Plant and Animal Reproduction
Plant and Animal Reproduction
Plant and Animal Reproduction
B. Animal Reproduction.
Direction: The concept map below displays relationship of some unknown terms to the
two types of reproduction. Complete the concept map below. Identify the terms being
described to complete the given concept map. Write your answer inside the box.
Fragmentation 16.
17. Fertilization
13. The organism divides into two or more 16. An organism that has both male and
equal parts and eventually mature into a female reproductive organs for
new individual. reproduction.
14. It is a process where an organism 17. The union of sex cells to produce a
reproduces without egg cell getting new individual.
15. The general term for reproductive
C. Answer the questions correctly.
1. Plants and animals are both capable of reproducing asexually. In which
types of asexual reproduction are common to both organisms?
- Budding, the outgrowth of a new individual from its parent and
fragmentation, the development of a new individual from divided parts of
an organism, are the types of asexual reproduction that is common to both
4. Some animals like Aphids, sea anemones, starfishes, sea stars can
reproduce asexually and sexually. What will be the advantage and
disadvantage of producing through sexual and asexual method?
- The advantage of asexual reproduction is that an organism can produce
more than what sexual reproduction can, yet they’re disadvantages is that
they are vulnerable and they don’t produce variations.
- The advantage of sexual reproduction however is that they could produce
more variation, they are less vulnerable and they could adapt to the
changes, but they reproduce less than the asexual method and since they
adapt every offspring some genes can be forgotten or eliminated.
Directions: Plants have two life stages. The gametophyte life cycle, wherein a haploid
spore is produced, and the sporophyte life cycle wherein there is union of the gametes.
Below are different events in the development of flowering plants. Arrange them in the
correct order. Place the number from 1 to 6 inside the box.
Of the two sperm cells, one sperm fertilizes the egg cell, forming a diploid zygote;
5 the other sperm fuses with the two polar nuclei, forming a triploid cell that
develops into the endosperm
4 Mature plant develops the gametes, releases the pollen and pollinates the flower.
It is the process wherein seeds are transported, spread or moved away from the
6 parent plant either by wind, water, animals or insect.
Blastocyst continues its journey down the fallopian tube until it reaches the uterus
3 for implantation.
1 The union of the sperm and the egg cell forming a zygote.
The zygote travels down the fallopian tube while undergoing several mitotic
2 divisions.
When an embryo reaches the 8th week until birth, it is now referred to as a fetus
7 where it remains in the mother’s womb.
The blastocyst cells form an inner and outer cell layer of the embryo and will later
4 on develop other structure like the placenta.
2. What special structures help the plants absorb nutrients from the soil?
- Aside from the routes stated in the paragraph which are the symplast and
aplopast route, the specialized structures that help plants absorb nutrients
includes the root hairs, a tubular outgrowth in roots.