Research Notes Intro
Research Notes Intro
Research Notes Intro
Research Definition
Characteristics of Research
1. Data collection;
2. Data analysis;
3. Report writing.
Data analysis, on the other hand, refers to arranging and organizing the
collected data so that we may be able to find out what their significance is
and generalize about them.
Report writing is the ultimate step of the study. Its purpose is to convey
the information contained in it to the readers or audience.
If you note down, for example, the reading habit of newspapers of a group
of residents in a community, that would be your data collection.
If you then divide these residents, say, into three categories, ‘regular,’
‘occasional’ and ‘never,’ you have performed a simple data analysis. Your
findings may now be presented in a report form.
In the above examples, all are doing research, whether the instrument is an
electronic microscope, hospital records, a microcomputer, a questionnaire,
or a checklist.
He might have genuine interest and curiosity in the existing body of
knowledge and understanding of the problem;
He is looking for answers to questions which remained unanswered so far
and trying to unfold the truth;
The existing tools and techniques accessible to him, and others may need
modification and change to suit the current needs.
Better livelihood;
Better career development;
Higher position, prestige, and dignity in the society;
Academic achievement leading to higher degrees;
At the individual level, the results of the research are used by many:
All involved in the above processes are being benefited from the results of
research. There is hardly any action in everyday life that does not depend
upon previous research.
Research in any field of inquiry provides us with the knowledge and skills
we need to solve the problems and meet the challenges of a fast-paced
decision-making environment.
Desirable Qualities of Research
1. purpose,
2. research process,
3. research design,
4. ethical issues,
5. limitations,
6. results or findings,
7. conclusions,
8. recommendations and
9. the researcher’s experiences.
Good research must have its purposes clearly and unambiguously defined.
Limitations revealed
The researcher should report with complete honesty and frankness any
flaws in procedural design; he followed and provided estimates of their
effects on the findings.
This enhances the confidence of the readers and finally makes the report
acceptable to the audience. One can legitimately question the value of
research where no limitations are reported.
Adequate analysis ensured
Adequate analysis reveals the significance of the data and helps the
researcher to check the reliability and validity of his estimates.
Data should, therefore, be analyzed with proper statistical rigor to assist the
researcher in reaching firm conclusions.
Proper research always specifies the conditions under which the research
conclusions seem to be valid.
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Goals of Research
Though each research has its own specific goals, yet we may enumerate the
following 4 broad goals of scientific research:
1. Exploration.
2. Description.
3. Causal explanation.
4. Prediction.
The link between the 4 goals of research and the questions raised in
reaching these goals.
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Through exploration, researchers attempt to
The end of an explorative study comes when the researchers are convinced
that they have established the major dimensions of the research task.
Such research is undertaken when much is known about the problem under
Such research studies may involve the collection of data and the creation of
distribution of the number of times the researcher observes a single event
or characteristic, known as a research variable.
What are the characteristics of the people who are involved in city crime?
Are they young? Middle-aged? Poor? Muslim? Educated?
Who are the potential buyers of the new product? Men or women? Urban
people or rural people?
Are rural women more likely to marry earlier than their urban counterparts?
Does previous experience help an employee to get a higher initial salary?
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But there are always restrictions on that. All research must have an impact
on the lives of the people around us.
For example, finding the most frequent disease that affects the people of a
community falls under descriptive research.
But the readers of the research will have the hunch to know why this has
happened, and what to do to prevent that disease so that more people will
live a healthy life.
It dictates that we need a causal explanation of the situation under
reference and hence a causal study vis-a-vis causal research.
Thus if a researcher finds that communities having larger family size have
higher child death or that smoking is correlated with lung cancer, he is
performing a descriptive study.
Prediction seeks to answer: when and in what situations the event will
occur, if we can provide a plausible explanation for the event in question.
The precise nature of the relationship between explanation and prediction,
however, has been a subject of debate.
One view is that explanation and prediction are the same phenomena
except that prediction precedes the event while the explanation takes place
after the event has occurred.
We need not be concerned with this debate here but can simply state that
in addition to being able to explain an event after it has occurred, we would
also be able to predict when the event will occur.
Research Approaches
1. Basic Research.
2. Applied Research.
3. Evaluative Research.
4. Precautions in Research.
Areas of Research
1. Social Research.
2. Health Research.
3. Population Research.
4. Business Research.
5. Marketing Research.
6. Agricultural Research.
7. Biomedical Research.
8. Clinical Research.
9. Outcomes Research.
10. Internet Research.
11. Archival Research.
12. Empirical Research.
13. Legal Research.
14. Education Research.
15. Engineering Research.
16. Historical Research.
Precautions in Research
APA stands for the "American Psychological Association" but when you
are instructed to write a paper or assignment "in APA" this means that you
should format your writing according to the guidelines in the Publication
Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition.