Snake and Ladder Games in Cognition Development On Students With Learning Difficulties
Snake and Ladder Games in Cognition Development On Students With Learning Difficulties
Snake and Ladder Games in Cognition Development On Students With Learning Difficulties
Keyword: Sanke and Ladder Games, Learning mediums in teaching and learning
Mathematics, Cognition Development, Students with Learning Difficulties
Teaching and learning program is designed to meet the needs of special needs
students under the Special Education Programs Integrated Learning Problems which
are flexible in accordance with the Education (Special Education) Regulations 1997.
In this regulation states that "... teachers may make modification to the teaching and
learning methods or techniques, the time allocated for each activity, the activities
arrangement and also the teaching aids to achieve the aims and objectives of the
Special Education ..." (Ministry of Education, 2004).
Thus, researchers suggested that snake and ladder game should be used as a
medium of learning Mathematics for those students with learning difficulties in
enhancing their development of cognition. Through this game, teachers are able to
make the teaching and learning process to be more effective and meaningful and also
to ensure the full participation of students in learning activities.
Nachiappan et al. 219
Literature Review
Cognitive Development
Based on the principles of cognitive theory, learning would take into account
the ability of a student to receive the information provided. This means that the
quantity of information to be presented at a time must be controlled so that it does
not exceed the capacity of short-term memory for a student with learning difficulties.
220 Review of Arts and Humanities, Vol. 3(2), June 2014
According to Mohd Hafis Muaddab (2012), snake and ladder game was created in the
2nd century BC by the name of “Paramapada Sopanam” (Ladder to Salvation). The
game has been developed by the Hindus to teach their children as a lesson of morality
whereby the snakes are bad omens and the staircase represents good values. Then the
game has become part of the traditional game in Indonesia although there is no
detailed information about its emergence in Indonesia. This game can also be used as
a tool to educate, entertain and to build up interactive communication among the
A game board for snake and ladder game is with squares measuring 10 x 10.
Squares on the board are counted starting with the number 1, which is from the
bottom left corner up to number 10 in the lower right corner, from right to left
starting number 11 on the second line until number 20 and so on until the number
100 in the upper left corner. The parcels have pictures with a message and deed.
Order or good deed will usually via a ladder to reach the higher box while bad deeds
will recoil into the lower compartment through the snake. According to Arinil Janah
(2009), the report states that there is no standard game board for snake and ladder
game. Everyone can create their own game boards with the total number of
compartments, different number of snakes and ladders respectively that suit the
According to Rahman Faizal (2010), there are some rules in snake and ladder game:
Every player must begin the game at the compartment number 1 and ended in
the compartment number 100.
There are certain amount of snakes and ladders located on particular parcels
on the board.
Each player will be represented by a piece of dice and a few objects.
Snakes and ladders of various sizes are being used whereby the snake will
cause the players to take a few steps of backward compartment and the
advanced players will make some forward compartment.
Nachiappan et al. 221
Each player must throw the dice in order to determine the highest value
during the first round of the game.
The player gets a turn to throw the dice again when getting number six and
move forward to the appropriate compartments according to the figures
There can be more than one object that represents the players in a parcel.
If the player is in the box with the snake, the player must go down to the box
indicated by the head of the serpent.
If the player is in the box with the ladder, the player must move to the boxes
indicated by the peak of the ladder.
The player who made it to the box of 100 will be the winner of this game.
Concepts and principles that have been introduced in snake and ladder game
could help those with learning difficulties to enhance their cognitive development.
Through the research that have been conducted, it is highly recommended that snake
and ladder game is to be exposed among students even though most of the teachers
may not agree as this method will take a long teaching and learning session which is
the major limiting factors of this activity. The relevance of this study is to use a variety
of media-learning of Mathematics for students to overcome their learning difficulties.
As a result from the research conducted, hopefully the use of snake and ladder game
will enhance the cognitive development and to overcome the learning difficulties in
mastering the concepts and skills in Mathematics.
Mathematics as a Subject
According to Noraini Idris (2005), students have to develop the concept and
mathematics skills through their knowledge and experiences while learning
Mathematics. Teachers’ pay less attention on group activities, communication in
mathematics, and games in Mathematics because they are lack of the time to fulfill the
Mathematics curriculum. However, these activities actually bring benefits to the
students to improve their understanding of Mathematics and also to improve their
cognitive development as well as involving other skills such as socializing, interaction
and communication.
Students with learning difficulties are unable to process the information given
especially in language-based activities and cause disruption in the learning activities.
These students have the average or above-average intelligence but with significant
problems in learning experiences such as reading, writing and calculating (Marilyn,
Nachiappan et al. 223
Persons With Disabilities Act 2002 (Malaysia, 2002) defined that “persons
with disabilities” include those who have long term physical, mental, intellectual or
sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full
and effective participation in society. It depends on age, gender, social and cultural
Cognitive changes for students with learning disabilities are not in line with
the changes in their physiology. At the age of adolescence, the development of
students' cognition should rise up and they have begun to think abstractly, so called
formal operational thinking. According to Piaget (1969), a student should be able to
do the following things:
According to Zera and Lucian (2001), these types of students have a weak
selective attention. This is because they are hard to have a significant boost to their
environment. They are unable to identify the instruction from teachers properly if
they had been given many instructions at the same time.
Perception will not affect what a student sees or how it sounds like but it
involves how the brain interprets what they hear and how they respond to it (Lerner
and Kline, 2006). Students with visual perception problems can see the words on
paper, but they cannot read it properly and sometimes they even left out reading some
Fletcher et al., (2007) state that students with learning difficulties also
experience memory-related problems. This problem is related to either their long-
term memory or short term memory.
Arinil Janah (2009) had conducted a research on the use of snake and ladder
game in class to enhance students' understanding in learning at one of the schools in
Indonesia. The study involved the students in primary two of the school. The results
shown is that snake and ladder game successfully enhance students’ active
participation and be expressive during learning. In addition, learning becomes fun
with the use of media-learning. Honesty is involved in this game too.
The use of snake and ladder game in learning had proven that it can enhance the
cognitive ability of kindergarten students to understand the concept of numbers
up to ten.
Students are able to recite number one up to ten smoothly according to the
Students can indicate a number of objects up to ten.
Adjust the number of objects using a number of cards up to ten correctly.
Through the experience of this activity, it is proven that this learning activity is
fun and meaningful.
Learning quality has been more innovative and can be used as motivation to do
other research.
Research Objectives
The objective of the research is to identify the use of a snake and ladder game
in order to improve the cognitive development of students with learning difficulties.
Besides that, it is to identify the role of snake and ladder game as a medium in
learning mathematics. This research had highlighted some element and also the role
of snake and ladder game. Some of the questions for research are as follows:
Research Questions
i. How does the use of the snake and ladder game can improve the cognitive
development of students with learning difficulties?
ii. What is the role of the snake and ladder game as a medium for learning
Research Methodology
During the observation, data collection was using two approaches, namely (i)
data recorded when the game was going on and (ii) analysis of the documentary
evidence actively to collect much data for researchers to have a comprehensive
report. The findings of the research are reported in order to answer the research
Research Result
Based on the research that has been conducted, the use of the ladder snake
drafts is proven to be able to increase the cognitive development of students with
learning difficulties. The respondent of the research shows that mathematical
concepts can be established well through the game. This can be seen when every
player is able to reach at the last compartment in snake and ladder game.
Apart from that, this research answered the questions that have been written
by the researcher about the impact of the figures of the dice throughout the game.
The question is different for every respondent. This is because every respondent
acquiring the different figures to move from box 1 to box 100.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the snake and ladder game is able to be
used to improve the cognitive development of students with learning difficulties in
Mathematics. The concept of learning through playing a game brings positive results
in the cognitive development of students with learning difficulties.
Through the research, it shows that snake and ladder game helps in
understanding and mastering the basic concepts and the sequence of numbers.
Nachiappan et al. 227
This is because, each sample should be developed from box to box on the
game board from number 1 to 100, in order to finish the game. The respondent in
this research is able to calculate and remember well the concept in numbers.
Besides that, snake and ladder game also act as a tool to understand and
mastering addition and subtraction. The result from the research shows that
respondent can understand addition in Mathematics better through throwing the dice
and moving up on the ladder in the game. The respondent have to add up the figures
shown on the dice whenever they throw to determine on how many steps that they
have to take.
Whereas, the ladder in the game will give a better understanding of the
addition of the numbers.
Through the research, it also shows that snake and ladder game teaching us
about the subtraction in Mathematics. This is because the respondent has to reverse
to appropriate compartment if they had over the finishing line through the amount
that they got from the dice thrown. Subtraction has to be done for the compartment
with snakes. They have to reverse either from the head of the snakes or the tail of the
snakes to the appropriate compartment.
Not only that, the research also showed that snake and ladder game is able to
build up interest among the respondent to learn Mathematics easily. Before this,
learning Mathematics is found to be boring and most of the students are not
interested to learn. In addition, playing snake and ladder game is able to improvise
social skills among respondents, too. They are able to interact better with others
throughout the research and they are able to follow the game and complete the game
Teachers have to use many interesting and appropriate ways in the teaching
and learning process so that every student can master on whatever that they have
been taught and especially to the students with learning difficulties.
For students with learning difficulties, the use of snake and ladder game is
effective for students to master on calculating skill. Snake and ladder game allows
students to understand the concept of Mathematics easily. In addition, students can
be exposed to the operations of addition and subtraction indirectly and it is also a
suitable activity for leisure time. This is to promote social skills and interaction among
the players. Good interaction among the players is very important for the game to go
on smoothly and also to make sure that everyone is having fun with it.
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