Project-Investocks Publication 2020
Project-Investocks Publication 2020
Project-Investocks Publication 2020
Abstract— Online-based technology in relation to the investment system for poultry and swine in the Philippines is not well known. Thus, study aimed
to develop a Web-based Investment System that would help investors look for the best poultry and/or swine farm which could generate better
investment returns. An Investor – Farmer matching system with decision process was developed using a user-friendly online interface for Pork
Producers Federation of the Philippines Incorporated (formerly National Federation of Hog Raisers Inc. or NFHFI). This will contain a dashboard on
the system administrator side that would reflect the overall performance and financial standing of participating livestock farms as well as
comprehensive dashboard for investors which would display the historical and current investment data of every investor account. Main functions of
the system include account management, enhanced decision making, maximizing the profit through Return on Investment analysis based on
farmers’ production data and profile. One-on-one interviews, focused groups and direct observations will be employed to collect primary data
required for the system development. The effectiveness of the system and client satisfaction were discussed and presented after months of
deployment in PPFPI website.
Index Terms— Decision Support System; Online Investment System; Report Generation; Livestock Investment; Livestock Farming; Project
Investocks; Decision Tree Algorithm
investors and advancement of internet technology, result to diminished supply of livestock products or consider
developing an online investment system dedicated for the cutting other production expenses which then would reduce
livestock industry, specifically hog and poultry industry the quality of livestock products. The system will be managed
would cross the borders between livestock businesses and by Pork Producers Federation of the Philippines Inc. (PPFPI),
potential online investors [9]. It would also provide a non-government organization for hog farmers’ association
opportunities for investors to reap the rewards of investing that monitors national legislations which may affect the
in livestock businesses that usually generate better interests of the numerous, different aspects and sides of
investment returns since as aforementioned above, people in the industry. It also serves as a way where vital
commodities produced by the livestock business are statistics on market trends, disease incidence, growth
increasingly in demand as the country’s population performances, price and volume movements of swine farm
increases. At the same time, livestock businesses would necessities, and government directions in protecting the
be given the opportunity to reach out to potential agricultural sectors are.
investors for additional financial resources to be used
either for procurement of better equipment to increase 3 THE DEVELOPED SYSTEM
productivity or to simply increase the headcount of their The team also conducted a survey which measures the
livestock farms to anticipate the demand of their degree which the developed system attained its objectives.
products to the public. Upon deployment of the system to The table below shows the respondents’ extent of
the web, the system proponents are hoping it would serve agreement/ disagreement with the statements given.
as an instrument for sustainability of local livestock
commodities in the market, as well as diminish the TABLE 1
dependence from importation of livestock products from 5 –POINT LIKERT SCALE
neighboring countries. [10] Due to inflation rate increase in
the past few years, the client has reported higher incidents Rating Mean Range Interpretation
of fund shortage amongst some of their members, leaving 5 4.50-5.00 Strongly Agree
no choice but to decrease their production rate. The 4 3.50-4.49 Agree
proponents believe the time to procure funds from alternate
3 2.50-3.49 Moderately Agree
sources and harnessing the internet technology to reach out
to online investors would be a good solution. Collating all 2 1.50 -2.49 Disagree
the applicable aspects of some investment 1 1.00-1.49 Strongly Disagree
concepts, the proponents believe that an investment
system which utilizes a time deposit maturity Investocks is an online investment system with decision
timeframe, in line with the different production cycle support system which can only operate in Google Chrome
timeframes of livestock farms, as well as utilizing the and Mozilla Firefox web browsers. Further enhancements
collective power of small to medium investors, and can be done to fully function in a mobile browser after the
possibly seasoned investors to fulfill the fund deployment of the system. Below are the screenshots of the
petitions, the client’s problem of monetary fund web application.
procurement for its livestock farmers can be solved by
implementing the Project Investocks. 4 PROJECT DESIGN
The system was developed in a codeIgniter web application
2 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY framework, uses PHP 7.0. The system also has the
Investocks, a combination of the words ―invests‖ and integrated Payment system by PayPal REST for the payment
―livestocks‖, is a web-based investment system which comes feature is integrated in the CodeIgniter platform. The
with a data-driven decision support system feature, which system’s features can be used properly with Google chrome
would aid potential investors in searching, as per their or Mozilla Firefox. Investocks web application has several
preference, for a livestock farm to invest. At the same time, modules and functionalities. Figure 1 shows the home page
the system would serve as an online platform for livestock of the systems.
businesses under the Pork Producers Federation of the
Philippines Incorporated to post their opportunities for
investing in their businesses as well as possibly market their
products to potential buyers [11]. Since establishment, the
Pork Producers Federation of the Philippines Inc. has been
committed in realizing their mission and vision as an
organization, which is to be the backbone of the hog industry
as it enhances the opportunities for business growth and
viability towards the assurance of the country’s food security
and livelihood program, as well as to be a formidable catalyst
in promoting the competitiveness, sustained growth, and
Fig 1 Sample Screen output of Investocks
protection of its members. However as mentioned by [3] due
to the recent inflation rate, interest rates are at its highest
The system showcased the branding of the federation itself,
peak in the Philippine Economy therefore limiting the options
incorporated with the login, signup, and about us button will
of livestock businesses and consider unconventional ways to
lead the user several functionalities as follows:
keep their production funding enough on the next production
cycle either to decrease their production rate which would
4.14. Fourth, survey statement number 5 shows that 55% of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing All Establishments:
respondents (44) strongly agree, 35% of the respondents Final Results. Retrieved on 30 June 2018 from
(28) agree, and 3 respondents moderately agree to the said
survey statements. The results depicted majority of the philippine-business-and-industry-aspbi-agriculture-
respondents find the layout of the whole system to be forestry-and-fishing.
comprehensive but in statement number 13 it shows about [5] Swine Information Network (2018). Industry
the investocks is fairly accessible on any browser programs, Status.Retrieved on 30 June 2018 from
It is being said because the system was developed entirely
for the latest browsers in the web today. Lastly, based on the ndex.₱/industry-status.
survey conducted, the system garnered a weighted mean [6] Tan Wei (2013). Online Investment and Loan Application
score average of 4.10 in terms of Functionality, Usability, for ZoanOy, Department Of Technology and
Reliability, Portability and Security categories. This would Communication. 87pp.
mean the system is eligible for deployment with further [7] Top 5 Crowdfunding Platforms in Philippines 2018.
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in the Portability and Security aspects of the system.
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Subject to the results of the survey conducted with the use of March). Retrieved November 21, 2018 from
FURPS (Functionality, Usability, Reliability, Performance, and
Security) as a method of measuring the capabilities of the do-time-deposits-work/
created system. As observed on the results the proponents [9] IoT and Livestock: How Internet of Things is Changing
were able to meet the requirements and the main goal of the Farmers' Lives. (n.d.). Retrieved October 8, 2018, from
system. The system’s specific objectives are as follows:
1. To develop the system’s decision support feature lives.html/amp
which would be based on different factors such as [10] Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (2013) .Selected
return on investment (ROI), investment amount, Statistics on Agriculture – 2013. Bureau of Agricultural
production rate, maturity rate, and location Statistics (BAS), Department of Agriculture, Ben-Lor
2. To develop comprehensive dashboard for the Building, 1184 Quezon Avenue, Quezon City 1100,
investors’ and farmers’ account, which will serve as Philippines. June 2013. ISSN-2012-0362. Downloaded:
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facilitate the monetary transactions of the investors Portfolio Management. Leonardo da Vinci programme
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facilitation of investor’s profile and transactions, as in Finance and Management for Further Education of
well as showcasing the livestock farmers’ farm Entrepreneurs and Specialists in Latvia, Lithuania and
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