Herbst Appliance
Herbst Appliance
Herbst Appliance
Presented By
Introduction Indication Contraindications Advantages Disadvantages Definition of fixed functional appliances Classification of fixed functional appliances Mode of action
Classification of Herbst appliance
INTRODUCTION The Herbst appliance is the fore runner of all the fixed functional appliances. It was introduced by a German professor Emil Herbst at the international dental congress in Berlin in 1905. In 1934, Herbst presented a series of article in the Zahnarztliche Rundschau on his experience with the appliance. After 1934, however very little was published on the subject, and the treatment method move or less for gotten. The credit of reintroduction of Herbst appliance goes to Hans Pancherz. Through his article published in American Journal of orthodontics in 1979, be showed the treatment of Class II malocclusion by jumping the bite with the Herbst appliance. After this the appliance gained popularity and thereafter many modifications were also introduced. Basically, the appliance is a flexible bite jumping device, with telescope mechanism attached to the upper and lower dentition. INDICATION 1) The Herbst appliance is indicated in correction of Class II malocclusions due to retrognathic mandible. 2) They can be used as an anterior repositioning splint in patients having temporomandibular joint disorders. The following are specific indications of the Herbst appliance: 1) Post adolescent patients Possible to use residual growth left in these patients as treatment completed in 6-8 months. 2) Mouth breathers 3) Uncooperative patients 3
4) Correction of functional midline shift by using the appliance unilaterally. Other indications Distalization of molar To enhance anchorage As a mandibular anterior reposition of splint in patients having TMJ disorders. CONTRAINDICATIONS 1) Contraindicated in non-growing patients. 2) Hyperdivergent facial pattern. 3) A patient with negative VTO Use of functional appliances results in less than satisfactory results and is therefore not recommended. ADVANTAGES 1) Used in uncooperative patient. i.e. patients compliance not required. 2) Action is continuous for 24 hours of the day. 3) Achieve the results in around 6-8 months. 4) Advantageous in mouth breathers. 5) Does not interfere with speech or mastication. 6) Used successfully in post adolescent patients in whom very little growth is remaining to work with. 7) Procedures such as rapid maxillary expansion, fixed appliance or head gear can be given with appliance in place. DISADVANTAGES
1) Though treatment can achieved within 6-8 months, retention of the result has to maintain using removable functional appliance. 2) Risk of development of dual bite. 3) Masticatory efficiency is reduced. 4) High incidence of breakage and loosening of the appliance. 5) May restrict lateral mandibular movements. 6) It is expensive. 7) Plaque accumulation and enamel decalcification occur, especially in the splint type of appliance. Fixed functional appliances DEFINITION They are functional appliances that are fitted on the teeth by the operator and cannot be removed by the patient at will. CLASSIFICATION OF FIXED FUNCTIONAL APPLIANCES They are tooth borne appliances I) Appliance producing pushing force. A) RIGID 1) Herbst appliance 2) MARS appliance [mandibular anterior repositioning splint] 3) MPA [Mandibular protraction appliance] 4) Eureka spring 5) Universal bite jumper B) FLEXIBLE 1) Jasper jumper 2) Adjustable bite corrector 3) Churro jumper 4) Klapper super spring II 5
II) Appliance producing pulling force. SAIF spring [Several adjustable intermaxillary force spring]. MODE OF ACTION 1) Mandibular growth induction. 2) Maxillary growth restriction 3) Dentoalveolar changes 4) Glenoid fossa relocation 5) Changes in neuromuscular anatomy and function. 1) Mandibular growth induction: Two schools of thought regarding therapeutic induction of condylar growth. One group believes that we can not increase mandibular length to a clinical useful degree. Others believe that the condyles respond to such treatment. Studies by Pancherz, Woodside, Bishara, and McNamara on Herbst appliance have been reported where increase in mandibular length have been achieved. According to Petrovic appliances displaces condyles downward and forward from glenoid fossa and then condyles grow upward and backward and is always tries to maintain contact with TMJ. 2) Maxillary growth restriction Reactive forces in backward direction on maxilla, when the mandible is postured forward by the functional appliances. Maxilla experiences an upward and backward force which is exactly opposite in direction to the normal growth descent of the maxilla. This is the head gear effect shown by Bishara, Pancharz, Cope, Jasper and McNamara. 6
Rate of maxillary growth at peak pubertal growth spurt is about 1.5mm/year. This growth increment is blocked if the appliance is timed during the growth spurt. 3) Dentoalveolar changes Bishara and Cope shown that 30-40% skeletal change. 60-70% dentoalveolar adaptation which includes a) Distal movement of maxillary molars b) Mesial and vertical movement of mandibular molars. c) Mesial movements of mandibular incisors. d) Distal movements of maxillary incisors. 4) Adaptive changes in glenoid fossa location Woodside, Altuna (1987), Hinton and McNamara have demonstrated that fixed functional appliances therapy may exercise a strong influence on glenoid fossa remodeling. 5) Changes in neuromuscular anatomy and functions EMG studies by Pancherz (1980) have shown that temporal and masseter muscle activity is similar in children with normal occlusion. However in Class II patients, masseter muscle activity is reduced in comparison to temporal muscle activity. The studies done in twelve months post treatment period have shown that the contraction pattern of these muscles normalized. Adaptation such as elongation of muscle fibers and tendons, migration of muscle attachment are sometime occurs. Most important among them is decrease in growth of lateral pterygoid muscle. Shortening of muscle may cause anterior positioning of jaw.
Thus, regardless of appliances used, the modus operandi of the appliance can be seen in following casual chain given by Graber, Rakosi, Petrovic. Functional appliance Increased contractile activity of LTM Intensification of retrodiscal pad repetitive activity Increase in growth stimulating factors Additional growth of condylar cartilage and subperiosteal ossification of posterior border of ramus. Supplementary lengthening of mandible.
CLASSIFICATION OF HERBST APPLIANCE 1) Banded Herbst 2) Bonded Herbst Larry White classified Herbst appliance in 1994 as 1) Herbst appliance I basis design 2) Herbst appliance II with addition of fixed appliance. BASIC HERBST APPLIANCE The Herbst appliance is an artificial joint between maxilla and mandible. Telescope mechanism on either side of the jaw, attached to
orthodontic bands, keep the mandible continuously in an anterior jumped position during all mandibular function. The telescopic tube was attached to the maxillary permanent first molar band and the telescope plunger to the mandibular first premolar band. Appliance construction 1) In non-extraction cases, upper and lower first molars and first premolars and banded. In extraction cases, first molars and canines are banded. 2) Take a wax bite with mandible in a forward position, so that there is about one millimeter of overjet and overbite. An end to end incisal relation ship can be used, but the risk of fracture of incisal edges might be increased. 3) Take upper and lower impressions with band seated. Remove bands, place separators and dismiss patient, put the bands into impressions and pour impressions. 4) Mount upper and lower casts on hinge articulator with bite in place. 5) Take the tube with the screw and pivot assembled and hold the pivot alongside off the upper molar band, with the opposite end of the tube about 2 mm from buccal surface of first premolar band. This is working position in which the pivot must be soldered to the molar band. Care should be taken that upper pivots should be placed distally on the molar bands. The tubes comes in right and left with the pivot ends angled to allow for the mesiodistal angulation of the upper first molar buccal surface. 6) Disassemble screw, pivot and tube. 9
7) Solder the pivot to the upper molar band in correct working position. 8) Solder pivot to lower premolar band. 9) Place the tube on upper molar pivot and rod on lower premolar pivot, so that they lie along side each other. Make a mark on tube even with the shank of the rod and mark on rod at the distal aspect of first upper permanent molar. Cut rod and tube at the marks, allowing a little extra length for fine adjustment. 10) For line adjustment of the tube and rod, place rod into tube so that the shank of the rod is touching the end of the tube. The assembly should slide easily onto both upper and lower pivots, with the anterior teeth touching. 11) Solder a full lingual arch connecting the molar and premolar bands and solder a buccal stabilizing wire connecting the molar and premolar bands. 12) Solder either a full lingual arch or sectional lingual bars connecting the molar and premolar bands on each side. The appliance is now ready for polishing and cementing in the patients mouth.
In the maxillary arch, the I premolar and permanent I molar are banded and are interconnected on each side with the half round (1.5mm X 0.75mm) lingual sectional arch wire. In the mandibular arch, the first premolars are banded and connected with a half round lingual sectional archwire touching the lingual surfaces of the front teeth. This from of anchorage is called as partial anchorage. In several instances this type of anchorage is insufficient and is therefore increased by the incorporation of additional dental units. When the lingual sectional arch wire is extended to the permanent I molar band, it is called total anchorage. According the lower anchorage used the patients are divided into several groups. I. II. III. I Premolar anchorage i.e. Partial anchorage Premolar-molar anchorage i.e. Total anchorage Labial-lingual anchorage A premolar to premolar to premolar labial rectangular arch wire is added to the lingual premolar molar anchorage system. The archwire is attached to the brackets on the front teeth and tubes on the I molar bands. IV. Class III elastics Class III elastics (about 150gm) are added to the lingual premolar molar anchorage system. In the mandible the Class III elastics are attached to a labial canine to canine rectangular arch wire and in the maxilla to the screws on the I molar bands.
Herbst often used crowns instead of bands on anchor teeth. But Langford (1982) was first contemporary orthodontist to suggest using preformed stainless steel crowns. Dischinger (1989) expanded on the idea of using stainless steel crowns on the upper I molars and lower I bicuspids. By adding tubes to the upper molar crowns and mandibular molar bands he was able to simultaneously placed bonded brackets on the anteriors and use utility arches to correct crowding, derotation and intrude the incisors. 2) All bands should be formed individually of orthodontic band material at least 0.15mm in thickness. 3) The upper and lower pivots should be placed parallel to each other. This will provide a correct and smooth function of telescope mechanism. 4) The upper pivot should be placed distally on the molar bands and lower pivots mesially on the premolar bands. A large inter pivot distance on each jaw side will prevent the plunger from slipping out of the tube when the mouth is wide open e.g. during yawning. 5) The pivot opening on the tube and plunger should be widened. This will provide an increased lateral movement capacity of the mandible. 6) The screw on the maxillary parts tends to loosen during treatment, frustrating both the screw slot, can be soldered to the molar crown of the appliance. Instructions given to the patients
1) Warn the patient to expect muscle pain and general discomfort, which will be transitory. 2) Remind the patient that a soft diet will be necessary for about week, because the molar will not occlude. The patient experiences chewing difficulties during the first 7-10 days of treatment. 3) Chances of loosening of screws should be reminded. 4) Sometimes, the tubes have to be short that the rods pull completely out of the tube when patient opens wide. It is a simple matter for the patient to place the rod back into the tube and they soon learn how wide they can open without this happening. 5) Breakage and loose bands should be reported to the clinic immediately. 6) Maintenance of good oral hygiene. Reactivation of the appliance If the initial amount of mandibular advancement built into the Herbst appliance at the time of construction is inadequate in establishing incisor and molar relation ship the appliance can be reactivated after 2-3 months. This is done by removing the upper left and right sleeves or tubes and replacing them with longer sleeves thus positioning the mandible further forward. Retention after treatment The improvement in sagittal molar and incisor relationships seen after 6-8months of Herbst appliance treatment is mainly as a result of increase in mandibular growth, distal tooth movements, in the maxilla and mesial tooth movements in the mandible. A possible relapse in dental arch relationships alter treatment may result from dental changes in the maxilla and mandible and or from an 13
unfavorable growth development. A stable cuspal interdigitation will counteract an occlusal relapse. According to Pancharz, the Andresen activator is most suitable retention device after Herbst treatment. The appliance holds the teeth in the desired position. Selective grinding of the acrylic makes interocclusal adjustments possible by guiding tooth eruption. A musculature would most likely need a longer for permanent adaptation. So activator helps in adaptation of musculature. A treatment usually is performed in the mixed dentition, retention will thus be necessary with the permanent teeth have erupted and the occlusion is stabilized. TREATMENT COMPLEX Six months after treatment Class I molar relationship achieved from Class II overjet and overbite reduction occurred. Sagittal cephalometric changes Correction of Class II molar relationship and overjet correction were about equally a result of skeletal and dental alterations. Vertical cephalometric changes Overbite was reduced an average of 55% during 6 months of treatment with Herbst appliance due to changes in The mandibular incisors and maxilla molars were intruded during treatment while eruption of maxillary and mandibular second premolars and mandibular molars were extruded. Also reduction of deep bite is due to proclination of lower incisors. With reduction of overbite, lower facial height was increased. 14 EFFECTS ON THE DENTOALVEOLAR
CLINICAL PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE HERBST APPLIANCE 1) Lower part of appliance attached to the mandibular I premolar bands therefore use of appliance is limited to those patients with erupted mandibular first bicuspids. This requirement prevents many younger patients in deciduous/mixed dentition stages from wearing the appliance. 2) Repeated breakage and loosening of the appliance occurs especially on the lower bicuspid band area. Longford has stated the placement of stainless steel crowns on the abutment teeth to prevent this. MODIFICATIONS 1) Bonded Herbst appliance Raymond Howe in 1982 modified the original Herbst appliance to overcome the limitations of original Herbst appliance. The principle difference between the original and proposed appliance designs is that the paired telescoping elements, which had been attached to the lower bicuspid bands, are now attached to the entire lower dental arch by an acrylic bite.
Modifications 1) Short, stiff coil springs (0.020spring wire) 3mm long, with an inside diameter slightly larger than the plunger shaft, can be placed between upper and lower telescoping elements. They are designed to provide a dampening effect as the plunger sleeves contact upon closure. This may reduce shock-induced loosening of either the upper bands or lower splint. These springs can also be used to reactivate the appliance. By placing the spring over the lower plunger shafts, the upper sleeves are displaced distally, effectively lengthing the telescoping mechanism and thereby advancing the mandible further forward. 2) Rapid palatal expander can be incorporated into the Herbst appliance. 3) Rotation of post teeth can be corrected by transpalatal arch bar. 4) In vertical grower vertical pull chin cup in order to restrict further vertical displacement. 5) In patient with hyperactive mentalis muscle Frankel like labial pads attached in the buccal tube which is incorporate in mandibular splint. 6) If distal component of force desired, mandibular lip bumper can be incorporated. Instructions Restrict sugar intake, brush carefully use of fluoride mouth-rinse.
Advantages of split design 1) Used at any stage of dental development. 2) Intrusion of mandibular bicuspid is minimized. 3) Tissue impingement of the lower lingual wire can be avoided. 4) The incidence of failure of the appliance due to breakage has been greatly reduced. Further modification by same author (Raymond Howe in 1983) To overcome the limitations of bonded Herbst appliance like breakage, splint loosening, etc. author modified this appliance as fallows: - The splint is incorporated in maxillary arch, exclusive of the maxillary central and lateral incisors. - All mandibular teeth included in lower splint lower incisor coverage may be omitted if posterior anchorage is adequate and the patient has an anterior open bite. 2) Head gear - Herbst treatment in the mixed dentition. Lennar Wieslander in 1984 Jumping the mandible with the telescoping arms has a slight tipping effect on the maxillary splint. By using a high pull headgear with short outer arms, the tipping tendency is counteracted. So headgear used not only to try to increase the orthopedic effect, but also try to improve the treatment result. Treatment results are due to anterior transformation of glenoid fossa. 3) Modified Herbst appliance for the mixed dentition. Phillip Goodman, Paul McKenna in 1985
Bonded form was used in mixed dentition. Stainless steel bonds on I upper molar and lower I molar and incisors. If max anchorage is critical, bonds may be also placed on maxillary I deciduous molars
4) Removable plastic Herbst retainer Raymond Howe in 1987 Single relationship. In an effort to combine the useful properties of both single and dual arch retainers, Howe used removable plastic Herbst retainer. Its full upper and lower plastic splints function as conventional single arch retainers. At the same time, the removable splints are connected on each side by telescoping Herbst mechanism, which acts as dual-arch anteroposterior retainer. 5) Edgewise bioprogressive - Herbst appliance Terry G. Dischinger in 1989 designed edgewise Bioprogressive Herbst to minimize certain limitations inherent in the Herbst design, incorporates edgewise brackets and Bioprogressive mechanics to correct Class II malocclusion. The mandibular first permanent molars are banded. The maxillary arch is completely bracketed, but usually only the incisors are bracketed in the mandible. An 0.040 lingual wire joins the mandibular crowns and bands no transpalatal wire is used in the maxilla. Advantages arch retainers are not effective for preventing anteroposterior relapse, which can result into reappearance of Class II
1) Orthodontic tooth movements can be performed while the orthopedic Class I correction takes place. 2) The dumping of the lower incisors that has been associated with the Herbst appliance is avoided by using a lower utility arch. 3) There is little chance of the appliance breaking or loosening. 4) Once the Class II relationship has been correct it is a quick and simple transition to full fixed appliances for detailing and finishing. 6) Removable Herbst appliance for treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. Ernest A. Rider in 1988 - Sleep apnea is a breathing abnormality that occurs during sleep. It is divided into: 1) Central-stoppage of air flow from lack of respiratory effort. 2) Obstructive-stoppage of airflow despite great effort to take in air. 3) Mixed-starting as central, followed by obstructive. Obstructive sleep apnea is the most prevalent type and is usually associated with upper airway problems in both children and adults. Obstruction can occur from 10 to 500 times per night. Patients can develop serious cardiovascular problems over an extended period. The removable Herbst appliance is available. Its plunger mechanism advances the mandible and tongue to a predetermined position. The mandible is usually brought forward to an initial edge to edge position. 7) Current Herbst appliance therapy Larry W. White in 1994 Classified Herbst appliance as 1) Herbst appliance I basic design 19
2) Herbst appliance II With addition of fixed appliance. - They used cantilever Herbst appliance design. - Atlas axle with tube and piston held together by cotter pin. MALU attachment (Mandibular advancement locking unit) This uses dead soft wire to secure the maxillary tube of upper molar band. Frequently, the screw protrudes enough to encroach on the mucosal of the cheek and cause ulcerations. This problem is relieved by covering the screws with Hug-caps.
8) The Swedish-style integrated Herbst appliance Paul Haegglund, Staffan Segerdal in 1997 Connecting the Herbst pistons directly to the mandibular archwire tend to cause loose brackets and arch wire breakage. Instead, author distributed force from Herbst appliance to the mandibular arch wire through a sliding auxiliary arch wire made of 0.9-1mm round stainless steel. This auxiliary arch wire is attached to main arch wire posteriorly with buccal tube on the lower first molars and anteriorly with elastomeric modules to surgical ball, nooks, or crimpable hooks or with a posted archwire. Initially they bent the distal ends of the lower first molars, and locked in place with elastomeric modules. Disadvantage is it reduces the sliding range of Herbst appliance.
To connect the pistons to the auxiliary archwire, they first used MALU attachment with cotter pin opening. Later, they developed a modified piston that can be connected to the auxiliary-archwire at the anterior loop or distal to it. The auxiliary archwire has the following advantages - Has a shock-absorbing effect due to its connection to the main archwire with elastomeric modules. - Distributes the forces from the Herbst appliance to the main mandibular arch wire. 9) Flip lock Herbst appliance Robert A. Miller in 1996 A new design, the flip-lock Herbst appliance, reduces the number of moving parts that can lead to breakage or failure. It is easy to use and more comfortable for the patient than the conventional type of Herbst appliance. Instead of a screw attachment, it has a ball-joint connector and it needs no retaining springs.