Plant Design For The Production of 1800
Plant Design For The Production of 1800
Plant Design For The Production of 1800
MARCH 2015
This report was prepared by students as their final year design project on Plant Design III
(CHE 522) as part of their course requirements for a Bachelor Degree in the Department
of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Uyo,
Uyo. And as such, the department, the university itself nor any person acting on behalf
either who contributed in any way to this report and its associated materials, does not
accept any responsibility or liability with respect to use any part of the contents of this
report or associated materials does so at their own discretion. The above parties accept no
This work is on the design of a processing plant for the conversion of raw tomatoes into tomato
paste. The design specifies a production of 1800tonnes/day of tomato paste. The design project
required assessment of necessary background for the project, relevance to local need, and
motivation for the design. The process route as well as material and energy balance for the
process was completed. Diagrams for the process such as the process flow diagram (PFD) and
the piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID) are drawn. Equipment selection, design,
specification, sizing, and mechanical design of different unit operations involved in the process
are developed. Estimations of capital investment and operating cost are made for the design.
Plant location and layout of the project are considered. Finally, a safety analysis in the form of a
hazard and operability study (HAZOP) was conducted on the designed plant. The result revealed
there is justification for the plant as it would meet local needs. The process route for the plant
was found to be feasible. The process route involved in the production of tomato paste involves
washing, sorting, crushing, preheating, pulping, refining, homogenizing, evaporation,
sterilization, and finishing. The equipment for the plant is available in the market. From material
balance, it was obtained that the production of 1,800tonnes/day of tomato paste will require
8,256.9tonnes/day of raw tomatoes. A total capital investment of $21,656,977 (N4,331,395,400)
is needed. Annual total production cost of the plant is $520,184,700 and the total annual income
of the plant is $540,000,000. Annual net profit of $ 14,861,475 (N2,972,295,000) was realized.
A one year six months pay back period and a rate of return of 68.6% were obtained. It is
concluded that the plant has technical feasibility and economic viability. It was recommended
that funds be made available for setting up of this plant. Also, more investment in raw tomato
production should be made by farmers. Design of a three-in-one tomato processing plant (tomato
paste, tomato powder, and lycopene) should be carried out. And reuse of heat generated within
the process should be considered. The government should subsidize the production cost of
cultivating raw tomatoes and the processing cost of tomato paste.
Cover Page- - - - - - - - - - 1
Legal Disclaimer - - - - - - - 2
Executive Summary - - - - - - - - 3
Table of Content - - - - - - - - 4
1.1 Background - - - - - - - - 6
6.1 Cost Estimation - - - - - - 31
6.2 Profitability Analysis - - - - - - - 33
7.1 HAZOP - - - - - - - - 34
7.2 SHE POLICY - - - - - - - 36
7.3 SAFTEY PRACTICE - - - - - - 37
8.1 CONCLUSION - - - - - - 38
8.2 RECOMMENDATION - - - - - - 38
REFERENCES - - - - -- - - - 39
1.1 Background
Tomato paste is a thick paste made from ripened tomatoes with skin and seeds removed. Paste
has a Brix of 25 – 36. (FAO, 2009)
Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) is a commercially important vegetable throughout the world
both for the fresh fruit market and the processed food industries (Atherton and Rudich, 1986).
Apart from its characteristic flavor and aroma, it is also a good source of vitamin C and
significant sources of vitamin A and B (Robinson, 1976). It has about 20-25mg ascorbic acid per
100g (Dike and Atchey, 1986). The mineral content of tomato is high and varies from 0.3 to
0.6% (Gould, 1983). Tomatoes may be consumed fresh or processed to canned whole peeled
tomatoes. It may also be processed to produce juice, concentrated tomato juice, puree or paste. In
tomato processing operations, tomatoes are first crushed and filtered to remove the seeds, skin
and mucilage. The process results in the production of two products, tomato juice and waste. The
waste mainly consisting of skin and seeds is called tomato pulp or pomace. The main processing
steps in the production of a tomato paste include washing, sorting, trimming, breaking, juice
extraction, concentration, pasteurization, filling and cooking. After washing and sorting,
tomatoes are chopped and subjected to cold break or hot break. During juice extraction, the
heated tomato pulp is passed through two extractors. The type of extractors (paddle or screw)
and screen size of extractors affect the quality of the final product in particular its texture and
consistency (Hayes et al., 1998). Tomato paste is strained tomatoes concentrated by evaporation
with or without the addition of basil leaf, and contains not less than 24% salt free tomato solids
(Luh and Kean., 1998). The characteristics quality factor of tomato paste depends on the quality
of starting raw materials (variety and ripening stages) processing conditions (time, temperature
and pressure), storage time and conditions (Farahnaky and Hill., 2007). Tomato paste contains
both water soluble materials and insoluble components. The consistency of a tomato paste is
mainly controlled by the amount of pectin, total soluble solids, and size distributions of insoluble
constitute (Luh and Kean, 1998). The main quality parameters of tomato pastes perceived by the
consumers are color, consistency and flavor, in addition there are compositional standards
(Farahnaky and Hill, 2007).
1.2 Design Task and Project Scope
The objective of this project was to design a plant that processes fresh tomato feed into tomato
paste. The design specifies a production of 1,800tonnes of tomatoes paste/day. The design
project required assessment of necessary background for the project, relevance to local need, and
motivation for the design. The process route as well as material and energy balance for the
process was to be completed. Diagrams for the process such as the process flow diagram (PFD)
and the piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID) have also been drawn up. Equipment
selection, design, specification, sizing, and mechanical design of different unit operations
involved in the process were expected. Estimations of capital investment and operating cost were
made for the design. Plant location and layout of the project were considered. Finally, a safety
analysis in the form of a hazard and operability study (HAZOP) was conducted on the designed
In Nigeria, tomatoes are grown in large and commercial scales in the North but consumed
equally across the length and breadth of the entire country. Tomatoes are either used fresh or
processed into paste, puree, ketchup and powder. Unfortunately, they are not only seasonal but
highly perishable and deteriorate few days after harvest, which dampens the farmer’s spirit to
farming as he is forced to sell off produce at a loss, to avert imminent total wastage. For these
reasons, processing of tomatoes into various products prove very vital. Canning of tomato paste
has helped to curb this huge wastage, but the capital intensive nature of the industry had resulted
into only a small percentage of the produce being absorbed by this industry. (Abdulmalik,
Processing of tomato into paste and concomitant products is very important since these products
can be kept for several months without spoilage; which will check glut and under-pricing,
excessive price fluctuation and wastages. Essentially, this venture will not only be advantageous
to the farmers, processors and balance of payment of the country, it will also help create the
much needed jobs which have often proof elusive in many quarters. With the total investment
estimate of a small scale processing centre being N7,540,000 with an estimate return of N
12,150,000 for a 6 (six) month’s production year, It shows that there is high return on investment
in this enterprise and is worth giving a try. There is absolutely no doubt that private driven
tomato processing in Kano and its environs will be a money spinner for investors because
potential rewards are high as pointed out. (Adegbola, 2012)
Nigeria is a major consumer of tomato paste of which only between 20-30 percent is produced
domestically; however, 25-50 percent of the input for this domestic paste is imported from China
(CBN, 2011). This leaves the market for domestically produced tomato paste underserved. The
country has a huge market for tomato paste; the size of the Nigerian market for tomato paste is
about 200,000 tonnes per annum and this goes up if the West African market is included i.e. the
size of the market rises to around 400,000 tonnes per annum. Consumers will buy more if the
price is relatively low but may be willing to pay a higher price if product is of good quality. It is
advisable for producers of tomato paste to control sale of the product when tomato is in season
but rather intensify production. Potential markets for tomato paste includes:
School (Boarding houses)
Market Wholesalers
It should be noted that marketing of the product should not be limited to one state or region as
the demand for the product is nationwide. (Adegbola, 2012)
This project if executed will go a long way in creating employment to the teaming population of
unemployed graduates. Will contribute immensely to the gross domestic product (GDP) of the
country. CP Africa (2013) reported that government spends more than $360 million annually to
import more than 300,000 metric tonnes of tomato paste from companies such as china’s
Baoding Sanyuan Food Packing Company. This project will curb such wanton waste and the
money re-injected to vitalize the nation’s economy. The product has the potential to be exported
to other countries.
Preservatives (chemical): They prevent the growth of micro organisms and help preserve food.
There are many types of chemical preservatives that are used in food processing. For example,
sodium benzoate, sodium metabisulphite, sulphur dioxide, sodium chloride (common salt), citric
acid etc. Sulphur dioxide is more effective against moulds or bacteria than yeasts and has the
additional advantage of slowing down browning or darkening of some of some products. As a
general rule, if a product is to be opened (i.e. if pasteurized) and used up at once, a chemical
preservative should not be necessary. If a product is opened, part used and resealed, the use of a
preservative can be considered.
Fenco (2014) gave a detailed description of the processing steps in production of tomato paste as
outline in this subsection:
Fresh tomatoes arriving at the plant in trucks are unloaded into a collection channel (also known
as flume), a stainless steel or cement duct into which a quantity of water 3 to 5 times higher than
the amount of unloaded tomato is continuously pumped. For example, a 10 tons/hour rate
requires at least 30m3/hour of water.
This water flow carries the tomatoes into the roller elevator, which then conveys them to the
sorting station. The delivery trucks park-up alongside the flume and, while the trailers containing
the tomatoes are being tilted towards it, an operator, using a special tube, pipes a vast quantity of
water inside the truck, so that the tomatoes can flow out from the special 50 x 50cm opening. In
this way the tomatoes and the water will be gradually feed into the flume without getting
The tomatoes then arrive at the sorting station, after having been rinsed under a clean water
spraying system (preferably drinking water). Here, the staff removes the green, damaged and
excessively small tomatoes which are placed on a reject conveyor (or an auger) and then
collected in a large box or directly inside a truck to be taken away. The tomatoes suitable for
processing are transported to the chopping station (this may be a hammer mill or a special mono-
pump provided with pre-feeding screw) where they are chopped. The pulp is pre-heated to 65-
75°C for cold break processing or to 85-95°C for hot break processing. The main control panel
on the evaporator regulates the pre-heating temperature.
The heated tomato pulp (fiber, juice, skin and seeds) is then conveyed via a special pump to an
extraction unit composed of two operating stations: a pulper and a refiner, equipped with two
sieves having different sized meshes. The first sieve processes solid pieces up to 1 mm, while the
refiner processes solid pieces up to 0.6 mm, depending on the type of sieve fitted on the machine
(the manufacturer can supply sieves with different sized holes if necessary). Two products
therefore come out of the extraction unit: refined juice for concentration and waste. The average
extractor yield varies according to different factors: the pulp’s temperature (a higher temperature
will mean an increased juice yield), the variety of tomatoes treated, the type of sieve fitted, the
rotation speed and the shape of the rotor on each dejuicing body unit. On average, however, the
yield is about 95%. For example, if the extractor is fed with 100 kg of hot pulp, it will produce
95 kg of juice and 5 kg of waste. In addition, there is also a hypothetical product waste of about
1-3% from the grading stations. Therefore, 100 kg of tomatoes unloaded from the trucks will
produce about 93-94 kg of juice to be concentrated. At this point the refined juice is collected in
a large tank which constantly feeds the evaporator. This tank is equipped with maximum and
minimum level indicators-adjusters which control the pump supplying juice to the evaporator.
The juice in this storage tank is fed to the evaporator which automatically regulates juice intake
and finished concentrate output; the operator only has to set the Brix value on the evaporator’s
control panel; during normal working conditions, the evaporator does not require any further
regulations. The juice inside the evaporator passes through different stages (also called effects)
where its concentration level will gradually increase until the required density is obtained in the
final stage or “finisher”. Here the tomato paste is automatically extracted via a pump controlled
The entire concentration process (evaporation) takes place under vacuum conditions and at low
temperatures, significantly below 100°C. Product circulation inside the various concentric
tubular exchangers is carried out by special stainless steel pumps which are designed to ensure
that the product is conveyed inside the exchanger tubes at a speed of over 1.2 m/sec to avoid
“flash evaporation” thus avoiding to get burnt. This means it is possible to process for extensive
periods without having to shut down the machine (record has it that FENCO evaporator installed
at H.J.Heinz in Australia, using HB products, operated non-stop for 32 days without cleaning).
Evaporator output is measured in liters of evaporated water per hour while concentrating tomato
juice with an initial 5°Brix concentration and producing tomato paste double concentrate at 30°
Brix. All the tomato juice evaporators are designed according to these parameters. The
evaporative capacity of tomato juice concentrators is greatly influenced by the viscosity level. If
the tomato paste has a low Bostwick value, then the concentrator’s output level will also be low;
on the other hand, a higher Bostwick value means an increased output level. It is therefore
fundamental to know if the productivity data supplied by a manufacturer refers to HB or CB
The concentrate is sent from the evaporator directly inside the aseptic system tank. From here it
is pumped at high pressure inside the aseptic sterilizer-cooler and then to the aseptic filler, where
it is filled into pre-sterilized aseptic bags housed in metal drums. The sterilization temperature
and the holding time vary according to the product’s pH value. Generally speaking, a product
with a pH value equal to or less than 4.2 could have a sterilization temperature of 115°C
measured at the end of the holding section, and a holding time of at least 60-90 seconds. On the
other hand, if the pH value is greater than 4.2, it is advisable to acidify the product in order to
bring it to about 4.1, improving taste and final product quality, thanks also to the reduced
sterilizing temperatures/time. The sterilized tomato paste is cooled down to about 35-38°C
before being piped into pre-sterilized aluminum bags housed in special metal or plastic bins via a
special aseptic filler. The packaged concentrate can be kept up to 24 months depending on its pH
value and ambient conditions. When storing for over 12 months, it is however advisable to
conserve it in refrigerated cells, more to reduce oxidization, which could cause darkening than to
protect the product’s aseptic quality.
comparing alternative process routes. The justification for the selected route is that it possesses
the capacity of further processing wastes obtained from the juice extractor to recover more juice.
Also unlike existing routes which are most likely suited for small scale processing, the selected
route handles large volume of tomato paste product.
Tomato 1 2 3 4 5
10 9 8 7
Figure 2.1 Block Diagram for Production of Tomato Paste from Raw Tomatoes
1. Washing
2. Sorting
3. Crushing
4. Preheating (Hot Breaking)
5. Pulping
6. Refining
7. Homogenizing
8. Evaporation
9. Sterilization
10. Aseptic tank
11. Finishing
12. Product Storage
Automatic fruit sorting use either image processing, computer vision or machine
learning. For tomatoes, factors considered are size and colour. This system involves the
following process: Firstly, fruits are collected in a chamber. From the chamber they move
through escalators safely where the weight of the fruits are estimated. It moves toward
another chamber where the image of fruit is captured by more than one camera in
different angles. For detecting fruit growth (raw or ripped), smell of the fruit is detected
by sensors of wireless various algorithms network. Image is then processed where
different algorithms are applied for finding expected feature like size, depth, 3D model,
texture and colour. Based on the decision drawn after the process above, the fruit is
classified into different categories like big, small, medium sized, ripe/unripe or
defectives. Finally automatic packing system packs the fruit according to the categories
provided. (Naik and Patel, 2003).
Tomatoes are carried to a crushing unit, where they are processed into small pieces,
resulting in a mixture composed of liquid and solid parts. Crushing system uses a mill
containing a rotor that spins and crushes the tomatoes at high speeds. The resulting paste
is pumpable and ready for thermal treatment. (SSP, 2014)
In the preheating unit, the crushed tomatoes undergoes enzymatic inactivation. Hot break
is recommended for high viscosity product. It inactivates completely the pectin enzymatic
activity, increasing the consistency and viscosity of the mixture. Hot break temperature is
between 85-95oC (Fenco, 2014).
The crushed tomato is fed into an electrically driven mechanical pulper. This separates
the juice from seeds and skins. The tomatoes are rubbed against a perforated drum by two
brushes which are fixed to the central shaft driven directly by the motor. The juice passes
through the perforated drum into the outer stationary drum and collected through an
outlet. The remaining seeds and skins are pushed out through an outlet connected to the
inner perforated drum. (Practical Action, 2015)
At the refiner section, further juice is recovered from the seed and peels.
High pressure homogenization is an entirely mechanical process, the tomatoes products
are forced through the homogenizing valve producing changes in the particle structures:
Single cells production.
Disaggregation of agglomerates.
Reduction of oil globules size.
Cutting effect on fibers, seed and others.
These mechanisms relate to the changes in the structure of an aqueous tomato dispersion
caused by the application of mechanical energy.
The tomato pulp contributes many relatively special particles, which are insoluble in
water and which must be reduced in size and uniformly dispersed throughout the product.
If this is done, a product with an excessively rough texture will result. Further, since the
carotene pigment is contained in these particles of pulp, failure to properly disperse them
will result in a product with poor uniformity and depth of colour. (GEA, 2015)
This involves the removal of water from the juice and serves two main purposes:
Improve microbiological stability with reduction of water activity, which is the
predominant factor in most organic degradation processes;
Reduce transportation, packaging, distribution and storage costs by minimizing
volume and weight.
The sterilizer has 4 layers tubular structures, the inner two layers and the outside layer
will go through with the hot water and the middle layer will be running with the product.
The product will be heated by the hot water to the setting temperature and then hold the
product under this temperature for few times to completely sterilize the product and then
cool down the product by the cooling water or chilled water. The sterilizer consist of
product tank, pump, heat exchange, holding tubes and control system.
In aseptic process technology, product safety takes top priority. Food processors use
sterile tanks as storage or buffer tanks. Aseptic storage prevents contamination of the
product and helps to ensure a long shelf life and stability. Sterile tanks can perform a
buffer function in the process upstream of the filling line (GEA, 2015)
Raw tomatoes contain 7%TS (Total Solids) and 93% water. The tomato solids contain mainly of
soluble carbohydrates, which are usually measured with a refractometer as ºBrix (% Sucrose),
and converted to %TS with special tables (Maroulis and Saravacos, 2003). FAO (2009) opined
that the preferred raw material for tomato paste processing is 5 – 6.5 °Brix.
Although, the ºBrix value refers to %Sucrose in aqueous solution, for preliminary calculations it
can be assumed to be equivalent to %Total Solid (%TS), by weight. (Saravacos and
Kostaropoulos, 2003)
93% H2O x1 y1
7% TS x2
The tomato feed is washed with 3 times by weight of water entering at stream w 1 (Fenco, 2014)
Input = Output
x 1 + w 1 = w 2 + y1
Where w1 = Input washing water
y1 = 100kg = x2
x2 y2
y2 = 100 – 5
y2 = 95kg = x3
x3 y3
y3 = tomato juice
z3 = pomace = x4
95 = (0.065 x 95) + y3
y3 = 95 – 6.175
y3 = 88.82kg = z5
X4 y4
Where x3 = Pomace
y3 = Recovered juice
Tomato pomace and skins are high-moisture products (often more than 80% moisture)
(Feedipedia, 2015)
x4 = 6.14kg
y4 = 4.693kg = x5
X5 y5
y5 = x5 + z5
y5 = 88.82 + 4.69
y5 = 93.51kg = x6
z6 100% H2O
x6 y6
7%TS 30%TS
y6 = tomato paste
z6 = water evaporated
This shows the plant requires a processing ratio of 4.6kg of raw tomatoes to give 1 kg of
tomato paste. This gives a better processing ratio of 5 to 7kg of raw tomatoes to 1kg of tomato
paste reported by FAO, 2009.
z6 = 93.5 – 21.8
z6 = 71.68kg
100 = x
= 321,674.3kg/hr
X = 95 x 1800 x 1000
X = 3,727,800,000kg/day
In this work, energy balance is carried out on pre-heater, sterilizer and evaporator.
Pre-heater in hot breaking raises the temperature of crushed tomatoes to about 920C.
(Fenco, 2014)
Heat Duty = mass rate of substance x specific heat capacity of the substance x
(Temperature out- temperature in)
Assuming steam enters as saturated at 1100C and leaves at 1000C
Steam flowrate = 9.20x1011
= 2.19x1010Kg/day
Assuming that it is required to raise the temperature of tomato paste to 85 0C and then
cooled to 400C.
Heat Duty = 1,800,000x 3.98 (85-35)
= 358,200,000 kJ
Steam flowrate = 358,200,000
4.2 x 10
= 8,528,571.4Kg
For cooling
Assuming cooling water enters at 200C and leaves at 400C
Heat Duty = 1,800,000x 3.98 (85 -40)
= 322,380,000kJ
Cooling water flowrate = 322,380,000
4.2 x 20
= 3,837,857Kg
Mass flowrate to evaporator = 7,721,000.00
Heat Duty of evaporation = 7,721,000 x 3.98 (110-45)
Q = 1,997,422,700J/day = 83,225,945.83J/hr
Type: High Pressure Homogenizer
Material of Construction: Stainless steel - SS316
The size of Homogenizer is determined by the volumetric flowrate.
Type: Triple Effect Evaporator
Material of Construction: SS316
The size of evaporator is determined by the area of heat transfer
Mass flowrate to evaporator = 7,721,000.00
Heat Duty of evaporation = 7,721,000 x 3.98 (110-45)
Q = 1,997,422,700J/day = 83,225,945.83J/hr
But Q = UxAxDelatT
Where U is the overall heat transfer coefficient
Assuming U = 6000J/(m2s0C)
Assuming temperature difference DeltaT = 650C
A= Q
= 83,225,945.83
6000 x 65
= 5,121.6m2
Temperature and pressure are the two important factors that affect the mechanical design of
evaporator systems. Many other factors like startup, shutdown, upset, dryout, external loading
from supports, pulsating pressure, wind loading, earthquake load etc. also significantly affect the
evaporator operation.
Operating temperature and pressure: The operating temperature is the temperature that is
maintained for the specified operation of the metal vessel suitably selected during design. The
operating pressure is the pressure at the top of a pressure vessel. However if it’s a tall vessel
static hydraulic head even during mal-operation needs to be consider.
Design temperature and pressure: It is important to determine both minimum and maximum
anticipated operating temperature and pressure in order to obtain the design temperature and
pressure. The design pressure generally is the sum of the maximum allowable pressure and the
static head of the fluid in the pressure vessel. The combination of temperature and pressure affect
the mechanical design of the equipment. Much of design considerations are also related pressure
design too.
Maximum allowable working pressure: The maximum allowable working pressure is the
maximum pressure to which the equipment can be safely operated. Generally, it should not be
less than the maximum anticipated operating pressure divided by a factor of 0.90
Thermal expansion: Differential thermal expansion between various parts of equipment has a
significant effect on the mechanical design. There may be a significant difference of expansion
between the shell and the tube side because of temperature difference of two fluids. Thermal
expansion may also determine the way in which tubes are fixed to the tube sheet. Usually a
suitable expansion joint is centrally placed between two segments of the shell when the
differential expansion may be large.
The location of plant can have a crucial effect on the profitability of project, and the scope for
future expansion. Many factors must be considered when selecting a suitable site.
Katsina Ala Local Government Area is selected for siting of this plant. Katsina Ala is in Benue
State of Nigeria. Benue is a state in the mid-belt region of Nigeria with a population of about
4,253,641 in 2006 census.. There are other ethnic groups including Igede, Etulo and Abakwa.
Benue is a rich agricultural region, some of the crops grown there are potatoes, cassava,
soyabean, etc. Benue state lies within lower river Benue trough. Its geographical coordinates are
longtitude 70,471 and 10001 east. Latitude 60251 and 8081 North and shares boundaries with five
other state namely: Nasarawa state to the North; Taraba state to the east; Cross River state to the
south; Enugu state to the South-west and kogi state to the west. The state also shares a common
boundary with the republic of Cameroon on South-east. (
The principal factors used consider Benue State a suitable location for the plant is as enumerated
by Sinnott, 2005.
Marketing Area
The states that bound Benue state form a good market for the sales of the tomato paste. Also
Benue state sharing boundary with Republic of Cameroon makes it s good choice with respect to
international marketing.
Raw Materials
Benue state is one of the states that cultivate tomato in large quantity. Other states include
Sokoto, Gombe, Tobe, Kano, Kaduna etc. ( ). The abundance of the raw
material makes it suitable for siting the plant.
The transport of materials and products to and from the plant is an overriding consideration in
site selection. Benue state has good roads and waterways (River Benue as well as Katsina Ala
Availability of Labour
Benue people are industrous. They have both skilled and unskilled manpower that will be useful
in construction as well as operation of this plant.
Utilities (Services)
Utilities will be readily available for the plant in form of cooling water from rivers, electricity
and petroleum products.
Sufficient suitable land is available for the proposed plant and for future expansion. The lands
are flat, well drained and have suitable load-bearing characteristics.
The climatic condition in Benue state is adequate. The have a stable geological formation.
Political and Strategic Considerations
There is political stability in Benue state. Benue state government supports agriculture and
industrialization and will be willing to offer capital grants, tax concessions, and other
inducements to direct this project.
The economic construction and efficient operation of a process unit depends on how well the
plant and equipment specified on the process flow-sheet is laid out. The principal factors
considered in setting out the layout of this plant are:
The first stage in evaluating the profitability of a proposed new product is to compare the total
cost of the product (for example, per tonne produced) with the current market price. It is also
necessary to estimate future demand for the product, and to determine the trend in the selling
price over several previous years. It is necessary to estimate the number of years that the product
can be sold at a satisfactory profit, this is more useful than estimating the possible operating life
of a plant! Backhurst and Harker in Ray and Johnston, 1989) make the following observation:
‘ is suggested that a large chemical organisation will not invest in a new process unless it is
possible to sell the product for less than half the current market price’.
Historical cost method formular was used to scale up cost of equipment to capacity.
C2 = C1 (S2/S1)n
Preheater 129,000.00
Sorter 531,200.00
Total 0.00
The fixed capital investment was calculated using Lang Method. Since tomato processing is a
solid-fluid processing Lang Factor of 3.63 was used and a contingency factor of 15%.
But Manufacturing cost = Direct production cost + fixed charges + plant overhead costs
Total Production Cost: a quick way of determining Total Production Cost is to note that the Cost
of Raw Material between 10 – 50% of Total Production Cost (Peters and Timmerhaus, 1991)
Cateli, 2012 used 60 %.
6.2 Profitability Analysis
Processing Margin: A market survey carried out gave the following values for the cost raw
tomatoes as well as tomato paste: raw tomatoes was $ 82.8 while tomato paste was $ 1,226.5 in
2009, $ 91.4 for raw tomatoes and $ 839.2 for tomato paste in 2012 (Catelli, 2012) Bloomberg,
2015 gave $ 350 for raw tomatoes and $ 1,500 for tomato paste. Adegbola, 2012 gave $ 90.7 for
raw tomatoes and $ 2,205 for tomato paste.
From the foregoing, a processing margin of $ 105 for raw tomatoes and $ 1,000 for tomato paste
is assumed for this work
From material balance, 8,256.9tons/day of raw tomato feed is required for plant. Using 300 days
annual operating capacity;
Cost of raw materials = 105x8,256.9x300 = $260,092,350
Pay Back Period (PBP) = Total investment / Net profit = $21,656,977/$ 14,861,475 = 1 year 4
Safety is critical in every industrial operation. Tomato processing being an example that requires
engineered safety into the operation. Hazard (anything that could cause harm) can be
encountered in tomato processing as a result of moving parts of equipment used to carry out
various tasks, energy involved (in form of steam), noise, heat, vibration, fire, biological hazards
The methodology employed to guarantee safety in operation of this plant is HAZOP (Hazard and
Operability Studies).
The technique Hazard and operability studies has been used and developed over approximately
four decades for ‘identifying potential hazards and operability problems’ caused by ‘deviations
from the design intent’ of both new and existing process plants. (Lihou, 2009).
The primary keyword, which reflect both the process design intent and operational aspects of the
plant used are flow, pressure, temperature, level, separate, mix, reduce.
The secondary keywords, used in conjunction with primary keyboard are No, Less, More,
Reverse, Also, other. ( Accessed, 24/9/2009).
In this study, the approach employed is to route the plant equipment by equipment, line by line
and the result recorded under: Deviation, Cause, Consequence, Action, Hazard. Key Equipment
is spelt out for the HAZOP study.
Design intent: To wash fresh fruits.
Deviation: Flow/No; Flow/Less
Cause: Blockage of water pipeline, supply valve or pump.
Consequence: The unwashed tomatoes would move to the next process unit resulting in an
offspec product quality.
Hazards: Harm to consumers.
Safegaurd: Regular maintenance.
Action: Repair or replace bad equipment.
Design Intent: To carry out size reduction of fresh tomatoes.
Deviation: Reduce/No; Reduce/Less
Cause: No or Low rotor speed due to poor power supply worn out blade.
Consequence: Tomato lumps will be sent forward.
Hazards: the poorly crushed tomatoes would damage pumps upstream of the process line.
Safeguard: Regular maintenance.
Action: Repair and Replacement.
Design Intent: To raise temperature of the crushed tomatoes to 920C.
Deviation: Temperature/No; Temperature/Low; Temperature/High.
Cause: No steam supply or steam partially supplied. Steam flow rate could be excessively high.
Consequence: If no or low temperature, poor enzyme inactivation would occur. If high
temperature, the cost of the operation would escalate.
Hazard: Poor enzyme inactivation result in biological activities which would cause spoilage.
Safeguard: Install low and High Alarm.
Action: Confirm that steam line is supplying adequately.
Design Intent: To separate the juice from seeds and skin.
Deviation: Separate/Also.
Cause: Worned mechanical parts of the pulper.
Consequence: The juice would contain imparities.
Hazard: High load on the homogenizer.
Safeguard: Regular Maintenance.
Action: Repair and replace.
Design Intent: To lower the moisture content in tomato juice.
Deviation: Temperature/low; Temperature/High.
Cause: Same as preheater.
Consequence: Offspec product.
Hazard: Spoilage
Safeguard: Controllers should be installed at the evaporator..
Action: Repair and Replace.
Safety Policy
It shall be the policy of the staff and management of this processing plant to ensure that
operations are carried out in manners that would not pose threat to both the workers and
everyone impacted by the operations. Accident prevention shall be the soul of the operation.
Safety shall be first and always.
Health Policy
It shall be the policy of staff and management of this plant to ensure that occupational health and
hygiene shall receive utmost importance. That care shall be taken to ensure that no health is
impaired or aggravated in the course of the operation of this plant. Regular medical examination
shall be conduct for early diagnosis.
Environment Policy
It shall be the policy of staff and management of this plant to be committed to safeguard both
built and natural environment. Sustainable development shall form the main stay of the
operation. Waste management and pollution control shall be given utmost concern.
Environmental ethics shall be inculcated.
The need to establish a tomato paste plant in Nigeria cannot be overemphasized. The plant
promises to eliminate glut experienced by tomato producers in periods of increased supply. It
also possesses the prospect of boosting the gross domestic products of the country. The design of
the plant being carried out indicates that it is technically feasible to construct the plant because
the equipment is available, the process route is feasible, and the process conditions attainable. It
was also shown from HAZOP studies that the safety and operability concerns of the plant can be
taken care of by proper engineering control, environmental control and personal protection. The
economic analysis shows that the plant is highly profitable. With a high rate of return and short
pay back period.
From the results obtained in this plant design exercise, it is recommended that investment should
be made to set up this plant. More investment should be put into cultivation of raw tomato
which will help to reduce the price of tomato raw material. Tomato plant should not be
constructed for only tomato paste but a three in one plant (Tomato Paste, Tomato Powder, and
Lycopene) should be designed and constructed – this will encourage the utilization of waste
which will increase the annual income for the plant that make it possible for the plant to double
its profit margin. A technology should be developed for the plant which will re-inject heat
produced in the process to serve utility purposes thereby lowering the total production cost of the
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