Survey Questionnaire
Survey Questionnaire
Survey Questionnaire
Title: Impacts of Facebook usage to the academic performance of Grade 12 students
of College of San Benildo-Rizal amidst the online-distance-learning
1. With your first impression, what is the first thing you think about when you
hear the word Facebook? (X)
a. It is fun.
b. It is helpful.
c. It’s full of negativity.
d. Others (Please specify): __________
2. On an average daily basis, how much time do you consume while using
Facebook? (/)
a. 5 mins – 30 mins
b. 30 mins – 1 hour
c. 1 hour – 2 hours
d. 2 hours and above
6. How does your answer from no. 4 impact your academic performance?
a. It helps me find the information I need on my studies and that might help
with my grades.
b. It helps me easily communicate with my teachers and my classmates,
thus, easing my workload.
c. It gives me confidence and motivation to do my talents/works extra-
ordinarily well.
d. Others (Please specify): _________
8. How does your answer from no. 6 impact your academic performance?