118 4417584 D09 Configuration Manual CIU888
118 4417584 D09 Configuration Manual CIU888
118 4417584 D09 Configuration Manual CIU888
Configuration Manual
Release R160
Table of Contents
Table of contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
Purpose of this manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
Target audience of this manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
6.7 Verifying the working of the CIU 888 system setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
6.8 Sealing the CIU 888 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
6.9 Special Operating Procedure to perform configuration updates on redundant
CIU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
6.9.1 Updating configuration for Restart parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
6.9.2 Updating configuration for Non-Restart parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6
APPENDIX E Creation of new Modbus field device / TRL/2 Field Device configuration
file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E-1
E.1 Device Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E-1
E.2 Device engineering units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E-1
E.3 Valid Register Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E-2
E.4 Modbus Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E-2
E.5 Custom Value Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E-8
E.6 Supported Modbus Data types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E-10
E.7 Supported Device Engineering Units. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E-12
APPENDIX F List of Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-1
Commissioning is the first step after the installation of the CIU 888.
During commissioning, the CIU 888 site configuration is created and
site elements such as field ports, tanks, GPU data inputs, Modbus data
inputs, TRL/2 data input, and host ports are configured.
When the site is in operation and there are changes, for example a
gauge is added or an additional host system is connected, these
changes need to be implemented, and the CIU 888 needs to be
updated with the new site configuration.
The CIU 888 Service Tool is used for commissioning and configuration
of the CIU 888. The CIU 888 Service Tool is typically installed on a PC/
laptop running Windows 7 or Windows 10, which in turn is connected to
the CIU 888 via the Service port located at the front of the CIU 888
CIU 888 Service Tool replaces Ensite Pro as the configuration tool for
CIU 888. The CIU 888 Service Tool provides the Ensite Pro
configuration options with the following improvements:
Support for a maximum of 80 tanks.
Support for a maximum of 6 field ports.
Support for a maximum of 6 host ports.
Support for gauge engineering units.
Support for configuring a maximum of 4 host ports for GPU
emulation and Modsum Emulation
Support for Modbus field scan.
Support for Modbus TRL/2 field scan.
Support for servicing of Rex gauges.
Support for Modbus TCP/IP on host ethernet ports.
NOTE: CIU 888 Service Tool can be released independent of CIU 888 firmware, hence
the CIU 888 Service Tool has its own release number independent of CIU 888
firmware release number.
NOTE: If an existing CIU 880 / CIU 888 needs to be migrated to the new CIU 888
R150 release and adding the Modbus/TRL/2 field scan functionality, then CIU
888 Service Tool should be used to define the configuration including the
earlier configuration and the Modbus field scan configuration.
chapter 4.2.1 c c
>ŽŐŽŶƚŽƚŚĞ " ŽŶĮŐƵƌĞ the site 'ĞŶĞƌĂƚĞƚŚĞc Verify the CIU 888
L Service Tool a
CIU 888 Service Tool p p
CIU 888
g p
Service Tool to be instĂlled on the
1 g 3 t 5 7 t
c c c
WC/LĂptop to be connected to
CIU 888 ƵsinŐ ethernet cĂble viĂ 2 h 4 h 6 h 8
service port locĂted Ăt the
front of CIU 888 a a a
Verify the licensep Send p p
of CIU 888
the site
completed t
Note: W&M locŬ Ŭey sǁitch Ănd to CIU 888 e e
the ConĮŐƵrĂƟon locŬ Ŭey sǁitch
mƵst be in ‘ƵnlocŬed’ posiƟon
Notes: 1. Step 3 can be done offline without connection to CIU 888 and is
independent of step 1 and 2.
2. Steps 5 and 6 are required only when Entis Pro is a host connecting to
CIU 888.
c c
>ŽŐŽŶƚŽƚŚĞc h c
h Commission h
h Verify the CIU 888
primary CIU 888 ŽŶĮŐƵƌĞ the site
a the secondary
the passworda
Service Tool p
t p
CIU 888 Service Tool
CIU 888
t t
Service Tool to be installed on the
1 3 e 5 7
WC/Laptop e
WC/Laptop to be connected to c
primary CIU 888 ƵsinŐ ethernet 2 h 4 h 6 h 8 h
cable via service port located at the
a a a
front of CIU 888 a
Verify the license
p Send p Generate thep p
Seal the CIU 888,
of primary CIU 888
the site
t INI FIles, start tthe ĐŽŵŵŝƐƐŝŽŶŝŶŐ
Note: W&M lock key switch and ĐŽŶĮŐƵƌĂƟŽŶ ŶƟƐWƌŽĂŶĚůŽĂĚ completed t
the ConĮŐƵraƟon lock key switch of to primary CIU 888e ƚŚĞ/E/ĮůĞƐe ƐƵĐĐĞƐƐĨƵůůLJ e
primary CIU 888 & secondary CIU 888
mƵst be in ‘Ƶnlocked’ posiƟon
Notes: 1. Step 3 can be done offline without connection to CIU 888 and is
independent of step 1 and 2.
2. Step 6 is required only when Entis Pro is a host connecting to CIU 888.
NOTE: Steps 3 and 4 are required only when Entis Pro is a host connecting to
CIU 888.
Notes: 1. Steps 3 and 4 are required only when Entis Pro is a host connecting to
CIU 888.
2. Primary CIU 888 & Secondary CIU 888 must be in sync.
3. Entis pro should be shut down before sending the site configuration to
CIU 888.
4. Updates can be sent only to primary CIU 888 and not to secondary CIU
2.1 Prerequisites
The PC/laptop must meet the following requirements to install the CIU
888 Service Tool:
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit or Windows 10 Enterprise 64 bit or
Windows 10 LTSB 64 bit
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 or higher
NOTE: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 is installed automatically during the installation
of Windows 7 or Windows 10.
Minimum 4 GB RAM
Microsoft Internet Explorer 10.x or 11.x or Google Chrome (version
2. Click Next.
The License Agreement window appears:
3. Read all license agreement and select “ I accept the terms in the
license agreement” .
4. Click Next.
5. Click Install.
6. The Installing Honeywell CIU 888 Service Tool R160 installation
progress status window appears:
NOTE: The "Local Engineers" group will be created by default and the current user will
be added to the "Local Engineers" group.
NOTE: If the local engineers group is already existing in the machine and if the current
user is already associated with the local engineers group, the message box
may not appear to logoff and login the machine.
2. Click Next.
The License Agreement window appears:
3. Read all license agreement and select “I accept the terms in the
license agreement”.
4. Click Next.
5. Select Upgrade the existing CIU 888 Service Tool to uninstall the
previous version and install the new version.
The dialogue box appears to give message on the selected option.
6. Click Yes.
NOTE: This option removes the previous installation and then installs the new service
7. Click Install.
8. The Installing Honeywell CIU 888 Service Tool R160 installation
progress status window appears:
NOTE: The "Local Engineers" group will be created by default and the current user will
be added to the "Local Engineers" group.
NOTE: If the local engineers group is already existing in the machine and if the current
user is already associated with the local engineers group, the message box
may not appear to logoff and login the machine.
2. Click Next.
The License Agreement window appears:
3. Read all license agreement and select “I accept the terms in the
license agreement”.
4. Click Next.
5. Select Install Honeywell CIU 888 Service Tool R160 to install the
R150 version.
NOTE: This option installs the new version of CIU 888 Service Tool without interrupting
older version. This is mainly designed to support multiple versions of CIU 888.
Hence the user will be able to see two versions of CIU 888 Service Tool.
6. Click Install.
NOTE: The "Local Engineers" group will be created by default and the current user will
be added to the "Local Engineers" group.
NOTE: If the local engineers group is already existing in the machine and if the current
user is already associated with the local engineers group, the message box
may not appear to logoff and login the machine.
2.3 Post-Installation
It is recommended to disable fast user switching.
2.3.2 Importing old site databases using CIU 888 Service Tool R160
From CIU 888 Service Tool R160, the site database is stored in the
release specific location. Hence requires to import the old site database
from its previous location, which in turn shall be stored in the specific
location C:\Users\Public\Documents\Honeywell\CIU 888 Service Tool
NOTE 1: This procedure would take a minimum of 2-3 days. Please plan for the same,
so that you have the license ready before you begin the commissioning
NOTE 2: CIU 888 Service Tool R150 license has a new encryption algorithm. Hence CIU
888 Service Tool needs a new License to be requested. Existing machines
which already have Service Tool R101.1 also need to request for the new
license using the above mentioned procedure.
Once you have received the license file, complete these steps to install
the license file.
1. Click (Start) > All Programs > Honeywell > Configuration >
CIU 888 Service Tool. The Browse For Folder window appears.
2. Browse to the license file received from the factory. Click OK.
3. CIU 888 Service Tool validates the license and starts the
NOTE: Once the license is validated, the same license file will be read automatically
for subsequent usage.
Click Yes.
The CIU 888 Service Tool is used for commissioning and configuring
CIU 888. The CIU 888 Service Tool is typically installed on a PC/laptop
running Windows 7 or Windows 10, which in turn is connected to the
CIU 888 via the Service port located at the front of the CIU 888 (see
FIGURE 3-1).
FIGURE 3-2 shows a graphical overview of the CIU 888 Service Tool
and the CIU 888.
FIGURE 3-2 Graphic overview of the CIU 888 Service Tool and the CIU 888
REMARK: Make sure you do not add the CIU 888 website to the compatibility view.
e) In the Add this website to the zone text box enter the IP address
of the CIU 888 website (i.e. Next, click the
Add button.
The IP address of the CIU 888 is added to the trusted sites and is
displayed under Websites (see FIGURE 3-6).
FIGURE 3-6 Trusted sites window - CIU 888 website added to Trusted sites zone
e) Set the “Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe
for scripting” to Enable.
f) Click the OK button to save the settings and to close the window.
You will go back to the Internet Options window.
g) Click the OK button to save the settings and to close the window.
5. Enable the “Include local directory path when uploading files to a
server” setting:
a) From the Tools menu, select the Internet Options option.
The Internet Options window is displayed (see FIGURE 3-9).
j) Click Finish.
REMARK: If a Security Warning message is displayed (see FIGURE 3-18), click Yes and
then click OK.
m) Click Certificates.
The Certificates window is displayed.(see FIGURE 3-20).
d) Click Browse and select the certificate file with a .p7b extension.
You must select PKCS #7 certificates option to view the certificate
file with the .p7b extension.
e) Click Next.
f) In the Certificate Store screen, select the Place all certificates in
the following store option and click Browse.
h) Click Next. Details of the certificate file you are importing are
displayed. Verify the details and click Finish.
3. Enter the username and password to log in to the CIU 888. The
username is: ciuadmin. Click LOG IN.
After entering a valid username and password, the CIU 888 Web
interface is displayed (see FIGURE 3-32).
3.2.1 Preparation
Before you start configuring CIU 888, certain preparations are
necessary. Make sure the following information is available:
Site layout
Field cabling information (which gauges are connected on the
same pair of field wires, etc.)
Tag names of field devices (gauges, CIU and tanks).
Tank information (strapping tables, or tank capacity tables, roof
details, etc.)
Information on the types of stored product
Host communication setup
Modbus TCP/IP Communication set up
You can view or set the measuring unit of the various parameters in the
Global Settings dialog box.
Settings Units
Level dimension Select m, mm, ft, in, in/16, fis or in./256
Temperature dimension Select ˚C or ˚F
Density dimension Select kg/m3, ˚API, lbs/ft3, RD60 or lbs/US gal.
Pressure dimension Select kgf/cm2, Pa, kPa or psi (lbf/in2).
Flow dimension Select m3/min, m3/hr, l/min, l/hr bbls/min, bbls/hr, US
gal/min, Us gal/hr or UK gal/hr.
Volume dimension Select l, m3, US gal or bbls.
Mass dimension Select kg, ton, US ton, lbs or long ton.
Std. ambient air pressure Enter ambient air pressure in kPa (default = 101.325
Air density Enter air density in kg/m3 (default = 1.226 kg/m3).
5. In the CIU 888 name box, type the name of the CIU 888 and click
The CIU 888 Service Tool window appears.
3. In the Name box, type the name of the Field port and click OK.
NOTE 1: BPM field card is used to interface with the Honeywell Enraf BPM field bus
devices and RS-232C/RS485 field card is used to interface with the downlink
CIU 880 / CIU 888 / CIU 858 and third party Modbus field devices. The TRL/2
field card is used to interface with the Honeywell TRL/2 gauges and Rex
NOTE 2: If Protocol type is Modbus RTU / CIU-GPU, configure Field port tab and RS
Field Port tab. If Protocol type is BPM-GPU, configure Field port tab and BPM
Field Port. If Protocol type is Modbus TRL/2, configure Field port tab and TRL/
2 Field Port tab.
NOTE 3: When a field communication fails it is possible to maintain last valid scan data
in the CIU 888 database during a configurable amount of time. The
communication fail delay mechanism is reset on the reception of data.
For Example:
- modem delays bad cabling.
- no answer because of re-initializing gauge.
NOTE 4: When a data fails it is possible to maintain the last valid scan data in the CIU
888 database during a configurable amount of time. The data fail mechanism is
reset on the reception of valid data.
For Example:
- re-initialization of a gauge.
- 802/811 digitizer failure.
NOTE 5: The setting in ‘Poll strategy’ determines the sequence in which the Field ports
are scanned:
PPPPPP = all ports scan parallel (= default).
P11111 = port 1 scans parallel, others scan sequentially.
112233 = ports 1 & 2, ports 3 & 4 and ports 5 & 6 scan in a separate sequence.
5. Click the BPM Field Port tab, the Properties detail appears.
7. Click the TRL2 Field Port tab, the Properties detail appears.
4. In the Name box, type the name of the Tank and click OK.
Properties Description
DCF Enter density correction factor.
S&W Enter sediment and water percentage.
Manual ref. density Enter the product’s reference density.
Mass calculation Select In vaccum or In air
Volume mass correction Select the volume mass correction:
None (no vapour mass) Default
S&W corr. (Liq. Mass from NSV; no Vap. Mass)
Vapour calc. Liq/Vol Ratio ISO/TC28/SC 3 N
Vapour calc. Molar Method ISO/TC28/SC 3 N
Vapour calc. Method API research proj.44
Vapour calc. Molar method ISO 6578
Air density Enter air density in kg/m3 (default = 1.226 kg/m3).
HIMS/HTMS not allowed Check to disable Hybrid Inventory Management Sys-
HTG Check to enable Hydrostatic Tank Gauging.
CTL A selection can be made between standard
calculations or rounding in 4 or 5 decimals.
Properties Description
Flow calculation Enter damping factor (0...1) for stable read-out
damping (default = 0.15).
Flow calculation indepen- Check to enable the option.
dent of moving status
Properties Description
Zone 2 Roof Weight Enter the weight of the tank roof.
Zone 1 High Enter no-go-zone 1 high level.
Zone 2 High Enter no-go-zone 2 high level.
Zone 1 Low Enter no-go-zone 1 low level.
Zone 2 Low Enter no-go-zone 2 low level.
NOTE: High/low zones: The program issues a warning if the low value is higher than
the high value.
12.Click the Tank Capacity Table tab, the Properties detail appears.
Properties Description
Note: The application checks the high TOV to be higher than the low TOV for
innage. If the tank is set up for ullage the high TOV value must be lower than the low
13.On the Tank1 node, right-click and choose Add Tank Capacity
You can add a new Tank Capacity Table or view an existing one.
Properties Description
Tank Capacity Table Refer to Appendix D for the format of Tank Capacity
Browse Click ‘Browse’ to select a tank capacity table. Selected
file is copied to the data environment of the selected
site (C:\Users\Public\Documents\Honeywell\CIU 888
Service Tool\SiteDatabase\<sitename>\STR.
The copied file gets the name [Tank name].txt.
View Click ‘View’ to view the tank capacity table.
Note: A selected tank capacity table file is only accepted if the used engineering
units match the global selected engineering units of the site configuration.
3.2.7 Configuring a GPU Data Input or Modbus Data Input or TRL/2 Data Input
After Tanks are linked to the applicable Field ports, you should add
either GPU Data Input or Modbus Data Input or TRL/2 Data Input to the
respective Tanks.
The CIU 888 collects measurement data like Product level, Product
temperature etc., from the BPM gauges and exposes the data in its
Modbus output (Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP/IP) based on the
configuration. Using this mechanism any Modbus host system can get
the data from CIU 888 and visualize it in its user interface.
The CIU 888 also collects temperature profiles data from the BPM
gauges and exposes the data in its Modbus output (Modbus RTU and
Modbus TCP/IP) based on the configuration. The CIU 888 collects data
for a maximum of 16 temperature elements. Using this mechanism any
Modbus host system can get the temperature profiles data from CIU
888 and visualize the data in its user interface.
The CIU 888 collects density profiles data from the BPM gauges and
expose the data in its Modbus output (Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP/
IP) based on the Modbus coil command from the host system. The CIU
888 collects data for a maximum of 50 density points. Using this
mechanism, any Modbus host system can issue a density profile
command via Modbus coils and get the density profiles data from CIU
888 and visualize the data in its user interface.
The CIU 888 supports density profile upward, density profile
downwards, interface profile upward, interface profile downward,
combined profile upward and combined profile downward commands
via Modbus coils.
The following steps detail out the configuration procedure.
1. On the Tank1 node, right-click and choose Add > GPU Data Input.
3. In the Name box, type the name of the GPU Data Input and click OK.
4. The G1 node is created and displayed under Tank1.
Properties Description
Allow Water dip Check the option, if allowed (I3; 811, 854, 894, 954 only).
Allow Interface profile Check the option, if allowed (IP; 854, 894, 954 only).
FlexConn address Set the option, if allowed (954, 990 Only).
For each temperature profile scan, CIU 888 reserves a time period of 3
minutes so that enough field port bandwidth is given for scanning periodic
foreground and background measurement items.
When the user enables temperature profile scan for a tank through “CIU 888
Service tool” or “Modbus host system” the CIU 888 Service tool runs the
following logic to determine whether the temperature profile scan enable can
be accepted or not without affecting the regular periodic scan items
(foreground and background).
Temperature profile scan enable is allowed if the available slots is greater than
or equal to 0.
Available slots = Total slots – ((Number of frames / 1) * Number of Gauges
in 1st frame) - ((Number of frames / 2) * Number of Gauges in 2nd frame) -
((Number of frames / N) * Number of Gauges in Nth frame)
Total slots = Number of frames * (Number of slots per frame - 1)
Number of frames = Maximum_scan_period / frame interval
NOTE: Make sure that Gauge Units of Measurement matches with the Units of
Measurement configured in the gauge. Default gauge Units of Measurement
are based on the configured global Units of Measurement.
NOTE: Modbus device configuration file for Honeywell Smartline level transmitter
SLG700 is available by default in the CIU 888 Service tool. For new field
device, import its Modbus device configuration file to the CIU 888 Service tool.
4. On the Tank node, right-click and choose Add > Modbus Data
6. In the Name box, type the name of the Modbus Data Input and click
7. The M1 node is created and displayed under Tank1
Properties Description
CIU Parameter This indicates the CIU parameter name to which the
scanned Modbus field device parameter has to be
mapped. CIU Service tool displays all the CIU Parame-
ters which can be scanned from Modbus field devices in
a drop down menu.
Device Type This is the Modbus field device type. For example, this
can be Smartline Level Transmitter, E+H ProServo. CIU
Service tool displays all the supported device types in a
drop down menu.
Device Slave ID Each Modbus device is addressed with a unique slave
ID. That is, when a request is received by a Modbus
device, it checks the Modbus slave ID in the request
and if it matches with its configured slave ID, it
responds back, else it skips the request. This indicates
the Modbus RTU address of the field device.
Device Modbus Start This parameter indicates the address from where the
Address Modbus mapping starts for a device. In case of Modbus
field devices that are directly connected to CIU this
could be 0 and in case of Modbus data concentrator,
the user has to configure it based on the device number
in the Modbus data concentrator. For example, for E+H
ProServo Modbus field device, this value could be 0
and for Smartline Level Transmitter connected as sec-
ond HART device to a HCS Modbus-HART converter,
this value could be 264.
Device Parameter Name This indicates the name of the parameter in the Modbus
field device which needs to be scanned by CIU. This
parameter would be used by CIU to interpret data in
case of custom value mapping.
Modbus Register This indicates the relative Modbus address of the
Address selected parameter.
Absolute Modbus address of Parameter = Device Mod-
bus Start Address + Modbus Register Address
Scan Priority This indicates the scanning priority for a device parame-
ter. This can be configured as Foreground / Back-
ground. While scanning the field device, if multiple field
device parameters are retrieved in one Modbus
request, then highest priority within the scanned field
device parameters is set for that request.
For example, if Product Level (Foreground priority),
Product Temperature (Background priority), Product
Density (Background priority) are retrieved from the
field device with a single Modbus request, then the
Modbus request would be scheduled to the field with
Foreground priority.
Device Engineering Unit This indicates the unit in which data is exposed by the
Modbus field device. For example, E+H ProServo Mod-
bus field device can expose "Liquid Level" parameter in
5 different units (mm, cm, m, ft, inch) and the user has
to select the appropriate device unit based on the Mod-
bus field device configuration.
The CIU 888 collects measurement data like Product level, Product
temperature etc., from the TRL2 gauges and exposes the data in its
Modbus output (Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP/IP) based on the
configuration. Using this mechanism any Modbus host system can get
the data from CIU 888 and visualize it in its user interface.
The CIU 888 also collects temperature profiles data from the TRL2
gauges and exposes the data in its Modbus output (Modbus RTU and
Modbus TCP/IP) based on the configuration. The CIU 888 collects data
for a maximum of 14 temperature elements. Using this mechanism any
Modbus host system can get the temperature profiles data from CIU
888 and visualize the data in its user interface.
The following steps detail out the configuration procedure.
1. On the CIU 888 node, right-click and choose Import TRL/2 device
type file.
NOTE: TRL2 device configuration file for Honeywell Radar TRL2 gauge, Rex RTG
gauge, SDAU2100, Honeywell VITO are available by default in the CIU 888
Service tool. For new field device, import its TRL2 device configuration file to
the CIU 888 Service tool.
6. In the Name box, type the name of the TRL/2 Data Input and click
Properties Description
Device GPU Address This indicates the GPU address of the Honeywell TRL2
field device.
Device Flexconn Address This indicates the Flexconn address of the Honeywell
TRL2 field device.
Device Modbus Start This parameter indicates the address from where the TRL/
Address 2 mapping starts for a device. In case of TRL/2 field
devices that are directly connected to CIU this could be 0
and in case of TRL/2 data concentrator, the user has to
configure it based on the device number in the TRL/2 data
concentrator. For example, TRL/2 data concentrators.
Device Parameter Name This indicates the name of the parameter in the TRL/2
field device which needs to be scanned by CIU. This
parameter would be used by CIU to interpret data in
case of custom value mapping.
Modbus Register This indicates the relative TRL/2 address of the
Address selected parameter.
Absolute TRL/2 address of Parameter = Device TRL/2
Start Address + TRL/2 Register Address
Scan Priority This indicates the scanning priority for a device parameter.
This can be configured as Foreground / Background.
While scanning the field device, if multiple field device
parameters are retrieved in one TRL/2 request, then high-
est priority within the scanned field device parameters is
set for that request.
For example, if Product Level (Foreground priority), Prod-
uct Temperature (Background priority), Product Density
(Background priority) are retrieved from the field device
with a single TRL/2 request, then the TRL/2 request would
be scheduled to the field with Foreground priority.
Device Engineering Unit This indicates the unit in which data is exposed by the
TRL/2 field device. For example, E+H ProServo TRL/2
field device can expose "Liquid Level" parameter in dif-
ferent units (example: mm, cm, m, ft, inch) and the user
has to select the appropriate device unit based on the
TRL/2 field device configuration.
Temperature profile scan This parameter enables / disables the temperature pro-
enable files data collection from a BPM gauge by CIU.
When this option is selected, CIU collects temperature
profiles data from the BPM gauge that is configured for
product temperature.
Note: CIU would collect the temperature profile data
from the gauge from which product temperature is
Note: If the temperature profile is enabled, then the
Scan Period, SlaveID, Modbus Address and Device
Type must be configured for temperature profiles to be
collected from the gauge.
Temperature profile scan This parameter defines the time period within which the
period temperature profile data needs to be collected from a BPM
gauge. The scan period is defined in terms of minutes.
Properties Description
Protocol Type Select None, Modbus RTU, or CIU-GPU (default = None).
Modbus RTU shall be selected if data needs to be
presented to Modbus Hosts like Entis Pro, PLC etc and ser-
vice tool like Tankmaster Winsetup connects to CIU888.
CIU-GPU shall be selected if data needs to be
presented to GPU clients like Entis XL, profiling tools
like Entemp etc., In this case, the host port would be
configured for CIU Emulation.
Modbus Mode When host port is configured for Modbus RTU protocol,
Modbus Mode property indicates the operation mode
for the host port.
Note: Refer to the Protocol Manual - CIU Emulation CIU
888 (Part No. 4417589) section 3.1.2, for more information.
Modbus Mapping Select Entis Pro compliant, User specified, or CIU Plus
Entis Pro compliant shall be selected if Entis Pro is con-
nected to this port. All data will be filled in predefined
CIU Plus compliant shall be selected if CIU Plus is con-
nected to this port. All data will be filled in predefined
Note: Refer to Protocol Manual - Modbus Host (Part No.
4417588) section 2.4, Input registers and Holding regis-
ters, for more information.
User specified shall be selected if a Modbus host like
DCS, PLC is connected to this port. Refer to
section 3.2.9 ‘Modbus settings’ for details how to con-
figure the Modbus map.
Absolute start address Enter start address for the User data area of CIU 888
Modbus map (default = 0).
For Example: Change the start address to 10000 if 80
tanks need to be supported with Entis pro compliant
modbus map.
Suppress moving status This configuration indicates whether moving status is sup-
pressed (or) not in the CIU 888’s Modbus Tank record.
MSU mode Check to enable the option.
MSU mode is mainly for CIU emulation and is applica-
ble only when the protocol type is CIU-GPU.
Note: Refer to the Protocol Manual - CIU Emulation CIU
888 (Part No. 4417589) for more information.
Host port GPU cache Check to enable the option.
When GPU cache mode is enabled, the CIU 888 gets
the data from cache (if available) and responds to GPU
host request.
Disable ACK in CIU-GPU When this option is selected, the CIU does not send
ACK characters to the GPU host system.
Prime compatible Mod- Select to get the modus output in same way as CIU 880
bus output Prime host port.
Default: Not Selected.
Suppress moving status To ignore moving status and present in Modbus output
Default: Not Selected
3. Click the Secondary CIU Host tab, the Properties detail appears.
3. Click Apply.
A pop up window appears, Click OK.
The configuration settings in this tab will define the layout of modbus
data and sequence of the tanks in the modbus map.
Selected Tanks This displays tanks that are associated in the modbus
NOTE: The selected list of entities is shown on the right part of the entities tab, this is
referred as ‘Selected entities’ in the below description.
Properties Description
Click this button to select ‘Entis Pro’ compliant entities
in 'Selected entities'.
Entity ID Entity ID number
Entity Name Name of the Entity
Type Modbus data type of the entity.
Size Number of Modbus registers
Scale Scaling factor
Offset Offset value
NOTE: The selected list of entities is shown on the right part of the entities tab, this is
referred as ‘Selected entities’ in the below description.
Entity ID Entity ID number
Entity Name Name of the Entity
Type Modbus data type of the entity.
Size Number of Modbus registers
Scale Scaling factor
Offset Offset value
This section helps the user to configure the Density Profiles Modbus
area in CIU888.
The configurable Density Profile fields and a brief description on each of
them are given in the following table.
Fields Description
Density Profile Absolute This indicates the absolute start address of the density
Start address profiles record.
Values are in decimal. Default value is 30000
Configurable when modbus mapping is User Specified.
Fields Description
Density Profile Record This indicates the record interval of the density profiles
Interval record.
Values are in decimal. Default value is 320
Configurable when modbus mapping is User Specified.
NOTE: The selected list of entities is shown on the right part of the entities tab, this is
referred as ‘Selected entities’ in the below description.
Properties Description
Click this button to select ‘Entis Pro’ compliant entities
in 'Selected entities'.
Entity ID Entity ID number
Entity Name Name of the Entity
Type Modbus data type of the entity.
Size Number of Modbus registers
Scale Scaling factor
Offset Offset value
Format: a.b.c.d
Subnet Mask Subnet mask of the corresponding Ethernet port in the
CIU. In case of redundant CIUs, this also indicates the
Subnet mask of the corresponding Ethernet port in the
partner CIU.
Format: e.f.g.h
Format: i.j.k.l
IP address ranges Format: IP address range is speci-
fied with "-" and multiple IP address ranges are sepa-
rated by comma.
Unit Id Filtering This enables / disables Unit Id (Unit identifier) filtering
by the Modbus TCP/IP server. If enabled, Modbus
TCP/IP server only responds to Modbus requests with
Unit Id (Unit Identifier) from the Unit Id list configured in
"Unit Ids" option.
Allowed Unit IDs This indicates the Unit Id (Unit Identifier) list for which
Modbus TCP/IP server should respond. Modbus
requests with any other Unit Id apart from that config-
ured here would be ignored and not responded by the
Modbus TCP/IP server.
Example: 1,2,3,4,5
Multiple Unit IDs are separated by commas.
3. Click the Secondary FTE Host Port tab to view the Property.
Format: w.x.y.z
NOTES: 1. If configuring for Experion network, both FTE A and FTEB should be in
same subnet.
2. If configuring in non-redundancy mode, then Transparency and IP
switchover decision maker should be disabled.
NOTES: 1. In Experion PKS integration via LAN network, LAN A and LAN B should be
in same subnet and LAN should be in different subnet.
Format: 192.168.x.x
Default Value:
Format: 255.255.255.x
Default Value:
Format: 192.168.x.x
Default Value:
3. The two fields seen in the window and a brief description of each of
them are as follows:
Modbus Configuration Name - This indicates the Modbus
configuration name. This shall be used to identify a Modbus map
configuration for a Modbus TCP/IP client.
Unit ID - This indicates the Unit Id (Unit Identifier) list for which
Modbus TCP/IP server should respond. Modbus requests with
any other Unit Id apart from that configured here would be ignored
and not responded by the Modbus TCP/IP server. It is value from
1 - 254.
4. Enter appropriate details in each of the fields and click OK
The ModbusMapSettings window appears
5. The various fields seen in the window and a brief description on each
of the them are given in the following table.
Fields Description
Modbus Configuration This indicates the Modbus configuration name. This
Name shall be used to identify a Modbus map configuration for
a Modbus TCP/IP client.
Unit ID This refers to the unit identifier in case of the Modbus
TCP/IP client request. Different Modbus maps should
have unique unit identifier configured so that when a
Modbus TCP/IP client requests with a Unit Identifier,
CIU shall pick up the corresponding Modbus map and
present the data accordingly.
Turn around Delay This refers to the CIU’s response to any Modbus
requests after the specified turn around delay in milli
Value is from 0 to 65535. Default value is 20.
Modbus mapping This indicates the Modbus mapping type. Supported
types are:
• Entis Pro Complaint
• User specified
• CIU Plus Complaint
• ENTIS Compliant
For more information on User specified modbus maps,
refer to section and section
Fields Description
Absolute start address This indicates the absolute start address of the Modbus
tank record.
Values are in decimal.
Note: For Entis Pro and ENTIS Complaint Modbus
mapping, if the number of tanks are more than 50 then
configure absolute start address as 10000.
Temperature Profile Abso- This indicates the absolute start address of the tem-
lute Start address perature profiles record.
Values are in decimal. Default value is 20000. Configu-
rable when modbus mapping is User Specified.
Temperature Profile This indicates the record interval of the temperature
Record Interval profiles record.
Values are in decimal. Default value is 125. Configu-
rable when modbus mapping is User Specified.
Density Profile Absolute This indicates the absolute start address of the density
Start address profiles record.
Values are in decimal. Default value is 30000.
Configurable when modbus mapping is User Specified.
Density Profile Record This indicates the record interval of the density profiles
Interval record.
Values are in decimal. Default value is 320.
Configurable when modbus mapping is User Specified.
NOTE: Click the Apply button after filling details in Tanks, Entities, Temperature
Profiles and Density Profiles tab.
On the CIU 888 node, right-click and select Delete exisiting TCP/
IP modbus map from the menu.
2. Select the name of the Modbus map to be deleted from the drop-
down list and click OK.
The Modbus map is deleted.
3. Select the name of the modbus map to be viewed from the drop-
down list and click OK.
Click the apply button to save changes before navigating to other tabs. Failing to do so may
lead to wrong values getting displayed.
3. In the Service Port address box, type the name of the service port
4. In the User name box, type the User name.
5. In the Password box, type the password.
6. In the Configuration box, select the New Configuration or update
7. Click Send Configuration to CIU 888.
3. In the Service Port address box, type the name of the service port
4. In the User name box, type the User name.
5. In the Password box, type the password.
6. Click Generate INI Files.
3. In the Service Port address box, type the name of the service port
4. In the User name box, type the user name.
5. In the Password box, type the password.
6. Click Verify Configuration.
2. Click Import.
NOTE: Migrating Service tool database from previous releases to the current release
(R150) is possible.
4.2.1 Logging on to the CIU 888 and changing the initial password
During the initial setup, a user has to log on to the CIU 888 and change
the initial password first.
1. On the PC/laptop connected to the CIU 888, launch a browser.
2. Enter the IP address of the CIU 888 in the address bar of the
browser. The IP address is: Press the Enter key.
The Login window of the CIU 888 is displayed.
3. Enter the username and password to log in to the CIU 888. The
username is: ciuadmin. The initial password is CIU888@Enraf.
Click LOG IN.
After entering a valid username and password, the CIU 888 prompts
to change the password of the ciuadmin account (see FIGURE 4-3).
NOTE: Changing the password is only required during the initial setup of the CIU 888.
4. Verify if the correct license is installed on the CIU 888. If not, contact
The site configuration created with Service Tool is saved in the folder
C:\Program Files (x86)\Honeywell\CIU 888 Service Tool R150.
This folder also contains the following sub-folders:
This folder is reserved for Entis Pro INI files generated with
Service Tool.
This folder is reserved for log files.
This folder is reserved for strapping table files linked to the tanks in
the site configuration.
4.6 Starting Entis Pro and loading the updated INI files in Entis Pro
When the INI files are generated, start the Entis Pro system connected
to the CIU 888 and then load the INI files in Entis Pro. Refer to the
Configuration manual Entis Pro version 2.70x for Windows 7 (Part
No. 4416381) for more information.
PC/laptop running the Modbus TCP/IP Host via one of the configured
ethernet host ports using network cable (see FIGURE 4-8)
NOTE: If the CIU 888 does not feature the option to be sealed, the W&M lock key
switch and the configuration lock key switch can either be locked or left
NOTE: Refer to the Protocol Manual - Modbus Host (Part No. 4417588) for more
information about setting up of Modbus host for redundancy.
NOTE: The active CIU 888 can either be the primary CIU 888 or the secondary
CIU 888.
the front of the CIU 888 (see FIGURE 5-2). See CHAPTER 3 for
more information about the CIU 888 Configuration System.
FIGURE 5-6 Status Dashboard of primary CIU 888 (left) and secondary CIU 888 (right)
5.7 Starting Entis Pro and loading the INI files in Entis Pro
When the INI files are updated, then start the Entis Pro system(s)
connected to the CIU 888s and then load the INI files in Entis Pro. Refer
to the Configuration manual Entis Pro version 2.70x for Windows 7
(Part No. 4416381) for more information.
NOTE: If the CIU 888s do not feature the option to be sealed, the W&M lock key
switches and configuration lock key switches can either be locked or left
If there are changes in the CIU 888 system setup, these changes must
be implemented in the site configuration. Subsequently, the updated
site configuration must be sent to the CIU 888 for the changes to
become effective.
Changes in the CIU 888 system setup can be the result of the following.
For example:
Connection of additional tank gauging instruments to the CIU 888
Connection of additional host systems to the CIU 888
Installation of a new CIU 888 license resulting in the expansion of the
features and functionalities of the CIU 888 (e.g. redundancy, support
of a larger number of tanks)
Perform the following steps to update the CIU 888 site configuration:
1. Implement the required changes in the site configuration, see
section 6.3
2. Send the updated site configuration to the CIU 888, see section 6.4
3. Generate the INI files required for Entis Pro, see section 6.5
4. Start the Entis Pro system connected to the CIU 888, and load the
INI files in Entis Pro, see section 6.6
5. Verify the working of the system setup, see section 6.7
6. Seal the CIU 888, see section 6.8
6.1 Requirements for updating the non redundant CIU 888 site config-
The following requirements must be met in order to update the CIU 888
site configuration:
The CIU 888 must be switched on. See section 7.1.1 for more
For W&M parameters update, W&M lock key switch and
Configuration lock key switch of the CIU 888 must be in 'unlocked'
position. See section 7.2 for more information.
For non W&M parameters update, Configuration lock key switch of
the CIU 888 must be in 'unlocked' position. See section 7.2 for more
A PC/laptop running the CIU 888 Configuration System must be
connected to the Service port of the CIU 888 using a Cat. 5 Ethernet
cable (patch or crossover). The Service port is located at the front of
the CIU 888 (see FIGURE 6-1). See Chapter 3 for more information
about the CIU 888 Configuration System.
6.2 Requirements for updating the redundant CIU 888 site configura-
The following requirements must be met in order to update the CIU 888
site configuration:
The primary CIU 888 and the secondary CIU 888 must be in sync.
For W&M parameters update, W&M lock key switch and
Configuration lock key switch of Primary CIU 888 and Secondary
CIU 888 must be in 'unlocked' position. See section 7.2 for more
For non W&M parameters update, Configuration lock key switch of
Primary CIU 888 and Secondary CIU 888 must be in 'unlocked'
position. See section 7.2 for more information.
A PC/laptop running the CIU 888 Configuration System must be
connected to the Service port of the CIU 888 using a Cat. 5 Ethernet
cable (patch or crossover). The Service port is located at the front of
the CIU 888 (see FIGURE 6-1). See Chapter 3 for more information
about the CIU 888 Configuration System.
During updating of the CIU 888 site configuration, the Entis Pro
system connected to the CIU 888 must be shut down.
NOTE: In case of updating redundant CIU 888, the configuration should be sent to
Primary CIU 888.
6.6 Starting Entis Pro and reloading INI files in Entis Pro
When the INI files have been generated, then start the Entis Pro system
connected to the CIU 888 and then load the INI files in Entis Pro. Refer
to the Configuration manual Entis Pro version 2.70x for Windows 7
(Part No. 4416381) for more information.
NOTE: To use Entis as a host , refer to the Entis Manuals in Honeywell Entis HUB
accessible from https://www.honeywellprocess.com/en-US/online_campaigns/
NOTE: If the CIU 888 does not feature the option to be sealed, the W&M lock key
switch can either be locked or left unlocked.
NOTE: CIU B will restart and will take up Passive role with 1-99 in hot stand by
NOTE: Generate INI files from CIU B by connecting via service/VPN port.
If Entis Pro is the host then reload INI files. If Entis is used as host then reload
the site DB in Entis.
NOTE: a) Entis pro automatically issues switch over if CIU B had taken value 1-99 in
hot standby window on step 3. After switch over, CIU A will take value as 1-99
and role as Passive and CIU B will take value 100 and role as Active.
b) If both the CIUs (A and B) have value as 100, then user has to make CIU B
as Active by issuing a switch over command.
NOTE: a) Entis pro automatically issues switch over if CIU A had taken value 1-99 in
hot standby window on step 5. Now CIU A will become active and take value as
100 and CIU B will become passive and take value as 1-99.
b) If both the CIUs (A and B) have value as 100, then user has to make CIU A
as Active by issuing a switch over command.
NOTE: CIU A will restart and take up Passive role with Hot standby value 100.
8. Issue a switch over in Entis Pro. CIU A takes up Active role and CIU
B will take up Passive role.
NOTE: CIU B remains Passive with value 100 or 1-99 in hot stand by window.
NOTE: Generate INI files from passive CIU B by connecting via service/VPN port.
If Entis Pro is the host then reload INI files. If Entis is used as host then reload
the site DB in Entis.
NOTE: a) Entis pro automatically issues switch over if CIU B had taken value 1-99 in
hot standby window on step 3. After switch over, CIU A will take value as 1-99
and role as Passive and CIU B will take value 100 and role as Active.
b) If both the CIUs (A and B) have value as 100, then user has to make CIU B
as Active by issuing a switch over command.
NOTE: a) Entis pro automatically issues switch over if CIU A had taken value 1-99 in
hot standby window on step 5. Now CIU A will become active and take value as
100 and CIU B will become passive and take value as 1-99
b) If both the CIUs (A and B) have value as 100, then user has to make CIU A
as Active by issuing a switch over command.
NOTE: CIU A will restart and take up Passive role with Hot standby value 100
8. Issue a switch over in Entis Pro. CIU A takes up Active role and CIU
B will take up Passive role.
During startup, the CIU 888 Loading... splash screen is shown on the
CIU 888 display (see FIGURE 7-2).
FIGURE 7-2 CIU 888 display: CIU 888 Loading... splash screen
NOTE: If the CIU 888 is built into a storage cabinet, the on/off switch should be in the
‘ON’ position as it is no longer accessible. In this case, you can start the
CIU 888 by switching on the mains.
FIGURE 7-3 CIU 888 Web interface: Restart CIU option in CIU 888 menu
During restart, the CIU 888 Restarting... splash screen is shown on the
CIU 888 display (see FIGURE 7-4).
FIGURE 7-4 CIU 888 display: CIU 888 Restarting... splash screen
FIGURE 7-5 CIU 888 Web interface: Shutdown CIU option in CIU 888 menu
NOTE: To switch the CIU 888 back, use the on/off switch at the back of the device, see
section 7.1.1. Because the on/off switch is still in the ‘ON’ position, the on/off
switch must be switched to the ‘OFF’ position first. Subsequently, the CIU 888
can be started by switching the on/off switch to the ‘ON’ position.
7.2 W&M lock key switch and Configuration lock key switch
The CIU 888 features two key switches located at the front of the
W&M lock key switch, see section 7.2.1.
Configuration lock key switch, see section 7.2.2.
On the CIU 888 display, the status of the W&M lock key switch
changes from (‘locked’) to (‘unlocked’) (see FIGURE 7-7).
FIGURE 7-7 CIU 888 display: W&M relevant configuration settings are unlocked
3. Remove the key from the key switch and store it.
FIGURE 7-8 CIU 888 display: W&M relevant configuration settings are locked
3. Remove the key from the key switch and store it.
3. Remove the key from the key switch and store it.
3. Remove the key from the key switch and store it.
The CIU 888 displays its floating point numeric data with a decimal
separator which is either a dot (default) or a comma. Other characters
are not allowed. A number cannot start nor end with a decimal
separator. For example, ‘0.2’ is correct, but ‘.2’ is not correct.
The CIU 888 displays its numeric data with a thousand separator which
is either a dot, a comma (default) or no separator (space). Other
characters are not allowed. The thousand separator is applied before
and after the decimal separator to group three digits. A number cannot
start nor end with a thousand separator.
NOTE: The thousand separator parameter falls under the W&M seal.
5. From the list box next to ‘Decimal symbol:’ select the symbol to be
used as decimal separator.
6. From the list box next to ‘Digit grouping symbol:’ select the symbol to
be used as thousand separator.
7. Click OK to save the settings and to close the window.
A.2.3.1 Date
A.2.3.2 Time
hh = zero-padded hour between 00 and 24
mm = zero-padded minute between 00 and 59
ss = zero-padded second between 00 and 60
ttt = zero-padded between 000 and 999
NOTE: The AM/PM part of time should not be at the start. So time format AM 03:55 is
not allowed. Only the standard windows time formats are supported.
The main task of the CIU 888 is scanning the connected tank gauging
instruments continuously for the measured values of the connected
The Sync Link port is located at the back of the CIU 888 (see
C.2.1 RS-232 host port redundancy with redundant CIU 888s and host port
redundancy on demand of host system
In this configuration, both CIU 888s in the redundant configuration are
connected to the same host system, for example, Entis Pro (see
FIGURE C-2). The CIU 888s are connected to the host system via one
of their fixed host ports. Each host port has its own unique RTU address
and is configured for communication through Modbus RTU on serial.
FIGURE C-2 RS-232 Host port redundancy with redundant CIU 888s and host port redundancy on
demand of host system
This configuration is compliant with Entis Pro or any other modbus host
system. By issuing the appropriate Modbus command, Entis Pro can
demand to switch over to the secondary CIU 888 if the primary CIU 888
is not responding anymore and move to Com2/Port 42 to acquire tank
data. The secondary CIU 888 becomes the active CIU and its host port
becomes R/W.
NOTE: Refer to the chapter ‘CIU Plus Links’ in the Configuration Manual Entis Pro
2.70x for Windows (Part No. 4416381) for more information about connecting
the CIU 888 to the Entis Pro system.
C.2.2 RS-232 host port redundancy with redundant CIU 888s and data
synchronization between host systems
In this configuration, each CIU 888 in the redundant configuration is
connected to a separate host system, for example, Entis Pro (see
FIGURE C-3). The CIU 888s are connected to the host system via one
of their fixed Host ports. Each host port has its own unique RTU address
and is configured for communication through Modbus RTU on serial. By
connecting each CIU 888 to a separate instance of Entis Pro, an extra
safety is created in the event of failure of one of the two host systems.
FIGURE C-3 RS-232 host port redundancy with redundant pair of CIU 888s and data synchronization
between host systems
This configuration is compliant with Entis Pro or any other modbus host
system. By issuing the appropriate Modbus command, Entis Pro can
demand to switch over to the secondary CIU 888 if the primary CIU 888
is not responding anymore and move to Com2/Port 42 to acquire tank
data. The secondary CIU 888 becomes the active CIU and its host port
becomes R/W.
NOTE: Refer to the chapter ‘CIU Plus Links’ in the Configuration Manual Entis Pro
2.70x for Windows (Part No. 4416381) for more information about connecting
the CIU 888 to the Entis Pro system.
C.2.3 Modbus TCP host port redundancy with redundant CIU 888s and data
synchronization between host systems
In this configuration, both CIU 888s in the redundant configuration are
connected to the Honeywell Experion PKS ((see FIGURE C-4)) and to
other Modbus TCP/IP hosts. The CIU 888s are connected to Experion
FTE Networks via FTE A & FTE B ports. CIU888s acts as non-FTE
nodes on FTE network. Each ethernet port has its own unique IP
address and is configured in Modbus TCP/IP hosts for communication.
Also, LAN ports can be connected to LAN network which can further be
accessed by other Modbus TCP/IP client host systems.
At CIU888 level, Modbus maps are created with Unique Unit ID which
can be configured in Modbus TCP/IP Client host systems. This way,
each configured map can be accessed in any Modbus TCP/IP ports.
FIGURE C-4 Modbus TCP host port redundancy with redundant CIU 888s and data synchronization
between host systems
5. Click Secondary FTE Host Port tab to view the Properties details.
12.Click Secondary FTE Host Port tab to view the Properties details
13.Enter an appropriate IP address in the Secondary’s IP address
field. (For example, if the configured Primary CIU 888's IP address is
given as then the configured Secondary's IP address
can be given as
NOTE: When Redundant CIU 888 is integrated with Experion PKS, the IP address of
the FTE A & FTE B should be configured in the same subnet.
Configure Modbus maps in CIU 888 for Experion PKS based on the site
requirement. Refer to Configuration manual section 3.2.11 for more
information on Modbus maps configuration procedures.
3. Under the Port tab, choose LANVendor from the Port Type drop-
down list and Modbus TCP from the Network Type drop-down list.
Create Modbus Controller for different type of data inputs and outputs
based on the site requirement.
For example, for Holding Registers which are required for calculated
and measured parameters, a Modbus Controller "ANALOG" is created
as below and associated with configured Modbus Channel which is CIU
888_TCP. The IP Address 1 and IP Address 2 are configured with
Primary CIU 888's FTE A and FTE B IP address.
For example, if Primary CIU 888's FTE A IP address is
and FTE B IP address is, then configure IP Address 1 as & IP Address 2 as Also, configure the
port numbers as per the CIU 888 FTE A/FTE B configurations.
PLC Station ID should be configured based on the Unit ID selected for
Modbus map created in CIU 888 for Experion PKS integration. For
example, if the Modbus map for Experion PKS is created with Unit ID as
1, then PLC Station ID should be configured as 1.
ANALOG modbus controller for holding registers is shown in the figure
Similarly, for Digital Inputs (or Read Discrete Inputs) "INPUT" controller
is created and for Digital Outputs (Write Coils) "OUT" controller is
created and downloaded to server.
Digital Input Controller for Read Discrete Inputs is as shown in the figure
Digital Output Controller for Write Coils is as shown in the figure below.
For the Write Coil for giving Switchover command to CIU 888 to make
created which is associated to OUTPUT controller. The PV Source
Address is given as OUTPUT 1 which needs to configured in control tab
of the point for write.
Refer to the below table for the Tank Capacity Table format.
Strap File Example Description
[Tank ID] [Tank Identification]
Name = TNK-03 ASCII string: the name of the tank
Date = 15-Feb-15 ASCII string: the date this file is
Time = 12:34:00 PM ASCII string: the time this file is
Level = 2 1 = m xxx.xxxx
2 = mm xxxxxx.x
3 = ft xxx.xxxx
4 = in xxxx.xxx
5 = in/16 xxxxxx.x
Volume = 51 50 = l xxxxxxxxx
51 = m3 xxxxxx.xxx
52 = USgal xxxxxxxx.x
53 = bbls xxxxxxx.xx
Ullage = 0 0 = innage
1 = ullage
Straps = 6 Number of straps
<ValidRegisterRanges> This indicates the Modbus End 300001 to 365535
<Range> address 400001 to 465535
kgf/cm², Pa, kPa,
psi, atm, bar,
psi_r1000, mBarG
(TRL/2), mBarA
(TRL/2), 1/100
psiG (TRL/2),
1/100 psiA (TRL/2)
Modbus Data
16-bit decimal Bit 15 : sign
float Bit 14..11 : Exponent power of 10
Bit 10..0 : Mantissa
Range : 0 to 65535.5
32-bit uint/f10 Most significant 16 bits represent integer data and least
significant 16 bits represents 1 fraction digit.
Range : 0...65535.95
32-bit uint/f100 Most significant 16 bits represent integer data and least
significant 16 bits represents 2 fraction digits.
Range : 0...65535.995
32-bit uint/f1000 Most significant 16 bits represent integer data and least
significant 16 bits represents 3 fraction digits.
Range : 0...65535.9995
32-bit uint/ Most significant 16 bits represent integer data and least
f10000 significant 16 bits represents 4 fraction digits.
Range : 0...65535.99995
Char This data represents an ASCII character.
8-bit signed This data represents an 8-bit signed data.
Range : -127 to 128
Modbus Data
8-bit unsigned This data represents an 8-bit unsigned data.
Range : 0 to 255
Units of
Measurement Device Unit
Density Kilogram cubic meters
Degrees API
Pounds cubic feet
Gram / Millilitre
Abbreviation Description
BPM Bi-Phase Mark
CIU Communication Interface Unit
DCS Distributed Control System
GOV Gross Observed Volume
GPU Gauge Processing Unit
GSV Gross Standard Volume
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
PC Personal Computer
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
RAM Random Access Memory
RTU Remote Terminal Unit
SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
TOV Total Observed Volume
TRL Tank Radar Level
W&M Weights and Measures
XML Extensible Markup Language
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