Dispute Form: Transaction Date Merchant Name / ATM Location & Bank Name Transaction Amount Disputed Amount
Dispute Form: Transaction Date Merchant Name / ATM Location & Bank Name Transaction Amount Disputed Amount
Dispute Form: Transaction Date Merchant Name / ATM Location & Bank Name Transaction Amount Disputed Amount
Card Number: - - -
Account Number:
Contact Number:_
Merchant Name / ATM Location & Bank Name Transaction Amount Disputed Amount
I hereby acknowledge that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge.
I hereby acknowledge that should the dispute charge(s) prove to be valid or invalid, I am responsible for the payment of all dispute
related charges and penalties as per the Bank's Schedule of Charges & VISA/Other Bank’s Charges on each disputed entry.
Where Habib Metropolitan Bank Ltd. Requires, I shall provide affidavit in form prescribed by Habib Metropolitan Bank Ltd. along
with any further information required by Habib Metropolitan Bank Ltd. for investigation and resolution of the disputed
transaction(s) claimed by me.
I hereby authorize Habibmetro bank to reverse claim amount in-case of any dispute receive in future from Visa or Merchant.
______________________________ ________________
Signature of the Card Holder/Account Holder Date