Unit: Cybersecurity Fundamentals (Cit 4206) : Question One
Unit: Cybersecurity Fundamentals (Cit 4206) : Question One
Unit: Cybersecurity Fundamentals (Cit 4206) : Question One
Question one.
a) Explain the following terms. (6 marks)
i. Cybersecurity
This is the protection of information assets by addressing threats to the
information processed, stored and transported by internetworked information
systems (called cyberspace)
ii. Cyberspace
It is an interactive domain made up of digital networks that is used to store,
modify and communicate information. It includes the internet but also the other
information systems that support our companies, infrastructure and services.
iii. Cybercriminal
These are black hat hackers who are either self-employed or working for large
cybercrime organization. Each year, cyber criminals are responsible for stealing
billions of dollars from consumers and businesses.
iv. Cyberbullying
Acts in cyberspace intended to make life unpleasant for another person
v. Cyberattack
This is an assault launched by cybercriminals using one or more computers
against a single or multiple computers or networks. It can maliciously disable
computers, steal data or use a breached computer as a launch point for other
vi. Chief information security officer
A high-level management position responsible for the entire information security
division/staff. The position may include hands-on technical work.
c) State any three differences and any two similarities between information
security and cybersecurity (10 marks)
Information security cybersecurity
-Protects electronic and physical -Protects electronic data only.
-Protects against a more defined -Protects against a more extensive threat – all of
threat Cyberspace
-Protects against more channels – -Protects against one area – cyberspace
goes beyond cyberspace
-Both are essential in protecting the information in your company.
-Both security systems should be incorporated into your organization to ensure that all
channels being used are secure and protected against any threat, corruption or misuse.
d) Explain the difference the following terms;
i. Physical security and personnel security
Personnel security is a security discipline that assesses the loyalty, reliability, and
trustworthiness of individuals for initial and continued eligibility for access to
classified information whereas physical security describes security measures that
are designed to deny unauthorized access to facilities, equipment and resources
and to protect personnel and property from damage or harm (such
as espionage, theft, or terrorist attacks).
ii. White Hat hacker and Black Hat hacker
White hat hackers are ethical hackers who use their programming skills for good,
ethical and legal purposes while Black hat hackers are unethical criminals who
violate computer and network security for personal gain, or for malicious reasons,
such as attacking networks.
iii. Script kiddies and state-sponsored hacker (6 marks)
Script kiddies refers to teenagers or inexperienced hackers running existing
scripts, tools, and exploits that could cause harm whereas state-sponsored hackers
are depending on a person's perspective, these are either white hat or black hat
hackers who steal government secrets, gather intelligence, and sabotage networks.
e) Thwarting the cybercriminals is a difficult task and there is no such thing as a
“silver bullet” However, company, government and international
organizations have begun to take coordinated actions to limit or fend off
cyber criminals. Briefly, explain any three countermeasures for thwarting
cyber criminals (4 marks)
Sharing cyber intelligence information. Business, government agencies and
countries now collaborate to share critical information about serious attacks to
critical targets in order to prevent similar attacks in other places. Many
countries have established cyber intelligence agencies to collaborate worldwide
in combating major cyberattacks.
Creating comprehensive databases of known system vulnerabilities and attack
signatures (a unique arrangement of information used to identify an attacker’s
attempt to exploit a known vulnerability). Organizations share these databases
worldwide to help prepare for and fend off many common attacks.
Establishing early warning sensors and alert networks. Due to cost and the
impossibility of monitoring every network, organizations monitor high-value
targets or create imposters that look like high-value targets. Because these high
value targets are more likely to experience attacks, they warn others of potential
Question two
Authentication and non-repudiation are tools that system designers can use to
maintain system security with respect to confidentiality, integrity and
availability. Understanding each of these five concepts and how they relate to
one another helps security professionals design and implement secure
systems. Each component is critical to overall security, with the failure of any
one component resulting in potential system compromise.
a) Explain the term “confidentiality”, hence distinguish between “data
confidentiality” and “privacy” (4 marks)
Confidentiality –is the assurance that information is not disclosed to unauthorized
individuals, processes or devices.
Data confidentiality assures that private or confidential information is not made
available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals while Privacy assures that
individuals control or influence what information related to them may be collected
and stored and by whom and to whom that information may be disclosed.