A. Define Management and Prove How Management Is A Process?

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A. Define Management and prove how management is a process?

Controlling a complex organization so as to achieve desired goals resulted in the evolution of

the concept of management. Management includes all those people who are concerned
with managing an organization. It is a sum of organized activities by a group of people.
Management involves decision making at various levels of organization for getting things
done by others. It is both science as well as an art, because the fundamentals of management
are same everywhere but the practices differ. The term management simply involves
coordinating and overseeing the work activities of others so that their activities are completed
efficiently and effectively. Several definitions of management have been advanced but
because of the complex nature of management no one definition has been universally
accepted. The simplest definition of management was given by Mary Parker Follet. She
defined management as "the art of getting things done through people". From this definition
we see that managers achieve organizational goals by arranging for others the necessary tasks
to be performed to achieve the goals of the organization, hence they do not do the work
As a process, management refers to a series of inter-related functions. It is the process by
which management creates, operates and directs purposive organization through systematic,
coordinated and co-operated human efforts, according to George R. Terry, “Management is a
distinct process consisting of planning, organizing, actuating and controlling, performed to
determine and accomplish stated objective by the use of human beings and other resources”.
As a process, management consists of three aspects:
1. Management is a social process - Since human factor is most important among the other
factors, therefore management is concerned with developing relationship among people.
It is the duty of management to make interaction between people - productive and useful
for obtaining organizational goals.
2. Management is an integrating process - Management undertakes the job of bringing
together human physical and financial resources so as to achieve organizational purpose.
Therefore, is an important function to bring harmony between various factors.
3. Management is a continuous process - It is a never ending process. It is concerned with
constantly identifying the problem and solving them by taking adequate steps. It is an on-
going process.
B. Management has some special characteristics and it perform various activities.
 Universal: All the organizations, whether it is profit-making or not, they require
management, for managing their activities. Hence it is universal in nature.
 Goal-Oriented: Every organization is set up with a predetermined objective and
management helps in reaching those goals timely, and smoothly.
 Continuous Process: It is an ongoing process which tends to persist as long as the
organization exists. It is required in every sphere of the organization whether it is
production, human resource, finance or marketing.
 Multi-dimensional: Management is not confined to the administration of people only,
but it also manages work, processes and operations, which makes it a multi-disciplinary
 Group activity: An organization consists of various members who have different needs,
expectations and beliefs. Every person joins the organization with a different motive, but
after becoming a part of the organization they work for achieving the same goal. It
requires supervision, teamwork and coordination, and in this way, management comes
into the picture.
 Dynamic function: An organization exists in a business environment that has various
factors like social, political, legal, technological and economic. A slight change in any of
these factors will affect the organization’s growth and performance. So, to overcome
these changes management formulates strategies and implements them.
 Intangible force: Management can neither be seen nor touched but one can feel its
existence, in the way the organization functions.
Precisely, all the functions, activities and processes of the organization are interconnected to
one another. And it is the task of the management to bring them together in such a way that
they help in reaching the intended result.
The efficient management of human & material resources is essential for achievement of
objectives of any organization. The success of any business lies in the quality of
management. The significance of management will be clearer through the following points:-

1. Determination of objectives – Management helps in determining the objective of the

organization. No organization can succeed in its operations unless its objectives are identified
& well defined. These objectives have to be communicated to all the people working in the
2. Achievement of the objectives – Management plays a vital role in accomplishment of
organizational objectives & goals. The coordination & integration of material & human
resources helps in achieving the pre-determined goals effectively & efficiently.
3. Efficient use of resources – An efficient management can lead a business towards growth
& prosperity. Management reduces wastage of human, material & financial resources through
proper planning & control.
4. Encourages innovation – Management encourage innovation in the organization.
Innovation brings new ideas, new methods, and new products & makes the organization more
5. Personal objectives – Personal objectives are concerned with satisfaction of financial &
social needs of the employees. Through motivation & direction management helps the
individuals to achieve their personal goals while working towards organizational objectives.
6. Economic development – Management helps in development of the society by producing
good quality products, creating employment opportunities & adopting new technology.
7. Creates dynamic organization – Management helps the employees to overcome their
resistance to change & adopt as per changing situation to ensure its survival & growth.

C. Who is a manager? Discuss various kind of managers and their skills in an

organizational hierarchy.
A manager’s job is very crucial in an organization. He is a planner, coordinator, producer and
a marketer. The success of an organization will depend upon the caliber of the manager in
utilizing the resources for achieving business goals. A manger is a pivotal figure in the task of
creating wealth. There are rapid changes in technology, methods of production, marketing
techniques, financial set up and the manager should be competent enough to cope with the
Vertical Management
Vertical management, also called top-down management, refers to the various levels of
management within an organization. Managers at different levels are free to focus on
different aspects of the business, from strategic thinking to communicating information to
operational efficiency. During the nineteenth century and much of the twentieth century,
vertical management was highly structured with many layers of management (as depicted by
a pyramid). In industries where processes and conditions are stable and where ongoing
innovation is less critical, the vertical structure of management can still be very efficient.
Workers in labor-intensive industries such as manufacturing, transportation, and construction
need to follow established procedures and meet specific goals. Everyone knows who is in
charge and assumes the job they do today will be the same next year or in five years.
Top-Level Managers
As you would expect, top-level managers (or top managers) are the “bosses” of the
organization. They have titles such as chief executive officer (CEO), chief operations officer
(COO), chief marketing officer (CMO), chief technology officer (CTO), and chief financial
officer (CFO). A new executive position known as the chief compliance officer (CCO) is
showing up on many organizational charts in response to the demands of the government to
comply with complex rules and regulations. Depending on the size and type of organization,
executive vice presidents and division heads would also be part of the top management team.
The relative importance of these positions varies according to the type of organization they
head. For example, in a pharmaceutical firm, the CCO may report directly to the CEO or to
the board of directors.
Middle Managers
Middle managers have titles like department head, director, and chief supervisor. They are
links between the top managers and the first-line managers and have one or two levels below
them. Middle managers receive broad strategic plans from top managers and turn them into
operational blueprints with specific objectives and programs for first-line managers. They
also encourage, support, and foster talented employees within the organization. An important
function of middle managers is providing leadership, both in implementing top manager
directives and in enabling first-line managers to support teams and effectively report both
positive performances and obstacles to meeting objectives.
First-Line Managers
First-line managers are the entry level of management, the individuals “on the line” and in the
closest contact with the workers. They are directly responsible for making sure that
organizational objectives and plans are implemented effectively. They may be called assistant
managers, shift managers, foremen, section chiefs, or office managers. First-line managers
are focused almost exclusively on the internal issues of the organization and are the first to
see problems with the operation of the business, such as untrained labor, poor quality
materials, machinery breakdowns, or new procedures that slow down production. It is
essential that they communicate regularly with middle management.
In today’s multifaceted business environment, a manager is responsible to perform certain
role and responsibilities in a typical organization for the fulfillment of organizational goals
and objectives. For example, planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling are the
five common & significant functions of management that are performed by every manager in
order to achieve strategic vision and mission of the company/organization (DuBrin, 2008). In
addition Our business case study assignment help experts says that, communication,
leadership and productive & results-oriented are the main traits that an individual should
possess to be an effective manager, because these traits directly affect the role and
responsibilities of a manager (Barbazette, 2007). Apart from this assignment help on
organization, managerial traits have also positive and negative impact on the functions of
management. For instance, with the help of effective leadership skills, a manager/leader can
lead and control to their subordinates in a proper manner. Hence, managerial traits influence
role of a manager as well as functions of management (Traversi, 2007). Additionally, in this
paper, role of a manager and four functions of management would be discussed. Along with
this, important & significant traits to become an effective manager will also be analyzed.
Role of a Manager in a Typical Organization: As per the changing business environment,
the role and responsibilities of a manager in a typical organization can be divided in to two
parts. One is objective and the other is subjective. The objective part is basically to run the
business in a more effective manner (Asgar, 2008). According to this, the managers should be
ensured that the organizational goals and objectives are achieved. On the other hand, to
increase the profitability, market share, productivity and goodwill at the international level
are the other important functions of a manager by using organizational resources effectively
(Warner & Witzel, 2004). Manager is also responsible to provide all the necessary support &
back up in order to fully accomplish the organizational strategic and core objectives. Hence,
the manager in an organization is responsible for strategic direction and planning. At the
same time, in a typical organization, a manager also identifies organizational issues &
problems, gathers and organizes information in order to make organizational resources more
effectively. Apart from this, a manager also executes several strategic functions related to
HRM, corporate finance, sales & marketing, R&D and administration. For instance, a finance
manager prepares budget and utilizes financial resources to achieve monetary goals and
objectives of the organization (Sennewald, 2003). A manager also makes decisions based on
each complex situation. A manager also develops plans and strategies to achieve a particular
goal. For example, an organization’s goal is to improve company sales (Gitman & McDaniel,
2008). The manager first develops necessary plans to accomplish that goal. For this, the
manager increases advertising, inventory, and sales staff. Additionally, to fully achieve the
strategic plans for the organizational growth, he/she motivates, communicates, guides, and
encourages the organizational people (Bohlander & Snell, 2009). A manager’s most basic
responsibility is to focus people toward performance of work activities to achieve desired
outcomes. In addition, a manager also analyzes competitive opportunities and threats as well
as the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, and then determines how to position the
organization to compete effectively in their environment. In this way, the manager makes
strategic planning in order to formulate the core objectives, mission and vision effectively
(Warner & Witzel, 2004). Along with this, it should also be noted down that a manager also
arranges and manages the needed resources for the overall growth of the organization. In
addition, manager also executes negotiation duties in order to save the cost and increase
profits. For instance, manager negotiates contracts and projects in the favor of the company.
Additionally as per business case study help experts, the manager is also liable for the proper
use of organizational resources. For example, he utilizes organizational resources such as
men, machines, materials and money in an effective manner. To solve the conflict between
the employees over certain business matter is another function of the manager in a typical
organization. Suppose that whenever there are conflicts between the employees over certain
organizational matters, the manager resolves all such conflicts and arrive at an amicable
solution (Asgar, 2008). On the other hand, managers also make certain routine decisions in
connection with matters pertaining to the daily operations of the business. Purchase of raw
materials, payment of wages, sanctioning leave to subordinate staff, etc., are examples of
such routine decisions. Manager also improves the organizational culture by using different
strategy & creates great workplaces, where people thrive. Additionally, a manager creates
and controls change within the organization. It means, a manager solves problems, generates
new ideas, and implements them for the overall success of the organization. He/she also
communicates internal and external contacts effectively on behalf of organization. Apart from
this, the main function of a manager is to maintain a strong relationship with the customers. It
means, manager communicates with customers throughout various stages of the purchasing
Traits to be an Effective Manager: Communication, leadership and productive & results-
oriented are some imperative and essential traits that an individual should possess to be an
effective manager. It is because with the help of these traits an individual can easily
understand and manage the role of a manager as well as functions of management effectively.
So, these traits directly have a positive link with the organizational functions and corporate
culture of the company.
Communication: In today’s fast growing global business scenario, communication is one of
the most significant traits that an individual should acquire in order to become an effective
manager. It is because; with the help of communication, he/she can easily convey their
message, information and ideas from one to another in a more effective way. In this way, an
individual should have intra-personal, interpersonal, verbal and non-verbal communication
skills. For instance, intra-personal communication skills imply individual reflection,
contemplation and meditation. In addition, interpersonal communication skills are direct,
face-to-face communication that occurs between two persons. It is essentially a dialogue or a
conversation between two or more people. Hence, to be an effective manager, an individual
should obtain these traits. For example, with the help of communication skills, a manager
improves workplace communication skills, internal and external customer service
performance, increase workplace productivity and empower business relationships through
enhanced communication skills. So, an individual should possess such types of
communication skills for the overall success and to become an effective business manager.
Leadership: It may be defined as “a process of social influence in which one person can
enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task. Simply,
leadership means establishing the directions and influencing the behavior of other in order to
fulfill organizational strategic goals and objectives. So, leadership is an essential trait that an
individual should possess in order to become an effective manager. For instance, ambition,
energy, desire to lead, self-confidence and intelligence are the main traits that appear in a
leader that should also be acquired by an individual. It is because by having these traits
he/she will be able to execute organizational change, allocate resources and express strategic
vision for the organizational success. At the same time, an individual should also be self-
motivated and self-confident to become an effective manager. On the other hand, an
individual should also have leadership traits such as loyalty, compassion, self-control, social
skills, self-awareness, articulacy and constancy/ reliability. Hence, by having these leadership
traits, an individual can develop an environment in which employees forecast the
organization’s needs in context of their own job. Additionally, an individual can also
encourage the employees for encouraging productive and quality employees to show better
performance for their organization.
Productive & Results-Oriented: An individual should also be more productive and results
oriented, because with the help of this trait, a manager can utilize organizational resources at
the lower cost in a more effective way. For example, through this trait, managers and their
team fulfill their desired objectives at the predetermined time. A successful manager knows
their competence and credibility will be evaluated based on their accomplishment; so they
press forward for positive results, because results keep them in the business. But if they fail to
produce results; they will get kicked out of the company by the business owner or investors.
It means an individual should achieve their desired outcomes at the time. So, an individual
should be more productive and result oriented like an innovative manager to become a
successful manager. From the above discussion by assignment help experts concluded that a
manager plays several strategic as well as operational role in a virtual organization in order to
fulfill organizational mission, vision and objectives. In addition, it is also concluded that an
effective manager should possess communication, leadership and productive traits that help
him to get organizational objectives. Get 24×7 assignment help from our expert. Our US, UK
and Australian assignment help experts assure you that you will get perfect assignment help
services within the deadline.
Managerial Skills:
A manager has to perform a number of jobs. It necessitates that a manager should have
proper skills to perform different jobs.
Henry Fayol put the qualities required by managers into the following categories:
(i) Physical – health, vigour, address.
(ii) Mental – ability to understand and learn; judgement, mental vigour and adaptability.
(iii) Moral – energy, firmness, willingness to accept responsibility, initiative, loyalty, tact,
(iv) Educational – general acquaintance with matters not belonging exclusively to the
function performed.
(v) Technical – peculiar to the function.
(vi) Experience – arising from the work proper.
Robert L. Katz conducted research during early 1970’s and found that managers need three
essential skills or competencies; technical, human and conceptual. He also found that the
relative importance of these skills varied according to the manager’s level within the
Technical Skills:
A manager must have the necessary technical skills or the ability to work with the resources,
tools, techniques, procedures etc. First line managers as well as many middle managers have
involved in technical aspects of the organization’s operations. Technical skills include
knowledge of and proficiency in certain specialized such as engineering, computers, finance
or manufacturing. Even though the need for technical skills is less when a manager moves
higher in hierarchy but still technical proficiency helps in taking decisions.
Human Skills:
It is the ability to work well with other people both individually and in a group. Managers
with human skills can get best out of the people working with them. They know how to
communicate, motivate, lead and inspire enthusiasm and trust. These skills are needed by
managers at every level but top managers need them the most.
Conceptual Skills:
Conceptual skills are the ability to integrate and coordinate various activities. Managers must
have the ability to think and to conceptualize about abstract solutions. They must be able to
see the organization as a whole and the relationships among its various subunits and to
visualize how the organization fits into its broader environment. Conceptual skills are helpful
in decision-making. Since all managers have to take decisions so these skills are essential for
all managers but these become more important as they make up the organizational hierarchy.

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