Comparative Energy and Exergy Analysis of R744, R404A and R290 Refrigeration Cycles
Comparative Energy and Exergy Analysis of R744, R404A and R290 Refrigeration Cycles
Comparative Energy and Exergy Analysis of R744, R404A and R290 Refrigeration Cycles
1¼ ð1Þ
qmax ¼ minfh3 h3;min ; h1;max h1 g Figure 6. Pressure – enthalpy diagram for the R744 two-stage refrigeration
Table 1. Exergy balance equations for the basic single-stage cycle and the two-stage cycle.
Basic single-stage cycle Two-stage cycle
Table 2. Exergy balance equations for the internal heat exchanger cycle and the two-stage internal heat exchange cycle.
Internal heat exchanger cycle Two-stage cycle with internal heat
Figure 9. Variation of coefficient of performance with condensing temperature Figure 11. Variation of exergy destruction ratio with evaporating
at an evaporating temperature of 2108C. temperature.
This paper presents a comparative energy and exergy analysis
of refrigerants R744, R404A and R290 operating in a single-
stage vapour compression refrigeration cycle for use in
medium temperature retail food applications. Results are also
Figure 17. Exergy destruction ratio of single-stage and two-stage R744 cycle. presented for a two-stage transcritical R744 cycle with internal
heat exchanger. The conclusions from the analysis can be sum- REFERENCES
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