Module-2:: Metal Complexes and Organometallics
Module-2:: Metal Complexes and Organometallics
Module-2:: Metal Complexes and Organometallics
Contents…..(6 hours)
Inorganic Complexes: Structure, Bonding and Applications
❖ Double Salt: Double Salts and Coordination Compounds
Ferric alum
In water: NH4+, SO42-, Fe3+
❖Co-ordination Compounds
4K+ + [Fe(CN)6]4-
(coordination sphere) M
Chelating Agents
• Bind to metal ions removing them
• Important biomolecules like heme
from solution.
and chlorophyll are porphyrins
• Phosphates are used to tie up
Ca2+ and Mg2+ in hard water to
prevent them from interfering with
Werner Coordination Theory
Werner's Theory: Alfred Werner, Swiss chemist put forward a theory to explain the
formation of complex compounds.
1. Bonding within coordination sphere.
2. Square planar (or) Tetrahedral
Lewis Acid Base Theory - Gilbert N. Lewis, 1920s
❖ Lewis Acid/Base reactions: Base: electron pair donor; Acid: electron pair
❖ Ligands: Lewis bases ; Metals: Lewis acids ; Coordinate covalent bonds
❖ Metal Complexes - Formation of a complex was described as an acid - base
reaction according to Lewis
Sidgwick’s Rule
Tetrahedral Geometry
• Tetrahedral copper complex [CuCl4]2-
3d 4s 4p
Cu ground
state 3d94s2
• All paired electrons – diamagnetic - weakly repelled by magnets
Octahedral sp3d2 Geometry
Gives [CoF6]3– four unpaired electrons, which makes it paramagnetic and is called a high-spin
Ground state Co= (3d74s2)
Octahedral d2sp3 Geometry
3d 4s 4p
❖ Electronic structure can be explained by an ionic model that attributes formal charges on to the metals
and ligands. This forms basis of crystal field theory (CFT), which is considered as the core concept in
inorganic chemistry.
❖ Consider bonding in a complex to be an electrostatic attraction between a positively charged nucleus
and the electrons of the ligands.
▪ Electrons on metal atom repel electrons on ligands.
▪ Focus particularly on the d-electrons on the metal ion.
❖ Ligand field theory (LFT) and the molecular orbital theory (MO) are considered sophisticated models as
compared to CFT. LFT explains complexes, wherein, the interactions are covalent.
Orbital occupancy for high- and low-spin complexes of d4 through d7 metal ions
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[Co(NH3)6]3+ > [Co(NH3)6]2+
I- < Cl- < F- < OH- < H2O < SCN- < NH3 < en < NO2- < CN- < CO
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Spectrochemical series (strength of ligand interaction)
Effect of ligand on splitting energy
Increasing Δ
Cl- < F- < H2O < NH3 < en < NO2- < CN-
Increasing Δ
Low spin – color variations shown with increasing CFSE (Cr3+ = 24-3-18 = d3)
Applications of Coordination Compounds
⮚ Extraction
❖ processes of metals, like those of silver and gold, make use of complex formation.
❖ These noble metals are extracted from their ore by the formation of cyanide complexes -
dicyanoargentite(I) - [Ag(CN)2]– and dicyanoaurate (I) - [Au(CN)2]– in the presence of oxygen
and water, from which the metallic forms can be separated by the addition of zinc.
▪ Ag2S + 4NaCN 2 Na[Ag(CN)2] + Na2S
▪ 2 Na[Ag(CN)2] + Zn Na2[Zn(CN)4] + 2Ag↓
❖ Familiar colour reactions given by metal ions with a number of ligands (especially chelating
ligands), as a result of formation of coordination entities, form the basis for their detection and
estimation by classical and instrumental methods of analysis.
Examples of such reagents include EDTA, DMG (dimethylglyoxime), α–nitroso, β–
naphthol, cupron, etc.
❖ Since Cu is more stable then Cd. Therefore, on passing H2S only CdS is precipitated. Thus
Cd2+ ion easily detected in the presence of Cu2+ ions.
• Cu2+ + 4CN- [Cu(CN)4]2-
• Cd2+ + 4CN- [Cd(CN)4]2-
❖ Presence of Co and Fe can be detected by the formation of blue and blood red color
thiocyanate complexes respectively
Detection of Complex formation
❖ Formation of Precipitate
Ni2+ + 2 HDMG [Ni(DMG)2] + 2H+
What are Organometallics?
❖ An area which bridges organic and inorganic chemistry.
❖ A branch of coordination chemistry where the complex has one or more
metal-carbon bonds.
C always is more electronegative compared to M.
❖ The leading journals of the field define an "organometallic" compound as one in which there is a
bonding interaction (ionic or covalent, localized or delocalized) between one or more carbon atoms of
an organic group or molecule and a main group, transition, lanthanide, or actinide metal atom (or
❖ Following longstanding tradition, organic derivatives of metalloids such as boron (B), silicon (Si),
germanium (Ge), arsenic (As), tellurium (Te) are also included in this definition.
Zeise’s Salt- The first transition metal ❖ Discovery 1827
organometallic compound: ❖ Structure ~ 150 years later
Why are organometallics important?
❖ Are we dealing with ‘a’ special element?
❑ What is special about carbon?
• Forms bonds with other carbon atoms (C-C)
readily and they are strong (catenation)
• Forms strong multiple bonds (C=C)
• Forms very strong bonds with another special
element H!!
• Cyclic “C=C-C” fragments would be extra
stable - AROMATIC
❑ C and its electronic configuration!
1s2 2s2 2p2
❑ Why is this special ?
• To form a full shell, it would require 4 covalent bonds
• Gap between the 2s and 2p is just right!
• 1s2 2s1 2px12py12pz1
• When 4 equivalent covalent bonds are formed, no extra electrons / no vacant
Organic vs Organometallic reactivity
Organic chemistry Organometallic chemistry
ηx coordinated to a metal center. Hapticity is another word used to describe the bonding
mode of a ligand to a metal center. An η5-cyclopentadienyl ligand, for example, has all
five carbons of the ring bonding to the transition metal center.
• ηx values for carbon ligands where the x value is odd usually indicate anionic carbon ligands
(e.g., η5-Cp, η1-CH3, η1-allyl or η3-allyl, η1-CH=CH2)
• The # of electrons donated (ionic method of electron counting) by the ligand is usually
equal to x + 1
• Even ηx values usually indicate neutral carbon π-system ligands (e.g., η6-C6H6, η2-
CH2=CH2, η4-butadiene, η4-cyclooctadiene)
• Number of electrons donated by the ligand in the even (neutral) case is usually just equal to x.
❖ bridging ligands are usually placed next to the metals in question, then followed by the
other ligands (note that rules 1 & 2 take precedence): Co2(μ-CO)2(CO)6, Rh2(μ-Cl)2(CO)4,
❖Organometallic compounds are classified into three classes.
• (i) Sigma (σ) bonded organometallic compounds: In these complexes, the metal atom and
carbon atom of the ligand are joined together with a sigma bond,
For Example:
• (a) Grignard reagents, R–Mg–X where R is an alkyl or aryl group, and X is a halogen.
• (b) Zinc compounds of the formula R2Zn such as (C2H5)2Zn
• Other similar compounds are (CH3)4Sn, (C2H5)4Pb, Al2(CH3)6, Al2(C2H5)6, Pb(CH3)4 etc.
Al2(CH3)6 is a dimeric compound and has a structure similar to diborane, (B2H6). It is an
electron deficient compound, and two methyl groups act as bridges between two aluminium
Thermal Stability
The thermodynamic stability of a compound relative to its constituent elements would
obviously depend upon the standard free energies of formation, ΔG°f values for
organometallic compounds, one has to rely on the known standard enthalpies of
formation, ΔH°f, making due allowance for plausible estimates for the contributions of
ths entropy terms TΔS, in the well-known relationship:
For example, let us for the purpose of simplicity consider that tetramethyllead
decomposes into lead, decomposes into lead, methane and ethane only, i.e.,
The standard enthalpy change ΔHm for this reaction would be given by the difference
between the standard enthalpies of formation, ΔHf, for the products and reactants, i.e.,
ΔHm = ─146+52─137 = ─231 kj mol─1
Factors influencing the stability/ reactivity of Organometallics
❖ The thermodynamic stability of metal-alkene complexes is strongly affected by the nature of
the alkene (and metal):
• 1) Electron-withdrawing groups on the alkene generally increase the strength of the
metal-alkene bonding, while electron-donating groups generally decrease the stability.
• 2) In cases where cis-trans isomerism is possible, the more stable complex is almost always
formed by the cis-alkene (steric factors).
• 3) Presence of β-hydrogen in the alkyl chains attached to the metal
▪ The main driving force for β-hydride elimination is the
formation of a stronger M-H bond (almost always stronger
than M-alkyl) and the generation of an alkene ligand that
reduces the unsaturation of the metal complex. The
reverse reaction, however, also can occur and is called a
migratory insertion.
▪ In order to prepare stable M-alkyl complexes one,
therefore, often needs to stay away from alkyls with β-
hydrogens (or avoid metals with empty coordination
4. Metal complexes of ring-strained cycloalkenes (e.g., cyclopropene) display higher than
expected stability. The ring strain raised the energy of the cycloalkene ring system making it a
better donor to the metal center (better orbital energy matching). See the next section on
cyclobutadiene for a particularly remarkable example.
Cyclic conjugated π-systems are aromatic if the number of π-electrons equals 4n + 2 (where n
= an integer). Cyclobutadiene is an anti-aromatic since it has 4 π-electrons. The anti-
aromaticity combined with the ring strain makes this simple molecule too unstable to exist as a
free organic compound.
The high stability of a cyclobutadiene coordinated to a metal arises from the mixing of the 4 π
electrons on the cyclobutadiene with one of the metal d orbitals that has 2 e- and the right
symmetry to mix in and form a 6 π electron aromatic system!
5. Chelating dienes show the expected stabilization from the chelate effect. The
most common examples are norbornadiene and cyclooctadiene shown below.
Note that these can still be easily substituted off the metal by stronger
coordinating ligands such as phosphines.
The 18-electron Rule or Effective atomic number (EAN)
❖ The 18e rule is a way to help us decide whether a given d-block transition metal organometallic
complex is likely to be stable. Not all the organic formulas we can write down correspond to
stable species. Recall: Second row elements (B, C, N, O, F) have 4 valence orbitals (1s + 3p) so
they can accommodate up to 8 valence electrons--the octet rule.
▪ For example, CH5 requires a 5-valent carbon and is therefore not stable. Stable compounds,
such as CH4, have the noble gas octet, and so carbon can be thought of as following an 8e rule.
▪ The 18e rule, which applies to many low-valent transition metal complexes, follows a similar line
of reasoning. The metal now has one s, and three p orbitals, as before, but now also five d
orbitals. We need 18e to fill all nine orbitals; some come from the metal, the rest from the ligands.
Therefore, we can expect that the low-lying MOs can accommodate up to 18 valence electrons--
The 18-Electron Rule.
Example 1
Please note that we are using the Ionic Method of electron-counting. 95% of
inorganic/organometallic chemists use the ionic method. The ionic method
assigns formal charges to the metal and ligands in order to keep the ligands
with an even # of electrons and (usually) a filled valence shell. Synthetically,
the ionic method generally makes more sense and the one that we will use in
this course.
Common Reactions of Organometallic Complexes
▪ Oxidative Addition
▪ Reductive Elimination
▪ Migratory Insertion
▪ Transmetallation
▪ β-Hydride Elimination
❖ Oxidative Addition
A reaction in which (usually) a neutral ligand adds to a metal center and in doing so oxidizes
the metal, typically by 2e-. The transferring of the two electrons from the metal to the incoming
ligand breaks a bond in that ligand forming two new anionic ligands. At least one of these new
anionic ligands ends up bonded to the metal center.
WARNING: d0 metals can NOT do oxidative additions!! So always electron count the starting
and final metal complexes to check out the overall electron-count, metal oxidation state and d-
electron count! 48
❖Reductive Elimination
A reductive elimination reaction is the reverse of an oxidative addition. It is a reaction in which
two cisoidal anionic ligands on a metal center couple together. Each anionic ligand pushes
one electron back onto the metal center (in the case of a monometallic complex) to reduce it by
2e-. The coupled anionic ligands then usually fall off the metal center as a neutral molecule.
Since electron-rich metal complexes favor oxidative addition, the reverse is true for reductive
elimination. Since reductive elimination involves pushing electrons back onto the metal center
from two anionic ligands that are usually more electronegative than the metal center, it is best if
the metal center is electron deficient. This can be accomplished by having electron-withdrawing
ligands (e.g., CO), cationic charge(s), and/or coordinative unsaturation (sub-18e- counts). 49
❖ Migratory Insertion
▪ A migratory insertion reaction is when a cisoidal anionic and neutral ligand on a metal
complex couple together to generate a new coordinated anionic ligand. This new anionic
ligand is composed of the original neutral and anionic ligands now bonded to one another.
▪ General Features:
1) No change in formal oxidation state
(exception: alkylidenes)
2) The two groups that react must be cisoidal to
one another
3) A vacant coordination site is generated by
the migratory insertion. Therefore, a vacant site
is required for the back elimination reaction
(e.g., β-hydride elimination). A trapping ligand is
often needed to coordinate to the empty site
formed from a migratory insertion in order to
stop the back elimination reaction.
4) Migratory insertions are usually favored on
more electron-deficient metal centers.
❖ Transmetallatio
▪ Definition: the transferof an organic group from one metal center to another. The process
involves no formal change in oxidation state for either metal.
❖Formation of σ-bond:
▪ The overlapping of empty hybrid orbital on metal atom with the filled hybrid orbital on carbon
atom of carbon monoxide molecule through lone pair electrons results into the formation of a
M←CO σ-bond.
❖Formation of π-bond by back donation:
▪ This bond is formed because of overlapping of filled dπ orbitals or hybrid dpπ orbitals of metal
atom with antibonding pi orbitals on CO molecule.
Structure of Ni(CO)4
Ligand Donation Effects
The ability of the ligands on a metal to donate electron density to the metal center certainly has
considerable effect on the absolute amount of electron density on that metal. This, in turn, naturally
effects the νCO IR stretching frequencies in metal carbonyl complexes. Ligands that are trans to a
carbonyl can have a particularly large effect on the ability of the CO ligand to effectively π-
backbond to the metal. For example, 2 trans π-backbonding ligands will partially compete for the
same d-orbital electron density, weakening each others net M-L π-backbonding.
When the trans ligand is a σ-donating ligand, this can increase the M-CO bond strength (more
M=C=O character) by allowing unimpeded metal to CO π-backbonding. Pyridine and amines are
not that strong σ-donors, but they are even worse π-backbonding ligands. So the CO has virtually
no competition for π-backdonation. Based on CO IR stretching frequencies, the following ligands
can be ranked from best π-acceptor to worst:
NO+ > CO > PF3 > RN≡C > PCl3 > P(OR)3 > PR3 > RC≡N > NH3 56
σ/π Bridging CO
❖Fe(CO)5 is used inter alia for the preparation of inductors, pigments, as dietary
supplements in the production of radar-absorbing materials in the stealth technology,
and in thermal spraying.
❖Metal carbonyls are used in a number of industrially important carbonylation
reactions. In the oxo process, an alkene, hydrogen gas, and carbon monoxide react
together with a catalyst (such as HCo(CO)4) to give aldehydes.
❖ Several other Metal-Carbonyl complexes have been employed in the
hydrocarboxylation and hydrogenation reactions.
Structure and Bonding Ferrocene
• Mössbauer spectroscopy indicates that the iron center in
ferrocene should be assigned the +2 oxidation state.
Each cyclopentadienyl (Cp) ring should then be
allocated a single negative charge. Thus ferrocene
could be described as iron(II) bis(cyclopentadienide)
Fe2+[C5H5- ]2.
• The number of π-electrons on each ring is then six,
which makes it aromatic according to Hückel's rule.
These twelve π-electrons are then shared with the metal
via covalent bonding. Since Fe2+ has six d-electrons, the
complex attains an 18-electron configuration, which
accounts for its stability. In modern notation, this
sandwich structural model of the ferrocene molecule is
denoted as Fe(η5-C5H5)2.
• Crystallography reveals that the cyclopentadienide
rings are in staggered conformation.
• Hybridization: d2sp3
• Magnetic Nature: Diamagnetic
Applications of Ferrocene
1. Fuel additives: Ferrocene and its derivatives could be used as antiknock agents in the fuel
for petrol engines. They are safer than previously TEL.
1. Pharmaceutical: Ferrocene derivatives have been investigated as drugs e.g. one drug has
entered clinic trials, Ferroquine (7-chloro-N-(2-((dimethylamino)methyl)ferrocenyl)quinolin-4-
amine), an antimalarial. Ferrocene-containing polymer-based drug delivery systems have
been investigated.
1. Solid rocket propellant: Ferrocene and related derivatives are used as powerful burn rate
catalysts in ammonium perchlorate composite propellant.
1. As a ligand scaffold: Chiral ferrocenyl phosphines are employed as ligands for transition-
metal catalyzed reactions. Some of them have found industrial applications in the synthesis of
pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals.
Fuel additive, smoke suppressant and chiral catalyst precursor
They’re extremely good nucleophiles, reacting with electrophiles such as carbonyl compounds (aldehydes,
ketones, esters, carbon dioxide, etc) and epoxides.
They’re also very strong bases and will react with acidic hydrogens (such as alcohols, water, and carboxylic
Applications of Grignard reagents ❖ Reaction with esters to give tertiary
❖ Reaction with aldehydes to form alcohols
secondary alcohols
Role of Mg in chlorophyll
❖ Without Mg2+ the chlorin ring is fluorescent –
i.e. the absorbed light energy is emitted back
❖ With Mg2+ chlorophyll becomes
❖ In the case of fluorescence, the absorbed
light energy is lost immediately – will not be
used for chemical reaction
❖ In the case of phosphorescence, there will
be excited state of finite life time and the
energy can be used for chemical
❖ The Mg2+ coordination increase the rigidity
of the planar chlorin ring: The energy loss
as heat due to vibration of the ring during
light absorption is prevented
Photosynthesis Reaction
Hemoglobin Hb
3 major types of Hb
Hb A (Adult)
Hb F (Fetal)
Hb S (Sickle cell)
❖ Each of these subunit polypeptides contains a heme
group—an iron atom at the center of a poryphyrin
ring—which reversibly binds a single O2 molecule in
the ferrous state (Fe2+).