9-Ball Rules Bca
9-Ball Rules Bca
9-Ball Rules Bca
On the shot immediately following a legal break, the shooter may play a "push out." (See Rule 5.). If the breaker pockets
one or more balls on a legal break, he continues to shoot until he misses, fouls, or wins the game. If the player misses or
fouls, the other player begins his inning and shoots until he misses, fouls, or wins. the game ends when the nine ball is
pocketed on a legal shot, or the game is forfeited for a serious infraction of the rules.
The player who shoots the shot immediately after a legal break may play a push out in an attempt to move the cue ball
into a better position for the option that follows. On a push out, the cue ball is not required to contact any object ball
nor any rail, but all other foul rules still apply. The player must announce his intention of playing a push out before the
shot, or the shot is considered to be a normal shot. Any ball pocketed on a push out does not count and remains
pocketed except the 9-ball. Following a legal push out, the incoming player is permitted to shoot from that position or to
pass the shot back to the player who pushed out. A push out is not considered to be a foul as long as no rule (except
rules 7. and 8.) is violated. An illegal push out is penalized according to the type of foul committed. After a player
scratches on the break shot, the incoming player cannot play a push out.
When a player commits a foul, he must relinquish his run at the table and no balls pocketed on the foul shot are
respotted (exception: if a pocketed ball is the 9-ball, it is respotted). The incoming player is awarded ball in hand; prior
to his first shot he may place the cue ball anywhere on the table. If a player commits several fouls on one shot, they are
counted as only one foul.
If the first object ball contacted by the cue ball is not the lowest- numbered ball on the table, the shot is foul.
If no object ball is pocketed, failure to drive the cue ball or any numbered ball to a rail after the cue ball contacts the
object ball on is a foul.
When the cue ball is in hand, the player may place the cue ball anywhere on the bed of the table, except in contact with
an object ball. He may continue to adjust the position of the cue ball until he takes a shot.
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