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MOUNT ZION COLL! OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF EEE. REGULATION 2013, BLE EEE - COURSE OUTCOMES (CO) Course aoa ‘Course Outcome(CO) Knowledge Code _| ‘Students will be able to Level GOK: Analyze and calculate thermal rating oF various types of electrical machines. Ke ‘CO2: Describe about the major considerations in Electrical machine design, loadings and space K2 factor. ‘CO3: Analyze and design armature and field = systems for D.C. machines. ‘CO4: Describe the concept of Magnetic circuit calculations, Carter's Coefficient, Real and K2 apparent flux density and Selection of number of poles ‘COS: Analyze and design core, yoke, windings ea DESIGN OF | and cooling systems of transformers. E6604 | ELECTRICAL | CO6: Apply the output equation to determine the MACHINES —_| overall dimensions of a transformer and operating K3 characteristics to calculate the no load current. ‘CO7: Analyze and design stator and rotor of = induction machines. CO8: Calculate the magnetic leakage and losses and efficiency by using the operating K3 characteristics ofan induetion machine C09: Analyze and design stator and rotor of synchronous machines and study their thermal Ka behavior. ‘C010: Solve and estimate air gap length and determine the full-load field mmf for salient pole K3 machines. CO-PO MAPPING POs _| PO1 | PO2 | PO3 | PO4+ POS POG | PO7 | POS | POS | POLO | POL! | POI2 COs | UK | 3 | Ka | KS | KS | Kanksiko| K4 | K2 | K3 | K3 | K2 | KS | KG cor K4 3 4 3 3 - - = - - = - - cor K2 3 2 1 7 = = - - = - - ~ CX 6 ie a pf AT we | [Ee rme [tage [ere [es [ate ae coq] K2 {3} 2,111 : [cs [neve [=a [ann | ee| ee OSH IRA, | para) mia en's ee | aes [ne | WE [be [near | sere [oz mf bee C06 | K3 3 I 2 2 = = = - - - = - cOo7 | K4 3 4 3 3 = - : : - - - = COs | K3 3 3 2 2 - = = = : - = a coo | K4 3 4 3 3 = - - - - - - = co10 | _K3 E $ 2 < : = = - = = = .EE6604 DESIGN OF ELECTRICAL MACHINES UNITE ‘TRODUCTION Major considerations in Electrical Machine Design - Electrical Engineering Materials ~ Space factor ~Choice of Specific Electrical and Magnetic loadings ~ Thermal considerations - Heat flow ~Temperature rise and Insulating Materials - Rating of machines ~ Standard specifications. UNIT IT DC MACHINES Output Equations ~ Main Dimensions ~ Choice of Specific Electric and Magnetic Loading - Maganctic Circuits Calculations - Carter’s Coefficient - Net length of Iron ~Real & Apparent flux densities ~ Selection of number of poles ~ Design of Armature ~ Design of commutator and brushes — performance prediction using design values. UNIT ‘TRANSFORMERS Output Equations ~ Main Dimensions - kVA output for single and three phase transformers — Window space factor ~ Design of core and winding ~ Overall dimensions — Operating characteristics ~ No load current — ‘Temperature rise in Transformers — Design of Tank - Methods of cooling of Transformers. UNITIV INDUCTION MOTORS ‘Output equation of Induction motor ~ Main dimensions ~ Choice of Average flux density ~ Length of air gap- Rules for selecting rotor slots of squirrel cage machines ~ Design of rotor bars & slots ~ Design of end rings ~ Design of wound rotor ~ Magnetic leakage calculations - Leakage reactance of polyphase machines- Magnetizing current - Short circuit current ~ Operating characteristis- Losses and Efficiency. UNIT V, ‘SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES ‘Output equations ~ choice of Electrical and Magnetic Loading — Design of salient pole machines — Short circuit ratio ~ shape of pole face ~ Armature design ~ Armature parameters ~ Estimation of airgap length ~ Design of rotor -Design of damper winding ~ Determination of full load field mmf ~ Design of field winding ~ Design of turbo alternators ~ Rotor design. ‘TOTAL (L: 45+T:15): 60 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Ability to model and analyze electrical apparatus and their application to power system ‘TEXT BOOKS: 1, Sawhney, A.K.,'A Course in Electrical Machine Design’, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, New Delhi, 1984, 2. MV.Deshpande “Design and Testing of Electrical Machine Design” Wheeler Publications, 2010. REFERENCES: > A.Shanmuga Sundaram, G.Gangadharan, R.Palani ‘Electrical Machine Design Data Book’, New Age International Pvt. Ltd., Reprint, 2007. > RK Agarwal " Principles of Electrical Machine Design’ Esskay Publications, Delhi, 2002. > Sen, S.K., ‘Principles of Electrical Machine Designs with Computer Programmes’, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd,, New Delhi, 1987. LTPC 3104MOUNT ZION COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF EEE REGULATION 2013 B.E EEE - COURSE OUTCOMES (CO) Course Course Outeome(CO) Knowledge Code | _CourseName | students will be able to ane tod COI: Interpret the analog communication os with its generation and degeneration. CO2: Classify the various types of AM and 2 their circuits. CO3: Analyze different digital a communication techniques. CO4: Interpret the coding theorem for = various coding techniques. E6651 COMMUNICATION | COS: Structure the various codes for error K4 ENGINEERING | control and primary communication. CO6: Infer the various multiple access techniques in recent wireless K2 communications. CO7: Demonstrate the convolution and block codes for communicative channel. CO8: Analyze the parameters of power line, satellite communication and optical fiber K4 communication. CO-PO MAPPING POs cos [POI [PO [POS | POS | POS [POS | POT | POS | POS | POIO | POLI | POI2 K3 | Ka | Ks | Ks [K3/KsK6| Ka | K2 | «3 | K3 | K2 [ K3 [ KS Coon [aa | | Perea | ees | ese ee 7] eee ea e02)| Ko; Pe'| Sr [Pee] 7 ee ee es ee Gost S312) ia | a | ease ae |e es = E s con | KI | s| sta | Sse | : ase oser | hcea es [Perens COs [Ra] 37 [seas 2" : 2 ES Se Cos [ea a | ue | ere | ea oe bn | aa eee ess eee |e co7|K3] 3 [ 2 1 : 2a] ees |e | ae C08) Kase] se | ae : el eeslesalees een Saas DP Department, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Mount Zion College of Engg & Tech., Pudukkottai - 622 507.C6653 ‘COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING urec 3003 OBJECTIVES: * Tointroduce different methods of analog communication and their significance © To introduce Digital Communication methods for high bit rate transmission * To introduce the concepts of source and line coding techniques for enhancing rating of transmission of minimizing the errors in transmission ‘© Tointroduce various media for digital communication ‘+ Tointroduce MAC used in communication systems for enhancing the number of users UNIT! ANALOG COMMUNICATION 9 ‘AM — Frequency spectrum vector representation — power relations ~ generation of AM ~ DSB, DSB/SC, $88, VSB AM Transmitter & Receiver; FM and PM ~ frequency spectrum — power relations : NBFM & WBFM, Generation of FM and DM, Amstrong method & Reactance modulations : FM & PM frequency. UNIT II DIGITAL COMMUNICATION 9 Pulse modulations — concepts of sampling and sampling theormes, PAM, PWM, PPM, PTM, quantization and coding : DCM, DM, slope overload error. ADM, DPCM, OOK systems ~ ASK, FSK, PSK, BSK, QPSK, QAM, MSK, GMSK, applications of Data communication UNIT SOURCE CODES, LINE CODES & ERROR CONTROL (Qualitative only) 9 Primary communication ~ entropy, properties, BSC, BEC, source coding : Shaum, Fao, Huffman coding : noiseless coding theorum, BW ~ SNR trade off codes: NRZ, RZ, AMI, HDBP, ABO, MBnBcodes : Efficiency of transmissions, error control codes and applications: convolutions & block codes. untTiv (MULTIPLE ACCESS TECHNIQUES 8 SS&MA techniques : FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, SDMA application in wire and wireless communication : Advantages (merits) : 67 UNIT V SATELLITE, OPTICAL FIBER ~ POWERLINE, SCADA 9 Orbits : types of satellites : frequency used link establishment, MA techniques used in satellite communication, earth station; aperture actuators used in satellite ~ Intelsat and Insat: fibers — types: sources, detectors used, digital filters, optical link: power line carrier communications: SCADA TOTAL: 45 PERIODS. ‘OUTCOMES: ‘© Ability to understand and analyse, linear and digital electronic circuits. ‘TEXT BOOKS: 1. Taub & Schiling “Principles of Communication Systems” Tata McGraw Hill 2007, 2. J.Das “Principles of Digital Communication” New Age International, 1986. REFERENCES: 1. Kennedy and Davis “Electronic Communication Systems” Tata McGraw hill, 4th Edition, 1993. 2. Sklar “Digital Communication Fundamentals and Applications” Pearson Education, 2001, 3. Bary le, Memuschmidt, Digital Communication, Kluwer Publication, 2004. 4, B.P.Lathi “Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems” Oxford University Press, 1998.MOUNT ZION COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF EEE REGULATION 2013 B.E EEE - COURSE OUTCOMES (CO) Course Course Outcome(CO) Knowled Code _| Course Name | students will be able to f oie C01: Introduce the Building Blocks of Embedded = System, CO2: Understand the basics of Embedded a | Systems C03: Introduce Bus Communication in a processors, Input/output interfacing 04: explain the serial peripheral interface 2 C05: Carry out Various Embedded Development = Strategies C06: Use basic productivity and development E6602 oe ep onmpeabraeed i Rabeoted dalle S CO7: Impart knowledge in Various processor a scheduling algorithms. CO8: Understand the basics of Embedded operating system and availability of various K2 Embedded operating system in the market. C09: introduce Basics of Real time operating system and example tutorials to discuss on one K2 realtime operating system tool C010: Implement the embedded systems in = | automotive applications CO-PO MAPPING Pos paces Poi] P02] P03 [P04] POS [P06 | PO7 | POS | POS | POI0 | PII | POIZ [ K3 | k4 | KS | KS | K3/K5/K6| K4 | K2 | K3 | K3 | K2 | K3 | KS [oor tx2z{2 [i | - 7 - - 2 eee [esa ree [aes [ees pee coz [K2{ 2 [4 i : == zi cos [K2|_2 [1 | - : Ge aes Ea cos [x2[ 2 [3 | - : - ei cos [K3{ 3 |2]1]| - = |e eae eee cos [Ka] 3 [ 2 [a | - : = [ee | rea area co7 [Ka] 3 [3 [2 [a 5 - - |= - cos |K2{ 2 [1 | - | - : | coo |K2{ 2 | 1 | - : : - |: : - | coio[K3[3 [2 [4 = : :E6602 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LTPC 3003 OBJECTIVES: * To introduce the Building Blocks of Embedded System. To Educate in Various Embedded Development Strategies. To Introduce Bus Communication in processors, Input/output interfacing. To impart knowledge in Various processor scheduling algorithms. To introduce Basics of Real time operating system and example tutorials to discuss on one realtime operating system tool UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO EMBEDDED SYSTEMS 9 Introduction to Embedded Systems - The build process for embedded systems- Structural units in Embedded processor , selection of processor & memory devices- DMA - Memory management methods- Timer and Counting devices, Watchdog Timer, Real Time Clock, In circuit emulator, Target Hardware Debugging. UNIT Il EMBEDDED NETWORKING 9 Embedded Networking: Introduction, I/O Device Ports & Buses- Serial Bus communication protocols - RS232 standard - RS422 - RS485 - CAN Bus -Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) - Inter Integrated Circuits (I2C) -need for device drivers. UNIT Ill EMBEDDED FIRMWARE DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT 9 Embedded Product Development Life Cycle- objectives, different phases of EDLC, Modelling of EDLC; issues in Hardware-software Co-design, Data Flow Graph, state machine model, Sequential Program Model, concurrent Model, object oriented Model. UNIT IV RTOS BASED EMBEDDED SYSTEM DESIGN 9 Introduction to basic concepts of RTOS- Task, process & threads, interrupt routines in RTOS, Multiprocessing and Multitasking, Preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling, Task communication shared memory, message passing-, Inter process Communication - synchronization between processes-semaphores, Mailbox, pipes, priority inversion, priority inheritance, comparison of Real time Operating systems: Vx Works, 4C/OS-II, RT Linux. UNIT V EMBEDDED SYSTEM APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT 9 Case Study of Washing Machine- Automotive Application- Smart card System Application, TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: + Ability to understand and analyse, linear and digital electronic circults. TEXT BOOKS: 1, Rajkamal, ‘Embedded System-Architecture, Programming, Design’, Mc Graw Hill, 2013. 2. Peckol, “Embedded system Design”, John Wiley & Sons, 2010. 3, Lyla B Das,” Embedded Systems-An Integrated Approach’, Pearson, 2013. REFERENCES: 1. Shibu. KV, “Introduction to Embedded Systems", Tata Megraw Hill,2009. 2. Elicia White,” Making Embedded Systems”, O° Reilly Series,SPD,2011 3, Tammy Noergaard, "Embedded Systems Architecture”, Elsevier, 2006. 4, Han-Way Huang, "Embedded system Design Using C8051", Cengage Learning,2009. 5. Rajib Mall “Real-Time systems Theory and Practice” Pearson Education, 2007.permanent magnet synchronous motor. UNITV DESIGN OF CONTROLLERS FOR DRIVES 9 Transfer function for DC motor / load and converter — closed loop control with Current and speed feedback-armature voltage control and field weakening mode — Design of controllers; current controller and speed controller- converter selection and characteristics. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS ouTCcoMEs: + Ability to understand and apply basic science, circuit theory, Electro-magnetic field theory control theory and apply them to electrical engineering problems. TEXT BOOKS: 4. Gopal K.Dubey, Fundamentals of Electrical Drives, Narosa Publishing House, 1992. 2. Bimal K.Bose. Modem Power Electronics and AC Drives, Pearson Education, 2002 3. R.krishnan, Electric Motor & Drives: Modeling, Analysis and Control, Prentice Hall of India, 2001 REFERENCES: 1. John Hindmarsh and Alasdain Renfrew, “Electrical Machines and Drives System,” Elsevier 2012. Shaahin Felizadeh, “Electric Machines and Drives’, CRC Press(Taylor and Francis Group), 2013. S.KPillai, A First course on Electrical Drives, Wiley Eastem Limited, 1993. S. Sivanagaraju, M. Balasudba Reddy, A. Mallikarjuna Prasad “Power semiconductor drives” PHI, 5” printing, 2013. N.K.De., P.K.SEN'Electric drives” PHI, 2012. \Vedam Subramanyam, “Thyristor Control of Electric Drives", Tata McGraw Hill, 2007, se oN oo EE6602 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS ure 3003 OBJECTIVES: ‘+ To introduce the Building Blocks of Embedded System To Educate in Various Embedded Development Strategies To Introduce Bus Communication in processors, input/output interfacing. To impart knowledge in Various processor scheduling algorithms. To introduce Basics of Real time operating system and example tutorials to discuss on one real- time operating system tool UNITI INTRODUCTION TO EMBEDDED SYSTEMS 9 Introduction to Embedded Systems — The build process for embedded systems- Structural units in Embedded processor , selection of processor & memory devices- DMA — Memory management methods- Timer and Counting devices, Watchdog Timer, Real Time Clock, in circuit emulator, Target Hardware Debugging. UNIT IL EMBEDDED NETWORKING 9 68UNITV SATELLITE, OPTICAL FIBER - POWERLINE, SCADA 9 Orbits : types of satellites : frequency used link establishment, MA techniques used in satelite ‘communication, earth station; aperture actuators used in satellite — Intelsat and Insat: fibers — types: sources, detectors used, digital fiters, optical link: power line carrier communications: SCADA TOTAL : 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: ‘= Ability to understand and analyse, linear and digital electronic circuits. TEXT BOOKS: 4, Taub & Schiling “Principles of Communication Systems” Tata McGraw Hill 2007. 2. J.Das “Principles of Digital Communication” New Age Intemational, 1986. REFERENCES: 4. Kennedy and Davis “Electronic Communication Systems” Tata MoGraw hill, 4 Edition, 1993. 2. Sklar ‘Digital Communication Fundamentals and Applications" Pearson Education, 2001 3. Bary le, Mernuschmidt, Digital Communication, Kluwer Publication, 2004. 4. BP Lathi “Modem Digital and Analog Communication Systems” Oxford University Press, 1998. E6601 SOLID STATE DRIVES LTPC 3003 OBJECTIVES: ‘To understand steady state operation and transient dynamics of a motor load system. ‘To study and analyze the operation of the converter/chopper fed dc drive, both qualitatively and ‘quantitatively To study and understand the operation and performance of AC motor drives. To analyze and design the current and speed controllers for a closed loop solid state DC motor drive. UNITI DRIVE CHARACTERISTICS 8 Electric drive — Equations governing motor load dynamics — steady state stability ~ multi quadrant Dynamics: acceleration, deceleration, starting & stopping — typical load torque characteristics — Selection of motor. UNIT CONVERTER / CHOPPER FED DC MOTOR DRIVE 9 Steady state analysis of the single and three phase converter fed separately excited DC motor drivecontinuous and discontinuous conduction— Time ratio and current limit control — 4 quadrant ‘operation of converter / chopper fed drive. UNIT Il INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES 9 Stator voltage controbenergy efficient drive-vif control-constant airgap flux-field weakening mode = voltage / current fed inverter — closed loop control. UNIT IV SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR DRIVES 9 Vif control and self control of synchronous motor: Margin angle control and power factor control — orMOUNT ZION COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF EEE REGULATION 2013 B.E EEE - COURSE OUTCOMES (CO) Course ‘Course Outeome(CO) Knowledge Code | Course Name | seugents willbe able to Level COI: Explain the steady stale operation and K2 transient dynamics of a motor load system (CO2: Analyze the different modes of operation Ka of electrical drives (CO3: Determine the operation of the converter K3 | and chopper fed de drive | (CO4: Differentiate the types of chopper control K2 | COS: Explain stator voltage control and vif K2 apleni | OO a Pa | CO6: Differentiate voltage and current fed AC K2 | drives | (CO7: Analyze margin angle control and power Ka | factor control of synchronous motor COB: Determine the operation of permanent 3 ‘magnet synchronous motor (CO9: Explain closed loop speed control for) _-K2 voltage control and field weakening control __| | COI0: Design the current and speed controllers | _-K4 | | for a closed loop solid state DC motor drives | CO-PO MAPPING { cos F-+ POs eee [Poi | P02 [P03 Pos] POs | POs | POT | POs | POs | PO1O | POL! | POI2 K3 | K4 | KS | KS | K3KSK6| Ké | K2 | K3 | K3 | K2 | K3 | KS Cola |=2s|ete]s =] - ee fese eae eee (ean p eerie coz /K4/ 3 [ 3 | 2 | 2 > 2 oe hoe ee ee ee - {cos |x3[3 [2]1 [a : ee | eee Soe oa eee - coryK2;2];a]- | - - safe ee | ee cosfK2f 2 fa] - | - = aalesc lel aes cassia nee] aaele= [a= - Sea moo fe a ee ae cor {Kapa | 3 [2 | 2 > Ea feat ees | ae [eee ee coe K3] 3 | 2]}1) 2 - ele = [een | eo See Electrical & Electronics Enginvering, Mount Zion Coitege of Engg & Tech., Pudukkottai - 622 507.Px | 0109 Z| 609 £ z €MOUNT ZION COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF EEE REGULATION 2013 B.E EEE - COURSE OUTCOMES (CO) ‘Course ‘Course Outcome(CO) Knowledge Code _| COUrSENAME | Students will be able to Teri ‘CO 1 :retreiving about power system operation Kiet| ‘CO2: categorizing the various sources of 2 electromagnetic transients ‘CO3: illustrating the causes and effects of switching | ___K3 and lightning surges. (C4: model and estimate the over voltages in K4 POWER power system. SYSTEM. COS: apply insulation coordination principle K3 BE6002 | TRANSIENTS [Co fsslVinghcorie in the formation of K2 clouds and charge formation ‘CO7: describe the formation and characteristics KI | of travelling waves in transmission lines | | ‘CO8:drawBewely’s lattice diagram Ka | CO9: apply the ATP/EMTP software for transient K3 | studies. ‘CO10: model power apparatus under transient Ka studies CO-PO MAPPING POs COs PO! | PO2 | PO3 | POF PO ‘PO6 | PO7 | POS | POS | PO10 | POI! | POI2 $ K3 | K4 | KS | KS | K3/K5/K6| K4 | K2'| K3 | K3 | K2 | K3 | K3 col | KI L = : = - - = = = = ~ C02 | K2| 2 1 = - £ = = - = 03 | K3| 3 2 1 + - - - = = * COG | Kal 3. 4[3m | 2p 2 =e © a Z COS | K3| 3 2 1 1 - - - = i 06 | K2/ 2 1 = = = = = = = COT RI = se = - See = 2 cos |K4; 3 [3 [2] 2 z res = 5 = coofK3/ 3 [2/1/11 E Salon lesel ae = = = coi0 | K4] 3 3 2 2 - = - = = = Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Mount Zion College of Engg & Tech., Pudukkottai - 622 507.LTP E6002 POWER SYSTEM TRANSIENTS ic 3003 OBJECTIVES: + To study the generation of switching transients and their control using circuit — theoretical concept. ‘+ To study the mechanism of lighting strokes and the production of lighting surges. ‘+ To study the propagation, reflection and refraction of travelling waves. + To study the impact of voltage transients caused by faults, circuit breaker action, load rejection on integrated power system, UNITI INTRODUCTION AND SURVEY 9 Review and importance of the study of transients - causes for transients. RL circuit transient with sine wave excitation - double frequency transients - basic transforms of the RLC circuit transients. Different types of power system transients - effect of transients on power systems ~ role of the study of transients in system planning. UNITIE SWITCHING TRANSIENTS 9 Over voltages due to switching transients - resistance switching and the equivalent circuit for interrupting the resistor current - load switching and equivalent circuit - waveforms for transient voltage across the load and the switch - normal and abnormal switching transients. Current suppression - current chopping - effective equivalent circuit. Capacitance switching - effect of source regulation - capacitance switching with a restrike, with multiple restrikes. lusiration for multiple restriking transients - ferro resonance. UNITE LIGHTNING TRANSIENTS 9 Review of the theories in the formation of clouds and charge formation - rate of charging of thunder clouds ~ mechanism of lightning discharges and characteristics of lightning strokes — model for lightning stroke - factors contributing to good line design - protection using ground wires - tower footing resistance - Interaction between lightning and power system. UNITIV TRAVELING WAVES ON TRANSMISSION LINE COMPUTATION OF TRANSIENTS 9 Computation of transients - transient response of systems with series and shunt lumped parameters and distributed lines. Traveling wave concept - step response - Bewely’s lattice diagram - standing waves and natural frequencies - reflection and refraction of travelling waves. UNITY TRANSIENTS IN INTEGRATED POWER SYSTEM. 9 The short line and kilometric fault - distribution of voltages in a power system - Line dropping and load rejection - voltage transients on closing and reclosing lines - over voltage induced by faults -switching surges on integrated system Qualitative application of EMTP for transient ‘computation. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Ability to understand and analyze power system operation, stability, control and protection. ‘TEXT BOOKS: 1. Allan Greenwood, ‘Electrical Transients in Power Systems’, Wiley Inter Science, New York, 2 Edition, 1991. 2. Pritindra Chowdhari, “Electromagnetic transients in Power System”, John Wiley and Sons Inc., Second Edition, 2009. 3. CS. Indulkar, D.P.Kothari, K. Ramalingam, ‘Power System Transients — A statistical approach’, PHI Learning Private Limited, Second Edition, 2010.REFERENCES: 1. MS.Naidu and V.Kamaraju, ‘High Voltage Engineering’, Tata McGraw Hill, Fifth Edition, 2013. 2, RD. Begamudre, “Extra High Voltage AC Transmission Engineering’, Wiley Eastem Limited, 1986. 3. ¥.Hase, Handbook of Power System Engineering,” Wiley India, 2012. 4, J.LKirtley, “Electric Power Principles, Sources, Conversion, Distribution and use,” Wiley, 2012.MOUNT ZION COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF EEE REGULATION 2013 B.E EEE - COURSE OUTCOMES (CO) Course [Course Course Outcome(CO) Knowledge Code Name __| Students will be able to Level ‘COl:analyze the characteristics of important power ai semiconductor devices and converters ‘CO2:analyze the gate circuit characteristics of phase re controlled converters ‘CO3:find the performance of cyclo converters Ka ‘CO4:find the performance of inverter with various Pe Power -PWM techniques £E6503 | Electronics | COS:identify the characteristics, control and firing ma 1 a circuits for various power devices ‘CO6:compare the difference between buck converter Ko and boost converter CO7:analyze the concept of AC-DC, DC-DC, DC- mi AC converters ‘COB:compare the electrical circuit concept behind the different working power modes of inverters so as K2 to enable deep understanding of their operation CO-PO MAPPING eae Pos POI | PO2|PO3[PO4T POS [POG | POT | POR | POS | POIO | POII | POI2 K3 | Ka | KS [KS [K3K5K6| K4 | K2 | K3 [K3 | K2 | K3 | K3 coils [3 [3 [272 Salas =o |sosam feneen [ee (Cor ears Bose [zy | sean | aimee | eos [ose ny [es eee vee Peer sf COS A519: S80 | neh [eee | eee | eee | ere | Se |e] eee faree | costes [3 [3 [272 = Sale [Ret[e= ale costa ta [- | -] - = Be | ees feos | eee [ee cos [iz asta) e [se : SS aes ees ae cor{xa | 3 [3 | 2 = 2 COSI [age [ae | stapes afc [ates [ne | | Head of th partment, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Mount Zion College of Engg & Tech., Pudukkottai - 622 507E6611 POWER ELECTRONICS AND DRIVES LABORATORY LTPC 0032 OBJECTIVES: To provide hands on experience with power electronic converter design and testing LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Gate Pulse Generation using R,RC and UJT. 2. Characteristics of SCR and Triae 3. Characteristics of MOSFET and IGBT 4. AC to DC half controlled converter 5. AC to DC fully controlled Converter 6. Step down and step up MOSFET based choppers 7. IGBT based single phase PWM inverter 8. IGBT based three phase PWM inverter 9. AC Voltage controller 10. Switched mode power converter. 11. SimulationofPEcircuits( 18&30semiconverter, 183 fullconverter,de-de converters, ac voltage controllers).MOUNT ZION COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF EEE REGULATION 2013 B.E EEE - COURSE OUTCOMES (CO) Course Course Outcome(CO) Knowledge | Code Compe Name) Students will be able to Level | COi: Understand the simple arithmetic K2 operations using 8085 | C02: Analyze the programming with Kt | control instructions in 8085 CO3: Experiment the A/D & D/A interfacing K3 | MICROPROCESSORS | CO4: Experiment the traffic light controller K3 | ap AND COS: Analyze the I/O port and serial K4 MICROCONTROLLERS | communication LABORATORY C06: Simulate the programming exercises KS | COT: Test the keyboard/display interfacing KS | CO8: Demonstrate of basic instructions KS with 8051 | (CO9: Program for interfacing 1/0 Port 8051 iS C010: Develop mini project KS. CO-PO MAPPING es POs PO1 | PO2 | PO3 | PO4 POS: PO6 | PO7 | POs | PO9 | PO10 | PO11 | PO12 K3_| K4 | KS | KS | K3/K5/K6 coi | K2| 2 1 - = 3 = - : - = = - co2 | K4/ 3 3 2 1 3 - - * - : : - co3_| K3| 3 2 i = 3 = = - - - = = C04 | K3| 3 2 1 * 3 = = ~~ = = * * cos | K4| 3 3 2 + 3 a s z * z = = cos [Ks] 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 3 =e bes] ems [pe ee te= |. CO721K5!| aes | Sse | Se [aa a eas eomee |e s = = cos [Ks| 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 3 Sen] oe | ep = = S coo |K5| 3] 3 | 3 | 2 3 as eer| eas (es = = 2 010 | K5|_ 3 3 3 2 3 : : : : : - = co11| K2| 2 x = =. 3 ze s $ 2 2, = S Heat Elects! econ eee fount Zion Conk gineerinEE6612 MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROCONTROLLERS LABORATORY LTPC 0032 OBJECTIVES: * To provide training on programming of microprocessors and microcontrollers and understand the interface requirements. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1, Simple arithmetic operations: addition / subtraction / multiplication / division. 2, Programming with control instructions: (@ Ascending / Descending order, Maximum / Minimum of numbers (i) Programs using Rotate instructions (iii) Hex / ASCII / BCD code conversions. 3. Interface Experiments: with 8085 (0) A/D Interfacing. & D/A Interfacing, 4. Traffic light controller. 5.1/0 Port / Serial communication 6. Programming Practices with Simulators/Emulators/open source 7. Read a key interface display 8, Demonstration of basic instructions with 8051 Micro controller execution, including: (@ Conditional jumps, looping (ti) Calling subroutines. 9. Programming I/O Port 8051 (@ study on interface with A/D & D/A (ii) study on interface with DC & AC motor. 10. Mini project development with processors. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: * Ability to understand and analyse, linear and digital electronic circuits. * Tounderstand and apply computing platform and software for engineering problems.DEPARTMENT OF EEE REGULATION 2013 B.E EEE - COURSE OUTCOMES (CO) MOUNT ZION COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY Course Code Course Name Course Outeome(CO) Students will be able to Knowledge Level EE6501 POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS COL: Develop a mathematical model of a power system under steady state operating condition by single line diagram and per unit notations. ‘CO2: Describe about the restructuring of power industry and market models. CO3: Apply direct inspection and singular transformation methods to determine Y-bus matrix of the given system. ‘CO4: Describe the concept of load flow problem formulation, classification of buses and the various numerical methods of solution. COS: Solve power flow problems using various numerical methods of solution. C06: Apply Z-bus building algorithm to determine Z-bus matrix of the given system. CO7: Calculate the fault current for various types of faults both symmetrical and unsymmetrical on the given power system using Z-Bus & Thevenin’s theorem. CO8: Calculate the fault current using sequential network for the unbalanced fault conditions. CO9: Explain the role of stability, swing equation and equal area criterion. CO10: Solve swing equation by Modified Euler method and Runge-Kutta Method. CO -PO MAPPING | POs_| PO1| PO2 | PO3 | PO4 POS PO6 | PO7 | POS | POY | POLO | POI1 | PO12 ; coe = el K3 | K4 | KS | KS | K3/KS5/K6| K4 | K2 | K3 | K3 | K2 K3 K3 (keome [ars s|o3= [oes |it es |e 5a ee = = (os ee Se ee Z Ease Be Z = cos: |-e3ofr3- | 25fa (a : |= | 23a see ees CaaS ee oe = Sa ee ee : = - COS |Ekse| S32 [22] s0s [at = an Ba ea ES : = = cos | x3 | 3 [2 [4 [1 : i [Eze | eae | = | Sore a =a Co7|axss) ess (S25 rr lier z Sui|e= ‘| aehiieca| pee 2 E cos {x3 | 3 [2 [a [4 5 2cleer | Swear = cleo
t [1 = ee eal lee ee i C03 | K4/ 3 3 2 2 - - - - - . COA[RD | =2 =| le) a= ss pee | euler > =| COSPIRS [77355 (52—| lad oT > peso Siam > I } 006} K3| 3 2 i 1 - - - - ae * = COP Ro res | || ae > aa|es: |-=ales ~ > cos |K4| 3 3 2 = - - - - = ies C09} K2} 2 1 - - - - ~ - - Se Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Mount Zion College of Engg & Tech.. Pudukkottai - 622 507.MOUNT ZION COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF EEE REGULATION 2013 B.E EEE - COURSE OUTCOMES (CO) ‘Course Course Outcome(CO) Knowledge Code ComeName Students will be able to Tere COL: Test the P, Pi and PID controllers KS (CO2: Experiment the design of Lag, Lead KS | and Lag-Lead Compensators | COS: Analyze the Simulation of Control Ka | | Systems by Mathematical development | | tools | ‘C04: Monitor the Synchro-Transmitter- KS | Receiver and Characteristics (COS: Test the Characteristics of RTD and KS | CONTROL AND _ | Thermistor EE6511 | INSTRUMENTATION | CO6: Analyze the Characteristics of Strain Ka LABORATORY | Gauge and Optical sensor | CO7: Design, setup and test the analog to 5 digital converter using DAC C08: Design of instrumentation amplifier K6 COS: Test the time response of first and KS second order type -0 and type- | systems. ‘CO10: Test the Calibration of Single Phase KS Energy Meter ‘CO1I: Detect of transfer function of S separately excited de generator CO-PO MAPPING POs es POI | PO2 | PO3 | POF POS PO6 | PO7 | POs | POS | PO10 | POI! | PO12 K3 | K4 | KS | KS | K3/KS/K6 coi | KS 3 2 2 = ¥ - - - - = = = 02 [KS] 3 3 3 3 3 - ~ - - * - - CO3 | K4| 3 a 3 3 3 = - = - = ~ = CO4 | KS/ 3 3 3 3 3 = = = = = = COS | K5| 3 3 3 3 3 = - - - - = = C06 | K4| 3 3 a. 3 3 : - - - = 7 cov |Ks} 3 | 3 [3] 3 3 efor [mote agen [eeepc sate C08 [K6 | 3 3 3 2 = : - = - a = ss! Co9 | KS5|_ 3 3 > 3 3 a i = =. = = : cowKs| 3 | 3 [3 [3 3 asec omar acre | geen maton | contKs| 3 [3 1313 3 Sa(aen [> sues Bias | St partment, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Mount Zion College of Engg & Tech., Pudukkottai - 622 507Course Course Outcome(CO) Knowledge Code _| Course Name | seagents will be able to Level CO!: Analyze the performance of three phase K4 alternator by EMF, MMF, ZPF and AS.A methods (C02: Analyze the relation between field current, Ka armature current & power factor of three phase vcay | S_techronous motor Electrical [(CO3: Determine equivalent circuit parameters of K3 EEOS12 | Machines II | single phase and three phase induction motor Laboratory [C04: Calculate various losses of three phase K3 induction machine ‘COS: Analyze the load performance of single Ka phase and three phase induction machine with various loads ‘CO6: Study of induction motor starters KI CO-PO MAPPING co: POs - POI | PO2|PO3 [PO4] POS [POS | POT | POS | POD | POID | POI | POI2 K3_| K4 | KS | KS | K3/K5/K6| K4 | K2 | K3 | K3 K2 K3 KS CO1/K4| 3 3 2 2 - - < a = ¥ = | aa cozfKay 3 [3 [2 [2 Salas ae [een |e ael OSes s [2 tT 1 - - - |: - - ale conKs[ 3 [2 [1 ft 5 Pelae> (se afa = T cos;Kay 3 | 3] 2) 2 - eal goalalean Peele cosfery tT - [= | - 5 ae ae Head of the Department, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Mount Zion College of Engg & Tech. Pudukkettai - 622 507.Mount Zion College of Engineering & Technology COURSE MAPPING CHART COURSE NAME: POWER PLANT ENGG YEAR & SEMESTER: I & Il Electrical and electronics engineering ‘CO Statement eee eae le 2 Atthe end of the course, the studentswil |= |= |= |= |w2le |e |e le le la la 8 Ea Sa ES ez STS (El esa eS ES 8_| classify the energy sources 2) ay alls osaae es Saale eal ala ele Calculate the performance of steam power eit (200 | Devel ep = plants(K3) Describe the working of diesel and gasturbine [2 | 4 power plants.(K2) o _| Compute the performance of Diesel engine power |3_ [3 [3 [3 [3 z Soar eager |e peace 2 | plant(xs) | Describe the working principle of different typesof |2 [1 |- |- |= : eRe eset eel | Nuclear reactors.(k2) & | Explain the methods of waste disposalin nuclear. [2/1 |- |- |- = area lane |e male 5 | power plants.(k2) 2__| Classify and demonstrate the types of power plants | 2 A - = - = > ~ = = E z & __| using Non-conventional energy sources such as 3 | wind, Tidal, solar thermal,(k2) 2 | Compare various types pollution control 3 3 2 ~ - > > = = . . - ‘41 | technologies involved in thermal and nuclear B | power plant (ka) ts _| Identify the methods to calculate various typesof [3 [3 [3 Wear, 2: - > > * e e 2 _| costin power plant and justify the best.(k5) ‘AVERAGE 24a [177 [i [oes [033s [022 NAME OF THE STAFF: P.SIVAPANDIAN “Guwosuibua sooo 9 yeousaig ‘wauneded ay so prayMOUNT ZION COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF ECE REGULATION 2013 B.E EEE - COURSE OUTCOMES (CO) Course Course Outcome(CO) Knowledge Code | CourseName | students will be able to Level COI: Interpret the instruction set, register files and memory architecture for PIC K2 microcontroller. | C02: Classify the various interrupts and timer | circuits for various state machines. a | C03: Analyze different peripheral interfacing = using ARM processor. ‘C04: Interpret the PIC controller and | | contRoLLen -22e3mming them = E6008 | BASED | COS: Structure the Hardware/software co- - SYSTEM [design aspects for development tools. DESIGN _ | CO6: Infer the microcontroller software development tools such as a compiler, make K2 files, or compile scripts. CO7: Demonstrate this system using its interrupt, timer/counter, analog to digital K3 converter, and serial communication facilities ‘CO8: Analyze the pipeline stage and | coprocessor interface for embedded ARM Ka | application. CO-PO MAPPING POs =I cos [POI] PO2|PO3 [POs POS [POs | PO7 | POR | POS | POIO | POII | POIZ x3 | Ka | Ks | KS | K3KSiK6| K4 | K2 | K3 | K3 | K2 | K3 | KS eon a (aze [ete ssiales =| os feces [ee feo i222) sa | satsl ae : = |= [ase eee |= cos{Ka| 3 [3 | 2 [2 = es | ay || || Con|e2 |e es eS : =r |e [as [aaa |S = cos |Ka|-3-| 3] 2 [2 : Sis [ oot | [|S (og (Ra feael 1 |soslee os | -os [Ss es eee ee co7[K3| 3 | 2 1 : Sal eee = cos[xa| 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 : Sa [Pee ec lesse s a Electrical & Electronics En, gineering, Mouat Zion College of Engg & Tech Pudukkottai - 622 567Course | Course Course Outcome(CO) Knowledge Code | Name _ | Students will be able to Level COI: describe the Principles of Management and explain the steps and processes involved in| Ki managing an organization. CO2: explain the process of planning, policies,| x» decision making. C03: summarize the concept behind human resouree| > sss | Prinile of C6 exon and imple te eadeip a res Ot | COS: explain and implement the leadership role COS: execute budgetary and non budgetary control techniques in controlling K3 C06: compare the different types of organization structure in management K2 CO-PO MAPPING COs Ee POI [ PO2 [POS | POs | POS [POs | POT | POS | POD | POIO | PONT [POIs K3 | K4 | KS | KS | K3/KS/K6| K4 | K2 | K3 | K3 K2 K3 K Cou (kites | sa eel iS Bre |asaps ay=2s| = oe a = COm fia a | ete ects [ate A om eee peels 5 s Gosia eos) cies | sates |= S a | at Pome [eee oe zi e co4|K3} 3 | 2] - z Ea Lacey] Secs aren ee a a cosiasias5) =7 [aan | : Sn ear foal oe Bars C06 | K2| 2 1 = - - = = = = = = Head of the Department, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Mount Zion College of Engg & Tech., Pudukkottai - 622 507,MOUNT ZION COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF EEE REGULATION 2013 B.E EEE - COURSE OUTCOMES (CO) Course Course Outeome(CO) ‘Knowledge Code Students will be able to Level COI: Know about various protective systems- how it KI works and where it works. ‘CO2: Describe the basic structure of protection K2 scheme and main criteria for detecting faults. (COS: Identify various types of faults in Power system KI ‘C04: Protect transmission line and feeder from K3 various faults COS: Protect transformer, alternator, motor and bus GB bar. FF6702 ‘COG: Design the relevant protection systems for the 3 main elements of a power system. COT: Analyze the purpose and working principle of KS different circuit breakers and tests. COB: Acquire skill to design the feasible protection. Ka | systems needed for each main part of a power system (COS: Protect power system against over voltages: 3 CO10: Apply conventional and numerical relays to K3 the protection of rotating machines, bus bars, transformers, transmission lines and distribution, network. CO-PO MAPPING ee POs POL POS POS | PO6 | POT | POS | POS | POIO | POIT | POIZ K3 KS [K3/KS/K6| K4 | K2 | K3 | K3 | K2 | K3 | KS coi fKif 1 - = eos face (sea a = co2 [K2[ 2 - - “eae = 3/5 cos [kif i | - = = oops [ee ea [a || Se cos [KS] 3 | 2 i = =a)e== eee = cos [K3[ 3 | 2 1 = =a[c= Laser cos [K3| 3 | 2 1 = Sea |e [Ses [arse = co7 [Ks] 3 | 3 3 : ais vera [esa = cos [Ka] 3 | 3 2 = =) eas = coo [K3[3 | 2 1 = Sees sexes = coio[K3[ 3 | 2 I = sepazoaa|es eee =‘Course ‘Course Outcome(CO) Knowledge Code _| Course Name | students will be able to Level COl: Know the different types of generation of KI over voltages, causes of over voltages and protection devices C02: Solve the problem of lightning discharges KS using surge arrester CO3: Use proper power system design for ra) limiting corona discharges (C04: Differentiate the dielectric breakdown K2 High Voltage | CO5: Describe the principles behind generating K2 EE6701 mae high DC,AC and impulse voltages CO6: Design the Marx circuit for required K3 voltage level generation CO7: Calculate the maximum output voltage of K3 the generator of different stages of impulse | generator CO8: Analyze the high voltage testing Ka techniques of power apparatus ‘CO9: Use the sphere gap for measuring high KB voltage CO10: Infer about the types of insulation Ka coordination CO-PO MAPPING oa POs POI | PO2| POS [POs POS | PO6 | PO7 | POS | POS | POI | POI | POI2 K3 | Ka [KS | KS | K3KSK6| K4 | K2 | K3 | K3 | K2 | K3 [| K3 OOK (ae 9] =| Be aes |e eee | el eel corns 3s [2fala = 2 sas aes R033 (hse | ez oe |e eres ee |e =a Co4yn2] 2] 2 2 ee | Seer i = MOS; | kayla =fstea| [=| en | | ee eee |e] cosfxs[ 3 f2fala E Sea = ae[ covaiixs psateaal ta slat ae Be = cos fxa] 3 [3 [2] 2 = 2 ae > | corns} 2)if-|- = Serer ee ae ea cole] 3 [3 [2 [2 = = io - Head! e epartm Electrical & Electronies Engin’ Mount Zion Cottoge of Engg & Torre Pudukkottai - 622 507. &Tech,,‘EE6703 -SPECIAL ELECTRICAL MACHINES Staff Name: R.Muthukumar AP/EEE Course CONo ‘COURSE OUTCOMES Knowledge Code level €O1 | To explain Construction, principle of operation of special Ki electrical machines. CO2_| To differentiate axial and radial flux motors. 12 CO3_ | To compute the voltage and torque equations of 3 Synchronous Reluctance motors, Stepper motors, Permanent Magnet Brushless d.c. motor and PMSM. €O4 | To analyse the performance characteristics of Synchronous Ka Reluctance motors, Stepper motors, Permanent Magnet Brushless d.c. motor,SRM and PMSM. COS | Todesign a Microprocessor control of stepper motors in Ka ‘SPECIAL Closed loop control and apply the speed control, angle E6703 | ELECTRICAL control techniques using Proteous simulation. MACHINES |" cO6 | To analyze the Steady state performance by Analytical ka method. CO7 | To design Power Converters and their controllers Switched Ka Reluctance Motors (SRM). CO8 | Toanalyze and draw the phasor disgram of Synchronous Ka Reluctance Motors, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM). CO9 | Tomodel and analyze electrical apparatus and their 13.K4 application to power system O10 | To understand the Sensor less operation of Switched KI Reluctance Motors (SRM). O11 _| Toexplain the real world applications of special electrical KI machines. O12 | To interpret the modes excitation of coils in stepper motor. | __K2 Mapping COsPOs [POI | PO2 | PO3 | PO4 [POS PO [PO ]PO |PO]PO |PO [PO aia |s [us| xayxsixs [6 [7 [8 |9 |10 |u| 12 CO1KI 1. IE - : 1 (Oz Kress | aes aed eve| sae CO3K3 Sato 2 1 1 3 AKAs (35a | See as Cea Ras ce [ove fete aS, el ee ee ee | COMmape at aa |sera| aise aca |S. CORNAa [3 | Siem | ae |S | EXTOL Ce Ea PE Pa Commie lass |=rse | sera Seal | coiki [a j« : = : coizK2 | 2 ea [orcas (esa 27a | 24s [aan ae ze i CONSE ia" | et fa | ae 1 Department, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Mount Zion College of Engg & Pudukkottai - 622 507. Tech.MOUNT ZION COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF EEE REGULATION 2013 B.E EEE - COURSE OUTCOMES (CO) Course Course Outcome(CO) Knowledge Codes |= Somme Name Students will be able to Level CO1: Understand the importance of K2 controllable parameters and benefits of FACTS controllers. CO2: Know the significance of shunt, series KI compensation and role of FACTS devices on | system control. (COS: Analyze the funcional operation and ra ERGO | TRANSMISSION |228L0f GCSC, TSSC and TESC, s (CO4: Describe the principles, operation and K2 YSTEMS | control of UPFC and IPFC. COS: Predict the impact of FACTS controllers K4 | on AC transmission CO6: Choose the appropriate FACTS KS controllers for reactive power compensation in | AAC transmissionsystem to improve the quality I ‘of power. i CO-PO MAPPING Cos } POs | PO! | PO2 | PO3 | PO4 POS PO6 | POT | POS | PO | PO10 | POL! | POI2 | K3 | K4 | KS | KS | K3/KS/K6| K4 | K2 | K3 | K3 K2 K3 K3 Con |neai axes [ser [meet See se (tees [ieee lesa [ee c02/Ki| 1 - - - - - - - - - : COS Ksieee| 222 [ee = 7a Eo So Ee eS Cos] k2] 3. | sf ae z E psi | ened] pice a OOS! KAS = [Sarena [ine = ese eciel| ea fees [esr C06 | KS] 3 3 2 2 = = = = = = = = Head of the partment, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Mount Zion College of Engg & Tech, Pudukkottai - 622 507.
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