Countries With Legal Incest
Countries With Legal Incest
Countries With Legal Incest
: States : Federal district : Territories :
Jurisdiction Prohibited relationships[3] Prohibited acts[3] Penalties
Either legitimately or illegitimately:
whole or half-blood; or
his uncle, aunt, nephew, or
niece of the whole blood.[10]
Arizona Persons with degrees Marriage, intercourse A class 4 felony,
of consanguinity which makes (cited in state law [13]
with an
marriage incestuous and void.[13] The as fornication), imprisonment
se are: or adultery[13] term ranging
between 1 and 3
between parents and and three-
children, including grandparents quarter years,
and grandchildren of every depending on
degree the severity.[15]
between brothers and
sisters of the one-half as well as
the whole blood, and
between uncles and nieces,
aunts and nephews and
between first cousins
o Exception: first
cousins may marry
if both are 65 years of age
or older, and can prove to a
superior court judge in the
state that one of the cousins
is unable to reproduce.[14]
The person committing the act being
at least 16 years of age, knowingly,
and without regard to legitimacy,
including blood relationships: A Class C
felony[16] punisha
An ancestor or a ble by
Marriage, sexual
descendant; imprisonment
intercourse, or deviate
Arkansas A stepchild or adopted child; from 3 to 10
sexual activity with a
years for the first
A brother or sister of the prohibited person.[16]
offense[17] and a
whole or half blood;
fine of up to
An uncle, aunt, nephew, or $10,000.[18]
niece; or
A stepgrandchild or
adopted grandchild.[16]
in the state
Being 14 years of age or older α, prison"[19] (specifi
persons within degrees of c penalty not
consanguinity which make described by
marriages incestuous and void, state law)
without regard to the legitimacy of Registration as a
the relationship. These are: Marriage, sexual sex offender (for
intercourse (cited in state life until January
California Parents and children law as fornication) or 1, 2021;[21] at
Ancestors and descendants adultery[19] least 20 years
of every degree from date of
Siblings of the half or whole conviction [if
blood only serving
Uncles or aunts & nieces or probation] or
nephews[20] date of release
as of January 1,