Code-of-Conduct-V3 Belstar - in
Code-of-Conduct-V3 Belstar - in
Code-of-Conduct-V3 Belstar - in
1. Introduction:
Belstar Microfinance Limited (hereinafter referred as “the Company”/”BML”) aims to
promote financial inclusion and women empowerment by extending unsecured micro
enterprise loans and credit plus assistance to the clients. The Company is a NBFC- MFI
registered with Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The Company follows various guidelines issued
by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and has also adopted Code for Responsible Lending (CRL)
developed by MFIN (Microfinance Institutions Network) the SRO (Self-Regulatory
Organization) recognized by RBI. The company strives to:
a. Promote and strengthen the Microfinance movement in the country by bringing low-
income clients to the mainstream financial sector.
b. Build progressive, sustainable, and client-centric systems and practices to provide a
range of financial services (consistent with regulation) to clients.
c. Promote cooperation and coordination among themselves and other agencies in
order to achieve higher operating standards and avoid unethical competition in
order to serve clients better.
2. Objectives:
This document defines the elements of Code for Responsible Lending (CRL) which is sector
specific and entity agnostic. Building on key regulatory customer-protection measures as
described in RBI Master Directions for NBFC-MFIs, RBI Fair Practice Code for Banks and NBFCs,
Industry Code of Conduct and RBI Charter of Customer’s Rights in the context of micro-credit
sector, CRL includes most critical elements which have been adapted by the company to
implement while delivering micro-credit loans.
3. Applicability:
This code is applicable to unsecured micro-credit loans extended by the company and more
specifically in the following activities.
d. Providing credit services to clients, individually or in groups.
e. Recovery of credit provided to clients.
f. Providing insurance and pension services, remittance services, or any other related
products and services.
g. Formation of any type of community collectives including self-help groups, joint
liability groups and their federations.
h. Business development services including marketing of products or services made or
extended by the eligible clients or for any other purpose for the welfare and benefit
of clients.
4. The Code:
The Code has five elements:
i. Fair Interaction
ii. Suitability
iii. Education & Transparency
iv. Information & Privacy
v. Grievance Redressal
4.3.2. The company must communicate all the terms and conditions to customers in the
official regional language or a language understood by them.
4.3.3. The company must provide a receipt for every payment received from the customer.
4.3.4. The company must take measures (such as training, assessment and periodic
interactions with customers) to ensure that customers fully understand the products,
process and terms of the contract.
4.3.5. The company shall disclose all terms and conditions to the clients for all services
offered. Disclosure must be made prior to disbursement in accordance with the Reserve
Bank of India’s (RBI) fair practices code, through (a) Individual sanction letter, (b) Loan card/
Loan Schedule, (c) Through Group/Centre meetings. At the minimum, the company will
disclose (a) rate of interest on a reducing balance method, (b) processing fee, (c) total
charges recovered for insurance coverage and risks covered and (d) any other charges or
fees howsoever described with prior intimation to the clients. Formal records of all
transactions must be maintained in accordance with all regulatory and statutory norms, and
borrowers’ acknowledgment/ acceptance of terms/conditions must form a part of these
4.5.2. The Company must clearly communicate the details of customer grievance redressal
in branches, loan documents and other communication materials.
6. Review:
This Code will be placed to the Board for their review annually.