Internet Banking Adoption in India: Structural Equation Modeling Approach
Internet Banking Adoption in India: Structural Equation Modeling Approach
Internet Banking Adoption in India: Structural Equation Modeling Approach
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5/31/2014 Emerald Insight | Journal of Indian Business Research | Internet banking adoption in India: structural equation modeling approach
EarlyCite Article
Internet banking adoption in India: structural equation modeling
Document Information:
Title: Internet banking adoption in India: structural equation modeling
Author(s): Sujeet Kumar Sharma, (Sultan Qaboos University), Srikrishna
Govindaluri, (Sultan Qaboos University)
Citation: Sujeet Kumar Sharma, Srikrishna Govindaluri, (2014) "Internet banking
adoption in India: structural equation modeling approach", Journal of
Indian Business Research, Vol. 6 Iss: 2
Research paper
Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Abstract: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to understand the factors
influencing adoption of internet banking in urban India. 1/1