Criticisms of Globalization
Criticisms of Globalization
Criticisms of Globalization
1. Hello, proffesor. I'm Anh Quan. It's mah pleasure to see you in this semester.And I plan
to say about globalization. To be more precise, Globalization and its criticis. We cannot
deny how much benefit globalization has brought to our lives. But looking at the reality,
globalization has encountered many mixed opinions, especially regarding the
environment, the cause of many diseases today. That's why I wanted to choose this topic
First of all, what is globalization?
2. Introduction
Globalization depicts how diverse world cultures, populations, and economy are
dependant from each other. It is a consequence of cross-border business. The most
popular components of such activity include technology, goods, investments,
information, and services, as well as the labor market. Over many centuries, nations have
enabled economic, political, and social integration on a global scale.
3. History:
- There are some researchers who point out that the origins of thehistory of
globalization can be traced back to the ancient civilizations.The example of the
earliest forms of globalization is the trade links between the Sumerian civilization and
the Indus Valley Civilization. In fact, after this age,there are numerous instances
where trade links were established betweenvarious countries like India, Egypt,
Greece, and Roman Empire and so on.There were regular business links between the
Parthian Empire, Roman Empireand Han Dynasty.The popularity of the trade
relations led to the development of various trade routes like Silk Road. Globalization
in the medieval age The Islamic period in the medieval era is an important epoch in
the history of globalization.This was when the Jewish and the Muslim traders started
going to various parts of the world to sell various items. In China, the first postal
service was introduced and paper was invented. As more and more people started
traveling to various countries across the world, it led to more communication between
people and intermingling of languages. Explorers like Columbus and Vasco Da
Gamas ailed through the oceans in search of new countries and establish trade links
with them or to make other countries their colonies.
- Globalization between the pre modern periods to modern period The industrial revolution in the
19th century was one of the major periods in the history of globalization. Due to the industrial
revolution, there was a significant increase in the quantity and quality of the products. This led to
higher exports and better trade and business relations.Due to better products and colonization,lots
of countries across the world becamethe consumers of the European market.The phase of pre
globalization perhapscame to an end after the First World War.
- Globalization in the modern era Globalization, in the modern sense of the term, came into
existence after the Second World War. One of the main factors for this was the plan by the world
leaders to break down the borders for fostering trade relations between nations. It was also in this
period that major countries like India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and some countries in South America
gained independence. As a result, these countries started having their own economic systems and
established trade relations with the rest of the world.
- The establishment ofthe United Nations Organization (UNO) was also a major stepin this regard.
Another milestone inthe history ofglobalization is thecreation of the WorldTrade
Organizationwhich led to the growthof a uniform platform tosettle trade andcommercial disputes.
Although globalization has promised an improved standard of living and economic development, it
has been heavily criticized for its production of negative effects. Globalization is not simply an
economic project, but it also heavily influences the country environmentally, politically, and socially
as well
Political Impact
Globalization as American hegemony
John Gray described globalization as a post-Cold War American triumphalism, and stated “global
laissez faire is an American project.” The power and influence of the United States (US) is now the
defining feature of world affairs. Indeed, the United States is a hegemonic power insofar as it has been
able to impose its set of rules on the international system. The US also provides public goods to the
system, such as an international economic, commercial, and financial order and a global political and
security order. Furthuremore, In America, there are high levels of economic and social inequalities as
the gap between the rich and poor are great. Furthermore, America has the highest rates of
incarceration, and anxiety due to economic uncertainty is great. What will happen to globalization
without the foundation of American hegemonic power? Pressures to reverse political and economic
reform may grow, and the forces of protectionism in both its economic and political forms may revive.
It is an epiphenomenon of American hegemony, which created and nurtures it. As such, globalization
cannot be sustained without US hegemony and will persist only as long as the United States remains
the world’s only superpower.
Also, transnational corporations could offer massive influence, and bring about more pressure to help
increase worker salaries and working conditions in sweatshops. However, these corporations are often
transnational specifically to take advantage of different labor laws, which they can keep implemented
with their influence and exploit for their gain. On account of doing the business globally, transnational
corporations have the huge influence in many nation states.
Environmental Impact
Environmental factors are a root cause of death, disease, and disability, especially amongst the poor
who directly depend on the environment for their livelihoods
It is important that we put in some efforts to maintain harmony with the environment. The survival of
human race on this planet is dependent on the environment to such a large extent that we cannot afford
to ignore the consequences of our own actions. While there is a lot of debate and discussion on this
issue, the need of the hour is to have effective policies in place, and implementation of those policies.
The people that we have chosen to represent us have the responsibility of ensuring that the extent of
damage on environment is curtailed, if not totally prevented. I hope this article helped us in
understanding globalization and its impact on the environment and the importance of taking concrete
actions against it.
Social Impact
Growing inequality
The Governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, put forward globalization as a factor of an
increase in the inequality of outcomes in societies.
In the process of implementing globalization , the creation of winners and losers are often
predetermined. Multinational corporations often benefit from globalization while poor, indigenous
locals are negatively affected. The power of transnational companies inflicts a major threat for
indigenous tribes. Transnational companies have exploited local family land for their
businesses.Globalization can be seen as a new form of colonization or imperialism, as economic
inequality and the rise in unemployment have followed with its implementation. Globalization has
been criticized for benefiting those who are already large and in power at the risk and growing
vulnerability of the countries’ indigenous population. Furthermore, globalization is non-democratic, as
it is enforced through top-down methods.
Loss of languages
Also because of globalization, more and more people are learning and speaking English to the
detriment of local languages. There are more international schools and the focus now is on the
acquisition of this global language rather than
Cultural Impact
The Western influence on media is also unwelcome. The Western control of media is
viewed as a way to brainwash young Muslims to strip them of their nationality and
cultural heritage. They also oppose the creation of a new, global, hegemonic culture,
referencing Quran 49:13 which states that God has purposefully divided mankind into
different nations and tribes. Arab intellectuals have stated that globalization rids the earth
of human cultural diversity and civilizations’ peculiarities, which many see as barbaric.
Authors and publishers have expressed fear of Western ideals penetrating their nations
Globalization claims to have improved countries’ global status. However, companies
attempting to compete globally have exploited workers, and global competition has been
achieved through poor working conditions. Furthermore, due to global influences,
juvenile crimes have increased because of the disruption of traditional norms.