Raymond LTD Balance Sheet

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 Quarterly
 Balance Sheet
 Profit & Loss
 Cash Flow
 Ratios
 Half-Yearly
 Yearly
Rs in Crore
 Consolidated
 Standalone

Parameter MAR 21  MAR 2


Share Capital 66.57 64.7

    Equity - Authorised 90.00 100.0

    Equity - Issued 66.57 64.7

    Equity Paid Up 66.57 64.7

    Equity Shares Forfeited 0.00 0.0

    Adjustments to Equity 0.00 0.0

    Preference Capital Paid Up 0.00 0.0

    Face Value 1.00 1.0

Share Warrants & Outstandings 1.04 0.6

Total Reserves 2029.75 2310.6

    Securities Premium 477.67 477.6

Parameter MAR 21  MAR 2

    Capital Reserves 36.15 36.1

    Profit & Loss Account Balance 404.28 696.2

    General Reserves 1078.14 1078.1

    Other Reserves 33.52 22.4

Reserve excluding Revaluation Reserve 2029.75 2310.6

Revaluation reserve 0.00 0.0

Shareholder's Funds 2097.36 2375.9

Minority Interest 81.92 88.4

Long-Term Borrowings 0.00 0.0

Secured Loans 1175.44 386.5

    Non Convertible Debentures 480.16 0.0

    Converible Debentures & Bonds 0.00 0.0

    Packing Credit - Bank 0.00 0.0

    Inter Corporate & Security Deposit 0.00 0.0

    Term Loans - Banks 695.27 386.5

    Term Loans - Institutions 0.00 0.0

    Other Secured 0.00 0.0

Unsecured Loans 0.10 0.3

    Fixed Deposits - Public 0.00 0.0

    Loans and advances from subsidiaries 0.00 0.0

    Inter Corporate Deposits (Unsecured) 0.00 0.0

Parameter MAR 21  MAR 2

    Foreign Currency Convertible Notes 0.00 0.0

    Long Term Loan in Foreign Currency 0.00 0.0

    Loans - Banks 0.00 0.0

    Loans - Govt. 0.00 0.0

    Loans - Others 0.00 0.0

    Other Unsecured Loan 0.10 0.3

Deferred Tax Assets / Liabilities -320.56 -155.4

    Deferred Tax Assets 384.72 225.6

    Deferred Tax Liability 64.16 70.2

Other Long Term Liabilities 405.92 596.2

Long Term Trade Payables 0.00 0.0

Long Term Provisions 0.00 0.0

Total Non-Current Liabilities 1260.89 827.7

Current Liabilities NA N

Trade Payables 1163.85 1405.5

    Sundry Creditors 1163.85 1405.5

    Acceptances 0.00 0.0

    Due to Subsidiaries- Trade Payables 0.00 0.0

Other Current Liabilities 1013.96 1010.2

    Bank Overdraft / Short term credit 1.26 0.7

    Advances received from customers 67.93 85.0

Parameter MAR 21  MAR 2

    Interest Accrued But Not Due 21.21 11.8

    Share Application Money 0.00 0.0

    Current maturity of Debentures & Bonds 0.00 0.0

    Current maturity - Others 0.00 0.0

    Other Liabilities 923.57 912.6

Short Term Borrowings 718.64 1785.5

    Secured ST Loans repayable on Demands 550.87 1155.6

    Working Capital Loans- Sec 536.24 1147.6

    Buyers Credits - Unsec 0.00 0.0

    Commercial Borrowings- Unsec 0.00 0.0

    Other Unsecured Loans -368.47 -517.8

Short Term Provisions 72.65 73.4

    Proposed Equity Dividend 0.00 0.0

    Provision for Corporate Dividend Tax 0.00 0.0

    Provision for Tax 0.98 2.2

    Provision for post retirement benefits 65.81 65.3

    Preference Dividend 0.00 0.0

    Other Provisions 5.85 5.8

Total Current Liabilities 2969.10 4274.7

Total Liabilities 6409.27 7566.9

Parameter MAR 21  MAR 2

Gross Block 3235.55 3412.4

Less: Accumulated Depreciation 1191.46 971.2

Less: Impairment of Assets 0.00 0.0

Net Block 2044.10 2441.1

Lease Adjustment A/c 0.00 0.0

Capital Work in Progress 16.23 35.2

Non Current Investments 392.66 384.7

Long Term Investment 392.66 384.7

    Quoted 0.31 0.1

    Unquoted 394.85 387.0

Long Term Loans & Advances 182.92 241.6

Other Non Current Assets 32.28 52.6

Total Non-Current Assets 2672.93 3160.1

Current Assets Loans & Advances NA N

Currents Investments 107.74 212.8

    Quoted 17.39 13.6

    Unquoted 90.36 199.2

Inventories 1633.84 2201.1

    Raw Materials 155.11 192.8

    Work-in Progress 169.12 213.6

    Finished Goods 374.90 521.8

Parameter MAR 21  MAR 2

    Packing Materials 0.00 0.0

    Stores  and Spare 49.29 53.4

    Other Inventory 885.42 1219.3

Sundry Debtors 958.04 1159.4

    Debtors more than Six months 32.95 32.9

    Debtors Others 958.04 1159.4

Cash and Bank 552.13 327.6

    Cash in hand 13.40 0.4

    Balances at Bank 538.73 327.0

    Other cash and bank balances 0.00 0.1

Other Current Assets 63.86 79.7

    Interest accrued on Investments 0.00 0.0

    Interest accrued on Debentures 0.00 0.0

    Deposits with Government 0.00 0.0

    Interest accrued and or due on loans 3.96 1.8

    Prepaid Expenses 13.02 8.4

    Other current_assets 46.88 69.5

Short Term Loans and Advances 420.73 425.8

    Advances recoverable in cash or in kind 107.84 114.7

    Advance income tax and TDS 0.00 0.0

    Amounts due from directors 0.00 0.0

Parameter MAR 21  MAR 2

    Due From Subsidiaries 0.00 0.0

    Inter corporate deposits 0.00 0.0

    Corporate Deposits 0.00 0.0

    Other Loans & Advances 312.89 311.1

Total Current Assets 3736.34 4406.8

Net Current Assets (Including Current Investments) 767.24 132.0

Miscellaneous Expenses not written off 0.00 0.0

Total Assets 6409.27 7566.9

Contingent Liabilities 153.19 156.3

Total Debt 2075.86 2429.5

Book Value 31.49 36.7

Adjusted Book Value 31.49 36.7


 Quarterly

 Balance Sheet

 Profit & Loss

 Cash Flow

 Ratios

 Half-Yearly

 Yearly

Rs in Crore

 Consolidated
 Standalone

Parameter MAR 21  MAR 20 


Share Capital 66.57 64.72

    Equity - Authorised 90.00 100.00

    Equity - Issued 66.57 64.72

    Equity Paid Up 66.57 64.72

    Equity Shares Forfeited 0.00 0.00

    Adjustments to Equity 0.00 0.00

    Preference Capital Paid Up 0.00 0.00

    Face Value 1.00 1.00

Share Warrants & Outstandings 1.04 0.60

Total Reserves 2029.75 2310.60

    Securities Premium 477.67 477.67

    Capital Reserves 36.15 36.15

    Profit & Loss Account Balance 404.28 696.25

    General Reserves 1078.14 1078.14

    Other Reserves 33.52 22.40

Parameter MAR 21  MAR 20 

Reserve excluding Revaluation Reserve 2029.75 2310.60

Revaluation reserve 0.00 0.00

Shareholder's Funds 2097.36 2375.93

Minority Interest 81.92 88.48

Long-Term Borrowings 0.00 0.00

Secured Loans 1175.44 386.59

    Non Convertible Debentures 480.16 0.00

    Converible Debentures & Bonds 0.00 0.00

    Packing Credit - Bank 0.00 0.00

    Inter Corporate & Security Deposit 0.00 0.00

    Term Loans - Banks 695.27 386.59

    Term Loans - Institutions 0.00 0.00

    Other Secured 0.00 0.00

Unsecured Loans 0.10 0.36

    Fixed Deposits - Public 0.00 0.00

    Loans and advances from subsidiaries 0.00 0.00

    Inter Corporate Deposits (Unsecured) 0.00 0.00

Parameter MAR 21  MAR 20 

    Foreign Currency Convertible Notes 0.00 0.00

    Long Term Loan in Foreign Currency 0.00 0.00

    Loans - Banks 0.00 0.00

    Loans - Govt. 0.00 0.00

    Loans - Others 0.00 0.00

    Other Unsecured Loan 0.10 0.36

Deferred Tax Assets / Liabilities -320.56 -155.43

    Deferred Tax Assets 384.72 225.69

    Deferred Tax Liability 64.16 70.26

Other Long Term Liabilities 405.92 596.21

Long Term Trade Payables 0.00 0.00

Long Term Provisions 0.00 0.00

Total Non-Current Liabilities 1260.89 827.72

Current Liabilities NA NA

Trade Payables 1163.85 1405.55

    Sundry Creditors 1163.85 1405.55

    Acceptances 0.00 0.00

Parameter MAR 21  MAR 20 

    Due to Subsidiaries- Trade Payables 0.00 0.00

Other Current Liabilities 1013.96 1010.25

    Bank Overdraft / Short term credit 1.26 0.72

    Advances received from customers 67.93 85.00

    Interest Accrued But Not Due 21.21 11.89

    Share Application Money 0.00 0.00

    Current maturity of Debentures & Bonds 0.00 0.00

    Current maturity - Others 0.00 0.00

    Other Liabilities 923.57 912.63

Short Term Borrowings 718.64 1785.56

    Secured ST Loans repayable on Demands 550.87 1155.69

    Working Capital Loans- Sec 536.24 1147.69

    Buyers Credits - Unsec 0.00 0.00

    Commercial Borrowings- Unsec 0.00 0.00

    Other Unsecured Loans -368.47 -517.83

Short Term Provisions 72.65 73.43

    Proposed Equity Dividend 0.00 0.00

Parameter MAR 21  MAR 20 

    Provision for Corporate Dividend Tax 0.00 0.00

    Provision for Tax 0.98 2.24

    Provision for post retirement benefits 65.81 65.34

    Preference Dividend 0.00 0.00

    Other Provisions 5.85 5.85

Total Current Liabilities 2969.10 4274.79

Total Liabilities 6409.27 7566.91


Gross Block 3235.55 3412.45

Less: Accumulated Depreciation 1191.46 971.29

Less: Impairment of Assets 0.00 0.00

Net Block 2044.10 2441.17

Lease Adjustment A/c 0.00 0.00

Capital Work in Progress 16.23 35.25

Non Current Investments 392.66 384.70

Long Term Investment 392.66 384.70

    Quoted 0.31 0.11

Parameter MAR 21  MAR 20 

    Unquoted 394.85 387.09

Long Term Loans & Advances 182.92 241.60

Other Non Current Assets 32.28 52.64

Total Non-Current Assets 2672.93 3160.11

Current Assets Loans & Advances NA NA

Currents Investments 107.74 212.86

    Quoted 17.39 13.64

    Unquoted 90.36 199.22

Inventories 1633.84 2201.14

    Raw Materials 155.11 192.82

    Work-in Progress 169.12 213.62

    Finished Goods 374.90 521.87

    Packing Materials 0.00 0.00

    Stores  and Spare 49.29 53.45

    Other Inventory 885.42 1219.37

Sundry Debtors 958.04 1159.48

    Debtors more than Six months 32.95 32.91

Parameter MAR 21  MAR 20 

    Debtors Others 958.04 1159.48

Cash and Bank 552.13 327.64

    Cash in hand 13.40 0.47

    Balances at Bank 538.73 327.05

    Other cash and bank balances 0.00 0.12

Other Current Assets 63.86 79.79

    Interest accrued on Investments 0.00 0.00

    Interest accrued on Debentures 0.00 0.00

    Deposits with Government 0.00 0.00

    Interest accrued and or due on loans 3.96 1.82

    Prepaid Expenses 13.02 8.45

    Other current_assets 46.88 69.52

Short Term Loans and Advances 420.73 425.89

    Advances recoverable in cash or in kind 107.84 114.74

    Advance income tax and TDS 0.00 0.00

    Amounts due from directors 0.00 0.00

    Due From Subsidiaries 0.00 0.00

Parameter MAR 21  MAR 20 

    Inter corporate deposits 0.00 0.00

    Corporate Deposits 0.00 0.00

    Other Loans & Advances 312.89 311.14

Total Current Assets 3736.34 4406.80

Net Current Assets (Including Current Investments) 767.24 132.02

Miscellaneous Expenses not written off 0.00 0.00

Total Assets 6409.27 7566.91

Contingent Liabilities 153.19 156.30

Total Debt 2075.86 2429.58

Book Value 31.49 36.70

Adjusted Book Value 31.49 36.70

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