Gerard Shore - Epic Level Handbook v1.0
Gerard Shore - Epic Level Handbook v1.0
Gerard Shore - Epic Level Handbook v1.0
EI-‘IE E'n::n::E:|2_E:a........................................... ..
EPIC WAELDEE........... .. L L L I L L I I L L L I L L L I L L L I L L L I L L L I L L L lulu
I ungenns and Llragnns is a gante nl intaginatinn EP1n LEVEL-'3 EEPLsIt~tEn
-. - - '1 -
-*'- and creativity. hrt|1te.tiines snme cl the mere
. ambitinus character cnncepts can he stifled by a linr every Li-t'l.l]tlfl tt|'t abnve Li55,l'Jl'l{'l, the player can chnnse
| system that is mnre cnncerned witl1 nne cf the lnllnwing nptinns
'-. t
| verisimilitude than embracing tl1e limits cf the i .-"'|.n lipic lzlnnn, as per the IJMU page 231
ii . I".
- .
character's lnl'ty gnals- Einmetimes a game will
merely drift th rnnglt the mntinns hefnre * A new lieat,-'.|'tFi-l. per the F'lll:."- page 1-[:5 althnugh at epic
cnllapsing under the weight cf mnnntnny. levels the player is nn lnnger restricted in hnw many times a
Snntetimes ynur characters prngress tn their natural limits feat can be talien- The same ability can nnt stack with itself.
and with nnwhere left tn gn. yen are lcrced tn begin anew. but a lieat can be chnsen multiple times if it pr-nvides a
If any nl’ the abnve nccnrrences have been an issue fnr ynn, unin_ue benefit with each iteratinn- Fcr esample it1 epic level
ycu are cnncerned abnut their impact in the future, nr ynu play, the lhlesilient Heat cnuld be tal-ten multiple times if its
sin1ply just wish tn esperience a truly grand-scale adventure. h-nnuses were assigned tn different abilitiea
tl1e|1 this s|1ppleme|1t is what is |ei'|nired tn inject a littie
epicness intn ynur favnrite past tinte. Ifllptinitally, in epic level play, the ability scnre limit cl Ell can
estended tn Bil, nr remnved altngetlter.
EPIC LEVEL PLAY * (lain a level in a class that is belcw level Ell lt-lulticlassing
heynnd level Ell dnes |1ct extend nne's prnficiency bnnus, spell
i"'werage adventurers vary in scale frnn1 the barely prnlicient slnts, nr I-lit Uice beynnd what any given character cnuld
tn the trniy super-hernic hernes cf legend. hnwever nrdinarily acltieve when limited tn 21] levels- Hnwever
snntetimes they can ascend far beynnd the limits that previnusly attained level rewar-ds can he. replaced by mcre
ttt't1"ttt;-Itlly restrict the n1n|'tal fnrm and gain ennugh strength pnwerful nptinns i1t epic level play. I-in-r example. althn-ugh a
tn truly rival the. {'1-nds. This suppleme|1t prnvides varinus character with nn class abnve level Efl is limited tn Ell hit
nptinns fnr a level ill] character tn prngress. with results that dice, a character that began his adventuring career as a
can range frnnt simply giving ynur level El] character a few WiEai'd and eventually raised bnth it and lzlarbarian tn level
mere nptinns available tn them witltnut a serinns inc.rease in El] cnuld replace all nf his lnwer 't'v'i1and Hit Uice with the
pnwer, tn increasing their abilities lar beynnd anything superinr lzlarbarian nptinns. 'l'hat Wi-l:arrl,"Harbarian wnuld
fnrme rly even remntely pnssible in 5-e. have LEt'lLllL3l llit l_lice-
Llnless ynu have estreme cnnlidence in ynur abilities a
UM, it is advisable that ynu restrain what ynu permit within i (lain a level in a class that is level Llfl nr abcve, but belnw
ynur campaign and just dip ynur tees intc the epic levle play levei ilfl. rlidvancentent tables l'nr epic level characters that
nn nller helnre delving intn the full array nl nptinns. have advanced beynnd level ‘i."l.'l in a single class can be lnnnd
later in the bnn-h. Llnlilie the previnus nptinn cf simply raising
multiple classes, raising a single. class beynnd Efl dnes
increase the characte1**s|1c.y h-nnus a.nd hit dice,
althnngh spell slnts dn nnt increase beynnd that cf a level ill]
caster, witltnnt the influence nf an epic level ability.
'l'his final nptinn is the nne that truly blends the line between
ntnrtality and divinity. With that in mind it alsn brings the
mnst destr-uctive pntential tn ynur campaign- ll used at all it
is advisable. tn find a stnry-based reascn fnr the character's
ascensinn and perhaps ltave the character perlnrm snme
incredible deed nr partake in a quest tn earn their right tn
ascend beynnd mnrtal limits
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THE Er-*|c Elsaastttstv
Level Prcificiertcy Ennus Features Rage Darrt age
list +F' Faster lv'ln'-rerriertt [+.'-1'11"], Epic Bc:-crt +5
12nd +1" E-rl-ital Eriticai I14 El‘ce} -=-'i
23rd +? Epic Enen +5
14th -t
-I" .-' Eiattlebc-rri +5
25th +-El Epic Racial Ability, Epic Been +3’
25th +5 Earbaric Freeclc:-ct +5’
if-'tl'| +5 Epic Been +3
I-ifith +5 Eirl-ital Eriticai I15 Dice}
Egth +'§' Elirtdsight, Epic E‘-cnnrt +9
E-E'tl‘| +9 Ft-triple: Hetributicri, Death E-ave Fidvantage --l C-
Starting at level IE4, any time ynu hit an eppnnent, they ntust
rnll a iitrength saving threw higher than ynur iitrength scere,
nr be ltnncl-ted prnne-
B.-ti-Easatc FaEEnpst
At level iii, all Barbarian abilities that previnus did net
f1-tnctinn while wearing Heavy l"u'mer new dn sn. Wltile
wearing Heavy .-'t.rmnr, the Harbaiian may add his
Censtitutinn mn-dilier tn his AC. hlecldess Attacl-i nn lenger
gives enemies attacl-ting the lzlarbatian -'trlva-ntage, unless he.
cheeses te-
I’ ' "4
‘ THE EP|c Base
Level Preficiency Eenus Features Caritrips llnnvvn Spells lllriewn Bardic lnspiratien
list +? E-ardic Initiative, Epic E-eert i- l 1
Bled +? l€r=e'e-ledge lteeper 4 l 2
23rd +? Epic Eden
24th +? Ernpsthic Learning
25th +5 Epic Racial Ability, Epic Eden
15th +3 inspired Hest
2?th +5 Epic Eec:-ri
15th +5 ‘ill-‘ell Placed .-'!'.r'|ger
Efith +9 lvlirnicry, Epic Been
ifith +9 iv"-ecalbc:-rn,lIIeatl1 Save Fidvantage c -i -nvent- rs. '1 ‘-' "I 1 -I 1"-'ItJ'— ' -l= -l' -= l -= t -'>
* Llivine Strilie: This ability is 1te lenger limited te a single
Evie Been use per turn, and can be used e1t the turns ef ethers-
A.t Iilst level and every edd level thereafter, yeu gain the. ‘ l-‘etent Spellcasting: The damage. increase new applies tn
benefits ef ene I:-Ipic l:le-en- Alternatively, yeu can instead gain spells ef every level and will increase the anteunt ef healing
the benefits ef a Feat er an Ability Scere lntpreventent (As dene by yeur Wisdent mediiier when used in cenjunctien
per the class ability gained at level 4). with a ltealing spelt When used with any ether spell, yeu may
cheese. te give the targets ' Hit I-‘einL-t equal te yeur
E]'l.'.'I‘]'-A A'tT-aes- Wisdem Med fer a reund_
Beginning at filst level, yeu can attach. twice, instead ef e1tce, It~tTEnatR'v SR-Rt-L
wltenever yeu talte the Attaclr. actien en yeur turn-
At level LE9 All variable, numeric effects ef an intensified spell
are ntasimiaed, then deubled An intensified spell deals twice
Eete SRELL G-tRaerrvl1~teREsaE maximum dantage, cures twice the ntasintum number ef hit
At level E2, yeu gain a single level ll] spell slet- At level Eb yeu peints, affects twice the ntasimunt nuntber ef targets, and se
gain a secend e-vtra spell slet, this ene ef level l l- ferth, as apprepriate- Saving thr-ews and eppesed rells are
net affected An intensified spell uses up all spell slets ef the.
D1vt1~tE AvsTaR spell's actual level, but a minimum ef three.
Starting at level 24, yeu can use an actien te enter a state that
fully entbedies the divine fnrtt1- ‘Wltile in this state, yeu can D1vt1~tEReR1~t
cast any spell yeu ltave access te whether prepared -er net As yeu ltave heceme mere divine, yeu yeurself can new
and witlteut espending the used spell slet- ‘reu can enter this perfernt divine interventiens en behalf ef yeur deity er en
state at will and fer a-tt indefinite a-meunt ef time but it behalf ef yeurself. D-nce every leng rest yeu may rewind a
requires Iflencentratien te ntaintain and when yeu return te whele reund, back te the beginning ef yeur last turn. Dnly
yeur nerntal state, yeu ntust ntsll-te a I-lifl El] If-iettstitutiett save yeu, deities and ether clerics ef equal level will lutew, that
fer every re-und yeu spent as a Divine Avatar. lzivery failed yeur turned bacl-i time unless yeu chnse te tell etlters- If yeu
save instantly gives yeu ene level ef e.-thaustien, mal-ting den‘t tell thent, they are beund te fellew the same. reutine as
pr-nlenged use ef this ability enlretttely dangereus- last time-
Additienally, ethers might new call upen yeu fer divine
Eetct RADIAL -A-Rt1.rt"r interventiens- This might include lewer level adventurers,
centnteners er nebles, whe ltave heard ef yeur divinity and
At level L15 yeu have ntastered yeur natural racial abilities a-1td
regard yeu a direct estensien ef yeur deity, er perhaps even a
gain an additienal racial benefit as described en page 19 ef
werthy centender fer said deity's place within the pantheen-
this handbeelt
When sentebedy calls upen yeu, y-nu may cltese te ignere
them, er rell a dflfl — if yeu rell l-lfl their pleas ge
Snannttve MeR'r-a-1. Ltattra unanswered, if yeu rell ll-I ti yeu help tltem slightly, if yeu
At level 15, yeu begin te shed the lintitatiens impesed en yeur rell IT-l 9 yeu help them neticeably and if yeu rell I-til yeu
nterlal bedy vvil-I1 the fellewing effects- help thent greatly. While receiving a call fer help, yeu are
unable te de anything else fer l minute, as yeu are in deep
cencentratien, and see threngh the eyes ef the persen calling
upen yeu-
Helping |]-t'-:t'J|'tle vvlttt call up-t".|tt _y-tttt, l'tttl:1;it'-tr:-i liltt-:it' belief itt
yet-tt' clivittiiy, giving yt'ttt back tt:-ted spell slets- ilelping slightly
lets gives yeu lJv1t':l-L E :-spell slet between 1:-it :-1tt.t'l ft-ll! level {rell
ltitil, helping neticeably gives yen back a spell slnt between
Tllt ;-1t1t'l "9111 lt=:t-'t=:l {rell 11-‘llil, helping g't't-':+1l]y gives yttu l't£tt':[-t altty
spell slet yeu cltense- "fee I-ltvl decides when ethers call upen
lJ'.ivitte lttit=:t'vet1iit'ttt lrtntl yt'ttt-
I’ it
" THE Eetc DRu|e
Level Prnficiency Ennus Features Eantrips lfinnvrn
list +1" Menstrnus Wild Shape, Epic Been 4
llnd +? Druidic l-fersatility 4
llrd +? Epic Been
lath +T" ltlatl-tre's F'e|'seve|'e ece
lith +5 Epic Racial Ability, Epic Been -h- l=- l¢=-
lfith +5 lntersify Spell
llth +5 Epic Eden
l5th +5 Spell Stewa"-.vay
l9th +9 Wild Shape Pusher, Epic El-den
i-Dth +9 lt-latureberr-. Death Save A-dvanta_g;e '|_r'|_It'_I-t'|_It'|_I
t t
At level lti, yeu gain the benefits ef either the Hunter nr
Beastma-ster Ranger Archetype. ‘reu can net cheese an
Archetype that yeu already pessess-
HnRtndEN1EEn Ne l'v1eRE
At level lii, yeu can cheese nne ef the fnllnwing abilities-
I ‘ft
TH E Er-*|c Rncu E
Level Prnficiency Benus Features Snealt Attacl-:
list +1" Snealty 'Dppc:-rtunity, Epic Benn 1 iDlS
llfid +5 Superinr initiative 1 iI1E-
l-ird +1" Epic Benn
l4trt +? Epic Reputatic:-n
l5th +5 Epic Racial Ability, Epic linen 1
l-E-tn +5 Trap Sense
l1"th +5 Epic Enc-n
l5th +5 Advartage-nus Dndge 1
l9th +9 Tricks nfthe Trade, Epic Elnnn
-ililltit +9 Shadnvrbnrn. Death Save Acvar-tage 1 b-hlUtuhbflv-fi-h l_JL Ul_J L_J'. l_-I UtflhtfiUtflhtfiewes
AnvANTAdEntIs Denna
At level l5. yeu have learned te net nnly aveid incnntittg
blnws and prejectiles, but te use them against yeur enemies.
When an enemy misses yeu with an attack, yeu -ran use yeur
reactinn te ferce the dndged attack tn hit anetlter enemy
witltin S ft. ef yeu {if any).
Starting at level 31], the estra dantage dice rnlled due te
landittg a critiral hit a-re set te their f't‘t.Et-ttift1t.t1‘t1 value.
Starting at level l4, yeu can apply as many lvletamagic effects
as desired tn any spell l1t additinn, Tvvimted Spell can effect
spells that target mere than ene creature, and lixtended Spell
multiplies all affected spell duratiens by ll with ne
ntaxintum limit-
At level lti, whenever a friendly raster casts a spell, yeu can Starting at level 311, all ef yeur Metamagic abilities are‘
spend the usual antnunt ef Sercery I-‘eints te have yeur deubled in effectivene-ss if it is pessibfe tn de se and have
it-letamagic ability effect and ntnrlify the. spell being cast- their Sercery l-‘eint cests reduced by 1, te a minimum ef [1
‘It J‘
At level lli, any lnvccatiens that medify yeur Eldritch Blast er
Beginning at level l4, when yeu are attacked yeu can use I-‘act Weapen new effect beth yeur Eldritch Hlast, Fact
yeur Reactinn te ca-st any spell with a casting time ef i Actiett
Weapen and Spells if pessibfe. Thirsting Blade gives all
nr Benus Actien- The spell is cast prier te receiving the
Cantrips art extra level-based damage increase (Ctr twe
effects cf the trlggerittg attack. when,|'if Entpnwered via Entpewere Eldritclt lnvn-catienjl and
lieu can use this feature a nuntber ef tintes equal te yeur increases the level nf the spell slet used fer a Spell {Cir twn
Charisma medifier fa ntinimunt nf nnce). ‘1"nu regain all
wl‘te1‘t,|'if l:Impnwered via Entpcwere Eldritch Invnratienjt
expended use-s when yeu finish a sltert nr leng rest-
At level lti, all Barbarian abilities that previnus did net
functien while wearing Heavy Armer new dn sn- While
wearing Heavy Arntnr, the Harbarian may add his
C-mtstitutien ntndilier te his AC. Reckless Attack ne lenger
gives enenties attacking the Barbarian Ad vantage, unless he
cheeses te-
At level lii, yeu can cheese a secend Arcane Traditinn and
gain all ef its abilities-
Starting at level 3|-l, nnce per leng rest yeu may regain all
spell slets cf i"th level and lnwec