Hardware-In-The-Loop Simulation of Steer-By-Wire System in Automotive Vehicle

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Hardware-in-the-loop simulation of steer-by-wire system in automotive


Article  in  International Journal of ADVANCED AND APPLIED SCIENCES · September 2016

DOI: 10.21833/ijaas.2016.09.009


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2 authors, including:

Md Fahmi Abd Samad

Technical University of Malaysia Malacca


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International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 3(9) 2016, Pages: 51-58

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International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences

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Hardware-in-the-loop simulation of steer-by-wire system in automotive vehicle

Mohd Zubir Amir, Md Fahmi Abd Samad *

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Hang Tuah Jaya, 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka,


Article history: Field test approach of steer-by-wire (SBW) technologies by using actual
Received 25 June 2016 vehicle can be very dangerous. This is due to the fact that stability of the
Received in revised form vehicle is very sensitive to the steering wheel input. Less optimum
27 August 2016 parameters of the steering controllers or system failure may lead to
Accepted 20 September 2016 dangerous road accident. In this study, hardware-in-the-loop simulation
(HiLS) is used to bridge the gap between simulation and experimentation of
Keywords: SBW system. In the proposed HiLS system, SBW test rig is set up to
Steer-by-wire communicate in real time with 14 degree-of-freedom vehicle model.
Hardware-in-the-loop simulation Proportional-integral-derivative control optimized with Ziegler-Nichols
Position tracking control method is used to control the stepper motor of the SBW test rig. From
Steering system simulation and experimental results, SBW system developed has the ability
Steer test to closely follow the steering trajectory of the conventional steering system
with acceptable errors. By using HiLS, both controller algorithm and the
functionality of the steering actuator of SBW system can be tested in a semi-
real driving condition as preliminary testing.

© 2016 The Authors. Published by IASE. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

1. Introduction steering wheel to provide steering feel to the driver.

This paper report the research finding on the
*Steer-by-wire (SBW) is one of the advanced steering position control using HiLS without
technologies in automotive vehicles whereby considering steering feel response.
mechanical steering column is removed from the Recent works on SBW control can be found in
steering mechanism and replaced with DC motor. Balachandran and Gerdes (2015), Russell and Gerdes
Besides having less weight compared to the (2014), Tahami and Afshang (2009), Xiuwei et al.
conventional steering system, the potential benefits (2009), Bertoluzzo et al. (2006) and Bachmeyer
of vehicle with SBW system is it has the capability to (2008). It can be noted that most of the research on
adopt active control technologies in improving SBW system focused on simulation works. Only a few
vehicle dynamics performance. Active front wheel papers reported the result of experimental works
steering, lane keeping system, collision avoidance as such as in Balachandran and Gerdes (2015), Haggag
well as lane tracking for autonomous vehicle can be et al. (2005), Jang et al. (2003), Oncu et al. (2007),
easily implemented by using SBW system (Cesiel et Park et al. (2005) and Park et al. (2007). Safety is the
al., 2006). major concern in implementing SBW system on a
SBW system is expected to perform the same real vehicle. This is due to the fact that the steering
functions as a conventional mechanically-linked system is the primary factor influencing the
steering system. There are two control functions directional stability of a vehicle. Some researchers
involved in the SBW system namely steering position investigated the reliability and fault tolerance
control and steering torque control. Steering control of the SBW system as can be found in Cesiel
position control is used to control the rotational et al. (2006), Zhang et al. (2009), Kim et al. (2008),
angle of the electric motor in driving the steering and Oh et al. (2004) with real vehicle.
pinion accurately. Meanwhile, steering torque There are no production cars available in the
control is used to generate an opposing torque for market that relies solely on SBW technology due to
the safety concern until 2010. The implementation of
* Corresponding Author. SBW technology into the automotive industry is
Email Address: mdfahmi@utem.edu.my (M. F. A. Samad) limited to concept cars such as the GM Sequel (Cesiel
https://doi.org/10.21833/ijaas.2016.09.009 et al., 2006). In early stage of the development of
2313-626X/© 2016 The Authors. Published by IASE.
SBW system, dangerous road accident has the
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) possibility to happen if the system fails to function

Mohd Zubir Amir, Md Fahmi Abd Samad / International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 3(9) 2016, Pages: 51-58

properly. This is because of less optimum controller rotary encoder. MATLAB Simulink is the main
parameters, hardware failure or unconsidered software to run HILS for SBW system. It includes xPC
system uncertainties. To avoid this safety problem, a Target and Real-Time Workshop as a controller for
middle step between simulation and experimental actuator and Visual Studio 2008 Express as a C
works namely HiLS is necessary. By using HiLS, the compiler.
performance of the controller and the functionality The DAQ PCI card which sends the digital output
of the SBW system can be evaluated at various and receives digital input is connected to Target PC.
conditions while avoiding unnecessary safety risks. The connection between Host and Target PC using
In this study, HiLS of SBW system which consists crossover network cable is to give input signal to
of 14 degree-of-freedom (DoF) vehicle model, hardware driver. From the Host PC, the input signal
conventional steering linkages driven by electric goes to the Target PC and driver motor reads from
motor, sensors and signal processing unit has been DAQ card in digital input. The DAQ PCI card converts
developed. The 14-DoF vehicle model consists of from digital input to analog input to run the stepper
ride and handling model coupled by Calspan tire motor. The pinion rotation angle signal is transferred
model. The HiLS has three main subsystems namely to DAQ through rotary encoder. Then the DAQ PCI
vehicle model, controller and real steering system. card converts it to digital output and display the
Proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control graph on Target PC. The results will be saved on Host
optimized with Ziegler-Nichols method is used to PC after sending to workspace on xPC Target
control the electric motor to drive the rack-pinion Explorer. Fig. 1 shows the HiLS setup for SBW
system. The performance of the SBW system is system.
tested for some standard steering maneuver tests
namely step steer, double lane (DLC) change and
slalom tests. The study contributes to the wealth of
knowledge by demonstrating a new type of control
method on HiLS of SBW, by achieving agreement
between simulation and HiLS setup and also by
testing on various maneuver styles.
This paper is organized as follows: The first
section contains introduction and review of some
relevant preliminary works as well as the
justification on the proof of concept of SBW control
using HiLS. The second section presents the
structure of the HiLS test rig developed in this study
and the proposed control structure of the SBW Fig. 1: HiLS setup for SBW system
system. This is followed by the structure of 14-DoF
vehicle model and the steering system modeling in 2.2. Control structure
the third section. The simulation and experimental
results of SBW system for three maneuvering tests The SBW system uses actuator to control the
are presented in the fourth section. The final section pinion rotation and ensures the vehicle follow the
contains conclusions. desired trajectory. The performance of the steering
is based on the controller that is used on the system.
2. Experimental setup The actuator will track the steering input position to
follow the desired angle from the steering wheel.
2.1. HiLS test rig of SBW system Based on the conventional steering characteristics,
the SBW system has been developed in term of the
HiLS system is a method that can give more ratio and the response with optimized controller.
advantages for cost and safety (Seungkyu et al., The control structure is developed in MATLAB
2009). This is because the experiment can be carried Simulink to control the SBW system as shown in Fig.
out as a real time situation to replace the actual test 2. Based on the Fig. 2, PID control optimized with
of a real vehicle. HiLS system is processed in the Ziegler-Nichols is used to control the stepper motor.
main computer called Host PC and the steering The optimized PID value will control the system to
system is replaced by the HiLS mechanism. The follow exactly the desired input of steering wheel
pinion rotation executes real time control in the HiLS angle. Fig. 3 shows the structure of PID control with
system. This section describes the hardware design learning rate.
in the HiLS system and the steering control. The The parameters of PID will be optimized by
actuator is attached on the pinion to rotate the learning rate value. Eq. 1-3 show that the value of
pinion. The actuator driver and rotary encoder are learning rate is multiplied with error and output
connected to data acquisition (DAQ) PCI card. DAQ error corresponding to each PID parameter.
PCI card is connected with PCI-based network card
where PCI-based network card is located on Target ̇ (1)
PC. Host PC and Target PC are connected using ̇ (2)
crossover network cable. AC/DC power supply ̇ (3)
functions to supply voltage to the actuator and the
Mohd Zubir Amir, Md Fahmi Abd Samad / International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 3(9) 2016, Pages: 51-58

where, the learning rate is denoted as , the error The parameters for PID control will self-tune to
value denoted by . optimal value for the system.

Fig. 2: Control structure of SBW system

The sprung mass is free to heave, pitch and roll while

the unsprung masses are free to bounce vertically
with respect to the sprung mass. The suspensions
between the sprung mass and unsprung masses are
modeled as passive viscous dampers and spring
elements. Whilst, the tires are modeled as simple
linear springs without damping. For simplicity, all
pitch and roll angles are assumed to be small. This
similar model was used by Ikenaga et al. (2000). The
handling model employed in this paper is also a 7-
DoF system which takes into account 3-DoF for the
vehicle body in lateral and longitudinal motions
Fig. 3: Control structure of self-tuning PID
including yaw motion and 1-DoF due to the
rotational motion of each tire. In vehicle handling
3. Mathematical modelling
model, it is assumed that the vehicle is moving on a
flat road.
3.1. Vehicle model
Some of the modeling assumptions considered in
this study is as follows: the vehicle body is lumped
The full-vehicle model of the passenger vehicle
into a single mass which is referred to as the sprung
considered in this study consists of a single sprung
mass, aerodynamic drag force is ignored, and the roll
mass (vehicle body) connected to four unsprung
centre is coincident with the pitch centre and located
masses and is represented as a 14-DoF system, as in
at just below body center of gravity. The suspensions
Hudha et al. (2011). The sprung mass is represented
between the sprung mass and unsprung masses are
as a plane and is allowed to pitch, roll and yaw as
modeled as passive viscous dampers and spring
well as to displace in vertical, lateral and longitudinal
elements. Rolling resistance due to passive stabilizer
directions. The unsprung masses are allowed to
bar and body flexibility are neglected. The vehicle is
bounce vertically with respect to the sprung mass.
assumed to move on a flat road and remains
Each wheel is also allowed to rotate along its axis
grounded at all times where all tires are always in
and only the two front wheels are free to steer. Detail
contact with the ground during maneuvering. A four
derivation of the 14-DoF vehicle model can be found
degree tilt angle of the suspension system about
in Hudha et al. (2008), Ahmad et al. (2009) and
vertical axis is neglected (since cos 4 = 0.998 1).
Ahmad et al. (2010). The model consists of three
Tire vertical behavior is represented as a linear
main subsystems namely ride, handling and tire
spring without damping, whereas the lateral and
subsystems. Fig. 4 shows the schematic diagram of
longitudinal behaviors are represented with Calspan
the 14-DoF full vehicle model used in this study.
model. Steering system is modeled as a constant
ratio and the effect of steering inertia is neglected.

3.2. Steering system model

The steering system is modeled in MATLAB

Simulink by referring to half car test rig. A half car
test rig uses an actuator located on the pinion that
functions to rotate the pinion. The actuator and
steering linkage model are also on the steering
Fig. 4: 14-DoF vehicle model subsystems
system model based on the rig. The relation between
rack and pinion is defined by comparing the
The vehicle ride model is represented as a 7-DoF
simulation and experimental result. Then, control
system. It consists of a single sprung mass (car body)
structure for steering system model is developed so
connected to four unsprung masses (front-left, front-
right, rear-left and rear-right wheels) at each corner.

Mohd Zubir Amir, Md Fahmi Abd Samad / International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 3(9) 2016, Pages: 51-58

that the output from the simulation follows the Eq. 10 and 11 can be expressed as
experimental result for the steering input. where,
The steering system model included an actuator
and the steering linkage model. The stepper motor is
used as an actuator to control the pinion rotation. (13)
The stepper motor model (Morar, 2003) is (14)
developed to run the steering control in simulation.
The general equation between voltage and current in (15)
a stepper motor is shown in Eq. 4 where emf is the
electromotive force, R is coils resistance, L is coils The value of is the solution of a quadratic
inductance and I is coils current. equation that is obtained from the kinematic
equations in Eq. 10 and 11. The equation can be
( )
( )
(4) written as,

where, U is the supplied voltage. The electromotive (16)
force emf can be written as: √

[ ( ) ] (5) (18)

where, is the motor constant, ( ) is the actual The steering system model in MATLAB Simulink
rotor position, is the location of coil j in the is shown in Fig. 6. This model is developed based on
stator, is the rotational velocity and n is the Eq. 10-18 above. This model consists of an actuator
numbers of rotor pole pairs. model and the controller. From the Fig. 6, it shows
Then, all resistance and inductance coils can be the pinion as input and the wheel angle as output
expressed in the Laplace domain as shown in Eq. 6 which then function as input for vehicle model.


The equation of motion of stepper motor is

considered in Eq. 7 where J is the rotor and load
inertia, D is the viscous damping and is the torque
friction. The rotational velocity of rotor, , is Fig. 5: Six bar planar steering linkage
integrated to produce motor shaft angle. The torque
acceleration is shown in Eq. 8. 4. Results

∑ (7)
4.1. Simulation and experimental results
∑ (8)
SBW system is performed with 3 different
conditions namely step steer, slalom and DLC tests.
The rack and pinion linkage model is formulated Each test is run with constant speed at 80 kmph. The
as kinematic equations based on a six bar planar tests are selected to observe the performance of the
linkage (Hanzaki et al., 2007, Nasir, 2015). The steering response for SBW system. Step steer test is
kinematic equation for the rack and pinion can be selected to observe response timing. The DLC and
written in Eq. 9 below where is the wheel track, slalom test are for measures of the maneuverability
is rack length and is the rack travel shown in Fig. of the vehicle. The output for every test is analyzed
5. such as steering wheel angle, lateral displacement,
lateral acceleration, body slip angle, yaw angle and
(9) yaw rate.

From Eq. 9, it produces cosine and sine functions 4.2. Step steer test
in term of scalar components where h is distance
from front wheel axis, is tie rod length and is The step steer test was run at 80 kmph constant
steering arm length. b is an arbitrary parameter as speed and the steering is quickly turned to 30 degree
shall be further explained in Eq. 10. In c and s to represent sudden change. From the graph of
notations for cosine and sine, respectively; steering wheel angle in Fig. 7(a), the experiment
results closely follow the simulation trend. It has a
(10) bit delay between simulation and experiment but
less than 1 second. The response is considered
acceptable because from the lateral displacement
graph in Fig. 7(b) both results are similar. The lateral
acceleration graph in Fig. 7(c) shows the value for

Mohd Zubir Amir, Md Fahmi Abd Samad / International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 3(9) 2016, Pages: 51-58

simulation and experiment are both around 0.35 g’s. Fig. 7(d)-(f), the experiment results still follow the
While for body side slip, yaw rate and yaw angle in simulation pattern.

1 pinion rack u2
Saturation1 Saturation Math
Linear equation Function
s atan2 180/pi
Subsystem Trigonometric
Gain1 Subtract8
Function Gain2


b2 k u2 k2 11.1551
-1 1
Math z2 Constant3
k+b wheel angle
Function5 Switch Gain4

Add2 s atan2 180/pi

Subsystem1 Trigonometric Subtract9


Fig. 6: Steering system model

4.3. Double lane change test

This test also shows good response between

simulation and experimental results. From the first
graph on DLC test (Fig. 8(a)) the experiment closely
follow the trend even though it produces much noise
of steering wheel angle. In the other graphs for this
test as shown in Fig. 8(b)-(f), results still follow the
simulation trend. The lateral acceleration for this
test is 0.36 g’s as shown in Fig. 8(c). (d)


(b) Fig. 7: Results of simulation and HiLS for step steer test


Mohd Zubir Amir, Md Fahmi Abd Samad / International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 3(9) 2016, Pages: 51-58

Fig. 8: Results of simulation and HiLS for DLC test

4.4. Slalom test

Lastly, the slalom test was conducted to test the

SBW system using HiLS. From this test, it
demonstrated that the SBW system performed well
because the experiment results follow the simulation
trend. Results for steering wheel angle as in Fig. 9(a)
show that the experiment follows closely even with Fig. 9: Results of simulation and HiLS for slalom test
some noise produced. The lateral displacement in
Fig. 9(b) shows that the actual result is better than 5. Conclusion
the simulated one. Other graphs for this test in Fig.
9(c)-(f) show that the experiment results are closely The SBW system developed through HiLS using
similar to the simulation pattern. PID control optimized with Ziegler-Nichols produce
a similar result with the simulation after tested with
step steer, DLC and slalom test. The performance of

Mohd Zubir Amir, Md Fahmi Abd Samad / International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 3(9) 2016, Pages: 51-58

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