Research Topic:: Child Abuse As A Reason For Psychological Drawback of Children in Later Life

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The document discusses various types of child abuse including physical, psychological, sexual abuse and neglect. It examines how abuse can lead to long-term psychological harm in children.

The document discusses physical abuse, psychological abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect as different types of abuse against children.

The document mentions that abused children may experience learning difficulties, low self-esteem, depression, risk-taking behaviors and internalize abusive behaviors. Abuse can stunt children's physical and emotional development.

Research Topic: Child Abuse as a reason for psychological drawback of

children in later life


The study analyzes the affection of child abuse on children’s psychological health. Child abuse is
when a child is somehow being deprived of their basic human rights. Aside from the quick
physical wounds, children can insight through abuse, their responses abuse or disregard can
deep-rooted and intergenerational downside. Child abuse and neglect are serious global issues
that may take the form of physical, sexual, mental, or simply a failure to meet a child's basic
needs. These factors can cause severe, long-term psychological harm to the child. In this study,
such abuses and their psychological drawbacks have been examined. 30 young students of Aiub
were purposively examined to share within the consider. The test comprised of both male (n=18)
and females (n = 12) from differing socio-economic foundations, who shared that in their
childhood how they were being abused. The inquire about plan utilized was a study, and the
answers from them were utilized to analyze the information. For occurrence, abuse or disregard
may stunt physical improvement of the child’s brain and lead to mental issues, such as low
selfconfidence, which seem afterward lead to high-risk behaviors such as substance utilize. A
few of the members have histories of damaging treatment while others were without any such
history. Among those who had endured injurious treatment, some of them endured physical
abuse and some endured mental abuse. Most of the participant shared that because of getting
abuse in their childhood, they are facing some drawbacks in their life now which means child
abuse becomes a drawback for children in their later life. The comes about for each child may
alter generally and are influenced by a blend of components, counting the child’s age and
developmental status when the abuse happened. The sort, repeat, length, and reality of the abuse
and the association between the child and the perpetrator. The analyses of the data show that both
physical and psychological abuses lead to a significant increase in children’s depression and
anxiety. These findings are discussed with reference to existing psychological literature and


In Bangladesh, a large number of children are deprived of their basic human rights due to
unacceptable health, nutrition, education as well as social conditions. It is broadly characterized
in numerous states as any sort of remorselessness incurred upon a child, counting mental abuse,
physical hurt, disregard, and sexual mishandle or abuse. In the first semi annum of 2020, at least
1,387 children in Bangladesh have faced abuse in one form or another, as per a report. If 1,387 is
averaged to five months, then approximately 277 children faced abuse in a month’s time. If one
were to add that to the sum, then the total figure would be at least 1,664 or higher. The
organization documented 552 unnatural child deaths, 122 murders, 365 cases of sexual abuse, 112
children kidnapped or missing, 94 victims of violence, 97 cases of accidents (Dhaka Tribune, 2020,
para.9). A study was conducted in 2005 about crime statistics by the Ministry of Home Affairs,
Government of Bangladesh. The study revealed that there were 555 cases of child abuse
reported to the police on that particular year. By 2010, this number increased to 1,542. The
study shows the scenario of homicide committed on young children over the years till March
2016. Children are also victims of corporal punishment at educational institutions. Corporal
punishment is unlawful in schools of Bangladesh according to a supreme court judgment issued
on 13 January 2011. Despite laws, this type of punishment is widespread in most of the schools.

Psycho-historical study of the history of childhood has provided extensive evidence that
childhood in the past was routinely filled with terror, neglect and abuse-both physical and
emotional. The recognition of child abuse in its multiple forms (physical abuse, sexual abuse,
emotional abuse, and neglect) came to the forefront in the twentieth century. Physical abuse
means excessive intentional physical injury to a child as a result of punching, shaking, beating,
biting, kicking, burning or otherwise physically harming the child. Child suffers repetitive
physical injuries inflicted by a parent or guardian in circumstances where accident can be
excluded, it is most likely to be regarded as physical abuse. Psychological abuse includes
repeated verbal abuse of a child in the form of shouting, threats, confinement and degrading or
humiliating criticism. Child neglect includes failure to provide basic physical, emotional,
medical and educational need a child. Sexual abuse incorporates sexual gratification by adults
through kissing, fondling the sex organ of a child, talking about sexually implicit matters to a
child, forcing or alluring a child in sexual acts of any kind. Child abuse continues to be more
likely recognized in economically developed countries than in developing countries. Children,
however, have been beaten and abandoned for many thousands of years, based primarily on the
belief that children are the property of their parents. In addition, children are exposed to severe
forms of sexual, physical and mental abuses at home, in the work place, in institutions and other
public places. The nature and extent of abuse against children irrespective of age, sex and class
has been increasing day by day. These include physical torture, rape, homicide and sometimes
heinous attacks with acid.

Child abuse is causing increasing concern in Bangladesh as it is not confined to any specific
zone. Home, workplace, street, and prisons- everywhere children become victim of child abuse.
These cases are only the reported cases and may not reflect the real situation of child abuse
and violence in the country. The early experience of child abuse can trigger changes in child’s
behavior including discipline problems, insomnia, nightmares, anxiety, depression etcetera. This
also causes problem with mental development of a child which interrupt his feelings, empathy,
sympathy, reasoning, rational thinking and benevolence. Often results in permanent neurological
damage in 80% of cases or death in 30% of cases. Children who have been abused or neglected
are more likely to be arrested as juvenile offenders & are more likely to be a sadist and involve
in criminal activities as an adult. Across the globe, children are exposed to different forms of
abuse that impedes their mental, physical, psychological and moral growth.


Islam, F., & Akhter, G. (2016). Child abuse in Bangladesh. Ibrahim Medical College Journal, 9(1), 18-21.

“At least 1,387 children faced abuse this year”. (2020). Dhaka Tribune.
%20annum,another%2C%20as%20per%20a%20r eport.
Literature Review
Studies and research in the area of the abuse of children has been done by
some researchers in the past in order to bring this topic to light. Some of
them will briefly be talked about down below:

• Child abuse: A classic case report with literature review [1].

Child abuse is a problem which needs the effort of everyone in order to
be fully stopped. Child abuse can usually be done by those who are in
charge of taking care of a child. It is known as a global problem and has
various forms such as physical, emotional, sexual abuse. When a child
suffers from bodily harm regardless of what the reason may be, it is
counted as a form of physical abuse. When a child is getting exposure to
sexual acts done to them, it is regarded as sexual abuse. Emotional abuse
can be done in may ways such as humiliating, neglecting, belittling,
yelling, bullying and many more. Child neglect is done when parents or
those in charge fail to support a child and forget to supervise them. This
lack of supervision from parents are usually the reason why children are
abused by those with ill intentions. One can not abuse a child without the
environment needed to do so. As this remains undisclosed, many children
suffer by themselves and grow distant from others.
All types of child abuse and neglect leave the little ones with long-lasting
scars. A physical scar does not have as severe effects as a psychological
one. A child who gains a trauma from abuse may suffer a lifetime
struggling with their own minds. They would hence usually be unable to
form healthy relationships while having a low self-esteem. On the other
hand, exposure to violence during childhood can increase one’s
vulnerability to various health problems.
Child abuse management is regarded as a complicated issue is not many
are inclined to talk about the matter let alone take necessary steps. It
can be talked about and children as well as their parents can come for
counselling if such services are being provided in many countries. The
more normalized the talk of it becomes, the more aware people will be.
In countries where such counseling is provided generally, patients are
said to have gotten benefits of such approach. • Child Abuse in
Bangladesh [2]
It has been mentioned here that, children are exposed to different forms
of violence which affect their mental, physical, psychological wellbeing.
According to W.H.O, Child abuse constitutes all forms of physical and
emotional maltreatment.
In almost everywhere, children become subjected to abuse. A study
conducted in 2005 by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of
Bangladesh reveals that 555 cases of such abuse were reported on that
particular year. There have been reports of homicide committed on
children on the later years. Even so, these are far from the actual scenario
as most of such cases remain under the covers. In most cases, the abusers
are the ones who have been assigned to look after a child in the absence
of their parents. This can be counted as a common scenario mostly due to
repeated neglect from the parents. This is one of the four main types of
abuse which include physical abuse, psychological abuse, sexual abuse
and the abuse of neglect. Physical abuse includes beating, burning,
punching, kicking and many more. The battered baby syndrome comes
from these sorts of abuses. Another type of abuse named the corporal
abuse is done to children in order to mend their behaviors. It is said to be
used and has become a common scenario in the schools of Bangladesh.
Psychological abuse includes verbal abuse that leave long lasting effects
on a child’s mind. In the future, this can lead a child to become
selfdoubting, having low self-esteem. Physical injuries can heal over time
but the injuries left on the psychological state of a child may remain for a
life time. Child neglect on the other case includes adults being unable to
provide a child emotional and mental support when needed as well as not
providing them with their basic human rights. Child sexual abuse can
take severe sickly forms starting from kissing, fondling the sexual organs
of a child to rape. As in Bangladesh there is a cultural silence in matters
regarding sexual abuse, gaining qualitative data gets more and more
challenging. Abuse of these forms leaves a child with insomnia,
depression, anxiety, trauma, nightmares and many more. Although
Government is trying to take proper steps, the public awareness is still far
from enough for this to be stopped. To take a large step for stopping the
said abuse, talking about it should first be normalized instead of treating
it as a taboo. Schools need to educate the children from an early age
about various sorts of abuse they might experience. Children have the
right to be children, to be cherished, educated, pampered as children
instead of being victims to the deeds of others.
• The less talked about abuse of children (The Daily star) [3]
This article, written by a student of NSU, puts light on the forms of abuse
that are not being talked about as much as the sickening sexual abuse done
to children. It further says that physical and verbal abuse are being taken as a
norm if it is done under the disguise of discipling children. This article
The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children of the United
Kingdom believes that if a child is harmed in any sort of way whether it may
be physical, emotional or sexual, it should be identified as child abuse.
Nowadays, people do not take into regard the fact that harsh behavior
inflicted upon a child can lead to serious consequences. Most often, children
are unable to speak up against an older person when they feel harmed. In the
past notably, children felt harmed due to fear of receiving punishment and
thus chose to remain silent. The Older generations think that disciplining
their children through various forms of physical punishment is the best way
of teaching manners or correcting errors. What they do not take into account
is that sometimes this sort of punishments of beating leave long lasting
injuries on children’s bodies. Moreover, Teachers who grew up in that sort
of up bringing are seen to be using similar forms of punishments on the
children put under their care. They use punishments such as hitting student’s
palm with a ruler, beating a student with various shapes of sticks, squeezing
little student’s fingers with a pen held between them. Some of the severe
examples of these have been put forward by the media and the corporal
punishment is hence being discussed for such sorts of abuse. Countries have
laws against it already. Even so, this form abuse is still continuing while
children suffer both mentally and physically. This can solely be a reason
why alongside implementing the law, people should learn to self-regulate. In
this way, the future of children which is yet to be damaged by abuse, can be

• The battered child syndrome (Journal of the American Medical

Association, 1962.) [4]
When a child is being repeatedly subjected to receiving injuries on their skin, skull
or nervous system, the child gains severe forms of abdominal trauma. This sort of
trauma affects their internal organs such as liver, kidney and intestines. This
disease has been named as the battered child syndrome. It is a rarely occurring
syndrome. However, discovery of this syndrome has made physical abuse done to
a child known to the general people.

1.Identifying the variations in child abuse and their drawbacks.
2. Identifying whether Child abuse leads to lang-lasting effects and if so, in
which sort of ways.
3.Finding out the relation between abusers and the types of abuse one does.
4.Specifying the relation between types of child abuse and their effects.
5. Identifying the age group during which child abuse mostly occurs.
6. Figuring out a way to minimize abuse based on the suggestions given by
the participants of the survey.
7.Enhancing knowledge in the specified field.

Research method
Data Sources: Primary/first hand data.

Method of Collecting Data

Study location: The location in which this study was conducted in is
American International university-Bangladesh situated in Dhaka,
Bangladesh. Due to corona pandemic, the study could be done in the
mentioned university. However, Students studying in the university were
accessible through social platforms and phone calls.

Total-population: unspecified.

Target-people: The target ones of this study are students studying in

American International University-Bangladesh. To further specify the target
people, students belonging to the department of English were surveyed. Due
to the research study being on child abuse, the focus has been on the
apparent victims of such abuses. If the participants do not have personal
experiences to share, another’s story can be shared through them, such was
the target of this study. However, all the participants have mentioned to have
been abused as a child. Due to this, a study on apparent victims was
possible. Students from AIUB, belonging to the younger generation, who
have a story to share that would help this study gain noteworthy information
were encouraged to participate.

Sample-size & frame: The sample size has been of 30 individuals. The target
sample size was fulfilled. Among the 30 people mentioned, 12 of them were
females while 18 were males.

Types of Survey: The survey was conducted through online survey as well
as telephonic survey. Although the target was to take as many telephonic
surveys as possible, due to apparent difficulties, some have taken a
webbased survey. 26 individuals have taken the survey through phone calls
and the rest being 4 individuals have taken the survey through an online
survey conducting platform.

Time taken to conduct the survey: 1 month.

The analysis of this research study was done through first identifying the types of
abuse which later led to specified drawbacks. The victims were asked to mention
who the abusers were. This way, a relation between abusers and abuse forms was
possible to be made. Those who have suffered apparent drawbacks, the abuses
done to them have been related with their mentioned drawbacks. This way, which
form of abuse led to which sort of drawback was identified through a table format.
Lastly, noteworthy suggestions that the participants have given, were put forth
trough a pie chart in this study. This way, which suggestion the majority supports
was identified in the later part of this study.

1.Child abuse: a classic case reprot with literature review (5(2): 256-259). (2014,
April). Wolters Kluwer -- Medknow Publications.
2. Islam, F. (2016). Child abuse in Bangladesh. Child Abuse in Bangladesh, 21.
3.The less talked about abuse of children. (2021, March 6). The Daily Star.
4. Kempe CH et al. The battered child syndrome.
Journal of the American Medical Association, 1962,

1. Have you ever been abused as a child?
a. Yes
b. No

2. What was your age during the abuse?

a. 4-5
b. 6-8
c. 9-11
d. 12-14
e. 15-17

3. What was the form of abuse?

A. Sexual abuse
B. Physical abuse
C. Phycological abuse
D. Abuse through neglect
E. Emotional abuse
F. Other:____________________________________________________

4.Who was the abuser?

A. Parents
B. Teacher
C. Relatives
D. Neighbor
E. Strangers
F. Other:____________________________________________________

5. How were you affected because of the abuse?

A. Emotional disorder
B. Depression
C. Anti-social behavior
D. Self-hatred
E. Anxiety
F. Paranoid Personality disorder
G. Aggression
H. Constantly avoiding reality
I. Repetitive thoughts
J. Feeling stressed
K. Trauma
L. Suicidal Thought
M.Tendency of hurting others to escape one’s own pain
N. Other:_____________________________________________________

6. Do you think you are being affected in your day to day life because of child
abuse? If "Yes" then explain as you prefer.

7. Do you think such impacts or drawbacks can be reduced? If so, what

measures should be taken?

8. Please mention your gender

A. Female
B. Male
Result and discussion:

Figure 1: This pie chart shows the number of individuals who have been abused within the age
of 18. The result shows that we took a telephone survey of 30 students, both female and male
from Aiub. Among 30 students, 30 were victims of child abuse.

Age: 4-5 Age: 6-8 Age: 9-11 Age: 12-14 Age: 15-17
Sexual abuse 2 6 3 1
Physical 1 2 1 2
Psychological 1 3 5 8
Abuse 1 1
Emotional 4 2 6

Total= 1 5 15 10 18

Table 1: Relation between age and abuse.

The table shows that the relationship between age and abuse where number of different types
of abuses have been shown in different ages. The most abused are between the ages of 15 to 17
and the lowest are between the ages of 4 to 5. They are abused in different ways such as
sexually, physically, psychologically, emotionally and through neglect. The total number of
abuses between the age 15 to 17, we found that 18 people have been abused. Which is pretty
high. And the lowest number of abuses between the age of 4 to 5 where 1 person has been
abused. It is found that the number of abuses between the age of 9 to 11 are much higher than
6 to 8. The number is little less in between age 12 to 14. It’s clear that children are more abused
when they enter adolescence.

Parents teacher relative neighbor stranger Other

Sexual abuse 2 3 1 6
Physical 1 3 1 3 1
Psychological 6 5 3 1 5
Abuse 2 1
Emotional 1 2 2 1 5 2

Total= 10 12 10 3 19 3

Table 2: relation between child abuse types and abusers.

This table shows that relation between child abuse types and abusers. It is found that most of
times children get abused by stranger. Total 19 Participants get abused by strangers through
sexually, psychologically, emotionally and physically. On the other hand, the total number of
abuses by parents(n=10), teachers(n=12) and relatives(n=10) are quite close. We can see that 6
and 5 participants get abused psychologically by parents and teacher. It is highlighted that
neighbor are less among the abusers and only 3 people reported to be abused by neighbors.
Sexual abuse Physical Psychological Abuse Emotional
abuse abuse through abuse
Emotional 4 3 5 1 4
Depression 1 2 10 3 6
Anti-social 1 1 1
Self-hatred 1 2 6 2 5
Anxiety 5 3 4 1 7
Paranoia 2 3 1
Aggression 1 1 2 3
Avoiding 2 1 2
Repetitive 5 4 3
stress 2 2 6 1 4
Trauma 1 1 2 1 3
Other 1
Not affected 1

Table 3: Relation between Abuse types and their after effects.

This table shows that various effects such as emotional disorder, trauma, depression, and
anxiety etcetera. After getting abused we see that the effects of depression are much higher
than any other effects where 10 person have suffered from depression due to psychological
abuse. Much have suffered from anxiety, stress, self-hatred and emotional disorder. Among
them, only 1 person didn’t get affected after abuse.
Figure 2: Suggestions against child abuse.
Figure 2 shows the participants suggestions regarding the matter of how child abuse can be
minimised. 37.5 percent have suggested that the government should take proper steps. On the
other-hand, 31.3 percent have suggested that proper education by parents. Besides, 31.3
percent have suggested that proper education by parents.
Figure 3: Number of male and female participants
Figure 3 shows that, 12 females have participated in the survey. The majority of the survey
takers however are males, the number being 18. Hence, it can be said that the total number of
participants is 30.

Case study 1:
This case is about a male participant from the survey takers of this study who is around
12-17. He mentioned that he has been abused psychologically and thorough neglect.
One thing that is noticeable, he was abused by his parents continuously for 6 years
according to his response to our survey. He has been affected in various ways such as
emotional disorder, depression and sadness. Even after having such a problem, it has
affected him extremely. Day after day, he felt alone and left out. He also said that his
parents were very selfish and they did not even care about how he felt at all. He
sometimes wished to get a loving family but he had to be alone. No one was there to
take care of him. He felt worse at some points in life especially when one time he had an
extreme fever. His parents apparently barely ever call which is why to this day they still
remain unaware of the time he became sick, and for around half a month he suffered
alone. He mentioned that he did not contact them as he was certain they do not have
time or care to spend on him.

Children who have been severely abused or neglected are often hampered in their
development, experience learning difficulties and perform poorly at present life. They
may have low self-esteem and suffer from depression, which can lead, at worst, to risk
behaviour and self-harm. Witnessing violence can cause similar distress. Children who
grow up in a violent household or community tend to internalize that behaviour as a way
of resolving disputes, repeating the pattern of abuse against their own spouses and
children. Beyond the tragic effects on individuals and families, abuse against children
carries serious effect in their physical growth in future life.

Abuse against children takes many forms, including physical, sexual, psychological abuse,
emotional abuse, and neglect also. Child abuse occurs in many settings, including the home,
school, community and over the Internet. Similarly, a wide range of convict commit abuse
against children, such as family members, intimate partners, teachers, neighbours, strangers and
others. Such abuse not only inflicts harm, pain and humiliation on children, it also kills them
inside. All children have the right to protection from abuse, regardless of the nature of the act and
all forms of abuse can cause harm to children, reduce their sense of self-worth, affront their
dignity and hinder their growth. Using data to make abuse against children and its many
ramifications more visible will bring about a fuller understanding of its magnitude and nature.
Many victims are too young or too vulnerable to disclose their experience or to protect
themselves. And all too often when victims do denounce an abuse, the legal system fails to
respond and child protection services are unavailable.

Research shows that many children and young people who are sexually abused do not tell anyone
about their abuse. Among those who do, many delay telling someone for a long time, sometimes
until adulthood. It should be recommended that all authorities and institutions need to critically
review past action and take more far-reaching measures in the future when it comes to according
full justice to victims of past offences, to supporting children affected by recent abuse and ongoing
legal procedures and to protecting children from future abuse. No authority or institution should be
exempt from critical review, as all institutions without exception are subject to the same national
legislation, in particular in the field of criminal law. Governments need to take more committed
action at national level in the future when it comes to reinforcing legislation on child abuse and
applying it to various institutional contexts.

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