Week 1 Act 2
Week 1 Act 2
Week 1 Act 2
Name:_______________________________ Score:_____________
Year & Section: Day & Date Accomplished_____________
Subject:_ TLE 10_______________________ Parent/Guardian Signature:_______________
Activity Title: Nutritional Value of Vegetables (Choose Me!)
Learning Targets: Identify the Nutritional Value of Vegetables
Reference Title: Johnson, J.M., E.A. Davis, and J. Gordon. 1990. Interactions of starch and
sugar water measured by electron spin resonance and differential scanning
calorimetry. Cereal Chemistry 67(3): 286-291. Cookery_g10_learning_module
Author: Johnson, J.M., E.A. Davis, and J. Gordon. 1990. Page No: 92-94
Main Idea:
Vegetables are good sources of food nutrients that are very important in everyday meals.
Vitamin A keeps eyes and skin healthy and helps to protect against infections. Green leafy vegetables are sources of vitamin A.
Example: alugbati ,ampalaya leaves, kalabasa leaves,malunggay ,petchay, sili leaves.
Vitamin C helps heal cuts and wounds, and keeps teeth and gums healthy. Vitamin C aids in iron absorption.
Examples: cabbage – type vegetables, bell peppers, lettuce, potatoes, dark green and yellow
Vitamin B – complex - Beans and leafy greens.
Examples: ampalaya tops, kulitis, pepper leaves, saluyot, dried beans
Folate(folic acid)- helps the body form red blood cells and also good for pregnant women.
Carbohydrates- rich vegetables – seeds, roots, tubers
Protein-rich vegetables –legumes, peas, beans
Fat-rich vegetables – nuts, olives, avocado
High moisture content – mushroom, tomatoes, radish, green leafy vegetables
Directions: Read and analyze the following questions carefully. Encircle the letter of your answer.
1. Which of the following vegetables is rich in carbohydrates?
A. legumes, peas, and beans C. Mushroom, tomatoes, and radish
B. Nuts, olives, and avocado D. Seeds, roots, and tubers
2. What is the flavor component of vegetables which gives strong flavor and odor to some vegetables like onions, leeks, garlic, chives,
cabbage, and broccoli?
A. Flavonoids C. Sugar
B. Glutamic acid D. Sulfur compounds
3. Which tool is used to drain excess water after washing vegetables?
A. Bowls C. Steamer
B. Colander D. Utility tray
4. Mrs. Cabrillas needs more supply of Vitamin A. which of the following will she eat to give her the nutrient she needs?
A. Alugbati C. Lettuce
B. Potatoes D. Saluyot
5. What Vitamin helps heal cuts and wounds, and keeps teeth and gums healthy ?
A. Vitamin A C. Vitamin C
B. Vitamin B complex D. Vitamin D
6. Vegetables are good sources of _____which helps the body form red blood cells and also good for pregnant women.
A.Vitamin A C. Folate(folic acid)
B. Vitamin B – complex D. Carbohydrates
7. A fat soluble compound responsible for the green color of plants.
A. Carotenoids C. Flavonoids
B. Chlorophyll D. lycopene,
8. The natural sugar that provides the sweetness in vegetables.
A. Carotenoids C. Flavonoids
B. Fructose D. Glutamic Acid
9. The yellow, orange to red soluble pigments found in plants.
A. Carotenoids C. Flavonoids
B. Fructose D. Glutamic Acid
10. What vitamins keep eyes and skin healthy and help to protect against infections?
A. Vitamin A C. Folate(folic acid)
B. Vitamin B – complex D. Carbohydrate