Rehabilitation of Covid-19 Patients: Letter To The Editor

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J Rehabil Med 2020; 52: jrm00046




The coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has dra- pulmonary fibrosis. However, SARS-CoV-2 infection
matically transformed the organization of public and does not only affect lungs. The spleen is reduced, with
private health organizations of the Lombardy region, bleeding and focal necrosis. Lymphocytes count signi-
the Italian region where the viral spread has been more ficantly decreases because of necrosis and macrophages
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine

quick and intense (1). According to the data available proliferate with phagocytic phenomena. On immu-
on the 8th of April 2020 from the beginning of the nohistochemical tests, spleen and lymph nodes show
epidemic at the end of February, 139,422 cases and CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocytes reduction. In the bone
17,669 deaths have been reported in Italy, which may marrow, the cells of all 3 lines (erythroid, myeloid and
underestimate the real incidence. megakaryocyte) are reduced in number. Serious primary
The rapid spread of the virus has upset all hospital cardiovascular injury is also reported: cardiomyocytes
organizations. The Rehabilitation Hospitals, as well as can show degenerations and necrosis, lymphocytic or
the rehabilitation units of multidisciplinary institutes, neutrophil interstitial infiltration has been observed and
have considerably changed their activity. The need for vessel disepithelialisation, vasculitis, and micro-thrombi
medical assistance to an increasingly higher number formation. The liver and kidneys are also affected in CO-
of patients forced the hospitals to improve the volume VID-19 patients: hepatocytes degenerate, liver sinusoids
of intensive care beds and to convert the rehabilitation are hyperaemic with micro-thrombi and lymphocyte
departments in COVID-19 beds. and neutrophil infiltration of the portal spaces; while
San Raffaele Scientific Institute, a large tertiary tubules show epithelial degeneration and capillary of
hospital and research centre in Milan, Italy, was im- the interstitium are hyperaemic, with possible micro-
mediately involved in the management of the public thrombi and interstitial fibrosis.
health emergency (1). Central nervous system involvement has also been
After the first COVID-19 case of San Raffaele Scien- reported, with dysgeusia, hyposmia and consciousness
tific Institute of Milan, dated back on 25th February, the alterations or neuropsychological manifestations. The

3 Rehabilitation Units were merged to create dedicated brain parenchyma shows hyperaemia and oedema with
beds for coronavirus cases in less than one week. neuronal degeneration (4). The haematogenous spread
Furthermore, regional laws relieved the outpatient seems to be responsible for the “neuroinvasion” of
activities of the Rehabilitation Departments to reduce SARS-COV-2 with the involvement of the central and
the viral spread. The nurse staff have been sent to the peripheral nerve pathways. Consequences are the Cri-
new COVID-19 Rehabilitation Department created for tical Illness Myopathy and Neuropathy, (CRIMINE),
those patients coming from the Intensive Care Units. At as well as other possible neurological syndromes
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine

this moment, about 40 patients are hospitalized in the with post-infectious aetiology, such as Guillain-Barrè
Rehabilitation Department at San Raffaele Hospital. syndrome (4).
The acute respiratory syndrome caused by SARS- To date, two distinct phases of SARS-CoV-2 syn-
CoV-2 syndrome may be characterized by mild re- drome have been identified: the first acute phase is
spiratory diseases or moderate-to-severe pneumonia, characterized by a prevalent respiratory syndrome,
which can cause Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome while in the second one, together with the progressive
(ARDS) and multi-organ failure. recovery of the respiratory disease, prolonged bed rest
In SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia, bilateral interstitial syndrome and invasive mechanical ventilation seque-
infiltration with serious alteration of the ventilation- lae have been reported.
perfusion ratio and probably shunt, cause hypoxic Based on the aforementioned features, rehabilita-
respiratory insufficiency (2). tion of COVID-19 patients cannot be separated from
Acute hypoxemia may cause obstinate dysp- the medical assistance, for respiratory, infective or
noea with the need of oxygen therapy administration neurological issues which, together with bedsores,
through High-flow nasal oxygen (HFNO), or through peripheral muscle weakness, muscular retractions,
the application of a non-invasive positive pressure, articular limitations, balance/postural disorders, and
c-PAP or NIV (with oronasal or face masks, helmets) physical deconditioning caused by prolonged bed rest,
(2, 3). Unfortunately, in case of O2 saturation worse- could dramatically reduce the chances of returning to
ning, orotracheal intubation and invasive mechanical a pre-infection functional status (5).
ventilation are mandatory. These aspects deeply influence the rehabilitation care

The pulmonary parenchyma presents focal hae- of these patients and the characteristic of the medical
morrhages and necrosis, even up to a haemorrhagic team. Indeed, the recent SARS-CoV-2 experience has
infarction. The alveolar exudate can consolidate causing revealed the need for a multidisciplinary rehabilitative

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license.

Journal Compilation © 2020 Foundation of Rehabilitation Information. ISSN 1650-1977 doi: 10.2340/16501977-2678
p. 2 of 3 Letter to the Editor

approach, especially for those patients with serious treatments by specialized rehabilitation professionals,

COVID-19 illness, advanced age, obesity, multiple such as the speech therapist and physiotherapist. A
chronic diseases, and organ failure. Every patient needs second aspect concerns the cognitive functions. Long
a neuromotor and respiratory rehabilitation program, ICU period and anoxic damage can lead to anxiety,
tailored based upon the aforementioned features. post-traumatic stress disorder, and depression or in
As already mentioned, the recovery of COVID-19 more serious and especially elderly cases, to cognitive
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine

patients aims at improving the respiratory function, functions decline. Neuropsychological support repre-
counteracting immobilization, reducing the rate of sents a fundamental activity, which has to be included
long-term complications and disability and to improve in the rehabilitation programs of these patients.
cognitive and emotional domains, in order to promote Dysphagia and alterations of cognitive functions in
the quality of life and facilitate the discharge at home (6). COVID-19 patients are still being evaluated however,
The rehabilitation management of SARS-COV-2 their presence in a large number of hospitalized patients
patients is also related to the two stages of the infec- suggests, as well as in other neurological conditions,
tion mentioned above. In the acute phase, mainly that their management is fundamental for social rein-
characterized by respiratory disorders, early respiratory tegration.
rehabilitation is highly recommended. Relevant phy- All these therapies have to be performed at the
siotherapy aspects are the multidisciplinary manage- patient’s bed. Personal protective equipment is man-
ment of non-invasive ventilation, frequent changes of datory. However, their shortage, which was promptly
posture, passive mobilization, positional therapy and declared by health structures managing COVID-19
recovery of motor function once the acute phase has patients, caused many infections among health profes-
been resolved. Regarding postural management, it is sionals, about 10% of overall cases, with consequent
important to gradually increase the anti-gravity posi- difficulty in health management.
tion based on the patient’s clinical condition, until the Considering the clinical conditions caused by pro-
patient can maintain an upright position. It can be also longed immobilization and musculoskeletal deteriora-
useful to keep patients in a semi-sitting position, with tion, these patients need rehabilitation treatments also
the bed backrest at 45–60°. According to their clinical

after COVID-19 unit discharge. Particularly, those

conditions, patients have to undergo orthostatism and cases still experiencing respiratory or motor problems
postural variation treatments several times a day (7). have to continue their rehabilitation programs in Spe-
It has to be noted that patients suffering from ARDS cialist Rehabilitation units to improve the chances of
take advantage from prolonged prone ventilation, even recovery, while those case with few and minor sequelae
more than 12 h/day (8). of COVID-19 infection, may undergo home or outpa-
Neuromotor rehabilitation is a key concept of reco- tient rehabilitation therapy, mainly aimed to restore
very from immobilization syndrome. Passive/active motor skills and to promote psychological recovery. In
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine

mobilization, muscle strength, and articular recovery, both cases, the rehabilitation program has to be focused
assisted training even if only primarily in sitting posi- on each impairment area specific for each patient (10):
tion, are essential to create the basis for starting a com-
plete rehabilitation program as soon as the infectious • Aerobic exercise: for those cases with respiratory/
phase is over. Isolation is effective to reduce the spread motor problems and physical deconditioning,
of SARS-CoV-2, but it also represents a severe limita- • Strength training for peripheral muscle weakness;
tion of patients’ movement, which increases the pos- • Static and dynamic balance training for balance
sibility of immobilization syndrome, especially in case dysfunction;
of fever, fatigue and muscles pain. All these issues can • Bronchial clearance techniques: in hypersecretive
lead to muscular strength decrease, insufficient sputum patients, training in techniques favouring secretions
drainage, increased risk of deep vein thrombosis and removal is recommended;
bedsore, as well as neuropsychological issues, such as • Evaluation of Basic Activities of Daily Life (BADL):
anxiety, depression and lack of motivation. evaluation of patients’ ability to carry out daily acti-
Together with pure physiotherapic management, vities and eventually improve recovery or adaptation
other clinical aspects have to be considered. The first to them, with the support of physiotherapists and
concerns the swallowing function. Invasive mechanical occupational therapists;
ventilation needed in a percentage of COVID-19 pa- • Neuropsychological training: counselling sessions,
tients can lead to post-intubation iatrogenic dysphagia psychological support, and cognitive training.
(9). Many patients may undergo nasogastric feeding This health emergency and the resulting adaptation

and the progressive return to normal feeding requires of healthcare facilities, has negatively influenced the
an assessment of dysphagia and eventually targeted rehabilitation treatments of non-COVID-19 pathologies.
COVID-19 Rehabilitation p. 3 of 3

The delay of post-stroke rehabilitation, which early


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