Process Applications: Selecting Evaporators
Process Applications: Selecting Evaporators
Process Applications: Selecting Evaporators
Selecting Evaporators
for Process Applications
William B. Glover
Evaluate product characteristics
LCI Corp. and process requirements to select
among the various evaporator designs.
VAPORATORS ARE USED IN A WIDE RANGE exchangers, plate-and-frame heat exchangers, and agitated
of processes, including pharmaceuticals, foods and thin-film evaporators.
beverages, pulp and paper, chemicals, polymers and A properly designed evaporator must, at a minimum:
resins, inorganic salts, acids, bases, and a variety of other • be designed to effectively transfer heat at a high rate with
materials. There are many types and variations of evaporators, minimum surface area to be cost-effective for installation,
and the best for a particular application depends on the prod- operations and maintenance
uct characteristics and desired results. • effectively separate the vapor from the liquid concentrate
This article first explains the process requirements that an • meet the conditions required by the product being
evaporator must meet, and discusses the critical operational processed
and product characteristics and their effects on evaporator • produce a product that meets the required quality
selection. It then reviews the various types of evaporator • be energy efficient, where possible making effective use
designs, their modes of operation, features, advantages and of steam with multiple-effect evaporation or vapor recom-
limitations, and it provides guidance on how to select an evap- pression
orator for a particular application. • minimize fouling of heat transfer surfaces
• be constructed of materials that are adequate to minimize
The basics corrosion.
Evaporation is an operation used to concentrate a solution
of a nonvolatile solute and a volatile solvent, which in many Critical operational and product characteristics
cases is water. A portion of the solvent is vaporized to produce Critical operational and product characteristics of the solu-
a concentrated solution, slurry or thick, viscous liquid. tion to be evaporated have a major effect on the selection of
Evaporation differs from drying in that the residue is a the evaporator type most suited for the application.
flowable liquid instead of a solid. Evaporation is different Heat sensitivity. Many foods, pharmaceuticals, chemicals
from distillation in that there is no attempt to separate the and resins are heat- or temperature-sensitive and require either
vapors into individual components. low heating temperatures or a short residence time exposed to
Either the vapor or the concentrate stream, or both, may be the heat, or both. This can be accomplished by a combination
the desired product (1). Therefore, the evaporator should be of minimizing the volume of product in the evaporator at any
designed to provide a clean separation of the vapors from the one time, minimizing the time in the evaporator, and reducing
condensate and the feed. the product’s bulk boiling temperature by operating the evapo-
An evaporator consists of a heat exchanger or heated rator at reduced pressures. Reducing the internal operating
bath, valves, manifolds, controls, pumps and condenser. The pressure may also allow operation at lower heating tempera-
most common designs are jacketed tanks, tubular heat tures while still maintaining a reasonable heat-transfer driving
Natural-circulation tubular evaporators the downtake is usually between 75% and 150% of the cross-
Natural circulation is normally used for simple applications sectional area of the tubes. The tubes may range from 1 in. to
where the product is clean and temperature-stable (whereas 4 in. in diameter and from 30 in. to 6 ft in length; general
forced-circulation evaporators are used for viscous, salting and practice favors about 2-in.-dia. and 5-ft-long tubes. (4).
scale-forming products) (2). The most common natural-circu- Circulation and heat transfer in this type of evaporator are
lation tubular evaporators are horizontal tube, calandria (or strongly affected by the liquid level (3). Boiling in the tubes
short) vertical tube, and long vertical tube. induces circulation past the heating surface. Circulation is cre-
ated by the difference in specific gravity between the bulk liq-
Horizontal tube evaporators uid and the heated liquid and vapor generated inside the tubes.
The horizontal tube evaporator (Figure 2) is the oldest type The highest heat-transfer coefficients are achieved when the
of chemical evaporator, although other improved types are level is only about half-way up the tubes. Reduction below the
now more commonly used. optimum level results in incomplete wetting of the tube wall,
The horizontal tube evaporator is the only type of chemical with a consequent increase in fouling tendency and a rapid
evaporator in which the heating medium is inside the tubes. reduction in capacity. When this type of evaporator is used
The principal advantage of horizontal tube evaporators lies in with a product that can deposit salt or scale, it is customary to
the relatively small headroom they require. The horizontal evap- operate with the liquid level appreciably higher than optimum
orator is least satisfactory for fluids that form scale or deposit and usually above the top tubesheet (3).
salt (which would build up on the outside of the tube). It is well- Advantages of the short-tube vertical evaporator include:
suited for processes where the final product is a liquid instead of • low head-space required
a solid, such as sugar syrups where the large volume of liquid • suitable for liquids that have a moderate tendency to
stored in the evaporator allows a close adjustment of the final scale, since the product is on the tubeside, which is acces-
density by changing the hold-up in the evaporator. sible for cleaning
• fairly high heat-transfer coefficients can be obtained with
Short-tube vertical evaporators thin liquids (up to 5–10 cP)
The short-tube, or calandria, vertical evaporator (Figure 3) is • relatively inexpensive to manufacture.
one of the earliest types still in widespread commercial use (3). However, heat transfer depends greatly on the effect of vis-
The short-tube evaporator is characterized by tubesheets (A) cosity and temperature, it is not for use with temperature-sen-
extending across the body and a central downspout (B). Tubes sitive materials, and it is unsuitable for crystalline products
are rolled between two tubesheets and steam is introduced as unless agitation is provided.
shown in Figure 3. The liquid is in the tubes and the heating One principal use of the short-tube vertical evaporator is
medium outside the tubes. As the liquid boils, it rises up the concentration of sugar cane juice.
through the tubes and returns through the central downtake.
Condensate is removed from any convenient place on the bot- Long-tube vertical evaporators
tom of the tubesheet (such as C), and the noncondensed gases The long-tube vertical, or rising-film, evaporator (Figure 4)
are usually vented from somewhere near the upper tubesheet is one of the most widely used tubular evaporators. It can be
(e.g., D). The exact positions of the feed (F) and discharge (C) built as a large single unit, partially due to the high heat-trans-
are variable, but fer performance
(V) Vapor
the positions (V) Vapor exhibited under
shown in Figure 3 most conditions,
are fairly typical. and partially
The operating Entrainment Entrainment because of the
level of the liquid Settling simplicity and low
Section Section
is normally near cost of construc-
the top of the top (H) Steam tion. It is basically
(F) Feed (F) Feed
tubesheet. The
(D) Vent
cross-section of (H) Steam
■ Figure 3. In a
Flow of short-tube vertical
■ Figure 2. The Liquid
evaporator, the
heating medium (H) process liquid is
flows inside the tubes Condensate (H) inside the tubes and
of a horizontal tube Condensate (C) Concentrate the heating medium
(C) Concentrate
evaporator. outside the tubes.
cients and short residence times in the heating zone. Rising/falling-film evaporator
The falling-film evaporator is particularly useful in applica- The rising-film and the falling-film evaporators are
tions where the temperature driving force between the heating sometimes combined into a rising/falling-film evaporator
medium and the liquid is small (less than 15°F). The combina- to incorporate the advantages of both (Figure 6). When a
tion of the ability to function at low temperature differences high ratio of evaporation to feed is required and the con-
and short residence times makes the falling-film evaporator centrate may be viscous, a tube bundle can be divided into
suitable for use with temperature-sensitive products. two sections, with the first functioning as a rising-film
The design of the vapor/liquid separator at the bottom of evaporator and the second as a falling-film evaporator (5).
the tubesheet depends greatly on the properties of the material Feed enters at the bottom of the tubesheet of the rising-film
being processed and the operating conditions. The ratio of the portion. Boiling starts as the liquid rises through the tubes. A
liquid distilled to the feed rate is very critical to a falling-film mixture of liquid and vapor is discharged and redistributed
evaporator. High distillation splits utilizing a single-pass over the top of the tubes for the falling-film pass. The vapors
process could reduce the flow of liquid to where it is inade- from the rising-film pass aid in the distribution of liquid on the
quate to keep the tubes wetted near the bottom. This would tubes, and increase the velocity of the liquid, which increases
subject the tubes to potential fouling by degraded product. heat transfer. The mixture of vapor and liquid from the down-
The primary advantages of falling-film evaporators are: flow is separated in an external separator.
• relatively low cost The rising/falling-film evaporator’s advantages are:
• large heating surface in one body • relatively low residence times
• low product hold-up • relatively high heat transfer rates
• small floor space requirements • relatively low cost
• good heat-transfer coefficients at reasonable temperature • large units can be manufactured
differences. • low hold-up
The primary disadvantages are: • small floor space requirements
• high headroom requirements • good heat transfer over a wide range of services.
• generally not suited for salting or scaling materials Disadvantages include:
• recirculation is usually required. •high head-room requirements
Typical applications for falling-film evaporators are the •recirculation is frequently required
concentration of dairy products (such as whey, milk protein, •generally unsuited for salting or severely fouling fluids.
skim milk, cream and hydrolyzed milk), sugar solutions, urea, They are best applied when handling clear fluids or foamy
phosphoric acid and black liquor. liquids, and when large evaporation loads are required. (5).
Bow Wave
(F) Feed
■ Figure 9. A rotor distributes the feed evenly over the inner circumfer-
(H) Condensate ence of the body of the wiped-film evaporator.
(C) Concentrate
drops due to high viscosities are common problems.
■ Figure 7. A gasketed plate-and-frame evaporator may be operated in a Agitated thin-film evaporation successfully overcomes
rising-film, falling-film, or rising/falling-film mode. problems with difficult-to-handle products. Simply stated, the
method quickly separates the volatile from the less-volatile
plate evaporators are often operated under reduced pressure. components using indirect heat transfer and mechanical agita-
Advantages of gasketed plate-and-frame evaporators are: tion of the flowing product film under controlled conditions.
• well adapted to evaporating heat-sensitive, viscous and The separation is normally made under vacuum conditions to
foamy materials maximize the temperature difference while maintaining the
• compact with low headroom required most favorable product temperature, as well as to maximize
• easily cleaned and modified. volatile stripping and recovery.
A major disadvantage is the large gasketed area. Leakage Various thin-film evaporator designs are commercially
can be avoided by selecting the proper gasket for the applica- available. The agitated thin-film, or wiped-film, evaporator
tion and following proper assembly procedures (5). consists of two major assemblies — a heated body and a rotor.
Typical applications of gasketed plate evaporators are Both vertical and horizontal designs are available. The rotor
stripping applications, removing monomers from polymers may be one of several designs, with the clearance between the
and deodorization. rotor and the heating jacket wall varying from a fixed distance
to essentially zero and actually wiping the wall.
Agitated thin-film evaporators The majority of thin-film evaporators in operation today
One of the more useful types of evaporators for difficult- are of the vertical, cylindrical, fixed-clearance rotor design.
to-handle materials is the agitated thin-film evaporator The feed enters the unit above the heated zone and is distrib-
(Figure 8). Although tubular evaporators have been used uted evenly over the inner circumference of the body wall by
successfully with a vari- the rotor (Figure 9). Product spirals down the wall, while bow
Vapor ety of materials, they have waves developed by the rotor blades generate a highly turbu-
Feed (counter-current) been less successful with lent flow, leading to high heat flux. Volatile components evap-
heat-sensitive, viscous, orate rapidly. Vapors can flow either co-currently or counter-
fouling or high-boiling currently, and are ready for condensing or subsequent process-
Flow liquids. Degradation due ing as they leave the unit. Nonvolatile components are dis-
Rotor to long residence time, charged at the bottom outlet. Continuous washing by the bow
Heating fouling of the heat trans- waves minimizes fouling of the thermal wall, where the prod-
Jacket fer surfaces, plugging of uct or residue is most concentrated.
tubes, and low heat trans- The combination of short residence time, narrow residence
fer and high pressure time distribution, high turbulence, and rapid surface renewal
permits the agitated thin-film evaporator to successfully han-
dle heat-sensitive, viscous and fouling materials. A “standard”
■ Figure 8. Agitated thin-film,
or wiped-film, evaporators are thin-film evaporator can normally process materials with vis-
well-suited for processing cosities of 1–50,000 cP. Special transporting-rotor designs can
difficult-to-handle materials. be operated in the range of 50,000 to 20 million cP. Low prod-
Literature Cited
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533–538 (1958).
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York, NY, pp. 401–403 (1950).
3. Perry, R. H., C. H. Chilton, and S. D. Kirkpatrick,
“Chemical Engineer’s Handbook,” 4th Ed., McGraw-Hill,
New York, NY, pp. 11-24 to 11-29 (1963).
4. Badger, W. L., “Introduction to Chemical Engineering,”
McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, p. 174 (1955).
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