Sryup Clarification Kuma Nacho
Sryup Clarification Kuma Nacho
Sryup Clarification Kuma Nacho
A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master
of Science in Biochemical Engineering
May, 2018
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Syrup clarification using flotation system with optimized dosages of phosphate and
cationic flocculant.
The undersigned have examined the thesis entitled „Syrup clarification using flotation
system with optimized phosphate and cationic flocculant: The case of Wonji sugar
Factory‟ presented by Kuma Nacho, a candidate for the degree of Master of Science and
I certify that research work titled ‘Syrup clarification using flotation system with
optimized dosages phosphate and cationic flocculant: The case of Wonji sugar
Factory’ is my own work. The work has not been presented elsewhere for assessment.
Where material has been used from other sources it has been properly acknowledged /
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................................. 6
LIST OF APPENDICES…………...…..………………...………...…………….…… .. 11
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Results of the Syrup analysis from Wonji Sugar Factory .................................... 71
4.2 Results of syrup clarified at different level of combinations of phosphate and
flocculation. ..................................................................................................................... 72
5.1 Conclusion............................................................................................................ 85
5.2 Recommendation .................................................................................................. 85
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 86
APPENDICES ................................................................................................................... 89
Appendix A. Table of Least Squares fit to results of color, turbidity and viscosity for
clarified syrup .................................................................................................................. 89
Appendix B. figures ........................................................................................................ 93
Appendix C. photos ......................................................................................................... 96
Frist I praise my Lord Jesus Christ who was and is with me by helping and keeping me with
all his eternal graces. Next I want to express my sincere appreciation to my advisor Adamu Zegeye; for his guidance, professional suggestion and support during all
the work times. All the students and staffs of Chemical and Bioengineering School
especially members of the Biochemical Engineering are greatly appreciated for the
studying atmosphere during my stay throughout the program duration. Finally I am
grateful to Ethiopian Sugar Corporation Research center (ESCRC) who invited me to the
governmental sugar plan and transformation research and helped me in all idea
exchanging and all laboratory facilities.
List of Tables
Table 3.1 Coded and corresponding actual value of the factors used in the central composite
Table 3.2 Central composite design (CCD) for coded levels of the two factors
(phosphatation and flocculation)
Table 4.1 Laboratory analytical results of syrup from wonji sugar factory
Table 4.2 Average results obtained from syrup at different level combinations of phosphate
and flocculation.
Table 4.3 The optimum phosphate and talodura for syrup clarification.
List of figures
Figure 1.1 process of the cane juice from the cane stalks and subsequent removal of the
Figure 2.5 Viscosity of syrup and molasses (adjusted to 73 Brix and 40°C) with and
without syrup clarification. (Rein 1988)
Figure 2.10 The flotation system includes many interrelated components and changes in
one area
Figure 2.12 Contact angle between and air bubble and a solid surface immersed in liquid.
List of Acronyms……………………………………………………………………...IX
DOE…………………..……………………………………………design of experiments
ICUMSA……………………………………………............……International Commission
for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis
DS………………………………………………………………..………………Dry solids
CD……………………..……………………………………………..……Drag coefficient
List of Appendices…………...…..………………...………...…………….…………..X
Appendix A. Table of Least Squares Fit to results of color for clarified syrup
Appendix Table 1.1 Summary fit for results of color for clarified syrup
Appendix Table 1.2 ANOVA for results of color for clarified syrup
Appendix Table 1.3 Lack of fit for results of turbidity for clarified syrup
Appendix Table 2.1 Summary fit for results of turbidity for clarified syrup
Appendix Table 2.2 ANOVA for results of turbidity for clarified syrup
Appendix Table 2.3 Lack of fit for results of turbidity for clarified syrup.
Appendix Table 3.1 Summary fit for results of viscosity for clarified syrup
Appendix Table 3.3 Lack of fit for results of viscosity for clarified syrup.
Appendix B. figures
Appendix C. Figures
The production of raw sugar from sugarcane consists of a series of units of operations,
which begins with the extraction of the cane juice from the cane stalks and subsequent
removal of the non-sugars. This process is summarized in figure 1. Sucrose is first
extracted from the cane by the addition of water through counter current milling or
diffusion. Extracted juice then undergoes an extensive process of cleaning which
involves screening, heating and addition of milk of lime (calcium hydroxide) to adjust
pH and enhance flocculation. The limed juice is then allowed to settle out suspended
particles in a clarifier. Following the juice cleaning process the clear or clarified juice is
then evaporated to approximately 65% dry solids (DS) in a stepwise evaporation process.
Then the juice, which is now concentrated syrup, is formed and need to be further
clarified before put through a final fractionation of sugars from non-sugars by
crystallization in vacuum pans via evaporation and concentration and in crystallizers by
cooling. (Broadhurst, 2002)
It is expected that the increasing interest in the production of both plantation white sugar
and raw sugar of high quality will focus attention on raw syrup quality in the factory.
Having identified undesirable impurities of raw syrup, steps can be taken in the factory
to reduce the levels of these impurities in the pan feed syrup. The nature of impurities
determines the methods of clarification to choose. In the case of process generated
colorants', preventative measures such as inhibition of color formation by juice
sulphitation are likely to prove increasingly attractive. Levels of other impurities such as
insoluble and gums which, although present in relatively small quantities, affect sugar
quality and factory recovery can be reduced at reasonable cost by clarification of the raw
syrup. The removal of such impurities has proved attractive to factories producing
plantation white sugar. Improvements in recovery indicated from the viscosity reducing
effect of syrup clarification; is also likely to generate interest in the industry. (Bennett, 1977)
Figure 1.1 Process of the cane juice from the cane stalks and subsequent removal of the
non-sugars, Broadhurst, 2002.
They are two ways of obtaining low color syrup that leads low color sugar. One way of
obtaining low color sugar which is conventional is operating sulfitation on evaporator
syrup (syrup taken from evaporator after clarified juice evaporation). Lime or lime
saccharate is added, and then sulfur dioxide. Adding sulfur dioxide on syrup is called
double sulfitation because ones sulfur dioxide is added to the juice clarification to
achieve better color of sugar juice. By this time Ethiopian sugar factories are designed
and working for production of plantation white sugar (PWS) by double sulphitation
system which produces the traces of sulfur remain in these food product (sugar) and
hazardous to human health.
In double sulfitation system the raw juice is heated to 75°C and pre limed to PH 9.2.
Sulfur dioxide is first applied which neutralizes the alkalinity reacting with lime and
forming calcium sulphite precipitate in the clarification process. In the second phase
sulfur dioxide is again added in syrup treatment to PH 5.4 to reduce the viscosity of the
syrup and massecuite and improve molasses exhaustion. But the treated syrup is left
acidic during its retention time in take case and the crystallization process in vacuum pan
is carried out in turn affects sugar recovery. The treatment of the syrup with SO2 is
known also to reduce sugar color by just 6-15% (kulkami, 2009)
Syrup sulphitation also doesn't remove suspended solids and impurities like bagacillo and
colloidal matter that may have escaped screening process, which adversely affect the
crystallization, curing of massecuite and quality of sugar. This realization encouraged the
development of an alternative technology that would avoid at least syrup sulfitation and
help in producing good quality PWS sugar. (Bennet, 1971)
Laboratory and factory scale trials on syrup clarification conducted by sugar research
institute of Australia dated back 1960 assess the benefits of phosphitation clarification of
syrup to improve the sugar quality. It was demonstrated that a process of heating syrup
76°C to 86°C and addition of phosphoric acid and lime would cause precipitation of
calcium phosphate scum that included fats, waxes, proteins and ash constituents. This is
done by investigated the use of specialty chemicals like Talofloc (cationic color removal
agent) and Taloflote (polyacrylamide flocculant). A similar flocculant, Talodura was
subsequently developed for use in syrup clarification.
Like other Ethiopian sugar factories Wonji Shoa Sugar Factory is also using the syrup
double sulfitation even though two types of syrup clarification plants; syrup clarifier
using flotation method and that of clarifier using sulfitation were planted. The second
method which is syrup clarification using flotation system has installed in Wonji case and
has many advantages over that of syrup sulfitation but it doesn't start working in this
sugar factory yet.
The efficiency of syrup clarification using flotation system highly depends on optimized
dosages of factors like: flocculants added and phosphates to get good results on reduction
of color, turbidity and viscosity. The variability in the composition of the juice as a result
of differing geographical location, cane variety and seasonal influence as well as the
conditions to which the cane is subjected during harvesting and transportation makes the
nature of the research to be area specific; hence, there is no universal dose of phosphate
and flocculent so as to produce the best possible quality clear syrup. Each factory is
therefore essentially unique and adopts a system of clarification based on their own
process with modifications usually determined by a combination of research and
Increased export prospects, increasing consumer awareness for hygiene and the changing
habits by small packs are becoming more popular and are changed from time to time. Save
for the right price consistently superior quality sugar is vital to securing a long-term
advantage for the sugar industry. The insoluble matters content with large variations makes
the sugar unsuitable for consumption by specialty consumer. Sugar cane juice is composed
of various constituents like chlorophyll, xanthophyll, antherocynines & cynines etc. Most
of them are removed during processing but some of them passes through syrup like
colloidal substances, color causing impurities, gums, dextran, polysaccharides, bagacillo, in
organic precipitates etc. This increases viscosities & resulting losses. The presence of
sulfur di-oxide, calcium oxide, ash & reducing sugars makes it unacceptable for export
purpose. Poor keeping quality and low color removal are common problems for double
There is also loss which is higher when double sulphitation is practiced to make mill-white
sugar, due to the low pH reached in the syrup sulphitation stage. Syrup sulphitation is the
process in which the pH of the syrup is reduced to a value of about 5, or in extreme cases,
to as low as 4. Because of the high sensitivity of observed color to pH the resulting low pH
syrup has lower color and, in addition, some insoluble material is dissolved under these
acid conditions. However, the sugar produced from such low pH syrup has poor keeping
quality and the color increases rapidly during storage. Furthermore, process losses through
inversion are high. (Bennett, 1977)
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is toxic gas. When it is used during the manufacture of any food
product residual traces of sulfur remaining in such food product is hazardous to human
health. In the sulphitation process, the use of sulfur burner is difficult as it causes the
toxic (SO2) to be released into atmosphere, leading to serious environmental pollution
because of this potent greenhouse gas. It can also create health problems for the workers
handling the sulfur burners. The cost of repair of sulfur burner plant is so high due to
corrosion effect of sulphur. (Biotech, 2009)
Syrup sulphitation end up significant amounts of sulfur and hence it affects the
fermentation of the molasses by inhibiting the growth of the yeast. Moreover, traces of the
sulfur that gets into the alcohol make it unsuitable for use as a fuel supplement, liquor, and
pharmaceutical industries, unless further refinements are carried out. Thus the use of SO2 in
syrup does not provide any significant benefit. Further, whatever benefit does result lasts
only for a short period of time. (Bennett, 1977)
Currently, all Ethiopian sugar factories were designed for the production of plantation white
sugar (PWS) by double sulphitation system which is the main source for the increased
residual sulphur dioxide in the final product. There is significant interest in many sugar
producing countries towards producing a higher quality plantation white sugar with lower
color and lower residual sulphur dioxide content due to this residual sulphur dioxide is
harmful in consumption. (Mohammed, 2013)
This realization prompted the development of an alternative technology that would avoid at
least syrup sulphitation and help in producing good quality sugar. One option to replace the
second sulfitation process is to use syrup clarification based on the phosphoflotation
process. The phosphoflotation process can reduce color compounds that are produced
during the factory processes. Such color and color precursor groups include melanoidins,
caramels and alkaline degradation products of fructose and glucose. This research project
was initiated to investigate the best working dosages of Talodura flocculant and phosphate
on the benefits and methods of improving syrup clarification and to looks at the results thus
far in the review of syrup clarification as a possible technology for better sugar quality,
specifically sugar color, reduced turbidity, viscosity.
1.3 Objectives
The syrup clarification process is low cost solution both from the capital costs point of view
as well as sugar operational costs in relation to the gains to be made by the sugar refinery
factories. Syrup clarification system using flotation process ends with: Improvement in
sugar quality with lower ICUMSA value and lower SO2 contents, reduction in viscosity of
syrup which in turn improves the pan flour working and these results in better exhaustion of
molasses, increased boiling house capacity, reduction of final molasses % cane, rise in
purity from unsulphered syrup to clear syrup. Which means: Faster boiling, leading to
increased pan equity, faster purging to increased centrifugal capacity, reduction in non-
sugars % leading to lower final molasses quantity and rise in purity, leading to higher
boiling house recovery.
Sugar is produced from cane and beet in over 130 countries in which sugar produced from
sugarcane contributes about 65 to 70 % of global production. Brazil, India and China are
leading countries and 85 percent of production was contributed by the top 15 producer
countries. Moreover, in the last 50 years these countries were leading the industry. Ethiopia
is one of sugar producing country from sugarcane and contributes about 0.18 % of the
global sugar production. The use of improved technologies developed through research in
different sugar producing countries had increased their production and productivity. In
Ethiopia the cane productivity was not maintained from year to year and the potentials are
not yet exploited mainly due to the inability to optimize cane production and sugar
manufacturing process through the application of improved technologies. (Girum Asfaw,
Commercial sugar production in Ethiopia was started in 1954 with the establishment of
Wonji Sugar Factory. Since then, sugar is produced from irrigated and semi-mechanized
sugarcane farms owned by the sugar estates and some out growers‟ scheme. Currently
Ethiopia has about 45,000 ha of cultivated sugarcane farm that supplies cane only for three
operating sugar factories (Wonji, Metahara and Finchaa) to produce annually about 460,000
tons of sugar. Finchaa and Metahara also produce about 20,000,000 and 15, 000, 000 liters
of ethanol respectively and blended at 10 % with benzene for transport sector. The sugar
industry is self-sufficient in term of its thermal and electric demand from cogeneration.
The sugar industry contributed to the country‟s socioeconomic benefit by creating more
than 28,000 employees. (Girum Asfaw, 2015)
In recent years the increasing local demand of sugar cannot be met through the existing
production system. As a result the government was forced to import annually 150,000 ton
which is valued at 50 to 60 million USD. To solve this problem the government was
undertaking expansion programs on the three sugar state, namely Wonji, Metahara and
Finchaa. Moreover, a new factory in Afar regional state, Tendaho Sugar factory, has begun
to produce raw sugar as raw material for back end factory for refined production. The
countries five years Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) which was launched in 2003
E.C. has given paramount emphasis to the sugar industry which demands huge technology
development, dissemination and manpower training. At the end of the five years, it is
planned to produce 2,250,000 tons of sugar and out of this to export 1,246,000 tons by
establishing eight or nine huge sugar factories. The plan also targeted to produce 304,000
m3 ethanol and 606,943 MWh electric powers from cogeneration. (Girum Asfaw, 2015)
The factory is found at Oromiya regional state near Nazareth city at 110 kilo meters from
Addis Ababa. Commencing production in 1954; it is the oldest and the pioneer in the
history of Ethiopia‟s sugar industry. Shoa Sugar Factory constructed in 1962 is the second
oldest and both being obsolete have stopped production since July, 2012 and July, 2013
respectively. The two factories constructed by the Holland Company known as H.V.A had
a capacity of producing 750,000 quintals of sugar a year. The sugarcane plantation land of
these two factories was 7,000 hectares out of which 1,000 had been planted by out growers.
In a bid to replace these two oldest factories with a new and modern one, an expansion
project had been carried out both in the cane cultivation field and the factory since 2010.
And the factory plant expansion project was come into its completion in July, 2013.
Accordingly, the newly built and modern Wonji/Shoa Sugar Factory has currently a design
capacity of crushing 6,250 tons of cane a day and producing over 174,000 tons of sugar per
annum which with further expansion will reach up to 12,500 TCD maximizing its
production to 220,700 tons of sugar a year. The new ethanol plant planned to be built, will
have a capacity of producing 12,800 meter cube. The Factory is currently contributing 20
megawatt electric powers to the national grid in addition to satisfying its own demand
which is around 11 megawatt. Its agricultural expansion project is currently being carried
out around the areas known as Wakie Tiyo, Welenchiti and North Dodota areas. The
factory with the help of this agricultural expansion project will have 16,000 hectares of
sugarcane plantation field in total.
The total cane cultivation field of the factory has currently reached 12,800 hectares. And,
the 7,000 hectares of the factory‟s sugarcane field cultivated with the agricultural expansion
project is owned by out grower farmers of the surrounding area. There are 32 sugarcane
growers association; which has in total 9,100 member farmers. The Factory, beyond
supplying the farmers with selected seeds, and rendering professional as well as technical
support to them, has made irrigable land available to all. (Whayman and Crees, 1974)
The sugar cane juice as expressed from the cane contains not only sucrose but also
numerous other dissolved substances, as well as cellulose or woody fiber. Sugar cane juice
is an extremely complex liquid medium, containing many organic and inorganic
constituents in soluble, suspended or decant and suspended/colloidal form. The percentage
of sugar (polarization) in the cane varies from 8 to 16 per cent and depends on a great
extent on the variety of cane, its maturity, the condition of the soil, the climate and
agricultural practices followed. Cane sugar for human consumption is produced by means
of clarification of sugar cane juice. A critical step in the manufacture of any sugar (raw,
plantation white, or refined) is clarification of the sugar juice. Clarification is the process of
removing the constituents of the juice other than sucrose and at the same time minimizes
loss of sucrose and color formation. Clarification is therefore an essential step to obtain
high yields and high quality sugar. Several clarification methods are currently used
including cold liming, hot liming and fractional liming with double heating, liming while
boiling, calcium saccharate treatment and Java method. (Hugot, 1986)
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) has been used for centuries to minimize color in food processing and
fruit and vegetable storage. Sugarcane processors throughout the world use SO2 to produce
plantation white sugars. It consists of SO2 absorption by the hot limed juice, reducing its
basic pH to about 7.0. To improve floc formation, soluble phosphate is added to the juice.
The soluble phosphate produces an insoluble calcium phosphate primary floc that traps
other suspended impurities. In the cane sugar factory, the major role of sulfur dioxide has
been to make white sugar rather than raw sugar through inhibition of color forming
reactions including enzymatic browning reactions. However, periodic spikes in sulfur
prices and sugar quality issues have stimulated efforts to reduce or even eliminate its use.
With that in mind, a carbonation process has been tested and compared with standard
sulfitation and defecation. Besides eliminating the use of sulfur, carbonation would also
provide a means to utilize and take away some of the excess CO2 that may be available
cost-free in some sugar factories from molasses or juice fermentation. Among sugar cane
processors worldwide, there is mixed interest in usage of sulfitation. (Godshall, 2002)
MSc Thesis Page 24
Syrup clarification using flotation system with optimized dosages of phosphate and
cationic flocculant.
In Ethiopia, all sugar factories employ sulphitation process for the manufacture of
plantation white sugar (PWS). In the United States (US), sulfitation has rarely been used in
cane raw sugar factories since the 1950's. Today, there is renewed interest in the
effectiveness of sulfur dioxide as a color retardant as many US factories are considering the
production of high quality low color raw sugar to be sold as a food grade sugar . To
improve decolorization without using an excessive amount of lime that would raise scale
problems, phosphatation can be supported by a flocculating agent. Rapid flocculation and
sedimentation of suspended particles in primary cane sugar juice is achieved using a high
molecular weight anionic polymer flocculant (Doherty et al., 2003).
To obtain high quality clarified juices or syrups, removal of components other than sucrose
should be maximized, and losses of sucrose and formation of color should be minimized.
Proteinaceous and waxy matter, some silica acid (hydrated SiO2), and sesquioxides can be
removed by heating, while liming neutralizes acids, forms calcium phosphates, and
coagulates colloidal particles. Colloids are known to be responsible for higher or lower
turbidity of sugar products and to have an adverse effect on the entire process (Rodriguez et
al., 1977).
Cane juice is a poly dispersed irreversible colloidal suspension in which the suspended
particles carry a large negative charge. According to established theory of colloid stability,
small particles are attracted one another by Van der Walls forces and therefore always tend
to aggregate together but they are kept apart by electrostatic forces arising from their
electrical charges. The measures of these repellent force is called Zeta potential and has
been defined as a measure of net electrical potential (in millivolts) carried by particles in
size ranges of 10 A° to 10 μm. The aggregation process is aided by the addition of simple
electrolytes like Ca(OH)2 to the juice. The negatively charged colloidal calcium phosphate
is formed by liming. This interaction results in coagulation and sedimentation of the
particles (Rein, 1977).
The secondary ionization is low, with less than 10 % of calcium as Ca++. The reaction of
lime and phosphate in juice or syrup precipitate calcium phosphate. This reaction is rather
complex due to the reactions of phosphoric acid, calcium hydroxide, and the presence of
other organic and inorganic compounds. Calcium phosphate reaction rate has been shown
to be very low and the precipitate formed in two forms, tri-calcium phosphate in sucrose
solution containing 0.3-0.5 % calcium oxide Ca3(PO4)2, and calcium hydrogen phosphate
CaHPO4. The formation of calcium hydrogen phosphate has been shown to have a faster
reaction rate, and as it approaches completion the rate of the formation of tri-calcium
phosphate increases. The rates of both reactions are greatly increased at high temperatures
and result in an increase in the hydrogen ion (H+) concentration, which has been suggested
as a contributor to the drop in the pH observed when juice is heated. (Honig, 1963)
Approximately 80-90% of the phosphate present in juice is precipitated with lime. It was
shown that at a pH of about 8.5, about 99% of the phosphate present in juice are
precipitated. Other calcium salts are precipitated in clarification; these may include sulfate,
aconitate, and oxalate, tartrate, and citrate salts. These salts are normally precipitated in
small quantities, but variations do occur depending on the quality of the juice. The sulfate
content of cane juice is highly variable and approximately 20% is removed by liming to pH
in the range 7-8 (Rundel, 1977).
The organic acids in juice are responsible for the natural pH of the juice (5.2 - 5.4) as well
as the buffering capacity of the juice, which is mainly due to the juice aconitic acid content.
The presence of other organic acids such as lactic, formic, acetic, propionic, and butyric
acids are generally a result of microbial or chemical decomposition of sugars (Saska 2002).
Another component of cane juice is silica. Silica is present in the juice in the form of
dissolved silica, colloidal or suspended silica or as silicates. On average it is 0.42% of
solids in mixed juice. Most of the suspended silica is removed by liming (Honig, 1963).
Syrup clarifiers use the floatation method unlike the juice clarifiers, which utilize a settling
method. The settling method would not be possible with syrup because of the high density
and viscosity. The mechanism of syrup clarification involves the trapping of air bubbles
within the flocs and intermolecular attraction across the air/liquid interface. Syrup
clarification occurs by heating the syrup, then aerating it to trap the fine particles, which are
finally coagulated by a low molecular weight flocculant. The scum will float to the top of
the clarifier where it is scraped off and returned to the mixed juice tank. The factors that
directly influence the syrup clarifier are temperature, flocculant mixing and dosage, air and
syrup flow rates. (Rundel, 1977)
Syrup clarification is an old technology that is being used to good effect especially in South
Africa, Australia, Belize, India and Mauritius. It was first tried in South Africa in 1974 at
Noodsberg with the following results: improved sugar quality, reduction in massecuite
viscosities, no boiling house improvements. This process was discontinued at Noodsberg
because the emphasis was not on quality. At Tonga at Hulett Sugar Limited, Felixton
several trials were undertaken and they have shown good results with respect to; insoluble
solids, color reduction, better boiling house recoveries. (Hon- Jun, 1990)
Then trials were undertaken at Belle Vue Sugar Mill in Mauritius with the following
results; sugar quality was improved, massecuites were found to be less viscous and easier to
cure, a 67% reduction in the syrup turbidity, no improvements on final molasses, there was
an increase in color. In 1960 the Sugar Research Institute of Australia commenced its first
syrup clarifier project and has since constructed syrup clarifiers in Australia, India and
China to give a higher quality raw sugar. Syrup clarification is being done at Tower Hill
Sugar Mill to reduce the insoluble solids for direct consumption sugars. Guysuco provided
drawings and additional information for the syrup clarifier that was built at Tower Hill Mill
in 2001 and a 73% reduction in turbidity was reported in 2001.
There are a few key parameters, which must be controlled before proper results can be
obtained. Those key parameters are; air supply, heating of syrup, syrup flow, flocculant
dosage and concentration, air supply. Air is applied to the syrup clarifier by air diffusers.
The air is used for two reasons in the clarifier. Aerating the syrup is done so that the air
bubbles cling to the precipitates in the syrup and it aids floating the floc to the top of the
syrup clarifier. When starting up the clarifier the air must be added at a higher rate (15-20
p.s.i) than during operations. This is to create bubble formation at the top of the clarifier. It
was found that excess air promotes faster scum formation. During operations the air should
be regulated so that the minimum air is used to float the floc to the top of the clarifier and
produce the lowest possible turbidity. This range is between 5-15 p.s.i. (Rein and Cox,
Heating of the syrup is essential to the coagulation of the flocs. A shell and tube heater,
which uses 2nd vapor as the heating agent, heats the syrup. Studies from (Rein and Cox,
1987) have shown that changes in temperature will affect the turbidity removal of the syrup
and it peaks at a temperature of about 85oC, hence no specific trials were undertaken.
(Rundel, 1977)
The flow of syrup is very important to obtain constant turbidity from the clarifier. Excess
flow or low syrup brix conditions will cause syrup to overflow into the scum take off and
returned to the mixed juice tank, thereby affecting the performance of the juice clarifier.
There will be an increase in color and the juice clarifier will also become disturbed. If the
syrup flow is not maintained within a range the ratio of syrup to flocculants will change and
hence the turbidity will be affected unless there is an automatic link between the syrup flow
and flocculent dosage. If the station is manned then the operator will need to change the
flow of flocculant to get the desired turbidity, but it would be best if a flow controller is
installed to more accurately control the flocculant dosage as the flow changes. At present a
flow controller is not installed but one is being acquired to monitor the flow and ultimately
control the dosage. (Hon- Jun, 1990)
The flocculant dosage and concentration affects the clarity of the syrup and this was evident
from the scum at the top of the clarifier. The best results were obtained at concentrations of
0.1% and dosage of 15 ppm on brix. The flocculants used was Talodura with other
flocculants. The sequence of air and flocculants additions affected the operation of the
syrup clarifier. It was found that better results were obtained when the syrup was aerated
before the addition of flocculants, but syrup clarifiers at other factories operate with the
reverse. The flocculants is added into the syrup line by the use of a variable speed mono
pump just before a specially designed mixer situated about 6 feet before the clarifier. The
mixing system for the flocculants is very important because if there are lumps in the
flocculants, it will affect clarification. It must be noted strict guidelines should be followed
before the flocculent can work effectively. These include the mixing temperature and the
aging of the flocculent before usage. The flocculent is mixed by air with a funnel used to
distribute the flocculent at small quantities into the mixing tank, but this inevitably creates
lumps. A new flocculant mixing system equipped with a venturi is being installed to
improve flocculant mixing. (Rundel, 1977)
daily basis. The laboratory does a turbidity analysis on none clarified and clarified syrup on
alternate hours so that the reductions can be monitored. Also an insoluble solids analysis is
done on a shift basis for the composite sugar samples.
Syrup heater
Air diffusers
Syrup pump
Flocculant Tank
Flocculant pumps
Inline Turbidity meter and Recorders
Inline mixer
In addition, improvements in the final molasses purities will result in increased sugar
production, for example it is estimated that if the final molasses purity drops two unit this
factory should recover a further hundreds tons of sugar per year, which is equivalent to
huge money per year increased revenue. With the addition of lime and phosphates to the
syrup better clarification will be achieved because of the formation of more agglomerates,
which will further trap the insoluble particles and hence a greater reduction in color and
insoluble solids will result. (Pottage, 1977)
some factors such as cane varieties, qualities of sugarcane, capacity of factory, etc. If
factories would like to have good quality sugar products, they have to meet such color
index. (Rein, 2007)
Flotation clarification is a process which has found extensive use in water treatment and in
the mineral processing industry. The process has also been used for many years in sugar
refining in the form of phosphitation. Until recently flotation separation has received little
fundamental attention. Schofield (2001) remarked as follows: "The lack of fundamental
design criteria in 1991 painted a rather depressing picture of DAF (dissolved air flotation)
design expertise and whilst DAF had existed as an art form far-over 30 years, as a science it
was much less developed".
It has since been the subject of more intensive study using CFD techniques. Application of
flotation clarification in raw sugar mills was pioneered by Tate and Lyle (Bennett,
1977). The process was substantially improved by the development of efficient
polyacrylamide flocculants and a number of installations clarifying syrup have been
installed throughout the world. Systems have been installed in Hawaii, Taiwan, Louisiana,
The Philippines, India, Colombia, South Africa, China, Mauritius and many other countries.
It is attractive because it is a simple process carried out in inexpensive equipment.
Subsequently flotation clarification has been applied to filtrate from rotary vacuum filters
as well. As an alternative to filtration, flotation clarification can be considered as a simpler
and cheaper option. It can be augmented with either sulfitation or phosphatation to achieve
particular sugar quality criteria. In this process, very fine suspended is agglomerated and
floated to the surface by fine air bubbles. (Bennett, 1977)
Separation by flotation does not depend so much on size and relative density of particles
being removed as it does on their surface properties. The process can be considerably
enhanced through the use of appropriate chemicals. In the mining industry selective
flotation of particular types of particles is possible through the addition of chemicals which
change the surface properties. The use of flocculants in flotation has a substantial effect on
the process, leading to mechanical entrapment of air bubbles in the floe particles and
greatly assisting separation.
The mechanisms involved in the formation and flotation of floe particles are complex.
Little work has been done to elucidate the mechanisms involved, and the process has
evolved through empirical investigations to a viable process. Optimization invariably
requires onsite testing using the particular syrup to be treated. An important aspect
therefore is the method for a suitable laboratory test to simulate the process in practice and
optimize conditions which may vary depending on location. (Rein, 2007)
The advantages of this application are greater when the quality of cane being processed is
poor. From being in the position where the mill was regularly unable to produce VHP sugar
in South Africa, Empangeni mill with syrup clarification was able to produce consistently
good quality sugar meeting VHP specifications and for the first time was able to achieve
good molasses exhaustion (Rein 1987). Although these benefits should help to achieve an
improvement in overall sugar recovery, the small improvements anticipated have never
been proven in the face of normal recovery variations. The best way of assessing the
efficiency of syrup is still from turbidity removal results. A large number of syrup samples
tested from many different mills have always shown the potential to achieve a reduction in
turbidity of 80 to 95%. (Rein, 1987).
This indicates that a dosage of around 15 mg/kg DS is optimum. With very poor quality
syrups, higher dosage rates of up to 30 mg/kg DS are required for best results. It has also
been established that polyelectrolytes with a higher degree of hydrolysis and lower
molecular mass give better results in this application. This generally means that the
optimum flocculent for syrup clarification will be different to that used in juice
clarification. Clarification of refinery melt on the other hand is more efficient if flocculent
with a low degree of hydrolysis is used (Rein, 1988).
Temperature was found to have a significant effect on turbidity removal. This is shown in
Figure below which indicates that a progressive improvement is obtained up to 85 °C after
which the effect of temperature levels off. From Figure it can also be inferred that turbidity
removal is independent of the Brix and viscosity of the syrup. The viscosity of 65 brix
syrup is; about 60 % higher than that of the 60 brix syrup. See in next Figure. Therefore,
viscosity values in the range encountered do not have any effect on this process, and the
better results at higher temperatures are not due to viscosity reduction but due to the effect
on the formation of flocs or on the intermolecular attractions across air/liquid interfaces.
Other work confirms that the viscosity of the syrup does not affect the removal process
(Rein et al. 1987).
Results of tests on boiling both clarified and unclarified syrup in the laboratory are
described by Rein et al. (1987). The viscosities of molasses produced were measured and
the results are shown in Figure. The viscosity of the clarified syrup and molasses after
boiling was lower by up to 25%. A reduction in molasses viscosity is a significant
advantage, since the viscosity affects centrifuging and the ultimate molasses exhaustion is
generally controlled by the viscosity of massecuite. (Edzwald, 2001)
Figure 2.5 Viscosity of syrup and molasses (adjusted to 73 Brix and 40°C) with and without
syrup clarification. (Rein, 1988)
Steindl and Doherty (2005) showed in laboratory tests that color removal is less than 10 %
and is affected by the final PH. They showed that increasing the P2O5 dose from 250 to 500
mg/kg DS gave no benefit. However a number of installations do use phosphoric acid and
lime. One of the problems in using additional phosphate in practice is the drop in pH which
occurs as the reaction of calcium and phosphate goes to completion. A pH drop of about 0.5
units can be allowed for, but the danger of incomplete reaction leads to the possibility of
post-precipitation and additional turbidity generation. Instead of using air, gassing with CO2
and SO2 has been tried (Rein, 1988). Use of CO2 proved to have no advantage, but &
significant improvement could be obtained with SO2 gassing, (i.e.Sulflotation). In this case,
best results were obtained by adding 0.3 kg lime/100 kg DS and 300 mg phosphate/kg DS
and gassing with SO2 to a pH between 6.0 and 6.5 before flotation. (Rein, 1988).
Bennett et al. (1971) also found that color can be precipitated from solution with the use of
primary or secondary amines. The addition of 100-200 ppm on cane of Talomel (acyclic di
methylamine polymer) to a syrup clarifier was found to increase the de colorization by 20-
30%. Residual Talomel in final A-sugar should be found below detectable levels. (Trot,
In South Africa, Matic et al. (1977) found that the addition of cationic flocculants during
melt phosphatation improved liquor de colorization as well as phosphate and starch
removals. Rein (1988) found that the addition of 10 ppm of cationic flocculent improves
color removal during refinery sweet water clarification. Getaz and Bachan (1989), in their
Flotation clarification of syrup has been in operation at a few South African mills over the
past 20 years. The original motivation was to enable production of VHP quality sugar at
mills that received poor quality cane. Use of flotation clarification processes has
subsequently been extended to meet like Reduction of insoluble matter in direct
consumption brown sugars; Further reduction of VHP sugar color and Low-cost
purification of melt in a back-end refinery. (Bennett et al., 1971)
Where Δp is the difference in density. The viscosity of syrup µl is considerably higher than
that of juice, which means that separation by settling is more difficult in syrup. The density
is also higher, so that the density difference between liquid and solid is insufficient to
achieve settling in practice. However in flotation, the density of the aerated floe is low and
the density difference is large, making separation feasible. Work reported by Echeverri and
Rein (2006) suggests that the density difference is of the order of 800kg/m3 and the average
floc velocity 1.4mm/s (5m/h) from equation the average floe size is 183µm. Considerable
variation around these average values was observed. In practice the particles being floated
are not spherical and Haarof and Edzwald (2001) report that the constant in equation is
higher than 18 and could be as high as 33. Thus the numerical value of the terminal velocity
will be affected by both the shape and size of the aggregates. Since the terminal velocity is
proportional to particle diameter squared, it is desirable to achieve large floe sizes. Three
methods of aeration are possible: (Doherty, 2005)
2. Dissolved air flotation (DAF) where bubbles are produced by aerating under pressure
(450- 500 kPa) and releasing the pressure on the supersaturated solution. Bubble sizes are
generally very uniform with an average size between 20 and 60 µm.
3. Dispersed air flotation where air is dispersed mechanically and entrained into the liquid.
Bubble sizes may be somewhat larger and display a wider size range.
Electrolysis is generally not practical on a full scale. Experience in water treatment and
sugar refining has indicated that dissolved air flotation gives better results than the simpler
aeration by dispersed air flotation (Saranin, 1972). In refining, claims that the air bubbles
are occluded within the calcium phosphate floes as they form, and so must be small and
preferably < 30 µm. Thus calcium phosphate formation and aeration should take place
simultaneously and not sequentially. In the case of syrup clarification, larger bubbles are
quite adequate since there be a total absence of calcium phosphate floe, and the attachment
of bubbles to particles is clearly by a different mechanism. (Honjun, 1990)
When processing syrup, dissolved air flotation shows no advantage and if anything, gives
worse performance than dispersed air flotation (Rein et al. 1987). This is evidence of the
stable foam formed in this application is the interests of simplicity and cost, dispersed air
flotation is a better option. Zeng Sixian et al. (1998) have shown that an improvement in
turbidity of the clarified liquor is possible by applying ultrasonic vibration to the liquor
after the addition of flocculent. With the low and variable solids load in syrup, instead an
air to solids ratio is not meaningful. An air to syrup ratio of 0.04 m3/m3 syrup is commonly
used. (Rein et al. 1987)
Dispersed air flotation involves the formation of bubbles by diffusers, spargers, and other
mechanical means. Large bubbles are formed and can be effective in treating suspensions
containing large particles such as mineral separation and industrial waste treatment.
Dispersed air flotation is generally unsuitable for liquid or syrup treatment as the bubble
size is large and because of high turbulence and use of undesirable frothing and surfactant
chemicals. However, the French Ozoflot® system applies ozone-rich air as a pretreatment
oxidation process for waters high in algae using diffusers to achieve dispersion. (Doherty,
In dissolved air flotation, air bubbles are produced by the reduction in pressure of a water
stream saturated with air. The three main types of dissolved air flotation are vacuum
flotation, micro-flotation, and pressure flotation. (Alemayehu, 2000)
Factors that affect DAF performance are as the followings: Proper coagulation, should
produce destabilized flocs, floc characteristics, small and low-density floc is preferred,
bubble size and rise velocity, 10-100 mm floc bubble size, laminar flow regime, air loading,
ensure dense bubble cloud, floc-bubble attachment, important to know the mechanisms for
floc-bubble attachment, solubility of gases, ensure sufficient air delivery. (Alemayehu,
Sulphur dioxide has traditionally been used in food processing and produces storage to
minimize color formation due to browning reactions associated with amino acids
interacting with invert sugars in the Maillard reaction. Sugar beet processors routinely use
sulphur dioxide in process streams for the same purpose. Among sugar cane processors
worldwide there is mixed interest in usage of sulfitation. In the United States, sulfitation
has rarely been used in cane raw sugar factories since the 1950's. Today, there is renewed
interest in the effectiveness of sulfur dioxide as a color retardant as many US factories are
considering the production of high quality low color raw sugar to be sold as a food grade
sugar. (Anonymous, 1996)
Under normal ambient temperature and pressure, sulphur dioxide is a colorless, pungent
smelling, nonflammable gas. In very low concentrations this gas can cause extreme eye and
respiratory irritation, thus must be used in a controlled environment. The Egyptians and
Romans burned sulfur to form sulfur dioxide (SO2) as a means of sanitizing wine-making
equipment and today SO2 is used to treat most light colored dehydrated fruit and vegetables
to prevent undesirable enzymatic and non-enzymatic “browning” reactions. Sulfur dioxide
provides the added benefit of acting as a food preservative and functions as an antioxidant.
Sulfite additive has been used extensively in the food industry to retard Maillard reactions.
(Weeny, 1981)
The two main groups of reaction between sugars, ascorbic acid and their dehydration
products and bisulfite, are primarily the hydroxy sulfonate and organo sulfur compounds.
Browning reactions, of whatever type, are caused by the formation of unsaturated, colored
polymers of varying composition. Compounds that engender browning usually contain a
carbonyl or potential carbonyl grouping (Hodge, 1953). Browning can be inhibited by
compounds that block or eliminate or combine with carbonyl groups. The multiplicity of
studies regarding browning reaction theories is reviewed thoroughly in Hodge‟s (1953)
review article. The purpose of sulfiting purified and clarified thin juices are 1) to control
juice color formation; 2) to improve the boiling properties of the juices; and 3) reduce the
excess alkalinity (Ginnis, 1982).
Two methods of sulfuring are: by sulfur stove, burning elemental sulfur for production of
sulfite and bubbling sulfur dioxide through process streams and produced during these
processes is the undesired sulfate ion that can interfere with crystallization causing an
increase in molasses purity and production. The oxidation of sulfite to sulfate is greatly
retarded as the sugar concentration is increased. Sulfitation can control juice color by
interfering with chromophoric molecular groups include carbonyl (ketones), carbonyl
(aldehydes), carboxyl, and amido. “These compounds are characterized by an electron
imbalance, an electronically excited state, a molecular resonance, an absorption of specific
bands of transmitted light, and to the beholder, color” (Ginnis, 1982). Color compounds in
cane and beet sugar products include naturally occurring pigments along with a large
heterogeneous variation of color compounds produced during processing.
It has been estimated that for a 98.5o pol raw sugar, colorants account for approximately
15-20 % of the weight of non-sugars. In granulated refined sugar the estimate is
approximately 30 ppm (Clarke, 1988).
In the cane sugar factory, the major role of sulfur dioxide has been to make white sugar
rather than raw sugar through inhibition of color forming reactions. This is achieved by
addition of SO2 to the alkenic double bond in an α, β- unsaturated carbonyl intermediate as
well as to the carbonyl group, which yields β-sulfonated aldehydes that are of
comparatively low reactivity in reactions leading to the production of browning compounds
by the Maillard reaction and degradation of invert sugars (Shore, et al., 1984). Sulfur
dioxide also has the ability to inhibit or retard enzymatic browning reactions. Sulfur dioxide
added as 300-500 ppm to raw beet juice resulted in minimal (5%) color reduction (Shore, et
al., 1984). Onna and Sloane (1978) reported that 300 ppm decreased color in syrup and
whole raw sugars by about 25% with crystal color reduced by 46%. Final refined
granulated sugar from this process had 35% less color. (Shore, et al., 1984)
During processing and storage at elevated temperatures, sugar products will darken. All
industries that use sugar products are in turn susceptible to color changes in their products
which may or may not be desirable (Zerban, 1947). When cane and beet juices are heated
and limed during clarification, invert sugar disappears and the color of juices increases with
the amount of lime added. Much of this color is bound to calcium precipitate in the
defecation process. Color changes additionally occur during heating and evaporation
processes, since the juices are exposed to continual heating (70-75o C) over several hours at
slightly alkaline pH in the beet industry and slightly acid pH in the cane industry. The
higher the alkalinity of clarified beet juice, the greater the color increases. The color of
clarified cane juice also increases during evaporation and crystallization even though it is
kept on the slightly acid side. (Zerban, 1947)
In cane and beet processing, there are many variations in procedure for adding sulfur
dioxide. There is cold sulfitation with SO2 added to cold raw juice then limed; alkaline
sulfitation where juice is limed then sulfited and again sulfite added to syrup prior to pan
boiling. Hot sulfitation is where juice is heated first then sulfited and limed; this method is
used to reduce the solubility of calcium sulfite. Other modifications of these procedures are
used according to plant capabilities etc.
This plantation white sugar is the result of two sulfitation procedures, first at original
clarifier when added with lime and second as syrup sulfitation prior to vacuum pan.
Sulfitation in Louisiana is a very old process, possibly originating with French or English
settlers (Spencer, et al., 1945). Cold raw juice was pumped through a sulfur tower with a
countercurrent of sulfur dioxide to produce a fairly good, irregular, near or off-white sugar.
By the late 1930's use of sulfur dioxide was on the decline and was then mainly used for
production of direct consumption molasses. This study was undertaken to determine the
effect of sulphur dioxide on model and real cane process streams. This work is part of
SPRI‟s continuing research on determining the effect of invert and pH on sucrose recovery
and color formation. (Andrews, 2002)
It is now almost universal for sugar refineries to use either carbonatation or phosphatation
process to clarify the melt liquor. These chemical processes, as well as removing the finely
divided particles of insoluble and semi-colloidal matter, also eliminate significant amounts
of color and other non-sucrose impurities which would otherwise have to be removed at
greater expense in the subsequent decolorization or crystallization processes. Recent
improvements to the traditional refining processes using new chemicals, techniques and
equipment are described and discussed below. (Bennett et al., 1971)
frothing clarifiers. During the flocculation and in the course of rising through the liquor, the
floccules collect most of the fine suspended impurities in the solution. Impurities such as
gums, waxes, and fine are swept from the liquor and appear at the surface as scums. In this
manner a rather complete separation of the precipitate and impurities is obtained without
resorting to settling or filtration. The scums are then removed from the liquor surface by a
skimming device. (Moodley, 1993)
The advantages of phosphatation were recognized in the very early days of sugar refining,
but it was slow to receive acceptance because of the difficulties of floc separation The
reasons for the interminable evaluator debate may lie in the fundamental and inherent
difference that exists between phosflotation and the two other processes carbonatation and
diatomite filtration. This difference is that flotation, unlike diatomite filtration or
carbonatation filtration, has no element of positive separation of the insoluble solids.
Infiltration of the liquor, if the liquor passes through filter cake, it is free of solids of a
certain size. If not it does not pass through filter cake. In flotation the liquor passes through
a clarifier irrespective of whether complete or nil separation of coagulum is obtained.
(Smith and Schuman, 2000)
Refinery carbonatation has been used for over 100 years for the refining of raw sugar. It is a
cheap and robust process. The process consists of adding slurry of calcium hydroxide in
water to the raw melt solution. Then carbon dioxide gas is bubbled into the sugar solution
in saturators, under controlled conditions of pH and temperature. Generally the carbon
dioxide is added to the saturators in two stages, with the major part of the gassing carried
out in the first saturator. The impurities are both absorbed by, and enmeshed in, the
conglomerated particles of the calcium carbonate precipitated by the reaction of the carbon
dioxide and calcium hydroxide.
New significant developments for the carbonanatation process, patented by Putsch Co. in
the last years, has brought the carbonatation, as the process of choice for updating existing
installation or for new refineries. Namely the introduction of Richter Tubes as efficient gas
distributors for carbonatation vessels and the utilization of modern Membrane Filter presses
for single stage filtration of carbonated syrup have given the conventional carbonatation
process an impulse to higher performance level. The ease of separation of impurity from
carbonated liquor in refinery practice is determinate by the filterability of the precipitated
CaCO3. Provided the design and operating conditions of the saturators follow well-known
principles of crystallization processes, the carbonatation system is relatively insensitive to
minor variations.
It is considerably more dependent on the quantity of lime precipitated in the liquor. For any
liquor there is a particular lime dose at which the filterability will be greatest. The optimum
lime dose varies from below 0, 4 % CaO on solids in some liquors to over 1,2 % CaO in
others. Approximately 30 times more lime is precipitated as carbonate during carbonatation
than as phosphate during phosphatation. (Steindl and Doherty, 2005)
Separation of the clear liquor and the calcium carbonate is done by pressure filtration. This
filtration required expensive two-stage filtration plant for the separation and de sweetening
of the calcium carbonate precipitate. Now day single stage filtration is state-of-the-art. A
significant portion of the calcium carbonate cake is required to act as a filter aid and growth
of a suitable filtering carbonate cake is as important as color removal. One of the main
objectives of carbonatation is the removal of the impurities present in the raw sugar
entering the refinery. These impurities will have negative effects on some of the unit
operations in the refinery. Firstly certain impurities will have a profound effect upon the
nucleation and growth process involved in the formation of the calcium carbonate
conglomerate. As a consequence such impurities will impact upon the filtration processes in
the refinery. Secondly the presence of another impurity will adversely affect the sugar
crystallization process and lastly refined sugar quality will be influenced by this impurities.
Praxis have shown that carbonatation is very effective in the in the removal of the following
impurities: Results of impurity removal from melt during carbonatation (1,10 % CaO
addition on Brix): Color 55%,Turbidity 90%, Starch 93%, Gums 29%, Sulphates 86%,
Phosphates 100%, Magnesium 67%. The following comments can be made regarding the
results in the above: About 55% of the clour is removed, Most of the turbidity (90%),
starch (93%), sulphates (86%) and phosphates (100%) are removed, a small amount of the
gums is removed, and a high proportion of magnesium is also removed. (Smith and
Schuman, 2000)
In addition, it has been shown that during carbonatation glucose, fructose and aconitic acid,
if not precautions are taken, can be easily destroyed with increase in lactic acid and higher
molasses losses. Basically reducing the contact time of raw melt with lime at high
temperature noticeably reduces the invert sugar destruction. It has also been shown that
carbonatation removed floc-forming impurities and it has generally been accepted that
carbonatation refineries produce floc-free refined sugar.
The two main components responsible for formation of floc are proteins and
polysaccharides, known as floc precursors, which are removed by carbonatation. In
addition it is confirmed that color removal during carbonatation is a function of the melt
color, amount of lime added and the final pH. (Steindl and Doherty, 2005)
There have been changes from one process to another since the 1950`s. Changes took place
from diatomite filtration either to phosflotation or carbonatation. There were also changes
from phosflotation to carbonatation. Of the newly built refineries the smaller sizes adopted,
as a rule, phosflotation, while the larger ones preferred carbonatation. (Smith and Schuman,
In this work, polymers were evaluated under laboratory conditions, utilizing refinery melt
liquor that was subjected to various refining processes. These include (i) carbonatation
where lime and carbon dioxide gas (recovered from boiler flue gas) form a calcium
carbonate precipitate that absorbs color particles, (ii) sulphitation, where sulphur dioxide
gas is reacted with lime to produce a calcium sulphite precipitate which adsorbs to the color
bodies, and (iii) phosphatation whereby lime and phosphoric acid are reacted together to
form a calcium phosphate precipitate, which absorbs and entraps the colour bodies. The
colour bodies are then removed either by filtration or by flotation in an air flotation unit
using a high molecular weight anionic flocculant to enhance the separation of the solids
from the melt liquor. (Bennett et al., 1971)
The cationic polymeric decolourisation agent is used to enhance rather than replace the
refining processes. Benefits include a greater performance efficiency as well as enhanced
colour removal during periods of exceptionally high colour loading.
One of the important developments has been the introduction of the Talofloc process which
aims at achieving a large measure of de colorization during defecation. A cationic
surfactant (Talofloc) is added prior to the precipitation of phosphate and the final aerated
suspension of calcium phosphate coagulum is flocculated by the addition of an anionic
polyacrylamide (Taloflote). The advantage of obtaining considerable de colorization in the
phosphatation process lies in the greater economy that can be achieved in the subsequent
decolorizing stage." The purpose of this study was to investigate the degree of impurity
removal that can be achieved with the aid of cationic flocculants. In addition, the effect on
the process of a polyacrylamide flotation aid was investigated. (Shephard, 1977) Coagulation:
Coagulation is the step where colloidal particles (similar to spheres of a diameter of less
than 1 micrometer) are destabilized. Coagulation comes from the latin word 'coagulare'
which means „to agglomerate'. Coagulation is the result of the addition of chemical reagents
to liquid suspensions where the dispersed colloidal particles are assembled in larger
aggregates called flocs or microflocs. Coagulation is an intermediary step, but it is essential
to the physico-chemical treatment process of juice and syrup. This is the first step in the
elimination of colloidal particles and its main function is to destabilize the particles. This
destabilization is essentially the neutralization of the electrical charge present on the surface
of the particle thus facilitating the agglomeration of the colloids. (Moodley, 1993)
Colloids are insoluble particles suspended in water. Their small size (less than 1 micron)
makes the particles extremely stable. They can have different origins: Mineral: silt, clays,
silica, hydroxydes and metallic salts and Organic: humic and fulvic acids, color,
surfactants. Micro-organisms such as bacteria, plankton, algae, and viruses are also
considered as colloids. The stability and consequently the instability of suspended particles
is a factor of different attraction and repulsion forces: ( Runggas, 1977)
Coagulation is both a physical and a chemical process. The reactions between particles and
coagulant will allow the formation of aggregates and their subsequent sedimentation.
Cationic coagulants neutralize the negative charge of colloids and form a spongy mass
called microflocs. The coagulation mechanism can be summarized of the two; charge
neutralization which is corresponds to the lowering of the electrical charges that have a
repulsion effect on the colloids and aggregation of the particles. Flocculation:
Flocculation is the step where destabilized colloidal particles (or the particles formed
during the coagulation step) are assembled into aggregates. The flocculation step can only
operate on a water/wastewater where the particles are already destabilized. It is the logical
step following coagulation. (Bennett et al., 1971)
Froth flotation is a highly versatile method for physically separating particles based on
differences in the ability of air bubbles to selectively adhere to specific mineral surfaces in
mineral/water slurry. The particles with attached air bubbles are then carried to the surface
and removed, while the particles that remain completely wetted stay in the liquid phase.
Froth flotation can be adapted to a broad range of mineral separations, as it is possible to
use chemical treatments to selectively alter mineral surfaces so that they have the necessary
properties for the separation. It is currently in use for many diverse applications, with a few
examples being: separating sulfide minerals from silica gangue (and from other sulfide
minerals); separating potassium chloride (sylvite) from sodium chloride (halite); separating
coal from ash-forming minerals; removing silicate minerals from iron ores; separating
phosphate minerals from silicates; and even non-mineral applications such as de-inking
recycled newsprint. It is particularly useful for processing fine-grained ores that are not
amenable to conventional gravity concentration. (Klimpel, 1995)
Figure 2.10 The flotation system includes many interrelated components, and changes in
one area.
Froth flotation is a good example of an engineering “system”, in that the various important
parameters are highly inter-related, as shown in Figure 2.11. It is therefore important to take
all of these factors into account in froth flotation operations. Changes in the settings of one
factor (such as feed rate) will automatically cause or demand changes in other parts of the
system (such as flotation rate, particle size recovery, air flow, pulp density, etc.) As a result,
it is difficult to study the effects of any single factor in isolation, and compensation effects
within the system can keep process changes from producing the expected effects. This
makes it difficult to develop predictive models for froth flotation, although work is being
done to develop simple models that can predict the performance of the circuit from easily-
measurable parameters such as solids recovery and tailings solid content (Klimpel, 1995).
2.8.2 Hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity
The basis of froth flotation is the difference in wet abilities of different minerals. Particles
range from those that are easily wet able by water (hydrophilic) to those that are water-
repellent (hydrophobic). If a mixture of hydrophobic and hydrophilic particles are
suspended in water, and air is bubbled through the suspension, then the hydrophobic
particles will tend to attach to the air bubbles and float to the surface, as shown in Figure 3.
The froth layer that forms on the surface will then be heavily loaded with the hydrophobic
mineral, and can be removed as a separated product. The hydrophilic particles will have
much less tendency to attach to air bubbles, and so it will remain in suspension and be
flushed away (Whelan and Brown, 1956).
The buoyancy of the bubbles then carries these particles to the surface, leaving the
hydrophilic particles behind.The attachment of the bubbles to the surface is determined by
the interfacial energies between the solid, liquid, and gas phases. This is determined by the
Young/Dupre Equation,
where Ylv is the surface energy of the liquid/vapor interface, sv is the surface energy of the
solid/vapor interface, sl is the surface energy of the solid/liquid interface, and is the
“contact angle”, the angle formed at the junction between vapor, solid, and liquid phases, as
shown in Figure 4. If the contact angle is very small, then the bubble does not attach to the
surface, while a very large contact angle results in very strong bubble attachment. A contact
angle near 90° is sufficient for effective froth flotation in most cases. (Eisele, 1987)
Figure 2.12: Contact angle between and air bubble and a solid surface immersed in liquid.
The rotor draws slurry through the stator and expels it to the sides, creating a suction that
draws air down the shaft of the stator. The air is then dispersed as bubbles through the
slurry, and comes in contact with particles in the slurry that is drawn through the stator.
Particle/bubble collision is affected by the relative sizes of the particles. If the bubbles are
large relative to the particles, then fluid flowing around the bubbles can sweep the particles
past without coming in contact. It is therefore best if the bubble diameter is comparable to
the particle diameter in order to ensure good particle/bubble contact. (Eisele, 1987)
However, the froth should not be so stable as to become persistent foam, as foam is difficult
to convey and pump through the plant. The surface area of the bubbles in the froth is also
important. Since particles are carried into the froth by attachment to bubble surfaces,
increasing amounts of bubble surface area allows a more rapid flotation rate of particles. At
the same time, increased surface area also carries more water into the froth as the film
between the bubbles. Fine particles that are not attached to air bubbles will be
unselectively carried into the froth along with the water (entrainment); excessive amounts
of water in the froth can result in significant contamination of the product with gangue
minerals. (Kawatra, 1987)
2.8.5 Reagents
The properties of raw mineral mixtures suspended in plain water are rarely suitable for
froth flotation. Chemicals are needed both to control the relative hydrophobicity of the
particles, and to maintain the proper froth characteristics. There are therefore many
different reagents involved in the froth flotation process, with the selection of reagents
depending on the specific mineral mixtures being treated. (Glembotskii et al. 1972) Collectors:
Collectors are reagents that are used to selectively adsorb onto the surfaces of particles.
They form a monolayer on the particle surface that essentially makes a thin film of non-
polar hydrophobic hydrocarbons. The collectors greatly increase the contact angle so that
bubbles will adhere to the surface. Selection of the correct collector is critical for an
effective separation by froth flotation. Collectors can be generally classed depending on
their ionic charge: they can be nonionic, anionic, or cationic. The nonionic collectors are
simple hydrocarbon oils, while the anionic and cationic collectors consist of a polar part
that selectively attaches to the mineral surfaces, and a non-polar part that projects out into
the solution and makes the surface hydrophobic. Collectors can either chemically bond to
the mineral surface (chemisorption), or be held on the surface by physical forces (physical
adsorption). (Eisele, 1987) Chemisorption:
In chemisorption, ions or molecules from solution undergo a chemical reaction with the
surface, becoming irreversibly bonded. This permanently changes the nature of the surface.
Chemisorption of collectors is highly selective, as the chemical bonds are specific to
particular atoms. Physisorption:
In physisorption, ions or molecules from solution become reversibly associated with the
surface, attaching due to electrostatic attraction or vandeerWaals bonding. The physisorbed
substances can be desorbed from the surface if conditions such as pH or composition of the
solution changes. Physisorption is much less selective than chemisorption, as collectors will
adsorb on any surface that has the correct electrical charge or degree of natural
hydrophobicity. (Glembotskii et al. 1972)
between coal particles and mineral matter. Fuel oil and kerosene have the following
advantages over specialized collectors for froth flotation: 1) they have low enough viscosity
to disperse in the slurry and spread over the coal particles easily, and 2) they are very low-
cost compared to other compounds which can be used as coal collectors. (Kawatra, 1987)
The anionic portion is responsible for the attachment of the collector molecule to the
surface, while the hydrophobic part alters the surface hydrophobicity. (Kawatra, 1987)
The experiment was held at Wonji Shoa Sugar Factory‟s laboratory. The laboratory is
found at Oromiya Regional State near Nazareth City at 110 Kilometers from Addis Ababa.
Any research related to the sugar cane production and sugar processing technologies are
held mainly in this laboratory.
The experiment was conducted based on syrup produced from the mixed cane varieties and
taken from the factory as a sample. The syrup clarification experimental work and the
determination of the response variables were done at the research laboratory service of the
3.2 Materials
Measuring cylinder,
Conical flask,
PH meter,
Precision refractometer, Buchner funnel,
1cm cell,
Whatman No. 5 filter paper
membrane filters
glass electrode
1-liter beaker
Volumetric flask
NaOH solution,
HCl solution,
Kieselguhr filters aid.
Sodium thiosulphate
Lime saccharate
Potassium dichromate
Potassium iodide solution (For standardization)
Syrup of 16 L was collected from evaporator for one run. Laboratory scale experiment was
conducted on syrup clarification by Talodura process in contrast to the conventional syrup
sulphitation system. The experiment was conducted on samples of syrup collected from the
final effect of evaporators, at five levels of phosphate concentration (as Hussein
Mohammed, 2013 states the gap is good if the dosages start from a hundred and seven
hundreds,) (117.8, 250, 350, 450, 550 and 682.8mg/kg) using phosphoric acid of food grade
neutralized with lime saccharate to PH 7.0 and treated with Talodura solution of
concentration 7.2, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.8mg/kg of solid. The experiment conducted was
analyzed using central composition design (CCD) and JMP13.
Talodura flocculants solution of 0.1% strength was prepared from powder by feeding in to
spray water of 10-55°C and mixed by stirring. The solution then kept for a minimum of 2
hours after preparation to allow complete hydration of the polymer. The thick syrup from
the last effect of evaporator was heated to 85°C and then treated with each level
combinations of phosphoric acid and the PH was adjusted to 7.0 using lime saccharate. The
treated syrup was aerated in the system that ensures the correct size distribution and
volumetric concentration of the air bubbles. The aerated syrup is dosed with solution of
Talodura as per the CCD run order.
The secondary flocculation of primary flocs and air bubbles were developed. The
flocculated syrup was now kept in clarifier of 1 Liter graduated measuring cylinder for 20
minutes. Such treatment was done for the rest CCD combinations of phosphate and
Talodura. The flocculated impurities separate as floc scum, which was removed from the
surface of the syrup by scraping mechanism.
The samples of syrup clarified by Talodura process was compared with that of the one
treated by sulphitation method and subjected to laboratory analysis for the following
parameters: Color, turbidity, reducing sugars, conductivity ash, insoluble matter, residual
SO2, viscosity of the syrup suspended matter, lime salts and purity of syrup.
The quality of syrup like color, sulfur dioxide content, and turbidity was calculated as the
3.4.1 Color:
The ICUMSA color method 4 using a wavelength of 420nm was applied for testing the
color of light colored syrup, as usually made on clarified juice to measure effectiveness of
clarification. Apparatus used for the purpose were; spectrophotometer equipped with 10, 5
and 1cm cells, membrane filters of 47mm diameter, pore size 0.45 µm, precision
refractometer and reagents used was 0.1M TEA solution and 0.05M HCl, 0.05M NaOH.
Procedure: A diluted solution of sample to be tested, (50 brix solution) was prepared. For
the brix of syrup was 65, then 100g of 50 brix solution was weighed 100/65 x 5 = 7.69g of
syrup, made up to 100g and mixed. The pH of the solution was adjusted to 7.0 ± 0.2 with
TEA buffer solution and mixed. (The use of TEA buffer solution is better than a 1M HCl or
1M NaOH solutions). The solution was filtered through a membrane filter with pore size
0.45µm. The solution was placed in an optical cell and measure absorbance, at 420nm in a
spectrophotometer using distilled water as reference standard of zero color. (The cell length
was chosen so that the instrument reading was between 20-80% transmittance and 0.1, 0.7
e) The result was expressed as the following.
3.4.2 Turbidity
The turbidity of clarified juice or syrup is a measure of the effectiveness of the clarification
process. The ICUMSA Colors of unfiltered and filtered samples was measured at 420nm
and the difference between the readings was the turbidity of the sample. Apparatus used
were: Precision refractometer, pH meter, Buchner funnel, spectrophotometer, 1cm cell,
Whatman No. 5 filter paper and the reagents were NaOH 1M solution, HCl 1M solution,
Kieselguhr filter aid.
Procedure: The original brix of the clarified syrup was determined and prepared a 65 brix
solution. The original brix = 60, then for 100g of 65 brix solution, the weight of the original
clarified syrup taken for dilution = 6.5/60 x 100 = 10.833g. The amount of clarified syrup
was weighed out necessary to make 65 brix solutions (in this case 10.833g of clarified
syrup) in a beaker and made up to 100g with distilled water. The solution was divided into
equal portions in two 100ml beakers. The first portion of the sample was taken and filtered
through Buchner funnel with Whatman No 5 filter paper using kieselguhr filter aid. The
first 10ml running was discarded. The pH of the filtrate was adjusted to 7.0 ± 0.2 using
either 1M NaOH. Absorbance (A1) in 1cm- cell at 420nm was measured against distilled
water blank.
Concentration of total solids (g ml-1) = Brix x true density/100. The 2nd portion of the
sample (do not filter) was taken and adjusted to the pH to 7.0 ± 0.2 using NaOH.
Absorbance (A2) was measured in 1cm cell at 420nm against distilled water blank.
ICUMSA420 Color C2 =
3.4.3 The pH
PH of sugar solution (50g/100g concentration) was determined using glass electrode
attached to pH meter after calibration at pH 4.00, 7.00 and 9.00 at 20°C following
ICUMSA method GS1/2/3/4/7/8-23 (1994)
this specific experiment was: 0.01N iodine solution, starch solution, HCl (1:3), 0.1N
sodium thiosulphate solution, potassium dichromate, 20% potassium iodide solution (For
Procedure: 200ml of syrup sample was taken and diluted by adding 400ml distilled water.
The burette was filled with this diluted syrup solution. 25ml of 0.01N iodine solution was
Pipette into porcelain dish and 5ml of (1:3) diluted HCl solution was added. The Iodine
solution with the diluted syrup sample from the burette was titrated till the brown color
begins to disappear. Then a few ml of starch solution was added and continued titration till
the blue color disappears. The volume of syrup taken for titration was read (ml) from the
The result was calculated as the following.
From the reducing and oxidizing property of H2SO3 and I2 respectively,
1ml 0.01 N I2 oxidizes = 0.32mg SO2
25ml 0.01 N I2 oxidizes = 25 x 0.32 mg SO2
V ml diluted syrup (burette reading) oxidizes = 25 x 0.32mg SO2
600ml diluted syrup = x 25 x 0.32mg SO2
= 24000/V mg SO2,
Where: V is the burette reading of diluted syrup.
the rest was collected. The clear filtrate was polarized without de leading and without delay
at 20°C; in 200 mm pol tube and the pol reading was taken. From the brix obtained, the pol
factor from table was found. Expression of the result was (pol %syrup) Pol % syrup = pol
reading x pol factor x 3 was registered.
Procedures: A 100ml of syrup brix diluted to the juice level was mixed with some filter aid
and filtered through Whatman No. 91 filter paper. A 50ml of filtered juice was pipette into
a 100ml beaker and adjusted the pH with 0.1M H2SO4 or NaOH. Then it was transferred
quantitatively to 100ml volumetric flask and made up to mark with distilled water. An
aliquot of the diluted juice was pipette into a 150ml beaker. Distilled water was added to
about 40ml. 4ml ammonium molybdate solution was added and mixed. A 0.1g ascorbic
acid was added and covered with watch glass and boiled gently for exactly 1 minute. The
solution quickly cooled and transferred into the solution of 50ml volumetric flask and made
up to mark with distilled water. The optical density of the blue color was measured in
From the measured optical density of each test solution and phosphate concentration, a
graph of optical density against P2O5 concentration was plotted by noticing whenever a new
batch of reagent is used a standard curve should be prepared.
The effect of two factors (phosphitation and flocculation dosages) on the optimization of
syrup clarification was evaluated and Central Composite Design (CCD) for two-factors was
employed to conduct the experiment. Central Composite Design (CCD) with 8 center points
and a total run of 16 in triplicates was used at constant temperature of 85°C investigate the
effect of levels of factors on the response variables. The main variables considered here
are: Turbidity, color, sulphur dioxide content, reducing viscosity. Then the optimum
clarification level combinations of the factors were determined. JMP™ Software was used to
provide experimental designs, generate second degree polynomial models and make
statistical evaluations. The experiment was conducted using a lower and upper real value of
7.2 and 12.8 pH values for Talodura flocculent and the lower real levels of Phosphitation
was 117.2 and the upper real value will be 682.8 The lower and upper real values were
coded as -1 and +1 respectively and that of the center points was coded as 0. The lower and
upper axial points were coded by –α and +α respectively as shown in Table
Coded levels
-α -1 0 +1 +α
Factors Fixed Temp 85⁰C
Table 3.1 Coded and corresponding actual value of the factors used in the central composite
5. +α 0 9 0 0
1. -1 -1
6. -α 0 10 0 0
2. -1 +1
7. 0 +α 11 0 0
3. +1 -1
8. 0 -α 12 0 0
4. +1 +1
13. 0 0
14. 0 0
15. 0 0
16. 0 0
Table 3.2 Central composite design (CCD) for coded levels of the two factors
(phosphatation and flocculation)
The data was analyzed and modeled using the statistical software JMP13 (by SAS Institute
Inc., Cary, NC, USA). Second degree polynomial models were generated. The significant
terms in the models were identified by analysis of variance (ANOVA) for each response.
Significance was judged if the probability level of the F-statistic calculated from the data
was less than 0.05. The model adequacy was checked by R2, R2adj and, Lack of Fit test.
The Tables of summary of fit, ANOVA, lack of fit and parameter estimates which were
generated by the software were presented in the Appendix part. Super imposed contour
plots were developed to search the optimum conditions for the three main responses,
namely, turbidity, color, and viscosity reduction.
The raw syrup taken from the factory done by double sulfitation without any treatment has
the following values for color, turbidity, viscosity, phosphate, viscosity and purity.
The results of experimental work from the laboratory and analytical data for response
variables (Table) obtained are as follows. The results of each color, turbidity and viscosity
reduction were filled as CCD order and the data analyzed using the JMP software are
presented and discussed here under accordingly.
Table 4.2 Average results obtained from syrup at different level combinations of phosphate
and flocculation.
It was observed that the minimum and the maximum color values were 9772 and 14669 IU,
respectively were gained after treatment with different dosages of the phosphate and
talodura flocculant. This wide range of responses indicated that the color value was
significantly affected by the dosage of phosphate and flocculants. For example, the
combination 668 ppm phosphate with 12 ppm flocculants gave a color value of 9772 where
as that of 117 ppm phosphate and 7.2 ppm flocculants gave a color of 14669 IU.
A quadratic model of color was developed as shown below: Final equation in terms of
actual factors:
The actual by predicted plot shows how well it was fitted. The actual values form a scatter
of points around each mean curve. It shows the actual color values on the y-axis and the
predicted values on the x-axis. The points were randomly distributed along the diagonal
line with in 95% confidence limit region.
As Appendix table 1.1 indicates that summary of fit for syrup was given by R2 and Adj R2
0.69460 and 0.52290 respectively. The R2 reports that 80% of the variation in the response
can be absorbed by fitting the model. One measure of goodness-of-fit is how well the points
lie along the 45 degree diagonal line.
It was observed that the minimum and the maximum turbidity values were 4669 IU and
11534 IU respectively. This wide range of responses indicated that the turbidity value was
significantly affected by the dosage of phosphate and flocculant. For example, the
combination 668 ppm phosphate with 12 ppm flocculant gave a turbidity value of 4669
where as that of 120 ppm phosphate and 12 ppm flocculant gave a turbidity of 11534 IU.
A quadratic model of turbidity was developed as shown below: Final equation in terms of
actual Factors.
The actual by predicted plot shows how well it was fitted. The actual values form a scatter
of points around each mean curve. It shows the actual color values on the y-axis and the
predicted values on the x-axis. The points were randomly distributed along the diagonal
line with in 95% confidence limit region.
As Appendix table 1.2 indicates that summary of fit for syrup turbidity was given by R2 and
Adj R2 0.57460 and 0.392290 respectively. The R2 reports that 70% of the variation in the
response can be absorbed by fitting the model. One measure of goodness-of-fit is how well
the points lie along the 45 degree diagonal line.
The minimum and the maximum viscosity values were 45 and 54 mpa.s respectively. This
wide range of responses indicated that the viscosity value was significantly affected by the
dosage of phosphate and flocculant. For example, the combination 668 ppm phosphate with
12 ppm flocculant gave a viscosity value of 45 where as that of 300 ppm phosphate and 8.5
ppm flocculant gave a viscosity result 54 mpa.s
The combined effect of phosphate and flocculant on the syrup viscosity was statistically
significant with p - value 0.0029 (Appendix). The Prob > F = 0.2567 in the Lack of Fit
(Appendix Table 1.3) suggested that the fitted model was adequate. On the other hand,
higher levels of both phosphate and flocculant led to a low viscosity value.
A quadratic model of turbidity was developed as shown below: Final equation in terms of
actual Factors.
The actual by predicted plot shows how well it was fitted. The actual values form a scatter
of points around each mean curve. It shows the actual color values on the y-axis and the
predicted values on the x-axis. The points were randomly distributed along the diagonal
line with in 95% confidence limit region.
4.6 Optimum point for combined color, turbidity and viscosity reduction
Optimization of Phosphate and the Talodura flocculant conditions is one of the most
important stages in the development of clarified syrup leads clarified of sugar. Response
surface methodology (RSM) is an effective optimization tool wherein many factors and
their interactions affecting the response can be identified with fewer experimental trials
than one factor at a time experiment.
Individual optimum region for each of the responses, turbidity, color, and reducing
viscosity was located earlier. This is because; turbidity, color, and viscosity are more
influential in indicating the syrup clarification efficiency than the rest. Turbidity removal is
considered as primary objective and turbidity measurement can be used with a high degree
of confidence to measure the efficiency of clarification (Mkhize, 2003). The location of the
best regions and the model developed for the individual parameters can be used to improve
problems faced with regard to each parameter.
X1 = A: A
X2 = B: B
-1.00 -0.50
-0.50 0.00
0.50 0.50 A: A
B: B 1.00 1.00
There is a need to superimpose the contour maps of the three responses in a single contour
plot. The process of finding a region in which the responses are superimposed to provide
the highest or lowest possible yield is known as optimization. The intersection point of two
or more optimal contour lines defines the coordinates of the optimum level for each factor
(Maximo, and Gacula, 1993). The following desirable ranges of responses need to be
fulfilled in order to locate the common optimum point in Figure 4.10.
Turbidity: low values of turbidity are desirable; hence, one should use contour lines with
predicted responses in the neighborhood of 4668 to obtain low turbidity value. The region
bounded by 4668 contour lines was selected as the optimum region for turbidity.
Color: The low value of color was bounded by contour lines 9772. This region selected as
an optimum region for low color.
Viscosity reduction: The high value of Viscosity reduction was 45 and selected as an
optimum region for Viscosity reduction.
Therefore, using JMP optimization software, the optimum range for the three response
combination was determined by choosing the intersection range that satisfied the three
responses accordingly in the contour plotting graph. The mentioned three scenarios help to
generate a common optimum region. The region obtained by superimposing the above
response boundaries was depicted in the arrowed region of the superimposed contour map
(Figure 4.10).
Table 4.3 The optimum phosphate and talodura for syrup clarification.
5.1 Conclusion
All Ethiopian sugar factories are practicing production of plantation white sugar (PWS) by
double sulphitation system. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is toxic gas. When it is used during the
manufacture of any food product residual traces of sulfur remaining in such food product is
hazardous to human health. The other technology of clarification is Syrup clarification using
flotation process. The basis of this process is based on the Phosphoflotation and froth flotation,
conveniently termed as 'phosphoflotation' process applied in sugar refineries. Since the syrup
liquor is very viscous, at about 65ºBrix, clarification is done by flotation. The flotation system
uses chemicals like cationic flocculant (talodura) and phosphates to bring up impurities to
surface of the syrup clarifier. For this operation proportionating the dosages of these chemicals
is mandatory. By this research experiments; dosages of phosphate of 668ppm and 12ppm of
talodura was approved. It is excellent to operate this flotation system with these chemical
dosages for excellent clarity of sugar at Wonji Sugar Factory.
5.2 Recommendation
By the time this research was done Wonji Sugar Factory is using syrup sulfitation by
missing juice sulfitation because of the failures of the system. This makes high ICUMSA
values of color, turbidity and viscosity reduction on sample analyzed. Because of these high
values of sample analyzed; the high change done, up to 70% is still not low color syrup.
Secondly these experiments were done at the laboratory scale with laboratory materials and
it is recommended that these experiments should be repeated with syrup clarification set up
made for syrup clarification.
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Appendix Table 1.1 Summary fit for results of color for clarified syrup
RSquare 0.6900054
Appendix Table 1.2 ANOVA for results of color for clarified syrup
Appendix Table 1.3 Lack of fit for results of turbidity for clarified syrup
The Model F-value of implies the model is significant. There is only a 3.367% chance that
a "Model F-Value" this large could occur due to noise.
Appendix Table 2.1 Summary fit for results of turbidity for clarified syrup
RSquare 0.791305
Appendix Table 2.2 ANOVA for results of turbidity for clarified syrup
Sum of Mean F p
The Model F-value of 4.34 implies the model is significant. There is only a 2.32% chance
that a "Model F-Value" this large could occur due to noise.
Appendix Table 2.3 Lack of fit for results of turbidity for clarified syrup.
Appendix Table 3.1 Summary fit for results of viscosity for clarified syrup
RSquare 0.722075
Appendix Table 3.3 Lack of fit for results of viscosity for clarified syrup.
Appendix B. figures
Appendix C. photos