Applied Linguistics S5 Summary
Applied Linguistics S5 Summary
Applied Linguistics S5 Summary
Applied Linguistics
Lesson One: Applied Linguistics
(1). History & Definition………………………………..……………………………………………………4
(10). Behaviorism…………………………………………………………………………………………...11
(14). Cognitivism…………………………………………………………………………………………....17
(18). Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………………….31
(6). Suggestupedia…………………………………………………………………………………………..39
(10). Interlanguage…………………………………………………………………………………………..46
(11). Transfer………………………………………………………………………………………………..46
(2). Interlanguage………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...49
Lesson One: Applied Linguistics
(1). History and Definitions:-
. AL (short for Applied Linguistics) is an Anglo-American
. Founded first at the university of Edinburgh school of AL in
. In 1957, the center of AL became in Washington D.C.
. The British Association of AL (B.A.A.L.) was formally
established in 1967.
. The aims of AL: “The advancement of education by fostering and
promoting, by any lawful charitable means, the study of language
use, language acquisition, language teaching, and the fostering of
inter-disciplinary collaboration in this study.” (B.A.A.L.) (1994).
. In the 1960’s and the 1970’s, AL was mainly about language
. AL covers two main points:
- The study of second and foreign language learning and
- The study of language and linguistics in relation to practical
. AL uses language-related research in a variety of fields (E.G.
language acquisition, language teaching, literacy, gender studies,
language policy, speech therapy, discourse analysis, censorship,
workplace communication, media studies, lexicography,
translation, forensic linguistics.)
(2). Definitions of Applied Linguistics:-
. “AL is the utilization of the knowledge about the nature of
language achieved by linguistic research for the improvement of
the efficiency of some practical tasks in which language is a
central component.” (Corder, 1974, p.24).
. “A branch of linguistics where the primary concern is the
application of linguistic theories, methods, and findings to the
elucidation of language problems which have risen in other areas
of experience.” (Crystal, 1985).
. “A multi-disciplinary approach to the solution of language-related
problems.” (Strevens, 1982).
. “AL is using what we know about (a) language, (b) how it is
learned, and (c) how it is used in order to achieve some purpose or
solve some problem in the real world.” (Schmit & Celcemulcia,
2002, p.1).
. “The focus of Applied Linguistics is trying to solve language-
based problems that people encounter in the real world, whether
they be leraners, teachers, supervisors, academics, lawyers, service
providers, those who need social service, test takers, policy
developers, dictionary makers, translators, or a whole range of
business clients.” (Grabe, 2002, p.9).
(3). Defining Characteristics of Applied Linguistics:-
. AL is autonomous, multidisciplinary, and problem solving.
. Practical concerns have an important role in shaping the questions
that AL answers.
. Language-related problems concern learners, teachers, academics,
lawyers, test takers, service providers, etc.…
. Problems related to language can be said to also be related to
(Language learning, Language teaching, and Literacy).
(4). The Relationship Between Applied Linguistics and
Other Language-Related Disciplines:-
. AL occupies an intermediary, mediating position between
language-related disciplines (linguistics, psycholinguistics, and
sociolinguistics) and professional practice.
. It uses theories/principles from language-related disciplines to
understand language-related issues and problems. The choice of
which disciplines are involved in AL matters depends on the
. Linguistics and Applied Linguistics:
- Linguistics is primarily concerned with language in itself,
and in finding ways to analyze language and building
theories that describe language.
- AL is concerned with the role of language in people’s lives
and problems associated with language use in people’s lives.
(5). Applied Linguistics or Linguistics Applied:-
. Widdowson (2002, p.5) represents the question in terms of
Linguistics Applied and Applied Linguistics: “The difference
between these models of intervention is that in the case of
linguistics applied, the assumption is that the problem can be
reformulated by the direct and unilateral application of concepts
and terms deriving from linguistic inquiry itself. That is to say,
language problems are amenable to linguistic solutions. However,
in the case of Applied Linguistics, intervention is crucially a matter
of mediation. AL has to relate and reconcile different
representations of reality, including that of linguistics without
excluding others.”
(6). Why Study Applied Linguistics:-
. The understanding of how the learners learn will determine the
approach method, procedure, classroom techniques and the
philosophy of education. As was stated by Vivian Cook, “Well, I
look at how people acquire language and how we can teach them
. It seeks to apply all the related fields to foreign language
education. It is process-oriented in the sense that it is interested not
only in the product, but also in the process of teaching.
. The emphasis in AL is on language users and the way in which
they use language, contrary to theoretical linguistics, which studies
language in the abstract, not referring to any particular context.
(7). First Language Acquisition:-
. It is the process by which children become speakers of their
native language or languages.
. An interesting feature First Language Acquisition is that children
seem to rely more on semantics than syntax when speaking.
. First Language Acquisition (FLA) is an area of Psycholinguistics
which focusses on how children acquire their mother language.
. Second Language Acquisition (SLA) is an area of AL and studies
the process by which people develop proficiency in a second or
foreign language, these processes are investigated with the
expectation that this information may be of use to language
teaching. Theories on SLA stem from different trends and
(8). Stages of Language Acquisition:-
1. Paralinguistic Development: They include the first years of
a child’s life. Children do not usually begin to produce
words until they are a year old. The main reason for studying
the paralinguistic period, a part of the theory of children’s
language acquisition, is to try to establish which links, if
any, there are between the paralinguistic period and the
period of linguistic development.
2. The Cooing Stage: By three months old, the child will have
started producing cooing sounds, composed of velar
consonants and high vowels.
2. Hypothesis-Testing Function:
By uttering something, the learner tests this hypothesis and
receives feedback from an interlocutor. This function enables
the reprocessing of the hypothesis if necessary.
3. Metalinguistic Function:
Comprehensible output has been found to be effective in the
elicitation of modified output in foreign language acquisition.
Production of language for the purpose of communicating in
a meaningful way is hypothesized to help its acquisition.
(16). Strengths & Weakness of the Input Hypothesis:-
. The more comprehensible the input, the more L2 is proficient.
, Teaching methods are dependent on comprehensible input.
. Controversials:
. Since not all learners can be at the same level of linguistic
competence at the same time, we are unable to define the level of
‘I’ in ‘I+1’.
(17). The Affective Filter Hypothesis:-
. There are certain conditions which may hinder acquisition. If a
learner is exposed to language, via comprehensible input, yet yet
CANNOT seem to acquire new structures, it may be due to what
Krashen calls “The Affective Filter”. The Affective filter is
essentially just an abstract way of looking at mental barriers to
. When there are conditions that prevent acquisition, we consider
the filter raised.
. When conditions are just right, we consider the filter lowered.
. A number of factors come into consideration when looking at the
affective filter. Some of the things that might cause the filter to be
raised might be anxiety, lack of motivation, or emotional/mental
conditions, whereas learners that feel confident, enjoy speaking the
language, and are given the freedom to remain silent, typically
have lower filters, and as a result acquire language more fluently.
. This hypoothetical filter does not impact acquisition directly but
rather prevents input from reaching the language part of the brain
(i.e. the LAD).
. Strengths of Applying the Affective Filter in Teaching:
- In any aspect of education, it is important to create a safe,
welcoming environment in which students can learn. In
language education, this may be especially important, since
in order to take in and produce language, learners need to feel
that it is ok to make mistakes and take risks, which relates
directly to Krashen’s Affinitive Filter hypothesis.
- Input should be interesting and students activities should be
based on meaningful communication rather than on form.
- The perfect variable scale:
1) Motivation: High.
2) Self Confidence: High.
3) Anxiety: Low.
4) Conclusion: Affective Filter=Low.
. Weaknesses of the Affective Filter Hypothesis:
- “Sheltered classroom environment” V.S, “Real world
- The stress of everyday life and communication are
Uncontrollable variables.
. Criticism:
1. How particular can it be?
Many feel that Krashen has introduced a theory without
explaining it many variations and functions, thus rendering it
unsatisfactory when empirically tested. In the face of
increasing criticism, Krashen is forced to acknowledge that
“further research may change them or force us to reject one
or more of them” (Krashen, 1982:2). But such constant
chamges, modifications, and changes can frustrate both
researchers and teachers interested in using this model alike.
Had Krashen taken this into account, he may have been able
to propose a more testable, viable, and useable monitor.
2. Too Abstract?
- Due many of the hypotheses Krashen suggested had
gained some popularity due to their intuitive nature,
they have yet to be shown empirically to be accurate or
- Gregg (1984) voiced some the harshest criticism, using
very strong wording: “We have seen that each of
Krashen’s five hypotheses is marked by serious flaws,
undefined or ill-defined terms, unmotivated constructs,
lack of empirical content and thus of falsifiability, and
lack of explanatory power. (Gregg, 1984, p. 94)
- The attack on krashen’s theory is mainly aimed at the
following aspects:
1) Excessive claims:
His theory of LA is oversimplified and its claims
are overstated.
2) An Absence of Evidence:
McLaughlin, as he puts it, “what Krashen does is
not provide ‘evidence’ in any sense of the term,
but simply argues that certain phenomena can be
viewed from the perspective of his theory. (1987,
p. 376)
3) Invalid theory:
Some researchers question the validity of
Krashen’s monitor model as a theory. McLaughlin
(1987) measured his model against four criteria
for evaluating a theory, such as definitional
precision, explanatory power, etc. but
dissapontedly came to the conclusion that
“Krashen’s theory fails at every juncture”. This
view is further echoed by Gregg (1984, p. 94),
who asserted that his theory is not a ‘coherent
theory’ and that it would be inappropriate to apply
the word ‘theory’ to it.
(18). Conclusion:-
. Krashen’s model can be viewed positively in that it spurs other
researchers to inspect Krashen’s theory more closely, and, most
importantly, in the process of falicification, more insights and
alternative theories will be proposed, built on Krashen’s “bold, if
rash, insight”. Thus, giving overall SLA (Second Language
Acquistion) researchers a good boost. (Brown, 200, p. 281)
Lesson Three: Methods of Language Teaching
Methods of Language teaching Include:
1) Grammar-Translation Approach.
2) Direct Approach.
3) Reading Approach.
4) Audiolingual Method.
5) Community Language Learning.
6) Suggestopedia.
7) The Silent Way.
8) Total Physical Response.
9) The Natural Way.
10) Communicative Language Teaching.
(1). Grammar-Translation Approach:-
. In this method, classes are taught in the student’s mother tongue,
with little active use of the target language.
. Vocabulary is taught in the form of isolated word lists.
. Elaborate explanations of grammar are always provided.
. Grammar instructions provide the rules for putting words
together; the instructions focus on the form and inflection of the
. Little attention is paid to the content of texts.
. Drills are exercises in translating disconnected sentences from the
target language into the mother tongue, and vice versa.
. Little or no attention at all is given to pronunciation.
(2). Direct Approach:-
. This approach was initially developed as a reaction to the
Grammar-Translation Approach, in attempt to integrate more use
of the target language in instruction.
. Lessons begin in a dialogue using a modern conversational style
in the target language.
. Materials are first presented orally with actions or pictures.
. The mother tongue is NEVER used. There is no translation.
. The preferred type of exercise is a series of questions in the target
language based on the dialogue or an anecdotal narrative.
. Questions are answered in the target language.
. Grammar is taught inductively-rules are generalized from the
practice and experience with the target language.
. Verbs are used first and are systematically conjuncted much later
after some oral mastery with the target language.
. Advanced students read literature for comprehension and
. Literary texts are not analyzed grammatically.
. The culture associated with the target language is also taught
. Culture is considered an important aspect of learning the
(3). Reading Approach:-
. This approach is for people who do not travel abroad, and for
whom reading is the only useable skill in a foreign language.
. The priority in studying the target language is first, reading
ability, and second, current and/or historical knowledge of the
country where the target language is spoken.
. The grammar necessary for reading comprehension and fluency is
the only one that’s taught.
. Minimal attention is given to pronunciation or gaining
conversational skills in the target language.
. From the start, a great amount of reading is done in L2.
. The vocabulary of the early reading passages and texts is strictly
controlled in difficulty.
. Vocabulary is expanded as quickly as possible, since the
acquisition of vocabulary is considered more important than
grammatical skills.
. Translation reappears in this approach as a respectable classroom
procedure related to the comprehension of the written text.
(4). Audiolingual Method:-
. This method is based on the principles of Behavioral psychology.
. It adopted many of the principles and procedures of the direct
method, in part as a reaction to the lack of speaking skills in the
reading approach.
. New material is presented in the form of Dialogue.
. Based on the principles that language learning is habit formation,
the method fosters dependence on mimicry, memorization of set
phrases, and over-learning.
. Structures are sequences and taught one at a time. Structural
patterns are taught using repetitive drills.
. Little to no grammatical explanations are provided; grammar is
taught inductively.
. Skills are sequenced: 1) listening, 2) speaking, 3) reading, 4)
writing, and developed in order.
. Vocabulary is strictly limited and learned in context.
. Teaching points are determined by contrastive analysis between
L1 and L2.
. There is abundant use of language laboratories, tapes, and visual
. There is an extended pre-reading period at the beginning of the
. Great importance is given to precise, native-like pronunciation. .
Use of the mother tongue by the teacher is permitted, but
discouraged among and by the students.
. Successful responses are reinforced; great care is given to prevent
learner’s errors.
. There is a tendency to focus on the manipulation of the target
language and to disregard content and meaning.
. Hints for Using Audiolingual Drills in L2 Teaching:
1) The teacher needs to be careful to insure that all the
utterances that the students will make are within the practice
2) Drills should be conducted as rapidly as possible to insure
automaticity and to establish a system.
3) Ignore all but gross errors in pronunciation when drilling for
grammar practice.
4) Use shortcuts such as hand motions, signal cards, notes, etc.
to cut the response time and keep the pace of the drills at a
5) The drilling material should always be meaningful. If the
content words are not known, teach their meaning.
6) Intersperse short periods of drills (about 10 minutes) with
very brief alternative activities to avoid fatigue and boredom.
7) Don’t stand in one place; move around the room, standing
next to as many students as possible to check their
(5). Communicative Language Learning:-
. This approach is patterned upon counseling techniques and
adapted to the peculiar anxiety and threat, as well as the personal
and language problems, a person encounters in the learning of
foreign languages.
. The learner is not thought of as a student, but as a client.
. The instructors are not thought of as teachers, but rather as trained
individuals in counseling skills who adapted their roles as language
. The language-counseling relationship begins with the client’s
linguistic confusion and conflict.
. The aim of the language counselor’s skill set is first to
communicate empathy for the client’s threatened, inadequate state
and to aid him linguistically.
. Then slowly, the teacher-counselor strives to enable him to arrive
at his own increasingly inadequate language adequacy.
. This process is furthered by the language counselor’s ability to
establish a warm, understanding, and accepting relationship, thus
becoming an other “language-self” for the client.
. The process involves Five Stages of Adaptation:
• Stage (1): The client is completely dependent on the
language counselor.
1) First, he only expresses to the counselor, and in their mother
tongue, what he wishes to say to the group. Each group
member overhears this exchange, but no other members of
the group are involved in this interaction.
2) The counselor then reflects these ideas back to the client in
the target language in a warm and accepting tone, in simple
languages, and in phrases of five or six words.
3) The client then turns to the group presents his/her idea in the
target language. They have the counselors aid if thet
mispronounce or hesitate at a word or phrase. This is the
client’s maximum security stage.
• Stage (2):
1) Same as above.
2) The client turns and begins to speak the target language
directly to the group.
3) The counselor aids only as the client hesitates or turns for
help. These small steps are signs of positive confidence and
• Stage (3):
1) The client speaks directly to the group in the targt language.
This presumes that the group now has acquired the ability to
understand their simple sentences.
2) Same as 3 above, this presumes that the client’s greater
confidence, independence, and proportionate insight into the
relationship of phrases, grammar, and ideas. Translation is
given only when a group member desires it.
• Stage (4):
1) The client now is speaking freely and complexly in he target
language. Presumes the group’s understanding.
2) The counselor directly intervenes in the grammatical errors,
mispronunciations, or when aid in complex expressions are
needed. The client is sufficiently secure to take correction.
• Stage (5):
1) Same as stage (4).
2) The counselor intervenes not only to offer correction, but to
add idioms and more elegant constructions.
3) At this stage, the client can become the counselor for the
group in stages (1), (2), and (3).
(6). Suggestupedia:-
. this method developed out of the belief that human brains could
process great quantities of material given to them, given the right
conditions of learning, like relaxation.
Music was central to this method.
. Soft music lead to an increase in Alpha brain waves and a decree
in blood pressure and pulse rate, resulting in the high intake of
large quantities of information.
. Learners were encouraged to be as “childlike” as possible.
. Apart from soft, comfortable seats in a relaxed environment,
everything else remained the same.
(7). The Silent Way:-
. This method begins by using a set of colored wooden rods and
verbal commands in order to achieve the following:
1) To avoid the use of vernacular.
2) To create simple linguistic situations to remain under the
complete control of the teacher.
3) To pass on to the learners the responsibility for the utterances
of the descriptions of the objects shown or the actions
4) To let the teacher concentrate on what the students are saying
and they are saying it, drawing their attention to the
differences in pronunciation and the flow of words.
5) To generate a serious game-like situation in which the rules
are implicitly agreed upon, by giving meaning to the gestures
of the teacher and his mine.
6) To permit almost from the start a switch from the lone voice
of the teacher using the target language to a number of voices
using it.
7) To provide the support of perception and action to the
intellectual guess of what the noise mean, thus brining in the
arsenal of the usual criteria of experience already developed
and automatic in one’s use of the mother tongue.
8) To provide a duration of sponteniuos speech upon which the
teacher and the students can work to obtain a similarity of
melody to the one heared.
. Materials:
- The materials utilized as the language learning progresses
1) A set of colored wooden rods.
2) A set of word charts containing words of a “functional”
vocabulary, and some additional ones.
3) A pointer for use with the charts in visual dictation.
4) A color-coded phonic chart(s), tapes, or discs.
5) Films, drawings, or pictures.
6) A set of accompanying work sheets, transparencies,
texts, a book of stories.
(8). Total Physical Response (TPR):-
. The Total Physical Response (TPR) method is one that combines
both information and skills through the use of the kinesthetic
sensory system.
. This combination of skills allows the student to assimilate
information and skills at a rapid pace.
. The Basic Tenets Are:
1) Understanding the spoken language before developing the
skills of speaking.
2) Imperatives are the main structures to transfer or
communicate information.
3) The student is not forced to speak but is allowed an
individual readiness period and allowed to spontaneously
begin to speak whenever they feel comfortable and confident
in understanding and producing utterances.
. Procedure:
- Step 1: the teacher says the command as he himself performs
the action.
- Step 2: the teacher says the command as both he and the
students then perform the action.
- Step 3: the teacher says the command but only the students
perform the action.
- Step 4: the teacher tells one student at a time to do
- Step 5: the roles of teacher and students are reversed. now,
the students give commands to both the teacher and the
- Step 6: the teacher and students allow for command
expansion and produce new sentences.
(9). The Natural Way:-
. This method emphasizes the development of basic personal
communication skills.
. Delay production until speech emerge (i.e. learners don’t say
anything until they feel ready to do so).
. Learners should be as ready as possible.
. Advocates the use of TPR at beginning levels.
. Comprehensible input is essential for acquisition to take place.
(10). Communicative Language Teaching:-
. This method stresses a ,eans of organizing a language syllabus.
The emphasis is on breaking the global concept of language into
units of analysis in terms of the communicative situations in which
they are used.
. There is a negation of meaning.
. A variety of language skills are involved.
. Material is presented in context.
. It pays attention to registers and styles in terms of situation and
. Fluency and accuracy (different competencies).
. Forms and functions.
. Development of autonomous learners.
Lesson Four: Contrastive Analysis
(1). Contrastive Analysis-(Hypothesis):-
. Lado’s and other’s contrastive analyses lead him to formulate
“The Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (CAH)” (He does not really
give us any data; this is not a “study”, as defined by this class).
. “Those elements that are similar to (a learner’s) native language
will be similar for him (or her) and those elements are different
will be difficult”. (Lado, p.2)
. This is the “strong” version of the CAH (Contrastive Analysis
Hypothesis): Contrastive analysis has predictive power. Through
contrastive analysis, we can predict areas of difficulty (and vice
versa) for our students.
(2). Contrastive Analysis-(Purpose):-
. predicting areas of difficulty will allow teachers to facilitate
second language learning through informed attention to materials,
tests, classroom activities, etc. “To find (and address) the hurdles
that have to be surmounted in the teaching”. (Lado, p. 3)
. Contrastive linguistics is the systematic comparison of two or
more languages,
- With the aim of describing their similarities and differences,
focusing, however, on differences.
- It is predominantly predictable.
. The term “Contrastive Analysis”:
- Was used for the first time by Whorf in 1941.
- Predicts and describes the patterns that will cause difficulty
in learning, and those that won’t, by systematically
comparing the language, and the culture to be learned, with
the native language and the culture of the student.
(3). Contrastive Linguistics (CL):-
. Differences (usually) between two (usually)nlamguages:
- Basis for typological description.
- Mainly practical applications (translation, foreign language
teaching and learning, bilingual lexicography (dictionaries)).
. Why Differences?
- It is assumed that the two languages are similar, except for
the points described as different.
(4). CL in linguistics:-
. The languages being compared can be related.
- Like Polish and English.
. Or can be unrelated.
- Like Polish and Chinese.
. Can be from the same historical period.
- Polish and English from the 20th Century.
. Or can be from different historical periods.
- English and Polish from the 16th and 20th Century.
(5). Theoretical CL:-
. Gives an exhaustive account of the differences and similarities
between two or more languages.
. Provides an adequate model for their comparison.
(6). Applied CL:-
. On the basis of the theoretical framework.
. Provided by Theoretical CA.
. Gives the researcher the information necessary.
. To conduct actual contrastive analysis.
(7). CL: Terms:-
. Contrastive Linguistics (or its methods) is also called:
- Contrastive Studies.
- Contrastive Analysis.
- Interlingual Linguistics.
(8). Contrastive Linguistics (CL) and First Language
(FL) Teaching:-
. Contrastive studies are (were) used as a means of predicting
and/or explaining difficulties of second language learners with a
particular mother tongue.
. In learning a particular target language (English), however, CL
does not explain all problems of foreign language students.
. Advantages:
- Is is suggested that when FL laerners are made of L1:L2
contrasts, this makes it easier for them to learn difficult FL
- L1 interference accounts for some 30% of error.
(9). Contrastive Analysis-(Eclipse):-
. Contrastive Analysis fell out of favor for 3 reasons:
1) Teachers didn’t know the languages of their students, and
couldn’t do extensive contrastive analysis.
2) The strong version of the CAH did not work. When the CAH
was tested empirically, its predictive value was proved
- Question: what would CAH predict about native
English speakers learning to pronounce French words?
Especially words beginning with /z/?
- Answer: It would be difficult for native English
speakers to pronounce words beginning with /z/.
3) CAH fell victim to a shift in SLA research.
(10). Interlanguage:-
. Interlanguage (IL) was introduced by the American Linguist
Larry Selinker to refer to the linguistic system evidenced when an
adult second language learner attempts to express meaning in the
language being learned.
. IL is viewed as a separate linguistic system, clearly different from
the learner’s ‘native language’ (NL) and the ‘target language’ (TL)
being learned, but linked to both NL and TL by interlingual
identifications in the perception of the learner.
(11). Transfer:-
. Role of the first language.
. Positive transfer, which facilitates learning.
. Negative transfer or Interference that leads to errors.
Lesson Four: Error Analysis & Interlanguage
(1). Error Analysis (EA):-
. Error Analysis is a branch of applied linguistics. It is concerned
with the compilation, study, and analysis of errors of second
language learners, and it aims at investigating aspects of second
language acquisition.
. According to the linguistics carder, the following are the steps in
any typical EA (Error Analysis) research:
1) Collecting samples of the learner’s language.
2) Identifying the errors.
3) Describing the errors.
4) Explaining the errors.
5) Evaluating/correcting the errors.
. EA (Error Analysis) is the first approach to SLA (Second
Language Acquisition) which includes an internal focus on the
learner’s ability to construct language. It is based on the
description and analysis of actual learner’s errors in L2, rather than
on focusing on idealized linguistic structures attributed to the
native speakers of L1 &L2.
. EA (Error Analysis) replaced CA (Contrastive Analysis) by the
1970’s because of the following developments:
1) Over prediction of errors.
2) Under prediction of errors.
3) A change in linguistics theory: structural
linguistics/underlying structures.
4) Being based on the notion of habit formation:
5) The developing distinction between L2 teaching and L2
learning: learning process.
. Error analysis in behaviorism/nativism:
- Language thus came to be understood as a rule-governed
- The child is an active participant and not a passive recipient.
. EA (Error Analysis) approach for the first time:
- Learner’s errors are not a bad habit but a source of insight
into the learning process.
- According to Corder (1967), “Errors are windows into the
language learner’s mind”. (transitional competence)
- The learner’s language is viewed as a target analysis which is
potentially independent of L1 &L2, and the state of the
learner’s knowledge is seen as a transitional competence on
the path of SLA (Second Language Acquisition).
. EA (Error Analysis0 methodology: the procedure for analyzing
the learner’s errors includes the following steps:
1) Collection of a sample of the learner’s language.
2) Identification of errors.
3) Description of errors.
4) Explanation of errors.
5) Evaluation of errors.
. EA (Error Analysis) Critism. EA is mainly criticized for the
following reasons:
1) Ambiguity in classification (Interlingual? Intralingual? L1
2) Lack of potential date.
3) Potential for avoidance.
4) Influence of L2 curricula.
(2). Interlanguage (IL):-
. Selinker (1972) introduced this term to refer to the intermediate
states of learner’s language/system as it moves towards the L2.
. This linguistic term has been named in different terms, such as:
1) Transitional competence.
2) Interlanguage.
3) Approximative systems.
. IL Assumptions:
- Learners construct a linguistic system that is different from
both L1 & L2 but based on L2 input (Learner’s Language).
- Learners reconstruct and approximate a certain variety of L2
that rarely becomes identical to the normal/original L2.
. IL Characteristics:
1) Systematic.
2) Dynamic.
3) Variable.
4) Reduced system in both function and form.
. IL Criticism:
- No concrete hints in the literature on how to describe the
changing linguistic system in IL.
- A large body of data is needed to ascertain a linguistic rule in
the learner’s IL.
- This is only achieved through longitudinal studies in order to
follow the development of language.
- The observation of the truly most systematic of a learner’s IL
is not an easy process, since it needs a number of
considerations related to the social status of both the learner
and the researcher (topic, classroom, monitored speech, etc.).