By Zachary
SECTION 1. Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, Chapter 50, is amended by adding
CoV-2 or COVID-19;
(2) "Health officer" means a county health officer, as described in title 68,
chapter 2, part 6; a district health director, as described in § 68-2-704; and any other
(3) "Mask" means a material used to cover the nose and mouth of a person to
impede the spread of saliva or other fluids during speaking, coughing, sneezing, or other
(a) Notwithstanding chapter 2, part 2 of this title; chapter 13 of this title; an order
private act or local resolution or ordinance; or an executive order issued by the governor
pursuant to § 58-2-107, a local board of education or public school shall not mandate or
(1) A public school shall, to the extent practicable, provide a reasonable
persons who may come within six feet (6') of another within that
under this subsection (b) is under eighteen (18) years of age, then the
student's parent or legal guardian must provide the written request for the
(2) The school principal shall evaluate the request on behalf of the public
principal shall issue a decision approving or denying the request in writing. If the
principal denies the request, then the grounds for denial must be provided in the
principal's written decision. If the school principal approves the request, then the
setting in which all persons who may come within six feet (6') of another within
that educational setting are wearing a mask provided by the public school that
meets the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health N95
classification of air filtration, meaning that the face covering filters at least ninety-
five percent (95%) of airborne particles, including droplets containing the SARS-
(3) This section does not prohibit a local board of education or public
under the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq.).
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(1) A local board of education or public school shall not use state funds
local board of education or public school violates this subdivision (c)(1), then the
funds from the LEA or public charter school in the amount of the state funds used
subdivision (c)(1), or the attorney general and reporter may initiate legal
proceedings to recover all state funds used in violation of this subdivision (c)(1).
(c)(1) is not eligible to receive an appropriation, grant, or other funds from this
(3) This subsection (c) does not prohibit a local board of education or
public school from using state funds to purchase a mask that meets the U.S.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health N95 classification of air
filtration, meaning that the face covering filters at least ninety-five percent (95%)
SECTION 2. This act is not an appropriation of funds, and funds shall not be obligated
or expended pursuant to this act unless the funds are specifically appropriated by the general
appropriations act.
SECTION 3. This act takes effect upon becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it.
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