Post - Classical Indian Empire Economy
Post - Classical Indian Empire Economy
Post - Classical Indian Empire Economy
During the Gupta kingdom rule, the chariots had been substituted by mounted cavalry.
They continued using mounted cavalry despite the fact that their opponents like the
Scythians, Parthian and Hunas were using horse archers. The Gupta rulers maintained a
standing army and the use of cavalry and horse archery was given importance.
During the Gupta period, the territories on the border of the empire were kept under
watchful eyes. The Gupta rulers largely depended on infantry archers. The bow was one
of the primary weapons in the Gupta army. The longbow used by the Gupta army was
made either from metal or bamboo. The longbow was considered to be a potent weapon
and was capable of cutting through the thick armor worn by the soldiers.
The longbow also provided a long range to counter the enemy. It also had a good
resistant quality and they were designed in such a manner that they would be less
exposed to damaging in the damp and moist conditions. Thus, the shell- life of these
weapons was very long.
The use of fire arrows during that period is also known. The Gupta army used iron shafts
against armored elephants. Like the longbow, steel bow was also considered to be
capable of long range and cutting through the thick armor. However, the steel bows
were rare and were only used by the noblemen. Some of the steel weapons used by the
Gupta army were broadswords, axes and the khanda.
The usage of breast plate and helmet was common. The archers generally provided
protection by infantry equipped with shields, javelins and long swords. The Gupta army
was aware of sophisticated war machines like siege craft, catapults and other weapons.
The coastal areas were guarded by the navy. The Gupta Empire was however defeated
by the Hunas. This defeat marked the end of the Gupta Empire.
Post Classical Indian Empires Social Issues
Still, traditional societies in Southeast Asia had some clearly hierarchical characteristics. At the top of the social
ladder were the hereditary aristocrats, who monopolized both political power and economic wealth and enjoyed
a borrowed aura of charisma by virtue of their proximity to the ruler. Most aristocrats lived in the major cities,
which were the main source of power, wealth, and foreign influence. Beyond the major cities lived the mass of
the population, composed of farmers, fishers, artisans, and merchants. In most Southeast Asian societies, the
vast majority were probably rice farmers, living at a bare level of subsistence and paying heavy rents or taxes to
a landlord or a local ruler.
The average Southeast Asian peasant was not actively engaged in commerce except as a consumer of various
necessities. But accounts by foreign visitors indicate that in the Malay world, some were involved in growing or
mining products for export, such as tropical food products, precious woods, tin, and precious gems. Most of the
regional trade was carried on by local merchants, who purchased products from local growers and then
transported them to the major port cities. During the early state-building era, roads were few and relatively
primitive, so most of the trade was transported by small boats down rivers to the major ports along the coast.
There the goods were loaded onto larger ships for delivery outside the region. Growers of export goods in areas
near the coast were thus indirectly involved in the regional trade network but received few economic benefits
from the relationship.
As we might expect from an area of such ethnic and cultural diversity, social structures differed significantly
from country to country. In the Indianized states on the mainland, the tradition of a hereditary tribal aristocracy
was probably accentuated by the Hindu practice of dividing the population into separate classes, called varna in
imitation of the Indian model. In Angkor and Pagan, for example, the divisions were based on occupation or
ethnic background. Some people were considered free subjects of the king, although there may have been legal
restrictions against changing occupations. Others, however, may have been indentured to an employer. Each
community was under a chieftain, who was in turn subordinated to a higher official responsible for passing on
the tax revenues of each group to the central government.
In the kingdoms in the Malay peninsula and the Indonesian archipelago, social relations were generally less
formal. Most of the people in the region, whether farmers, fishers, or artisans, lived in small kampongs (Malay
for “villages”) in wooden houses built on stilts to avoid flooding during the monsoon season. Some of the
farmers were probably sharecroppers who paid a part of their harvest to a landlord, who was often a member of
the aristocracy. But in other areas, the tradition of free farming was strong. In some cases, some of the poorer
land belonged to the village as a collective unit and was assigned for use by the neediest families.
Women and the Family The women of Southeast Asia during this era have been described as the most fortunate
in the world. Although most women worked side by side with men in the fields, as in Africa they often played
an active role in trading activities. Not only did this lead to a higher literacy rate among women than among
their male counterparts, but it also allowed them more financial freedom.
Post Classical India Religion
The Chinese pilgrims who traveled to India during the Gupta era found a Buddhism that had changed in a num-
ber of ways in the centuries since the time of Siddhartha Gautama. They also found a doctrine that was
beginning to decline in popularity in the face of the rise of Hinduism. The transformation in Buddhism had
come about in part because the earliest written sources were transcribed two centuries after Siddhartha’s death
and in part because his message was reinterpreted as it became part of the everyday life of the people. Abstract
concepts of a Nirvana that cannot be described began to be replaced, at least in the popular mind, with more
concrete visions of heavenly salvation, and Siddhartha was increasingly regarded as a divinity rather than as a
sage. The Buddha’s teachings that all four classes were equal gave way to the familiar Brahmanic conviction
that some people, by reason of previous reincarnations, were closer to Nirvana than others. Why was Buddhism
unable to retain its popularity in its native India, although it became a major force else- where in Asia? Some
have speculated that in denying the existence of the soul, Buddhism ran counter to traditional Hindu belief.
Perhaps, too, one of Buddhism’s strengths was also a weakness. In rejecting the class di- visions that defined
the Indian way of life, Buddhism appealed to those very groups who lacked an accepted place in Hindu society,
such as the untouchables. But at the same time, it represented a threat to those with a higher status. Moreover,
by emphasizing the responsibility of each person to seek an individual path to Nirvana, Buddhism undermined
the strong social bonds of the Indian caste system.
Islam first reached India through the Arabs in the eighth century, but a second onslaught in the tenth and
eleventh centuries by Turkic-speaking converts had a more lasting effect. Although Arab merchants had been
active along the Indian coasts for centuries, Arab armies did not reach India until the early eighth century. When
Indian pirates attacked Arab shipping near the delta of the Indus River, the Muslim ruler in Iraq demanded an
apology from the ruler of Sind, a Hindu state in the Indus valley. When the latter refused, Muslim forces
conquered lower Sind in 711 and then moved northward into the Punjab, bringing Arab rule into the frontier
regions of the subcontinent for the first time.
Like their counterparts in other areas that came under Islamic rule, many Muslim rulers in India were relatively
tolerant of other faiths and used peaceful means, if any, to encourage nonbelievers to convert to Islam. Even the
more enlightened, however, could be fierce when their religious zeal was aroused. One ruler, on being informed
that a Hindu fair had been held near Delhi, ordered the promoters of the event put to death. Hindu temples were
razed, and mosques were erected in their place. Eventually, however, most Muslim rulers realized that not all
Hindus could be converted and recognized the necessity of accepting what to them was an alien and repugnant
religion. While Hindu religious practices were generally tolerated, non-Muslims were compelled to pay a tax to
the state. Some Hindus likely converted to Islam to avoid paying the tax, but they were then expected to make
the traditional charitable contribution required of Muslims in all Islamic societies. Over time, millions of
Hindus did turn to the Muslim faith. Some were individuals or groups in the employ of the Muslim ruling class,
such as government officials, artisans, or merchants catering to the needs of the court. But many others were
probably peasants from the sudra class or even untouchables who found in the egalitarian message of Islam a
way of removing the stigma of low- class status in the Hindu social hierarchy.
Seldom have two major religions been so strikingly different. Where Hinduism tolerated a belief in the
existence of several deities (although admittedly they were all considered by some to be manifestations of one
supreme god), Islam was uncompromisingly monotheistic. Where Hinduism was hierarchical, Islam was
egalitarian. Where Hinduism featured a priestly class to serve as an intermediary with the ultimate force of the
universe, Islam permitted no one to come between believers and their god. Overall, the Muslims continued to
view themselves as foreign conquerors and generally maintained a strict separation between the Muslim ruling
class and the mass of the Hindu population. Although a few Hindus rose to important positions in the local
bureaucracy, most high posts in the central government and the provinces were reserved for Muslims.