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Direetions for items 1-56. You will hear statements or

questions on the tape. Seleet the best answer and mark your
answer sheet, a, b, e, or d. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET.

1. a) to buy a money order 8. a) He likes it.

b) to get his hair b) It worrles him.
trirnrned e) He mlsses it.
e) to the barbershop d) It bores him.
~d) to the post offiee
9. a) He knows where New
2. a) He took part ln the York lS.
play. b) He knows how to get to
b) He watehed the play. New York.
e) He missed the play. e) He knows how many
d) He eaneelled the play. miles away New York
3. a) ln a shopping eenter d) He knows how many
b) ln an area of private people live in New
homes York.
e) ln a large motel
d) over a repalr shop 10. a) Mr. Brown wreeks his
ear every 6 months.
4. a) eat Bill's lunch b) Mr. Brown trades his
b) eat lunch alone ear every 6 months.
e) do Bill's work for him e) The meehanie examines
d) eat lunch with Bill Mr. Brown's ear every
6 months.
5. a) It lS the wrong Slze. d) The meehanie repairs
b) It lS too tight. Mr. Brown's ear every
e) It lS the right size. 6 months.
d) It lS bright.
11. a) He was late to lab.
6. a) He lS a follower now. b) He arrived at the lab
b) He is a eook now. early.
e) He lS a father now .. e) He arrived late.
d) He lS a leader now. d) He arrived at the
exaet time.
7. a) An airplane arrlves
every hour. 12. a) sent a letter home
b) An airplane leaves b) went home to see his
every hour. wife
e) An airplane lands e) missed his elass
every hour. d) bought some envelopes
d) An airplane lS late
every hour. 13. a) It uses too mueh gas.
b) It runs at high speed.
e) It makes a lot of
d) It doesn't run well.


14. a) a very large 21. a) He killed the fat

typewriter animals.
b) a very heavy b) He killed the siek
typewriter animals.
e) a typewriter whieh lS e) He killed the injured
light and easy to move animals.
d) a typewriter that d) He killed the old
eannot be moved animals.

15. a) Yes, it will be early. 22. a) Joe's friend has a

b) No, it won't be late. spare room.
e) Yes, it eame b) Joe's friend has no
yesterday. room.
d) No, it lS a private e) Joe's friend has a
planeo large room.
d) Joe's friend has only
16. a) when Joe could bring one room.
the fuel tank for
repair 23. a) We'll buy peneils and
b) how mueh fuel the tank paper from you.
eould hold b) We will take up your
e) where Joe had bought peneils and paper.
the fuel tank e) You must bring peneils
d) what kind of fuel the and paper.
tank was earrylng d) We will glve you
peneils and paper.
17. a) more sehooling
b) more ehanges 24. a) It's a good praetiee
e) more rest to speak English.
d) more information b) You'll have a ehanee
to speak English.
18. a) the eolorof the ear e) You'll learn English
b) the slowing down quiekly.
aetion d) You won't have any
e) its ability to piek up oeeasion to speak
speed English.
d) its stopping aetion
25. a) It eame on.
19. a) buy it b) It grew stronger.
b) sell it e) It grew weaker.
e) test it d) It went off.
d) repa i r it
26. a) Don' t hurry.
20. a) none b) Look at your wateh.
b) a little time e) Come now.
e) a lot of time d) Begin immediately.
d) very little time


27. a) A schedule was lost. 35. a) later on

b) A schedule was b) at any time
destroyed. e) right away
e) A schedule was found. d) sometime
d) A schedule was
established. 36. a) Ben stayed at home
28. a) 1 eat at 7:00. b) Ben went to sehool
b) 1 stay up until 7:00. yesterday.
e) 1 don't stay ln bed e) 1 did not see Ben at
after 7:00. sehool yesterday.
d) My roommate wakes me d) 1 did not want Ben to
at 7:15. go to sehool
29. a) Yes, 1'11 finish it
quiekly. 37. a) When 1 go agaln, 1'11
b) Yes, 1 think 1'11 go by bus.
start it soon. b) 1 will take my time
e) Yes, it'll take some and go by bus.
time to do. e) 1 took the next bus.
d) Yes, 1 need to go d) The next bus was on
through it. time.

30. a) Yes, 1 would like to 38. a) 1 left only a minute

eorreet it. before you ealled.
b) Yes, 1 would like to b) You ealled before 1
destroy it. left.
e) Yes, 1 like the size e) My offiee lS to the
of the paper. left.
d) Yes, 1 bought the d) 1 entered the offiee
paper to use here. just as you ealled.

31. a) $4.00 39. a) 1 wish it would last

b) $4.20 longer.
e) $3.80 b) 1 wish it would get
d) $3.98 eolder.
el 1 wish it would end.
32. a) open the view d) 1 wish it would start.
b) lmprove the view
e) keep the view 40. a) She likes rain better.
d) block the view b) She likes snow better.
e) She likes them both.
33. a) advertisements d) She doesn't like snow
b) editor.Lals or raln.
e) local news
d) eomles

34. a) in the baek

b) in the middle
e) at the.side
d) in the front


41. a) He wasn't near the 47. a) his fever

base exehange. b) his throat
b) He was interested ln e) his ears
the base exehange. d) his heart beat
e) He was near the base
exehange. 48. a) There are holes ln the
d) He was an employee of wood.
the base exehange. b) It's too easy to
42. a) The progress lS small. e) It feels smooth when 1
b) The progress lS as toueh it.
expeeted. d) Everything slides off
e) No progress has been of it.
made sinee World War
I. 49. a) fly
d) The progress lS almost b) live
unbelievable. e) expire
d) float
43. a) The road was level.
b) We lived ln an 50. a) deseending
apartment. b) shaking
e) One of our tires blew e) elimbing
out. d) rolling
d) We lay down on the
highway. 51. a) a storm
b) a bath
44. a) You must wait for the e) a harvest day
instructor. d) a sunny day
b) The instructor ean't
help you after elass. 52. a) Did you see his
e) The instructor wants ailment?
to see you ln elass. b) Did you get siek
d) See the instructor today?
after elass. e) Did you eause his
45. a) He hurried and made a d) Did you learn the
mistake. reason for his
b) He deeided in a hurry. siekness?
e) He forgot beeause he
hurried. 53. a) She lS working on it.
d) He eouldn't decide to b) She kept it.
hurry. e) She finally gave up.
d) She worked it out.
46. a) a bolt from the right
wheel 54. al Jim has the money.
b) the rubber around the b) Jim loaned Larry the
wheel money.
e) the right front window e) Larry doesn't need the
d) the right front light money.
d) Jim didn't have the


55. a) You eouldn't see the 56. a) She filled the eup
sun. with eoffee.
b) There was some dust in b) She drank the eoffee
the air. from a eup.
e) The air had a low e) She made the eoffee in
moisture eontent. a pot.
d) There was a steady d) She warmed the eoffee
breeze blowing. on the stove.

Direetions for items 57-66. You will hear eonversations or

persons giving information. Seleet the best answer and mark
your answer sheet, a, b, e, or d.

57. a) beeause he was sleepy 62. a) She lS not hungry.

b) beeause he wasn't busy b) She won't have to buy
e) beeause he didn't have her lunch.
a party e) She has no money.
d) beeause he had a party d) She does not like the
58. a) Something funny is
happening. 63. a) The instructor doesn't
b) There lS asevere know their test
problem. results.
e) Something strange lS b) They were told their
happening. test results by the
d) There lS nothing to instructor.
talk about. e) The instructor should
be told their test
59. a) buy the shirt results.
b) put on a different d) Their test results
shirt were told to their
e) show the woman his instructor.
d) go to a shirt store 64. a) what it represents
b) what it is made of
60. a) It's a place where e) what it does
soldiers are trained. d) what it looks like
b) It's a place where
ships come and go. 65. a) on the base
e) It's a place where b) at the offiee
people go to eollege. e) on the eorner
d) It's a place where d) at the post offiee
maehinery lS
manufaetured. 66. a) The man gave her one
dollar and fifty
61. a) lnsure the car if it's eents.
good b) The man wants some
b) lmprove the ear ehange baek.
e) have the car repaired e) The lady reeeived two
d) be eertain that the dollars.
ear is good d) The lady will have to
pay him fifty eents.




Direetions for items 67-100. Seleet the best answer and mark
your answer sheet, a, b, e, or d. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST

67. Are there any other boys ln Don's family? Yes, he

a) has two brothers

b) is the only ehild
e) has one sister
d) has a grandmother

68. When a sponge water, it beeomes heavy.

a) eliminates
b) takes out
e) lets out
,d) absorbs

69. The voleano emits smoke.

a) mlxes
b) draws
e) takes ln
,d) ·sends out

70. Is there any way to adjust the temperature?

a) Yes, we have air-eonditioning eontrols.

b) Yes, you learn to like it in time.
e) No, 1 don't think it will rain.
d) No, it never does in winter.

71. At noon the sun lS direetly our heads.

a) by
b) under
e) over
d) before

72. Ed: How long has Mr. Rivers studied English?

Tom: He for one month.

a) studies
b) is studying
e) will study
d) has be~n studying


73. Kent: Would you please keep an eye on my ear while 1'm
Seott: Sure, 1

a) will an eye keep on it

b) an eye will keep on it
e) will keep an eye on it
d) will keep on it an eye

74. The stores are eonvenient.

a) easy to get to
b) too expensive
e) too far off
d) always full of people

75. This is how it aetually happened.

a) sUI2posedly
b) probably
e) really
d) m~stakenly

76. The plane was grounded beeause of bad weather. The pilot

a) will be able to leave as soon as the plane is repaired

b) eannot leave until the weather elears up
e) eannot move the plane beeause it is stuek in the mud
d) will leave regardless of the weather

77. The fuel supply was adequate.

a) too little
b) suffieient
e) a d j u s ted
d) redueed

78. His behavior last week was exeellent.

a) eonduet
b) leave
e) travel
d) luek

79. 1 am reading an interesting book animals and the

plaees where they live.

a) telling
b) for
e) from
d) about


80. We could not study because we were disturbed the loud


a) from
b) by
e) for
d) above

81. Ask Mr. Miller me back later.

a) to call
b) calling
e) called
d) ca Ll s

82. Flying an airplane is not as simple as a caro

a) drive
b) driven
e) driving
d) for drive

83. John lives 50 miles from New York. Bill lives 100 miles
away. Bob lives 30 miles away. Bob's home is New

a) the nearest to
b) as far as
e) as near as
d). the farthest from

84. The headlines are printed ln

a) ordinary type
b) small type
e) lárge type
d) little letters

85. 1 prefer the blue jacket to the black one.

a) 1 like the black one better.

b) 1 like the blue jacket just as well as the black one.
e) 1 like one more than the other.
d) To me one color is as pretty as the other.

86. The instructor explained the process.

a) progress
b) procedure
e) program
d) enrollment


87. John asked Mary, "Wou1d you mind

if 1 smoke?"

a) objeet
b) 1ike
e) favor
d) p1ease

88. If you Jump to eone1usions, you

a) are ln good physiea1 eondition

b) enter too many eontests
e) suffer great physiea1 paln
d) make deeisions without faets

89. Some peop1e judge the qua1ity of food by it.

a) sme11
b) sme11ed
-c) to sme11
d) sme11ing

90. Our students many new words Slnee they began their
1anguage training.

a) 1earn
b) 1earned
e) has 1earned
d) have 1earned

91. We sudden1y that it was time to 1eave.

a) were rea1ized
b) rea1ized
e) were being realized
d) rea1izing

92. This projeet by the end of next month.

a) finished
b) is tabe finished
e) finishing ,
d) had finished

93. Sinee a eommander eannot be familiar with the aetions of
every operation or individual under his control, he must
depend on his staff to keep him informed. 1f the
information is faulty or insuffieient, he is apt to make a
bad deeision.

Aeeording to this paragraph,

a) the staff makes deeisions for the eommander

b) the eommander does not make bad deeisions
e) the deeisions are made on available information
d) a eommander knows all aetions and individuals

94. Bill wasn't ln elass this morning. Bob wasn't there,

a) too
b) neither
e) either
d) both

95. 1t's quite a hot day.

a) not a
b) a pretty
e) too a
d) better

96. Anna: Would you please switch the plates?

Carl: Certainly, 1'11

a) exehange them
b) turn them over
e) break them
d) clean them

97. Henry jotted down the word.

a) He used it in tne right way.

b) He repeated it several times.
e) He wrote it on some paper.
d) He saw it in a book.

98. Classes begin on time.

a) should have
b) eould be
e) ought to
d) always are


99. I am tired reading. Let's go for a walk.

a) to
b) of
e) by
d) for

100. The National Honor Society is an American organization for

high school boys and girls. Members are selected on the
basis of scholarship, leadership, citizenship, service, and

According to this paragraph,

a) all high school students are members of this society

b) membership in this society is determined mainly by
educational achievement
e) high school students can become members automatically
d) several factors are considered in selecting students for
this society



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