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Personalize Nutrition Technology

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Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics

Personalised nutrition technologies: a new paradigm for
dietetic practice and training in a digital transformation era
M. Abrahams1,2 & N. V. Matusheski3
Faculty of Management, Law & Social Sciences, University of Bradford, Bradford, UK
Qina Ltd, Olhao, Portugal
Nutrition Science and Advocacy, DSM Nutritional Products, Parsippany, NJ, USA

behaviour change, digital health, digital literacy,
mHealth, personalised nutrition, technology.

M. Abrahams, Qina Ltd, Olhao 8700, Portugal.
Tel.: +351 9644 50622
E-mail: info@qina.tech

Received 2 December 2019; revised 12 February

2020; accepted 13 February 2020.

How to cite this article

Abrahams M.& Matusheski N.V. (2020)
Personalised nutrition technologies: a new
paradigm for dietetic practice and training in a
digital transformation era. J Hum Nutr Diet. 33,

This is an open access article under the terms of

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Patient-centred care is a cornerstone of modern dietet-

Personalised nutrition in patient-centred care
ics practice (3). A key tenant underlying this approach is
It has recently been estimated that one in five early deaths the individualisation of guidance based on the patient’s
worldwide is associated with poor dietary habits (1). specific needs and, in a broad sense, treating the patient
Addressing this societal challenge through dietetics prac- and not the disease (4). In parallel, personalisation has
tice will require substantial human resource investment. recently developed as a trend in the consumer nutrition
However, according to the World Health Organization, and wellness area (5). Numerous apps, programs, plat-
there is currently a substantial shortage of healthcare forms and plans are now aimed at delivering a person-
workers, which is expected to increase over the coming alised experience for the user based on profiling of an
decades (2). Because of this, it is important to develop an individual’s demographics, genotype, nutritional intake
understanding of the potential ways that new technologies and status, anthropometrics, lifestyle behaviours, and/or
and digital tools can help to increase the impact of dietet- preferences (6,7). Several definitions have been put forth
ics. This will create value not only for the individual for personalised nutrition, including those that deal pri-
patient, but also as a scalable approach to helping indi- marily with genetic differences, and others that include
viduals develop improved dietary habits and transition to much broader concepts, including phenotypic, psychoso-
a service that is based on prevention and self-care. cial and behavioural aspects of individualisation (8,9,10,11).

ª 2020 The Authors. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd 295
on behalf of British Dietetic Association.
Personalised nutrition technologies M. Abrahams and N. V. Matusheski

In this editorial, we employ a recently proposed definition

A practical personalised nutrition framework
of personalised nutrition to describe approaches that ‘use
individual-specific information, founded on evidence- Considering the high level of consumer interest in person-
based science, to promote dietary behaviour change that alised nutrition, it is not surprising that many commercial
may result in measurable health benefit’ (12). By leverag- personalised nutrition programs have arisen. However,
ing a holistic definition, we can consider how different each approach varies regarding the information that it col-
aspects of personalisation can be of greatest benefit and lects about an individual, and which recommendations
can be most effectively leveraged for the individual arise. Because of this, it is important to develop a frame-
patient, which can be appreciated by all dietitians. work for assessing whether a given personalised nutrition
The scientific evidence for personalised nutrition is platform can offer real benefits, or whether some alterna-
growing. Substantiation continues to emerge that person- tive should be recommended. An interdisciplinary expert
alised nutrition can provide added value beyond conven- group (12) recently developed a set of 10 ‘guiding princi-
tional approaches. In the clinical setting, there has been ples’ for personalised nutrition that can support such an
increased recognition of the importance of implementing assessment (Box 1). These principles can be of equal value
nutritional screening and intervention (13). For example, for those developing and for those using or implementing
individualised nutrition assessments and provision of tai- a technology-enabled personalised nutrition program.
lored nutritional support in patients at nutritional risk Using such a framework can help determine whether a
have been shown to significantly improve clinical out- personalised nutrition approach is credible and would be
comes, including patient survival (14). In a broader well- expected to deliver results for an individual.
ness context, several important gene–diet interactions Despite a rapid rise in availability, the integration of
were found to influence the response to dietary weight- digital tools into daily dietetic practice remains low
loss interventions in the landmark DIOGENES trial (15). amongst dietitians. In a survey of dietitians in Canada,
More holistic approaches, leveraging personalised infor- Australia and the UK, 63% of respondents reported using
mation based on both genotypic and phenotypic variation, a mobile health app in their practice, primarily for infor-
have also been promising (16). A recent study in older mational and patient self-monitoring purposes (24), yet
Dutch adults found that the provision of personalised very few are used for behaviour change (25,26). Another
advice, based on dietary intake, genetic and physiological study in Australia demonstrated poor eHealth readiness
information, resulted in increased resiliency and motiva- in terms of advocacy, although there was an improvement
tion, and decreased body fat percentage and hip circumfer- with respect to attitudinal, aptitude and access to eHealth
ence (17). In the future, we expect to see even more research readiness (27). A recent multi-national survey showed that
investment in Personalised ‘algorithm-based’ approaches. dietitians who had adopted personalised nutrition innova-
For example, clinical trials are currently underway aiming tions demonstrated higher levels of self-efficacy, lower per-
to validate a microbiome-based personalisation approach ceptions of risk and higher usefulness, and also assigned a
for blood sugar management (18,19). Likewise, an ongoing higher importance of technology to dietetic practice, com-
collaboration between Stanford University and Mas- pared to those who had not (28). Interestingly, dietitians
sachusetts General Hospital recently published a pilot study who had integrated personalised nutrition technologies
(PREDICT) and is now conducting a large observational perceived themselves to be entrepreneurs, bringing
study (PREDICT2) to measure individual metabolic
responses to foods, with the aim of developing a commer-
cial platform (20). In the Nutrigenomics, Overweight/Obe- Box 1. Guiding principles for personalised nutrition.
sity and Weight Management Trial (NOW Trial), the 1 Define potential users and beneficiaries
effects of a lifestyle intervention employing personalised 2 Use validated diagnostic methods and measures
3 Maintain data quality and relevance
genetic testing and behavioural advice will be compared
4 Derive data-driven recommendations from validated models
with the same intervention with population-based advice and algorithms
. However, for many commercial platforms, their bene- 5 Design personalised nutrition studies around validated individ-
fit has yet to be established in randomised controlled trials. ual health or function needs and outcomes
Challenges still exist in terms of replicability of results, 6 Provide rigorous scientific evidence for an effect on health or
diversity of population groups included (22), as well as sci- function
entific validation and accuracy of products currently avail- 7 Deliver user-friendly tools
8 For healthy individuals, align with population-based recommen-
able (23). It has become clear however, that behaviour
change is the common denominator underpinning success- 9 Communicate transparently about potential effects
ful personalised nutrition approaches for which dietitians 10 Protect individual data privacy and act responsibly
are well versed, trained and experienced.

296 ª 2020 The Authors. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
on behalf of British Dietetic Association.
M. Abrahams and N. V. Matusheski Personalised nutrition technologies

another dimension to how we may need to address digital inclusive leadership, developing an entrepreneurial mind-
transformation and organisational change in a modern set (28,32), data management and digital literacy (30). At
data-driven healthcare service (29). As a result of these present, the area of tech-enabled personalised nutrition
advances in both science and technology, it is important receives little attention in the dietetic curriculum (33). To
for the practising dietitian to increase their awareness, our knowledge, with the exception of genomics, new
knowledge, digital literacy (in terms of artificial intelli- technologies such as AI, machine learning and neural net-
gence and genomics) (30), professional skills and comfort works are not currently covered in the dietetic curricu-
level with respect to the digital solutions that power these lum. This is concerning, considering that the recent
personalised recommendations through big data analytics, survey cited above demonstrated that most Registered
machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). Dietitians (RDs) did not consider technology to play an
important role in dietetic practice (28). However, we know
that students are interested (33), which highlights that
The growing role and need for the next
there is indeed a gap between consumer demand and cur-
generation of dietitians
rent dietetic awareness.
Although the guiding principles are an excellent reference
point for those aiming to develop personalised nutrition
solutions, the growing role for the next generation of dieti-
tians is clear. Digital solutions will not replace dietitians The time is right for dietitians to take the lead in the dig-
because of the crucial value that we bring in terms of per- ital transformation of healthcare services, with nutrition
sonal relationship building and behaviour change (31). and lifestyle playing a vital role in the prevention of non-
However, dietitians who do not adopt or sufficiently communicable diseases. New personalised nutrition tech-
understand new technologies may run the risk of being nologies that are based on science, and are inclusive and
replaced. As a profession, we need to address this new real- accessible, provide new ways of delivering care and reach-
ity at all levels of personalisation. Dietitians can play an ing key groups to support them in lasting behaviour
important role in new initiatives and product development change. Dietitians have a unique opportunity to be a
to ensure that digital products are scientifically valid, inclu- guiding voice, a reality check and a key resource for the
sive, equitable, accessible, explainable and representative. creation and delivery of new solutions and healthcare
The opportunities for dietitians as we move into the models. To become the reference professionals for a data-
fourth industrial revolution are limitless and include driven future that is already here, we need to address
those outlined in Box 2. where we are as a profession in terms of our inclusive
leadership, and ensure that our digital and entrepreneur-
ial literacy skills are truly at the forefront of change.
Strategic considerations for digital transformation
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