Class III and Fixed Functional Appliance
Class III and Fixed Functional Appliance
Class III and Fixed Functional Appliance
b. Environmental factors:
Class III
2. Camouflage treatment
Vanlaecken R, Williams MO, Razmus T, Gunel E, Martin C, Ngan P. Class III correction using an inter-arch spring-loaded module. Progress in orthodontics. 2014
Treatment options
b) Extra-oral b) Flexible
c) Hybrid
Mandall N. Early class III protraction facemask treatment reduces the need for orthognathic surgery: amulti-centre, two-arm parallel randomized, controlled trial.
Journal of Orthodontics, 2016; (43): 164–175.
A functional appliance is a device that alters a patient's
functional environment in an attempt to influence and
permanently change the surrounding hard tissues.
Shahid F, Alam M.K, Irshad M, Rayan Alswilem R. and Kiran Ganji k. Forsus fatigue resistant device a fixed functional appliances: An update.
International Medical Journal. 2017 Feb 1;24(1):132-5.
Removable Functional Appliances:
The options for correction of Class III malocclusion in growing patients
consist of two principal categories: intraoral appliances and extraoral
Continuous action.
Incisors flaring.
Mucosal ulceration.
Indication of FFA:
1) The correction of skeletal anomaly in young developing
a) In skeletal class II cases with retrognathic mandible.
b) In skeletal class III cases with retrognathic maxilla.
2) Making use of the residual growth left in neglected post-
adolescent patients who have passed the maximal pubertal
growth and are too old for removable functional appliances.
Verma N, Garg A, Sahu S, Choudhary AS, Baghel S. Fixed functional appliance-A Bird’s Eyeview.
Indication of FFA:
3) In adults patients –
molars distallization
growth is remaining.
Prateek, Shami and Sandhya. Fixed functional appliances: An overview. International Journal of Current Research. 2017; Vol. 9, Issue, 03:47407-47414.
2. Growth considerations:
functional appliances.
Concept and Biomechanics
Most orthodontic appliances use intrinsic or stored force to
move teeth.
This force is exerted from within the appliance its self and
dissipated against the teeth
El-Sheikh M.M, Godfrey K, Manosudprasit M. and Wiwattanateepa N. An inverted forsus for class III treatment: A pilot typodont study. KDJ. 2003;(6) N0.
1 : 19-24
Classification Fixed Functional Appliance:
Osama Eissa O, ElShennawy M, Gaballah S, ElMehy GH. and El-Bialy D. Treatment of Class III malocclusion using miniscrew-anchored
inverted Forsus FRD:Controlled clinical trial. Angle Orthod. 2018.
Forsus Fatigue Resistant Device in 2006.
1. Shahid F, Alam M.K, Irshad M, Rayan Alswilem R. and Kiran Ganji k. Forsus fatigue resistant device a fixed functional appliances: An update. International Medical Journal.
2017 Feb 1;24(1):132-5.
El-Sheikh M.M, Godfrey K, Manosudprasit M. and Wiwattanateepa N. An inverted forsus for class III treatment: A pilot typodont study. KDJ. 2003;(6) N0. 1 : 19-24
1. Inverted FFRD can correct Class III malocclusion by moving the upper
dentition forward, to create positive overbite and overjet provides and
Class I canine and molar relationship.
1. Kılıçoğlu H, Öğütlü N.Y. and Ceylan Alioğlu Uludağ C.A. Evaluation of Skeletal and Dental Effects of Modified Jasper Jumper Appliance and Delaire Face
Mask with Pancherz Analysis. Turkish J Orthod. 2017; 30: 6-14
The appliance composed of two parts, the force module and the anchor units. .
6. In the face mask treatment group, the overjet change was calculated as 5.17
mm: 70.6% of this change was due to skeletal changes and 29.4% was due to
dental changes. Further, 60.3% of skeletal changes were due to 3.12 mm
forward movement of A point and 10.3% were due to 0.53 mm backward
movement of B point.
McNamara JA, Franchi L, McClatchey LM, Kowalski SE, Cheeseman CC. Evaluation of adolescent and adult patients
treated with the Carriere Motion Class III appliance followed by fixed appliances. The Angle Orthodontist. 2021 Jan 12.
1. The Carriere Motion Class III appliance is an effective and efficient
adjunct to fixed appliances in the management of Class III
malocclusion in mature patients.