Dissertation CBT and Fibro

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Pacific University

School of Professional Psychology Theses, Dissertations and Capstone Projects


Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Fibromyalgia: A

Susan M. Gritzner
Pacific University

Recommended Citation
Gritzner, Susan M. (2011). Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Fibromyalgia: A Meta-Analysis (Doctoral dissertation, Pacific University).
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Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Fibromyalgia: A Meta-Analysis
Fibromyalgia is a chronic illness involving widespread pain, and many related symptoms such as fatigue, mood
disorders, headache, and sleep disturbance. This condition has been traditionally difficult for health care
providers to treat with medications. Increasingly, treatment programs for individuals with Fibromyalgia have
included psychological therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT has shown preliminary
evidence to support its use in Fibromyalgia; however, there is a limited understanding of CBT in this
population. This meta-analysis examined all treatment studies, which included at least one group of patients
receiving CBT. Functional Status, Pain Symptoms, Depression, Anxiety and Psychological distress were used
as separate outcome variables to examine the effects of CBT. A literature review was conducted using Medline,
PsycINFO, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. Of the 2000 studies that were found, 29
research studies met criteria for inclusion in the study. This resulted in 1220 participants and 167 effect sizes
that could be examined. Effect sizes were corrected using Hedge’s correction for small sample bias aggregated
at the study level and the dependent variable level (function, pain, depression, anxiety and psychological
distress). All dependent variables in this analysis were significant and at least a medium effect size: Function
d=0.65 (95%CI 0.30 – 0.99), Pain Symptoms d=0.85 (95%CI 0.53 – 1.17), Depression d=0.69 (95%CI 0.34 –
1.04), Anxiety d=0.66 (95%CI 0.22 – 1.10), Psychological Distress d=0.76 (95%CI 0.37 – 1.14). Factors that
increased effect sizes across outcomes were the number of sessions and the use of a multidisciplinary therapy.
In summary, the evidence supporting the use of CBT to treat individuals with Fibromyalgia to improve
functioning, decrease pain, depression symptoms, anxiety symptoms and psychological distress is strong.

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November 15, 2011

Jennifer R. Antick, Ph.D.


Michael S. Christopher, Ph.D.


Paul G. Michael, Ph.D.


James B. Lane, Ph.D.




INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................4

HYPOTHESES ............................................................................................................23

METHODS ..................................................................................................................24

RESULTS ....................................................................................................................33

DISCUSSION ..............................................................................................................42

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................51

APPENDIX A. CODING MANUAL .........................................................................61


Fibromyalgia is a chronic illness involving widespread pain, and many related

symptoms such as fatigue, mood disorders, headache, and sleep disturbance. This

condition has been traditionally difficult for health care providers to treat with

medications. Increasingly, treatment programs for individuals with Fibromyalgia have

included psychological therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT has

shown preliminary evidence to support its use in Fibromyalgia; however, there is a

limited understanding of CBT in this population. This meta-analysis examined all

treatment studies, which included at least one group of patients receiving CBT.

Functional Status, Pain Symptoms, Depression, Anxiety and Psychological distress were

used as separate outcome variables to examine the effects of CBT. A literature review

was conducted using Medline, PsycINFO, and the Cochrane Central Register of

Controlled Trials. Of the 2000 studies that were found, 29 research studies met criteria

for inclusion in the study. This resulted in 1220 participants and 167 effect sizes that

could be examined. Effect sizes were corrected using Hedge’s correction for small

sample bias aggregated at the study level and the dependent variable level (function, pain,

depression, anxiety and psychological distress). All dependent variables in this analysis

were significant and at least a medium effect size: Function d=0.65 (95%CI 0.30 – 0.99),

Pain Symptoms d=0.85 (95%CI 0.53 – 1.17), Depression d=0.69 (95%CI 0.34 – 1.04),

Anxiety d=0.66 (95%CI 0.22 – 1.10), Psychological Distress d=0.76 (95%CI 0.37 –

1.14). Factors that increased effect sizes across outcomes were the number of sessions

and the use of a multidisciplinary therapy. In summary, the evidence supporting the use

of CBT to treat individuals with Fibromyalgia to improve functioning, decrease pain,

depression symptoms, anxiety symptoms and psychological distress is strong.



Statement of the problem

Fibromyalgia is a syndrome that involves chronic widespread pain (Wolfe et al.,

1990). In addition, individuals with this syndrome experience a number of other

symptoms such as sleep disturbance, fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, headache and

mood disorders (Wolfe, Ross, Anderson, Russell, & Hebert, 1995). Individuals with

fibromyalgia must learn to cope with a variety of symptoms and often require significant

lifestyle changes (Sarzi-Puttini, Buskila, Carrabba, Doria, & Atzeni, 2008). It is highly

stressful because its etiology is not yet known, and the course of the illness is

unpredictable. A further challenge for individuals with this syndrome is due to the

limited effectiveness of standard treatments. Multiple treatment options are available to

individuals with fibromyalgia. Available interventions include psychopharmacological

treatments, physical treatments, complementary alternative medical treatments, and

psychosocial treatments. Results from individual studies suggest the efficacy of these

interventions is limited, both in terms of percentage of patients who improve and in terms

of symptom reduction (Sarzi-Puttini et al., 2008).

Definition of Fibromyalgia

Prior to 1990, there was no generally accepted definition for the syndrome of

fibromyalgia. Gomus first described fibrotitis in the early 1800’s as a syndrome with

widespread pain. However, it was not until 1977 when Smythe and Moldofsky ignited an

interest in fibrositis syndrome (Smythe & Moldofsky, 1977).


In 1990, Wolfe and other experts in this field developed the American College of

Rheumatology (ACR) criteria for the classification of Fibromyalgia. The definition is

reproduced here (Wolfe et al., 1990):

Figure 1. ACR criteria for a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia

1. History of widespread pain. Pain is considered widespread when all of the

following are present: pain in the left side of the
body, pain in the right side of the body, pain above
the waist, and pain below the waist.
In addition, axial skeletal pain (cervical spine or
anterior chest or thoracic spine or low back) must
be present. In this definition, shoulder and buttock
pain is considered as pain for each involved side.
"Low back" pain is considered lower segment pain.
2. Pain in 11 of 18 tender point Pain, on digital palpation, must be present in at
sites on digital palpation. least 11 of the following 18 sites:
- Occiput: Bilateral, at the suboccipital muscle
- Low cervical: bilateral, at the anterior aspects of
the intertransverse spaces at C5-C7.
- Trapezius: bilateral, at the midpoint of the upper
- Supraspinatus: bilateral, at origins, above the
scapula spine near the medial border.
- Second rib: bilateral, at the second costochondral
junctions, just lateral to the junctions on upper
- Lateral epicondyle: bilateral, 2 cm distal to the
- Gluteal: bilateral, in upper outer quadrants of
buttocks in anterior fold of muscle.
- Greater trochanter: bilateral, posterior to the
trochanteric prominence.
- Knee: bilateral, at the medial fat pad proximal to
the joint line.

• Digital palpation should be performed with an approximate force of 4 kg.

• For a tender point to be considered "positive" the subject must state that the
palpation was painful. "Tender” is not to be considered "painful."
• For classification purposes, patients will be said to have fibromyalgia if both
criteria are satisfied.
• Widespread pain must have been present for at least 3 months. The presence of a
second clinical disorder does not exclude the diagnosis of fibromyalgia (p 171).

The authors reported that sleep disturbance, fatigue and stiffness are present in 75%

of patients who meet criteria for fibromyalgia. Other symptoms such as anxiety,

headaches and irritable bowel are more common in patients with fibromyalgia than in the

general population.

Prevalence of Fibromyalgia

The prevalence of fibromyalgia in the United States is estimated at 5.0 million,

approximately 2% of the population (Lawrence et al., 2008). This estimate is based on

the only prevalence study conducted in the US in 1995 conducted in Wichita (Wolfe et

al., 1995). Although no recent prevalence studies of fibromyalgia in the US have been

published, a population survey of 3,395 randomly selected adults in Canada showed 100

cases of fibromyalgia, yielding an overall age/sex-adjusted prevalence of 3.3% (White,

Speechley, Harth, & Ostbye, 1999). These investigators found that women are at three

times the likelihood of men for having been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Other

demographic factors that increase the odds of having fibromyalgia include middle age,

less education, lower household income, being divorced, and being disabled (White et al.,


Mechanism of Fibromyalgia

The chronic widespread pain associated with fibromyalgia may be accounted for

by dysregulatory processes in the central nervous system (CNS) (Okifuji & Turk, 1999).

According to the central modulation model, dysfunctional pain mechanisms in the CNS

are caused by abnormality in the neuroendocrine system, and over time may result in

problematic feedback from pain to the CNS pain modulation (Yunus, 1992). Researchers

have reported differences in cortisol levels, serotonin levels, somatomedin C levels and

non rapid eye movement sleep between fibromyalgia patients and controls (Okifuji &

Turk, 1999). Furthermore, there may be an increased level of “hypervigilance” among

fibromyalgia patients, which causes a lower pain threshold and perhaps a lower threshold

for perceiving fatigue (Lautenbacher & Rollman, 1997).

Recent neurobiological evidence has shed light on the neural pathways in pain

processing that may be dysregulated in patients with fibromyalgia. As described by

Bennett and Nelson (2006), the sensitization of the central nervous system can occur in

persistent nocioceptor activation, which accrues in dorsal-horn neurons. This process can

be modified through the inhibitory descending pathway, which originates in the

brainstem (Staud & Spaeth, 2008). This pathway is mediated by serotonin and

norepinephrine. The limbic system and the frontal cortex also mediate this pathway.

Thus, it is hypothesized that drugs that inhibit the reuptake of both serotonin and

norepinephrine may act by stimulating the descending inhibitory pain pathway (Staud,


Okifuji and Turk (1999) describe a diathesis stress model for fibromyalgia that

contains the CNS dysregulation factors but incorporates psychosocial factors as well.

They hypothesize a process of physical manifestations of stress and the long-term effects

of stress that take place in the body. A stressor (psychological or situational) activates

the neuroendocrine and psychosocial reactions (such as increasing cortisol levels or

negative affect), which are mediated by biological and psychosocial predispositions (such

as genetic factors or prior learning history) and lead to symptoms (such as fatigue). In an

adaptive process, the individual self-corrects and modifies their environment (uses

relaxation etc.). This leads to a return to baseline levels. It is hypothesized that for some

individuals the self-corrective

corrective process does not occur. Instead, the adaptive process is

blocked by dispositional factors (such as dysfunctional thoughts) or environmental

factors (such as multiple significant stressors) or both

both. Thus, the individual is not

returned to baseline, and new baseline is established which further reinforces

dysregulation of the system.

Figure 2. Diathesis stress model of Fibromyalgia

For example, a woman finds out that her husband is leaving her (stressor).
(stressor) Her

cortisol levels rise; she worries about her future, and feels sad. This leads to difficulty

sleeping and fatigue. In and adaptive process

process,, the woman may seek support from friends;

this helps her sleep, and reduces her anxiety and sadness
sadness. She can resume her sleep

schedule and feel rested.. Thus she can retain her baseline level of predisposition for

reactivity to stressors. In a maladaptive process,, the woman may think, “No one will

ever love me, I’m unlovable,” and/or she may engage in a highly stressful court battle

over her half of the assets

assets. She continues
ontinues to experience stress; she maintains high

cortisol levels, negative emotions and disrupted sleep patterns

patterns. Thus she changes her

baseline predisposition for reactivity to stressors.

Figure 3. Diathesis stress model of Fibromyalgia (with example)

These models are not mutually exclusive; they de

fine fibromyalgia as a disorder

characterized by maladaptive information processing.

Treatments for Fibromyalgia

ere is no known cure for fibromyalgia; however, there are multiple treatment

options. Among them are pharmacological, physical, psychological and other treatments.

Pharmacological treatments for fibromyalgia

The main pharmacological intervention that has been investigated for

fibromyalgia is antidepressants. Two medications have recently been approved by the

US FDA for the pharmacological treatment of fibromyalgia (Lyseng-Williamson &

Siddiqui, 2008). These are an anticonvulsant (pregabalin) and an antidepressant

(duloxetine). Both have been found to result in decreases in pain, anxiety and depressive

symptoms in women with fibromyalgia. However, improvements from medications that

decrease pain in individuals with fibromyalgia are seen independently from changes in

depression and anxiety. Simple analgesics such as tramadol can also be considered in the

treatment of fibromyalgia (Carville et al., 2008). Other pharmacological therapies that

have been evaluated include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, analgesics, sedatives and

anxiolytics, and corticosteroids (Forseth & Gran, 2002). These therapies have

demonstrated either minimally positive effects, no effects or negative effects with

patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia.

Physical treatments for fibromyalgia

Physical exercise is thought be beneficial to patients with fibromyalgia and is

directed at altering pain, fatigue, deconditioning, muscle weakness, and sleep disturbance

(Forseth & Gran, 2002). Long-term participation in an exercise program has been

associated with positive long-term outcomes in fibromyalgia (Wigers, Stiles, & Vogel,


Cognitive behavioral therapy for fibromyalgia

On the basis of principles originally described by Turk and colleagues (Turk,

Meichenbaum, & Genest, 1983), CBT has been used in the management of chronic pain

conditions for more than two decades. The theoretical assumption underlying CBT is that

thoughts, emotions and behaviors are interrelated. Following from this assumption, a

change in one of these areas will produce change in the other two. Patients often present

to therapy with emotion as their targeted change area. CBT typically focuses on patients’

thoughts and behaviors as the mechanisms for achieving the desired change. Patients

learn to identify, evaluate, and challenge unhelpful thoughts using cognitive and

behavioral experiments. Core beliefs influence assumptions and trigger automatic

thoughts. In addition, behaviors are thought to be maintained by the antecedents that

precede them and consequences that follow them. The goal of CBT is to help clients

decrease the probability that the problem behavior will occur while increasing the

likelihood of an adaptive behavior. Specifically, the goals are (1) to continue the critical

examination of problems, (2) to ensure that patients can execute effective coping skills in

a given situation, (3) to ensure that patients learn to monitor their thoughts and behaviors

during daily activities, and (4) to gradually establish new ways of thinking and


CBT has been applied to clients with chronic pain (Turk et al., 1983). The CBT

model supports the view that affective, behavioral, cognitive and sensory or physical

aspects. These are important factors for understanding the patient’s experience of pain,

and emphasize the influence of the individual’s beliefs on the pain experience. CBT

attempts to use cognitive restructuring and behavioral experiments to reduce the

inappropriate emotional responses to pain and other symptoms. This process of reducing

maladaptive responses to pain sensations over time and repetition gradually results in

reduced activation in neural circuitry for pain. The goals of CBT for chronic pain

typically include increasing a patients’ sense of control over their pain and decreasing

maladaptive thought patterns and associated behavioral improvements.

Evidence for treatments in fibromyalgia

In 1999, a meta-analysis was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of

pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for fibromyalgia (Rossy et al.,

1999). Forty-nine studies of varying methodological quality were included and four

outcome variables were included (physical status, self-report of fibromyalgia symptoms,

psychological status, and daily functioning). Pharmacological treatments demonstrated

improvements in physical status and self-report of symptoms; whereas, non-

pharmacological treatments were overall effective in reducing physical status, self-report

of symptoms, psychological status, and daily functioning. When treatments were

compared, non-pharmacological treatments were more effective at improving self-report

of symptoms and functional status.

Evidence for pharmacological treatments

In a meta-analytic review of 13 randomized, placebo controlled trials suggested

that antidepressants improve the symptoms of fibromyalgia (O'Malley et al., 2000).

Patients treated with antidepressants were more than four times as likely to improve.

There appear to be mild improvements for fibromyalgia symptoms of fatigue, number of

trigger points, and overall well-being; moderate improvement was found for sleep, and

pain severity. The researcher reported that there was inadequate evidence to determine if

a relationship exists between pharmacological treatment for fibromyalgia and

improvement in depression symptoms.


Arnold, Keck, and Welge conducted a meta-analysis of the effects of tricyclic

antidepressant on the symptoms of fibromyalgia (Arnold, Keck, & Welge, 2000). They

found that tricyclics had a moderate effect on these symptoms. In particular, these

medications were found to have the highest effect on sleep symptoms. Moderate effects

were also found for pain, functioning and for tender points. This study did not examine

the effects of antidepressants on symptoms of anxiety and depression.

A recent meta-analysis of antidepressant effects on fibromyalgia was conducted

(Hauser, Bernardy, Uceyler, & Sommer, 2009). Researchers examined randomized

controlled trials of tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), selective serotonin reuptake

inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), and

monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) found that there was evidence for an association

of antidepressants with moderate reduction in pain, and small reductions in fatigue,

depressed mood, and sleep disturbances. Effect sizes for pain reduction were large for

TCAs medium for MAOIs and small for SSRIs and SNRIs.

Tramadol is a centrally acting analgesic medication. It has a dual effect of being a

weak opioid and it inhibits the reuptake of serotonin and noradrenaline. Recent

randomized controlled trials of tramadol have shown decreases in pain in patients with

fibromyalgia (Bennett, Kamin, Karim, & Rosenthal, 2003; Russell et al., 2000). The use

of analgesics in patients with fibromyalgia could be used with some caution due to the

possibility of opiate withdrawal effects and tolerance (Carville et al., 2008).

Evidence for physical treatments

A recent comprehensive review of literature on exercise therapy for fibromyalgia


was in support of physical exercise as a treatment for fitness and improvement in

symptoms (Jones, Adams, Winters-Stone, & Burckhardt, 2006). The researchers

reviewed forty-six studies that examined a standardized exercise program in patients with

fibromyalgia. They examined studies that looked at visual analogue scales of symptoms,

health and impact questionnaires. Subjects achieved symptom relief, particularly

decreased pain and fatigue as well as improved sleep and mood, with low to moderate

intensity exercise of any type. In general, the greatest effect and lowest drop out rates

occurred in exercise programs that were of lower intensity than those of higher intensity.

A recent meta-analysis was conducted to examine the effects of multicomponent

treatment in fibromyalgia (Hauser, Bernardy, Arnold, Offenbacher, & Schiltenwolf,

2009). Multicomponent therapies include at least one exercise therapy and at least one

psychological or educational therapy. Nine studies that met these criteria were included

in the analysis. Researchers found that interventions that combined physical and

psychological interventions were effective in significantly reducing pain, depression and

increases quality of life. The most dramatic effects of these interventions were for

depressed mood and fatigue. Pain and physical fitness effect sizes were small to

moderate, but significant.

Evidence examining CBT in Fibromyalgia

Neilson and his colleagues conducted the first investigation of using CBT in

patients with fibromyalgia (Nielson, Walker, & McCain, 1992). They administered a

comprehensive cognitive behavioral treatment that included relaxation, cognitive

techniques, aerobic exercise, pacing strategies, family education, a return to home and

community activities and medication management. Patients were assessed both pre and

post intervention times and improvement was seen in the areas of pain severity,

emotional distress, anxiety, depression, and life interference (functional status).

However, improvement was not statistically significant for patients on overall activity

level. Two years later, a follow-up study was done to investigate the long-term benefits

of this type of treatment in patients with fibromyalgia. Control over pain, worry and

observed pain behavior continued to show a significant decrease from baseline levels.

Vlaeyen and colleagues examined a cognitive educational treatment for

fibromyalgia using a randomized control trial (Vlaeyen et al., 1996). In their sample, the

patients had significant disability. The majority of patients was unemployed, fearful, and

had experienced pain symptoms for an average of ten years. The majority of patients did

not experience significant treatment reductions in symptoms as a result of the treatments.

The cognitive educational group showed significant improvements in pain coping and

pain control; however, they did not show statistically significant improvements in pain

behavior, pain intensity, activity levels, depression or anxiety.

Patients with fibromyalgia were randomly assigned to either an aerobic exercise

program, a stress management program, or treatment as usual (Wigers et al., 1996).

Patients in both the aerobic exercise group and the stress management group showed a

statistically significant reduction in their dolorimeter score, which assesses the tender

points. The majority of clients did not experience significant symptoms (pain,

depression, and functional activities) reduction at the end of the treatment period. The

aerobic exercise interventions lead to a reduction of symptoms; however, few patients

continued the treatment at follow up. At follow up, the majority of patients had

continued the stress management daily or twice weekly. In particular, 69% continued

with relaxation strategies in spite of “no effects.”

Behavioral and education/control interventions in a group format were evaluated

in the treatment of 72 men and women with fibromyalgia (Nicassio et al., 1997). Groups

met for 90 minutes each week for 10 weeks. The investigators found that there were

improvements across time for both groups, but that there was no difference between

groups in that. Significant reductions in depression, self-reported pain behavior,

observed pain behavior, and myalgia scores occurred. However, changes in function and

well-being did not occur over the course of the trial.

Buckelew and her colleagues examined the effects of a therapy comparing

biofeedback and relaxation to exercise and a combination of the two (Buckelew et al.,

1998). All three groups showed an increase in self-efficacy for function. The relaxation

and biofeedback group showed short-term improvements in pain scores. Furthermore,

depression did not change in the short-term but showed significant improvement in the

two-year follow up period. The exercise and combination groups obtained modest

improvements on the physical activity score. The investigators also found support for the

hypothesis that treatment may prevent the development of increased tender spots in

untreated individuals. In the long term, only the combination group continued to show an

increase in self-efficacy for function.

Another group compared EMG biofeedback to sham-biofeedback as a treatment

for individuals with fibromyalgia (Babu, Mathew, Danda, & Prakash, 2007). Patients

were randomized to receive 6 days of 45-minute sessions of either biofeedback or sham

biofeedback, which consisted of an alteration of the visual feedback provided to the


client, irrespective of their muscle activity. The authors found that there were significant

decreases in functional status, pain, and number of tender points in the group that

received biofeedback. This study did not examine depression or anxiety.

These researchers compared standard medication treatment including

pharmacological interventions and suggestions for exercise with and without the addition

of a brief intensive cognitive behavioral intervention (Williams et al., 2002). This

intervention was specifically targeted at increasing physical function. Results indicate

that physical function improved. Depression and anxiety measures were not reported.

Pain was unaffected by the addition of the intervention. This is consistent with the pain

literature in that pain is not consistently associated with physical function.

Patients with fibromyalgia were randomized to receive operant behavioral

treatment or physical therapy (Thieme, Gromnica-Ihle, & Flor, 2003). Significant

improvements were found in the operant group on dependent measures of pain intensity,

interference, affective distress (depression and anxiety), self-efficacy, spousal response to

pain, medication intake and pain behaviors. These improvements were demonstrated in

spite of concurrent reduction in medication intake. No improvements were found for

total activities. The physical therapy and medication management comparison group

deteriorated in almost all variables measured.

Fifty-six fibromyalgia patients were randomly assigned to participate in either a

cognitive behavioral or physical exercise based therapy (Redondo et al., 2004). Patients

in the exercise group demonstrated improvement in physical activity, but not in

functional status (common finding). Patients in the CBT groups demonstrated

improvement in functional status as well, but not in terms of depression, anxiety or self-

efficacy. CBT increased the use of strategies to manage pain such as relaxation. Neither

group reported significant decreases in pain.

CBT was examined in a sample of adolescents with fibromyalgia (Redondo et al.,

2004). The patients were randomly assigned to either an 8-week CBT group or 8 weeks

of self-monitoring. At week 8, both groups showed a decrease in depression and

functional disability. Patients who received CBT showed significant ability to cope with

pain and a trend towards decreased pain intensity; however, there was no objective

decrease in pain for either group. Those in the self-monitoring group followed by the

CBT group seemed to receive the most benefit.

These investigators examined the differential effects of psychopharmacological

(amitryptiline or cyclobenzapine) interventions, CBT, and CBT and pharmacological

interventions combined on patients with fibromyalgia (Garcia, Simon, Duran, Canceller,

& Aneiros, 2006). CBT decreased fibromyalgia symptoms in both post treatment and

follow up time periods. Interestingly, the CBT and psychopharmacological approached

did not show similarly significant improvements in symptoms. Number of tender points

trended towards improvement in the CBT group. Depression and anxiety were measured

initially but were not followed up after treatment because a physician conducted blinded

follow up assessments of FIQ and number of tender points.

Hammond and Freeman (2006) compared a patient education program combined

with exercise to a relaxation group. Short-term benefits from the education and exercise

group are evident; however, long-term benefits were not sustained (Hammond &

Freeman, 2006). Doctors’ visits were reduced in both groups these changes were

maintained over time. No changes in depression and anxiety were reported.


Furthermore, reports of pain did not significantly improve in either group. The authors

identified additional treatment components that may have improved the effectiveness of

the treatments. They recommended motivational interviewing, home-based treatment,

and more homogeneous groups of patients.

A quasi-experimental study was conducted to examine the effectiveness of group

therapy specifically targeted towards promoting adaptive active coping skills on a

cognitive, behavioral, and emotional level in patients with fibromyalgia (Anderson &

Winkler, 2007). The investigators found significant improvements in depression, pain,

and fatigue. Overall, the treatment group experienced an improvement in functioning.

Anxiety was not monitored in this study.

Mindfulness-based therapies are a recent development in the treatment of chronic

pain (Kabat-Zinn, Lipworth, & Burney, 1985). Researchers have attempted to compare

the use of a mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) treatment program to standard

treatment for individuals with fibromyalgia (Sephton et al., 2007). The MBSR group had

significantly reduced depressive symptoms. This study did not report changes in anxiety,

physical functioning or pain.

One hundred and twenty five patients with fibromyalgia were randomly assigned

to participate in operant behavioral and cognitive behavioral therapies (Thieme, Flor, &

Turk, 2006). The cognitive group focused on changing maladaptive cognitions

associated with pain and providing coping strategies. The operant group focused on

changing observable pain behaviors and utilized punishment and reinforcement. Both

groups demonstrated significant improvement in a one-year follow up period as

compared to an attention control group. Furthermore the attention control group which

consisted of a discussion of symptoms and problems caused by fibromyalgia resulted in a

50% drop out rate and an increase in symptoms. In particular, improvements were seen

in functional status, and pain intensity. Affective distress (which captures depression and

anxiety) did not show significant reductions for either group.

As a follow up study to the study by Thieme, Flor and Turk (2006), this group

considered specific patient characteristics that responded well to treatment in the trial. In

particular, the authors conducted a multiple regression analysis to determine which

patient characteristics would predict improvement in pain intensity and physical

impairment (Thieme, Turk, & Flor, 2007). The authors found that patients responded to

both treatments in terms of decreasing physical impairment if they had a higher initial

physical impairment, lower initial affective distress, higher initial pain behaviors and

reduced solicitous spousal behavior. The authors found that patients responded to both

treatments in terms of decreasing pain intensity if they had lower initial physical

impairment. Of note, psychological variables did not predict reductions in pain.

Two literature reviews regarding the use of CBT for patients with patients with

fibromyalgia have been published (Bennett & Nelson, 2006; van Koulil et al., 2007).

Bennett and Nelson (2006) found that CBT does not provide sustained pain relief to

patients with fibromyalgia. The primary function of CBT for patients with fibromyalgia

is related to improvements in areas other than pain. Specifically, these reviewers

concluded that we should look to CBT to provide improvements in self-efficacy,

dysfunctional thought patterns and physical functioning.

The second review was conducted to examine the effects of CBT, exercise

programs or the combination of the two (van Koulil et al., 2007). The authors reported

that multimethod treatments were more effective than specific CBT components

provided. However, effects from both treatments tended to disappear in the long term.

They further suggested that outcomes might be improved if there were opportunities to

specifically target specific groups of patients within the group of fibromyalgia patients.

One potential reason for some of the inefficiencies found in treatment programs

could be the heterogeneity of patients in the groups. In their article of 1996, Turk and his

colleagues investigated a group of patients with fibromyalgia using structural equation

modeling to determine if patients could be separated into subgroups based on

psychosocial and behavioral responses to pain (Turk, Okifuji, Sinclair, & Starz, 1996).

They found that there were three groups of patients that could be grouped together. The

dysfunctional group is characterized by poor coping and high level of pain, the

interpersonally distressed group is characterized by interpersonal difficulties, and low

pretreatment levels of affective distress and disability characterize the adaptive coper

group. One study examined how these groups respond to standard interdisciplinary

treatment for fibromyalgia (Turk, Okifuji, Sinclair, & Starz, 1998). The dysfunctional

group experienced statistically significant reductions in pain, affective distress, perceived

disability, and perceived interference of pain. The interpersonally distressed group was

not responsive to this treatment. The adaptive coper group experienced significant

reductions in pain, but did not show reductions in their already low levels of functional

disability an affective distress. The authors emphasized using customized treatment

programs based on the patients’ psychosocial and behavioral responses to pain and

hypothesized that this will lead to improved outcomes in treatments.


A group of researchers from the Netherlands utilized a case study design to better

understand the effects of customizing treatment for different groups of patients (van

Koulil et al., 2008). They differentiated between patients with fibromyalgia based on two

patterns of psychosocial and behavioral responses to pain: the pain-avoidant pattern and

the pain-persistence pattern. The pain avoidant pattern is best characterized by a high

level of pain avoidance behaviors, preoccupation with painful stimuli, pain related

worrying, and fear of pain or movement. The pain persistence pattern is characterized by

a low level of pain avoidance behavior, activity in spite of pain, ignoring pain a physical

limits, and non-acceptance and demanding cognitions about limitations. The therapeutic

approach that was useful with a patient who is characterized by a pain-avoidant pattern

was aimed at diminishing fear of pain and increasing the level of daily activity. The

therapeutic approach that was useful with a patient who is characterized by a pain-

persistence pattern was aimed at changing pain-persistence cognitions and achieving a

regulation of daily activities.



Studies examining the effects of CBT in patients with fibromyalgia will demonstrate

effectiveness of the treatment for outcomes of pain, functioning, depression, anxiety and

psychological distress.

1. CBT will improve the symptoms of pain in individuals with fibromyalgia between

pre- and post CBT treatment.

2. CBT will improve the functioning in individuals with fibromyalgia between pre-

and post CBT treatment.

3. CBT will improve the symptoms of depression in individuals with fibromyalgia

between pre- and post CBT treatment.

4. CBT will improve the symptoms of anxiety in individuals with fibromyalgia

between pre- and post CBT treatment.

5. CBT will improve the symptoms of psychological distress in individuals with

fibromyalgia between pre- and post CBT treatment.



Study retrieval

The electronic bibliographic databases screened included Medline (1950 through

August 2009), PsycINFO (1950 through August 2009), and the Cochrane Central

Register of Controlled Trials (1993 through August 2009). Dates were chosen to be most

inclusive of potential studies. The keywords used in the initial inclusion were

“fibromyalgia” and “fibromyalgia syndrome” in combination with “cognitive behavioral

therapy,” “cognitive therapy,” and “behavior therapy.” In addition, reference sections of

original studies and review papers on cognitive behavioral therapy for fibromyalgia were

screened manually by the author (SG). Only studies in English were included. Of the

2000 studies that were found using this search, 205 of the abstracts were reviewed for the

study based on their mention of fibromyalgia in their abstract. Of the 205 abstracts, 155

were determined to be ineligible for the study (See Figure 4), and 50 were included for

more in-depth review by the author. Of the 50 that were included for review, the author

could not obtain 3 of the articles, 1 article was in French, 1 article was a duplicate and 21

articles were determined to be ineligible for the study (See Figure 4). Twenty-nine

articles remained and were included in the study. Of the 29 studies, 3 had two groups

that could be examined in this study (CBT, and CBT and hypnosis, cognitive therapy and

operant behavior therapy, and pain-avoidance treatment and pain-persistence treatment)

this resulted in a total of 32 groups that were examined in the meta-analysis (Anderson &

Winkler, 2007; Burckhardt, Clark, O'Reilly, & Bennett, 1997; Castel, Salvat, Sala, &

Rull, 2009; Creamer, Singh, Hochberg, & Berman, 2000; Edinger, Wohlgemuth, Krystal,

& Rice, 2005; Falcao et al., 2008; Fors & Gotestam, 2000; Garcia et al., 2006;

Goldenberg et al., 1994; Hammond & Freeman, 2006; Keel, Bodoky, Gerhard, & Muller,

1998; Kroese et al., 2009; Lera et al., 2009; Lumley et al., 2008; Menzies & Kim, 2008;

Menzies, Taylor, & Bourguignon, 2006; Nicassio et al., 1997; Nielson et al., 1992;

Sephton et al., 2007; Shapiro, Anderson, & Danoff-Burg, 2005; Singh, Berman,

Hadhazy, & Creamer, 1998; Suman et al., 2009; Thieme et al., 2006; Thieme et al., 2003;

van Koulil et al., 2010; Vazquez-Rivera et al., 2009; Vlaeyen et al., 1996; Wigers et al.,

1996; Williams et al., 2002).

Figure 4. Flow diagram of literature review and application of inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

To be included in the analysis, studies were required to meet the following criteria:

1) the study included at least one group receiving cognitive therapy or behavioral therapy

or some combination, 2) the diagnosis of fibromyalgia has to be based on recognized

criteria (e.g., Wolfe et al., 1990 criteria, ACR criteria), 3) the study had to report pre- and

post- measures for their treatment group, 4) the study had symptom specific outcomes of

the keys symptoms of fibromyalgia, such as pain, fatigue, depressive symptoms, and

health related quality of life, and/or relevant pain-related psychological domains, and/or

objective tests of physical fitness, 5) the study was published in full paper form, and 6)

data was suitable for meta-analysis (e.g., appropriate numerical information needed to

calculate effect size such as number of participants in the treatment group, means and

standard deviations pre- and post-treatment). In three studies estimations were used to

compute effect sizes. One study was excluded due to incomplete data (i.e., only baseline

scores and standard deviations and t-scores looking at the difference in scores between

treatment successes and treatment failures, not post treatment scores were available)

presented in the article; the author (SG) attempted to contact these authors, but was

unable to make contact. Studies were excluded from the analysis on the basis of the

following criteria: 1) The use of ONLY psychoeducation for treatment, 2) the use of

ONLY relaxation for treatment, 3) the use of a non-adult (under age 18) sample, 4)

studies examining follow up, intent to treat, or adherence only, i.e., no pre-post data for

analysis (as above).


Coding Manual

Codes were both developed for the present study and taken from the example in

the book Practical Meta-analysis (Lipsey & Wilson, 2001). Appendix A presents details

of codes. Effect sizes were computed independently of other coding to avoid bias the

might result from knowing outcomes. A description of the variables coded in the study

follows (Please see appendix A for full Coding Manual used).

Sample descriptors –Four sample descriptors were used: (a) mean age of the

sample, (b) predominant sex of sample, (c) average duration of fibromyalgia symptoms in

the sample, (d) whether or not medications were being used by the sample.

Research design descriptors – Four research design descriptors were used: (a)

type of treatment (b) scientific integrity of the research design, (c) initial treatment group

size, (d) follow-up treatment size, and (e) attrition.

Nature of treatment descriptors – Three of treatment descriptors were used: (a)

CBT components of the treatment (each component of CBT was graded separately and

indicated if present vs. not present), (b) duration/length of the treatment, and (c) time

until follow up.

Dependent variables – Four dependent variables were used: (a) functional ability,

(b) pain, (c) depression, and (d) anxiety. The type of scale used was also coded for

analysis. Following data collection, one additional dependent variable was added called

(e) level of distress, and was distinguished from measures that looked exclusively at

depression and negative mood. Each measure used in the studies was coded as one of

these five dependent variables, and codes are provided for those in the coding manual.

Effect sizes – Eight effect size variables were used: (a) page number, (b) treatment

group size, (c) mean pre-intervention, (d) standard deviation pre-intervention, (e) mean

post-intervention, (f) standard deviation post-intervention, (g) effect size, (h) raw


Statistical Analysis

Reliability Analysis

Interrater reliability

A reliability analysis was conducted in which two graduate students coded six

variables within all studies independently. Four continuous variables, pre-treatment

means and standard deviations, post-treatment means and standard deviations of all 167

effect sizes and two categorical variable, type of dependent variable (function, pain,

depression, and anxiety) and specific for the dependent variable were selected for the

reliability study.

A Pearson correlation was computed for the continuous variables; the pre-

treatment mean (r= .95), the pre-treatment standard deviation (r= .99), the post-treatment

mean (r= .96), the post-treatment standard deviation (r= .99). The results indicated a

high level of agreement between raters with respect to the pre and post treatment means

and standard deviations. A coefficient kappa was computed for both of the categorical

variables; type of dependent variable (K = .97), and specific type of dependent variable

(K= .85). According to Fleiss, both values represent excellent agreement beyond chance

(Fleiss, 1981). The disagreement between coders was resolved by the author by

examining each disagreement and comparing it to the original article. No changes were

made to the coding manual as a result of this analysis.


Intra-rater reliability

A reliability analysis was conducted by the author on 10% on the studies for all of

the study variables, which was done to ensure consistency and quality of coding by the

author. The studies were randomly selected. All variables in the study were examined.

Sixteen continuous variables were examined using Pearson correlations (age, sex,

duration of illness, N at baseline, N at follow up, weeks of treatment (weeks), number of

sessions, length of sessions (minutes), time to first follow up(months), time to second

follow up (months), size of the treatment group, pre-treatment means and standard

deviations, post-treatment means and standard deviations) and 7 categorical variables

were examined using coefficient kappa (diagnostic criteria used, medications, type of

therapy delivery, scientific quality and type of dependent variable (function, pain,

depression, anxiety, and psychological distress), specific type of the dependent variable

and raw score difference (improvement, decline, no change)). Results of the intra-rater

reliability study are presented in Table 1. Overall, these results indicated a moderate to

high level of intra-rater reliability. All discrepancies were reviewed by the author, and

compared to the original article for confirmation.


Table 1. Intra-rater reliability with 10% of the studies included in the analysis (n =11)
Continuous Variables r Categorical Variables K
Age 0.98 Diagnostic Criteria 0.74
Sex 0.97 Medications 0.72
Duration of Illness 0.96 Type of Therapy 1.00
1.00 Scientific Quality 0.84
Baseline (n)
Follow-up (n) 1.00 Dependent Variable 0.96
Weeks of Treatment (weeks) 1.00 Dependent Variable (Specific) 0.91
Number of Sessions 1.00 Score Difference (Raw) 0.90
Length of Sessions (minutes) 1.00
Time to first follow-up (months) 1.00
Time to Second Follow-up 1.00
Treatment Group (Size) 1.00
Pre-treatment (mean) 1.00
Pre-treatment (SD) 1.00
Post-treatment (mean) 1.00
Post-treatment (SD) 0.99

Effect Size Calculation

Effect sizes were calculated for this meta-analysis using the standardized mean

difference statistic. When possible, effect sizes will be calculated directly using this


d = Xpost - Xpre

where Xpre is the mean score of the treatment group prior to receiving treatment and Xpost

is the mean of the score of the treatment group following treatment, and sp is the pooled

standard deviations. When this information was not reported I estimated d using an

effect size calculator (Shadish, Robinson, & Lu, 1999).

Statistical analysis

First, the effect sizes were corrected using Hedge’s correction for small sample

bias in the standardized mean difference effect size (Hedges, 1981). The effect sizes were

then aggregated at the study level and the dependent variable level (function, pain,

depression and anxiety) and descriptive statistic analyses including the quartiles, means,

standard deviations and the range were performed (for both aggregated data and non-

aggregated data). Using Hoaglin’s method to determine upper bound and lower bound

outliers (Hoaglin, Iglewicz, & Tukey, 1986). Thirteen outliers were found. After careful

consideration of each outlier, all outliers were kept for the analysis; a detailed analysis of

all outliers is noted below for each dependent variable. Combined effect sizes and

associated statistics were computed such as the weighted mean effect size, the conditional

variance of effect size, and the confidence intervals around the effect sizes. Homogeneity

analyses were conducted on the effect sizes for each dependent variable level. In light of

the inclusion criteria identified for this study including a wide range of eligible studies, it

was pre-determined that the study would be carried out using the random effects model,

due to the ability of this model to adjust for both subject level variance, but also study

level variance.

The meta-analysis analog to the analysis of variance was conducted to determine

how much variance in effect sizes is due to categorical variables that were thought to

impact the average effect size. Level of scientific quality and type of CBT treatment

(Individual, group, multidisciplinary) were used because they were both thought to have

impacted the average effect size. Furthermore, the weighted regression analysis was

performed to determine how much of the variance in effect sizes is due to continuous

variables. The continuous variables investigated here were the length of CBT sessions,

the duration of treatment, the number of CBT treatments used, and attrition.

Descriptive Results

Twenty-nine studies were included in the meta-analysis for review, the total

sample size across all the studies reviewed was n =1220. As previously indicated, three

studies had two groups that were examined, this resulted in 32 groups. The average age

of participant across groups was 45.6 (SD 8.5), the average percentage of female gender

was 95.6%, and the average duration of fibromyalgia symptoms was 7.95 years. On

average CBT treatment took and average of 9.8 weeks, 13.1 sessions, and sessions were

121.9 minutes in length. Each group included some component of CBT, and Table 2

indicates the percentage of studies that contained each component of CBT.

The effect sizes were first examined to determine if the data contained any

outliers. Effect sizes after aggregation for all studies had a lower bound for outliers of

–0.77, and an upper bound of 1.96. Thirteen effect sizes fell outside this range from

d=2.08 to d=5.52; they were included in subsequent analyses because upon examination,

they were confirmed to meet inclusion criteria for the study and no errors were found. Of

the 169 effect sizes computed, after aggregation there were twenty-two study-level effect

sizes for functional status, thirty-one study-level effect sizes for pain, seventeen study-

level effect sizes for depression, fourteen study-level effect sizes for anxiety and twelve

study-level effect sizes for psychological distress. Next, the distribution of effect sizes

for the studies was analyzed by the dependent measure.


Table 2. Description of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy components (n = 32)

CBT Components Percent of groups containing the specific component

Relaxation Training 87.5

Psychoeducation 81.3
Homework 78.1
Chronic Pain Self-management 78.1
Self-monitoring 68.8
Stress Management 65.6
Cognitive Restructuring 59.4
Exercise 37.5
Exposure/Behavior Modification 28.1
Pleasant Activity Scheduling 28.1
Problem Solving 25.0
Support Person Involvement 25.0
Assertiveness Training and/or 25.0
Social Skills Training
Biofeedback 12.5
Sleep Hygiene 12.5

CBT = Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Functional status

After aggregation there were twenty-two effect sizes for the dependent measure

functional status which ranged from d = 0.00 to d = 3.95 with a mean of 0.64. Effect

sizes for functional status had a lower bound for outliers of –0.57, and an upper bound of

1.46. One effect size fell outside this range, d =3.95. A homogeneity analysis was

conducted and the results indicated a heterogeneous distribution (χ2 (22) = 241.05, p <

0.001). The null hypothesis for homogeneity was rejected suggesting that it cannot be

assumed that the data contains only subject level variability, but also some study level

variability, and indicating the use of a random effects model.

The mean effect size of the random effects model was d =0.65 (SE = 0.17). Also,

the confidence intervals were wider under the random effects model because the

between-study variability is added to sampling error variability and thus increases the

uncertainty associated with the estimate of the population mean. The mean effect size

was found to be significantly different from zero.

The mean effect size for the sample of studies under the random effects model

was 0.65 (SE = 0.18) and was statistically significant (z =3.68, p = 0.0002). The 95%

confidence interval around the mean effect size (0.30 < µ < 0.99) did not include zero and

reveals the relevant precision of the estimate of the mean effect size. The variance

component for the random effects analysis is 0.63 indicating that approximately 63% of

the variance is not accounted for by sampling error.

Several analyses were conducted to test the ability of several categorical and

continuous variables to explain the excess effect size variability. Results of these

analyses are summarized in Tables 3 and 4. For functional status, scientific quality, type

of CBT treatment, number of CBT components, number of weeks, and attrition rates did

not significantly contribute to the variability in functional status. Number of sessions did

account for 29% of the variance (R2=0.30, p = 0.003) in effect sizes for functional status.


After aggregation there were thirty-one effect sizes for the dependent measure

pain which ranged from d = 0.10 to d = 4.5 with a mean of 0.85. Effect sizes for pain had

a lower bound for outliers of –0.43, and an upper bound of 1.74. Two effect sizes fell

outside this range, d =2.75 and d =4.50. A homogeneity analysis was conducted and the

results indicated a heterogeneous distribution (χ2 (30) = 319.94, p < 0.001). The null

hypothesis for homogeneity was rejected suggesting that it cannot be assumed that the

data contains only subject level variability, but also some study level variability, and

indicating the use of a random effects model.

The mean effect size for the sample of studies under the random effects model

was 0.85 (SE = 0.16) and was statistically significant (z =5.18, p < 0.001). The 95%

confidence interval around the mean effect size (0.53 < µ < 1.17) did not include zero and

reveals the relevant precision of the estimate of the mean effect size. The variance

component for the random effects analysis is 0.73 indicating that approximately 73% of

the variance is not accounted for by sampling error.

Several analyses were conducted to test the ability of several categorical and

continuous variables to explain the excess effect size variability. Results of these

analyses are summarized in Tables 3 and 4. For pain, scientific quality, number of CBT

components, number of weeks, and attrition rates did not significantly contribute to the

variability in pain. Number of sessions did account for 29% of the variance (R2=.29, p =

0.001) in effect sizes for pain. For the random model the value of the variance

component for type of CBT treatment was statistically significant, Q (2)=11.13, p =

0.004. Studies using individual CBT (n= 4) had a mean d = .60 (SE = 0.49) and a 95%

confidence interval of -0.35 to 1.56, which was not significantly different from group

CBT (n= 25) having a mean d = 0.67 (SE = 0.16) and a 95% confidence interval of 0.36

to 0.98; however, multidisciplinary CBT treatment (n= 5) was significantly different from

both having a mean of d = 2.01 (SE = 0.38) and a 95% confidence interval of 1.27 to



After aggregation there were seventeen effect sizes for the dependent measure

depression which ranged from d = -0.10 to d = 2.67 with a mean of 0.69. Effect sizes for

depression had a lower bound for outliers of –0.68, and an upper bound of 1.95. One

effect size fell outside this range, d =2.66. A homogeneity analysis was conducted and

the results indicated a heterogeneous distribution (χ2 (17) = 153.72, p <0.001). The null

hypothesis for homogeneity was rejected suggesting that it cannot be assumed that the

data contains only subject level variability, but also some study level variability, and

indicating the use of a random effects model.

The mean effect size for the sample of studies under the random effects model

was 0.69 (SE = 0.18) and was statistically significant (z =3.85, p = 0.0001). The 95%

confidence interval around the mean effect size (0.34 < µ < 1.04) did not include zero and

reveals the relevant precision of the estimate of the mean effect size. The variance

component for the random effects analysis is 0.50 indicating that approximately 50% of

the variance is not accounted for by sampling error.

Several analyses were conducted to test the ability of several categorical and

continuous variables to explain the excess effect size variability. Results of these

analyses are summarized in Tables 3 and 4. For depression, scientific quality, number of

CBT components, number of weeks, and attrition rates did not significantly contribute to

the variability in depression. Number of sessions did account for 21% of the variance

(R2=.21, p = 0.01) in effect sizes for depression. For the random model the value of the

variance component for type of CBT treatment was statistically significant Q (1) = 6.98,

p = 0.04. Studies using group CBT (n= 15) had a mean d = 0.51 (SE = 0.15) and a 95%

confidence interval of 0.22 to 0.81, which was significantly different from

multidisciplinary CBT (n= 3) having a mean d = 1.46 (SE = 0.32) and 95% confidence

interval of 0.82 to 2.09.


After aggregation there were fourteen effect sizes for the dependent measure

anxiety which ranged from d = -0.12 to d = 2.99 with a mean of 0.63. Effect sizes for

anxiety had a lower bound for outliers of –0.91, and an upper bound of 1.89. One effect

size fell outside this range, d =2.67. A homogeneity analysis was conducted and the

results indicated a heterogeneous distribution (χ2 (14) = 166.06, p <0.001). The null

hypothesis for homogeneity was rejected suggesting that it cannot be assumed that the

data contains only subject level variability, but also some study level variability, and

indicating the use of a random effects model.

The mean effect size for the sample of studies under the random effects model

was .66 (SE = .23) and was statistically significant (z =2.92, p = 0.035). The 95%

confidence interval around the mean effect size (0.22 < µ < 1.10) did not include zero and

reveals the relevant precision of the estimate of the mean effect size. The variance

component for the random effects analysis is 0.69 indicating that approximately 69% of

the variance is not accounted for by sampling error.

Several analyses were conducted to test the ability of several categorical and

continuous variables to explain the excess effect size variability. Results of these

analyses are summarized in Tables 3 and 4. For anxiety, scientific quality, number of

CBT components, number of weeks, and attrition rates did not significantly contribute to

the variability in anxiety. Number of sessions did account for 29% of the variance

(R2=0.29, p = 0.02) in effect sizes for anxiety. For the random model the value of the

variance component for type of CBT treatment was statistically significant Q (1) = 5.94,

p = 0.015. Studies using group CBT (n= 13) had a mean d = 0.44 (SE = 0.19) and a 95%

confidence interval 0.07 to 0.82, which was significantly different from multidisciplinary

CBT (n= 4) having a mean d = 1.47 (SE = 0.37) and a 95% confidence interval of .74 to


Psychological distress

After aggregation there were twelve effect sizes for the dependent measure

psychological distress which ranged from d = -0.10 to d = 2.67 with a mean of .81.

Effect sizes for psychological symptoms had a lower bound for outliers of –0.89 and an

upper bound of 2.26. One effect size fell outside this range, d =2.67. A homogeneity

analysis was conducted and the results indicated a heterogeneous distribution (χ2

(11)=57.24, p <0.001). The null hypothesis for homogeneity was rejected suggesting that

it cannot be assumed that the data contains only subject level variability, but also some

study level variability, and indicating the use of a random effects model.

The mean effect size for the sample of studies under the random effects model

was 0.76 (SE = 0.20) and was statistically significant (z =3.84, p = 0.0001). The 95%

confidence interval around the mean effect size (0.37 < µ < 1.14) did not include zero and

reveals the relevant precision of the estimate of the mean effect size. The variance

component for the random effects analysis is 0.35 indicating that approximately 35% of

the variance is not accounted for by sampling error.

Several analyses were conducted to test the ability of several categorical and

continuous variables to explain the excess effect size variability. Results of these

analyses are summarized in Tables 3 and 4. For psychological distress, scientific quality,

number of CBT components, and attrition rates did not significantly contribute to the

variability in depression. Number of sessions did account for 38% of the variance

(R2=0.38, p = 0.01) in effect sizes for psychological distress. Number of weeks of

treatment did account for 38% of the variance (R2=0.38, p = 0.01) in effect sizes for

psychological distress. For the random model the value of the variance component for

type of CBT treatment was statistically significant Q (2) = 5.47, p = 0.04. Studies using

individual CBT (n= 2) had a mean d = 1.75 (SE = 0.52) and a 95% confidence interval of

0.73 to 2.76, which was not significantly different from multidisciplinary CBT (n= 2)

having a mean d = 1.03 (SE = 0.43) and a 95% confidence interval of 0.19 to 1.88;

however, group CBT treatment (n= 7) was significantly different from both having a

mean of d = 0.49 (SE = 0.22) and a 95% confidence interval of .06 to .93.

Table 3. Variance components of the regression analysis by dependent variable

Dependent Variable Regression Variables

Number of Number of CBT

Attrition (R2) Session (R2) Weeks (R2) Components (R2)

Functional Status .07 .30* .01 .04

Pain .001 .27* .01 .01
Depression .04 .21* .02 .10
Anxiety .02 .29* .001 .07

Psychological Distress .03 .38* .36* .19

* p < .05

Table 4. ANOVA comparisons for moderator’s variables on the dependent variables

Moderator n (Effect Mean 95% Confidence
Variable sizes) Interval

Treatment Modality
Functional Status Individual 3 0.74 -0.44 – 1.91
Group 18 0.47 0.10 – 0.84
Multidisciplinary 5 1.34 0.59 – 2.09
Pain Individual 4 0.60 -0.35 – 1.56
Group 25 0.67* 0.36 – 0.98
Multidisciplinary 5 2.01* 1.27 – 2.74
Depression Group 16 0.52* 0.23 – 0.81
Multidisciplinary 4 1.46* 0.82 – 2.09
Anxiety Group 23 0.44* 0.06 – 0.82
Multidisciplinary 4 1.47* 0.74 – 2.20
Psychological Individual 3 1.75* 0.73 – 2.76
Group 9 0.49* 0.06 – 0.93
Multidisciplinary 3 1.03* 0.19 – 1.88
Scientific Quality
Functional Status High 15 0.49 0.06 – 0.92
Low 9 0.96 0.38 – 1.53
Pain High 20 0.70 0.31 – 1.09
Medium 4 0.56 -0.40 – 1.53
Low 10 1.26 0.70 – 1.83
Depression High 11 0.52 0.12 – 0.92
Medium 3 0.41 -0.47 – 1.28
Low 7 1.06 0.54 – 1.57
Anxiety High 8 0.37 -0.15 – 0.88
Medium 4 0.39 -0.40 – 1.18
Low 6 1.23 0.62 – 1.84
Psychological High 8 0.78 0.16 – 1.39
Low 5 0.82 0.003 – 1.65

* p < .05, CBT = Cognitive Behavioral Therapy



This meta-analysis reviews the evidence in support of the use of CBT for

individuals with fibromyalgia. Individuals with fibromyalgia experience many symptoms

including pain, fatigue, decline in overall functioning, sleep problems, as well as,

psychological sequelae such as depression, anxiety and general distress. This analysis

found positive results for the application of CBT to individuals experiencing the

symptoms of fibromyalgia. CBT can be helpful in reducing pain, depression, anxiety and

general distress. Furthermore, CBT can be effective in increasing overall functioning in

these individuals; this includes reduction in doctor’s visits, improvements in physical

functioning and overall improvements in quality of life.

Specifically, this meta-analysis found a moderate effect size for the improvement

of functional status as a result of a CBT treatment. Functional status includes various

constructs that are all related to the physical, social, and occupational functioning of a

person as it relates to how they can manage their life and their pain. Furthermore, CBT

for fibromyalgia was found to reduce pain symptoms in this study. The effect size was

determined to be large, which was unexpected given that both reviews of CBT for

fibromyalgia were skeptical of any effect CBT might have on pain (Bennett & Nelson,

2006; van Koulil et al., 2008). This review offers new evidence that CBT may reduce

pain in people with fibromyalgia. However, these results must be interpreted cautiously

as the 95% confidence interval was wide (see Table 5).

The psychological variables examined were found to have medium average effect

sizes. In particular, the average effect size for depression was found to be medium. One

hypothesis for this finding could be that CBT for individuals with fibromyalgia has an

effect on the somatic symptoms of depression, which may overlap with the experience of

chronic widespread pain, but this would require further investigation. The average effect

size for both anxiety and psychological distress were medium, confirming that CBT can

be at least somewhat effective in reducing psychological distress and anxiety in

individuals with fibromyalgia. All average effect sizes are summarized in the table below

(see Table 5).

Table 5. Average effect sizes across dependent variables

Dependent Variable Average Effect Size 95% Confidence Interval

Functional Status 0.65 0.30 – 0.99

Pain 0.85 0.53 – 1.17
Depression 0.69 0.34 – 1.04
Anxiety 0.66 0.22 – 1.10
Psychological Distress 0.76 0.37 – 1.14

Effect sizes should be considered in a larger scientific context, but for behavior

sciences that one could use the general guidelines of “small”, medium” and “large” effect

sizes as >0.20, =0.50, and >0.80 respectively (Cohen, 1977, 1988). This scientific

community typically recognizes these guidelines to give meaning to effect size statistics.

However, there is another way to examine the interpretation of effect sizes. More

recently investigators have uses a “Fail-Safe N” to examine how many studies with an

effect size of zero would be necessary to negate the results of the study (Rosenthal,

1979). This method attempts to counteract the “file-drawer problem” where studies with

null effect sizes are not published, creating a bias. In this study, a conservative effect size

of 0.2 was selected because it would likely represent a non-significant effect size and

would be considered “small.” For this meta-analysis 51 studies with an effect size of

zero would be required to reduce the effect size of functional status to d=0.20. One

hundred studies with an effect size of zero would be required to reduce the effect size of

pain to d=0.20. Forty-four studies with an effect size of zero would be required to reduce

the effect size of depression to d=0.20. Thirty-four studies with an effect size of zero

would be required to reduce the effect size of anxiety to d=0.20. Thirty-three studies

with an effect size of zero would be required to reduce the effect size of psychological

distress to d=0.20. Thus, the results from this study appear to be robust.

The studies included in the analysis included a wide variety of study designs

including randomized trials and pilot studies that did not include control group. This was

done in an attempt to gather as much evidence as possible to determine the degree of

various symptoms of fibromyalgia. Thus, all studies examining CBT in individuals with

fibromyalgia were included regardless of scientific quality. A variable was created in an

attempt to measure scientific quality. However, 60% of the studies were coded as high in

scientific quality because they included a control group and the subjects were randomly

assigned. Twelve percent of studies were coded as medium scientific quality, indicating

that there was a control group, but groups were not randomly assigned. Thus, 28% of

studies were coded in the “low” scientific quality, indicating that there were no

comparison groups in the study. When ANOVAs were conducted to determine if there

were significant differences in effect sizes between high, medium, and low scientific

quality none of the analyses were significant (see Table 4). While mean effect sizes

reported in Table 4 for scientific quality do appear to demonstrate a “trend” in that


studies coded as “low” in scientific quality have higher mean effect sizes in general, there

was considerable variability in effect sizes across conditions.

Secondary analyses were performed on the data to determine if other aspects of

the studies were contributing to the average effect sizes. Scientific quality of the studies,

attrition rates, number of CBT components and number of weeks of treatment did not

significantly contribute to the average effect sizes across dependent variables. However,

the number of sessions indicated for treatment did account for a significant amount of the

variance across average effect sizes across dependent variables. In particular, as the

number of sessions increased the average effect sizes increased.

Furthermore, the type of CBT treatment, whether it be individual therapy, group

therapy, or multidisciplinary therapy significantly impacted average effect sizes. In

general, group therapy effect sizes were lower than both individual and multidisciplinary

therapy. This may indicate that CBT group therapy for individuals may be less effective

that individual treatment or multidisciplinary treatment. This is consistent with the

results from the review of non-pharmacological treatments for fibromyalgia, which noted

that CBT is typically more effective in combination than on its own (van Koulil et al.,

2007). However, the majority of the studies included in the meta-analysis were

measuring the effectiveness of group treatment (n=25), while a minority of studies

included individual therapy (n=4) and multidisciplinary treatment (n=5).

In particular, one of the studies (Kroese et al., 2009) used a multidisciplinary

therapy that contained eight upper bound outliers. In spite of this, the study was left in

because it met all inclusion and exclusion criteria. All statistical analyses were run

excluding this study. In this case, the average effect sizes across the dependent variables

were lower when the study was removed from the data. Furthermore, the ANOVA

conducted to determine if types of CBT treatments contribute to the average effect sizes

was non-significant across dependent variables when this study was removed. Thus, this

study may have arbitrarily inflated effect sizes in the multidisciplinary group.

The results of this meta-analysis are not in direct conflict with conclusions drawn

from recent literature reviews of CBT for fibromyalgia; however, the data presented

above does serve to provide further evidence and clarification to reviews of the literature.

Previous research has reviewed the use of psychological therapies for fibromyalgia.

Beginning in 1999, Rossy et al. reviewed pharmacological and nonpharmacological

therapies for fibromyalgia and determined that psychological therapies had medium

positive effects for variables of physical status, self-report of fibromyalgia symptoms,

psychological status and daily functioning (Rossy et al., 1999). In 2002, Sims and Adams

conducted the first review of evidence for nonpharmacological therapies for

fibromyalgia, at this point they determined that the available literature was inadequate to

come to any conclusions about effectiveness of psychotherapy for individuals with

fibromyalgia. At this point, they recommended that researchers use consistent measures

for outcomes in their studies. Specifically they recommended the Fibromyalgia Impact

Questionnaire (FIQ) in the current quantitative review, 16 out of 32 groups used the FIQ

as an outcome measure (Burckhardt, Clark, & Bennett, 1991). Goldenberg (2004)

conducted a systematic review of all therapies for fibromyalgia and suggests that low

dose tri-cyclic antidepressants, exercise, CBT and patient education show preliminary

effectiveness for the symptoms of fibromyalgia (Goldenberg, Burckhardt, & Crofford,

2004). In 2006, Bennett and Nelson specifically reviewed research using CBT as the

whole or part of the treatment for fibromyalgia. They determined that CBT can be

effective making short term changes in pain-related behavior, coping strategies, and

overall physical function; however, they questioned whether CBT could be effective in

reducing pain in this population. Van Koulil et al. (2007) added that outcomes for non-

pharmacological therapies are promising in the short term; however, outcomes may

disappear long term. Two recent quantitative reviews (Glombiewski et al., 2010; Thieme

& Gracely, 2009) have examined psychological interventions for fibromyalgia and found

promising effect for pain reduction and in particular found improvement in functional

status, depression, and catastrophizing. Furthermore, Glombiewski et al. (2010) found

that psychological interventions can be effective over the long term.

In light of these findings, this study specifically examines the role of CBT in

fibromyalgia, which appears to have the most evidence compared with other non-

pharmacological interventions. Furthermore, the effect sizes found in this meta-analysis

are somewhat higher than those reported in previous quantitative reviews (Glombiewski

et al., 2010). The current study provides evidence in support of the effectiveness of CBT

for symptoms of anxiety in individuals with fibromyalgia.

Limitations and future directions

The primary limitation of the evidence presented above is related to the inclusion

criteria for this study. The analysis was completed on data from pre- and post- CBT

intervention as opposed to a comparison of difference scores between control and

treatment groups; thus, participants act as their own controls, not to a control group that

did not receive treatment. The limitation of this method used in this study is that the

effect sizes listed can only represent expected change of participant scores from before to

after treatment without controlling for other variables. This represents a fundamental

difference from most meta-analyses performed in the field of chronic pain. Furthermore,

it represents a difficulty in interpretation of the effect sizes obtained from this study,

since prior meta-analyses in this field have not examined pre-post differences in their

quantitative reviews, there is little with which to compare the results of this study.

Most studies were done with middle age women of unknown ethnicity and socio-

economic status. Attempts were made to document ethnicity and socioeconomic status

for analysis; however, only a few of the studies documented these characteristics in their

demographics. Thus, the demographics of the population to which these results apply are

still unknown.

Internal validity of this study is in question due to the wide range of measures

used to capture the dependent variables. This reduces confidence in the constructs

themselves if they contain potentially different constructs within them. In meta-analysis,

this represents the central controversy of apples vs. oranges. In particular, this meta-

analysis used studies examining treatments which could all be classified as CBT, but

which may include other treatment modalities such as medications or exercise in

addition. This meta-analysis included a wide array of outcome measures that were

assimilated into five distinct outcome measures. In an ideal world, researchers would

have used consistent outcome measures to examine their dependent variables of interest.

That said, many researchers have adopted common outcome measures such as the

Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (Burckhardt et al., 1991), as was recommended by

(Sim & Adams, 2002). In this study, 16 of the 32 groups used the FIQ to measure

outcomes. For example, it is possible to say that CBT for Fibromyalgia can reduce pain

symptoms, but we cannot say specifically that relaxation combined with cognitive

restructuring will reduce Visual Analog Scale (VAS) pain scores.

While some attempt was made to measure scientific quality of these studies, by

using a rating scale which differentiated between studies that were “high” (used a control

group and assignment), “medium” (used a control group), “small” (did not have a control

group), this effort was based on the assumption that utilized these designs would have

been respectively rigorous in their implementation of other scientific controls. However,

this assumption is questionable, and furthermore (as mentioned above), this meta-analysis

did not examine the results of control groups, this study only examined the pre- and post

outcomes of treatment groups. Therefore, the attempts made in this study to measure

scientific quality are lacking in scientific quality.

Finally, it is not known how the effects of CBT change/remain over time. This

study did not examine follow up data. While it was available for some of the studies in

this meta-analysis, it was available for fewer than half of the studies and was not


Improvements to this study to increase its scientific quality and relevancy would

be to examine studies which provided follow up data to examine how effects change or

remain the same over time. In a recent quantitative review, Glombiewski et al. (2010)

reported that an increase in effect size was noted in studies that examined pain intensity

over and average of 7.4 months; thus, long-term gains were maintained and even

improved upon over time. Furthermore, the internal validity of this study could be

improved by including only randomized control trials without other interventions

included. For example, studies varied widely in their inclusion of medications in addition

to CBT in the treatment description, and some studies also included various forms of

exercise. In order to truly examine the effect of CBT in individuals with fibromyalgia it

would be necessary to only use studies that only examined CBT and compared it to a

wait-list control, treatment as usual, or pharmacological approaches.

Additionally, one recommendation for future meta-analyses would be to include a

standardized measure of scientific quality, such as the Jadad scale, typically used for

randomized control trials (Jadad et al., 1996). Most scales rely heavily on whether

treatments are blinded and how subjects are assigned to group; however, this would not

be an effective way to capture scientific quality in this particular type of meta-analysis

because they are based on the conditions applied to the control group and this meta-

analysis only regards the treatment group. Rather, it would be important to capture other

aspects such as sample characteristics (selection and homogeneity), attrition, threats to

internal validity, and the reliability and validity of the outcome measures, which would

likely capture scientific quality of the studies.


From the results of this meta-analysis, it can be summarized two moderators

where found to impact effects sizes. The first, treatment duration was found to impact

effect size, accounting for approximately one third of the variance in effect sizes notably

across treatment outcomes. This finding has been replicated in other reviews of

psychological treatments for fibromyalgia, which implies that individuals with

fibromyalgia respond best to interventions with multiple sessions (Glombiewski et al.,

2010; Thieme & Gracely, 2009; van Koulil et al., 2007). The other moderator that

emerged from this analysis was that CBT that is situated within a multidisciplinary

program may be more effective that when provided individually or in a group setting.

However, more evidence is necessary to confirm this finding because it is based on only

five studies.

The field of psychological treatments for individuals with fibromyalgia has made

significant gains in providing evidence for the effectiveness of these therapies,

specifically CBT. Thirty-two groups were reviewed for this meta-analysis, which is a

significant increase from the first review of this literature by Rossy et al. (1999), which

examined evidence from 16 groups. However, considerable gaps still remain in the

literature. First, researchers should continue to use commonly used, reliable and valid

outcome measures for monitoring outcomes such as pain, functional status, depression,

anxiety, fatigue and sleep problems. They should also continue to monitor outcomes

over the long term and aim to develop interventions, which provide lasting effects.

Furthermore, the research base would be strengthened by conducting more randomized

blinded controlled studies to measure the effects of CBT and CBT in a multidisciplinary

program, and research should be compared with exercise, and pharmacological therapies.

Finally, related to recent research suggesting that different therapies may be more

effective for certain individuals, in may be useful to examine treatment outcomes based

on patient profiles such as those with adequate social support, those with significant

emotional comorbidity, or those with high levels of pain.

In summary, while there are some limitations to this qualitative review, the

evidence supporting the use of CBT to improve functioning, decrease pain, depression,

anxiety and psychological distress is strong.



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Coding Manual
Study identification number (ID):
Bibliographic reference:
Publication year (YR):

Sample descriptors
Mean age: specify the approximate or exact mean age at the beginning of the intervention
(if cannot be determined code: 999) (AGE)
Predominant sex of sample: exact proportion of women in the sample (SEX)
999 not reported
Average duration of fibromyalgia in the sample in years (DURATION) (if cannot be
determined code: 999)
Is the sample taking medications? (MEDS)
1 Yes- not controlled
2 Yes- controlled/documented
3 No
99 Unable to determine

Research design descriptors

Type of therapy (UNIT)
1 Individual cbt
2 Group cbt
3 Multidisciplinary treatment
999 Cannot be determined
Scientific rigor (SCIR):
1 Random assignment + pre test differences (high)
2 Control group of any kind (medium)
3 No control group (low)
999 Cannot be determined
CBT Treatment group size (Start) (TXSIZE1) (999 Cannot tell)
CBT Treatment group size (End) (TXSIZE2) (999 Cannot tell)
Attrition (TXSIZE2/TXSIZE1x100)

Nature of the treatment descriptors

What are the components of CBT included in the treatment? (1-yes / 0-no)
Exposure, behavior mod (CBT_expbm)
Stress management (CBT_sm)
Problem solving (CBT_ps)
Relaxation training (CBT_rt)
Homework (CBT_hw)
Education (CBT_edu)
Support person involvement (CBT_sup)
Biofeedback (CBT_bio)
Self monitoring/goals (CBT_goal)

Cognitive restructuring (CBT_cr)

Self-management of chronic pain (CBT_smcp)
Exercise (CBT_ex)
Sleep hygiene (CBT_sh)
Assertiveness training/ social skills training (CBT_astss)
Pleasant activity scheduling (CBT_pas)
Relapse prevention (CBT_rp)
Duration of the treatment in weeks
From pre test to post test (missing =999) (WEEKS)
Number of treatment sessions (NO SESSION)
Duration of sessions (minutes) (SESSDUR)
Time to follow up in months (FUMONTHS1)
Time to follow up in months (FUMONTHS2)
Time to follow up in months (FUMONTHS3)
Time to follow up in months (FUMONTHS4)

Effect size level coding manual

Effect size number (ESNUMBER)
Dependent measure descriptors:
Name of scale: (SCALNAME)
Type of scale: (SCALTYPE)
1 Self-report
2 Self-rated pain index - composite
3 Observers rating
4 Clinician ratings
5 Objective tests (physical)
Category of outcome construct/ specific measure: (CATOUT / CATSPEC)
1 Functional
1 Activity, MPI – activity
3 FIQ – physical
4 SF 36 – physical
5 SF 36 – functional, quality of life – EQ-D5
6 MPI – control/mastery (incl. csq)
7 FIQ – feeing good/wellbeing
8 Exercise (work capacity, functional capacity measurements, objective tests)
9 Visits to doctor
10 Functional disability – HAQ
11 VAS well being
12 IRGL disability
2 Pain
1 Intensity/severity (MPI/Q- Intensity and severity)
2 Self/Observer report of pain behaviors (OBS, Tubingen, PBCL, UAB)
3 VAS Pain score
4 Index/composite pain score
5 Myalgia score / Dolorimeter / Tender points

6 Interference (MPI)
7 FIQ – total
9 MPQ subscales (incl. - affective distress)
10 HAQ – symptoms soma/pain
11 FIQ – Pain
12 IRGL Pain
13 VAS Pain during exercise
3 Depression
2 VAS – Depression
5 FIQ – feeling good
6 FIQ – depression
11 IRGL Negative Mood
12 SF36 MH composite score
4 Anxiety
1 Fear (FS-III-R)
2 MOCI – Obsessive Compulsive
4 FIQ – anxiety
5 STAI – S/T
6 PES – worry
7 VAS – anxiety
8 IRGL anxiety
5 psychosocial distress
9 MPI – affective
10 PES/emotionality

Effect size data

Page number where the effect size was found (ESPAGE)
TX group size – total N at Posttest, i.e. useable data points (SSTX)
Treatment group mean pre-intervention (TX_PreMN)
Treatment group standard deviation pre-intervention (TX_PreSD)
Treatment group mean post-intervention (TX_PostMN)
Treatment group standard deviation post-intervention (TX_PostSD)
Effect size (ES)
Raw difference shows improvement (RAW)
1 Yes
2 No- Decline
3 No change (or statistically insignificant)
999 Cannot tell

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