special health care needs ,are able to
grow up where their social , emotional and educational needs are met.
Having a safe and loving home and spending time with family
-playing ,reading and talking are very important . Proper nutrition,
exercies ,proper balance diet and sleep also can make a big difference.

V. Department/College Involved
This is the college department that involved where the proponent included
the following:

Republic of the Philippines
Batangas State University – JPLPC Malvar Campus
Barangay Poblacion Malvar, Batangas

 College of Accountancy and Business Economic and International

Hospitality Management (CABEIHM) Department

- Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting

 National Service Training Program (NSTP) - Civic Welfare Training

Service (CWTS).

VI. Project Proponent
It provides the personal information of the proponent such as
the address and contact number.

BSMA 1202
Sitio Riverside,Barangay Calima Oriental Mindoro

VII. Cooperating Partners
To fulfillment of this project proposal ,the general efforts of the
following partners are recomended.

 Barangay Calima Council

The aforementioned barangay is the location where the
community service program will be conducted. The barangay
officials and the volunteers will help and guide the proponents
before and during the community service program.

 SK member
This Sk member with President of SK Lennon Fontarum is also
volunteer to guide the children who will participate in the community
project to be held in barangay calima.

 Municipal Bayanihan Group

Is the group who volunteers to help and guide us for helding the
project that propose and also the group who volunteer to continue
the project in barangay calima.

VIII. Beneficiaries
The following personnel involved will benefits in terms of
knowledge and awareness campaign that will be given in the actual
community service Program.

 Malnourished-children

Those children in the age of 7 to 13 years old may help this

project to protect them in any kind of sickness or etc. This project will
help them to increase their knowledge about the importance of
balanced diet .

Republic of the Philippines
Batangas State University – JPLPC Malvar Campus
Barangay Poblacion Malvar, Batangas

 Parents of Children

To the parent , which is the barangay calima community, it will

give them big benefits from this project we are about to held, because
for the personal health of the children they will be gaining knowledge
on how the parent in community to join and collaborate to the student
like us.

IX. Rationale of the Project

The community of Barangay Calima Pola ,Oriental
Mindoro is its peaceful kind of living. Based on my observation,
most of the residents here have stable living and they are way
approachable that’s why there is fast development of the
community. Food security was defined in its most basic form as
physical, social and economic access by all people at all times to
sufficient, safe and nutritious food which meets their dietary needs
and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Furthermore, the
children of the community of Brgy. Calima Pola may improve their
health through physical activities and events which will prevent
sickness and diseases of the community. This activity may help for
the persons living in the community to be a responsible.Their dietary
management should be based on improving the existing diets by
nutritional food supplement . Intake of nutrients that are inadequate
in the habitual diet can be increased through use of vegetable ,fruits
and other suppliment with the healthy ingredient like protein,and
vitamins that help to children to achieve and gaining healthy
Its easy for food to become a source of conflict.Well-
intentioned parent might find themeselves bargaining kids so they
eat healthy food in front of them. Kids should decide if they
hungry ,what they will eat from the food served,and when they're
full. The best way for you to encourage healthy eating is to eat well
yourself. Kids will follow the leads of the adults they see everyday.
By eating fruits and vegetable and not the less nutritious stuff.

Republic of the Philippines
Batangas State University – JPLPC Malvar Campus
Barangay Poblacion Malvar, Batangas

X. Objectives

The main aim of the project is to demonstrate an understanding of

energy balance and its importance in maintaining a healthy body weight.
In order to meet this objectives particularly with the following:


i. To recognize components of healthy eating.

ii.To encourage them in gaining healthy lifestyle.
iii.To promote activities may help to be responsible member of the


i. To give additional knowledge ,entertainment and enhance their

healthy eating

ii. To give information to the participants about the project, can look
forward on the event that will be held and also they will experience all
the best to do in maintaining healthy body.

iii.To improved of gaining a better healthy lifestyles like eating healthy

food and keep maintaining a good diet .

iv. To improved regular exercise can lift the child of good mood and
help to feel better and living a healthier lifestyle .

v. To educate the participants on how to take care the cleanliness and

healthiness of their body .

vi. To give award and recognized the participants of everyone involved

in the propose project.

XI. Description of the Project

This project aims to provide aid to the community through
creating awareness in environmental activities which will be completed in
2 - 3 months. The budget will be obtained from the financial assistance
and contributions of the group members. We will provide assurance that
each member of the group must be punctual in attending every meeting
in order to show discipline and finish each activity according to the
specific date and time. And the participant who will need to know the
important of being healthy dietary of their body . The parent who
responsible to guide and role model of their children will help them to
achieve and improve the healthy of their child.

Republic of the Philippines
Batangas State University – JPLPC Malvar Campus
Barangay Poblacion Malvar, Batangas

XII Strategies and Method of implementation

The activities will be monitored weekly to ensure that the sustainability
of the project is met with our standards. The project will not only help the
community in encourage them to gain a healthy lifestyle , but it will also
provide children with the sense of responsibility and discipline in which they
will be able to teach what they have learned to other young individuals. In
order to implement a sustainable and healthy lifestyle for your children ,it is
important to understand what good nutrition consists of how it can affect
chilhood development and the steps you can take to ensure your child is

XIII. Plan of Action

Date Time Activity Plan Assigned Personnel

 YOUTH (7 years old
February 05, 2021 Orientation Day to 20 years old)
7:00 - 7:10 am Preparation of the materials that  Clarissa A. Fababair
will be used for the orientation
day.  Barangay Council of
Sitio Riverside
 Laptop
 Nametags
 Ms. Larah Camille S.
 Foods such as Adao (NSTP
malunggay bread instructor)
,banana cue and
calamansi juice

7:10 - 7:15 am Prayer

7:15 - 7:30 am Introduction of the project which

is Increasing Knowledge about
the Importance of balanced diet.

 Benefits
 Activities

7:30 - 7:40 am Introducing of the Self.

(Distribution of nametags)

7:40 - 8:00 am Break

 Malunggay Bread
 Calamansi Juice
 Banana Cue

8:00 - 8:30 am Quiz Bee about the introduction

of the project.

8:30 - 9:30 am Choose a letter of the week.

Republic of the Philippines
Batangas State University – JPLPC Malvar Campus
Barangay Poblacion Malvar, Batangas

 Each week taste and

discuss healthy foods
which start with the
chosen letter of the week.

9:30 - 9:45 am Ice Breaker

 Pinoy Henyo

9:45– 10:00 am Closing and Packing up

 Organize the materials

that use.
 Laptop
Other materials that have
been used.
 YOUTH (7 years old
February 12, 2021 7:00 – 7:10 am Preparation of the materials to to 20 years old)
be used.
 Clarissa A. Fababair
 Soap
 Writing materials  Barangay Council of
 Plastic Bags Sitio Riverside
 Food (Pancit, juice and Calima
Summan Cassava)  Ms. Larah Camille S.
Adao (NSTP
7:10 – 7:15 am Prayer instructor)
7:15 –8:30 am The veggie guessing bag.  Mrs. Lyca Recto
(Invited Speaker)
 Recognition and
awareness of different

8:30 – 9:00 am Break

 Pancit
 Suman Cassava
 Calamansi Juice

9:00 – 9:25 am Proper handwashing.

 Benefits
 Do’s and Don’t
 Steps

9:25 -9:45 am Short Quiz

9:45–10:00 am Cleaning and packaging the

materials use.

 Used plastics bag and

 Used in handwashing
 YOUTH (7 years old
February 19, 2021 7:00 – 7:10 am Preparing all the materials to 20 years old)
should be used for the 3rd day.

Republic of the Philippines
Batangas State University – JPLPC Malvar Campus
Barangay Poblacion Malvar, Batangas

 Drawing materials  Clarissa A. Fababair

 Coloring materials
 Writing materials  Barangay Council of
 Food ( Spaghetti, Puto Sitio Riverside
Singapore and pineapple Calima
juice)  Ms. Larah Camille S.
Adao (NSTP
7:10 – 7:15 am Prayer instructor)

7:15 – 8:40 am Wheel of food  Mrs. Lyca Recto

(Invited Speaker)
 Identifying if its healthy or

8:40 – 9:10 am Break

 Spaghetti
 Puto Singapore
 Pineapple Juice

9:10– 9:40 am Food fun from Apples to


 Teaching about the fruits

and vegetables

9:40 –10:00 am Cleaning and Packing of the


 Used writing materials

 Used drawing materials
 Used coloring materials
 Used fruits and

 YOUTH (7 years old

February 26, 2021 7: 00 - 7: 10 am Preparing the materials for the to 20 years old)
4th day of the activity in
barangay.  Clarissa A. Fababair
 Drawing materials  Barangay Council of
 Used magazine and old Sitio Riverside
books Calima
 Coloring materials  Ms. Larah Camille S.
 Food ( Pancit,Toron Adao (NSTP
Manggo juice) instructor)
7:10 - 7:15 am Prayer  Mrs. Lyca Recto
(Invited Speaker)
7:15- 7:30 am Energizer

 Exercise

7:30 - 8:00 am Guessing game activity

 Word games, Puzzle


Republic of the Philippines
Batangas State University – JPLPC Malvar Campus
Barangay Poblacion Malvar, Batangas

8:00 - 8:30 am Sing a song about food and


 Groupings

8:30 - 9:00 am Break

 Pancit
 Toron
 Manggo juice

9:00 - 9:30 am Create a vegetable person

using the following:

 Magazines
 Old books
 Drawing materials

9:30 - 9:50 am Color Me! (distribution of

coloring books about vegetables
and fruits)

 Identify the other kinds of

vegetables and fruits.

9:50 - 10:00 am Cleaning and packaging the

materials use.

 Used coloring materials

 Used drawing materials

 YOUTH (7 years old

March 5, 2021 7:00 – 7:10 am Preparation of the materials for to 20 years old)
the 5th day of the activity in
barangay.  Clarissa A. Fababair
 Books and posters  Barangay Council of
 Plates Sitio Riverside
 Food (spaghetti, carioka Calima
and calamansi juice)
 Ms. Larah Camille S.
Adao (NSTP
7:10 - 7:15 am Prayer instructor)
7:15- 7:30 am Energizer
 Mrs. Lyca Recto
7:30 - 8:00 am Books and posters (Invited Speaker)

Republic of the Philippines
Batangas State University – JPLPC Malvar Campus
Barangay Poblacion Malvar, Batangas

 Ongoing discussion
about food.

8:00 - 8:30 am Break

 Spaghetti
 Carioka
 Calamnsi Juice

8:30 - 9:00 am Quiz bee

 Groupings

9:00 - 9:30 am Tossed Salad

 Children will learn about

eating vegetables as part
of a healthy diet.

9:30 - 9:50 am Evaluation of the activity in the

whole day.

9:50 - 10:00 am Cleaning and Packing the things

used for the activity.

 Used in cooking
 Books and posters

 YOUTH (7 years old

March 12, 2021 7:00 – 7:10 am Preparing things and materials to 20 years old)
that may be used for the activity.
 Clarissa A. Fababair
 Paper plate
 Balloon  Barangay Council of
 Food such as (sofas, Sitio Riverside
bread roll and orange Calima
 Ms. Larah Camille S.
Adao (NSTP
7:10 - 7:15 am Prayer

7:15 - 7: 30 am Pop – It Balloon Game  Mrs. Lyca Recto

(Invited Speaker)
 Scramble of words and
put them in a balloon

 Guessing if its healthy or


7:30 - 8: 00 am The plate games

 Make a “my plate”

 My plate message
 My plate hopstoch

Republic of the Philippines
Batangas State University – JPLPC Malvar Campus
Barangay Poblacion Malvar, Batangas

8:00 - 8:30 am Ice Breaker

 Pinoy Henyo with a twist

8: 30 - 9:00 Break

 Sopas
 Bread roll
 Orange juice

9:00 - 9:40 am Letter of the week

 Discussion of the
previous activity

9:40 - 10:00 am Cleaning and Packing the

materials used in the activity.

 Venue
 Leftover plates and

 YOUTH (7 years old

March 19, 2021 7:00 - 7:10 am Preparing all the materials/ to 20 years old)
props will be used for the
activities.  Clarissa A. Fababair
 Paper  Barangay Council of
 Basket or bowl Sitio Riverside
 Pen, marker or chalk Calima

 Ms. Larah Camille S.

Adao (NSTP
7:10 - 7:15 am Prayer

7:15 - 7:30 am Energizer  Mrs. Lyca Recto

(Invited Speaker)
7:30 - 8: 00 am Physical Activity Charades

 Children be aware of the

amount of physical
activity they need every

8:00 - 8:30 am Break

 Camote cue
 Malungay bread
 Pineapple Juice

8:30 - 9:00 am Brilliant Mindset Activity

 Word games
 Spelling activity

Republic of the Philippines
Batangas State University – JPLPC Malvar Campus
Barangay Poblacion Malvar, Batangas

 Trivia pursuit

9:00 - 9:20 am Fight BAC! Food Safety Trivia


 Children will learn

general food safety
guidelines through a trivia

9:20 - 9:45 am Role play of the members

 About benefits that will

gain in doing balanced
diet, it may help to build
personal behavior of the

9:45 - 10:00 am Packing and cleaning the

materials that are used in the

 Venue
 Leftover plastics, papers
and etc.
 YOUTH (7 years old
March 26, 2021 7:00 - 7: 10 am Prayer to 20 years old)
7:10 - 7:15 am Preparing all the things may use  Clarissa A. Fababair
for the activities.
 Barangay Council of
 Bingo
Sitio Riverside
 Books Calima
 Food (lumpiang gulay,
bread and water)  Ms. Larah Camille S.
Adao (NSTP
7: 15 - 8: 00 am Bingo

 Children will learn about  Mrs. Lyca Recto

new foods and healthy (Invited Speaker)
eating choices.

8:00 - 8:30 am Reading Stories

 About nutritious food

 Books may give children
lot of knowledge.

8:30 - 9:00 am Break

 Buchi- Buchi
 Spaghetti
 Mango juice

9:00 - 9:40 am Quiz bee and Pinoy Henyo

 Groupings ( 1-5)

Republic of the Philippines
Batangas State University – JPLPC Malvar Campus
Barangay Poblacion Malvar, Batangas

9:40 - 10:00 am Packing and cleaning of the

materials that have been used in

 YOUTH (7 years old

April 2, 2021 7:00 - 7:10 am Prayer to 20 years old)

 Clarissa A. Fababair
7:10 - 7:20 am Preparation of the materials for
the activity.  Barangay Council of
Sitio Riverside
 Potato Calima
 Box
 Scissors  Ms. Larah Camille S.
 Glue Adao (NSTP
 Bag instructor)

7:20 - 8:00 am Food syllables game  Mrs. Lyca Recto

(Invited Speaker)
 Children clap and count
out the syllables then
 place the card in the
matching bag

8:00 - 8:30 am Break

 Pancit
 French Fries
 Calamansi Juice

8:30 - 8:50 am Discussion about food pyramid

 Represent of the optimal

number of servings to be
eaten each day from
each of the basic food

8:50- 9:20 am Experiment

 Salty Potato
 Traffic light fruit kebabs

9:20 - 9:45 am Ice Breaker

 What you learn about the


9:45 - 10:00 am Cleaning the materials that are

used in the activity.

 Used potatoes, box and

 YOUTH (7 years old
April 9, 2021 7:00 - 7:05 am Prayer

Republic of the Philippines
Batangas State University – JPLPC Malvar Campus
Barangay Poblacion Malvar, Batangas

to 20 years old)
7:05 - 7:15 am Preparation of the materials and
speaker committee of the  Clarissa A. Fababair
 Barangay Council of
 Certificates Sitio Riverside
 Prizes Calima

 Ms. Larah Camille S.

7:15 - 7:40 am Actual Activity Adao (NSTP
 What you learn for the 10
days of activity?
 Mrs. Lyca Recto
(Invited Speaker)
 What you learn from this

7:40 - 8:20 am Break time

 Boodle Fight
 Preparing prizes and

8:20 - 9:00 am The Guest speaker will be

speak out the thanksgiving
ceremony for the 12 days
community service;

 Pangulo of the barangay

 Committee of the
barangay(1 or 2

9:00 - 9:40 am Awarding of the children who

actively participate in the

9:40 - 10:00 am Packing and Closing Remarks.

Thanksgiving for the
participation of the 12 days
activity in the barangay.
Table 1: The table shows the plan of action of the project.

XIV. Financial Plan, Cost of the Project and Proposed Expenditures

The table below shows the items/ materials/expenses that will be used in the
ten (10) - day’s community service program, the quantity, the unit cost of an
item, and the total cost.

Items or material Quantity Cost ( each) Total cost

Materials Paper Bags 15 pcs P 4.00 P 60.00
Scissors 15 pcs P 8.00 P 120.00
Crayons 15 pcs P 10.00 P 150.00

Republic of the Philippines
Batangas State University – JPLPC Malvar Campus
Barangay Poblacion Malvar, Batangas

Sharpener 7 pcs P 6:00 P 42.00

Glue 10 pcs P 12:00 P 120.00
Pencils 20 pcs P 7.00 P 140.00
Garbage Bags 50 pcs P 5.00 P 250.00
Paper Plates 15 pcs P 5.00 P 75.00
Plastic Cups 30 pcs P 3.00 P 90.00
Water Colors 20 pcs P 15.00 P 300.00
Disposable fork 25 pcs P 5.00 P 125.00
Disposable Spoon 25 pcs P 5.00 P 125.00
Disposable plates 25 pcs P 8.00 P 200.00
Tissues 2 packs P 30.00 P 60.00
Bond papers 50 pcs P 1.00 P 50.00
Total Cost :
P 1,907.00

Foods Spaghetti (all ingredients are 3 sets P 980.00 P 2,940.00

and included)
Beverage Sopas (all ingredients are 2 kilos P 500.00 P 1,000.00
Pancit (all ingredients are 3 sets P 700.00 P 2,100.00
Gallon of mineral water 5 pcs P 100.00 P 500.00
Tasty Bread 5 pcs P 36.00 P 180.00
All purpose floor 5 kilo P 30.00 P 150.00
Egg 5 pcs P 8.00 P 40.00
Sugar 4 kilos P 40.00 P 160.00
Cheese 2 pcs P 55.00 P110.00
Oil 5 bottles P 18.00 P 90.00
Star margarine 10 pcs P 12.00 P 120.00
Coconut milk Free
Hotdog 5 pack P 20.00 P 100.00
French Fries 3 kilos P 100.00 P 300.00
Tang juice (with flavor of 15 pcs P 12.00 P 180.00
Calamansi, Pineapple ,
Orange and Manggo)
Malungay Free
Cassava Free
Banana Free
Singapore Free
Camote Free
Total Cost:
P 7,970.00

Total :
P 9,877.00
Table 2: The table shows the materials and expenses of the project

The total cost of the project that will be spent for the ten (10) – days
community service program for the material/s expenses will be one thousand
,nine hundred seven pesos(Php 1,907.00), for the food/s will be seven
thousand ,nine hundred seventy pesos (Php 7,970.00). The overall total cost
of material/s and food, is nine thousand eight hundred seventy-seven pesos
(Php 9,877.00).

Republic of the Philippines
Batangas State University – JPLPC Malvar Campus
Barangay Poblacion Malvar, Batangas

XV. Monitoring and evaluation Mechanics of the Project

Monitoring of the Increasing Knowledge about the Importance of

Balanced Diet for Children" will be continuous implementation review function
to provide the main purpose of the project, with early indications of progress or
lack thereof in the achievement of objectives and output. The monitoring for
each proponent is based on their attendance every Friday. The
attendance will start on February 05, 2021 to April 09, 2021. Another
monitoring mechanics is that the proponents are group in to two for the
daily documentation on community service program that will be complied
for the narrative report.
The evaluation will provide analytical and objective feedback to the
participants and beneficiaries on the efficiency,effectiveness and relevance of the
Increasing Knowledge about the Importance of Balanced Diet for Children in
achieving the overall objective in healtiness and proper diet of children in Calima
pola. Self-evaluation will be the main tool for reviewing in a systematic and
regular manner progress on program implementation as well as agreeing on
reorientation of activities in alignment with the objectives of the knowledge about
the importance of balance diet for children. It will be a process of continuous
improvement and will take place during programme implementation and a
completion. Independent evaluation will be the main tool assessing in an
objective manners of conducting project . This evaluation will take place either
during the plan implementation or either completion in considering a time period
sufficients to observe development impact . Evaluation will have to be undertaken
at the planning and should asses achievements in the conduct project.

XVI. Plans to Ensure the Sustainability of the Project

In order to ensure and maintain the sustainability of the project, the

group decided to donate the following necessities and materials to
Barangay Calima Pola ,Oriental Mindoro.
 Labeled Trash bin and Garbage Bags and School Supplies – to the
children who participate in ten (10) days community service program
 Municipal Bayanihan Group is the group who decided to continue to
maintain the healthy lifestyle of the participant in barangay calima. That
even after the community project is over ,they will continue to help for the
well- being of children who need attention and help to get healthy.
 Some assigned facilators could not participate because of Because they do a
lot, they can't be included in the project. That's why we find another facilator
that free for conducting project.
 Beneficiaries are not available because there is so much to do and they don't
have time for it . So some of the participant will schedule the program at
another day so that the beneficiaries can attend in their free time

Prepared by:

Republic of the Philippines
Batangas State University – JPLPC Malvar Campus
Barangay Poblacion Malvar, Batangas

Republic of the Philippines
Batangas State University – JPLPC Malvar Campus
Barangay Poblacion Malvar, Batangas

Republic of the Philippines
Batangas State University – JPLPC Malvar Campus
Barangay Poblacion Malvar, Batangas


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