Ta: Padraic Bartlett: My Website
Ta: Padraic Bartlett: My Website
Ta: Padraic Bartlett: My Website
2. Random Questions
So: notice that if you glue together the sides of a square as depicted below, you
get a doughnut (i.e. a torus).
Question 2.1. Can you come up with a way to glue together a hexagon to get a
torus? How about a way to glue together a octagon to get a 2-hole torus (i.e. a
torus with two holes?) What other shapes can you make?
3. Level Curves
So, the idea behind level curves is pretty simple: given a function f (x, y), we can
come up with a 3-dimensional graph for f by drawing the curves C(a) = {(x, y) :
f (x, y) = a}, and putting those curves on the plane z = a in the xyz-plane. If
you’ve ever seen an elevation map or topographical map for a mountain range,
this is exactly what we’re doing, (except our functions here are not necessarily
representing mountain ranges. but you get the idea.)
We work one explicit example here to give the idea of how these things go:
Example 3.1. Draw the level curves of the function
f (x, y) = 16 − x2 − y 2
√ √ √
at the values 0, 5, 12, 15, 4. What shape is this?
So: for f (x, y) = 0, this is going to just be the graph of the curve
0 = 16 − x2 − y 2 ;
16 = x2 + y2,
√ √ √
the circle of radius 4. Similarly, the level curves corresponding to 5, 12, 15, 4
will correspond to circles of radius 3, 2, and 0; graphing then gives us that the
shape in question is
4. Limits - Definitions
So: back in first quarter, we had two equivalent definitions for what it meant
for a single-variable function f : R → R to have a limit L at a point a. We review
both of them below, briefly.
Definition 4.1. (epsilon-delta definition:) We say that
lim f (x) = L
if and only if
(∀ > 0), (∃δ > 0) s.t. (∀x s.t. |x − a| < δ), (|f (x) − L| < ).
One way to understand this definition (kinda) is to imagine a two-player game,
with play that goes through three rounds as follows:
• Player 1 names some constant, .
• Player 2, having heard player 1’s constant, then responds with a second
number δ.
• Player 1 then responds with any point x that’s within distance δ of a.
We say that Player 2 wins if f (x) is within distance from L, and Player 1 wins
In this framework of a “game,” we can then say that limx→a f (x) = L holds
if and only if Player 2 above has a strategy to win every time. (This concept of
playing games as a proof strategy is something that comes up in mathematics, and
has produced some remarkably intuitive proofs of complicated theorems.)
We also had a different (yet equivalent!) definition using the language of neigh-
borhoods, which we describe below:
Definition 4.2. (neighborhood definition) We say that
lim f (x) = L
if and only if
(∀ > 0), (∃δ > 0) s.t. (∀x̄ s.t. ||x̄ − ā|| < δ), (||f (x̄) − L̄|| < ).
Definition 4.4. Alternately, we say that
lim f (x̄) = L̄
as desired.
In general, you can do things like epsilon-delta proofs to show that limits exist;
but often more elegant proofs can be devised by simply using continuity and results
from the one-dimensional cases we already know.