ConDrive - 12-2014

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Technical Datasheets for ConDrive

Edition 12/2014/EN
Standard Version of gear unit
The part of Technical Datasheets.

Optional accessories
They are not content of conventional Technical Datashets, they will be processed for specific projects.
SEW-Eurodrive Technical Datasheets for the ConDrive

1 Sizing ..................................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Calculating the basic data ...................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Selecting gear unit size .......................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Selecting nominal motor power ............................................................................................ 4
1.4 Checking the peak load conditions........................................................................................ 4
1.5 Checking thermal rating ........................................................................................................ 4
1.6 Checking the external additional load ................................................................................... 4
2 Selection Tables ...............................................................................................................................6
3 Basic Dimensions .............................................................................................................................9
4 Adaptor Configuration ..................................................................................................................10

SEW-Eurodrive Technical Datasheets for the ConDrive


Z X 3 K S B 170 /B

Gear unit mounting:

/B= Foot

/T= Torque arm

/F= Flange

Gear unit sizes:



B= Bucket elevator drive

Type of output shaft:

S= Solid shaft

L= Splined solid shaft

A= Hollow shaft with keyway

H= Hollow shaft with shrink disk

Gear unit types

Number of gear stage

3= 3-stage

Industrial gear unit

Special design

SEW-Eurodrive Technical Datasheets for the ConDrive

1 Sizing
The gearboxes are designed for transport of material on the conveyor in underground mining conditions. Many design parameters are
simplified for the reason. In order to make right choice of size is necessary to meet all constraints in the left column and to proceed as
follows in six steps:

𝑀𝐾2 – Operating torque on the LSS [kNm].

1.1 Calculating the basic data 𝑃𝐾1 – Operating power on the HSS [kW]
𝑖 – Gear ratio 𝑖 = 1⁄𝑛2
For constant torque 𝑛1 – Speed on the HSS [RPM]
𝑛2 – Speed on the LSS [RPM]
𝑃𝐾1 . 9,55. 𝜂 𝑁𝑖 – number of cycles or time portion on torque level j
𝑴𝑲𝟐 ≥ 𝑁𝐿 – total number of cycles or time on torque level
𝑛2 L – number of torque levels
𝜂 – Efficiency
Equivalent torque with load spectrum The efficiency of gear unit is determined by churning losses, gearing and
bearing friction. The following guide value of efficiency 𝜂 ≅ 0,96 apply for splash
𝐿 lubrication and average oil sump temperature 𝜽 > 20°C .
6,6 𝑁𝑗
𝑴𝑲𝟐𝒆𝒒 = √∑ 𝑀𝐾2,𝑗 .

𝑀𝑁2 – Nominal gear unit torque on the LSS [kNm], see Table 6, Table 7 and Table 8
1.2 Selecting gear unit size 𝐹𝑜 – Operating factor, see Table 1.

For constant load For reversing load *) The reversing of load also occurs when the backstop or the service brake are
direction direction *) activated.
𝑴𝑵𝟐 ≥ 𝑀𝐾2 . 𝐹𝑜 𝑴𝑵𝟐 ≥ 𝑀𝐾2 . 𝐹𝑜 . 1,43

𝑃𝑀 – Nominal motor power [kW]

1.3 Selecting nominal motor power 𝑃𝐾2 – Operating power on the LSS [kW]
𝑃𝐾1 – Operating power on the HSS [kW]
𝑀𝐾2 . 𝑛2 𝑃𝑁1 – Nominal gear unit power on the HSS [kNm], Table 6, Table 7 and Table 8.
𝑃𝐾2 =
𝑃𝐾1 =
𝑃𝑁1 ≥ 𝑃𝐾1 . 𝐹𝑜

𝑷𝑴 ≥ 𝑃𝐾1

𝑀𝐾2𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑚 – Permitted peak torque on the LSS [kNm]

1.4 Checking the peak load conditions 𝑀𝐾2𝑚𝑎𝑥 – Peak torque on the LSS [kNm]
𝐹𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡 – Start-up factor, see Table 3
For constant load For reversing load 𝐹𝐹 – Peak load factor, see Table 2
direction direction *)
2. 𝑀𝑁2 2. 𝑀𝑁2 *) The reversing of load also occurs when the backstop or the service brake are
𝑀𝐾2𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑚 ≥ 𝑀𝐾2𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑚 ≥ . 0,7
𝐹𝐹 𝐹𝐹 activated.

𝑃𝑀 . 9,55. 𝜂
𝑀𝐾2𝑚𝑎𝑥 ≥ . 𝐹𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡

𝑴𝑲𝟐𝒎𝒂𝒙 ≤ 𝑀𝐾2𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑚

𝑃𝑇 – Thermal rating [kW]

1.5 Checking thermal rating 𝑃𝑇𝐻 – Nominal thermal rating of the gear unit [kW] for natural cooling,
see Table 6, Table 7 and Table 8.
𝑃𝑇𝐻𝑓𝑎𝑛 – Nominal thermal rating of the gear unit [kW] for fan cooling,
see Table 6, Table 7 and Table 8.
𝑃𝐾1 – Operating power on the HSS [kW].

𝐹𝑇 – Thermal rating modifying factor, see Table 4. Factor FT is a function of

Natural cooling Fan cooling temperature and Duty Rating ED. Duty Rating indicates how much time a
𝑃𝑇 = 𝑃𝑇𝐻 . 𝐹𝑇 𝑃𝑇 = 𝑃𝑇𝐻𝑓𝑎𝑛 . 𝐹𝑇 drive can be operated within a given period of time under load.
If the condition of the thermal rating is not met, additional cooling method must be
𝑷𝑻 ≥ 𝑃𝐾1
used. Contact gear unit manufacturer in this case.

𝐹𝑅 – Overhung load in radial direction, acting in the middle of LSS end, [kN]
1.6 Checking the external additional load 𝐹𝑅𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑚 – Permissible load in radial direction, [kN]. Is valid for vertical direction
from top to bottom a for condition 𝑛2 ≤ 70 [𝑚𝑖𝑛−1 ] , see Table 5
𝑭𝑹 ≤ 𝐹𝑅𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑚 For different conditions and for situation on the HSS, contact gear unit

SEW-Eurodrive Technical Datasheets for the ConDrive

Table 1 Operation Factors – Fo

Operating period per day

Type of application
<3h 3 – 10 h > 10 h
( driven machine)


Bucket elevators - 1,40 1,50

Vertical conveyors other - 1,50 1,80
Belt conveyers ≤ 100 kW 1,15 1,25 1,40
Belt conveyers > 100 kW 1,15 1,3 1,50
Screw feeders 1,15 1,25 1,50
Shackers, screens 1,55 1,75 2,00

Table 2 Peak Load Factors – FF

Frequency of peak load per hour

1-5 6 - 20 21 - 40 41 - 80 81 - 160 > 160

1,00 1,20 1,30 1,50 1,75 2,00

Table 3 Start-up Factor - FStart

Start mode 𝑭𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕

Direct Drive (Direct-on-line, depending on NEMA design) 3,0
Soft Start 1,8
Frequency Inverter (depending on ramp) 1,5 – 2,0
Star / Delta 1,3
Fluid Coupling (depending on type) 2,0
Fluid Coupling with Delay Chamber(depending on type) 1,6 - 1,8
Fluid Coupling with double Delay Chamber(depending on type) 1,3 – 1,5

Table 4 Thermal modifying factor - FT

Average ambient temperature 𝜽 [°C]

ED\ 𝜽 5 10 20 30 40 50
Intermittent Duty
Rating ED [%]

100 1,20 1,14 1,00 0,87 0,74 0,60
80 1,30 1,23 1,09 0,94 0,80 0,65
60 1,45 1,37 1,21 1,05 0,89 0,72
40 1,68 1,59 1,40 1,21 1,03 0,84
20 2,16 2,04 1,80 1,56 1,32 1,08

Table 5 Permissible radial load of FRperm

Total duration of use up to [ in Hours]

6300 12500 25000 50000
Size FRperm [kN]

ZX3K170 85 69 56 45

ZX3K190 112 91 74 60

ZX3K210 122 99 80 66

SEW-Eurodrive Technical Datasheets for the ConDrive

2 Selection Tables

Table 6 Values of MN2, PTH and PN1 for ZX3K170

ZX3K170 ZX3K170
n1=1000 min-1 PTH for 20 °C n1=1500 min-1 PTH for 20 °C
n2 MN2 PN1 PTH PTHfan n2 MN2 PN1 PTH PTHfan
iN i ex -1
iN i ex -1
min kNm kW kW kW min kNm kW kW kW
16 15,35 65 40,8 290 215 390 16 15,35 98 40,8 430 *) 460
18 17,25 58 41,3 260 215 385 18 17,25 87 41,3 390 *) 455
20 19,3 52 41,9 235 205 350 20 19,3 78 41,9 355 160 430
22,4 21,7 46 45 225 200 350 22,4 21,7 69 45 355 165 430
25 25,15 40 45 195 205 360 25 25,15 60 45 290 180 440
28 28,26 35 45 175 205 350 28 28,26 53 45 260 190 440
31,5 30,78 32 45 160 190 330 31,5 30,78 49 45 240 180 405
35,5 34,6 29 45 140 190 320 35,5 34,6 43 45 210 180 400
40 38,62 26 45 115 180 305 40 38,62 39 45 190 180 385
ZX3K170 ZX3K170
n1=1200 min-1 PTH for 20 °C n1=1800 min-1 PTH for 20 °C
n2 MN2 PN1 PTH PTHfan n2 MN2 PN1 PTH PTHfan
iN i ex iN i ex
min-1 kNm kW kW kW min-1 kNm kW kW kW
16 15,35 78 40,8 345 180 420 16 15,35 117 38,5 490 *) 470
18 17,25 70 41,3 310 190 420 18 17,25 104 39,2 445 *) 460
20 19,3 62 41,9 280 200 390 20 19,3 93 39,7 400 *) 455
22,4 21,7 55 45 270 200 390 22,4 21,7 83 42,7 385 *) 455
25 25,15 48 45 235 205 400 25 25,15 72 45 350 140 460
28 28,26 42 45 205 205 390 28 28,26 64 45 310 150 460
31,5 30,78 39 45 190 190 365 31,5 30,78 58 45 285 150 430
35,5 34,6 53 45 170 190 360 35,5 34,6 52 45 255 155 420
40 38,62 31 45 150 180 335 40 38,62 47 45 230 175 405

*) Consult SEW-Eurodrive

SEW-Eurodrive Technical Datasheets for the ConDrive

Table 7 Values of MN2, PTH and PN1 for ZX3K190

ZX3K190 ZX3K190
n1=1000 min-1 PTH for 20 °C n1=1500 min-1 PTH for 20 °C
n2 MN2 PN1 PTH PTHfan n2 MN2 PN1 PTH PTHfan
iN i ex -1
iN i ex -1
min kNm kW kW kW min kNm kW kW kW
14 14,04 71 59,2 455 225 420 14 14,04 107 59,2 690 *) 460
16 15,77 63 60,6 415 230 435 16 15,77 95 60,6 620 *) 485
18 18,05 55 60,8 365 240 410 18 18,05 83 60,8 550 *) 485
20 20,29 49 65 345 255 420 20 20,29 74 65 520 *) 500
22,4 22,04 45 65 320 240 395 22,4 22,04 68 65 480 *) 475
25 24,77 40 65 285 240 395 25 24,77 61 65 425 190 475
28 28,53 35 65 245 225 370 28 28,53 53 65 370 185 445
31,5 32,06 31 65 220 230 380 31,5 32,06 47 65 330 190 450
35,5 36,14 28 65 195 200 330 35,5 36,14 42 65 290 190 400
40 40,61 25 65 175 210 340 40 40,61 37 65 260 200 420
ZX3K190 ZX3K190
n1=1200 min-1 PTH for 20 °C n1=1800 min-1 PTH for 20 °C
n2 MN2 PN1 PTH PTHfan n2 MN2 PN1 PTH PTHfan
iN i ex iN i ex
min-1 kNm kW kW kW min-1 kNm kW kW kW
14 14,04 85 59,2 550 *) 450 14 14,04 128 56 780 *) 410
16 15,77 76 60,6 500 *) 465 16 15,77 114 57,4 710 *) 435
18 18,05 66 60,8 440 225 450 18 18,05 100 57,5 620 *) 490
20 20,29 59 65 415 230 460 20 20,29 89 61,4 590 *) 515
22,4 22,04 54 65 385 225 435 22,4 22,04 82 64,5 550 *) 485
25 24,77 48 65 340 230 435 25 24,77 73 65 510 *) 490
28 28,53 42 65 295 215 410 28 28,53 63 65 445 *) 460
31,5 32,06 37 65 265 225 410 31,5 32,06 56 65 395 *) 465
35,5 36,14 33 65 235 200 410 35,5 36,14 50 65 350 160 425
40 40,61 30 65 210 210 380 40 40,61 44 65 310 175 445

*) Consult SEW-Eurodrive

SEW-Eurodrive Technical Datasheets for the ConDrive

Table 8 Values of MN2, PTH and PN1 for ZX3K210

ZX3K210 ZX3K210
n1=1000 min-1 PTH for 20 °C n1=1500 min-1 PTH for 20 °C
n2 MN2 PN1 PTH PTHfan n2 MN2 PN1 PTH PTHfan
iN i ex -1
iN i ex -1
min kNm kW kW kW min kNm kW kW kW
14 14,1 71 75,8 455 255 500 14 14,1 106 75,8 870 *) 485
16 15,96 63 78,2 415 255 490 16 15,96 94 78,2 800 *) 490
18 18,48 54 81,8 365 290 485 18 18,48 81 81,8 720 *) 560
20 20,92 48 85 345 290 475 20 20,92 72 85 660 *) 555
22,4 23,28 43 88,8 320 280 460 22,4 23,28 64 88,8 620 *) 540
25 26,36 38 90 285 280 450 25 26,36 57 90 560 *) 530
28 29,13 34 90 245 255 415 28 29,13 51 90 500 *) 490
31,5 32,97 30 90 220 245 395 31,5 32,97 45 90 445 175 465
35,5 36,2 28 90 195 240 380 35,5 36,2 41 90 405 215 465
40 40,99 24 90 175 240 375 40 40,99 37 90 355 215 460
ZX3K210 ZX3K210
n1=1200 min-1 PTH for 20 °C n1=1800 min-1 PTH for 20 °C
n2 MN2 PN1 PTH PTHfan n2 MN2 PN1 PTH PTHfan
iN i ex iN i ex
min-1 kNm kW kW kW min-1 kNm kW kW kW
14 14,1 85 75,8 700 *) 520 14 14,1 128 71,7 990 *) *)
16 15,96 75 78,2 640 *) 520 16 15,96 113 73,9 900 *) 375
18 18,48 65 81,8 580 245 520 18 18,48 97 77,3 820 *) 540
20 20,92 57 85 530 255 515 20 20,92 86 80,4 750 *) 545
22,4 23,28 52 88,8 495 255 505 22,4 23,28 77 83,6 700 *) 540
25 26,36 46 90 445 255 500 25 26,36 68 85,1 630 *) 540
28 29,13 41 90 400 230 450 28 29,13 62 87,4 590 *) 490
31,5 32,97 36 90 355 230 435 31,5 32,97 55 90 520 *) 475
35,5 36,2 33 90 285 240 420 35,5 36,2 50 90 485 *) 490
40 40,99 29 90 260 240 415 40 40,99 44 90 430 185 485

*) Consult SEW-Eurodrive

SEW-Eurodrive Technical Datasheets for the ConDrive

3 Basic Dimensions

ZX3K170 585 50 400 550 928 1149 1699 800 Ø42 (4x) 360 670 315 - 292,5 650
ZX3K190 720 55 415 579 1002 1232 1811 830 Ø42 (6x) 420 750 320 210 360 750
ZX3K210 860 60 415 626 1148 1387 2013 830 Ø48 (6x) 500 775 350 185 430 850

DIN 332 DIN 332

Size ØK H7 Z R ØD L OS T
ØD1 L1 U T1 U1 Weight
D..M… D..M…
ZX3K170 600 720 360 160m6 300 556 169 40 M30 60m6 140 64 18 h9 M20 1580 kg
ZX3K190 690 824 410 170m6 300 545 - - M30 70m6 140 74,5 20 h9 M20 2100 kg
ZX3K210 790 880 460 190m6 350 662 200 45 M30 80m6 170 85 22 h9 M20 2800 kg

SEW-Eurodrive Technical Datasheets for the ConDrive

4 Adaptor Configuration

ZX3K170 585 *) *) 1450 *)
ZX3K190 720 *) *) 1550 *)
ZX3K210 860 *) *) 1665 *)
*) The exact value depends on the driving machine
and accessories.

SEW-Eurodrive Technical Datasheets for the ConDrive


SEW-Eurodrive Technical Datasheets for the ConDrive


SEW-Eurodrive Technical Datasheets for the ConDrive

SEW-Eurodrive Technical Datasheets for the ConDrive

Assembly Service
SEW-Eurodrive CZ s.r.o
Areal KRPA a.s.
Zahradni 173/2
326 00 Plzeň
Czech Republic
Tel. +420 378 775 320
Fax. +420 377 970 710


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