Information Technology Final Report of Assignment 1&2: Unit: Internet of Things
Information Technology Final Report of Assignment 1&2: Unit: Internet of Things
Information Technology Final Report of Assignment 1&2: Unit: Internet of Things
LO4 Evaluate your IoT application and detail the problem your IoT application
solves, the potential impact on people, business, society and the end user and the
problems it might encounter when integrating into the wider IoT ecosystem
Assignment Feedback
Action Plan
Summative feedback
Higher Grade Achievement (Where applicable)
LO4 Evaluate your IoT application and detail the problem your IoT application
solves, the potential impact on people, business, society and the end user and the
problems it might encounter when integrating into the wider IoT ecosystem
Assignment Feedback
Action Plan
Summative feedback
I sincerely thank PhD. Bui Thi Thanh Thanh who wholeheartedly guided me
through the course of learning and imparting knowledge about the subject so that I
could apply and complete this exercise.
However, in the process of doing the lesson, due to limited professional
knowledge, I still lack knowledge, evaluation, and presentation about the work. I hope
to receive the attention and suggestions of the teachers and teachers of the subject
to make my work more complete and complete.
Sincerely thank!
Learners declaration
The content of this thesis is made by me under the direct guidance of
lecturers PhD. Bui Thi Thanh Thanh.
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research
sources are fully acknowledged.
Any unauthorized copying, copyright infringement, or fraud, I will take full
Date: July 2020 Student signature:
1.6 Software development...........................................................................8
1.6.1 Device Hive......................................................................................8
1.6.2 Kaa...................................................................................................9
1.6.3 Node-Red.........................................................................................9
CHAPTER 2: Plan for Metal detection robot car model (LO2)......................10
2.1 System overview..................................................................................10
2.1.1 Scope.............................................................................................10
2.1.2 Function of system.........................................................................10
2.2 System architecture.............................................................................10
2.3 Hardware required...............................................................................11
2.3.1 Module Wi-Fi ESP8266 NodeMCU...............................................11
2.3.2 LJ12A3 Proximity Metal Detecting Sensor....................................12
2.3.3 The H-bridge L298N......................................................................13
2.3.4 DC geared motor...........................................................................14
2.4 Software required.................................................................................14
2.4.1 App Blynk.......................................................................................14
2.4.2 Arduino IDE....................................................................................15
2.5 Plan......................................................................................................16
2.5.1 WBS...............................................................................................16
2.5.2 Schedule........................................................................................16
CHAPTER 3: Implementation and Results (LO3)..........................................17
3.1 Code for moto driven...........................................................................17
3.2 Code for ESP8266 nodeMCU..............................................................20
3.3 Code for LJ12A3 metal detection sensor.............................................21
3.4 LJ12A3 (Metal Detecting) Sensor with ESP8266 nodeMCU...............21
3.5 Configure LJ12A3 sensor parameters and engine control on App Blynk
3.5.1 Set metal parameters....................................................................22
3.5.2 LCD displays metal detection results............................................22
3.5.3 Configure control parameters on App Blynk..................................24
3.6 Some pictures of "Metal detection robot car model"............................25
CHAPTER 4: User Feedback and System Adjustments (LO4).....................26
IoT Internet of Things
API Application Programming Interface
AC Alternating current
DC Direct Current
IC Integrated Circuit
IDE Integrated Development Environment
DSA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
AWS Amazon Web Service
LCD Liquid-Crystal Display
Today, with the development of technology 4.0, IoT has become the most
strongly developed technology industry in the world and applied by humans in reality
to make life more and more modern. The introduction of IoTs to life has made
significant achievements in the economic industry around the world; IOT helps
people control things more quickly, help solve troublesome and complex problems,
discover incidents, reducing workers in factories instead thanks to working machines
that help us. Not stopping there, the IoT has exploded and evolved further and
showed everyone the potential of IoT's future in amazing numbers. According to ABI
Research (a technology company) estimated that more than 30 billion devices will be
wirelessly connected to everything by 2020, which shows how huge the IoT metrics
will be in our future. When everything internalized, people can control everything with
just one phone with internet connection. The IoT is also our human future, where
everything has the ability to exchange information and data through a single network
without the need for human interaction. In the future of this technology industry,
people will be able to create intelligent entities that are self-aware and able to
function according to different situations and environments. In addition, the IoT can
also help people in other industries such as for the medical industry, IoT devices can
used to monitor people's health remotely and will notify emergency if users have
unusual symptoms. In traffic, the IoT supports us with information about monitoring
issues and handling traffic safety violations.
Some IoT applications in life such as smart home, smart car, surveillance
system, and virtual power plant, automatic face recognition system, smart city ... In
this project; I have research on the topic “Apply IoT technology to design intelligent
systems for metal detection robot vehicles ". My purpose in this assignment is to
develop product plan, review of frameworks and hardware and software platforms of
the application.
The most popular hardware frameworks and platforms today include Amazon
Web Service, Cisco, Salesforce, Microsoft Azure IoT Suite…
The most popular software frameworks and platforms today include Device
Hide, Kaa, and Node-Red…
My report consists of four chapters:
- Chapter 1: Overview of IoT application analysis, design and development.
- Chapter 2: Hardware equipment analysis, software and design framework.
From there, plan to build the "Metal detection robot car model" product.
- Chapter 3: Implementation and Results.
- Chapter 4: User Feedback and System Adjustments.
In the era of technology 4.0, the deployment of IoT applications into reality
makes sense to reduce effort, time and work in places with harsh conditions that can
not accessed by humans. Since then, I built the "Metal detection robot car model"
that can help people a IoT in metal mining as well as other rare metals such as gold,
silver ... This helps the foundation. The economy can thrive thanks to IoT technology
when machines can operate efficiently instead of humans.
1.2.1 Sensors/actuator
Sensors are used to collect measure and collect data from the environment.
Actuators are used to alter physical conditions to generate data, such as
closing a power supply, sensing and regulating airflow and monitoring a
person's heart rate. It allows wired LAN devices to work without A / C power
1.2.2 The internet gateways
The smart portal builds on gateway functions by adding capabilities such as
analysis, malware protection, data management and real-time data analysis.
The data from the sensor transmitted through the gateway. Data acquisition
system (DSA) converts and aggregates this data, then the internet gateway
receives the data and digitizes it over Wi-Fi or wired WLAN and passes it over
to the Edge system for further processing.
1.2.3 Edge analytics
Edge analytics processing system allows faster time response in processing
and analyzing IoT data. Edge systems can be in locations as far away or as
those closest to the sensor.
1.2.4 The data centre and cloud
Cloud-based data systems are designed to securely process, analyze and
manage data with large amounts of data using Machine Learning technology.
1.3 IoT frameworks
Here, I will review some of the popular frameworks in IoT:
1.3.1 Amazon Web Service
A platform that provides cloud services and data security through AWS. AWS
also operates on virtual private clouds, which help to improve application
1.3.2 Cisco
Used to manage and store data in the cloud, and Cisco virtualization Packet
Core solutions can power scale for services more quickly and efficiently.
1.3.3 Salesforce
Powered by Thunder and is a tool used to connect data from the Internet.
1.4 Tools
The following are some of the development tools in IoT:
1.4.1 Arduino IDE
It is an open source tool with integrated simple IoT platform that makes
it easy for users to use software, hardware and other electronic components.
In addition, the Arduino software uses the Java embedded programming
language and the integrated programming environment is IDE.
1.4.2 PlatformIO
Is an IOT development tool based on a cross-platform development
environment? PlatformIO supports IDE libraries and you can customize the IDE
override the Atom editor to supplement it. In addition, PlatformIO is further developed
with over 200 compatibility boards, debugging feature and making it possible to
observe the serial ports.
1.5.2 Raspberry Pi
Is a credit card that runs on Linux platform? Raspberry Pi features such as
USB port for mouse, keyboard ... HDMI port for display and an Ethernet port
for wired internet connection.
It is an IoT hardware platform and is used to support Wi-Fi. Its features are
used using STM32 Arm Cortex m3 and Broadcom Wi-Fi chip. In addition, its
cloud platform allows users to be accessed from anywhere from their local
1.6.2 Kaa
This is a software used to support devices that are connected in the cloud.
Kaa has key features such as easy to set up and provides many features on
this platform, it can interface on many hardware devices including: ports,
sensors ... In addition, middleware allows developers can create connected
applications and smart products.
1.6.3 Node-Red
This is a visual tool to build in the IoT. It is built on top of node.js along with the
hardware and online services. Node-Red can also run on Raspberry Pi and
have access to over 60,000 different modules.
2.1.1 Scope
A surveillance vehicle designed to run on all terrestrial obstacles.
It still has many limitations as not being able to move underwater.
The use time is only about a few hours due to the low battery backup.
The engine is controlled via the Wi-Fi network, so it can only be controlled
within a certain range.
The security of the application is not high.
2.1.2 Function of system
The main functions of the “Metal detection robot car model” system:
We can control the metal detection sensor vehicle model through the blynk
app; it can control the car to go left, right, up, down.
The system has LED lights for alarm.
DC motor control power block: receives the signal from the central control
unit to control the motor.
App Blynk: Receive notifications and control the movement engine.
Figure 2-: The architectural system of Metal detection robot car model
Detailed specifications:
Driver L298N has two integrated H-bridge circuits
Load control voltage: 5V-12V
Maximum current per H bridge is: 2A per motor
Voltage of control signal: 5V-7V
Wasted power: 20W
Current of control signal: 0-36mA
Operating temperature: -25 ° C to 130 ° C
2.3.4 DC geared motor
DC geared motors are used to control vehicles running back and forth, turning
left, right rotation. It is operated at a maximum speed of 44m / min at 6V to 8V.
Speed control by pulse width modulation via I / O pins on the module.
2.5 Plan
2.5.1 WBS
2.5.2 Schedule
In this project, I The system's metal It still has many Since I had trouble
planned to detection sensor limitations as not choosing the topic
implement the idea worked very well at being able to move at first, the
and detail the idea. the end of the underwater and progress of the
Next is followed by project. When The use time is project was a bit
detailing the time it metal is detected, only about a few slow, but in the
takes to design an the sys-tem will hours due to the end I completed it
application and notify users of their low battery the best.
outlining the costs phones once they backup.
for the components have installed the The security of the
used in the Blynk app. application is not
application. Finally, high but I have
evaluate of my fixed that.
4.2.2 Risk
Risk Description Probability Solution Risk happend
In the era of technology 4.0, the deployment of IoT applications into practice is
as essential to help people reduce effort and time. Through the project "Metal
detection robot car model" that I designed, it can help a lot for people in metal mining
as well as other rare metals such as gold, silver... This makes the economy possible
to thrive thanks to IoT technology when machines can work effectively on behalf of
us humans.
Through this report I was able to design IoT products by myself. Despite many
shortcomings, I also successfully completed the project.
[1] IoT applications [online] Available at:
ung-dung-the-gioi-thuc-cua-internet-of-things [Accessed 15 July. 2020]