Jeff Bezos The Amazon Founder
Jeff Bezos The Amazon Founder
Jeff Bezos The Amazon Founder
Nusrat Ali
09 June 2021
For as long as he can remember, Bezos has been an innovator. From creating a sound
alarm to protect his room from annoying siblings to creating the widely recognized e-commerce
website, Bezos' desire to create something new has only grown over time. His desire to create
something innovative has only grown stronger over time. Originally intended to provide
customers with books. His innovative abilities drove the online portal to provide everything and
anything a person could desire. Jeff's most well-known upheaval is the well-known E-book
device Kindle, which he designed to compete with the Apple iPad.
Jeff's personality trait is identical to Mark Zuckerberg's personality trait of taking high
risks in a calculated manner (5). It is a simple fact that a man with a family and a secure job does
not abandon everything to become an entrepreneur if he lacks the ability to take risks. Jeff Bezos
had decided to launch his own company. He didn't have any money, and his only investors were
his parents. He was aware that there was a 70% chance of failure, but his determination did not
allow him to back down from the risk. He is now one of the world's wealthiest men, and his
penchant for taking big risks hasn't faded. The introduction of the Kindle versus the iPod is a
vivid paradigm highlighting Bezos' daring personality.
Jeff also does many experiments to give more to the world the best things (6). One
example of Bezos' experiment is the Fire Phone. This project resulted in a $170 million loss.
Despite its best efforts, the Fire Phone was unable to compete with Android and iPhone. Amazon
Local was another major flop. This was an attempt to provide a daily deal that did not go well.
Amazon wallet, Amazon local registers, Music importer, Test Drive, Amazon Web Pay, and are also on the list. His other leadership ability is the ability to make employees
believe they are owners. Bezos had 614 employees when he wrote this in the first Amazon
annual letter. It now employs 230,000 people. “We know our success will be largely affected by
our ability to attract and retain a motivated employee base, each of whom must think like, and
thus must actually be, an owner,” Bezos wrote in the 1997 letter.
Jeff Bezos is a competitive man, who is one of his most well-known characteristics. He
doesn't just want competition; he wants to get rid of it. Amazon once targeted a competitor
dealing with children's products; they dramatically reduced their prices to eliminate the rival
from the competition entirely, and the rival company eventually collapsed. Jeff came out on top
as a winner, as he always does.
Work cited
1 Byers, Ann. Jeff Bezos: the founder of Amazon. com. The Rosen Publishing Group,
2 Marathe, D. A., and G. Gawade. "Literature review on customer perception about online
shopping with reference to Amazon in India." Juni Khyat Journal 10.7 (2020): 372-384.
3 Dodge, Martin. "Finding the source of the Amazon. com: examining the hype of the"
Earth's biggest bookstore"." (1999).
4 Parry, Mark E. "Jeff Bezos and Amazon. Com." Amazon. Com. Darden Case No. UVA-
M-0603 (1999).
5 Alef, Daniel. Jeff Bezos: Amazon and the ebook revolution. Titans of Fortune Publishing,
6 Dyer, Jeff, and Hal Gregersen. "The secret to unleashing genius." Forbes.[Cited 24
January 2016]. Available from URL: http://www. forbes.
com/sites/innovatorsdna/2013/08/14/the-secret-to-unleashing-genius (2013).