Reflection About Relationships
Reflection About Relationships
Reflection About Relationships
Japanese sayings tell us that we show 3 faces of ourselves. The first face is the
face that we show to the world. It is the face that where we allow others to see and interact
upon. The second face is the face that we show to our friends and family. It is the face where
we are somehow vulnerable by letting ourselves express to those near to our hearts. The
third face is the face that only we know. It is the truest self because it is the only face that
expresses our true feelings which we tend to suppress in front of others. There are also
different types of relationships like: family, friends, romantic, casual, professional and
acquaintances. Our relationship with our family is the primary relationship we have. As we
grow, our family is there to guide us. It serves as a building block to our personality. It also
affects the way we behave with other people. Our relationship with our friends is the second
building block that we have. Friends are somehow our comfort zones especially because
they are always there when we need someone to talk to. Next is the romantic relationship
where we open up ourselves to someone we want to spend the rest of our lives with. The
casual relationship is the kind of behavior we show with our classmates, workmates and the
like. We have a relationship with them that is formal and beneficial to us. The next is the
professional which we show to higher authority and the last is the acquaintances that we
show to people we meet only once.
Having a healthy relationship is what tells us to keep going. We need to know the
red flags of an unhealthy relationship just like signs of abuse, mistreatment and etc. Having
a unhealthy relationship can cause damage to our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual
health. It is essential for us to know the purpose of our relationships. We also need to set
boundaries in a relationship so that we can’t damage others more. We must have
communication, trust, commitment, respect, honesty and freedom. We should also be
knowledgeable of the ABC of relationships. A: awareness of the signs and consequences, B:
balance our time and know our priorities and C: make conscious choices, don’t just let
things happen. It is good that we have many relationships because through them, we learn
and grow towards a better version of ourselves.