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~ bai ~ glass(es)
~ ban ~ counter
~ bansen ~ th platform
~ chyuo during
~ chyuo while
~ dai ~ car, machines etc
~ dake exactly
~ do time(s)
~ eba if ~
~ fun ~ minute(s)
~ gatsu month of the year
~ go ~ language
~ goro about/ around (ref to time)
~ gurai about/ around (ref to time)
~ hai ~ glass(es)
~ in ~ employee
~ ji ~ o‘clock
~ jikan ~ hour(s)
~ jin a national or citizen
~ kagetsu ~ month(s)
~ kai ~ th floor
~ kai ~ time(s)
~ kanaa I wonder ~
~ kara because ~
~ made ni before ~
~ made ni by ~
~ mae ni before
~ mai ~ paper, stamps etc.
~ mise ~ store/ shop
~ nagara while .. Ing
~ nai uchi ni before ~
~ naide without ~
~ nen ~ year(s)
~ ni tsuite about (something)
~ nichi ~ day(s)
~ nichi day of the month
~ nin ~ people
~ niyostude depending on
~ pun ~ minute(s)
~ sai ~ years old
~ san Mr./ Mrs./ miss
~ satsu counter of book
~ shukan ~ week(s)
~ tachi if ~
~ toki wa when
~ uchi ni while
~ ya ~ shop
~ ya ~ store
~ ya and so on
~ yobi day of the week
~ yori than ~
~ yoruto according to
aa iu like that
abekobe opposite
abemasu to take bath
abimasu to take (a shower etc.)
abunai dangerous
abunakkashii uncertain
abura fat (oil)
abura lard (pork fat)
abura oil
aburake oiliness
aburakkoi fatty (food etc.)
aburamushi cockroach
achhi that over there
achira that way
aenaku sadly
aenaku tragically
agemasu to give (to somebody)
ageta fried
aibu robot
aida among
aida between
aida during
aida for
aidajuu during
aijou affection
aijou love
aijou sadness
aikotoba password
aimasu to agree with
aimasu to meet
airon iron
aisatsujou greeting card
aisu hokke ice hockey
aisu kuriimu ice cream
aisu suketo ice skating
aite imasu free
aite imasu open (free)
aji taste
ajia Asia
akacha baby
akachan baby (polite)
akadenwa public telephone
akai red
akarui bright
akemasu to open
aki autumn
akiraka clear
akirameru to give up
akkanjou bad impression
akkenai not enough
akujouken unfavorable conditions
akukanjou bad impression
akushumi bad taste
amai sweet
amaimono sweet (food)
amari not so much
amari not too much
amaru to be in excess
amaru to be left over
amaru to remain
amasu to save
amasutokoronaku fully
amasutokoronaku thoroughly
ame rain
amerika USA
anata you
anata no your
anaunsa announcer
aneki elder sister
aniki elder brother
annaijo information desk
annaishimasu to show the way
annani like that (over there)
annojou as usual
ano that over there
ano hito that person (he/she)
anshin relief
anshobangou secret number
anzuru to consider
aoi blue
apato apartment
araimasu to wash (face etc.)
aratamaru to be renewed
arawasu to display
are that over there
ariamaru to be in excess
arimasen am/ is/ are not
arimasen have not/ has not
arimasu have/ has
arisama condition
arubamu album
arui wa or
aruite on foot
arukimasu to walk
asa morning
asagohan breakfast
asaru to look for
asatte the day after tomorrow
ashi foot
ashi leg
ashita tomorrow
asobi play
asobimasu to visit
asoko that place over there
asupirin aspirin
ataeru to present
atakamoyoshi luckily
atama head
atama ga itai have a headache
atamakin deposit
atarashii new
atatakai hot
atatakii warm
ate to
ategau to supply with
atehamaru to apply (a rule)
atehamaru to be applicable
ateru to hit
ato de after that
ato de later
ato de next (referring to time)
atsui hot (food etc.)
atsui spicy (food etc.)
atsui thick
atsumaru to assemble
atsumaru to collect
atsumaru to gather
awase opposite
awaseru to be opposite
ayamaru to apologize
ayamaru to make a mistake
ayaui uncertain
ayumiyoru to compromise
ayumiyoru to step up
ba bar (cocktail lounge)
badominton badminton
bagu burger
baibai buying & selling
ban evening
ban night
banana banana
bangohan dinner
bangohan dinner
banguradesu Bangladesh
bantan all
bantan everything
basho place
basu bus
basuketuboru basketball
basutei bus stop
bata butter
baterii battery
beddo bed
bekko different
bengi advantage
bengoshi lawyer
benjiru to manage
benkei strong (man)
benkyo study
benkyoshimasu to study
benri convenient
benri handy
benri useful
benron discussion
bentatsu encouragement
benzuru to manage
beppou different method
bero to be reduced
besshite especially
besuboru baseball
betsu different
betsu separate
betsubetsu individually
betsubetsu separately
betsui different opinion
betsujin different person
betsukuchi different item
betsumondai different case
betsumondai different thing
betsunin different person
bideo video tape
biiru beer
bijinesuman businessman
bijutsukan art museum
bikkuri be surprised
binbo poor
binboukuji unlucky number
bippu very important person
biru building
bitamin vitamin
boru ball
borupen ballpoint pen
boshi cap
boshi hat
botan button
boto boat
budoshu rice wine
bukka price
bukkyo Buddhism
bukuro glove
bun fraction
bun part
bun sentence
bunboguya stationary store
bunka culture
bunpo grammar
burabura aimlessly
buraja brassier
burausu blouse
bureki brake (car)
bushou laziness
bushou military commander
butaniku pork
butsukeru to hit
butsurigaku physics
byoin hospital
byoki sick
cassetto-tepu cassette/ tape
chairo brown
chakurikushimasu to land
chaneru channel
chanoma dinning
chekku bank check
chesu chess
chi ground
chichi father
chidzimaru to be contracted
chidzimaru to be shortened
chidzimaru to shrink
chigai difference
chigaimasu no, it's not
chigau to differ (from)
chiisai little
chiisai small
chiizu cheese
chika underground
chikai near
chikaku near
chikamichi short cut way
chikaramochi strong (man)
chikatetsu subway
chikayoru to approach
chiken knowledge
chirasu to distribute
chiru to fall (e.g. blossoms)
chiru to scatter (e.g. blossoms)
chishiki knowledge
chishikikougaku information engineering
chishikikougaku knowledge engineering
chizu map
cho town
chobo dot
chobo point
chokoreto chocolate
chome small area
chomei well-known
chosetsushimasu to adjust
chosha author
choshii condition
choshuku breakfast
chotto just a minute
chotto less
chotto little
chou trillion
choujou excellent
choukyori long distance
choutatsu provision
choutatsu supply
chugakko junior high school
chugoku China
chugoku-jin Chinese
chui warning
chumonsuru to order
chuou center
chusashimasu to park (car etc.)
chusha injection
chuuban medium size
chuugara medium size
chuugata medium size
chuui average
chuukoku advice
chuukoku warning
chuumitsu thick
chuusha parking (e.g. car)
chuushajou parking lot (parking place)
chuushaku comments
chuushaku notes (comment)
chuutou average
chuuzei average height
conpyuta computer
dai charge
dai fee
daibu generally
daidokoro kitchen
daigaku university
daigakuin graduate school
daigakuin postgraduate course
daijina important
daishou compensation
daishou size
daitai almost
daitai roughly
daiyamondo diamond
daizobu all right
daizobu OK
dakara so
dakara therefore
dake only
dakedo but
damaru to be silent
dame prohibit
dame desu impossible
dandan gradually
danjo men and women
danshirio boy's room
dansu dance
dantai group
dare who
dare mo whose
dashimasu to hand in
dashimasu to send (money etc.)
dashimasu to withdrawal (money etc.)
de altogether
de and (connecting nouns)
de by
de place
de then
dearuku to go about
dearuku to go out
dearuku to take a stroll
deba knife
debabouchou knife
dedokoro origin
dedokoro source
dekakemasu to go out/ exits
dekakeru to depart
dekibae result
dekiguai result
dekimasu can
dekimasu to be able to
dekimono boil
dekiru can do
dekoreshon decoration
demasu to come out (a ticket etc.)
demasu to go out/ exits
demasu to leave
demo but
demo demonstration
demono boil
denchi battery
dendatsu communication
dendatsu delivery
dendatsu transmission (e.g. news)
denden telegraph
denkaikondensa- capacitor (electrolytic)
denki electricity
denkidai electric bill
denkikougaku electrical engineering
denkiteikou resistance (electric)
denkiyouryou capacitance
denkou electrical engineering
denpo telegraph
densetsu tradition
densha train (electric)
denshikougaku electronic engineering
dento light
dentou tradition
dentouteki conventional
dentouteki traditional
denwa telephone
denwa bokusu telephone booth
denwa cho telephone directory
denwa denden kosha T & T office
denwa kyoku telephone office
denwa-bango telephone number
denwdai telephone bill
depato departmental store
deshita was/ were
desu be/ am/ is/ are
desukara so
desukara therefore
dewa arimasen dishita was/ were not
dewa mata again (on telephone)
dezato desert
dezine design
direkuta director
doa door
dochira which way
dochira mo both
dogu instrument
dogu tool
doitsu Germany/ Dutch
dokkoi just a minute
doko where
dokoka somewhere
dokotomonaku aimlessly
dokotomonaku somehow
dokotonaku for some reason
dokotonaku somehow
dokushin unmarried
dokusho reading
donata who
dondon rapidly
dondon steadily
donna ~ what kind of ~
donokurai how long?
doo how
doo iu how
doo iu what kind off
dorai kuriiningu dry cleaning
dorai kuriinunguya dry cleaners
dorama drama
dore which one
doresu dress
dori avenue
dori road
dorobo thief
doru dollar
doshite why
dotto suddenly
doubutsuen zoo
doubutsugaku zoology
doubutsuyushi animal fat
doudentai conductor (elec)
doui similarities and differences
doujiru to agree
dousei condition
doutai conductor (electricity)
doutsuuteikou resistance (to conduction)
douyoubi Saturday
douzuru to agree
doyatte how
doyatte in what way?
e drawing (picture)
e picture
eego size
eetsu what?
eiga movie
eigakan movie theater
eigo English (language)
eki advantage
eki benefit
eki liquid
eki railway station
ekisu extract
ekitai liquid
ekushu review
emusaizu medium size
enerugi energy
enjenia engineer
enjin engine
enmusubi marriage
enpitsu pencil
enryonaku without reservation
enzuru to play
erabimasu to choose
erabu to select
erebeta elevator
erebeta lift
esukareta escalator
esusaizu small size
famiri family
femei uncertain
firipin Philippine
firumu film
foku fork
fuanshin anxiety
fuanshin uncertainty
fuasshon fashion
fuben[na] inconvenient
fuben[na] useless
fuchou bad condition
fudoutai nonconductor
fueru to increase
fugi discussion
fujin woman
fujin fuku women’s clothing
fujin yohin women’s wear
fujou uncertainty
fujuubun insufficient
fukai thick
fukakujitsu uncertain
fukamaru to intensify
fukanzen defective
fukekka failure
fukidemono boil
fukimasu to blow
fuku dress
fukumareru to be comprised of
fukumareru to be included (vi)
fukushushimasu to review
fumitodomaru to hold out
fumitodomaru to remain
fumitodomaru to stay on
fune boat
fune ship
funshitsu lost (articles)
furai fry
furansu France
furi disadvantage
furieki disadvantage
furiiza freezer
furikare transfer (money)
furikomu transfer (money)
furimasu to fall rain
furuba bath room
furui old (not for age)
furyoudoutai poor conductor
furyouhin defective product
fuseikaku uncertainty
fuseiseki failure
fushou unknown
fushubi failure
futame disadvantageous
futari two people
futashika uncertain
futatsu two
futatsunagara both
futatsutomo both
futatsuwari half (cutting in two)
futei uncertainty
futoccho fat person
futoi fat
futokorogatana confidant
futotta fat (person)
futsu ressha local/ ordinary train
futsuka 2nd
futto boil
futtoboru football
fuufuseikatsu married life
fuuga good taste
fuun unlucky
fuutou envelop
fuyasu to increase
fuyu winter
fuyuiyasumi winter vacation
ga but
gabei failure
gachi good taste
gaido guide
gaikoku foreign country
gaikoku no foreign
gaikoku no foreigner
gaikokujin foreign
gaikokukawase foreign exchange
gaishutsu to go out
gakkarishimasu to disappoint
gakkarisuruna cheer up!
gakko school
gaksee ryoshoo student card
gaku deposit
gaku study
gakubu faculty
gakujutsu science
gakuryoku knowledge
gakusei student
gakusha scholar
ganbarimasu to do one’s best
ganbaru to insist on
ganbaru to persist
garo art gallery
gasu gas
gasu renji gas range
gasudai gas bill
geki theater (play)
gekijo play (theater)
gemu game
genkan entrance (hall)
genkan main entrance
genki cheerful
genki healthy
genkizukeru to encourage
genshibutsurigaku nuclear physics
genshou decrease
gensun full size
gensundai full size
gentai failure
geto gate
getsuyoubi Monday
giji false
gijutsu skill
gijutsu technique
gijutsu technology
gimunema spice (Indian)
ginko bank
ginkoin bank employee
giron discussion
gita guitar
go 5
go after
go to be clear
gobentatsu encouragement
go-gatsu May
gogo afternoon
gogo p.m.
gohan meal
gohan rice (meal)
gohyaku 500
gojippun 50 minutes
gojo benefit
gojuppon 50 minutes
gomaabura sesame oil
gomi waste
gomibako wastepaper basket
gomu gum
gomu rubber (gum)
gorufo golf
gosen 5,000
goshinpainaku don't worry (id)
goshinpainaku never mind
go-shujin husband (someone’s)
goukaku success
goukei total (amount)
gozen a.m.
guramu gram
gurasu glass
gurupu group
guzuguzu slowly
gyaku opposite
gyokairoi fish & seafood dish
gyuniku beef
gyunyu milk
gyunyuten dairy
gyutto hard (things)
ha tooth
haa yes
haburashi toothbrush
hachi 8
hachi-gatsu August
hadagi inner
haha mother
hai yes
haiiro gray
haikingu hiking
hairiguchi gate
hairimasu to come into
hairimasu to enroll
hairimasu to enter
hairu Live Long!
hairu to break into
hairu to join
haitatsu delivery
haitatsu distribution
haizara ashtray
hajimairimasu to begin
hajimairimasu to start
hajimemasu to start
hajimete for the first time
hakagi postcard
hakarau to manage
hakensaseru to be sent
hakimasu to wear (shoes, trouser etc.)
hakkiri clearly
hako box
hakobidasu to carry out
hakobikomu to carry in
haku to put on (lower body)
hakubutsukan museum
hakusai chinese cabbage
hama seashore
hamaru to fit
hamaru to get into
hamaru to suit
hamigaki toothpaste
han half past
hana nose
hanashi talk
hanashichu the line is busy
hanashimasu to speak
hanashimasu to talk
hanasuau to discuss
hanayasai cauliflower
hanbagu hamburger
hanbun half
handobaggu handbag
handoboru handball
handoutai semiconductor
hanjiru to solve
hankache handkerchief
hankou resistance
hanma hammer
hansamu handsome
hansetsu half size
hantai resistance
hantaigawa opposite side
hanzento clearly
happoumarukuosamaru to find a solution (after struggle)
happyaku 800
haraikomu to deposit
haraimasu to pay
hare clear (sky)
hareichijikosame clear
harimasu to paste (stamp etc.)
haru spring
hasamaremasu to shut (close)
hasami scissors
hashi bridge
hashiru to run
hasi chopsticks
hassen 8,000
hastuboo presentation
hatarakikakeru to appeal to
hatarakikakeru to influence
hatarakikakeru to work on someone
hatarakimasu to work
hatasu to carry out
hatsubyou to attack (disease)
hatsuhinode first sunrise (of New Year)
hatsuka 20th
hatsumei invention
hattatsu development
hattatsu growth (development)
hatten develop
hayai fast
hayai speedy
hayaku as soon as possible
hayaku early
hayaku soon
hayamaru to be rash
hayaru to be popular
hazu to be expected
hazure failure
heijitsu weekday
heikin average
heikinten average mark
heki false
hensoku irregularity
hensokuki transmission
herasu to decrease
herikopta helicopter
heya room
hi fire
hiboshi starving
hidari left
hidarigawa left side
higashi east
higashi no eastern
hiita heater
hijo emergency
hijo hard
hijo deguchi emergency exit
hijou emergency
hijouyou for emergency use
hikari express bullet train
hikidasu to draw (money)
hikidasu to take out
hikidasu to take out (money)
hikikaeken order slip
hikikaeshimasu to repeat
hikikaeshimasu to send back
hikimasu to play (a piano etc)
hikinobasu to delay
hikishimaru to be tightened
hikishimaru to become tense
hikitatsu to become active
hikitatsu to look better
hikiwatasu to deliver
hikkakeru to hook
hikoki aircraft/ airplane
hikui low
hikumaru to be lowered
hikumaru to lower
hima free time
hima[na] free (referring to time)
himotsuki conditional
hinichi day
hinkyaku visitor
hinode sunrise
hinomaru the Japanese flag
hiramekasu to display
hiroba square
hiroi wide
hiroidasu to select
hiromaru to be propagated
hiromaru to spread
hiru noon
hirugohan lunch
hiruma day time
hiru-yasumi lunch period
hisho secretary
hito person
hitoawafukaseru to give a surprise
hitobito people
hitogokoro kindness
hitogokoro sympathy
hitokoro once
hitokoro some time ago
hitori one person
hitori de alone
hitoshio especially
hitotachi people
hitotamarimonaku easily
hitotamarimonaku helplessly
hitotokoro the same place
hitotsu one (things etc.)
hitsuyo necessary
hitto hit
hiyowai weak
hizumu to distort
hizumu to warp
hobo almost
hobo approximately
hobo roughly
hodou footpath
hoikuen day nursery
hoka other
hokan deposit
hokani in addition to
hokenkanrishitsu health control center
hokenshoo medical insurance
hokke hockey
hokorobiru to begin to open
hokoru to be proud of
homekotoba compliment
ho-mu platform
hon book
hondou highway
honkaidou main road
honshoku an expert
hontou true
hontouni really
hon-ya book store
hoseki jewelry
hoseki ornaments
hoshekiten jewelry store
hoshii to want
hoshii desu should/would like
hoshiku arimasen should/would not like
hoshoukin deposit
hosoi fine (thin)
hosoi thin
hossuru to want
hosuteru hostel
hotchikisu stapler
hoteru hotel
hotondo almost
hotondo mostly
hou my doughter
hou to (direction)
houjiru to obey
houkoku information
houkoku report (information)
houkokusha reporter
houmon a visit
houzuru to obey
houzuru to present
hyaku 100
hyakuman 1,000,000 (one million)
hyoo list
ichi 1
ichiba market
ichiban number one
ichiban the most
ichibutsu excellent person
ichido mo never
ichidokini at a time
ichi-gatsu January
ichiman 10,000
ichininmae adult
ichiriichigai advantages and disadvantages
ichirui same kind
idenshikougaku genetic engineering
idetatsu to leave
idetatsu to start
idokoro address
idou difference
igi different meaning
igirisu Britain
ihyou surprise
ii desu good
ii tenki good weather
iidasu to tell
iikagen irresponsible
iimasu to say
ijin different person
ijoo desu concluded
ijou more than
ijou desu that's all
ikaga how
iken different opinion
iken opinion
ikigai very important
ikimasu to go
ikinokoru survive
ikitai desu would like to go
ikkini at once
ikkyou surprise
ikura how much?
ikura [~ te mo] even if
ikura [~ te mo] however ~
ikutsu how many (things etc.)?
ima living room
ima now
imasen am/ is/ are not
imasu be/ am/ is/ are
imasu to be
imeji image
imi meaning
imiteshon imitation
imouto younger sister
imouto-san younger sister
inai within
inchi inch
indasutoriaruenjiniaringu industrial engineering
indo India
indo-jin Indian
ingamono unlucky person
inkaden'atsu applied voltage
inkan seal
inku ink
inokoru to remain
inshuu tradition
intabyu interview
inu dog
ippan-kenshu general orientation
irai request
iremasu to insert
iremasu to put in
iremasu to switch on
iribitaru to stay long
iriguchi entrance
iriguchi gate
irimasu to need
iroiro various
irounaku complete
irounaku without omission
isei different name
isha doctor
ishoku different color
isobe seashore
isogimasu to be hurry
issei a lifetime
issho together
isshoni together with
isu chair
itadakimasu to receive
itadakimasu to take
itadaku to get
itai painful
itaria Italy
itarutokoro everywhere
itawarimasu to console
itawaru to sympathize with
itsu when
itsudemo anytime
itsuka 5th
itsupou on the other hand
itsutsu five
itto first-class
iu to say
iu to tell
izuremo arbitrary
jaketsu jacket
jamu jam
jerri jelly
jettoki jet airplane
ji hand writing
jibiki dictionary
jibun oneself
jibun season
jibun time of the year
jibun de by myself
jibunkatte selfish (very)
jibuntachi themselves
jidosha automobile
jidosha vehicle
jidouhanbaiki automatic vending machine
jigutsu engineering
jigutsu technology
jikan time
jikan desu time is up
jiken accident
jiki at once
jikinisashikakeru to get close to the time
jikken experiment
jikkuri carefully
jikoku time
jikoshookai self-introduction
jimusha office
jinbutsukeizai human engineering
jinchi knowledge
jinkou population
jintou population
jisa time difference
jishin earthquake
jishou dictionary
jisoku per hour
jissai actual condition
jissen solid line
jisshushimasu to do practical training
jiten dictionary
jitensha cycle
jitsujou actual circumstances
jo castle
jobun introduction
joho information
jojibun description
joojuna skillful
joojuna ni skillfully
jootatsusuru to improve
jootatsusuru to make progress
josei aiding
josei assistance
josei assisting
josei encouragement
josei female voice
josei schoolgirl
josei woman
joshirio ladies room
joubu solid
jousei condition
joushaken passenger ticket
joushubi success
joutai condition
joutatsu advance
joutatsu improvement
joutatsu progress
jouzu good speaker
ju 10
juchi-gatsu November
ju-gatsu October
jugyo class (a group of student)
jugyo lesson
juichi 11
juichi-han half past eleven
juichi-nichi 11th (of the month)
jukokuhyu schedule
jukokuhyu time-table
juman 100,000 (one lakh)
junbi preparation
juni-gatsu December
juni-nichi 12th (of the month)
juni-sai 12 years old
junkyu local/ ordinary train
juryou acknowledge
juso address
jusu juice
juubun enough
juubun sufficient
juudai weighty
juumin population
juunibun more than enough
juuoku billion
juurai traditional
ka or
kaban bag
kaban briefcase
kabe wall
kaburimasu to wear (a hat etc.)
kaburu to put on (upper body)
kaden electric charge
kadenshi valence electron
kadenshijoutai valence state
kadenshitai valence band
kado corner
kado gate
kaerimasu to go home
kaerimasu to return to home
kaeshimasu to give back
kaeshimasu to return (something)
kagaku science
kagakukougaku chemical engineering
kagami mirror
kagi key
kai floor
kai result
kaichou excellent condition
kaidan stair
kaigan beach
kaigi conference
kaigi meeting
kaiginittei conference program
kaihei opening & closing
kaiketsu solution
kaimasu to buy
kaimonoshimasu to do shopping
kaisha company
kaishain company employee
kaiteki comfortable
kaitou solution
kaiwa conversion
kajitsu nut
kakarimasu to hangs
kakarimasu to take time
kakei elder brother
kakemasu to wear (glasses etc.)
kakemasu [denwa o~] to make a phone call
kakeru cause
kakeru play
kakeru to advance
kakeru to be lacking
kakeru to construct
kakeru to dial (e.g. phone)
kakeru to fly
kakeru to hang
kakeru to put on
kakeru to risk
kakeru to run
kakeru to sit
kakeru to turn on
kakiireru to carry in
kakikata how to write
kakikata method of writing
kakikata writing
kakimasu to draw or paint
kakimasu to write
kakoi good looking
kamaimasen alright
kamaimasen does not matter
kamera camera
kami delicious taste
kami hair
kami paper
kamoshirenai may
kamoshirenai may be
kamoshirenai perhaps
kamoshirenai possibly
kanai wife (own)
kanashii sad
kandenchi battery
kanekimasu thirsty
kanemochi rich
kangae idea
kangaemasu to consider
kangaemasu to think
kangaero regard
kanji feeling
kankaku visitors
kankei connection
kankei relation
kankeisha authorized person
kanken investigation
kankoubiza tourist visa
kankoukyaku tourist
kankyou interest
kanojo she
kanoukin deposit
kanshin favour
kantan simple
kantan[na] easy
kantanni simply
kanzen na complete
kanzen na perfect
kanzen na ni completely
kanzen na ni perfectly
kao face
kaokatachi features
kaokatachi looks
kapetto carpet
kara from
kara reason
kara- color
karada body
karadatsuki figure
karai spicy (hot taste)
karamaru to be involved
kare he
karera they
karera no their
karidasu to take out
karimasu to borrow
karui light
karyou successful
kasa umbrella
kasanekakeru to overlap
kashi Fahrenheit
kashikomaru to obey respectfully
kashimasu to lend
kashu good taste
kashu singer
kasuka weak
kata how to
kata method
kata model
katachi figure
katachi form
katachi form (shape)
katachi pattern
katachi shape
katachi type
katadzuku to solve
katai hard (things)
katai solid
katajikenakumo graciously
katamichi one-way
katayoru to incline
katazukemasu to put (thing) in order
katei family
katen curtain
katorikku Catholicism
kawaii cute
kawaii pretty
kawakimashita thirsty
kawandearu a must to buy
kawari difference
kawarimasen constant
kawarinaku constantly
kawarinaku eternally
kawarinaku unchangeably
kawatta different
kayoubi Tuesday
kaze wind
kaze o hikimashita have caught a cold
kazoeru to count
kazoeru to count
kazoku family
keiee management
keikai warning
keikaku inclination
keikaku plan
keikaku program
keikaku project
keikaku schedule
keikaku scheme
keikakusuru to make plan
keikan police officer
keisatsucho police station
keitai figure
keizai economics
keizai economy
keki cake
kekko fine (nice/ well)
kekko nice
kekko desu good
kekkon-shimasu to get married
kekkou well enough
kenbutsushimasu to do sightseeing
kenchiku architecture
kengaku visit for study & observation
kengakusha visitor (to lab)
kengakushimasu to visit
kenjitsu solid
kenka nut
kenko healthy
kenkyoin researcher
kenkyoshimasu to do research
kenkyoshitsu laboratory
kenpi condition of health
kenrou solid
kenshusei trainee
kenzoku family
keredomo but
kesa this morning
keshigomo eraser
keshimasu to turn off (a light etc.)
kesu to erase
ki o tsukemasu to pay attention to
kichi well-known
kiga daily life
kiiroi yellow
kiitai minimum
kiji article
kijustu technology
kikai machinery
kiki machinery and tools
kikimasu to ask
kikimasu to listen
kikoku return to country
kikyuu emergency
kimaru to be decided
kimaru to be settled
kimasu to come
kimasu to wear (a shirt etc.)
kimeru to decide
kinchoshimasu to have a frustration
kino yesterday
kinomi nut
kinshi prohibition
kinyoubi Friday
kion temperature (weather)
kippari clearly
kippu ticket
kirai hate
kiraina dislike
kiraku comfortable
kirei beautiful
kirei clean
kiri fog
kirimasu put on
kirimasu to cut
kirimasu to switch off
kirimawasu to manage everything
kiro kilogram
kiro kilometer
kiro to wear (shirt etc.)
kisan starting to count
kiseru to put on clothes
kissaten coffee shop
kita north
kita no northern
kitai gas
kitsuto do doubt
kitsuto surely
kitte postage stamp
kitto surely
kiwamaru to terminate
ko port
koburi small size
kocha black tea
kochhi here
kochikochi hard (things)
kochira this way
kodama ordinary bullet train
koden tradition
kodo auditorium
kodomo child
kodzutsumi parcel
koen park
kogata small size
kogi lecture
kogitte check (bank)
kohii coffee
koi thick
koibito lover
koji tradition
kojo factory
kojutsumi package
koka coin
koki-katei doctorate program
koko here
kokobetsubetsu each one separately
kokochiyoi comfortable
kokonoka 9th
kokonotsu nine
kokorobosoi helpless
kokorobosoi hopeless
kokoroe knowledge
kokoromiru to try
kokubin air mail
kokuhaku acknowledgement
kokunai domestic
kokunai internal
kokusai international
kokusei nationality
kokuseki nationality
kokutatsu notification
komarimasu to be worried
komarimasu to become trouble
komarimasu to have a problem
komatta koto trouble
kome rice
komichi lane (road etc.)
komichi path
komuin govt. employee
konban tonight
kondo next time
kondou confusion
kongetsu this month
konkai lately
konkai now
konkai this time
konnai like this
kono this
konoaida the other day
konome preference
konsato concert
konshu this week
koo iu like this
koo yatte in this way
koohai junior
kookanshu operator
koomuin govt. officer
kopiishimasu to make a photocopy
koppu cup
koraeru to stand
kore this
korekara from now on
korekara soon
korera these
koru to be absorbed in
koshikakeru to sit
koshikakeru to sit down
kosho break down
kosho out of order
koshou pepper
koshu public
koso too
kosui perfume
kotae answer
kotaeru to answer
kotaeru to reply
koto coat
kotoatarashiku specially
kotoba language
kotoba speech
kotoba word
kotonaku uneventfully
kotonaku without accident
kotoni above all
kotoni difference
kotoni especially
kotoshi this year
kototariru to be satisfied
kototariru to serve the purpose
kotowaru to report
kotowaru to tell
kou result
kou to ask
kou to request
kougaku engineering
kougakuka engineering department
kouka engineering course
kouka result
koukanreito exchange rate
koukateki successful
koukoku advertisement
koukousei high school
koumu engineering
kounou benefit
kousaku cable
kousaten crossing (road)
kousaten intersection (road)
kousei future life
kousou resistance
koutatsu official announcement
kouza account (bank)
kouzento loudly (laugh)
kowagaru to be afraid
ku 9
ku pain
ku ward
kubaru to deliver
kubaru to distribute
kuchi mouth
kuchibashiru to tell
kudamonoya fruit shop
kudasaimasu to give (to junior)
ku-gatsu September
kuichigau to cross each other
kuichigau to differ
kuji 9 o’clock
kuji gojuppon 9:50
kukkiri clearly
kuko airport
kumanaku to do something completely
kumi bitter taste
kumori cloudy
kuni country
kura air conditioner
kurai dark
kurasu class (a group of student)
kuremasu to give (something to me)
kurikaeshimasu to repeat
kuroboshi failure
kuroi black
kurossuwado crossword puzzle
kurouto expert
kuruma car
kurushimu to be worried
kusareru to be broken down
kusareru to decompose
kusareru to spoil
kushi comb
kusuri medicine
kusuriya pharmacy
kutsu shoe
kutsushita socks
kuukichousei air conditioning
kyabetsu cabbage
kyakuma living room
kyo today
kyodai brothers and sisters
kyoka holiday
kyoka permission
kyokai church
kyokaso text book
kyonen last year
kyoomigaaru to be interested in
kyoryou payment
kyoryou salary
kyoshi teacher
kyoshitsu class room
kyou neither (neg)
kyoudan platform
kyougaku surprise
kyoujou professor
kyoumi interest
kyu 9
kyuhyaku 900
kyuko ressha express train
kyusen 9,000
kyuukan emergency case
kyuukei onion
maa in that case
maa well
machi town
machiaishitsu waiting room
machigaemasu to make a mistake
machigai mistake
machimasu to carry
machimasu to wait
machinozomu to look for
machiwabiru to be tired of waiting
mada not yet
mada still
made as far as
made even
made until
made up to
mado window
madoguchi counter (bank etc.)
madoguchi ticket window
mae before
mae front
mae in front of
maegaki preface
magarimus to turn left, right etc
mai sheets
maiasa every morning
maiban every night
mainichi everyday
mairu mile
mairu to visit
maishu every week
maketto market
makikomu rolling
makotoni absolutely
makotoni indeed
makotoni really
makura pillow
makuroenjiniaringu macroengineering
mamonaku before long
mamonaku in a short time
mamonaku soon
mamoru to obey
manbennaku all around
manbennaku all over
manbennaku equally
manbennaku thoroughly
manbennaku uniformly
manbennaku without exception
maneja manager
maneki invitation
maniau to be in time
manmato successfully
mannaka middle
mareshia Malaysia
maro I, you
marobu to fall down
maroyaka circular
maroyaka round
maroyaka spherical
maruku mark
masaji message
masamichi the correct path
masugu straight on
mata again
matchi match
matomeru to collect
matsuru to present
matsusugu straight
matte imasu to wait for
mawaru to visit several places
mawashimasu to dial (tel etc.)
mawashimasu to rotate
mawashimasu to turn
mazu at first
me eye
meboshi objective
medama yaki tamago fried egg
medikaruenjiniaringu medical engineering
megani eyeglasses
meijin expert
meirou clear
meishi business/name card
meisho famous place
meishu expert
meitou correct answer
meka manufacturer
men cotton
menmitsu careful
menrui noodle dish
menyu menu
meron watermelon
mewomanmarunisuru to be very surprised
mezamashi dokei alarm clock
mi nut
michi method
michi not yet known
michi road
michi street
michi way (path)
michibata roadside
michibiki guidance
michibikidasu to derive
michibiku to be guided
michibiku to be shown
michinori distance
michiru to be full
michiru to expire
michiru to mature
michiru to rise (tide)
michishio flow
midori green
migi right (direction)
migigawa right side
migiyaka clever
mihattatsu undeveloped
mihon sample
miidasu to discover
mijikai short (measurement)
mikakeru to (happen to) see
mikakeru to notice
mikan orange
mikenno unknown
mikka 3rd
miman insufficient
mimasu to look
mimasu to look at
mimasu to see
mimasu to watch
mimi ear
minami south
minami no southern
minasan everyone
minasan ladies and gentlemen
minkan popular
minna all (people)
miruku milk
mise store
misemasu to show (something)
miseru to display
mishiranu unknown
misoshiro set meal
misumasu to observe carefully
mitateru to choose
mitateru to select
mitomeru to approve
mitoru meter
mitsukaru to be found
mitsukeru to discover
mittsu three
miyako capital
mizugi swimsuit
mo either
mo too
mo ichido once more
mo sukoshi a little more
mochidashimasu to carry out
mochidashimasu to take out
mochikakeru to offer a suggestion
mochikakeru to propose an idea
mochimasu to hold
mochiron of course
modan modern
modorimasu to return (something)
mokuromi a program
mokuyoubi Thursday
momoiro pink
monbushou ministry of education
mondai problem
monoreru monorail
moo already
moo more
moraimasu to receive
moshi if
moshi in case
moshi [~ tara] if ~
moshikasuruto by some chance
moshikasuruto maybe
moshikasuruto perhaps
moshimasu speaking
moteru to be popular
motomeru to request
motomeru to want
motsu have
motte ikimasu to take (something)
motte imasu have/ has
motte iru to bring
motte kimasu to bring (something)
motto more
motto motor
motto chiisai smaller
mou also
moumoutaru thick
mousetsu false
moushiageru to tell
moushiawaseru to arrange
moushideru to tell
moushiukeru to ask for
muika 6th
mukiau to be opposite
mukou beyond
mukou invalid
mukou no effect
mukou opposite direction
mukou opposite direction
mukou over there
mukou unavailable
mukougawa opposite side
mukougawa opposite side
mukougawa other party
mukougawa other side
mukougishi the opposite bank
mukoukizu wound
musenkougaku radio engineering
musubi conclusion
musubime knot
musuko son
musume daughter
muttsu six
muzukashii difficult
myouga Japanese ginger
myouri advantage
nadakai famous
nadakai well-known
nademo everything
nado and so on
nado etc.
nagai long
nagai aida for a long time
nagarekomu to flow
nagareru to flow
naguru to hit
naibu internal
naibuteki internal
naifu knife
naiki tradition
naimenteki internal
naitogaun nightgown
naizaiteki internal
naka among
naka in (inside)
naka inside
nakanaka..nai not easily
nakandzuku especially
nakane average price
naku to bark
naku to cry
naku to make a sound (animal)
naku to sing (bird)
nakunaru to die
nakunaru to disappear
nakunaru to get lost
nakunasu to lose someone (child etc.)
nakunasu to miss
nakushimasu to lose
nakusu to lose something
nakutemo ii don't have to
nakutemo ii need not
namae name
namamono raw
nami average
namonai unknown
nan what
nana 7
nanahyaku 700
nanasen 7,000
nanatsu seven
nan-bango what number?
nan-gatsu what month of the year?
nani what
nanigenaku calmly
nanigenaku unintentionally
nanika something
nanikuretonaku in various ways
nanimo nothing
nanimo which
nanin how many (people etc.)?
naninani what are the items?
nanitonaku other
nanitonaku somehow
nan-ji what time?
nankai difficult
nankai how many times?
nankinmame peanut
nan-nichi what date of the month?
nanoka 7th
nan-sai how old?
nan-yobi what day of the week?
naoshimasu to correct
naoshimasu to repair
napukin napkin
nara if ~
narabu to stand in a line
naraimasu to learn
narashi average
narau to play
narimasu become
naritatsu to conclude
naritatsu to consist of
nasu brinjal
nasu eggplant
natsu summer
natsukashii miss
natsu-yasumi summer vacation
nayamu to be worried
nayonayo weak
naze why
nedan price
negau to request
nekkuresu necklace
neko cat
nekutai tie
nemasu to go to bed
nemasu to sleep
nemu sleepy
nendo fiscal year
netsu temperature (body etc.)
netsu ga arimasu have a fever
ni 2
ni in/ on/ into/ at/ to (particle)
nibun no ichi ½
nichanicha slimy
nichijouseikatsu daily life
nichiyoubi Sunday
nigai bitter
nigate weak in
nigatedearu to be bad at
nigatedearu to be poor at
nigatedearu to be weak in
ni-gatsu February
nigiyaka lively
nigiyaka noisy
nihon Japan
nihongo Japanese language
nihon-jin Japanese
nihyaku 200
niju 20
nijuichi 21
nijuichi-nichi 21st
niku meat
niku ryori meat dish
nikui hard (things)
nimotsu baggage
nimotsu parcel
ninau to carry
ninchi acknowledgement
ningyo doll
ninjuu number of people
ninki popular
ninkigaeru to be popular
ninkimono popular person
ninniku garlic
ninzin carrot
nisen 2,000
nishi west
nishi no western
nita cocked
nitatsu to boil
nitemasu similar
nito second-class
niwa garden
niyoro depend on
no of/ ‘s
nobaru to climb
nobiyaka comfortable
node being that
nokeru to take away
nokoru to be left
nokoru to remain
nokotta remaining
nomide more than enough
nomimasu to drink
nomimono beverage
nomimono drinks
norikaemasu to change (a train etc.)
noriki interest
norimasu to get on (a train etc.)
norimasu to ride
noronoro slowly
nosonoso slowly
noto notebook
nugimasu to take off (cloths etc.)
nugu to take off clothes
nugui towel
nuranura slimy
nureru to get wet
nurunuru slimy
nusumu nusumu
nyou urine
nyuukin deposit of (money)
obaasan grandmother
obasan/ oba aunt
obiru to carry
oboemasu to memorize
oboemasu to remember
ocha green tea
ochiru to crash
ochiru to degenerate
ochiru to drop
ochiru to fail (e.g. exam)
ochiru to fall down
odorokasu to surprise
odoroki surprise
odoroku to be surprised
ofuku round-trip
ofuro bath
ofuronihairu to take a bath
oikakeru to pursue
o-ikutsu how old?
oisha-san doctor
oishii delicious
oishii tasty
oitomasuru to leave
oitomasuru to say good buy
ojiisan grandfather
ojisan/ oji uncle
okane money
okasan mother (to call)
okashi cake
okashi candy
okashi snacks
okashi sweet (food)
okashi sweet cake
okii big
okii large
okimasu to get up
okimasu to keep
okimasu to put
okimasu to woke up
okoru to get angry
okoru to happen
okoru to occur
okoru to rise
okotarazuni carefully
oku a lot
oku end
okura okra
okurasu to delay
okureru to be late
okurete imasu to late
okurimasu to see (someone) home
okurimasu to send
okurishimasu to broadcast
okuritodokeru to deliver
okusan wife (someone’s)
omiyage gift (presentation)
omiyage presentation (gift)
omo important
omoi heavy
omoi important
omoidasu remember
omoimasu to think
omonaru important
omonpakaru to consider
omoomoshii frequently
omoomoshii serious
omoomoshii sincerely
omoshiro interesting
omoshiroi amusing
omoshiromi fun
omoshiromi interest
omotai important
omotedatsu to be known
onaji same
onaka stomach
ondo temperature (foods, things etc.)
onesan elder sister
ongaku music
ongakuka musician
oniisan elder brother
onkei benefit
onna no hito woman
onna no ko girl
onna no kyodai sister
onoono either
ontaku benefit
ooi a lot
ooi many
ooi much
ookisa size
oomono important person
oosetsukeru to request
orenji orange
orikara at that time
orimasu to get off (from a train etc.)
orimasu to get out
osaeru to control
osake alcohol
osameru to supply
osara plate
oshiemasu to teach
oshiemasu to tell
oshimasu to press
oshimasu to push
oshogatsu new year
osoi late
osoi slow
osoikakarimasu to attack
otaku house
otearai toilet
otera temple
oto sound
oto volume
otoko no hito man
otoko no ko boy
otoko no kyodai brother
otona adult
otosan father (to call)
ototoi the day before yesterday
otouto younger brother
otouto-san younger brother
otsuri change
oukan bottle cap
oukyuu emergency
ouyoubutsurigaku applied physics
owarimasu to finish
owatta finished
oyobi and
oyobi as well as
oyogimasu to swim
pacchiri clear (eyes)
pan bread
pan pajamas
panteii panty
panteii underwear
pantsu pants
panya bakery
pasu pass (free ticket)
pasupoto passport
pati party
patto suddenly
peji page
pen pen
pikuniku picnic
pi-man green pepper
pin-pon table tennis
pondo pound
posuto post box
potteri fat
purezento gift
purezento presentation
puru swimming pool
raibusho live show
raigetsu next month
raihin visitor
raihousha visitor
raikyaku visitor
rainen next year
raishu next week
raita lighter
raiyuusha tourist
raiyuusha visitor
rajio radio
ran blank
ranpu lamp
referi referee
rei 0
rei ten go 0.5
reibou air-conditioning
reiboukanbi air-conditioned
reibousha air-conditioned car
reink-oto raincoat
reizoko refrigerator
rekiden tradition
remon lemon
renshu practice
renshushimasu to do practice
rensusuru to practice
repoto report
reshitu receipt
resutoran restaurant
ri advantage
ri benefit
rigai advantages and disadvantages
rigai interest
rigaku physical science
rika science
rikei science
rikiddo liquid
rikishi strong (man)
rikou science & technology
rikuesuto request
ringo apple
rio dormitory
riooshoosha receipt
riori cocked food dish
rippa excellent
rishi interest (bank)
risoku interest (bank)
risuto list
riten advantage
rittoru liter
riyoten saloon
robii lobby
robotto robot
roku 6
roku-gatsu June
rokuni enough
rokuni sufficient
rokusen 6,000
ronbun academic journal
ronbun paper (academic journal)
ronbun thesis
rongi discussion
roppyaku 600
roshia Russia
rui family
rui weak
ryogae money exchange
ryokan inn
ryokin fare
ryoko journey
ryoko tour
ryoko trip
ryokosha tourist
ryokosha travel agency
ryokosha traveler
ryoshin parents
ryou reason
ryoushou acknowledgement
ryouto acknowledgement
sa difference
sabetsu discrimination
sabishii home sick
sabishii lonely
sabisu service
sagaku difference
sagashiateru to discover
sagashimasu to look for
sagasu to find
sagasu to search for
sagasu to seek
saguru to look for
sai difference
saifu moneybag
saigoni at last
saigoni finally
saikin recently
saikou maximum
sain sign
sain signature
sainyuukoku re-entry into a country
sainyuukokukyoka immigration re-entry permit
sainyuukokukyoukasho re-entry permit
sainyuuku re-entry
saisho beginning
saisho the first
saishou least
saishou lowest
saishou minimum
saishou smallest
saishouka minimization
saisoku request
saisou Prime Minister
saisou re-send
saisouzou recreation
saizu size
saji spoon
sakadatsu to stand up
sakana fish
sakanaya fish market
sakanna prosperous
sakanninaru to become popular
sakka soccer
sakki a little while ago
sakujou cable
sakura cherry blossom
sakuzu drawing (figures)
sambun no ni 2/3
sambyaku 300
samoshii selfish
samui cold (weather)
san 3
san Mr./Mrs./ Ms (honorable)
san-bansen platform no. 3
sanbutsu result
sandaru sandal
sandoicchi sandwich
san-gatsu March
sangurasu sunglasses
sangyou industry
sanjuichi-nichi 31st
sanju-nichi 30th
sanpatsu haircut
sanposhimasu to take a walk
sanshou Japanese pepper
sanzen 3,000
sapparishita clean
sarada salad
sarasara rustle
saseru to make (someone) do
sashiagemashita to give (to senior)
sashidasu to present
sashidasu to submit
sashimi raw fish
sasoiaimasu to ask each other
sasoiwokakeru to call out
sasoiwokakeru to invite
sasou to invite
sassoku at once
sasu to play
sato sugar
satsu bill
satsu currency
satsu note (money)
satsuka writer
satto suddenly
sawagashii noisy
sawagashimasu to annoy
sawagashimasu to bother
sawagashimasu to cause trouble
sawagasu to harass
sawarimasu to touch
sayousuru to control
sazukeru to award
sazukeru to grant
sazukeru to teach
se ga takai high (measurement)
se ga takai tall
sei ga hikui short
seifu government
seihin products
seijigaku political science
seijin adult
seijou clean
seikatsu daily life
seikatsu life (one's daily existence)
seikatsu living
seikatsuhi living expenses
seikoosha bill
seikou success
seikouri success
seikyou success
seikyuu request
seinen adult age
seisui clear (pure) water
seisuru to control
seiten fair
seitou correct answer
seitou due
seitou just
seitou justifiable
seitou proper
seitou right
seitou traditional
seiyaku condition
seizei at best
sekai world
seki gate
seki seat
sekken soap
sekyu petroleum
semai narrow (room)
semai small (room)
semete at least
sen 1,000
sen bottle cap
sen carefully
sen subway line
senchi centimeter
sengetsu last month
seni textile
senkyo co-op shop
senkyo election
senman 10,000,000 (one billion)
senmon expert
senmon specialization of study
senpai elder
senpai senior
sensee teacher
senshu last week
senta center
sentaku laundry
sentakushimasu to wash (cloths etc.)
sentakuya laundry
serotepu sellotape (clear adhesive tape)
sesshi centigrade
sessuru to save
seta sweater
setsujitsuni strongly
setsumeishimasu to explain
sezoku popular
shaken vehicle inspection
shako garage
shashin photograph
shashin picture (photo)
shatsu shirts
shawa shower
shi 4
shi city
shi death
shibumi good taste
shichi 7
shichi-gatsu July
shidai circumstances
shidokyukan academic advisor
shi-gatsu April
shigoto business
shigoto work
shiharai payment (bill)
shihei bill (note)
shihoto o shimasu to work
shika nothing but
shikakeru to commence
shikaku capabilities
shikashi however
shikatta the best way
shiken examination
shikikin deposit (security)
shikumu to arrange
shimarimasu to close (door etc.)
shimasen do not
shimasu to do
shimasu to play (a game etc.)
shimasu to try
shime to show
shimemasu to close
shimemasu to shut
shinai local
shinbun newspaper
shingaki new semester
shingou traffic light
shinkanshen bullet train
shinnin acknowledge
shinnyu kinshi do not enter
shinpaishimasu to be worried
shinpin new type
shinrin forests
shinrin wood
shinsei request
shinseki relatives
shinsetsu kind
shinsha new car
shinshaku consideration
shinshi gentleman
shinshitsu bed room
shio salt
shirabemasu to check up
shirabemasu to investigate
shiranai unknown
shiriau to get to know (someone)
shirimasu to get to know
shiroi white
shisangoukei total assets
shishi lion
shishitou green pepper
shistumonsuru to ask
shisutemu system
shisutemuenjiniaringu systems engineering
shita below
shita beneath
shita down
shita under
shita no younger
shitagau to obey
shitsu wa to tell the truth
shitsumeishi unknown person
shitsumon question
shitsumonsuru to ask question
shitte imasu to know
shitteiru to know
shizuka quiet
shizuka ni quietly
shochhi there
shofu housewife
shogakkoo elementary school
shokai introduce
shokaishimasu to introduce
shokka between meall
shokkengakari cashier
shokubutsuyu vegetable oil
shokudou cafeteria
shokudou canteen
shokugo after meal
shokuji meal
shokuji-shimasu to have a meal
shokuryohinten grocery store
shokuzen before meal
shontegai shopping center
shoogakukin scholarship
shoomen front
shooshoo for a moment
shoron introduction
shorui document
shosai study room
shoshinsha beginner
shoubainin expert
shouga ginger
shoukai introduction
shoukinwokakeru to offer a prize
shounin acknowledgement
shousei invitation
shousui urine
shoutai invitation
shozuku department
shujin husband (own)
shukan week
shukudai homework
shumi hobby
shuppansha publisher
shuppatsu departure
shushou Prime Minister
shuto capital city
shuuchi well-known
shuukyou religion
shuutou careful
shuuyounouryoku capacity
shuuyouryoku capacity
shuzoku family
singou signal (traffic)
so so
soba noodles
sobou hard (things)
sochira that way
sofa sofa
sofubo grandparents
sokkoku at once
soko there
sokushimasu to agree with
son disadvantage
sonna that kind of
sonnani like that
sonnani so much
sono that (there)/ those
sonogo after that
sonota etc. (written)
sonota others
sonotame for that reason
sonotame hence
soo iu like that
soo yatte in that way
soodanshimasu to consult
sooio such
sorazorashii false
sore that
sorede and
sorede besides that
sorede then
sorede therefore
soredemo even though
sorekara after that
sorekara and then
sorekara furthermore
soreni besides
sorera those over there
sorezore either
soriddo solid
soroeru to arrange
sorosoro before long
sorosoro slowly
sorosoro soon
soshite and (connecting sentences)
sostugyoo graduate
sosu sauce
soto outside
sotsuzen suddenly
sougaku total (amount)
soui difference
soujishimasu to clean (a room etc.)
soukei total
souken invention
soukin remittance
sousei invention
sousuu total (number)
suberiochiru to slip off
subete no mono everything
sugi later
sugi next
sugiro too much
sugoi brilliant
sugoi great
sugu immediately
sugu without any trouble
sugureta excellent
suika watermelon
suimasu to smoke
suishinsha leader
suitchi switch
suiyoubi Wednesday
suizokokan aquarium
sukejuru schedule
sukimasu hungry
sukimasu to like
sukkiri clear
sukoshi a few
sukoshi little
sukunai few
sukunai insufficient
sukunakumo at least
sukunakutomo at least
sumasu to clear
sumimasu going to live
sumimasu to live
sumimono smokes
sumou wrestling
sunawachi i.e.
sunawachi namely
sunawachi that is
sunde imasu to live
sunnari slim
sunpou size
suoji number
supa super market
suppokasu to stand (someone) up
supun spoon
surechigau to disagree
surishimasu to repair (fan, clock etc.)
suruto then
susunde imasu advanced
sutsu suit
sutsukesu suitcase
sutsu-ru stool
suugaku mathematics
suuji figure
suuji number (fig)
suwarimasu to sit down
suzushii cool
tabako cigarette
tabako tobacco
tabemasu to eat
tabemono food
tabun maybe
tabun perhaps
tabun probably
tachiagaru to stand up
tachikakeru to begin to cut
tachimachi suddenly
tachimasu to stand up
tachinarabu to stand up
tada desu free (of cost)
tadashii correct
tadashimasu to ask a person about
taeru to resist
tagakeru to manage
tahou different direction
tai Thailand
taihen hard
taihosareru to be arrested
taika expert
taipu type
taipu-raita typewriter
taisetsu important
taishikan embassy
taishita important
taizaishimasu to stay
takadaka at best
takai expensive
takai high
takai tall
takami excellent idea
takuramu to invent
takusan a lot
takusan many
takusan much
takushii taxi
takushii noriba taxi stand
tamago egg
tamanegi onion
tamaru to save
tameni for
tameni for the sake of
tango word
tani unit
tanjobi birthday
tanomu to request
tanoshi enjoyable
tanoshi happy
tanoshi pleasant
tanoshiminisuru to look forward to something
tanoshimu to enjoy oneself
tanoshinde fun
taoreru to fall down
tariru to be enough
tariru to be sufficient
tashika as far as I remember
tashikani surely
tashoku multicolored
tasukarimasu thank you for your help
tasukaru to survive
tasukeru to help
tasukeru to save
tatazumu to stand (still) a while
tatejiku vertical axis
tatematsuru to present
tatemono building
tateru to stand (someone) up
tatoeba example
tatsu stand up
tatsu to stand
tatta only
tatta ima just now
tauro towel
tawa tower
tawamureru to play
tazuneru to ask
tazuneru to visit
te hand
tebiki introduction
tebukuro hand gloves
teburu table
tegakari to contact
tegami letter
tegatai solid
tegotae resistance
teigen decrease
teikou resistance
teikou resistance (electrical)
teikouki resistor (electrical)
teinei careful
teinensha adult
teiryujo bus stop
teiryujo subway stop
teishoku color
teishoku set menu
teitai hard (things)
tekitoona appropriate
tekitoona suitable
temo ii may
temo ii to be alright
ten decimal point
ten tradition
tenisu tennis
tenjo ceiling
tenrankaijo exhibition hall
tenugui hand towel
tepu recoda tape recorder
terebi TV
terebijon Television
tetsudaimasu to help (with a task)
tetsudau to help
to and (connecting nouns)
to ten
tobikoeru to clear
tobimasu to fly
toboshii poor
tochaku arrival
todokeru to deliver
togeru to carry out
toi far
toire toilet
toka 10th
tokei clock
tokidoki sometimes
tokoro place
tokorode by the by
toku interest
toku to answer
toku to solve
tokuju emergency demand
tokuni especially
tokuni particularly
tomarimasu to stop (a machine etc.)
tomaru to stay
tomaru to stay (e.g.. Hotel)
tomemasu to park (a car etc.)
tomemasu to stop (park a car etc.)
tomo neither (neg)
tomodachi friend
tomoni alike
tomoni both
tomoni participate in
tomoni sharing with
tomoshibi light
tonari next to (door)
torai introduction
toriageru to pick up
toridasu to take out
torihakarau to manage
torimasu to go through
torimasu to take
torimasu to take (a pic. etc.)
toriniku chicken
torinozoku to take away
torishimaru to control
toritsugi connection
toriwake especially
torofii trophy
toru employ
toru to choose
toshi city
toshimasu to close
toshite as
toshiyori old
toshokan library
toshokan ryoshoo library card
tossani at once
tosuto toast
totemo very
totomoni together with
totonoeru to arrange
tou knife
tou to ask
touji at that time
touki ceramics
touron discussion
tousa difference (equal)
tsuchi earth
tsugou condition
tsui strong (man)
tsuitachi 1st
tsukai-kata method of use
tsukaimasu to use
tsukare tiredness
tsukaremashita tired
tsukareru tired
tsukemasu to turn on (a light etc.)
tsukimashita hungry
tsukimasu to arrive
tsuku to attach
tsukue desk
tsukurimasu to make
tsukurimasu to prepare
tsukurimasu to produce
tsuma wife (own)
tsumaranai interesting
tsumaranai little
tsumaranai small
tsumaranai uninteresting
tsumari in other words
tsumari in short
tsumari that is
tsumetai chilly
tsumetai cold (temperature)
tsumori intention
tsuranaru to stand in a row
tsuratsura carefully
tsurete ikimasu to take (someone)
tsurete kimasu to bring (someone)
tsuriken change (money)
tsutaeru to communicate
tsutanai unlucky
tsutomeokonau to carry on (work)
tsutsumi parcel
tsuujiau to communicate with
tsuujiru to communicate
tsuuzoku popular
tsuwa telephone call
tsuzukemasu to continue
tsuzukeraremasu to continue
uchi house
udon noodle
ue above
ue on top
ue over
ue up
ue no elder
ugokimasu to move (a machine)
ugokimasu to run (a machine)
ugokimasu to work (a machine)
ukagaimasu to ask
ukagaimasu to visit
uketamawaru to know (humble)
uketsuke counter
uketsuke front desk
uketsuke reception desk
uketsukeyoshi application form
uki bound for
umami good taste
umareru to be born
umaumato successfully
umidasu to invent
umu to deliver
undou physical exercise
ungaii is lucky
ungaii lucky
ungawarui is unlucky
ungawarui unlucky
untenshimasu to drive
untenshu driver
unwaruku unluckily
un'yoku luckily
urahara opposite
uranau to choose
uraomote opposite
urei unhappy
ureru to become popular
ureshii glad
ureshii happy
uriba counter in a dept. store
uridasu to become popular
urimasu to sell
uruosu to benefit
urusai loudly (noise)
urusai noisy
ushinaimasu to lose
ushiro back
ushiro behind
ussoutaru thick
usui thin
usui weak
uta song
utagai uncertainty
utagawashii uncertain
utaguri uncertainty
utaimasu to sing
utsu (uchimasu) to hit
uwagaki address
uwagami wrapping paper
uwagawa surface
uwagawa upper side
wa as for
wabiru to be worried
waga my
waga one's own
waga our
wagami myself
wakai young
wakarimasu to understand
wakaru to know
wakeataeru to distribute
wakiokoru to arise
wakiokoru to burst
warera us
warera we
waritsukeru to distribute
warui bad
warui tenki bad weather
washo Japanese book
wasuremasu to forget
watarimasu to cross
watashi I
watashi no my
watashi-tachi we
watashi-tachi no our
water mizu
wazawaza specially
yahari after all
yahari even though
yakamashiku loudly
yakkyoku drugstore
yaku about (time)
yaku advantage
yaku benefit
yaku ni tachimasu be useful
yakudateru to make use of
yakunitatsu helpful
yakunitatsu useful
yakusoku arrangement
yakusoku promise
yakusoku promise
yakyuu baseball
yama mountain
yamesaseru to discharge (from job)
yaoya vegetable shop
yarimasu to give (to junior)
yaru do
yasashi thoughtful
yasashii kind
yasemasu to be slim
yashashii easy
yasui cheap
yasumi holiday (an absence)
yasumi period
yasumi vacation
yasumimasu to take a rest
yatou employ
yattsu eight
yobarete imasu to be called
yobi preliminaries
yobi preparation
yobi reserve
yobi spare
yobichishiki background knowledge
yobihin spares
yobikakeru to address (crowd)
yobimasu to ask
yobimasu to call
yobiokosu to wake
yobirin bell
yobirin doorbell
yobishiken preliminary examination
yobu to invite
yochi earth
yofukuya tailor
yogashi pastry
yogashiya pastry shop
yogi hobby
yoi good
yoiotoshiro happy
yoka 8th
yokin deposit (money)
yokka 4th
yoko side
yoku much
yoku one hundred million
yoku well
yokuhatarakuhito hard worker
yokujiku horizontal axis
yombun no ichi ¼
yomikata reading
yomi-kata method of reading
yomimasu real
yomimasu to read
yon 4
yonhyaku 400
yonsen 4,000
yoo business
yooisuru to prepare
yoosho foreign book
yoosu circumstances
yoosu situation
yoroppa Europe
yoroshii nice
yoru night
yoru to visit
yosasou seems to be good
yosho preparing of lesson
yotee plan
yotte accordingly
yotte because of
yotte consequently
yotte therefore
yottsu four
yougu tools
youkai solution
youken important matter
youmou wool
youranki infancy
youryou capacitance (electrical)
yousei request
youseki capacity
youshi figure
youzai solution
yowai weak
yoyaku reservation
yoyakushimasu to book (ticket etc.)
yoyakushimasu to reserve
yubin mail
yubinbako mailbox
yubinkyoku post office
yudeta boiled
yukai happy
yuki snow
yukingaku the amount of deposit
yukisaki destination
yukkuri slowly
yumei famous
yunyuu import
yurushimasu to approve
yushutsu export
yuuchi invitation
yuudou introduction
yuui capable
yuuni sufficiently
yuuryou excellent
zagaimo potato
zaiko stock
zakkaten general store
zannen bad luck
zannen disappointment
zannen regret
zannendearu to be sorry
zannendearu to regret
zasshi magazine
zehi by all means
zeikin tax
zemi seminar
zenbu all
zenbu everything
zenbu whole
zenbu de in total
zengaku total
zenki-katei master program
zenkin cash
zenzen never
zenzen not at all
zero 0
zetsuenteikou resistance (insulation)
zo elephant
zubon trousers
zuhan figure
zurasu to delay
zutsuto all the way
zutto far ~
zutto much ~
0 rei
0 zero
9:50 kuji gojuppon
0.5 rei ten go
1 ichi
2 ni
3 san
4 yon
4 shi
5 go
6 roku
7 nana
7 shichi
8 hachi
9 ku
9 kyu
10 ju
11 juichi
20 niju
21 nijuichi
100 hyaku
200 nihyaku
300 sambyaku
400 yonhyaku
500 gohyaku
600 roppyaku
700 nanahyaku
800 happyaku
900 kyuhyaku
1,000 sen
2,000 nisen
3,000 sanzen
4,000 yonsen
5,000 gosen
6,000 rokusen
7,000 nanasen
8,000 hassen
9,000 kyusen
10,000 ichiman
~ car, machines etc ~ dai
~ counter ~ ban
~ day(s) ~ nichi
~ employee ~ in
~ glass(es) ~ bai
~ glass(es) ~ hai
~ hour(s) ~ jikan
~ language ~ go
~ minute(s) ~ fun
~ minute(s) ~ pun
~ month(s) ~ kagetsu
~ o‘clock ~ ji
~ paper, stamps etc. ~ mai
~ people ~ nin
~ piece (for count) ~ zoroi
~ shop ~ ya
~ store ~ ya
~ store/ shop ~ mise
~ th floor ~ kai
~ th platform ~ bansen
~ time(s) ~ kai
~ week(s) ~ shukan
~ year(s) ~ nen
~ years old ~ sai
¼ yombun no ichi
½ nibun no ichi
1,000,000 (one million) hyakuman
10,000,000 (one billion) senman
100,000 (one lakh) juman
10th toka
11th (of the month) juichi-nichi
12 years old juni-sai
12th (of the month) juni-nichi
1st tsuitachi
2/3 sambun no ni
20th hatsuka
21st nijuichi-nichi
2nd futsuka
2nd shunkan
2nd daini
2nd kaizoe
2nd niban
30th sanju-nichi
31st sanjuichi-nichi
3rd mikka
4th yokka
50 minutes gojippun
50 minutes gojuppon
5th itsuka
6th muika
7th nanoka
8th yoka
9 o’clock kuji
9th kokonoka
a few sukoshi
a lifetime issei
a little more mo sukoshi
a little while ago sakki
a lot oku
a lot oui
a lot takusan
a must to buy kawandearu
a national or citizen ~ jin
a program mokuromi
a small spinning object kurukuru
a visit houmon
a.m. gozen
about (something) ~ ni tsuite
about (time) yaku
about/ around (ref to time) ~ goro
about/ around (ref to time) ~ gurai
above ue
above all kotoni
absolutely makotoni
absulute zettai
absulute value zettaichi
absurd bakabakashii
absurd bakageta
abundant konkon
academic advisor shidokyukan
academic journal ronbun
accelerated motion kasokuundou
acceleration kasoku
acceleration kasokudo
accident jiken
accidentally tamatama
according to ~ yoruto
accordingly yotte
account (bank) kouza
acknowledge shinnin
acknowledge juryou
acknowledgement shounin
acknowledgement ninchi
acknowledgement ryoushou
acknowledgement ryouto
acknowledgement kokuhaku
actual circumstances jitsujou
actual condition jissai
address idokoro
address juso
address uwagaki
adult ichininmae
adult otona
adult seijin
adult teinensha
adult age seinen
advance joutatsu
advanced susunde imasu
advantage bengi
advantage eki
advantage myouri
advantage ri
advantage riten
advantage yaku
advantage eki
advantages and disadvantages ichiriichigai
advantages and disadvantages rigai
advertisement koukoku
advice chuukoku
affection aijou
after go
after all yahari
after meal shokugo
after that ato de
after that sonogo
after that sorekara
afternoon gogo
again mata
again (on telephone) dewa mata
aiding josei
aimlessly burabura
aimlessly dokotomonaku
air conditioner kura
air conditioning kuukichousei
air mail kokubin
air-conditioned reiboukanbi
air-conditioned car reibousha
air-conditioning reibou
aircraft/ airplane hikoki
airport kuko
alarm clock mezamashi dokei
album arubamu
alcohol osake
alike tomoni
all bantan
all zenbu
all menmen
all (people) minna
all around manbennaku
all over manbennaku
all right daizobu
all the way zutsuto
almost daitai
almost hobo
almost hotondo
alone hitori de
already mou
alright kamaimasen
also mou
alternating current kouryuu
alternatively hitotsuokini
altogether de
always kirinashi
always maimai
am/ is/ are not arimasen
am/ is/ are not imasen
among aida
among naka
amusing omoshiroi
an expert honshoku
and oyobi
and sorede
and (connecting nouns) de
and (connecting nouns) to
and (connecting sentences) soshite
and so on ~ ya
and so on nado
and then sorekara
angle kaku
angle kakudo
anguishedly (extreme anxiety) monmon
animal fat doubutsuyushi
announcer anaunsa
annuallly nennen
answer kotae
anxiety fuanshin
anytime itsudemo
apartment apato
apple ringo
application form uketsukeyoshi
applied physics ouyoubutsurigaku
applied voltage inkaden'atsu
applied voltage inkaden'atsu
appropriate tekitouna
approximately hobo
approximately bakari
April shi-gatsu
aquarium suizokokan
arbitrary izuremo
arc (of a circle) kosen
architecture kenchiku
area hen
arrangement yakusoku
arrival tochaku
art gallery garo
art museum bijutsukan
article kiji
as toshite
as far as made
as far as I remember tashika
as for wa
as soon as possible hayaku
as usual annojou
as well as oyobi
ashtray haizara
Asia ajia
aspirin asupirin
assistance josei
assisting josei
at oite
at a time ichidokini
at a time ichidokini
at all (not) sarasara
at best seizei
at best takadaka
at first mazu
at first tehajimeni
at last saigoni
at least semete
at least sukunakumo
at least sukunakutomo
at once ikkini
at once jiki
at once sassoku
at once sokkoku
at once tossani
at one time ichidokini
at that time orikara
at that time touji
at the last moment girigiri
atom genshi
atomic energy genshiryoku
atomic value genshika
atomic weight genshiryou
auditorium kodo
August hachi-gatsu
aunt obasan/ oba
author chosha
authorized person kankeisha
automatic vending machine jidouhanbaiki
automobile jidosha
autumn aki
avenue dori
average chuui
average chuutou
average heikin
average nami
average narashi
average height chuuzei
average mark heikinten
average price nakane
baby akacha
baby (polite) akachan
back ushiro
background knowledge yobichishiki
bad warui
bad condition fuchou
bad impression akkanjou
bad impression akukanjou
bad luck zannen
bad taste akushumi
bad weather warui tenki
badminton badominton
bag kaban
baggage nimotsu
bakery panya
balance sarabakari
ball boru
ballpoint pen borupen
banana banana
Bangladesh banguradesu
bank ginko
bank check chekku
bank employee ginkoin
bar (cocktail lounge) ba
baseball besuboru
baseball yakyuu
basin (toilet/ kitchen) senmenki
basketball basuketuboru
bath ofuro
bath room furuba
battery baterii
battery denchi
battery kandenchi
battle eki
be equal to gon
be equal to kin
be surprised bikkuri
be useful yaku ni tachimasu
be/ am/ is/ are desu
be/ am/ is/ are imasu
beach kaigan
beam (signal) shingoudenpa
beautiful kirei
because ~ ~ kara
because of yotte
become narimasu
bed beddo
bed room shinshitsu
bedpan benki
beef gyuniku
beer biiru
before ~ mae ni
before mae
before ~ ~ made ni
before ~ ~ nai uchi ni
before long mamonaku
before long sorosoro
before long kinkin
before meal shokuzen
beginner shoshinsha
beginning saisho
beginning tehajimeni
behind ushiro
being that node
bell yobirin
below shita
beneath shita
benefit eki
benefit gojo
benefit kounou
benefit onkei
benefit ontaku
benefit ri
benefit yaku
benefit eki
besides soreni
besides that sorede
between aida
between meall shokka
beverage nomimono
beyond mukou
big okii
bill satsu
bill seikousha
bill (note) shihei
billion juuoku
binary nishin
birthday tanjobi
bits & pieces danpen
bitter nigai
bitter orange daidai
bitter taste kumi
black kuroi
black tea kocha
blank ran
blouse burausu
blue aoi
board makanai
boarding makanai
boat boto
boat fune
body karada
boil dekimono
boil demono
boil fukidemono
boil futto
boiled yudeta
book hon
book store hon-ya
both dochira mo
both tomoni
both futatsunagara
both futatsutomo
bottle cap oukan
bottle cap sen
bound for (going) yuki
box hako
boy otoko no ko
boy's room danshirio
brake (car) bureki
brassier buraja
bread pan
break down kosho
breakfast asagohan
breakfast choshuku
bridge hashi
briefcase kaban
bright akarui
brilliant sugoi
brilliant hanabanashii
brinjal nasu
Britain igirisu
brother otoko no kyodai
brothers and sisters kyodai
brown chairo
Buddhism bukkyo
building biru
building tatemono
bullet train shinkanshen
burger bagu
bus basu
bus stop basutei
bus stop teiryujo
business shigoto
business you
business/name card meishi
businessman bijinesuman
busy awatadashii
but dakedo
but demo
but ga
but keredomo
but tadashi
butter bata
button botan
buying & selling baibai
by de
by ~ ~ made ni
by all means zehi
by chance tamatama
by mistake ayamatte
by myself jibun de
by nature motomoto
by some chance moshikasuruto
by the by tokorode
cabbage kyabetsu
cable kousaku
cable sakujou
cafeteria shokudou
cake keki
cake okashi
calmly nanigenaku
camera kamera
campaign eki
can dekimasu
can do dekiru
candy okashi
canteen shokudou
cap boshi
capabilities shikaku
capable yuui
capacitance denkiyouryou
capacitance (electrical) youryou
capacitor (electrolytic) denkaikondensa-
capacity shuuyounouryoku
capacity shuuyouryoku
capacity youseki
capital miyako
capital city shuto
car kuruma
careful menmitsu
careful shuutou
careful teinei
carefully jikkuri
carefully okotarazuni
carefully sen
carefully tsuratsura
carpet kapetto
carrot ninzin
cash zenkin
cashier shokkengakari
cassette/ tape cassetto-tepu
castle jo
cat neko
catering makanai
Catholicism katorikku
cauliflower hanayasai
cause kakeru
ceiling tenjo
center chuou
center senta
center of circle enshin
centigrade sesshi
centimeter senchi
century seiki
ceramics touki
certainly kanarazu
chair isu
chamber pot benki
change otsuri
change hen
change (money) tsuriken
change of position hen'I
channel chaneru
charge dai
charge denka
cheap yasui
check (bank) kogitte
cheer up! gakkarisuruna
cheerful genki
cheese chiizu
chemical kagakuseihin
chemical engineering kagakukougaku
chemical reaction kagakuhannou
cherry blossom sakura
chess chesu
chest ki
chicken toriniku
child kodomo
chilly tsumetai
China chugoku
Chinese chugoku-jin
chinese cabbage hakusai
chocolate chokoreto
chopsticks hasi
church kyokai
cigarette tabako
circle maru
circle ken
circle enjin
circle wa
circle enkei
circular maroyaka
circulation denpa
circumstances shidai
circumstances yousu
city shi
city toshi
class (a group of student) jugyo
class (a group of student) kurasu
class room kyoshitsu
clean kirei
clean sapparishita
clean seijou
clear akiraka
clear hareichijikosame
clear meirou
clear sukkiri
clear (eyes) pacchiri
clear (pure) water seisui
clear (sky) hare
clearly hakkiri
clearly hanzento
clearly kippari
clearly kukkiri
clever migiyaka
clever ri
clever kiten
clever sasuga
clever kashikoi
clever keimyou
clever rikou
clever koumyou
clever man saishi
clever person saijin
clever person saibutsu
clock tokei
cloudy kumori
coat koto
cocked nita
cocked food dish riori
cockroach aburamushi
coffee kohii
coffee shop kissaten
coil taba
coin koka
cold (temperature) tsumetai
cold (weather) samui
collision shoutotsu
collision teishoku
color kara-
color teishoku
comb kushi
comfortable kaiteki
comfortable kiraku
comfortable kokochiyoi
comfortable nobiyaka
comments chuushaku
common service-sector greeting maido
communication dendatsu
company kaisha
company employee kaishain
company president shachou
compensation daishou
compilation hen
complete irounaku
complete kanzen na
complete distruction zenkai
completely kanzen na ni
completely zenzen
compliment homekotoba
compulsory iyaounashi
computer conpyuta
concert konsato
concluded ijou desu
conclusion musubi
conclusion matome
condition arisama
condition choshii
condition dousei
condition jousei
condition joutai
condition seiyaku
condition tsugou
condition of health kenpi
conditional himotsuki
conditional tadashidzuki
conductivity doudensei
conductivity dendouritsu
conductivity doudendo
conductivity dendousei
conductor (elec) doudentai
conductor (electricity) doutai
conference kaigi
conference hanashiai
conference program kaiginittei
confidant futokorogatana
confused awatadashii
confusion kondou
connection kankei
connection toritsugi
consequently yotte
considerably nakanaka
consideration shinshaku
constant kawarimasen
constantly kawarinaku
continually thinking nennen
continuously hikkirinashi
continuously kirinashi
convenient benri
conventional dentouteki
conversion kaiwa
cook makanai
cool suzushii
co-op shop senkyo
corner kado
correct tadashii
correct answer seitou
correct answer meitou
cotton men
counter uketsuke
counter (bank etc.) madoguchi
counter in a dept. store uriba
counter of book ~ satsu
country kuni
crossing (road) kousaten
crossword puzzle kurossuwado
crude ki
crystal suishou
culture bunka
cup koppu
currency satsu
current se
current touza
current genkou
current nagare
current denryuu
curtain katen
cute kawaii
cycle jitensha
daily life kiga
daily life nichijouseikatsu
daily life seikatsu
dairy gyunyuten
dance dansu
dangerous abunai
dark kurai
daughter musume
day hinichi
day nursery hoikuen
day of the month ~ nichi
day of the week ~ yobi
day time hiruma
deadline shimekiri
death shi
December juni-gatsu
decimal point ten
decline sagarime
decline suibi
decline teiraku
decline suihei
decline choujin
decoration dekoreshon
decrease genshou
decrease teigen
deed ki
defective fukanzen
defective product furyouhin
definitely kanarazu
delicious oishii
delicious taste kami
delivery dendatsu
delivery haitatsu
demonstration demo
density mitsudo
density noukou
department shozuku
departmental store depato
departure shuppatsu
depend on niyoro
depending on ~ niyostude
deposit kanoukin
deposit hoshoukin
deposit atamakin
deposit hokan
deposit gaku
deposit (money) yokin
deposit (security) shikikin
deposit of (money) nyuukin
description jojibun
desert dezato
design dezine
desk tsukue
destination yukisaki
destiny kouhai
develop hatten
development hattatsu
diameter chokkei
diameter bairitsu
diamond daiyamondo
dictionary jibiki
dictionary jishou
dictionary jiten
dielectric yuuden
dielectric yuudentai
dielectric constant yuudenritsu
dielectric tangent yuudenseisetsu
difference chigai
difference idou
difference kawari
difference kotoni
difference sa
difference sagaku
difference sai
difference soui
difference (equal) tousa
different bekko
different betsu
different kawatta
different case betsumondai
different color ishoku
different direction tahou
different item betsukuchi
different meaning igi
different method beppou
different name isei
different opinion betsui
different opinion iken
different person betsujin
different person betsunin
different person ijin
different thing betsumondai
difficult muzukashii
difficult nankai
dinner bangohan
dinner bangohan
dinning chanoma
director direkuta
director (company) shachou
disadvantage furi
disadvantage furieki
disadvantage son
disadvantageous futame
disappointment zannen
disconnected barabara
discrimination sabetsu
discussion benron
discussion fugi
discussion giron
discussion rongi
discussion touron
discussion hanashiai
disintegrate boroboro
disinterested tantan
dislike kiraina
disperse barabara
distance michinori
distribution haitatsu
disturbance hen
do yaru
do doubt kitsuto
do not shimasen
do not enter shinnyu kinshi
doctor isha
doctor oisha-san
doctorate program koki-katei
document shorui
does not matter kamaimasen
dog inu
doll ningyo
dollar doru
domain hen'iki
domestic kokunai
don't have to nakutemo ii
don't worry (id) goshinpainaku
door doa
doorbell yobirin
dormitory rio
dot chobo
down shita
drama dorama
drawing (figures) sakuzu
drawing (picture) e
dreams mugen
dress doresu
dress fuku
drinks nomimono
driver untenshu
drugstore yakkyoku
dry cleaners dorai kuriinunguya
dry cleaning dorai kuriiningu
due seitou
during ~ chyuo
during aida
during aidajuu
each sorezore
each one menmen
each one separately kokobetsubetsu
each person ninnin
each time maimai
each time maido
ear mimi
early hayaku
earth tsuchi
earth yochi
earthquake jishin
easily hitotamarimonaku
easily nakanaka
east higashi
eastern higashi no
easy kantan[na]
easy yashashii
easy kotonashi
economics keizai
economy keizai
editing hen
egg tamago
eggplant nasu
eight yattsu
either mo
either sorezore
either onouno
either sorezore
elder ue no
elder senpai
elder brother aniki
elder brother kakei
elder brother oniisan
elder sister aneki
elder sister onesan
election senkyo
electo-magnetic field denjiba
electric bill denkidai
electric charge kaden
electric charge denka
electric field denba
electric field denkai
electric field denkai
electrical engineering denkou
electrical engineering denkikougaku
electricity denki
electrolysis denkai
electrolyte denkaieki
electrolyte denkaishitsu
electrolytic (an) denkai
electrolytic bath denkaisou
electrolytic capacitor denkaikondensa-
electrolytic cell denkaisou
electrolytic solution denkaieki
electromagnetic (physics) denji
electro-magnetic wave denpa
electro-magnetic wave denpa
electron denshi
electron density denshimitsudo
electronic engineering denshikougaku
elementary school shogakkou
elephant zo
elevator elebeta
embassy taishikan
emergency hijo
emergency oukyuu
emergency kikyuu
emergency hijou
emergency case kyuukan
emergency demand tokuju
emergency exit hijo deguchi
employ toru
employ yatou
empty munashii
encouragement josei
encouragement bentatsu
encouragement gobentatsu
end oku
energy enerugi
engine enjin
engineer enjenia
engineering jigutsu
engineering koumu
engineering kougaku
engineering & science rikougaku
engineering course kouka
engineering department kougakuka
English (language) eigo
enjoyable tanoshi
enough juubun
enough rokuni
entertainment motenashi
entirely zenzen
entirely zentai
entrance iriguchi
entrance (hall) genkan
entrance exam nyuushi
entrance exam nyuugakushiken
entrance exam nyuugakukousa
envelop fuutou
equal hicchuu
equal hei
equal onaji
equal hitoshii
equal (a-no) doutou
equal to douyou
equal to each other aihitoshii
equally manbennaku
equally manbennaku
equation siki
equivalent douka
equivalent douchi
equivalent hitoshii
equivalent onaji
equivalent taitou
eraser keshigomo
escalator esukareta
especially kotoni
especially tokuni
especially besshite
especially hitoshio
especially toriwake
especially nakandzuku
etc. nado
etc. (written) sonota
eternally kawarinaku
Europe yoroppa
even made
even if ikura [~ te mo]
even though soredemo
even though yahari
evening ban
every sorezore
every direction menmen
every morning maiasa
every night maiban
every week maishu
everybody ninnin
everyday mainichi
everyone minasan
everything bantan
everything nademo
everything subete no mono
everything zenbu
everywhere itarutokoro
exactly ~ dake
examination shiken
example tatoeba
excellent choujou
excellent rippa
excellent sugureta
excellent yuuryou
excellent condition kaichou
excellent idea takami
excellent person ichibutsu
except nozoite
exchange rate koukanreito
exhibition hall tenrankaijo
expensive takai
experience nare
experience tameshi
experience keiken
experience mikiki
experience oboe
experience taitoku
experienced roukou
experiment jikken
expert shoubainin
expert meishu
expert taika
expert kurouto
expert senmon
expert meijin
export yushutsu
express bullet train hikari
express train kyuko ressha
extract ekisu
eye me
eyeglasses megani
face kao
factory kojo
faculty gakubu
Fahrenheit kashi
failure fukekka
failure fuseiseki
failure fushubi
failure gabei
failure gentai
failure hazure
failure kuroboshi
fair seiten
false giji
false heki
false mousetsu
false sorazorashii
false (logical) gi
family famiri
family shuzoku
family kenzoku
family katei
family rui
family kazoku
family circle nainai
famous nadakai
famous yumei
famous place meisho
fantasy mugen
far toi
far ~ zutto
fare ryokin
fashion fuasshon
fast hayai
fat futoi
fat potteri
fat (oil) abura
fat (person) futotta
fat person futoccho
father chichi
father (to call) otosan
fatty (food etc.) aburakkoi
favour kanshin
features kaokatachi
February ni-gatsu
fee dai
feeling kanji
female voice josei
fertiliser koe
few sukunai
fifty-fifty hanhan
figure karadatsuki
figure katachi
figure keitai
figure suuji
figure youshi
figure zuhan
film firumu
finally saigoni
fine (nice/ well) kekko
fine (thin) hosoi
finished owatta
fire hi
first sunrise (of New Year) hatsuhinode
first-class itto
fiscal year nendo
fish sakana
fish & seafood dish gyokairoi
fish market sakanaya
five itsutsu
floor kai
flour (rice) beifun
flour (wheat) merikenko
flour (wheat) mugiko
flow michishio
fluid eki
fog kiri
food tabemono
fool baka
foolish baka
foolish bakageta
foot ashi
football futtoboru
footpath hodou
for aida
for tameni
for a long time nagai aida
for a moment shoushou
for emergency use hijouyou
for generations (hereditary) daidai
for some reason dokotonaku
for that reason sonotame
for the first time hajimete
for the sake of tameni
foreign gaikoku no
foreign gaikokujin
foreign book yousho
foreign country gaikoku
foreign exchange gaikokukawase
foreigner gaikoku no
forests shinrin
fork foku
form katachi
form (shape) katachi
four yottsu
fraction bun
fraction hasuu
fraction hasuu
fragment danpen
France furansu
free aite imasu
free (of cost) tada desu
free (referring to time) hima[na]
free time hima
freezer furiiza
frequency dosuu
frequency hindo
frequency hinpatsu
frequency kaisuu
frequency shutsudo
frequency shuuha
frequency (of waves) shuuhasuu
frequency (of waves) shuuhasuu
frequency band shuuhatai
frequency modulation shuuhahenchou
frequently omoumoshii
frequently maimai
frequently saisai
Friday kinyoubi
fried ageta
fried egg medama yaki tamago
friend tomodachi
from kara
from now on korekara
from the beginning motomoto
front shoumen
front mae
front desk uketsuke
fruit shop kudamonoya
fry furai
full size gensun
full size gensundai
fully amasutokoronaku
fully banban
fully manman
fun omoshiromi
fun tanoshinde
furthermore sorekara
fusion yuugou
fusion yuukai
fusion youyuu
future life kousei
gain eki
game gemu
garage shako
garden niwa
garlic ninniku
gas gasu
gas kitai
gas bill gasudai
gas range gasu renji
gate geto
gate seki
gate kado
gate iriguchi
gate hairiguchi
general orientation ippan-kenshu
general store zakkaten
generally daibu
generally zentaini
genetic engineering idenshikougaku
gentleman shinshi
Germany/ Dutch doitsu
gift purezento
gift (presentation) omiyage
ginger shouga
girl onna no ko
glad ureshii
glass gurasu
glove bukuro
going yuki
going slowly jokou
going slowly kankou
going to live sumimasu
golf gorufo
good ii desu
good yoi
good kekko desu
good looking kakoi
good speaker jouzu
good taste shibumi
good taste gachi
good taste kashu
good taste fuuga
good taste umami
good weather ii tenki
government seifu
govt. employee komuin
govt. officer koumuin
graciously katajikenakumo
gradually dandan
graduate sostugyou
graduate school daigakuin
gram guramu
grammar bunpo
grandfather ojiisan
grandmother obaasan
grandparents sofubo
gray haiiro
great sugoi
great number of sensen
green midori
green pepper pi-man
green pepper shishitou
green tea ocha
greeting card aisatsujou
grief kanashimi
grocery store shokuryohinten
ground chi
group dantai
group gurupu
growth (development) hattatsu
guidance michibiki
guide gaido
guitar gita
gum gomu
hair kami
haircut sanpatsu
half hanbun
half (cutting in two) futatsuwari
half past han
half past eleven juichi-han
half size hansetsu
half year hantoshi
hamburger hanbagu
hammer hanma
hand te
hand gloves tebukuro
hand towel tenugui
hand writing ji
handbag handobaggu
handball handoboru
handkerchief hankache
handsome hansamu
handy benri
happy tanoshi
happy ureshii
happy yoiotoshiro
happy yukai
hard hijo
hard taihen
hard (things) gyutto
hard (things) katai
hard (things) kochikochi
hard (things) nikui
hard (things) sobou
hard (things) teitai
hard worker yokuhatarakuhito
hat boshi
hate kirai
have motsu
have a fever netsu ga arimasu
have a headache atama ga itai
have caught a cold kaze o hikimashita
have not/ has not arimasen
have/ has arimasu
have/ has motte imasu
he kare
head atama
health gouken
health karada
health kenkou
health control center hokenkanrishitsu
healthy genki
healthy kenko
heart ki
heart kokoro
heat wave ensho
heater hiita
heavy omoi
height massaichuu
height take
height takami
height sei
height takasa
height uwazei
height oka
helicopter herikopta
helpful yakunitatsu
helpless kokorobosoi
helplessly hitotamarimonaku
hence sonotame
here kochhi
here koko
here and there tenten
high takai
high (measurement) se ga takai
high density koumitsu
high frequency kouhindo
high frequency koushuuha
high school koukousei
high voltage kouatsu
high voltage kouden'i
high waves takanami
high-kicking dance kankan
highway hondou
hiking haikingu
hit hitto
hobby shumi
hobby yogi
hockey hokke
holiday kyoka
holiday (an absence) yasumi
holidays bakansu
home sick sabishii
homework shukudai
honest tadashii
honest jicchoku
hopeless kokorobosoi
horizontal (Western) writing oubun
horizontal axis yokujiku
horizontal axis yokojiku
horizontal line ousen
horizontally (writing) yokogaki
hospital byoin
hostel hosuteru
hot atatakai
hot (food etc.) atsui
hotel hoteru
house otaku
house uchi
housewife shofu
how dou
how dou iu
how ikaga
how doyatte
how long? donokurai
how many (people etc.)? nanin
how many (things etc.)? ikutsu
how many times? nankai
how much? ikura
how old? nan-sai
how old? o-ikutsu
how to kata
how to write kakikata
however shikashi
however tadashi
however ~ ikura [~ te mo]
human ninnin
human engineering jinbutsukeizai
humanitarian jinjin
hungry sukimasu
hungry tsukimashita
hurried awatadashii
hurt hirihiri
husband (own) shujin
husband (someone’s) go-shujin
I watashi
I wonder ~ ~ kanaa
I, you maro
i.e. sunawachi
i.e. sunawachi
ice cream aisu kuriimu
ice hockey aisu hokke
ice skating aisu suketo
idea kangae
idiot baka
if moshi
if ~ ~ eba
if ~ ~ tachi
if ~ moshi [~ tara]
if ~ nara
image imeji
imitation imiteshon
immediately sugu
immigration re-entry permit sainyuukokukyoka
import yunyuu
important daijina
important omo
important omoi
important omonaru
important omotai
important taisetsu
important taishita
important matter youken
important person oumono
impossible dame desu
improvement joutatsu
in oite
in (inside) naka
in a short time mamonaku
in addition to hokani
in case moshi
in comics and such konkon
in front of mae
in groups zorozoro
in other words tsumari
in short tsumari
in succession zorozoro
in that case maa
in that way sou yatte
in this way kou yatte
in total zenbu de
in various ways nanikuretonaku
in what way? doyatte
in/ on/ into/ at/ to (particle) ni
inch inchi
incident hen
inclination keikaku
inconvenient fuben[na]
increasingly masumasu
indeed makotoni
India indo
Indian indo-jin
individually betsubetsu
industrial engineering indasutoriaruenjiniaringu
industry sangyou
ineffective munashii
inexperience nyuushuu
inexperience funare
inexperience fuannai
inexperience mikeiken
inexperience mijuku
inexperienced futsutsuka
inexperienced aokusai
infancy youranki
infinite mugen
infinitessimal (math) mugenshou
infinity mugendai
information houkoku
information joho
information desk annaijo
information engineering chishikikougaku
injection chusha
ink inku
inn ryokan
inner hadagi
inside naka
inside diameter naikei
instant (time) hanashika
instrument dogu
insufficient fujuubun
insufficient miman
insufficient sukunai
intention tsumori
interest kankyou
interest kyoumi
interest noriki
interest omoshiromi
interest rigai
interest toku
interest (bank) rishi
interest (bank) risoku
interesting omoshiro
interesting tsumaranai
internal naibuteki
internal naizaiteki
internal kokunai
internal naibu
internal naimenteki
international kokusai
intersection (road) kousaten
interview intabyu
introduce shokai
introduction jobun
introduction shoron
introduction shoukai
introduction tebiki
introduction torai
introduction yuudou
invalid mukou
invention hatsumei
invention souken
invention sousei
investigation kanken
invitation maneki
invitation shousei
invitation shoutai
invitation yuuchi
iron airon
irregularity hensoku
irresponsible iikagen
is lucky ungaii
is unlucky ungawarui
isothermal touon
Italy itaria
izurenobaainioitemo in all cases
izurenobaainioitemo in either case
jacket jaketsu
jam jamu
January ichi-gatsu
Japan nihon
Japanese nihon-jin
Japanese book washo
Japanese ginger myouga
Japanese language nihongo
Japanese pepper sanshou
jelly jerri
jet airplane jettoki
jewelry hoseki
jewelry store hoshekiten
joke hitokuchibanashi
journey ryoko
juice jusu
July shichi-gatsu
June roku-gatsu
junior kouhai
junior high school chugakko
just seitou
just bakari
just tadashii
just a minute chotto
just a minute dokkoi
just now tatta ima
justifiable seitou
key kagi
kilogram kiro
kilometer kiro
kind shinsetsu
kind yasashii
kindness hitogokoro
kitchen daidokoro
knife naifu
knife debabouchou
knife tou
knife deba
knot musubime
knowledge chishiki
knowledge jinchi
knowledge chiken
knowledge kokoroe
knowledge gakuryoku
knowledge engineering chishikikougaku
laboratory kenkyoshitsu
ladies and gentlemen minasan
ladies room joshirio
lamp ranpu
lane (road etc.) komichi
language kotoba
lard (pork fat) abura
large okii
large eki
last installment zenkai
last month sengetsu
last session zenkai
last time zenkai
last week senshu
last year kyonen
late osoi
lately konkai
later ato de
later sugi
laundry sentaku
laundry sentakuya
lawyer bengoshi
laziness bushou
leader suishinsha
lean on ki
least saishou
lecture kogi
left hidari
left side hidarigawa
leg ashi
lemon remon
length okuyuki
length tate
length bou
length choutan
length nagasa
length take
length rengusu
length & width juuou
less chotto
lesson jugyo
letter tegami
library toshokan
library card toshokan ryoshou
life (one's daily existence) seikatsu
lift elebeta
light dento
light karui
light tomoshibi
light (plain) tantan
light waves kouha
lighter raita
like an electric shock biribiri
like that aa iu
like that sonnani
like that sou iu
like that (over there) annani
like this konnai
like this kou iu
lion shishi
liquid eki
liquid ekitai
liquid rikiddo
liquid eki
list hyou
list risuto
liter rittoru
little chiisai
little chotto
little sukoshi
little tsumaranai
little by little tenten
Live Long! hairu
live show raibusho
lively nigiyaka
lively pinpin
living seikatsu
living expenses seikatsuhi
living room ima
living room kyakuma
lobby robii
local shinai
local/ ordinary train futsu ressha
local/ ordinary train junkyu
logic sujimichi
lonely sabishii
long nagai
long distance choukyori
looks kaokatachi
loose barabara
lost (articles) funshitsu
loudly yakamashiku
loudly (laugh) kouzento
loudly (noise) urusai
love aijou
lover koibito
low hikui
low density teimitsu
low frequency teihindo
low frequency waves teishuuha
low frequency waves teishuuha
low voltage teiden'i
low voltage teiatsu
lowest saishou
luckily atakamoyoshi
luckily un'yoku
lucky ungaii
lunch hirugohan
lunch period hiru-yasumi
machinery kikai
machinery and tools kiki
macroengineering makuroenjiniaringu
magazine zasshi
magnetic field jiba
magnetic field jijou
mail yubin
mailbox yubinbako
main current honryuu
main current shuchou
main current kanryuu
main entrance genkan
main road honkaidou
main telephone number (abbr) daidai
Malaysia mareshia
man otoko no hito
man of virtue jinjin
management keiee
manager maneja
manager (company) shachou
manufacturer meka
manure (fertiliser) koe
many takusan
many oui
map chizu
March san-gatsu
mark maruku
market ichiba
market maketto
marriage enmusubi
married couple kouhai
married life fuufuseikatsu
master program zenki-katei
match matchi
mathematics suugaku
maximum saikou
May go-gatsu
may kamoshirenai
may temo ii
may be kamoshirenai
maybe moshikasuruto
maybe tabun
meal gohan
meal shokuji
meals makanai
meaning imi
meat niku
meat dish niku ryori
mechanism karakuri
mechanism kijo
mechanism kikou
mechanism shikake
mechanism kikan
media baishitsu
media baitai
medical engineering medikaruenjiniaringu
medical insurance hokenshou
medicine kusuri
medium chuukaibutsu
medium miko
medium baikaibutsu
medium cuui
medium size chuuban
medium size chuugara
medium size chuugata
medium size emusaizu
medium wave chuuha
medium wave chuuhachou
meeting kaigi
men ninnin
men and women danjo
menu menyu
merely bakari
merely kinkin
message masaji
metal kane
metal kinzoku
meter mitoru
method kata
method michi
method sujimichi
method of reading yomi-kata
method of use tsukai-kata
method of writing kakikata
microwave maikuroha
microwave oven denshirenji
microwave oven denshirenji
middle mannaka
mile mairu
military commander bushou
milk gyunyu
milk miruku
mind ki
mind kokoro
minimization saishouka
minimum kiitai
minimum saishou
ministry of education monbushou
mirror kagami
miss natsukashii
mistake machigai
mistake gobyuu
mistake tetsu
mistake katai
mistake kago
mistake sakugo
mistake fukaku
mistake saika
mizu water
model kata
modern modan
moment hanashika
Monday getsuyoubi
money okane
money exchange ryogae
money order kawase
moneybag saifu
monorail monoreru
month of the year ~ gatsu
mood ki
mood kokoro
moon getsuei
moon hisakata
moon shichiyou
moon tsuki
more mou
more motto
more and more masumasu
more than ijou
more than enough juunibun
more than enough nomide
morning asa
mostly hotondo
mother haha
mother (to call) okasan
motion dou
motion teigen
motion unten
motion undou
motion teigi
motion kengi
motion gen'an
motor motto
mountain yama
mouth kuchi
movie eiga
movie theater eigakan
Mr./ Mrs./ miss ~ san
Mr./Mrs./ Ms (honorable) san
much takusan
much yoku
much oui
much ~ zutto
multicolored tashoku
museum hakubutsukan
music ongaku
musician ongakuka
my waga
my watashi no
my doughter hou
myself wagami
name namae
namely sunawachi
namely sunawachi
napkin napukin
narrow (room) semai
nationality kokusei
nationality kokuseki
naturally itsunonashini
near chikai
near chikaku
nearness kinkin
necessarily kanarazu
necessary hitsuyo
necklace nekkuresu
need not nakutemo ii
neither (neg) tomo
neither (neg) kyou
neutral fusokufuri
neutral (chem.) chuusei
neutrality fuhenfutou
neutrality fuhen
neutrality fukainyuu
neutrality chuuritsu
never ichido mo
never zenzen
never (neg) banban
never (neg) manman
never mind goshinpainaku
new atarashii
new car shinsha
new semester shingaki
new type shinpin
new year oshogatsu
newspaper shinbun
next sugi
next (referring to time) ato de
next month raigetsu
next time kondo
next to (door) tonari
next week raishu
next year rainen
nice kekko
nice yoroshii
night ban
night yoru
nightgown naitogaun
nine kokonotsu
no effect mukou
no more than kinkin
no, it's not chigaimasu
noisy nigiyaka
noisy sawagashii
noisy urusai
nonconductor fudoutai
noodle udon
noodle dish menrui
noodles soba
noon hiru
north kita
northern kita no
nose hana
not at all zenzen
not easily nakanaka..nai
not enough akkenai
not so much amari
not too much amari
not yet mada
not yet known michi
note (money) satsu
notebook noto
notes (comment) chuushaku
nothing nanimo
nothing kotonashi
nothing but shika
nothing but bakari
notification kokutatsu
November juchi-gatsu
now ima
now konkai
nuclear fusion kakuyuugou
nuclear physics genshibutsurigaku
nuclear power plant genshiryokuhatsudensho
nuclear reaction kakuhannou
nucleus (atomic) genshikaku
number suoji
number (fig) suuji
number of people ninjuu
number one ichiban
nusumu nusumu
nut kajitsu
nut mi
nut kenka
nut kinomi
objective meboshi
October ju-gatsu
of course mochiron
of/ ‘s no
office jimu
office jimusha
official announcement koutatsu
often saisai
oil abura
oiliness aburake
OK daizobu
okra okura
old toshiyori
old (not for age) furui
on oite
on foot aruite
on the other hand itsupou
on top ue
once hitokoro
once again matamata
once more mo ichido
one (things etc.) hitotsu
one hundred million yoku
one person hitori
one's own waga
oneself jibun
one-way katamichi
onion kyuukei
onion tamanegi
only dake
only tatta
only bakari
open & close (eg. mouth) pakupaku
open (free) aite imasu
opening & closing kaihei
opening of a meeting kaikai
operator koukanshu
opinion iken
opposite abekobe
opposite awase
opposite gyaku
opposite urahara
opposite uraomote
opposite direction mukou
opposite direction mukou
opposite side hantaigawa
opposite side mukougawa
opposite side mukougawa
or arui wa
or ka
orange mikan
orange orenji
order slip hikikaeken
ordinary bullet train kodama
origin dedokoro
originally motomoto
ornaments hoseki
other hoka
other nanitonaku
other party mukougawa
other side mukougawa
others sonota
our waga
our watashi-tachi no
out of order kosho
outdated boroboro
outside soto
over ue
over there mukou
p.m. gogo
package kojutsumi
page peji
pain ku
painful itai
pajamas pan
pants pantsu
panty panteii
paper kami
paper (academic journal) ronbun
paragraph bunsetsu
paragraph danraku
paragraph issetsu
paragraph kou
paragraph ku
paragraph paragurafu
parallel heiretsu
parallel isen
parallel heikou
parallel line heikousen
parallel to sotte
parallelogram heikoushihenkei
parcel nimotsu
parcel kodzutsumi
parcel tsutsumi
parents ryoshin
park koen
parking (e.g. car) chuusha
parking lot (parking place) chuushajou
part bun
participate in tomoni
particularly tokuni
party pati
pass (free ticket) pasu
passenger ticket joushaken
passport pasupoto
password aikotoba
pastry yogashi
pastry shop yogashiya
path komichi
pattern katachi
payment kyoryou
payment (bill) shiharai
peanut nankinmame
pen pen
pencil enpitsu
people hitobito
people hitotachi
people ninnin
pepper koshou
per hour jisoku
per second byousoku
perfect kanzen na
perfectly kanzen na ni
perfume kosui
perhaps kamoshirenai
perhaps moshikasuruto
perhaps tabun
perimeter shuuichou
perimeter sotomawari
period yasumi
period (suf) ki
permanent eijuu
permanent itteifuhen
permanent jounin
permanent koukyuu
permanent address genseki
permanent residence eijuusha
permanent residence eijuusha
permission kyoka
perpendicular chokuritsu
perpendicular enchoku
perpendicular suichoku
perpendicular line suisen
perpendicular line suichokusen
person hito
petroleum sekyu
pharmacy kusuriya
phase isou
Philippine firipin
photograph shashin
physical exercise undou
physical science rigaku
physics butsurigaku
picnic pikuniku
picture e
picture (photo) shashin
pillow makura
pingle piripiri
pink momoiro
place basho
place tokoro
place de
plain tantan
plan keikaku
plan yotee
plate osara
platform kyoudan
platform ho-mu
platform no. 3 san-bansen
play asobi
play kakeru
play (theater) gekijo
pleasant tanoshi
point chobo
police officer keikan
police station keisatsucho
polite (person) reigitadashii
political science seijigaku
poor binbo
poor toboshii
poor conductor furyoudoutai
popular minkan
popular ninki
popular sezoku
popular tsuuzoku
popular person ninkimono
population jinkou
population jintou
population juumin
pork butaniku
port ko
possibly kamoshirenai
post box posuto
post office yubinkyoku
postage stamp kitte
postcard hakagi
postgraduate course daigakuin
potato zagaimo
pound pondo
practice renshu
praise suishou
preface maegaki
preference konome
preliminaries yobi
preliminary examination yobishiken
preparation junbi
preparation yobi
preparing of lesson yosho
presentation hastubou
presentation purezento
presentation (gift) omiyage
pretty kawaii
price bukka
price nedan
primary ichiji
primary current ichijidenryuu
Prime Minister shushou
Prime Minister saisou
private nishi
private hikoukai
private shiritsu
private ikko
private shisetsu
private (a-no) nainai
probable arisou
probably tabun
problem mondai
products seihin
professor kyoujou
profit eki
program keikaku
progress joutatsu
prohibit dame
prohibition kinshi
project keikaku
promise yakusoku
promise yakusoku
propagation denpa
propagation denpan
proper seitou
prosperous sakanna
provided that tadashi
provision choutatsu
public koshu
public telephone akadenwa
publisher shuppansha
pure ki
put on kirimasu
question shitsumon
quick hakabakashii
quiet shizuka
quietly shizuka ni
radar denpatanchiki
radio rajio
radio engineering musenkougaku
radius toukotsu
radius hankei
railway station eki
rain ame
raincoat reink-oto
rainy season uki
rapid hakabakashii
rapidly dondon
rapidly dondon
rattling biribiri
raw namamono
raw ki
raw fish sashimi
reaction handou
reaction hansayou
reaction hankyou
reaction fukusayou
readily nakanaka
reading yomikata
reading dokusho
real yomimasu
really hontouni
really makotoni
reason ryou
reason kara
receipt reshitu
receipt rioushousha
recently saikin
reception desk uketsuke
recommendation suishou
recreation saisouzou
red akai
re-entry sainyuuku
re-entry into a country sainyuukoku
re-entry permit sainyuukokukyoukasho
referee referi
refrigerator reizoko
regard kangaero
regret zannen
regular kisokutadashii
relation kankei
relatives shinseki
relief anshin
religion shuukyou
remaining nokotta
remember omoidasu
remittance soukin
report repoto
report (information) houkoku
reporter houkokusha
request irai
request rikuesuto
request saisoku
request seikyuu
request shinsei
request yousei
researcher kenkyoin
reseason sujimichi
re-send saisou
reservation yoyaku
reserve yobi
resistance hankou
resistance hantai
resistance kousou
resistance tegotae
resistance teikou
resistance (electric) denkiteikou
resistance (electrical) teikou
resistance (insulation) zetsuenteikou
resistance (to conduction) doutsuuteikou
resistor (electrical) teikouki
respectfully sorezore
restaurant resutoran
result dekibae
result dekiguai
result kai
result kou
result kouka
result sanbutsu
return to country kikoku
review ekushu
rice kome
rice (meal) gohan
rice wine budoshu
rich kanemochi
right seitou
right ontou
right iikagen
right kan
right seigi
right choudo
right zen
right (correct) tadashii
right (direction) migi
right side migigawa
ripping biribiri
rise and fall kouhai
road dori
road michi
roadside michibata
robot aibu
robot robotto
rolling makikomu
room heya
rough araarashii
rough somatsu
rough ranbou
rough soya
rough arai
roughly daitai
roughly hobo
round maroyaka
round-trip ofuku
rubber (gum) gomu
ruin kouhai
Russia roshia
rustle sarasara
sad kanashii
sadly aenaku
sadness aijou
sadness kanashimi
safe kotonashi
salad sarada
salary kyoryou
saloon riyoten
salt shio
same onaji
same kind ichirui
sample mihon
sandal sandaru
sandwich sandoicchi
satisfactory hakabakashii
Saturday douyoubi
sauce sosu
save nozoite
scattered barabara
schedule jukokuhyu
schedule keikaku
schedule sukejuru
scheme keikaku
scholar gakusha
scholarship shougakukin
school gakko
schoolgirl josei
science kagaku
science rikei
science rika
science gakujutsu
science & technology rikou
scientist kagakusha
scissors hasami
seal inkan
seashore hama
seashore isobe
season jibun
seat seki
second (60th min) byou
secondary niji
secondary current nijidenryuu
second-class nito
secret number anshobangou
secretary hisho
seems to be good yosasou
self-introduction jikoshoukai
selfish samoshii
selfish (very) jibunkatte
sellotape (clear adhesive tape) serotepu
semiconductor handoutai
seminar zemi
senior senpai
sentence bun
separate betsu
separately betsubetsu
September ku-gatsu
serious omoumoshii
service sabisu
sesame oil gomaabura
set meal misoshiro
set menu teishoku
seven nanatsu
severally sorezore
shape katachi
sharing with tomoni
she kanojo
sheets mai
ship fune
shirts shatsu
shoe kutsu
shopping center shontegai
short sei ga hikui
short (measurement) mijikai
short cut way chikamichi
should/would like hoshii desu
should/would not like hoshiku arimasen
shower shawa
sick byoki
side yoko
side hen
sign sain
signal (traffic) singou
signature sain
similar nitemasu
similarities and differences doui
simple kantan
simply kantanni
sincerely omoumoshii
sine wave seigenha
singer kashu
sister onna no kyodai
situation yousu
six muttsu
size daishou
size oukisa
size saizu
size sunpou
size eego
skill gijutsu
skill ki
skillful joujuna
skillfully joujuna ni
slap panpan
sleepy nemu
slim sunnari
slimy nichanicha
slimy nuranura
slimy nurunuru
slimy nurunuru
slippery nurunuru
slow osoi
slowly sorosoro
slowly guzuguzu
slowly nosonoso
slowly noronoro
slowly yukkuri
slowly approaching jirijiri
slowly developing haihai
slowly moving haihai
small chiisai
small tsumaranai
small (room) semai
small area chome
small size esusaizu
small size koburi
small size kogata
smaller motto chiisai
smallest saishou
smart hirihiri
smart piripiri
smokes sumimono
snacks okashi
snow yuki
so dakara
so desukara
so so
so much sonnani
soap sekken
soccer sakka
socks kutsushita
sofa sofa
solid joubu
solid katai
solid kenjitsu
solid kenrou
solid soriddo
solid tegatai
solid line jissen
solution kaiketsu
solution kaitou
solution youkai
solution youzai
some time ago hitokoro
somehow dokotomonaku
somehow dokotonaku
somehow nanitonaku
something nanika
sometimes tokidoki
somewhere dokoka
son musuko
song uta
soon hayaku
soon korekara
soon mamonaku
soon sorosoro
sorezore respectively
sorezore severally
sorezore each
sorezore every
sorezore either
sorrow kanashimi
soul ki
soul kokoro
sound oto
sound of large bell gangan
sound of rapping kotokoto
sound of scolding voice gangan
sound wave onpa
source dedokoro
south minami
southern minami no
spare yobi
spares yobihin
speaker hanashite
speaking moshimasu
specialization of study senmon
specially kotoatarashiku
specially wazawaza
speech kotoba
speed sumiyaka
speed sokuryoku
speed sokuryokudo
speed chisoku
speedy hayai
spherical maroyaka
spice (Indian) gimunema
spicy (food etc.) atsui
spicy (hot taste) karai
spirit ki
spirit kokoro
spoon saji
spoon supun
spouse kouhai
spread denpa
spring haru
spring bane
square hiroba
square houkei
square shikaku
square shikakui
square seihoukei
square wave houkeiha
stair kaidan
stand up tatsu
stapler hotchikisu
starting to count kisan
starving hiboshi
state of being dried out pasapasa
station eki
stationary store bunboguya
steadily dondon
steadily dondon
still mada
sting piripiri
stock zaiko
stomach onaka
stool sutsu-ru
store mise
straight matsusugu
straight on masugu
strange hen
street michi
strong (man) benkei
strong (man) chikaramochi
strong (man) rikishi
strong (man) tsui
strongly setsujitsuni
student gakusei
student card gaksee ryoshou
study benkyo
study gaku
study room shosai
stupid bakabakashii
subway chikatetsu
subway line sen
subway stop teiryujo
success goukaku
success joushubi
success seikou
success seikouri
success seikyou
successful karyou
successful koukateki
successfully manmato
successfully umaumato
such souio
suddenly dotto
suddenly patto
suddenly satto
suddenly sotsuzen
suddenly tachimachi
sufficient juubun
sufficient rokuni
sufficiently yuuni
sugar sato
suit sutsu
suitable tekitouna
suitcase sutsukesu
summer natsu
summer vacation natsu-yasumi
sun tenpi
sun taiyou
sun hi
Sunday nichiyoubi
sunglasses sangurasu
sunrise hinode
super market supa
super-conductivity choudendou
supply choutatsu
surely kitsuto
surely kitto
surely tashikani
surely kanarazu
surface uwagawa
surprise ihyou
surprise ikkyou
surprise kyougaku
surprise odoroki
survive ikinokoru
sweater seta
sweet amai
sweet (food) amaimono
sweet (food) okashi
sweet cake okashi
swift hakabakashii
swimming pool puru
swimsuit mizugi
switch suitchi
sympathy hitogokoro
system shisutemu
system (method) sujimichi
systems engineering shisutemuenjiniaringu
T & T office denwa denden kosha
table teburu
table ki
table tennis pin-pon
tailor yofukuya
talk hanashi
tall se ga takai
tall takai
tap tonton
tape recorder tepu recoda
taping tonton
target mokuhyou
target mato
target taishou
target hyouteki
taste aji
tasty oishii
tax zeikin
taxi takushii
taxi stand takushii noriba
teacher kyoshi
teacher sensee
technique gijutsu
technology jigutsu
technology kijustu
technology gijutsu
telegraph denden
telegraph denpo
telephone denwa
telephone bill denwdai
telephone booth denwa bokusu
telephone call tsuwa
telephone directory denwa cho
telephone number denwa-bango
telephone office denwa kyoku
Television terebijon
temperature (body etc.) netsu
temperature (foods, things etc.) ondo
temperature (weather) kion
temple otera
temporarily ichiji
temporarily karini
temporarily ittan
temporarily icchou
temporary ichijiteki
temporary kari
temporary kiwamono
temporary kasetsu
temporary rinji
ten to
tennis tenisu
text book kyokaso
textile seni
Thailand tai
than ~ ~ yori
thank you ookini
thank you for your help tasukarimasu
that sore
that ki
that person (he/she) ano hito
that (there)/ those sono
that is tsumari
that is sunawachi
that is sunawachi
that kind of sonna
that over there achhi
that over there ano
that over there are
that place over there asoko
that way achira
that way sochira
that's all ijou desu
the amount of deposit yukingaku
the best way shikatta
the correct path masamichi
the day after tomorrow asatte
the day before yesterday ototoi
the first saisho
the inside nainai
the Japanese flag hinomaru
the last paragraph makkou
the line is busy hanashichu
the most ichiban
the opposite bank mukougishi
the other day konoaida
the present era genjidai
the same place hitotokoro
theater (play) geki
their karera no
themselves jibuntachi
then sorede
then suruto
then de
there shochhi
there soko
therefore dakara
therefore sorede
therefore desukara
therefore yotte
thermal (an) onnetsusei
thermal diffusion netsukakusan
these korera
thesis ronbun
they karera
thick atsui
thick chuumitsu
thick fukai
thick koi
thick moumoutaru
thick ussoutaru
thief dorobo
thin hosoi
thin usui
thirsty kanekimasu
thirsty kawakimashita
this kore
this kono
this day konnichi
this month kongetsu
this morning kesa
this time konkai
this way kochira
this week konshu
this year kotoshi
thoroughly amasutokoronaku
thoroughly manbennaku
those over there sorera
thoughtful yasashi
thousands sensen
three mittsu
Thursday mokuyoubi
ticket kippu
ticket window madoguchi
tie nekutai
time jikan
time jikoku
time ki
time difference jisa
time is up jikan desu
time of the year jibun
time(s) ~ do
time-table jukokuhyu
tired tsukaremashita
tired tsukareru
tiredness tsukare
to ate
to (direction) hou
to (happen to) see mikakeru
to address (crowd) yobikakeru
to adjust chosetsushimasu
to advance kakeru
to agree doujiru
to agree douzuru
to agree with aimasu
to agree with sokushimasu
to annoy sawagashimasu
to answer kotaeru
to answer toku
to apologize ayamaru
to appeal to hatarakikakeru
to apply (a rule) atehamaru
to approach chikayoru
to approve mitomeru
to approve yurushimasu
to arise wakiokoru
to arrange moushiawaseru
to arrange shikumu
to arrange soroeru
to arrange totonoeru
to arrive tsukimasu
to ask kikimasu
to ask kou
to ask shistumonsuru
to ask tazuneru
to ask tou
to ask ukagaimasu
to ask yobimasu
to ask a person about tadashimasu
to ask each other sasoiaimasu
to ask for moushiukeru
to ask question shitsumonsuru
to assemble atsumaru
to attach tsuku
to attack osoikakarimasu
to attack (disease) hatsubyou
to award sazukeru
to bark naku
to be imasu
to be able to dekimasu
to be absorbed in koru
to be afraid kowagaru
to be alright temo ii
to be applicable atehamaru
to be arrested taihosareru
to be bad at nigatedearu
to be born umareru
to be broken down kusareru
to be called yobarete imasu
to be clear go
to be comprised of fukumareru
to be contracted chidzimaru
to be decided kimaru
to be enough tariru
to be expected hazu
to be found mitsukaru
to be full michiru
to be guided michibiku
to be hurry isogimasu
to be in excess amaru
to be in excess ariamaru
to be in time maniau
to be included (vi) fukumareru
to be interested in kyoumigaaru
to be involved karamaru
to be known omotedatsu
to be lacking kakeru
to be late okureru
to be left nokoru
to be left over amaru
to be lowered hikumaru
to be of use narimasu
to be opposite awaseru
to be opposite mukiau
to be poor at nigatedearu
to be popular hayaru
to be popular moteru
to be popular ninkigaeru
to be propagated hiromaru
to be proud of hokoru
to be rash hayamaru
to be reduced bero
to be renewed aratamaru
to be sad kanashimu
to be satisfied kototariru
to be sent hakensaseru
to be settled kimaru
to be shortened chidzimaru
to be shown michibiku
to be silent damaru
to be slim yasemasu
to be sorry zannendearu
to be sufficient tariru
to be surprised odoroku
to be tightened hikishimaru
to be tired of waiting machiwabiru
to be very surprised mewomanmarunisuru
to be weak in nigatedearu
to be worried komarimasu
to be worried kurushimu
to be worried nayamu
to be worried wabiru
to be worried shinpaishimasu
to become narimasu
to become active hikitatsu
to become popular sakanninaru
to become popular ureru
to become popular uridasu
to become tense hikishimaru
to become trouble komarimasu
to begin hajimairimasu
to begin to cut tachikakeru
to begin to open hokorobiru
to benefit uruosu
to blow fukimasu
to boil nitatsu
to book (ticket etc.) yoyakushimasu
to borrow karimasu
to bother sawagashimasu
to break into hairu
to bring motte iru
to bring (someone) tsurete kimasu
to bring (something) motte kimasu
to broadcast okurishimasu
to burst wakiokoru
to buy kaimasu
to call yobimasu
to call out sasoiwokakeru
to carry machimasu
to carry ninau
to carry obiru
to carry in hakobikomu
to carry in kakiireru
to carry on (work) tsutomeokonau
to carry out hakobidasu
to carry out hatasu
to carry out mochidashimasu
to carry out togeru
to cause trouble sawagashimasu
to change narimasu
to change (a train etc.) norikaemasu
to cheat tabakaru
to cheat damasu
to check up shirabemasu
to choose erabimasu
to choose toru
to choose mitateru
to choose uranau
to clean (a room etc.) soujishimasu
to clear sumasu
to clear tobikoeru
to climb nobaru
to close shimemasu
to close toshimasu
to close (door etc.) shimarimasu
to collect matomeru
to collect atsumaru
to come kimasu
to come into hairimasu
to come out (a ticket etc.) demasu
to commence shikakeru
to communicate tsuujiru
to communicate tsutaeru
to communicate with tsuujiau
to compromise ayumiyoru
to conclude naritatsu
to confuse bakasu
to consider anzuru
to consider kangaemasu
to consider omonpakaru
to consist of naritatsu
to console itawarimasu
to construct kakeru
to consult soudanshimasu
to contact tegakari
to continue tsuzukemasu
to continue tsuzukeraremasu
to control osaeru
to control sayousuru
to control seisuru
to control torishimaru
to correct naoshimasu
to count kazoeru
to count kazoeru
to crash ochiru
to cross watarimasu
to cross each other kuichigau
to cry naku
to cut kirimasu
to deceive damasu
to decide kimeru
to decompose kusareru
to decrease herasu
to degenerate ochiru
to delay hikinobasu
to delay okurasu
to delay zurasu
to deliver hikiwatasu
to deliver kubaru
to deliver umu
to deliver todokeru
to deliver okuritodokeru
to depart dekakeru
to deposit haraikomu
to depress hekomasu
to derive michibikidasu
to dial (e.g. phone) kakeru
to dial (tel etc.) mawashimasu
to die nakunaru
to differ kuichigau
to differ (from) chigau
to disagree surechigau
to disappear nakunaru
to disappoint gakkarishimasu
to discharge (from job) yamesaseru
to discover miidasu
to discover mitsukeru
to discover sagashiateru
to discuss hanasuau
to display arawasu
to display hiramekasu
to display miseru
to distort hizumu
to distribute chirasu
to distribute kubaru
to distribute wakeataeru
to distribute waritsukeru
to do shimasu
to do one’s best ganbarimasu
to do practical training jisshushimasu
to do practice renshushimasu
to do research kenkyoshimasu
to do shopping kaimonoshimasu
to do sightseeing kenbutsushimasu
to do something completely kumanaku
to draw (money) hikidasu
to draw or paint kakimasu
to drink nomimasu
to drive untenshimasu
to drop ochiru
to eat tabemasu
to encourage genkizukeru
to encourage hagemasu
to enjoy oneself tanoshimu
to enroll hairimasu
to enter hairimasu
to erase kesu
to expire michiru
to explain setsumeishimasu
to explain moushihiraku
to fail (e.g. exam) ochiru
to fall (e.g. blossoms) chiru
to fall down ochiru
to fall down taoreru
to fall down marobu
to fall rain furimasu
to find sagasu
to find a solution (after struggle) happoumarukuosamaru
to finish owarimasu
to fit hamaru
to flow nagarekomu
to flow nagareru
to fly tobimasu
to fly kakeru
to forget wasuremasu
to gather atsumaru
to get itadaku
to get angry okoru
to get close to the time jikinisashikakeru
to get into hamaru
to get lost nakunaru
to get married kekkon-shimasu
to get off (from a train etc.) orimasu
to get on (a train etc.) norimasu
to get out orimasu
to get to know shirimasu
to get to know (someone) shiriau
to get up okimasu
to get wet nureru
to give (something to me) kuremasu
to give (to junior) kudasaimasu
to give (to junior) yarimasu
to give (to senior) sashiagemashita
to give (to somebody) agemasu
to give a surprise hitoawafukaseru
to give back kaeshimasu
to give up akirameru
to go ikimasu
to go about dearuku
to go home kaerimasu
to go out dearuku
to go out gaishutsu
to go out/ exits dekakemasu
to go out/ exits demasu
to go through torimasu
to go to bed nemasu
to grant sazukeru
to hand in dashimasu
to hang kakeru
to hangs kakarimasu
to happen okoru
to harass sawagasu
to have a frustration kinchoshimasu
to have a meal shokuji-shimasu
to have a problem komarimasu
to hear kikoeru
to help tasukeru
to help tetsudau
to help (with a task) tetsudaimasu
to hit butsukeru
to hit naguru
to hit ateru
to hit utsu (uchimasu)
to hold mochimasu
to hold out fumitodomaru
to hook hikkakeru
to improve joutatsusuru
to incline katayoru
to increase fueru
to increase fuyasu
to influence hatarakikakeru
to insert iremasu
to insist on ganbaru
to intensify fukamaru
to introduce shokaishimasu
to invent takuramu
to invent umidasu
to investigate shirabemasu
to invite sasou
to invite yobu
to invite sasoiwokakeru
to join hairu
to justify moushihiraku
to keep okimasu
to know shitte imasu
to know shitteiru
to know wakaru
to know (humble) uketamawaru
to land chakurikushimasu
to late okurete imasu
to learn naraimasu
to leave demasu
to leave oitomasuru
to leave idetatsu
to leave idetatsu
to leave hikisagaru
to leave hikiageru
to leave saru
to lend kashimasu
to like sukimasu
to listen kikimasu
to live sunde imasu
to live sumimasu
to look mimasu
to look at mimasu
to look better hikitatsu
to look for sagashimasu
to look for asaru
to look for machinozomu
to look for saguru
to look forward to something tanoshiminisuru
to lose nakushimasu
to lose ushinaimasu
to lose someone (child etc.) nakunasu
to lose something nakusu
to lower hikumaru
to make tsukurimasu
to make (someone) do saseru
to make a mistake machigaemasu
to make a mistake ayamaru
to make a phone call kakemasu [denwa o~]
to make a photocopy kopiishimasu
to make a sound (animal) naku
to make plan keikakusuru
to make progress joutatsusuru
to make use of yakudateru
to manage benjiru
to manage benzuru
to manage hakarau
to manage tagakeru
to manage torihakarau
to manage everything kirimawasu
to mature michiru
to meet aimasu
to memorize oboemasu
to miss nakunasu
to move (a machine) ugokimasu
to need irimasu
to notice mikakeru
to obey houzuru
to obey shitagau
to obey mamoru
to obey houjiru
to obey respectfully kashikomaru
to observe carefully misumasu
to occur okoru
to offer a prize shoukinwokakeru
to offer a suggestion mochikakeru
to open akemasu
to open hirakimasu
to order chumonsuru
to overlap kasanekakeru
to park (a car etc.) tomemasu
to park (car etc.) chusashimasu
to pass akasu
to paste (stamp etc.) harimasu
to pay haraimasu
to pay attention to ki o tsukemasu
to persist ganbaru
to pick up toriageru
to play enzuru
to play sasu
to play tawamureru
to play narau
to play (a game etc.) shimasu
to play (a piano etc) hikimasu
to practice rensusuru
to prepare tsukurimasu
to prepare youisuru
to present ataeru
to present houzuru
to present matsuru
to present sashidasu
to present tatematsuru
to press oshimasu
to produce tsukurimasu
to propose an idea mochikakeru
to pursue oikakeru
to push oshimasu
to put okimasu
to put (thing) in order katazukemasu
to put in iremasu
to put on kakeru
to put on (lower body) haku
to put on (upper body) kaburu
to put on clothes kiseru
to reach to narimasu
to read yomimasu
to receive itadakimasu
to receive moraimasu
to regret zannendearu
to regret kanashimu
to remain inokoru
to remain nokoru
to remain amaru
to remain fumitodomaru
to remember oboemasu
to repair naoshimasu
to repair (fan, clock etc.) surishimasu
to repeat hikikaeshimasu
to repeat kurikaeshimasu
to reply kotaeru
to report kotowaru
to request kou
to request motomeru
to request negau
to request ousetsukeru
to request tanomu
to reserve yoyakushimasu
to resist taeru
to return (something) kaeshimasu
to return (something) modorimasu
to return to home kaerimasu
to review fukushushimasu
to ride norimasu
to rise okoru
to rise (tide) michiru
to risk kakeru
to rotate mawashimasu
to run hashiru
to run kakeru
to run (a machine) ugokimasu
to saturate fukumasu
to save tamaru
to save amasu
to save sessuru
to save tasukeru
to say iu
to say iimasu
to say good buy oitomasuru
to scatter (e.g. blossoms) chiru
to search for sagasu
to see mimasu
to see (someone) home okurimasu
to seek sagasu
to select erabu
to select hiroidasu
to select mitateru
to sell urimasu
to send okurimasu
to send (money etc.) dashimasu
to send back hikikaeshimasu
to serve the purpose kototariru
to show shime
to show (something) misemasu
to show the way annaishimasu
to shrink chidzimaru
to shut shimemasu
to shut (close) hasamaremasu
to sing utaimasu
to sing (bird) naku
to sit kakeru
to sit koshikakeru
to sit down suwarimasu
to sit down koshikakeru
to sleep nemasu
to slip off suberiochiru
to smoke suimasu
to solve hanjiru
to solve katadzuku
to solve toku
to speak hanashimasu
to spoil kusareru
to spread hiromaru
to stand koraeru
to stand tatsu
to stand (someone) up suppokasu
to stand (someone) up tateru
to stand (still) a while tatazumu
to stand in a line narabu
to stand in a row tsuranaru
to stand up tachimasu
to stand up tachiagaru
to stand up tachinarabu
to stand up sakadatsu
to start hajimairimasu
to start hajimemasu
to start idetatsu
to stay taizaishimasu
to stay tomaru
to stay (e.g.. Hotel) tomaru
to stay long iribitaru
to stay on fumitodomaru
to step up ayumiyoru
to stop (a machine etc.) tomarimasu
to stop (park a car etc.) tomemasu
to study benkyoshimasu
to submit sashidasu
to suit hamaru
to supply osameru
to supply with ategau
to surprise odorokasu
to survive tasukaru
to swim oyogimasu
to switch off kirimasu
to switch on iremasu
to sympathize with itawaru
to take torimasu
to take itadakimasu
to take (a pic. etc.) torimasu
to take (a shower etc.) abimasu
to take (someone) tsurete ikimasu
to take (something) motte ikimasu
to take a bath ofuronihairu
to take a rest yasumimasu
to take a stroll dearuku
to take a walk sanposhimasu
to take away torinozoku
to take away nokeru
to take bath abemasu
to take off (cloths etc.) nugimasu
to take off clothes nugu
to take out mochidashimasu
to take out hikidasu
to take out toridasu
to take out karidasu
to take out (money) hikidasu
to take time kakarimasu
to talk hanashimasu
to teach sazukeru
to teach oshiemasu
to tell iu
to tell iidasu
to tell kotowaru
to tell kuchibashiru
to tell moushiageru
to tell moushideru
to tell oshiemasu
to tell the truth shitsu wa
to terminate kiwamaru
to thank shasuru
to think kangaemasu
to think omoimasu
to touch sawarimasu
to trick damasu
to try kokoromiru
to try shimasu
to turn mawashimasu
to turn left, right etc magarimus
to turn off (a light etc.) keshimasu
to turn on kakeru
to turn on (a light etc.) tsukemasu
to understand wakarimasu
to use tsukaimasu
to visit asobimasu
to visit kengakushimasu
to visit mairu
to visit tazuneru
to visit ukagaimasu
to visit yoru
to visit several places mawaru
to wait machimasu
to wait for matte imasu
to wake yobiokosu
to walk arukimasu
to want hoshii
to want hossuru
to want motomeru
to warp hizumu
to wash (cloths etc.) sentakushimasu
to wash (face etc.) araimasu
to watch mimasu
to wear (a hat etc.) kaburimasu
to wear (a shirt etc.) kimasu
to wear (glasses etc.) kakemasu
to wear (shirt etc.) kiro
to wear (shoes, trouser etc.) hakimasu
to withdrawal (money etc.) dashimasu
to woke up okimasu
to work hatarakimasu
to work shihoto o shimasu
to work (a machine) ugokimasu
to work on someone hatarakikakeru
to write kakimasu
toast tosuto
tobacco tabako
today kyo
today konnichi
together issho
together with isshoni
together with totomoni
toilet otearai
toilet toire
toilet seat benza
tokiniha occasionally
tokiniha at times
tomorrow ashita
tonight konban
too koso
too mo
too much sugiro
tool dogu
tools yougu
tooth ha
toothbrush haburashi
toothpaste hamigaki
total soukei
total zengaku
total (amount) goukei
total (amount) sougaku
total (number) sousuu
total assets shisangoukei
tour ryoko
tourist kankoukyaku
tourist raiyuusha
tourist ryokosha
tourist visa kankoubiza
towel tauro
towel nugui
tower tawa
town cho
town machi
tradition densetsu
tradition dentou
tradition inshuu
tradition koden
tradition koji
tradition naiki
tradition rekiden
tradition ten
traditional dentouteki
traditional juurai
traditional seitou
traffic light shingou
tragically aenaku
train (electric) densha
trainee kenshusei
transfer (money) furikare
transfer (money) furikomu
transformation (of a current) hen'atsu
transformer (power) hen'atsuki
transformer substation hen'atsujo
transmission hensokuki
transmission denpa
transmission (e.g. news) dendatsu
travel agency ryokosha
traveler ryokosha
triangle sankaku
trillion chou
trip ryoko
trophy torofii
trouble komatta koto
trousers zubon
true hontou
true shinsei
true shinko
truthful tadashii
Tuesday kayoubi
TV terebi
two futatsu
two people futari
type katachi
type taipu
typewriter taipu-raita
umbrella kasa
unavailable mukou
unbalance futsuriai
uncertain abunakkashii
uncertain futashika
uncertain ayaui
uncertain femei
uncertain utagawashii
uncertain fukakujitsu
uncertainty utaguri
uncertainty fuseikaku
uncertainty fujou
uncertainty utagai
uncertainty futei
uncertainty fuanshin
unchangeably kawarinaku
uncle ojisan/ oji
under shita
underground chika
underwear panteii
undeveloped mihattatsu
undiluted ki
uneventfully kotonaku
unfavorable conditions akujouken
unhappy urei
uniformity kin'itsu
uniformity kintou
uniformity touitsu
uniformity ichiritsu
uniformly manbennaku
uniformly manbennaku
unintentionally nanigenaku
uninteresting tsumaranai
unit tani
university daigaku
unknown fushou
unknown mikenno
unknown mishiranu
unknown namonai
unknown shiranai
unknown person shitsumeishi
unluckily unwaruku
unlucky fuun
unlucky tsutanai
unlucky ungawarui
unlucky number binboukuji
unlucky person ingamono
unmarried dokushin
unsigned fugounashi
until made
up ue
up to made
upper side uwagawa
urinal benki
urine nyou
urine shousui
us warera
USA amerika
use eki
useful benri
useful yakunitatsu
useless fuben[na]
vacation yasumi
vacation bakansu
vacunt munashii
valence genshika
valence band kadenshitai
valence band kadenshitai
valence electron kadenshi
valence electron kadenshi
valence state kadenshijoutai
valence state kadenshijoutai
valve seat benza
variety sensen
various iroiro
vegetable oil shokubutsuyu
vegetable shop yaoya
vehicle jidosha
vehicle inspection shaken
velocity sokudo
velocity sokuryokudo
velocity veroshiti
velocity (angular) kakusokudo
velocity (four, physics) shigensokudo
velocity (linear) sensokudo
velocity of sound otonosokudo
vertical chokuritsu
vertical enchoku
vertical suichoku
vertical axis tatejiku
vertical axis tatejiku
vertical line juusen
vertical writing tategaki
very totemo
very nakanaka
very important ikigai
very important person bippu
very much banban
very much manman
video tape bideo
visions mugen
visit for study & observation kengaku
visitor hinkyaku
visitor raihin
visitor raihousha
visitor raikyaku
visitor raiyuusha
visitor (to lab) kengakusha
visitors kankaku
vitamin bitamin
voice koe
void munashii
voltage den'atsu
volume oto
waiting room machiaishitsu
walking slowly joho
wall kabe
war eki
ward ku
warm atatakii
warning chui
warning chuukoku
warning keikai
was/ were deshita
was/ were not dewa arimasen dishita
waste gomi
wastepaper basket gomibako
watermelon meron
watermelon suika
wave nami
wave shuuha
wave ue-bu
wave length hachou
wave motion uneri
way (path) michi
we warera
we watashi-tachi
weak hiyowai
weak kasuka
weak nayonayo
weak rui
weak usui
weak yowai
weak in nigate
Wednesday suiyoubi
week shukan
weekday heijitsu
weighing kankan
weight omori
weight fundou
weight omomi
weight kajuu
weight omosa
weight kinryou
weighty juudai
well maa
well yoku
well enough kekkou
well-known chomei
well-known kichi
well-known nadakai
well-known shuuchi
west nishi
western nishi no
what nan
what nani
what are the items? naninani
what date of the month? nan-nichi
what day of the week? nan-yobi
what kind of ~ donna ~
what kind off dou iu
what month of the year? nan-gatsu
what number? nan-bango
what time? nan-ji
what? eetsu
whatever zentai
when ~ toki wa
when itsu
where doko
which nanimo
which one dore
which way dochira
while ~ chyuo
while ~ uchi ni
while .. Ing ~ nagara
white shiroi
who dare
who donata
whole zenbu
whole zentai
wholly zenzen
whose dare mo
why doshite
why naze
wide hiroi
width yokohaba
width haba
width yoko
wife (own) kanai
wife (own) tsuma
wife (someone’s) okusan
wind kaze
window mado
winter fuyu
winter vacation fuyuiyasumi
wire harigane
wire sen
wire waiya-
wire (solid) tansen
wireless musen
wireless musenki
wireless waiyaresu
within inai
without nashi
without ~ ~ naide
without accident kotonaku
without any trouble sugu
without exception manbennaku
without omission irounaku
without reservation enryonaku
woman fujin
woman josei
woman onna no hito
women’s clothing fujin fuku
women’s wear fujin yohin
wood shinrin
wool youmou
word kotoba
word tango
work shigoto
world sekai
worrying endlessly monmon
would like to go ikitai desu
wound mukoukizu
wrapping paper uwagami
wrestling sumou
writer satsuka
writing kakikata
wrong fuka
year by year nennen
yearly nennen
years nennen
yellow kiiroi
yes hai
yes haa
yesterday kinou
you anata
young wakai
younger shita no
younger brother otouto-san
younger brother otouto
younger sister imouto
younger sister imouto-san
your anata no
your trouble kouhai
zoo doubutsuen
zoology doubutsugaku
angle kaku
angle kakudo
absulute zettai
absulute value zettaichi
accelerated motion kasokuundou
acceleration kasoku
acceleration kasokudo
alternating current kouryuu
applied voltage inkaden'atsu
arc (of a circle) kosen
area hen
atom genshi
atomic energy genshiryoku
atomic value genshika
atomic weight genshiryou
be equal to gon
be equal to kin
beam (signal) shingoudenpa
bits & pieces danpen
capacitance denkiyouryou
capacitor (electrolytic) denkaikondensa-
center of circle enshin
change of position hen'I
charge denka
chemical kagakuseihin
chemical reaction kagakuhannou
circle maru
circle ken
circle enjin
circle wa
circle enkei
circulation denpa
coil taba
collision shoutotsu
collision teishoku
compilation hen
complete distruction zenkai
conductivity doudensei
conductivity dendouritsu
conductivity doudendo
conductivity dendousei
conductor (elec) doudentai
conductor (elec) doudentai
conductor (electricity) doutai
conductor (electricity) doutai
crystal suishou
current denryuu
density mitsudo
density noukou
diameter chokkei
diameter bairitsu
dielectric yuuden
dielectric yuudentai
dielectric constant yuudenritsu
dielectric tangent yuudenseisetsu
domain hen'iki
editing hen
electo-magnetic field denjiba
electric charge denka
electric field denba
electric field denkai
electric field denkai
electrical capacitance youryou
electrolysis denkai
electrolyte denkaieki
electrolyte denkaishitsu
electrolytic (an) denkai
electrolytic bath denkaisou
electrolytic capacitor denkaikondensa-
electrolytic cell denkaisou
electrolytic solution denkaieki
electromagnetic (physics) denji
electro-magnetic wave denpa
electro-magnetic wave denpa
electron denshi
electron density denshimitsudo
equal hicchuu
equal hei
equal onaji
equal hitoshii
equal (a-no) doutou
equal to douyou
equal to each other aihitoshii
equally manbennaku
equation siki
equivalent douka
equivalent douchi
equivalent hitoshii
equivalent onaji
equivalent taitou
fraction hasuu
fraction hasuu
fragment danpen
frequency dosuu
frequency hindo
frequency hinpatsu
frequency kaisuu
frequency shutsudo
frequency shuuha
frequency (of waves) shuuhasuu
frequency (of waves) shuuhasuu
frequency band shuuhatai
frequency modulation shuuhahenchou
fusion yuugou
fusion yuukai
fusion youyuu
heat wave ensho
height massaichuu
height take
height takami
height sei
height takasa
height uwazei
height oka
high density koumitsu
high frequency kouhindo
high frequency koushuuha
high voltage kouatsu
high voltage kouden'i
high waves takanami
horizontal (Western) writing oubun
horizontal axis yokojiku
horizontal line ousen
horizontally (writing) yokogaki
infinite mugen
infinitessimal (math) mugenshou
infinity mugendai
inside diameter naikei
insulation resistance zetsuenteikou
isothermal touon
length okuyuki
length tate
length bou
length choutan
length nagasa
length take
length rengusu
length & width juuou
light waves kouha
logic sujimichi
low density teimitsu
low frequency teihindo
low frequency waves teishuuha
low frequency waves teishuuha
low voltage teiden'i
low voltage teiatsu
magnetic field jiba
magnetic field jijou
main current honryuu
main current shuchou
main current kanryuu
mechanism karakuri
mechanism kijo
mechanism kikou
mechanism shikake
mechanism kikan
media baishitsu
media baitai
medium chuukaibutsu
medium miko
medium baikaibutsu
medium cuui
medium wave chuuha
medium wave chuuhachou
microwave maikuroha
microwave oven denshirenji
motion dou
motion teigen
motion unten
motion undou
motion teigi
motion kengi
motion gen'an
neutral (chem.) chuusei
neutrality fuhenfutou
neutrality fuhen
neutrality fukainyuu
neutrality chuuritsu
nonconductor fudoutai
nonconductor furyoudoutai
nonconductor fudoutai
nuclear fusion kakuyuugou
nuclear power plant genshiryokuhatsudensho
nuclear reaction kakuhannou
nucleus (atomic) genshikaku
paragraph bunsetsu
paragraph danraku
paragraph issetsu
paragraph kou
paragraph ku
paragraph paragurafu
parallel heiretsu
parallel isen
parallel heikou
parallel line heikousen
parallel to sotte
parallelogram heikoushihenkei
per second byousoku
perimeter shuuichou
perimeter sotomawari
perpendicular chokuritsu
perpendicular enchoku
perpendicular suichoku
perpendicular line suisen
perpendicular line suichokusen
poor conductor furyoudoutai
poor conductor furyoudoutai
primary ichiji
primary current ichijidenryuu
propagation denpa
propagation denpan
radar denpatanchiki
radius toukotsu
radius hankei
reaction handou
reaction hansayou
reaction hankyou
reaction fukusayou
resistance tegotae
resistance teikou
resistance hankou
resistance kousou
resistance hantai
resistance (electric) denkiteikou
resistance (electrical) teikou
resistance (to conduction) doutsuuteikou
resistor (electrical) teikouki
second (60th min) byou
secondary niji
secondary current nijidenryuu
semiconductor handoutai
semiconductor handoutai
side hen
sine wave seigenha
sound wave onpa
speed sumiyaka
speed sokuryoku
speed sokuryokudo
speed chisoku
spread denpa
spring bane
square houkei
square shikaku
square shikakui
square seihoukei
square wave houkeiha
super-conductivity choudendou
the last paragraph makkou
thermal (an) onnetsusei
thermal diffusion netsukakusan
to control osaeru
to control sayousuru
to control seisuru
to control torishimaru
transformation (of a current) hen'atsu
transformer (power) hen'atsuki
transformer substation hen'atsujo
transmission denpa
triangle sankaku
uniformity kin'itsu
uniformity kintou
uniformity touitsu
uniformity ichiritsu
uniformly manbennaku
valence genshika
valence band kadenshitai
valence electron kadenshi
valence state kadenshijoutai
velocity sokudo
velocity sokuryokudo
velocity veroshiti
velocity (angular) kakusokudo
velocity (four, physics) shigensokudo
velocity (linear) sensokudo
velocity of sound otonosokudo
vertical chokuritsu
vertical enchoku
vertical suichoku
vertical axis tatejiku
vertical line juusen
vertical writing tategaki
voltage den'atsu
wave nami
wave shuuha
wave ue-bu
wave length hachou
wave motion uneri
weight omori
weight fundou
weight omomi
weight kajuu
weight omosa
weight kinryou
width yokohaba
width haba
width yoko
wire harigane
wire sen
wire waiya-
wire (solid) tansen
wireless musen
wireless musenki
wireless waiyaresu
to take bath abemasu to look at mimasu
to take (a shower etc.) abimasu to see mimasu
to give (to somebody) agemasu to watch mimasu
to agree with aimasu to show (something) misemasu
to meet aimasu to display miseru
to pass akasu to observe carefully misumasu
to open akemasu to choose mitateru
to give up akirameru to select mitateru
to be in excess amaru to approve mitomeru
to be left over amaru to be found mitsukaru
to remain amaru to discover mitsukeru
to save amasu to carry out mochidashimasu
to show the way annaishimasu to take out mochidashimasu
to consider anzuru to offer a suggestion mochikakeru
to wash (face etc.) araimasu to propose an idea mochikakeru
to be renewed aratamaru to hold mochimasu
to display arawasu to return (something) modorimasu
to be in excess ariamaru to receive moraimasu
to walk arukimasu to be popular moteru
to look for asaru to request motomeru
to visit asobimasu to want motomeru
to present ataeru to take (something) motte ikimasu
to supply with ategau to bring motte iru
to apply (a rule) atehamaru to bring (something) motte kimasu
to be applicable atehamaru to tell moushiageru
to hit ateru to arrange moushiawaseru
to assemble atsumaru to tell moushideru
to collect atsumaru to explain moushihiraku
to gather atsumaru to justify moushihiraku
to be opposite awaseru to ask for moushiukeru
to apologize ayamaru to be opposite mukiau
to make a mistake ayamaru to flow nagarekomu
to compromise ayumiyoru to flow nagareru
to step up ayumiyoru to hit naguru
to confuse bakasu to bark naku
to manage benjiru to cry naku
to study benkyoshimasu to make a sound (animal) naku
to manage benzuru to sing (bird) naku
to be reduced bero to die nakunaru
to hit butsukeru to disappear nakunaru
to land chakurikushimasu to get lost nakunaru
to be contracted chidzimaru to lose someone (child etc.) nakunasu
to be shortened chidzimaru to miss nakunasu
to shrink chidzimaru to lose nakushimasu
to differ (from) chigau to lose something nakusu
to approach chikayoru to correct naoshimasu
to distribute chirasu to repair naoshimasu
to fall (e.g. blossoms) chiru to stand in a line narabu
to scatter (e.g. blossoms) chiru to learn naraimasu
to adjust chosetsushimasu to play narau
to order chumonsuru to be of use narimasu
to park (car etc.) chusashimasu to become narimasu
to be silent damaru to change narimasu
to cheat damasu to reach to narimasu
to deceive damasu to conclude naritatsu
to trick damasu to consist of naritatsu
to hand in dashimasu to be worried nayamu
to send (money etc.) dashimasu to request negau
to withdrawal (money etc.) dashimasu to go to bed nemasu
to go about dearuku to sleep nemasu
to go out dearuku to be bad at nigatedearu
to take a stroll dearuku to be poor at nigatedearu
to go out/ exits dekakemasu to be weak in nigatedearu
to depart dekakeru to carry ninau
to be able to dekimasu to be popular ninkigaeru
to come out (a ticket etc.) demasu to boil nitatsu
to go out/ exits demasu to climb nobaru
to leave demasu to take away nokeru
to agree doujiru to be left nokoru
to agree douzuru to remain nokoru
to play enzuru to drink nomimasu
to choose erabimasu to change (a train etc.) norikaemasu
to select erabu to get on (a train etc.) norimasu
to increase fueru to ride norimasu
to intensify fukamaru to take off (cloths etc.) nugimasu
to blow fukimasu to take off clothes nugu
to be comprised of fukumareru to get wet nureru
to be included (vi) fukumareru to carry obiru
to saturate fukumasu to memorize oboemasu
to review fukushushimasu to remember oboemasu
to hold out fumitodomaru to crash ochiru
to remain fumitodomaru to degenerate ochiru
to stay on fumitodomaru to drop ochiru
to fall rain furimasu to fail (e.g. exam) ochiru
to increase fuyasu to fall down ochiru
to go out gaishutsu to surprise odorokasu
to disappoint gakkarishimasu to be surprised odoroku
to do one’s best ganbarimasu to take a bath ofuronihairu
to insist on ganbaru to pursue oikakeru
to persist ganbaru to leave oitomasuru
to encourage genkizukeru to say good buy oitomasuru
to be clear go to get up okimasu
to encourage hagemasu to keep okimasu
to come into hairimasu to put okimasu
to enroll hairimasu to woke up okimasu
to enter hairimasu to get angry okoru
to break into hairu to happen okoru
to join hairu to occur okoru
to begin hajimairimasu to rise okoru
to start hajimairimasu to delay okurasu
to start hajimemasu to be late okureru
to manage hakarau to late okurete imasu
to be sent hakensaseru to see (someone) home okurimasu
to wear (shoes, trouser etc.) hakimasu to send okurimasu
to carry out hakobidasu to broadcast okurishimasu
to carry in hakobikomu to deliver okuritodokeru
to put on (lower body) haku to think omoimasu
to fit hamaru to consider omonpakaru
to get into hamaru to be known omotedatsu
to suit hamaru to get off (from a train etc.) orimasu
to speak hanashimasu to get out orimasu
to talk hanashimasu to control osaeru
to discuss hanasuau to supply osameru
to solve hanjiru to teach oshiemasu
to find a solution (after struggle) happoumarukuosamaru to tell oshiemasu
to deposit haraikomu to press oshimasu
to pay haraimasu to push oshimasu
to paste (stamp etc.) harimasu to attack osoikakarimasu
to shut (close) hasamaremasu to request ousetsukeru
to run hashiru to finish owarimasu
to appeal to hatarakikakeru to swim oyogimasu
to influence hatarakikakeru to do practice renshushimasu
to work on someone hatarakikakeru to practice rensusuru
to work hatarakimasu to discover sagashiateru
to carry out hatasu to look for sagashimasu
to attack (disease) hatsubyou to find sagasu
to be rash hayamaru to search for sagasu
to be popular hayaru to seek sagasu
to be expected hazu to look for saguru
to depress hekomasu to stand up sakadatsu
to decrease herasu to become popular sakanninaru
to leave hikiageru to take a walk sanposhimasu
to draw (money) hikidasu to leave saru
to take out hikidasu to make (someone) do saseru
to take out (money) hikidasu to give (to senior) sashiagemashita
to repeat hikikaeshimasu to present sashidasu
to send back hikikaeshimasu to submit sashidasu
to play (a piano etc) hikimasu to ask each other sasoiaimasu
to delay hikinobasu to call out sasoiwokakeru
to leave hikisagaru to invite sasoiwokakeru
to be tightened hikishimaru to invite sasou
to become tense hikishimaru to play sasu
to become active hikitatsu to annoy sawagashimasu
to look better hikitatsu to bother sawagashimasu
to deliver hikiwatasu to cause trouble sawagashimasu
to hook hikkakeru to harass sawagasu
to be lowered hikumaru to touch sawarimasu
to lower hikumaru to control sayousuru
to open hirakimasu to award sazukeru
to display hiramekasu to grant sazukeru
to select hiroidasu to teach sazukeru
to be propagated hiromaru to control seisuru
to spread hiromaru to wash (cloths etc.) sentakushimasu
to give a surprise hitoawafukaseru to save sessuru
to distort hizumu to explain setsumeishimasu
to warp hizumu to thank shasuru
to begin to open hokorobiru to work shihoto o shimasu
to be proud of hokoru to commence shikakeru
to want hoshii to arrange shikumu
to want hossuru to close (door etc.) shimarimasu
to obey houjiru to do shimasu
to obey houzuru to play (a game etc.) shimasu
to present houzuru to try shimasu
to leave idetatsu to show shime
to leave idetatsu to close shimemasu
to start idetatsu to shut shimemasu
to tell iidasu to be worried shinpaishimasu
to say iimasu to check up shirabemasu
to go ikimasu to investigate shirabemasu
to be imasu to get to know (someone) shiriau
to remain inokoru to get to know shirimasu
to insert iremasu to ask shistumonsuru
to put in iremasu to obey shitagau
to switch on iremasu to tell the truth shitsu wa
to stay long iribitaru to ask question shitsumonsuru
to need irimasu to know shitte imasu
to be hurry isogimasu to know shitteiru
to receive itadakimasu to introduce shokaishimasu
to take itadakimasu to have a meal shokuji-shimasu
to get itadaku to offer a prize shoukinwokakeru
to console itawarimasu to agree with sokushimasu
to sympathize with itawaru to arrange soroeru
to say iu to consult soudanshimasu
to tell iu to clean (a room etc.) soujishimasu
to get close to the time jikinisashikakeru to slip off suberiochiru
to do practical training jisshushimasu to smoke suimasu
to improve joutatsusuru to like sukimasu
to make progress joutatsusuru to clear sumasu
to wear (a hat etc.) kaburimasu to live sumimasu
to put on (upper body) kaburu to live sunde imasu
to go home kaerimasu to stand (someone) up suppokasu
to return to home kaerimasu to disagree surechigau
to give back kaeshimasu to repair (fan, clock etc.) surishimasu
to return (something) kaeshimasu to sit down suwarimasu
to buy kaimasu to cheat tabakaru
to do shopping kaimonoshimasu to eat tabemasu
to hangs kakarimasu to stand up tachiagaru
to take time kakarimasu to begin to cut tachikakeru
to wear (glasses etc.) kakemasu to stand up tachimasu
to make a phone call kakemasu [denwa o~] to stand up tachinarabu
to advance kakeru to ask a person about tadashimasu
to be lacking kakeru to resist taeru
to construct kakeru to manage tagakeru
to dial (e.g. phone) kakeru to be arrested taihosareru
to fly kakeru to stay taizaishimasu
to hang kakeru to invent takuramu
to put on kakeru to save tamaru
to risk kakeru to request tanomu
to run kakeru to look forward to something tanoshiminisuru
to sit kakeru to enjoy oneself tanoshimu
to turn on kakeru to fall down taoreru
to carry in kakiireru to be enough tariru
to draw or paint kakimasu to be sufficient tariru
to write kakimasu to survive tasukaru
to be sad kanashimu to help tasukeru
to regret kanashimu to save tasukeru
to consider kangaemasu to stand (still) a while tatazumu
to think kangaemasu to present tatematsuru
to be involved karamaru to stand (someone) up tateru
to take out karidasu to stand tatsu
to borrow karimasu to play tawamureru
to overlap kasanekakeru to ask tazuneru
to obey respectfully kashikomaru to visit tazuneru
to lend kashimasu to contact tegakari
to solve katadzuku to be alright temo ii
to incline katayoru to help (with a task) tetsudaimasu
to put (thing) in order katazukemasu to help tetsudau
to count kazoeru to clear tobikoeru
to count kazoeru to fly tobimasu
to make plan keikakusuru to deliver todokeru
to get married kekkon-shimasu to carry out togeru
to do sightseeing kenbutsushimasu to answer toku
to visit kengakushimasu to solve toku
to do research kenkyoshimasu to stop (a machine etc.) tomarimasu
to turn off (a light etc.) keshimasu to stay tomaru
to erase kesu to stay (e.g.. Hotel) tomaru
to pay attention to ki o tsukemasu to park (a car etc.) tomemasu
to ask kikimasu to stop (park a car etc.) tomemasu
to listen kikimasu to pick up toriageru
to hear kikoeru to take out toridasu
to be decided kimaru to manage torihakarau
to be settled kimaru to go through torimasu
to come kimasu to take torimasu
to wear (a shirt etc.) kimasu to take (a pic. etc.) torimasu
to decide kimeru to take away torinozoku
to have a frustration kinchoshimasu to control torishimaru
to cut kirimasu to choose toru
to switch off kirimasu to close toshimasu
to manage everything kirimawasu to arrange totonoeru
to wear (shirt etc.) kiro to ask tou
to put on clothes kiseru to use tsukaimasu
to terminate kiwamaru to turn on (a light etc.) tsukemasu
to try kokoromiru to arrive tsukimasu
to be worried komarimasu to attach tsuku
to become trouble komarimasu to make tsukurimasu
to have a problem komarimasu to prepare tsukurimasu
to make a photocopy kopiishimasu to produce tsukurimasu
to stand koraeru to stand in a row tsuranaru
to be absorbed in koru to take (someone) tsurete ikimasu
to sit koshikakeru to bring (someone) tsurete kimasu
to sit down koshikakeru to communicate tsutaeru
to answer kotaeru to carry on (work) tsutomeokonau
to reply kotaeru to communicate with tsuujiau
to be satisfied kototariru to communicate tsuujiru
to serve the purpose kototariru to continue tsuzukemasu
to report kotowaru to continue tsuzukeraremasu
to tell kotowaru to move (a machine) ugokimasu
to ask kou to run (a machine) ugokimasu
to request kou to work (a machine) ugokimasu
to be afraid kowagaru to ask ukagaimasu
to deliver kubaru to visit ukagaimasu
to distribute kubaru to know (humble) uketamawaru
to tell kuchibashiru to be born umareru
to give (to junior) kudasaimasu to invent umidasu
to cross each other kuichigau to deliver umu
to differ kuichigau to drive untenshimasu
to do something completely kumanaku to choose uranau
to give (something to me) kuremasu to become popular ureru
to repeat kurikaeshimasu to become popular uridasu
to be worried kurushimu to sell urimasu
to be broken down kusareru to benefit uruosu
to decompose kusareru to lose ushinaimasu
to spoil kusareru to sing utaimasu
to be interested in kyoumigaaru to hit utsu (uchimasu)
to make a mistake machigaemasu to be worried wabiru
to carry machimasu to understand wakarimasu
to wait machimasu to know wakaru
to look for machinozomu to distribute wakeataeru
to be tired of waiting machiwabiru to arise wakiokoru
to turn left, right etc magarimus to burst wakiokoru
to visit mairu to distribute waritsukeru
to obey mamoru to forget wasuremasu
to be in time maniau to cross watarimasu
to fall down marobu to make use of yakudateru
to collect matomeru to discharge (from job) yamesaseru
to present matsuru to give (to junior) yarimasu
to wait for matte imasu to be slim yasemasu
to visit several places mawaru to take a rest yasumimasu
to dial (tel etc.) mawashimasu to be called yobarete imasu
to rotate mawashimasu to ask yobimasu
to turn mawashimasu to call yobimasu
to be very surprised mewomanmarunisuru to wake yobiokosu
to derive michibikidasu to invite yobu
to be guided michibiku to read yomimasu
to be shown michibiku to visit yoru
to be full michiru to prepare youisuru
to expire michiru to book (ticket etc.) yoyakushimasu
to mature michiru to reserve yoyakushimasu
to rise (tide) michiru to approve yurushimasu
to discover miidasu to be sorry zannendearu
to notice mikakeru to regret zannendearu
to look mimasu to delay zurasu
aihitoshii equal to each other kou paragraph
baikaibutsu medium kouatsu high voltage
bairitsu diameter kouden'i high voltage
baishitsu media kouha light waves
baitai media kouhindo high frequency
bane spring koumitsu high density
bou length kouryuu alternating current
bunsetsu paragraph koushuuha high frequency
byou second (60th min) kousou resistance
byousoku per second ku paragraph
chisoku speed maikuroha microwave
chokkei diameter makkou the last paragraph
chokuritsu perpendicular manbennaku equally
chokuritsu vertical manbennaku uniformly
choudendou super-conductivity maru circle
choutan length massaichuu height
chuuha medium wave miko medium
chuuhachou medium wave mitsudo density
chuukaibutsu medium mugen infinite
chuuritsu neutrality mugendai infinity
chuusei neutral (chem.) mugenshou infinitessimal (math)
cuui medium musen wireless
danpen bits & pieces musenki wireless
danpen fragment nagasa length
danraku paragraph naikei inside diameter
den'atsu voltage nami wave
denba electric field netsukakusan thermal diffusion
dendouritsu conductivity niji secondary
dendousei conductivity nijidenryuu secondary current
denji electromagnetic (physics) noukou density
denjiba electo-magnetic field oka height
denka charge okuyuki length
denka electric charge omomi weight
denkai electric field omori weight
denkai electric field omosa weight
denkai electrolysis onaji equal
denkai electrolytic (an) onaji equivalent
denkaieki electrolyte onnetsusei thermal (an)
denkaieki electrolytic solution onpa sound wave
denkaikondensa- capacitor (electrolytic) osaeru to control
denkaikondensa- electrolytic capacitor otonosokudo velocity of sound
denkaishitsu electrolyte oubun horizontal (Western) writing
denkaisou electrolytic bath ousen horizontal line
denkaisou electrolytic cell paragurafu paragraph
denkiteikou resistance (electric) rengusu length
denkiyouryou capacitance sankaku triangle
denpa circulation sayousuru to control
denpa electro-magnetic wave sei height
denpa electro-magnetic wave seigenha sine wave
denpa propagation seihoukei square
denpa spread seisuru to control
denpa transmission sen wire
denpan propagation sensokudo velocity (linear)
denpatanchiki radar shigensokudo velocity (four, physics)
denryuu current shikake mechanism
denshi electron shikaku square
denshimitsudo electron density shikakui square
denshirenji microwave oven shingoudenpa beam (signal)
dosuu frequency shoutotsu collision
dou motion shuchou main current
douchi equivalent shutsudo frequency
doudendo conductivity shuuha frequency
doudensei conductivity shuuha wave
doudentai conductor (elec) shuuhahenchou frequency modulation
doudentai conductor (elec) shuuhasuu frequency (of waves)
douka equivalent shuuhasuu frequency (of waves)
doutai conductor (electricity) shuuhatai frequency band
doutai conductor (electricity) shuuichou perimeter
doutou equal (a-no) siki equation
doutsuuteikou resistance (to conduction) sokudo velocity
douyou equal to sokuryoku speed
enchoku perpendicular sokuryokudo speed
enchoku vertical sokuryokudo velocity
enjin circle sotomawari perimeter
enkei circle sotte parallel to
enshin center of circle suichoku perpendicular
ensho heat wave suichoku vertical
fudoutai nonconductor suichokusen perpendicular line
fudoutai nonconductor suisen perpendicular line
fuhen neutrality suishou crystal
fuhenfutou neutrality sujimichi logic
fukainyuu neutrality sumiyaka speed
fukusayou reaction taba coil
fundou weight taitou equivalent
furyoudoutai nonconductor takami height
furyoudoutai poor conductor takanami high waves
furyoudoutai poor conductor takasa height
gen'an motion take height
genshi atom take length
genshika atomic value tansen wire (solid)
genshika valence tate length
genshikaku nucleus (atomic) tategaki vertical writing
genshiryoku atomic energy tatejiku vertical axis
genshiryokuhatsudensho nuclear power plant tegotae resistance
genshiryou atomic weight teiatsu low voltage
gon be equal to teiden'i low voltage
haba width teigen motion
hachou wave length teigi motion
handou reaction teihindo low frequency
handoutai semiconductor teikou resistance
handoutai semiconductor teikou resistance (electrical)
hankei radius teikouki resistor (electrical)
hankou resistance teimitsu low density
hankyou reaction teishoku collision
hansayou reaction teishuuha low frequency waves
hantai resistance teishuuha low frequency waves
harigane wire torishimaru to control
hasuu fraction touitsu uniformity
hasuu fraction toukotsu radius
hei equal touon isothermal
heikou parallel ue-bu wave
heikousen parallel line undou motion
heikoushihenkei parallelogram uneri wave motion
heiretsu parallel unten motion
hen area uwazei height
hen compilation veroshiti velocity
hen editing wa circle
hen side waiya- wire
hen'atsu transformation (of a current) waiyaresu wireless
hen'atsujo transformer substation yoko width
hen'atsuki transformer (power) yokogaki horizontally (writing)
hen'I change of position yokohaba width
hen'iki domain yokojiku horizontal axis
hicchuu equal youryou electrical capacitance
hindo frequency youyuu fusion
hinpatsu frequency yuuden dielectric
hitoshii equal yuudenritsu dielectric constant
hitoshii equivalent yuudenseisetsu dielectric tangent
honryuu main current yuudentai dielectric
houkei square yuugou fusion
houkeiha square wave yuukai fusion
ichiji primary zenkai complete distruction
ichijidenryuu primary current zetsuenteikou insulation resistance
ichiritsu uniformity zettai absulute
inkaden'atsu applied voltage zettaichi absulute value
isen parallel
issetsu paragraph
jiba magnetic field
jijou magnetic field
juuou length & width
juusen vertical line
kadenshi valence electron
kadenshijoutai valence state
kadenshitai valence band
kagakuhannou chemical reaction
kagakuseihin chemical
kaisuu frequency
kajuu weight
kaku angle
kakudo angle
kakuhannou nuclear reaction
kakusokudo velocity (angular)
kakuyuugou nuclear fusion
kanryuu main current
karakuri mechanism
kasoku acceleration
kasokudo acceleration
kasokuundou accelerated motion
ken circle
kengi motion
kijo mechanism
kikan mechanism
kikou mechanism
kin be equal to
kin'itsu uniformity
kinryou weight
kintou uniformity
kosen arc (of a circle)

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