A Rapid Verification System for Automatic Emergency Braking
Control Algorithm of Passenger Car
Jun Xu, Liangyu Li , Ran Zhao, Feng Deng and Gangyan Li *
School of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China
* Correspondence:
Abstract: The automatic emergency braking (AEB) system of the passenger car is responsible for
auxiliary braking judgment and decision-making in an emergency. Due to the inevitable pressure
response delay of passenger car pneumatic braking systems, a large number of verification tests
should be carried out to propose appropriate strategies and algorithms. To realize the rapid veri-
fication of the AEB control algorithm, a verification system integrating software-in-the-loop (SIL)
and hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) was proposed for a two-axle passenger car. It can verify the logic
feasibility of the control algorithm through SIL testing, and can verify the implementation effect of
the control algorithm through HIL testing. The verification system is composed of IPG, dSPACE, and
a pneumatic braking bench. Considering the influence of pneumatic braking delay, it is well-matched
with the actual vehicle AEB system. The AEB hierarchical control algorithm was verified under three
typical test conditions. The results show that the SIL testing results of speed and relative distance are
in good agreement with the HIL testing results, and the average relative deviation of relative distance
is only 1.7 m. The single test time of the SIL testing is about 228 s, which can meet the requirements
of rapid verification of the AEB control algorithm of the passenger car.
Keywords: passenger car; automatic emergency braking; hardware-in-the-loop system; dynamic simulation
1. Introduction
Citation: Xu, J.; Li, L.; Zhao, R.; Deng,
Urban public transportation is the main body of urban passenger transportation in
F.; Li, G. A Rapid Verification System
China. In recent years, the number of passenger cars in China has grown steadily [1].
for Automatic Emergency Braking
Control Algorithm of Passenger Car.
Due to the heavily loaded body of the passenger car, its braking system mostly adopts
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 508. https://
pneumatic braking, which has led to a long pressure response time. If the braking timing is missed, the braking effect of the passenger car will be weakened, which will eventually
lead to traffic accidents. According to statistics, about 70% of China’s traffic accidents are
Academic Editors: Pavel Kučera and
caused by braking failure, insufficient braking force, and late braking. Insufficient braking
Martin Jonák
is one of the main causes of collision accidents [2].
Received: 11 December 2022 In recent years, automatic emergency braking (AEB) has become one of the key tech-
Revised: 27 December 2022 nologies of automobile active safety. The vehicle equipped with AEB can accurately grasp
Accepted: 29 December 2022 the braking time, actively brake the vehicle under dangerous conditions, and effectively
Published: 30 December 2022 avoid collision accidents [3]. Hu L. et al. [4] analyzed the key parameters of the AEB
system and proposed an optimized AEB system, which can reduce the severity of collision
accidents and unavailable accidents. Accurately judging the driving scene is the premise
for the operation of the AEB system. At present, radar and camera are usually used to
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
perceive the driving scene. Begiovane D.J. et al. [5] developed an alternative circular target
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
for AEB system testing. When the 77 GHz millimeter wave radar system detects the target,
This article is an open access article
its RCS level is the same as the actual cycle. Based on the data of 30 traffic accidents,
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
Choi Y. et al. [6] used a simulation to prove that with the increase in the radar angle in
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
the AEB system, the crash avoidance rate of the vehicle is increased. Xique I.J. et al. [7] described the evaluation method of ADAS system sensors and tested and evaluated the
4.0/). performance of millimeter wave radar, LiDAR, and image sensor on site. Stöckle C. et al. [8]
proposed a robust design method for AEB system considering sensor measurement error.
Numerical examples showed that the method can provide a reference for the design of
optimal AEB decision rules.
The design and application of an excellent AEB control algorithm can greatly improve
the performance of the AEB system, thereby improving driving safety. Niu W. [9] designed
a Petri net model and controller for vehicles and pedestrians in specific areas, which can
avoid collisions between vehicles and pedestrians in the Petri net model. Yang W. et al. [10]
proposed a model based on BP neural network and hidden Markov model to identify the
intentions of drivers in front of them, and further proposed an effective AEB model. Al-
suwian T. et al. [11] proposed a multi-sensor fusion AEB control algorithm and verified the
robustness and effectiveness of the AEB system through simulation. Zhang R. et al. [12] de-
signed a multi-objective optimization AEB control strategy. The simulation results showed
that the multi-objective optimization AEB control method had better performance than the
single AEB algorithm in collision avoidance, driving comfort, and fuel economy. Schratter
M. et al. [13] formulated the anti-collision of vehicles and pedestrians as a partially observ-
able Markov decision process (POMDP), and compared the anti-collision performance of
POMDP and AEB systems under various combinations through experiments.
Note that many researchers verified the performance of the AEB control algorithm
through simulation, as mentioned earlier [4,10,12,13]. In addition, Shin S.G. et al. [14] also
evaluated the performance of the proposed adaptive AEB control strategy through simula-
tion to prevent collisions with vehicles following behind. Due to the insufficient accuracy of
the simulation, some researchers tested the existing AEB products or verified the developed
AEB control algorithms in real vehicles [5,7,9]. Park M.K. et al. [15] used a real vehicle to
test the pedestrian target selection algorithm on the test track. The results showed that the
proposed AEB algorithm can avoid or mitigate accidents. Song Z. et al. [16] developed a
set of pedestrian AEB test equipment according to the C-NCAP test requirement, and used
the equipment to evaluate the AEB performance of the test vehicle. However, real vehicle
testing is time-consuming and expensive.
The hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) technique can embed the real braking system into the
software simulation platform through the I/O interfaces, providing a rapid verification
platform for the AEB control algorithm, thus reducing the test cost [17]. Yuan Y. et al. [18]
proposed a hydraulic brake-by-wire system, and verified the brake force distribution
strategy and regenerative braking control strategy through simulation and HIL testing.
Cheng S. et al. [19] tested the proposed lateral stability coordinated collision avoidance
control system (LSCACS) through HIL testing, and the results showed that the LSCACS is
better than that of the traditional AEB system. Zhang N. et al. [20] proposed an integrated
coordinated control method for vehicle AFS and ABS, and proposed a solution method for
the control model. A HIL test was carried out for the control method on low-adhesion and
off-road roads.
The above researches aimed at HIL verification of braking energy management and
braking performance optimization strategies. Based on the research results in ADAS, ACC,
and AEB, some researchers used HIL testing to verify the control algorithms. Solmaz S. [21]
and Schyr C. [22] designed a steerable chassis dynamometer test bench and tested the
lane-keeping assistant, adaptive cruise control, and automatic emergency braking functions
of the real vehicle. Wang F. et al. [23] proposed a hierarchical ACC control strategy for the
city bus, and the HIL test showed that the control strategy can improve the tracking ability,
driving comfort, and energy economy of the city bus. Bours R. et al. [24] proposed an
AEB system development method combining road test, indoor laboratory test, HIL testing,
and simulation. However, the existing HIL system is mainly aimed at the development of
the AEB control algorithm for hydraulic braking vehicles. It cannot be directly applied to
passenger cars equipped with a pneumatic braking system.
Due to the time-delay characteristics of pneumatic braking, the verification of the
AEB control algorithm should meet the high requirements for rapid response to braking
pressure. Therefore, it is urgent to develop a test system to shorten the response time of
at the development of the AEB control algorithm for hydraulic braking vehicles. It cannot
be directly applied to passenger cars equipped with a pneumatic braking system.
Due to the time-delay characteristics of pneumatic braking, the verification of the
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 508 3 of 15
AEB control algorithm should meet the high requirements for rapid response to braking
pressure. Therefore, it is urgent to develop a test system to shorten the response time of
braking pressure by quickly adjusting the pressure of the pneumatic braking system, to
more pressuresimulate
accurately by quickly
the adjusting
emergencythe pressure
braking of the pneumatic
conditions braking
of real vehicles, system,
and quickly to
more accurately
verify simulate
the effectiveness the passenger
of the emergencycar braking conditions
AEB control of real vehicles, and quickly
thiseffectiveness of the passenger
paper, our contribution is tocar AEB control
establish a rapidalgorithm.
verification system for the de-
In this paper, our contribution is to establish a rapid
velopment and verification of passenger car AEB control algorithm, verification
whichsystem for the
has software-
development and verification of passenger car AEB control algorithm, which
in-the-loop (SIL) and HIL test functions. The characteristics of the proposed verificationhas software-
system (SIL) andthrough
are analyzed HIL testan functions. The characteristics
AEB hierarchical of thecase,
control strategy proposed verification
e.g., the rapidity
of are and
the test analyzed through an AEB
the characteristics hierarchical
of SIL and HILcontrol
methods.strategy case, e.g., the
The application rapidity of
scenarios of
the test and the characteristics
SIL and HIL methods are summarized. of SIL and HIL methods. The application scenarios of SIL
and HIL methods are summarized.
2. Scheme of Verification System
2. Scheme of Verification System
2.1. Working
Working Mechanism
Mechanism of of AEB
The passenger car AEB system
passenger car AEB system cancan obtain
obtain the
the relative
relative position
position information
information between
vehicles. If the driver cannot make a braking judgment in time, it will urge
If the driver cannot make a braking judgment in time, it will urge the
the vehicle
vehicle to
brake automatically
automatically to to avoid
avoid collision
collision and
and ensure
ensure the
the safety
safety of
of passengers.
passengers. TheThe working
mechanism of of the
the AEB
AEB system
system is
is shown
shown in in Figure
Figure 1,
1, where
where VTVT refers
refers to
to the
the vehicle
vehicle target
and VUT
VUT refers
refers to
to the
the vehicle
vehicle under
under test.
Figure 1.
1. Schematic
Schematic diagram
diagram of
of passenger
passenger car
car AEB
AEB system.
The AEB system
system can
can be
be divided
divided into
into three
three functional
functional layers,
layers, namely
namely thethe perception
layer, the decision-making layer, and the execution layer. The perceive
layer, the decision-making layer, and the execution layer. The perceive layer is layer is mainly
composed of millimeter wave radar, a displacement sensor installed on
composed of millimeter wave radar, a displacement sensor installed on the brake pedalthe brake pedal
axis, and a steering wheel angle sensor. They are connected to perceive
axis, and a steering wheel angle sensor. They are connected to perceive environmental environmental
information anddriver
send the
the braking
braking command
command to activate
to activate thethe actuator
actuator on
on the execution layer. The electronic pressure regulating valves as the actuator
the execution layer. The electronic pressure regulating valves as the actuator receive receive
the signal from the controller and then generate corresponding braking pressure. Finally,
signal from the controller and then generate corresponding braking pressure. Finally, ac-
accurate braking torque will be formed and applied to the corresponding wheels of the
curate braking torque will be formed and applied to the corresponding wheels of the pas-
passenger car.
senger car.
2.2. Verification System Demands Analysis
2.2. Verification System Demands Analysis
SIL testing, HIL testing, and real vehicle tests are common methods for the develop-
ment and testing, HIL testing,
verification of AEBand real algorithms.
control vehicle testsThe
are characteristics
common methods for the
of these develop-
methods are
ment and verification
compared, as shown inofTable
AEB control
1. algorithms. The characteristics of these methods are
compared, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Comparison of verification methods.
The passenger car AEB control algorithm verification system shall be able to quickly
complete the algorithm verification with reliable results. Considering the diversity of the
verified control algorithms, the verification process should be as close to the real operating
environment as possible, and the verification system should have both SIL testing and HIL
testing functions.
The passenger car AEB control algorithm verification system shall be able to quickly
complete the algorithm verification with reliable results. Considering the diversity of the
verified control algorithms, the verification process should be as close to the real operating
environment as possible, and the verification system should have both SIL testing and
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 508 HIL testing functions. 4 of 15
The controlled parameters of different AEB algorithms are different, and the percep-
tion and matching information required for decision-making are also different. A series
of studies on the existing
The controlled AEBof
parameters control algorithms
different were summarized,
AEB algorithms are different,and
the parameters
and matching
required by theinformation
verificationrequired for decision-making
system were are also
summarized, as shown indifferent. A series
Table 2. Note that theof
studies on the existing
actual parameters AEB2 control
in Table were usedalgorithms were summarized,
for HIL testing. Through theand the parameters
interaction of actual
required by the
parameters, theverification
betweenwerethesummarized, as shown
simulation model andinphysical
Table 2.hardware
Note that was
actual parameters in Table 2 were used for HIL testing. Through the interaction
established, and the whole process development and verification of the passenger car AEB of actual
parameters, the relationship
control algorithm between the simulation model and physical hardware was
were realized.
established, and the whole process development and verification of the passenger car AEB
Table 2.algorithm
Parameterswere realized.
required by the verification system.
2.3. Verification
According to the functionalrequirements
to the functional requirementsand andinformation
cation system,
fication system, a system
a systemframework
rapid verification
rapid of passenger
verification car car
of passenger AEB control
AEB con-
algorithm was proposed as shown in Figure
trol algorithm was proposed as shown in Figure 2. 2.
CAN Module
Pneumatic Braking Bench
control signal
braking pressure
braking pressure
Analog Signal braking pressure
Pressure Sensor Chamber
pedal opening
PWM Signal Input Brake Pedal
Figure Verificationsystem
3. Verification
3. Verification System Establishment
System Establishment
3.1. Pneumatic3.1. Pneumatic
Braking BenchBraking Bench
The structureThe structure
of the passengerof the passenger
car’s pneumatic car’sbraking
pneumatic braking
system system
is shown in is shown
Figure 3. in Figu
The generated braking
The pressure
generated is related
braking to the
pressure is opening
related toofthe
the opening
pedal valve. During
of the pedalbraking,
valve. During b
the proportional relay
ing, the valve receives
proportional relaythe electronic
valve receivessignal, and thesignal,
the electronic pilot and
solenoid valve
the pilot solenoid v
generates a corresponding opening degree. Then, the compressed air enters the
generates a corresponding opening degree. Then, the compressed air enters the cham chamber
of the proportional relay valve and
of the proportional relaygenerates
valve and corresponding braking pressure.
generates corresponding braking Aspressure.
the As
compressed compressed
air in the proportional relay valve isrelay
air in the proportional provided
valveby the nearby
is provided byair tank,
the andair
nearby thetank, and
connecting pipeline is short,
connecting it is conducive
pipeline is short, it to reducing the
is conducive to braking
reducingdelay and obtaining
the braking a obtain
delay and
better automatic emergency
a better automaticbraking effect.braking effect.
Tank Four-circuit
Protection Valve
Pressure Filter Parking
Sensor Compressor Tank Hand Brake
ABS Valve
Valve Electronic
Brake Pedal
Front Rear Valve
Tank Tank Proportional
Relay Valve
Figure 3. Structure Structurecar’s
of passenger car’s
pneumatic pneumatic
braking braking system.
The radar sensor judges the relative position between VUT and VT by sending and
receiving pulse signals. When VT enters the radar detection range of VUT, VUT receives
the radar signals and automatically identifies the type of detected objects, providing an
effective judgment basis for passenger car AEB control. The detection principle of the radar
sensor is shown in Figure 5.
The radar sensor judges the relative position between VUT and VT by send
receiving pulse signals. When VT enters the radar detection range of VUT, VUT
the radar signals and automatically identifies the type of detected objects, prov
effective judgment basis for passenger car AEB control. The detection principle o
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 508 7 of 15
dar sensor is shown in Figure 5.
relative position
longitudinal range Lr
drel, vrel
(w, l, h)
bearing q1
aperture q
Figure Schematic
5. 5. diagram
Schematic of the radar
diagram of thesensor.
radar sensor.
When there are obstacles within the detection range of the radar sensor, the obstacles
are classified there are obstacles
marked within
according to the detection
the relative range
distance. The of the
relative radarrelative
distance, sensor, the o
are classified
angle, andand
length, width, marked
height according to the
of obstacles are relative
saved distance.
in matrix form. TheThe relative
spatial distance,
of the object detected by the passenger car radar sensor can be expressed as:
angle, length, width, and height of obstacles are saved in matrix form. The spatial
of the object detected Xby
the passenger
sin θ
0 0 0
can be expressed as:
X sin θ1 0 0 0 w
Y = drel cos θ1 + 0 0 0 l (1)
Z 0 0 0 1 h
Y = drel cos θ1 + 0 0 0 l
Z coordinate
where X, Y, and Z are the space 0values
of 0 1 drelh is
0 objects; the distance between
VUT and objects; θ 1 is the angle between VUT and objects (bearing); w, l, and h are the
X, Y,and
Z areof the
the detected objects, respectively.
space coordinate values of objects; drel is the distance
VUT and objects; θ1 is the angle between the
When only longitudinal motion is considered, VUTbearing 1 is always
and θobjects 0◦ , which w,
(bearing); canl, and h
simplify the object’s spatial position as follows:
width, length, and height of the detected objects, respectively.
When only longitudinal motion is considered, the bearing θ1 is always 0°, w
X 0
Y = d
simplify the object’s spatial position as follows:
Z h
X 0
The radar sensor is usually mounted at front
of the vehicle. Based on the measuring
performance of a certain type of millimeter = radar,
Ywave drel the radar sensor parameters were
Z mode,
configured in TruckMaker. In the far range hthe position (x, y, z) of the sensor was
◦ ◦
set to (7.8 m, 0 m, 1 m), the field of view (h, v) was set to (9 , 9 ), the longitudinal range
was setThe radar
to 200 sensor
m, and is usually
the update rate was mounted at the
set to 60 Hz. front
In the nearof the mode,
range vehicle.
the Based
field of on the
ing performance
view of was
(h, v) of the sensor a certain
set to (45 ◦
type ◦
, 45of),millimeter wave
the longitudinal radar,
range thetoradar
was set sensor par
70 m, and
the other parameters were the same as those in the far range mode.
were configured in TruckMaker. In the far range mode, the position (x, y, z) of th
3.4. set to (7.8 m,
of 0 m, 1 m),System
Verification the field of view (h, v) was set to (9°, 9°), the longitudin
to 200 m,system
and the update
proposed ratepaper
in this was can
to 60 SIL
In theand
testing mode,
of the AEB control algorithm. This section will describe the implementation process of SIL
testing and HIL testing, respectively.
The SIL testing method of the verification system is shown in Figure 6. TruckMaker
provides a simulation environment for virtual vehicles, as well as vehicle parameters
and environmental parameters for AEB braking decisions. The AEB control algorithm is
loaded into the MATLAB/Simulink of the host. TCP/IP protocol is used for information
transmission between the host and the IPG simulation platform.
testing andSIL
testing, method of the verification system is shown in Figure 6
provides testing method
a simulation of the verification
environment system vehicles,
for virtual is shown in asFigure 6. TruckMake
well as vehicle p
provides a simulation environment for virtual vehicles, as well
environmental parameters for AEB braking decisions. The AEB contro as vehicle parameters an
environmental parameters for AEB braking decisions. The AEB control algorithm i
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 508 loaded into the MATLAB/Simulink of the host. TCP/IP protocol is15used fo
loaded into the MATLAB/Simulink of the host. TCP/IP protocol is used for8 ofinformatio
transmission between
transmission between the the
hosthost and
and the the
IPG IPG simulation
simulation platform. platform.
IPG/TruckMaker Host Host
Power System
Power System
Data Interface
Virtual Scenario
Data Interface
Body System Virtual Scenario TCP/IP AEB Algorithm
Body System TCP/IP AEB Algorithm
Sensing System Simulation Engine
Sensing System Simulation Engine
Braking System MATLAB
Braking System MATLAB
Figure 6. SIL testing method.
Figure 6. SIL
6. SIL testing
testing method.
During the SIL testing, the AEB control model of the host makes a decision accordin
to the vehicle
During the parameters
SIL testing, theandAEBenvironmental
control model parameters in thea simulation
of the host makes process. Whe
decision according
the vehicle the SILand
receives testing,
the theinformation,
decision AEB control
parameters model
the the ofvehicle
the process.
virtual host makes
presents a deci
the corre
to the vehicle
sponding receives the decision
AEB braking information, the virtual vehicle presents
status.and environmental parameters in the simulation the correspond-
ing AEB Thebraking
HIL status. method of the verification system is shown in Figure 7. The brakin
TruckMaker receives the decision information, the virtual vehicle prese
The HIL testing method of the verification system is shown in Figure 7. The braking
sponding in TruckMaker
AEB braking is replaced
status. by the pneumatic braking bench. The AEB control a
system in TruckMaker is replaced by the pneumatic braking bench. The AEB control
is loaded
is HIL
on Simulink,
and real-time
and real-time code
code could be downloaded
could be downloaded toshown
to the dSPAC
the dSPACE
method of the verification system is in Figure
controller thethe
RTIRTI interface.
interface. The Xpack4
The Xpack4 real-time
real-time systemsystem
of the IPGof the IPG simulatio
platformprovides TruckMaker
provides boards
forthe pneumatic
for connecting external
and dataand
The A
is data i
transmitted iswith
withthethe on
dSPACE Simulink, andthrough
controller through real-time
the CAN code
the bus.
CANThe could
bus. Thebecommunication
communication be- t
controller through the RTI interface. The Xpack4 real-time system of the I
tween the
the pneumatic
pneumatic braking
brakingbench and
bench the
and dSPACE
the controller
dSPACE is carried
controller is out through
carried out throug
signals and digital
and signals.
digital signals.
platform provides boards and interfaces for connecting external hardwar
transmitted with the dSPACE controller through the CAN bus. The comm
dSPACE Pneumatic Braking
tween the IPG Simulation
pneumaticPlatformbraking bench Controller
and the dSPACE Bench
controller is carrie
Xpack4 Real-time system
Power System
Braking System
CAN AEB Algorithm DIO
Virtual Scenario Replace
Body System
Figure 7. 7.
Sensing HIL
HIL testing
System method.
method. MATLAB
Simulation Engine RTI
During the HIL testing, the dSPACE controller receives vehicle
the HIL testing, the dSPACE controller receives vehicle parameters and en- and en
Braking System MicroAutoBox
vironmental parameters through the CAN interface, and receives braking
vironmental parameters through the CAN interface, and receives braking pressure pressure and an
pedal opening signals through the AIO and DIO interfaces. The current status of the VUT
pedal opening signals through the AIO and Replace
DIO interfaces. The current status of the VU
is calculated through the AEB control algorithm. Then the dSPACE controller sends the
is calculated through
corresponding the relay
proportional AEB valve
control algorithm.
control Then thetodSPACE
signal according controller
the braking decision,sends th
Figure the
receives 7. HIL proportional
braking and pedal opening signals feedback, and transmits the brak-decision
pressure relay valve control signal according to the braking
ing pressure signal to the IPG simulation platform. In TruckMaker, braking pressure is
converted into braking torque and applied to each wheel. The virtual vehicle presents the
During the HIL testing, the dSPACE controller receives vehicle param
corresponding AEB braking status.
vironmental parameters
The verification through
system including thesimulation
the IPG CAN interface, and receives
platform, dSPACE braking
and opening
pneumatic signals
braking benchthrough
is shown inthe AIO
Figure 8. and DIO interfaces. The current sta
is calculated through the AEB control algorithm. Then the dSPACE contro
corresponding proportional relay valve control signal according to the bra
receives the braking pressure and pedal opening signals feedback, and transmits the brak-
ing pressure signal to the IPG simulation platform. In TruckMaker, braking pressure is
converted into braking torque and applied to each wheel. The virtual vehicle presents the
corresponding AEB braking status.
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 508 9 of 15
The verification system including the IPG simulation platform, dSPACE controller,
and pneumatic braking bench is shown in Figure 8.
Figure Verificationsystem.
4.4. Verification
PassengerCar CarAEB
An AEB algorithm verification system forthe
AEB algorithm verification system for thepassenger
suitable for the rapid development and verification of the AEB controlalgorithm.
for the rapid development and verification of the AEB control algorithm. ToTo
provethe thepracticability
accordingto tothe
standard. The
verification system
system isisused
SIL testing and HIL testing to verify and analyze the AEB hierarchical control algorithm.
SIL testing and HIL testing to verify and analyze the AEB hierarchical control algorithm.
4.1. AEB Control Algorithm
4.1. AEB Control Algorithm
The warning model of the AEB control algorithm can be divided into the safety
The warning model of the AEB control algorithm can be divided into the safety dis-
distance model and the time-to-collision (TTC) model [26], which can evaluate the braking
tance model and the time-to-collision (TTC) model [26], which can evaluate the braking
safety state base on safety distance and safety time respectively.
safety state base on safety distance and safety time respectively.
The TTC model judges the braking time by comparing the TTC value of the current
The TTC model judges the braking time by comparing the TTC value of the current
state with the braking time threshold. When TTC is less than the braking time threshold,
state with the braking time threshold. When TTC is less than the braking time threshold,
a warning message will be sent or automatic emergency braking will be executed. The
a warning message will be sent or automatic emergency braking will be executed. The
enhanced TTC model including vehicle acceleration can be described as:
enhanced TTC model including vehicle acceleration can be described as:
dr r
vr , q vr > 0, ab ≤ a f
2 vr > 0 ,ab ≤ a f
− vr + vr +2 ( a b − a f ) dr
TTC vr = , ab > a f (3)
ab − a f
TTC = − vr + vTr s+, 2 ab − a f dr
others (3)
, ab > a f
ab − a f
where dr is the relative distance
T , between VUT and VT; vr is the relative speed between VUT
and VT; ab is the acceleration s of VUT; af is the acceleration others of VT; T is the set TTC value in
dr is the relative distance between VUT and VT; vr is the relative speed between
VUTThe andTTCVT;model considers
ab is the the motion
acceleration of VUT; stateaf isofthe
vehicle before the T
of VT; collision. When
s is the set TTC
VT is stationary
value and VUT is braking, TTC can be calculated according to the relative
in safe conditions.
TheandTTC relative
modelspeed. The the
considers TTCmotion
algorithm state willof be
theswitched by comparing
vehicle before the relative
the collision. When
VT is stationary and VUT is braking, TTC can be calculated according to the relativeand
when VT is moving at a constant speed or decelerating. If the speed dis-
acceleration value of
tance and relative VUTThe
speed. is less
TTC than or equalwill
algorithm to VT, they willby
be switched notcomparing
collide, and thethe TTC
value is safe. when VT is moving at a constant speed or decelerating. If the speed and ac-
celeration AEB controller
value of VUT judges the braking
is less than or equalstatus to VT,based on the
they will notTTC value
collide, andandthedetermines
TTC value
the expected acceleration value of the VUT. When the vehicle is running in good road
is safe.
condition, the maximum achievable braking acceleration is about −8 m/s2 [27]. Consider-
ing the comfortableness of automatic emergency braking, the expected acceleration of the
AEB system is divided into three levels based on the principle of finite state machine [28],
namely −2 m/s2 , −4 m/s2 , and −6 m/s2 .
The AEB system should also be designed with a collision warning function. Consider-
ing that a normal driver’s reaction time is about 1 s [29], the warning and braking state can
be defined in four stages [11]. The AEB system will switch its working status according to
the corresponding TTC value.
ering that a normal driver’s reaction time is about 1 s [29], the warning and braki
can be defined in four stages [11]. The AEB system will switch its working status
ing to the corresponding TTC value.
1. When 4 s ≤ TTC < 3 s, the AEB system enters the brake warning status, and an
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 508 10 of 15
and visual warning signal is issued to remind the driver to brake;
2. When 3 s ≤ TTC < 2.25 s, if the driver still fails to brake timely, the AEB system
1. the braking
When 4 s ≤ TTCstatus named
< 3 s, the level Ienters
AEB system (L I),the
and thewarning
brake value of braking
status, acceleration
and an audible is
3. When
and visual2.25 s ≤ TTC
warning < 1.75
signal s, the
is issued AEB system
to remind enters
the driver the braking status named
to brake;
2. (L Ⅱ), and the value of braking acceleration is −4 m/s2; the AEB system
When 3 s ≤ TTC < 2.25 s, if the driver still fails to brake timely,
enters the braking status named level I (L I), and the value of braking acceleration is
4. When TTC ≤ 1.75 s, the AEB system enters the braking status named level Ⅲ
−2 m/s2 ;
3. It will2.25
When remain
s ≤ TTCin this
< 1.75status untilsystem
s, the AEB the vehicle is completely
enters the braking statusstationary,
named levelor II the TT
(L and
II), and the switches
value of braking to acceleration
another braking
is −4 m/s status.
2; The acceleration value of L Ⅲ
4. ing status
When TTC ≤ is1.75
−6 m/s
s, the. AEB system enters the braking status named level III (L
III). It will remain in this status until the vehicle is completely stationary, or the TTC
The lower controller of the AEB system adopts the PID control strategy to ad
value increases and switches to another braking status. The acceleration value of L III
braking acceleration
braking status is −6value,
m/s2 . stabilize VUT acceleration at the target acceleration val
realize error control of AEB acceleration. The PID control algorithm can be expres
The lower controller of the AEB system adopts the PID control strategy to adjust the
braking acceleration value, (t ) = acceleration
atar (t) − abe (at t) the target acceleration value, and
acceleration. The
realize error control of AEB PID control algorithm can be expressed as:
( t de(t)
u(t) = Kep (et()t )=+aKtari (t0)e−
(t )dt + Kd
a be ( t ) dt (4)
u(t) = K p e(t) + Ki 0 e(t)dt + Kd dt
where e(t) is the error between the target acceleration value and the actual one a
tar(t) is e(t)the target
is the erroracceleration valueacceleration
between the target at time t; avalue
be(t) isand
one at time value
t; aKtarp,(t)
t; Kiis, and
the target
Kd isacceleration
the proportional time t; abe (t) isintegral
value at coefficient, the actual acceleration
constant andvalue at
differential c
time t; Kp , Ki , and Kd is the proportional coefficient, integral constant and differential
constant respectively.
The AEB control
control modelmodel
built in built in is
Simulink Simulink is shown
shown in Figure in Figure
9. It mainly 9. It
includes TTCmainly i
TTC calculation,
calculation, AEBstatus
AEB braking braking status
decision, anddecision, and PID
PID acceleration acceleration
control module. control modu
Figure 9.9.AEB
AEB control
control algorithm
algorithm model.model.
test demanded in GB/T 33577–2017 and GB/T 38186–2019 were refined, as shown in Table
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 508 11 of 15
5, including three test conditions, i.e., Car-to-Car Rear stationary (CCRs), Car-to-Car Rear
moving (CCRm), Car-to-Car Rear braking (CCRb) [30,31].
Conditions Speed Speed
of VUT/(km/h)
of VUT/(km/h) TestTest
Distance/m Speed
VT/(km/h) Target Acceleration/(m/s
Target Acceleration/(m/s2 ) 2)
CCRs 80 80 120 120 00 00
CCRm 80 80 120 120 32
32 00
CCRb 80 80 30 30 80
80 −−3
4.3. Test
Test Results of AEB
Results of AEB Control
Control Algorithm
4.3.1. CCRs Condition
CCRs Condition
The parameters
parameters ofof the
follows:the the relative
relative distance
distance is 120
is 120 m,
thethe initial
initial speed
speed of of
VUTVUT is 80
is 80 km/h,and
km/h, andthe
speedofofVT VTisis0.0. SIL
SIL testing and HIL testing
results in the CCRs condition are shown in Figure 10.
(a) (b)
Figure 10.
10. HIL
HIL testing
testing and
and SIL
SIL testing
testing results
results of
of CCRs
CCRs condition:
condition: (a)
(a) speed
speed of
of VUT
VUT and
and acceleration
of VUT; (b) relative speed and relative distance.
of VUT; (b) relative speed and relative distance.
4.3.2. CCRm
CCRm Condition
The parameters
The parametersof ofthe
condition are
are setset
as as follows:
follows: the the relative
relative distance
distance is
is 120
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 16
m, m, the initial
initial speed
speed of VUT
of VUT is 80
is 80 km/h,
km/h, and
and thethe
VTVT runsatata aconstant
runs constantspeed
speedofof 32
32 km/h.
The HIL testing and SIL testing results in the CCRm condition are are shown
shown inin Figure
Figure 11.
(a) (b)
Figure 11.
Figure 11. HIL
HIL testing
testing and
and SIL
SIL testing
testing results
results of
of CCRm
CCRm condition:
condition: (a)
(a) speed
speed of
of VUT
VUT and
and acceleration
of VUT; (b) relative speed and relative distance.
of VUT; (b) relative speed and relative distance.
Take the HIL testing curve in Figure 11 as an example, at 6.1 s, the VUT enters the L
I AEB braking status. The VUT enters the L Ⅱ AEB braking status at 7.1 s. At 8.8 s, the VUT
returns to the L I AEB status. At the end of braking at 9.8 s, the speed of VUT is consistent
with that of VT. At the end of AEB braking, the relative distance is 11.19 m, and there is
(a) (b)
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 508 12 of 15
Figure 11. HIL testing and SIL testing results of CCRm condition: (a) speed of VUT and acceleration
of VUT; (b) relative speed and relative distance.
4.3.3. CCRb
CCRb Condition
The parameters of of the
the CCRb
conditionare areset
the relative
relative distance
distance is 30
is 30 m,
m, initial speed
initial of VUT
speed andand
of VUT the initial speed
the initial of VT
speed ofare
VTboth 80 km/h,
are both and the
80 km/h, andVTtheoperates
VT op-
at an acceleration
erates of −3 m/s
at an acceleration of 2−3
. The
2. Thetesting and SILand
HIL testing testing
the CCRb condition
in the CCRb
are shownare
condition in Figure
shown 12.
in Figure 12.
(a) (b)
Figure 12.
12. HIL
HIL testing
testing and
and SIL
SIL testing
testing results
results of
of CCRb
CCRb condition:
condition: (a)
(a) speed
speed of
of VUT
VUT and
and acceleration
of VUT; (b) relative speed and relative distance.
of VUT; (b) relative speed and relative distance.
Take the
the HIL
HIL testing
relative speed
relative reaches
speed 24
24 km/hat 2.3
and the VUT
s, and startsstarts
the VUT braking. Then,Then,
braking. the TTC thevalue
TTC rapidly decreases
value rapidly to below
decreases to
belows, 2.25
and s,the
andVUT the directly entersenters
VUT directly Ⅱ AEB
the Lthe braking
L II AEB status.
braking As the
status. VT VT
As the continues
to decelerate,the the
collision riskrisk
collision continues to increase,
continues and the
to increase, andVUT entersenters
the L the L IIIbrak-
ing status at 3.4 s. At the end of the braking at 7.4 s, the speed of VUT and the
braking status at 3.4 s. At the end of the braking at 7.4 s, the speed of VUT and the speed speed of VT
of VTdecrease to 0. During
both decrease the braking
to 0. During process,process,
the braking the minimum relative relative
the minimum distancedistance
is 5.11 m,is
5.11 there
m, and is there
no collision betweenbetween
is no collision the VUTthe and
VUTthe and
VT. the VT.
5. Discussion
Based on the
Based theproposed
verificationsystem, anan
system, AEB hierarchical
AEB control
hierarchical algorithm
control was
was Under
tested. the test
Under theconditions of CCRs,
test conditions CCRm,
of CCRs, and CCRb,
CCRm, the AEB
and CCRb, thehierarchical control
AEB hierarchical
control can keepcan
algorithm thekeep
the distance
relative between
distance the VUT and
between the VT
the VUT within
and a safe
the VT range,
within a
successfully avoiding vehicle collisions, which proves the effectiveness of the algorithm.
However, when the AEB braking of the VUT ends, the relative distance between the VUT
and the VT is large, which indicates that the AEB hierarchical control algorithm can be
further optimized to avoid AEB triggering prematurely.
The SIL testing results of the AEB hierarchical control algorithm are similar to the HIL
testing results, but the specific values are different. The acceleration establishment time is
defined as the time when the VUT reaches the target deceleration minus the time when the
braking level is switched. The delay time is defined as the HIL acceleration establishment
time minus the SIL acceleration establishment time. As shown in Figures 10–12, under
each test condition, the AEB braking level of the VUT has been switched four times. The
delay time of each braking level switching under the CCRs condition is 0.3 s, 0.3 s, 0.1 s,
and −0.1 s. The delay time of each braking level switching under the CCRm condition is
0.2 s, 0.2 s, 0.3 s, and 0.3 s. The delay time of each braking level switching under the CCRb
condition is 0.1 s, 0 s, 0.2 s, and 0 s. The average time delay of each braking level switching
under three test conditions is 0.16 s. The braking delay of HIL testing is mainly caused by
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 508 13 of 15
the characteristics of the pneumatic braking system, including the mechanical action time
and the time of establishing and releasing braking pressure. The existence of braking delay
will affect vehicle operation and AEB decision-making.
The relative distance is an important observation parameter to verify the AEB con-
trol algorithm, which can be used to evaluate the anti-collision effect and safety margin.
Equation (5) is used to evaluate the relative deviation value of the relative distance:
where De is the relative deviation of the relative distance between SIL testing and HIL
testing; drs is the relative distance in SIL testing; drh is the relative distance in HIL testing.
Under CCRs and CCRb conditions, the relative deviation of VUT at rest is 1.2 m and
0.6 m, respectively. Under the CCRm condition, when the speed of VUT is consistent with
that of VT, the relative deviation is 3.3 m. The average relative deviation under the three
test conditions is only 1.7 m, indicating that the SIL testing result is close to the HIL testing
result. However, the control and optimization of relative distance should consider the
influence of this factor.
When the verification system and test scenarios are established, the time required for
SIL testing or HIL testing is defined as a single test time, which is expressed as:
TA = t1 + t2 + t3 + t4 (6)
where TA is the single test time; t1 is the establishment time of the data interface; t2 is
the parameter adjustment and compilation time; t3 is the simulation time; t4 is the data
collection time.
Taking the verification process in Chapter IV as an example, the operations in Equation (6)
were repeated 5 times. Typical time values of each stage are shown in Table 6. The data in
Table 6 is the sum of the test time of the three test conditions.
Test t1 /s t2 /s t3 /s t4 /s
SIL 89 40 54 45
HIL 146 74 54 45
Table 6 shows that the single test time for SIL testing of the AEB hierarchical control
algorithm is 228 s, and the single test time for HIL testing is 319 s. Note that the single test
time does not include the time to verify the system construction and debugging.
Based on the above reasons, we suggest that when the AEB control algorithm needs to
be modified repeatedly or the test scenario needs to be updated continuously, SIL testing is
preferred. HIL testing is more suitable for AEB control algorithm verification. For example,
when relative distance is used as the control parameter, the HIL testing results have higher
confidence. If conditions permit, it is recommended to compare and verify SIL testing and
HIL testing to improve reliability.
6. Conclusions
In order to quickly verify the AEB control algorithm for passenger cars, the working
mechanism of the AEB system and the verification requirements of the AEB control method
were analyzed, and a scheme of the AEB verification system for passenger cars was pro-
posed. The dynamic pressure regulation performance of the pneumatic braking system
was verified. The passenger car simulation parameters are configured, and the passenger
car AEB verification system including the IPG simulation platform, dSPACE controller,
and pneumatic braking bench is built. The verification system can provide SIL testing and
HIL testing methods for AEB control algorithm verification, and provide a platform for the
development of passenger car AEB controllers.
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 508 14 of 15
The HIL and SIL comparison tests of the AEB hierarchical control algorithm under
typical test conditions verified the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. In the test
results, the SIL curve and the HIL curve have high consistency, and the average relative
deviation is only 1.7 m. Without considering the time of building and debugging the
verification system, the single test time of SIL testing is 228 s, and the single test time of
HIL testing is 319 s. It is recommended to adopt SIL testing when verifying the function
of the AEB control algorithm. If there is a higher requirement for accuracy, HIL testing
is preferred.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.X.; methodology, L.L. and R.Z.; software, L.L. and F.D.;
data curation, L.L., R.Z. and F.D.; writing—original draft preparation, L.L. and R.Z.; writing—review
and editing, J.X. and G.L.; visualization, J.X. and L.L.; project administration, G.L.; funding acquisition,
J.X. and G.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Key Research and Development Program of Hubei
Province of China, grant number YFXM2022000405 and 2022BEC014.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The study did not report any data.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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